IRC log for #devuan on 20171124

00:02.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
00:38.12JKesslerhas anyone tried installing ISPConfig in Devuan Jessie?
00:39.17JKesslerit throws this error for me "Unrecognized GNU/Linux distribution"  i was wondering if anyone knew of a way to force it
00:40.39n4diri assume the installer is a script?
00:40.57nepugiaforce uname to lie?
00:41.25JKessleryeah it's a script
00:41.26LeoTh3oor change the script to accept the output of uname
00:41.30nepugiaor the file whetever that sais what linux you are running... which fir some reason isnt atandard between linuxes
00:41.32*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:41.39JKesslerhmm ok
00:41.56JKessleri'll look around thanks
00:43.45n4dirat first glance, open the install.php script, go to line 101, "$dist = get_distname(); and foll around with that.
00:51.56*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::875b)
01:19.12JKesslerCreated file /etc/debian_version containing "8.0"
01:19.16JKesslerthumbs up
01:22.26n4dirha. good solution
01:31.02*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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05:37.21minnesotagsCenturion_Dan send me a msg and we can work this Build004 out.
05:44.20Centurion_Danyup.. around now...
05:50.57*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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09:58.11*** join/#devuan elc79 (
09:58.56*** join/#devuan Madda (
09:59.54elc79Hi! How can i make a clean install of Devuan ASCII?
10:03.49sicknessnot so easy, I ended up installing refracta from a recent shapshot =_)
10:04.16sicknessputting this you will have a recent ascii system ;)
10:06.32*** join/#devuan orion (
10:07.07elc79It's easier than change sources list to ascii?
10:08.28*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-djvzhwsyzqhieejd)
10:17.17enycAnybody into their GTK/xorg/graphics interaction have a clue where my problem might lie / how to narrow down?
10:18.05enycDrop-down-menus (e.g. multichoice on chromium, seemingly) have blank-contents, when too far to the left ocross 3-head x-server display
10:19.00Guest61988Hi! Latest palemoon browser profile apparmor for EN, RU language:
10:19.09enycOoooooooooooooooooh it my be only a chromium issue hrrm!
10:19.51*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
10:37.22sicknesselc79: if you change sources list to ascii then what you do? dist-upgrade?
10:41.42gnu_srssickness: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; careful here: apt-get -s dist-upgrade, if ok remove -s
10:43.14sicknessidk if I'd like to try that... seems overkill when one can put that iso and already have a working ascii system :)
10:43.20sicknessfaster and less things to download/install :p
10:43.41sicknessI wish there was an updated devuan iso already ascii =_)
10:45.47*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:01.38elc79gnu_srs: -s option to dist-upgrade only or to upgrade too?
11:04.56fsmithred-s is --simulate
11:05.27fsmithredenyc, are you on ascii? Sounds like a gtk3 problem. Try changing the desktop theme.
11:06.24elc79fsmithred: i try with -s option and if there's no error then i can proceed without this option?
11:07.35fsmithredwith -s, look to see what it will do. It may not give an error, but it might want to remove something you don't want to be removed.
11:08.45elc79this repo is pissing me off, so slow
11:10.08elc79i installed netselect-apt and it's looking at the Debian repos O_o
11:10.29fsmithredI don't know netselect
11:10.40fsmithredwhat repo you using? ascii or jessie?
11:12.08enycfsmithred: i'm not at the moment
11:12.32fsmithredascii or jessie?
11:12.38enycfsmithred: turns out its only happening with drop-down in left-900'ish pixels of x-overaall-display  (not exactly left monitor)
11:12.50enycfsmithred: jessie on this boot at the moment
11:13.36fsmithredI just woke up and you guys are confusing me with your names that both begin with "e"
11:14.00enycfsmithred: #a&a channel has "Emcy" on it from time-time
11:14.09enycfsmithred: some others were all >< about enyc and Emcy
11:14.32elc79this is a big upgrade
11:15.04fsmithredKonrad Lorenz had three Siberian Huskies, and he named them Sasha, Dasha and Lasha to see if they would know the difference. They did.
11:15.18enycfsmithred: i changed the theme, chromium all changed colours etc...
11:15.23enycfsmithred: and .. same problem happening
11:15.32enycfsmithred: what sorts of things might i need to reset//restart//etc ?
11:16.11fsmithredenyc, I wouldn't expect a gtk3 problem on jessie.
11:16.18enycfsmithred: hrrm [ok]
11:16.42enyci'm presuming... chromium, gtk, video driver  somewhere!
11:16.51enycturned off chromium hardware acceleration, doesn't help
11:17.30fsmithredelc79, for ascii, a better repo is
11:17.47fsmithredmake sure you update devuan-keyring before you change to that repo
11:29.52*** join/#devuan nighty- (
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12:49.22*** join/#devuan Obi_Code_konobi (
12:55.09AntoFoxI tried a new menu for mate and looks better than mate-menus (mintmenu)
12:56.48AntoFoxif you have nothing to do
12:56.51AntoFoxtry it
13:20.18*** join/#devuan elc79_ (
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17:43.11*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
17:44.56golinuxDoes anyone here have inkscape fu?
17:51.25*** join/#devuan jelly-home (jelly@pdpc/supporter/active/jelly)
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17:54.08gnarfacei have a little
17:54.28gnarfaceor at least i did, it might all be forgotten now
17:55.13*** join/#devuan Akuli (~Akuli@2001:999:43:384e:21e:65ff:fe37:6b62)
17:55.28gnarfacethe controls remind me a lot of blender and gimp
17:56.12gnarfaceone hand on the keyboard, one hand on the mouse, hotkey changes to the cursor input/edit mode are centralized around the left hand home row
17:56.33gnarfacer to draw rectangles
17:56.45gnarfaces for scaling mode
17:56.59gnarfaceg is either vectors or straight lines
17:57.11gnarfacee for ellipes
17:57.15gnarfacet for text
17:57.45gnarfacez for zoom
17:58.04gnarfaceq for "scope zoom" (not sure what it's really called
17:58.24gnarfaced to make it segfault and crash
17:59.18golinuxSorry just now seeing your response
18:00.22golinuxgnarface: ^^^
18:04.51*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
18:06.04enycfsmithred: but is there anything else i can do to test/debug differernt gtxk version, different senttings, etc...?   you suggested changing the theme at least, for ascii bugfgy gtk3...  but any more gonrola things I could try to 'change the situation' debugging-wise?
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18:13.04golinuxenyc: Could you please give clearlooks-phenix a try?  I think that's the one I'm going to re-theme for ascii but I'm not enough in ascii to test it.
18:17.38*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:21.12enycgolinux: can try it in jessie, if thats what you mean?
18:23.17golinuxenyc: No jessie is already done.  I thought you were on ascii
18:23.31*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
18:23.39golinuxThy Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy in jessie
18:26.27enycgolinux: i have a clone system that is updated to ascii
18:26.33enycgolinux: but currently booted in the jessie system
18:29.45golinuxClearlooks-Phenix in ascii is updated from the jessie version for GTK3
18:30.14golinuxI'll get all this sorted once I have it installed on metal
18:43.43fsmithredenyc, when you described the problem, it sounded like some of the gtk3 problems in ascii. I'm not even sure I understand the problem. Do the drop-down menus look correct if chromium is in a different position on your monitors?
18:43.58enycfsmithred: yes, they do
18:44.16enycfsmithred: would appear that anywhere about 900 pixels or so from left, works
18:44.35enycfsmithred: seems quite consistent
18:44.42fsmithredhow are your three monitors connected?
18:44.58enycfsmithred: all digital connectiotns to same gpu, same x "screen"
18:45.10enycScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 5040 x 2560, maximum 8192 x 8192
18:45.12fsmithredwhat hardware and driver?
18:45.19enycDisplayPort-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+848
18:45.20enycDisplayPort-1 connected 1440x2560+1920+0
18:45.24enycDVI-0 connected 1680x1050+3360+1011
18:45.38enyc"radeon" driver
18:46.04enyc01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Redwood XT GL [FirePro V4800]
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18:46.32fsmithredI'm the wrong guy to answer your questions about it. Haven't used three monitors, haven't used radeon ever with more than one.
18:46.41enycactually its probably more than 900 pixels across 1st monitor buta nyway
18:46.45enycit only seems to affect chromium
18:46.57enycyes, definitely weird ;p
18:47.07fsmithredbut I guess that's better than affecting everything.
18:49.45fsmithredyou using backports kernel?
19:02.03enycfsmithred: yes
19:02.18enycfsmithred: can try without, or so
19:06.29fsmithredolder is not likely to be better
19:10.25n4dirdon't make me feel bad ...
19:11.12*** join/#devuan msiism (
19:35.07fsmithredlol. n4dir, are you a colonel?
19:35.42n4diri am elder then the elders.
19:35.51n4dirbut i got to eat and then have a walk. later
19:41.48fsmithredenyc, which version of chromium are you using?
19:44.54*** join/#devuan ymasson (
19:46.31*** join/#devuan qoil (
19:47.25qoilhi ya'll i have a spdif output shared with headphone socket on my laptop. it doesnt appear to be showing up in my sound mixer (im using..xfce4)  and i DID compile a really new kernel 4.14.. so maybe i have missed it there
19:47.35qoilany way to check if it's picked up and just not enabled?
19:48.16fsmithredaplay -l  or aplay -L
19:49.33qoilnot found
19:49.53qoildidnt have alsa-tools installed
19:51.20qoilutils i mean
19:53.07fsmithredhave you gotten it to work with another kernel or another linux?
19:53.30qoilit used to work on windows but i have no windows left on this
19:54.10fsmithreddid you try googling for the audio chipset and debian?
19:55.05fsmithredthis is not new hardware?
19:55.33qoilthis laptop is old, from 2008
19:55.49fsmithredok, so stuff should work in linux
19:56.33qoiland it's using snd_hda_intel kernel driver
19:56.46qoili did install pulseaudio cuz i heard it's good for switching outputs
19:57.04fsmithredthat was after you determined that it wasn't working?
19:57.21qoilno i've been waiting for something else
19:57.24qoili can see it in alssamixer
19:58.12fsmithredoh, so it's possible that pulseaudio is the problem.
19:58.29fsmithredthere should be a graphical front-end for PA
19:58.36fsmithredpavucontrol or something like that
20:00.23qoili have that too
20:01.17qoilit didnt list what i'd expect to be the digital output: just headphones (unplugged), analogue and...speakers
20:01.19fsmithredconsult goober. Look at lspci output for more info about audio devices (maybe more names or model numbers to search for)
20:01.55fsmithredsame port does headphones and spdif?
20:02.06qoilyou can see this:
20:02.10fsmithredmaybe look in bios for a switch
20:02.53qoiloh 2qi5
20:02.55qoiloh wait
20:03.04fsmithredI see it there.
20:03.05qoili think i found the option, it's a "profile" in pavu
20:03.50fsmithredcool. Looks like spdif is turned on (not muted)
20:04.06fsmithredback in a few minutes...
20:06.51qoilholy moly it's working!
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20:44.57qoilthx for your help bye
20:53.34*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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22:57.14DocScrutinizer05pulseaudio ever isn't the problem?
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23:50.32golinuxDyne mailserver is non-responsive.  Unable to connect to archives or webmail.
23:51.00golinuxparazyd, jaromil ^^^ is down too
23:51.16parazydi just noticed. not our fault :/
23:51.33parazydhappens once a month from what i saw
23:51.45parazydmaybe maintenance maybe not
23:51.57golinuxNo way to check?
23:52.07parazydit's 1am
23:52.10parazyddon't think so

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