IRC log for #devuan on 20171117

00:19.15*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
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00:34.04*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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00:38.14*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
00:39.10*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:40.11*** join/#devuan tim__ (
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00:42.07tim__is there a systemd-free media server I can install in Devuan?
00:42.24AlexLikeRockmedia ?
00:42.27AlexLikeRockexample ????
00:42.52tim__an equivalent to Logitech Media Server
00:43.07*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
00:43.16tim__podcasts to stream via a chromecast, mostly
00:43.53AlexLikeRocklike KODY ?
00:44.26tim__I've heard of Kodi, but I suspect it's now systemd-dependent now
00:44.45AlexLikeRocktry ;-)
00:45.14AlexLikeRockyou can try OLD versions  of  KODY
00:46.10AlexLikeRock# kodi repos
00:46.10AlexLikeRock# starting with debian jessie, debian provides kodi via its backports repository
00:46.10AlexLikeRock# remember: those packages are not supported by team kodi
00:46.10AlexLikeRockdeb jessie-backports main
00:46.26tim__so there's no list of systemd-free third party packages or conversely, those that are dependent on the contagion?
00:47.02AlexLikeRockread :
00:47.29tim__I just don't want to accidentally ruin my install by pulling in Poettering garbage
00:47.50AlexLikeRockask to kody  cannel
00:48.06tim__but I will RTFM first, them their channel.  Thanks.
00:51.30fugitive_hey tim__ check Plex as well
00:51.47fugitive_not sure is it non sysd though.. but worth to check
00:53.13*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:02.35*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:04.27TotalOblivionplex is non systemd
01:05.09TotalOblivionand actually works great with openrc. But it requires avahi (in case someone is completely anti-poettering)
01:05.37TotalObliviontim__, ^
01:10.29DPABy the way, kodi is available in jessie-backports
01:10.49AlexLikeRocktim__ its gone DPA
01:11.00TotalOblivionoh boo :(
01:14.26*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:15.55blinkdogFrom the source package kodi-15.2+dfsg1
01:15.57blinkdogdebian/rules:@echo "Shipping systemd kodi.service file as an example only"
01:15.57blinkdogtools/Linux/    if command_exists systemd-coredumpctl; then
01:15.57blinkdogtools/Linux/      systemd-coredumpctl dump -o core ${bin_name}.bin > /dev/null 2>&1
01:15.58blinkdogxbmc/powermanagement/linux/LogindUPowerSyscall.cpp:  // recommended method by systemd devs. The seats directory
01:15.58blinkdogxbmc/powermanagement/linux/LogindUPowerSyscall.cpp:  return (access("/run/systemd/seats/", F_OK) >= 0);
01:15.59blinkdogxbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/emu_kernel32.cpp:  //char* systemdir = "special://xbmc/system/mplayer/codecs";
01:16.01blinkdogxbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/emu_kernel32.cpp:  //unsigned int len = strlen(systemdir);
01:16.05blinkdogxbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/emu_kernel32.cpp:  //strcpy(lpBuffer, systemdir);
01:16.07blinkdogxbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/emu_kernel32.cpp:  //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"KERNEL32!GetSystemDirectoryA(0x%x, %d) => %s", lpBuffer, uSize, systemdir);
01:16.24AlexLikeRockblinkdog,   call down
01:16.49blinkdogSorry, didn't mean to flood, was just posting the output of fgrep -R "systemd"
01:18.07blinkdogthe source package looks pretty clean; almost nothing, but what is there is wrapped like if(SYSTEMD) { doSystemDThing(); }
01:18.46blinkdogno hard assumptions that systemd is present
01:20.19TotalOblivionis extensive knowledge required and a great time investment to be able to maintain 1-3 packages?
01:22.27blinkdogDepends on the package. If upstream is sane and nice, and don't release too often, it's probably not so bad.
01:23.14blinkdogBig packages with lots of releases and/or hostile upstream makes things more difficult, requiring more effort
01:23.56TotalOblivionOne needs to keep in track with new releases all the time, and make the necessary dependency changes all the time mostly?
01:24.32blinkdogYep. Bringing a brand new package in is usually more effort than updating an existing one.
01:25.08TotalOblivionMhm. I see. And it'd be best to have it used for all init systems available as well?
01:25.11blinkdogAnd if the package gets lots of security updates you pretty much have to stay on top of it or leave your users vulnerable
01:25.43TotalOblivionOkey. It does require effort it seems. Especially for newbies :P
01:27.25TotalOblivionThanks for the feedback blinkdog :)
01:33.00XenguyCreate a munster, then you must feed it ;P
01:39.39TotalOblivionoh! and i expect bash is required and it suffices? or does more coding knowledge required?
01:40.26blinkdogusually more coding knowledge, because there will be patches that need to be applied
01:40.57blinkdogsometimes they are bug fixes upstream hasn't incorporated, so those you kind of just get and apply, no work
01:41.18blinkdogothers are going to be distro specific stuff, patches that you (as the maintainer) need to make
01:41.45*** join/#devuan KingOfTheMatrice (~user@
01:42.33KingOfTheMatriceGreetings, peoples of init freedom.
01:44.35*** join/#devuan theLambda (
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01:46.19XenguyInit freedom lover, welcome :)
01:46.29TotalOblivionblinkdog, python would suffice?
01:48.12KingOfTheMatriceXenguy: Thanks bro. Spread the love ;)
01:48.31blinkdogdepends on the package; if it's a python package, then probably yeah
01:48.44blinkdogif it's a C++ package, you might want to tap a C++ dev to review the patch
01:49.43XenguySounds scary, haha
01:50.40XenguyI could be completely wrong, but maybe half the battle is just knowing how to diff 2 sets of code?
01:50.43blinkdogDon't be discouraged though, they say necessity is the mother of invention, it's also the mother of learning
01:50.55*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
01:51.23blinkdogIf you're packaging up an application, even a crappy package you can install is better than no package at all
01:51.36KingOfTheMatriceI've always thought Failure is the Mother of Learning; especially when Failure was not intrinsic
01:52.36blinkdogIt's when you get to core system stuff that you have to take more care; it's one of the reasons the systemd guys catch so much hate
01:52.41XenguyFailure can breed Necessity?
01:53.57blinkdogYes, the failure of the systemd guys bred the necessity of forking Debian ;-)
01:54.14XenguyLove it
01:54.17*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:54.59XenguyI wonder what Ian would think now?
01:55.05XenguyRhetorical question
01:55.13XenguyRIP Ian
02:01.50*** join/#devuan nighty- (
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15:58.45ata2001_Can I set up devuan with OpenRC?
16:00.37nepugiayes, apt-get install openrc if i remember correctly
16:00.55AlexLikeRockyes ata2001_
16:01.27ata2001_that's awesome!
16:02.05ata2001_I found my new distro :)
16:02.08AlexLikeRock:)  tanks to  DEVUAN DEVELOPERS  and  hard work
16:03.23nepugiai actually had a debian jessie with openrc for some time before switching it to devuan jessie
16:03.35nepugiayou can also do that on debian jessie :p
16:04.08ata2001_But it does not work on stretch or buster.
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16:07.00ata2001_Anyone using Ceres on desktop?
16:07.16nepugiawhat is ceres?
16:07.52*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
16:08.45nepugiaoh, you ment the version i thought you ment a software
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20:54.35gnu_srs1Hi, regarding firefox vs palemoon: good news for Devuan?
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21:04.24TharnDon't see the appeal tbh. Pale Moon has always played catch-up in the past with FF features. They couldn't implement ES6 Promises or MSE on their own and will run into problems again when the next big new technology rolls around that they'd have to implement from scratch. This 'fork to end all forks' is living on borrowed time.
21:05.16TharnNot saying it's all bad. This is just one point that the PM dev blissfully ignores.
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22:04.21MinceRas long as firefox development runs in reverse, it will still remain better than firefox
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22:46.09TharnYeah, don't really know what they were doing with the last 20 versions or so. FF57 is pretty good though.
22:58.17TotalOblivionIt's really crazy how web is based on actually 2 major browsers nowadays...
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23:01.00MinceRand they both suck
23:02.07TotalOblivionI'm not a tech-savy but I feel like I'm strained and force-fed something that doesn't "feel" right :P
23:02.15TotalOblivionDunno how else to explain it
23:02.36TotalOblivionI'll try qutebrowser and inox.
23:07.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
23:10.23greenjeansTrying 57 now, it seemed pretty nice until I went to youtube and sound failed completely (requires Pulseaudio)
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23:20.38Xenguyhugs his old add-ons...
23:21.20XenguyI mean jeez, I'd probably just give up the WWW if I couldn't have my Vimperator
23:21.46XenguyBut this is what Mozilla has done:  word is Vimperator will be no more
23:22.38XenguyThere is Pentadactyl, which is fine, but I do prefer some of V's better design polish, over P.
23:23.23XenguySimple things, like having Control-l still work to focus the location bar in the browser...
23:23.24fsmithredgreenjeans, I tried 57, and for me it failed as soon as noscript wouldn't work. Worst part was it screwed up noscript when I went back to ff-esr.
23:23.56XenguyOr not have to hack my config file so that I can still use one (not two) Ctrl-V to paste
23:24.10Xenguyoh no
23:24.44greenjeans@fsr: was looking pretty good too, seems way faster than last versions of FF
23:24.44Xenguyfsmithred: Jeez, so noscript is an add-on casualty also?  That's actually really bad.
23:24.55fsmithredit's a deal-breaker
23:25.17greenjeansWonder if there's a way to use apulse instead of pulse?
23:25.18Xenguynoscript is non-negotiable, for me
23:25.20TharnYou can substitute with uMatrix.. not sure if it covers 100%
23:25.20fsmithredblows my mind that we're expected to let everyone in the world run code on our computers
23:25.42XenguyTharn: Good idea, I'd have to research that a bit
23:26.01TharnBut it definitely covers third party requests, scrips, xhr, frames and stuff like that
23:26.09Xenguyfsmithred: JS is dangerous these days, I won't allow it to run, except by special permission
23:26.09fsmithredI think I tried uMatrix for about 15 minutes and couldn't figure it out.
23:26.41TharnIt's pretty visual, so there's a pattern you have to learn with the UI.
23:26.54TharnOr you could just edit the text file ;)
23:26.58fsmithredyeah, I guess.
23:27.06fsmithredoh, text file is good.
23:27.31fsmithredbut noscript was a no-brainer to figure out
23:27.40fsmithredI'm spoiled
23:27.44XenguyTharn: It's coming back to me, and if it's the same one I'm thinking of, it struck me as a power user tool, and very fine-grained, whereas Noscript is simple to install and get up and running faster
23:27.58fsmithredyeah, that
23:28.02TharnXenguy, yeah it is definitely that.
23:28.10XenguyStill, good to know
23:28.17TharnuBlock can actually do *some* of the same filtering, but not all of it
23:28.51XenguyHuh, so adding to to-do list:  Find equivalent functionality for Noscript, if possible.
23:29.07TotalObliviongreenjeans, that's one of the main reasons i don't like ff anymore. why must pulseaudio be a dependency? T_T
23:29.30XenguyI use uBlock Origin, and it seems to work fine (they say it has a light resource footprint)
23:30.01greenjeansWell apparently it's possible to compile with ALSA...looks like Gentoo is already doing it
23:30.02TharnI hated the new direction up until I tried 57 to be honest. Hated that they deprecated xul as well. But I see why they did it.
23:30.28XenguyTotalOblivion: I feel that Mozilla has been taken over by Suits, and has pretty much jumped the shark, with respect to their original mission (fast, light, etc.)
23:30.49TotalObliviongreenjeans, I've been told you can still compile it that way yeah. But I think it won't be that way for a long time still...
23:31.20XenguyTharn: I can see why they did it, in the position they're in, but I don't want to go that direction myself
23:31.23TotalOblivionI get that feeling as well Xenguy
23:31.29TotalOblivionMakes me sad :(
23:31.52TharnIt has been getting slower and slower since its inception pretty much. I can't think of a time when they markedly improved performance until now. So it just kinda bloated up.. wouldn't blame that one on the suits
23:31.55XenguyIt is a sad day, but the plus side is they have a faster browser now, so that's at least something
23:32.09greenjeansyep, it is much faster
23:32.32greenjeanshonors my GTK2 theme too right from the get-go, that's nice
23:32.32fsmithredonly because the last couple have been much slower
23:32.55TharnIt doesn't honor my third party Windows theme, haha. Dangit
23:32.56TotalOblivionIt's weird that the way web has been designed a browser now actually needs corp funding and corp groups to be on par with the 2 beasts
23:33.05XenguyI decided to Pale Moon browser, which is basically a fork of older FF version, then developed further, independently
23:33.34Xenguy*to try
23:33.34TotalOblivionXenguy, how is pale moon? I've been reading varying comments an reviews on it
23:33.56XenguyI find it a good experience so far...
23:34.00greenjeansI use Palemoon and it's the default in Vuu-do, I like it, it's solid
23:34.10XenguyIt's snappy
23:34.18greenjeansit's quicker than FF that's for sure
23:34.52greenjeansall things considered it's the best choice I have found for now
23:34.56TotalOblivionWill give it a go then
23:34.58XenguyOn windows, it seems to leak memory if you leave it going for a few days, so I just use Session Manager to save a session, kill it, then reinvoke, and that works fine
23:34.58TharnPM never fixed those old HWA issues for me.. used it for a long time, but in the end it was always a struggle to get things to work
23:35.10greenjeansI keep testing though, that's why i'm trying FF 57 now
23:35.18TotalOblivionthe other choice I have is actually inox. Chromium stripped from google spaying
23:36.05greenjeansHave tried a bunch of browsers that claimed to be Chrome without the spyware...with mixed results
23:36.09TotalOblivionbut it's still chromium
23:36.23greenjeansI remember the Iron browser, it still around?
23:36.42TharnI'd only use Inox or the Chromium builds floating around.. those rebranded ones are all horrible
23:37.00TharnIron is shady as hell
23:37.21greenjeanshaven't tried it in years
23:37.53TharnIf you're on windows, just grab one of these from
23:38.38greenjeansokay, let me jump in the time machine and go back a decade or so when i was on windoze
23:38.53greenjeansi also had funny haircuts back then
23:39.24Xenguyit's a work thing here
23:39.29*** join/#devuan ata2001[m] (ata2001dis@gateway/shell/
23:39.48XenguyThey just won't let me have a linux desktop like I asked them
23:39.54greenjeansthis is a real bummer, it really is refershingly quick
23:39.59TharnThey are afraid you'll hack them
23:40.26XenguyI expect you're right
23:40.33fsmithredXenguy, if it's just a matter of they don't want linux on their hard drives, use a usb
23:40.57greenjeansI guess somebody who is slicker than me could build it with ALSA support...i'll paypal anybody who does it 5 bucks right now ;)
23:41.04fsmithredbut you do need to ask
23:41.25XenguyUSB ports are disabled at work ( that was a bummer the day that happened)
23:41.53greenjeansXenguy: Optical drive for livecd?
23:41.54fsmithredoh, nm. paranoia level is higher than your need for linux
23:42.10TotalOblivionlinux = hacking is beyond me
23:42.45fsmithredsave the live cd for the day that some windows virus brings down the whole system
23:43.54XenguyThey have that Bitlocker mechanism going, which I think maybe puts the kaibosh on all these creative schemes, tho not 100% sure
23:44.03TharnOr the day your systemd workplace shits the bed. It's a-comin'
23:44.17XenguyIs it harddrive encryption?
23:44.53Xenguyhopes and prays for a major systemd exploit one day
23:45.47TharnWasn't there one posted here just the other day?
23:47.02TharnSomething about pretty serious privilege escalation that they fixed casually and quietly, lol.
23:47.46Xenguyoh really, hrm?  Hacker News is letting me down, if so
23:48.30TharnMightve been on #artix
23:54.56*** join/#devuan ata2001 (
23:55.20ata2001uhh guys
23:55.54greenjeansFSR: Noscript website says they should have new addon ready by end of this week. In the meantime you could pass the time by building 57 with ALSA support....;)
23:56.06fsmithredyeah, right.
23:56.09ata2001it wants to remove my kernel if I install openrc on ascii
23:56.20greenjeansi will give you beer
23:56.34fsmithredwhat directions are you following, and are the missing libraries in the repo now?
23:56.48fsmithredit's been at least a couple months since I tried it
23:57.24fsmithredata2001, ^^^
23:58.08ata2001fsmithred: `apt-get install openrc`
23:59.23*** join/#devuan tsuggs (

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