IRC log for #devuan on 20171116

00:06.46*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:10.56*** join/#devuan athidhep (~eafaef@unaffiliated/athidhep)
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00:35.02*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
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01:05.35*** join/#devuan nighty- (
01:08.24nepugianothing like a kernel panic before the system loaded init :)
01:08.43fred``hm - my serial connection doesnt work anymore :/
01:09.32fred``system boots up and i'm able to connect via ssh and 'everything' works. but on the serial console i get no loginpromt after booting. the boot itself is shown.
01:14.29*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
01:21.47nepugiaHow can i install grub from a running system?
01:21.47nepugiawith lilo i get a kernel panic if i have an external hdd connected
01:22.19fred``nepugia : grun-install
01:22.24fred``nepugia : grubn-install
01:22.28fred``nepugia : grub-install
01:22.56fred``with /the/device
01:24.05*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
01:24.32*** join/#devuan blinkdog (~blinkdog@devuan/developer/blinkdog)
01:24.57nepugiabah, grub and its "unknow linux distribuyion"
01:25.22nepugiadoesnt matter what os it is, it is surely linux
01:25.55nepugianice job trying to boot a storage hdd grub -.-
01:27.01*** join/#devuan milobit (~milobit@unaffiliated/milobit)
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06:04.53*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:3252:cbff:fec5:6f94)
06:05.18guruE: Repository ' ascii-security InRelease' changed its 'Label' value from 'Devuan' to 'Devuan-Security'
06:05.21guruN: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
06:05.26guruwhat should I change?
06:05.56gurumy sources from fsmithred
06:11.49*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
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06:46.47*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
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12:37.12*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
12:38.10*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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12:48.47nailykgnarface: I tried aptitude search monospace but there is no result. That's why am wondering if the package can have another name?
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12:50.46gnarfacenailyk: there isn't just a package for all the monospace fonts.  there's a bunch of packages for whole font families.  some of them have a monospace flavor, some do not.  try the search commands i gave you, or just install ttf-bitstream-vera
12:51.16nailykoh so 'monospace' is not a font name?
12:51.38gnarfaceno, it's a font class, like italic or bold
12:51.57gnarfacei know that seems confusing compared to CSS but that's just the way it is
12:52.38nailykthanks! As I based this search on about:config / unicode search I though it was font name.
12:52.42gnarfacei think lucidia and deja-vu both come with monospace fonts too.
12:53.20*** join/#devuan nighty- (
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12:53.51gnarfacethere are also some fonts like courier that ONLY come in monospace flavor
12:57.05nailykdejavu already isntalled. Lucidia not found. No courier font too.
12:57.23gnarfacecourier is one of the microsoft fonts.  it's in non-free
12:57.45gnarfaceor maybe contrib now?
12:58.15nailykoh then I have it. I instaled mono some time ago, this fix some fonts
12:58.28nailykfc-list :spacing=mono report some avaiable fonts
12:58.56nailykhere is the problem:
12:59.28gnarfaceit looks as though the microsoft font package is called ttf-mscorefonts-installer
12:59.37gnarfaceit's in contrib
13:00.35*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
13:02.02nailykshould I install this?
13:02.12nailykor should I try sudo apt-get install ttf-\* ?
13:03.52nailykI have no idea at all how to solve this font problem.
13:04.04gnarfaceis it a font problem in wine?
13:04.07gnarfacesorry i didn't follow your link
13:04.16gnarfaceif it's a font problem in wine, probably the answer is yes
13:04.32gnarfacea lot of windows software blindly assumes you have those fonts and will go hawyire otherwise
13:04.50gnarfacehowever, you could use winecfg to install them directly into your wineprefix without polluting your linux install instead
13:04.57gnarfacesorry not winecfg, winetricks
13:05.26nailykno it is a font problem in firefox
13:05.40nailykESR from apt, and nightly from the mozilla zip
13:05.43gnarfacei use bitstream for my default fonts in firefox
13:05.59gnarfaceoh but you're in the french locale
13:06.01Leander_you are possibly missing font covering an exotic language
13:06.12gnarfacei keep forgetting that part
13:06.26gnarfacesorry nailyk i don't actually know which fonts are good for french locale
13:06.30Leander_ <- yep, japanese
13:07.15Leander_I recommend you follow wikipedia's instructions for a good support of Asian fonts:
13:07.38gnarface? apt-cache search fonts.japanese
13:08.07gnarfacefonts-mona - Japanese TrueType font for 2ch ASCII art    < did you confuse this for a monospace font maybe, nailyk?
13:08.43nailykjust installed liberation & bitstream, restarted firefox, still some missing fonts.
13:09.06gnarfacenailyk: Leander_'s link looks legit
13:09.27Leander_that's how I do it on all my devuans
13:09.55nailykwill read this
13:09.57nailykmany thanks all
13:10.34*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:10.45nailykmhhhh looks like installing mona solve a few things. Many thanks for your time.
13:10.47Leander_it's just the apt-get command, actually
13:12.41gnarfaceit seems to be a broad selection of asian fonts.  some of them show up in the search `apt-cache search fonts.japanese`
13:14.17gnarfacelol also there's over 550 font packages, i don't recommend installing them all
13:20.20nailykhaha. Yes. I tried but aptitude said something like 500MB to download, so canceled ;)
13:24.36nailykThe final tip was the missing unifont package. Many thanks, will add all of this on my howto debootstrap devuan :)
13:28.25*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
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15:34.41WalexI think that the crucial base font families to install are DejaVu, Liberation, Ubuntu, Noto
15:34.55Walexand the postscript 35
15:40.06gnarfacei think the issue is he was missing Japanese characters
15:41.18gnarfacethe monospace thing seems to have been a red herring, though i'm not clear why exactly
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17:54.11guru<Evilham> guru: I don't think you should be mixing auto.mirror and pkgmaster, since it looks like you want/need deb-src, just switch the other entries to pkgmaster as well
17:54.21guruI'm just using what fredsmith suggested
17:54.34gurufsmithred i mean
17:54.53guruauto.mirror is not mixed i commented it out
17:55.30guruhey again
17:55.32fsmithredprobably better to use one or the other.
17:55.39blinkdogcareful of what that fredsmith guy says ;-)
17:55.40guruyeah i'm getting an error message
17:55.53gurufredsmith is an imposter :P
17:58.11fsmithredwell, when it comes to which repos to use, yeah, use caution, because that whole thing confuses me.
17:58.42*** join/#devuan hgunth (~hgunth@gateway/tor-sasl/hgunth)
17:59.05fsmithredI'm not getting that error
17:59.07Evilhamyou are not the only one who gets confused fsmithred :-)
17:59.13fsmithredglad to hear it
17:59.26Evilhamguru: can you please read what I wrote earlier today?
17:59.35*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
18:00.01fsmithredalso, if you're using contrib and non-free you should probably add that to all the sources (unless you have a good reason not to)
18:00.49guru" just switch the other entries to pkgmaster as well" they're all using pkgmaster
18:00.51fsmithredand one more thing - if you're mixing ascii and ceres, you may eventually run into trouble as sid/ceres gets farther away from stretch/ascii
18:00.57Evilhamno, I wrote a lot more :_)
18:01.09gurutemporarily setup Acquire::AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories
18:01.12*** join/#devuan thehornet1 (~a0225280@
18:01.18Evilhamthat's because you are using apt-secure
18:01.48gurualright so should i just switch to ceres only
18:02.04guruis there a ceres-security and updates
18:02.20fsmithredit's unstable, so everything just goes there
18:02.38fsmithredgood or bad
18:02.44Evilhamyou should go for ascii :)
18:02.52Evilhamascii is pretty stable and more up-to-date
18:03.09blinkdogIs there good comprehensive documentation on how apt handles repos?
18:03.27fsmithreddepends on what you consider to be good
18:03.50Evilhamwhat do you mean blinkdog?
18:03.51fsmithredI'm sure there's plenty of debian docs about it
18:04.23Evilhambesides that, amprolla3 could serve as understanding point
18:04.30Evilhamparazyd did beautiful work with the code :-p
18:04.41fsmithredhe does write nice code
18:05.06blinkdogI mean I've read articles and man pages about various aspects of apt and dak, but I don't know that I've found a comprehensive source anywhere
18:05.37blinkdogSomething where I could read a book (100-1000 pages) and know "ahhh, this is how packages would be handled in this situation"
18:05.48fsmithredbased on my experience reading debian documentation, you will find great detail but not much in the way of overview to let you know what ballpark you're in.
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18:07.52fsmithredI have to go. bbl.
18:08.44Evilhamyou can always check apt's code as well :-p
18:09.02fsmithredis it perl?
18:09.35blinkdogif I Use The Source can I become a jedi like my father? :-)
18:09.35Evilhame.g. debian's documentation didn't say anywhere how unattended-upgrades gets its variables, turns out it just runs lsb_release
18:10.03Evilhamsometimes instead of searching on the internetz for hours, you take a look at the code and it's right there
18:10.08fsmithredblinkdog, yes, but it may take years of studying
18:10.21Evilhamdepends on what you want to know
18:10.27Evilhamoh xD to become a jedi
18:10.32fsmithredok, almost late. bye
18:10.34blinkdognot according to the latest Star Wars movie I saw fsmithred
18:10.44fsmithreddidn't see it
18:10.48*** join/#devuan n4dir (
18:11.17blinkdogokay, don't let us make you late! bye! :-)
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18:50.13furrywolfauxy:  re: the laptop I put together for someone that couldn't play hulu...  upgrading the video driver fixed it.  it now has a driver from 2015 instead of 2010.  lol.
18:50.16furrywolfgrr, wrong window
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18:53.42djphgood goin' there furrywolf :)
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21:43.36Demosthenexanyone using dma (dragonfly mail agent) for local mail forwarding?
21:44.12Demosthenexi have it setup, it WAS successfully sending mail earlier, and now it fails every time with an invalid recipient message (ie: root! how can root be wrong...)
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21:53.01Demosthenexhrm, maybe its aliases. i want to redirect all root mail, but it dies if i do
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.