IRC log for #devuan on 20171108

00:10.52*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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01:47.26*** join/#devuan devil (~quassel@
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03:33.32bozonius2where can I find updf for devuan?   I've googled, but I don't see how.  There are pretty clear instructions for ubuntu, not for debian
03:34.24bozonius2there IS a mupdf in the devuan/debian repos, but I think that's different
03:36.35bozonius2it's a python so it shouldn't be hard to adapt...
04:02.30*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
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04:13.27golinuxbozonius: I just installed mupdf and it works just fine.
04:18.17golinuxThe licensing is a little funky though.
04:34.03*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
06:29.59*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
06:32.42bozoniusbut is mupdf the same as updf?   Not sure they are the same.
06:38.43*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
07:03.38*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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07:27.37golinuxI have no idea.  Only one way to find out.  ;)
07:31.27*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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10:40.57nailykon the freshly debootstraped devuan 2.0 the tasksel install xfce-desktop fail with err100 for apt-get. Where can I get log please? There is nothing into var/log/apt or syslog.
10:50.36*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
10:58.15*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
11:03.14gnarfacenailyk: what is in your /etc/apt/sources.list?
11:04.40nailyk ascii main
11:04.47nailykwas able to install a few packages
11:05.21*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
11:06.33*** join/#devuan Fervi (
11:06.49gnarfacenailyk: is that a typo, or did you actually copy and paste that from your existing sources.list?
11:07.19nailykyes a typo :) no copy/paste it is in a VM
11:09.24gnarfacedid you remember to run "apt-get update" first?
11:11.39nailyk(oh no colors allowed here)
11:11.48nailyktried again as I used aptitude update instead, no change.
11:11.58nailykAnd no idea at all where logfile is located
11:12.18gnarfaceit's supposed to be in /var/log/apt
11:13.27nailykyes nothing in it
11:13.44gnarfaceany logs anywhere?  did you install rsyslogd?
11:14.43KatolaZnailyk: how did you debootstrap?
11:15.53nailykyes rsyslog is installed
11:16.27nailykbooted on the live devuan 1.0 then the process I used for debian 8:
11:16.49nailykdebootstrap ascii /media/target http://auto.mirror/merged/
11:17.40nailykapt-get install task-xfce-desktop report apt errors
11:18.20nailyktask-xfce-desktop depends on slimm but will not be installed, recommend: xfce4-miwer but cannot be installed
11:18.51KatolaZnailyk: there are still problems with slim in ascii
11:18.54KatolaZfsmithred: ^^^
11:19.54KatolaZnailyk: you should be able to avot task-xfce-desktop though
11:20.06KatolaZ(I know, it's a PITA)
11:21.17nailykmostly I wanna write a howto deboostrap devuan, thats' why I tested the tasksel thing. But for my computer, I highly prefere installing everything by hand, so fine for me ;)
11:21.42nailykanyway that is weird tasksel install do not produce errors output on unresolved dependencies
11:23.05*** join/#devuan godbed (
11:24.36KatolaZnailyk: tasksel needs more love in ascii
11:25.42*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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11:33.00*** join/#devuan nmollerup (~nmo@
11:41.32*** join/#devuan Madda (
11:44.48nailykhow can I help on this?
11:45.30nailykIt is not a real problem to test often an install, doing VMs in ramdisk with high bandwith. Full install is like 20 or 30 min
11:48.43*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
11:50.34nailykSorry for that but can you please gimme the trick about keyboard layout in console? This is driving me crazy
11:56.06nailykLooks like apt-get install console-setup did the trick
12:01.48*** join/#devuan davec_ (
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12:24.23KatolaZnailyk: tasksel will be worked on when we have a beta release for asacii
12:24.46KatolaZthere is little point in working on it before we are ready to produce beta images
12:29.52*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
12:31.25nailykwill tell you soon, I will use it as my desktop computer @work
12:32.22*** join/#devuan Achylles (
12:38.45*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
12:47.28*** join/#devuan TheTrueHooha (
12:51.26*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
13:03.47*** join/#devuan Fervi (
13:08.17*** join/#devuan hightower2 (~hightower@
13:15.57*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
13:18.40nailyk 120MB RAM, 1.8GB on hard drive, that's sooo nice! Thanks you !
13:21.19*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
13:23.09fsmithrednailyk, is that with xfce?
13:23.34nailykToo much RAM usage?
13:23.56fsmithredI think my Refracta isos use about 180mb these days.
13:24.17fsmithredThat's with wicd, cpu-graph and netload plugin.
13:24.26fsmithredmaybe some other stuff running, too.
13:24.49nailykhere install is totaly empty. Only xfce is installed
13:25.42nailykwhy forking devuan into refracta?
13:26.20fsmithredI didn't fork devuan into refracta. I stopped using debian as a base and switched to a devuan base.
13:26.52fsmithredlike you, I prefer a more modular approach to installing the desktop. No task packages.
13:27.36fsmithredmakes it easier if people want to remove packages
13:30.07fsmithreddid you install a display manager?
13:31.44nailykyes, just installed sddm.
13:32.07fsmithrednever tried that one.
13:32.12nailykoh ok so refracta is devaun based, with different built-in packages into livecd
13:33.23fsmithredI wanted a live-cd/usb for a carry-in-pocket desktop system plus a tool for repair and recovery
13:34.27fsmithredcurrent package selection was a group decision
13:34.45fsmithredand hasn't changed much since squeeze
13:43.23*** join/#devuan zjason (
13:53.12*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc19:2e00:281:85ff:fe26:76e)
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15:22.32nailykAm looking for remmina into apt but cannot find it (devuan 2.0) is it not build anymore or something is preventing his port?
15:23.55KatolaZnailyk: it's there
15:24.27KatolaZapt-cache search remmina
15:24.27KatolaZremmina - remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment
15:24.27KatolaZremmina-common - common files for remmina remote desktop client
15:24.50*** join/#devuan ToffeeYogurtPots (~ToffeeYog@gateway/tor-sasl/toffeeyogurtpots)
15:26.09nailykdid I miss something?
15:26.29*** join/#devuan debdog (
15:28.49KatolaZnailyk: seems to be in backports
15:29.12KatolaZapt-cache policy remmina
15:29.27KatolaZit's in ascii-backports
15:29.51KatolaZyou might want to use the new package mirror instead than
15:30.02KatolaZwhich merges ascii-backports
15:31.40nailykI added the backport line in source.list and now I have it. Many thanks
15:31.54nailykwhat do you mean about old / new repository? uses the original implementation of amprolla
15:33.28KatolaZwhich merges once a day
15:33.36KatolaZthere is a new implementation of amprolla
15:33.40KatolaZthat merges every few minutes
15:33.48*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
15:33.50KatolaZthe repo is available at
15:34.15KatolaZand is currently getting mirrored all around the globe
15:34.22KatolaZ(details to follow soon)
15:34.35KatolaZyou can use
15:34.55KatolaZand have all the updated packages available almost in real-time
15:35.00KatolaZ(instead than once a day)
15:36.26*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
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15:39.17nailykgreat! Gonna sed -i the source.list. Thanks!
15:40.28nailykDoes this trick works for devuan 1 too?
15:41.06KatolaZit's not a trick
15:41.20KatolaZwe are building a CDN for mirrors
15:41.35KatolaZand is the first step in that direction
15:47.48*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
15:50.08FlibberTGibbetw00t. for reasons best known only to the spirits haunting the aether, I now have wifi access via an rpi3 *without* the ethernet plugged in as well.
15:50.32FlibberTGibbetoccasional strange warning messages but who cares :)
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17:02.45Ariadenodoes anyone else suffer from screen tearing in mate-desktop?
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17:25.06*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
17:28.41jonadabNo, but the only part of mate-desktop I really use is the panel.
17:28.54*** join/#devuan lantw44 (
17:29.02jonadabErr, and occasionally eom
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17:45.57*** join/#devuan batmore (c05e2622@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:46.56batmorehm...  I can't get to    am I alone?
17:48.19batmoremeaning, that I've tried the web page which says 'page not found', and a ping to says it couldn't find it...  anyone know if it's down or not?
17:49.11NewGnuGuyWorks fine for me
17:50.01golinuxbatmore: We just changed dns
17:50.10batmoreah, ok, cool, then it's on me...  thanks much.   oh, BTW, the new repo  is working great. thanks much
17:51.24Evilhambatmore: it should resolve again for you in a couple minutes :)
17:51.50Evilhamturns out, that company did the-stupid-thing-tm which was not bringing over the records
17:51.51batmoreyes, np, I'll flush DNS, and wait a bit...
17:54.06Ariadenothis screen tearing is just getting on my nerves
17:57.44golinuxI still can't get there either
17:58.15Evilham give it a few more
18:03.38*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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18:17.40nailykBefore I switch my work computer on devuan 2, what alpha mean for you?
18:17.53nailyks/you/in this context/
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19:37.57jonadabalpha, in this context, means it hasn't hit beta testing yet.
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19:46.06golinuxJessie is stable.  No alpha or beta
19:49.15*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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19:55.27fsmithredI think for ascii, alpha will mean an installer iso that works.
19:56.09fsmithredonce again, we're behind debian by some time, so if you can get past the installer, the system is very stable.
20:02.17*** join/#devuan Fervi (
20:16.12jonadabI assume you can just use the jessie installer and apt-get upgrade your way into ascii if so inclined.
20:16.39jonadabhas thus far been satisfied with jessie.
20:16.57jonadabThough I haven't put it on a workstation yet, that'll be the acid test.
20:17.24jonadabservers, kiosks are fine.
20:18.07fsmithredit has good genes
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22:06.59FlibberTgibbethi, just wondering about upgrading my rpi3 to ascii. in /etc/apt/sources.list there's a reference to deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi firmwa
22:07.28FlibberTgibbetwhich i guess wouldn't be editable to ascii. is there a workaround for this please?
22:11.37*** part/#devuan ThurahT (
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