IRC log for #devuan on 20171103

00:01.11gnu_srs1ATotalOblivion: jessie is the  current stable Debian:r
00:01.41TotalOblivionaaah. MinceR I thought ceres was sort of a dev one.
00:01.56MinceRit is
00:02.11MinceRiirc it's the equivalent of unstable
00:02.26TotalOblivionI think I've misunderstood the meaning of rolling then, my bad :P
00:02.27gnarfaceceres is different from a "rolling release" in terminology only
00:02.32gnarfacethe practical differences are nil to the end user
00:02.48MinceRwell, unstable and current aren't really the point
00:02.56TotalOblivioni thought rolling was "bleeding edge" and constantly updated.
00:02.59TotalOblivionbut whatever
00:03.02MinceRthey're part of a process that results in the stable (fixed) releases
00:03.12MinceRif you want bleeding edge, you can use them
00:03.30MinceR"If I want cutting edge, I'll buy a sword. If I want bleeding edge, I'll use it."
00:03.58TotalOblivionWhat i know for certain is that so far i like devuan. And aesthetically they're dope :D Love the planet names and love the reference i saw at some point to hitchhicker's guide XD and the logo
00:04.40gnarfacei'm really sad for what happened to Debian but i'm happy the work could be salvaged under a different name
00:04.43TotalOblivionI might as well try ceres. I come from arch and plan on using gentoo soon as well. I'm just curious to see how boring a stable release is hehe
00:05.03gnarfacei would recommend not replacing your jessie install with ceres
00:05.10gnarfaceit might be fun to try separately though
00:05.35gnarface(i use it primarily because Nvidia, Xorg, Valve, and their various game vendors can't keep their shit together)
00:05.36TotalOblivionI want to get accustomed to stable for the time being. I just want this thing to work.
00:05.56TotalOblivionoooh. so if i want to steam i should go ceres? :P
00:06.02gnarfaceno no no
00:06.13gnarfaceif YOU want Steam, you should just get the nvidia package from backports
00:06.23gnarfaceenjoy it being stable for as long as you can milk it
00:06.32TotalOblivioni already have nvidia :P
00:06.41gnarfaceyea, eventually nvidia will instigate some bullshit that will force you to upgrade.  don't do it prematurely
00:06.57TotalOblivioni had backports enabled in installation.
00:07.09gnarfacebut steam will need a newer nvidia driver version than the jessie one.  a new enough one is in backports, so if you have it you're good.
00:07.24gnarfacethe steam package in the jessie repos works out of the box then though.
00:07.29TotalOblivionhow can i check my current nvidia version?
00:07.54gnarfaceit'll show up in the Xorg.0.log, and you can just check `dpkg -l |grep -i nvidia` too
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00:08.23gnarfaceas i recall, jessie ships with 304.xx but Steam requires a minimum of 340.xx
00:08.55TotalOblivionSo I'm covered
00:09.06TotalOblivionI'll upgrade to ascii at some point as well
00:09.16gnarfaceyea, should be fine.  `apt-get install steam` should work and it'll auto-update to current the first time you launch it
00:09.29TotalOblivionwon't install now tbh
00:09.40TotalOblivionwhen dist-upgrade it'll take even more time i think XD
00:09.41gnarfaceyou missed the halloween sale by a day, so no rush
00:09.53TotalOblivionnot gonna buy anything :P
00:09.58TotalOblivionjust wanna play XD
00:10.08gnarfaceTF2 is free and great for testing
00:10.15gnarfaceso is DOTA2
00:10.20TotalOblivionoh no
00:10.23TotalOblivionoh nononono
00:10.25TotalOblivionno moba
00:10.33gnarfacehehe, i don't blame you
00:10.34TotalOblivioni wanna move forward with my life man :P
00:10.46TotalObliviongrim dawn is more than enough
00:10.55TotalOblivionand i had my fair share of life losing with wow
00:11.24gnarfacei discovered you can add steam streaming and steam controller support to any arbitrary game by just putting it in a bash wrapper script and launching that from the steam ui
00:11.36gnu_srs1gtg, CY
00:11.41TotalOblivionbb gnu_srs1
00:13.39TotalOblivionMATE still shows as a choice when I hit F1 in log in greater
00:14.02gnarfacein slim you mean?
00:14.12gnarfacei don't know slim well enough to know how to purge that
00:14.27TotalOblivionwell, will go lightdm
00:14.28gnarfacei'm sure there's an easy way to flush updates to it i just don't know it off the top of my head
00:14.40gnarfacemaybe even just `dpkg-reconfigure slim`
00:14.49TotalOblivionwhat's dpkg?
00:15.07gnarfaceor check for stray mate packages and use `purge` instead of `remove` them this time
00:15.18gnarfacedpkg is just a low-level package manager
00:15.50TotalOblivioni used apt-get remove --purge
00:16.43gnarfacehmmm. i think that should have done it
00:16.55gnarfacei don't think "--purge" has to be before "remove" to not be ignored
00:17.01gnarfacebut i'm not sure
00:17.11gnarfacethere could be a number of places it's caching that list though
00:17.46TotalOblivionsame result
00:17.49TotalOblivionoh well
00:18.04gnarfacei'm sure it's easy to fix i just don't know anything about slim, sorry
00:18.17TotalOblivionno worries gnarface :)
00:18.25TotalOblivionthanks a lot for the general help :)
00:18.29gnarfaceno problem
00:18.40TotalObliviondo you use a dm?
00:18.52gnarfacetypically no
00:19.01gnarfacei've used xdm though
00:19.19gnarfacebut it's not pretty and i don't think it even has this functionality
00:25.00TotalObliviongnarface, since I can't find really much on sysvinit @ wheezy page, can you please share with me how to start, restart and end a daemon/service?
00:25.18gnarfaceok i can give you some pointers
00:25.28gnarfaceall the services have an init script in /etc/init.d
00:25.32TotalOblivionanything will do
00:25.49gnarfaceyou can just run them directly and they'll all give you output on what options it supports
00:26.14gnarfacemost of them were written in a more civilized time though, so you can trust they almost all support the same basic options and syntax
00:26.35gnarfaceuniformly they'll pretty much all support at least "start" and "stop"
00:26.51gnarfacesome of them also have various reload/restart options for specialized purposes
00:27.56TotalOblivionlets say i want to start or stop slim. i cd /etc/init.d/ and I ./slim ?
00:28.03gnarfacethey're called in an order predetermined by the LSB header comments in the script (see and
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00:28.25gnarfaceif you want to stop slim it would probably be literally: "./slim stop"
00:30.16gnarfacethere are also symlinks in /etc/rc([0-6]|S).d/ directories, pointing back to the /etc/init.d scripts, as a fall-back for legacy behavior if there are no LSB headers in a given script, or as an override for if you want to change stuff without messing with the LSB headers
00:32.02gnarfacethere are also some old daemon control tools that may or may not be installed
00:32.10gnarfacebut i don't think they're really needed
00:32.14gnarfacemore just convenience
00:32.25gnarfaceso you can type "service slim stop" instead of "/etc/init.d/slim stop"
00:32.30gnarfaceor whatever
00:32.58TotalOblivioni see
00:33.16gnarfaceand there's an update-rc.d tool for managing the rc?.d symlinks but you don't actually have to use it.  you can just edit them by hand too.
00:34.05gnarfacei'm sure this information is all in the debian docs or wiki somewhere, but as it's primarily related to the release BEFORE oldstable for them, you kinda have to dig
00:34.42TotalOblivionwill do
00:34.49TotalOblivionmuch obliged really :)
00:35.05gnarfacelike, for example, here some basics are mentioned with helpful links, but you have to scroll down past the systemd-specific new stuff:
00:36.12gnarface(you can also see they assume you have those RedHat era daemon tools installed too)
00:37.15gnarface(and it won't be mentioned anywhere, it'll just be assumed you know that *unlike* redhat, Devuan/Debian really only use init level 2)
00:37.59TotalOblivionmy first bummer hit me! no plex, sonarr, radarr packages. I hope I can install 'em somehow :S
00:38.07gnarface(they're not all broken up into graphical/non-grahical/service/singleuser runlevels.  everything just uses init 2 and the rest you can do what you like with)
00:39.51gnarfacei don't know what any of those programs are
00:40.06TotalOblivionmedia servers really
00:40.16TotalOblivionwell one of 'em
00:41.08gnarfacei'm sure they're installable, it's more of a question of why they're not in the repo in the first place (usually there's a good reason, like the developers can't package a package that won't hose your system to save their own lives, or there's a much better alternative with cleaner OSI-approved licensing)
00:41.41TotalOblivion"like the developers can't package a package that won't hose your system to save their own lives" probably something of the sort
00:42.45TotalOblivionthis is it
00:42.48gnarfaceif worst comes to worst and you find yourself installing from source that isn't debian packaging-tools-aware, just make sure you use checkinstall to package it so you can remove it cleanly in a worst-case scenario
00:43.19gnarfacenever just 'make install' and spray unpackaged 3rd party software all over your harddrive... that makes a mess
00:44.04TotalOblivionso it's possible for me to just dl from the site, and install it without any issues? and even get a service running for it?
00:44.12TotalOblivionOr will that be too much of a fuss really?
00:44.41gnarfacethe amount of fuss purely depends on them
00:44.51gnarfacein theory it could be painless
00:45.14TotalOblivionis it ok to pm you at some point to guide me in the installation if at all possible?
00:45.42gnarfacesure but i can't guarantee i can help.  i see they support..... ubuntu, fedora, and centos.  so uh, this isn't confidence-inspiring to me
00:45.55TotalOblivionit's a .deb package :P
00:46.07gnarfaceyea but the devil is in the details (package dependency headers)
00:46.24gnarfaceit depends a lot on how specific/sane their version checks are
00:46.36TotalOblivionso it could get gruesome
00:46.55gnarfacesure, it's possible they did it right, but the ones smart enough to do it right usually don't list Ubuntu
00:47.24gnarfacewhat are you actually using this for?  maybe it's something you could just do with vlc?
00:48.40TotalOblivionnah. I stream TV shows, movies etc on my ps3
00:48.52gnarfaceapt-cache search media.*str
00:49.09gnarface(apt-cache search can take regular expressions)
00:50.00TotalOblivionok, just run it
00:50.39TotalObliviondocker works with devuan or?
00:50.58gnarfacei believe i've heard that it works but i don't use it myself
00:51.13TotalOblivionand i just found this: The ubuntu deb package on the plex website works fine with Debian Jessie
00:51.16TotalOblivionwhich is great :D
00:51.18gnarfacethat does remind me, you could easily just make a minimal install in a chroot to test that plex ubuntu package in though
00:51.42gnarface(just to be sure) but if they're saying it's fine on debian jessie, maybe they're right
00:51.55TotalOblivionread it here:
00:52.32gnarfacebut does it require that you be using systemd on jessie?
00:52.52gnarfacethere's also the possibility it'll install fine and just not actually be able to work
00:53.08TotalOblivionit probably needs systemd service :\
00:53.17gnarfacethere might be a shim or something you can use
00:53.44TotalOblivionor docker XD
00:53.50TotalObliviontime to go to bed
00:53.56TotalOblivioncya around \o
00:54.02gnarfacealright, peace.  consider some alternative media servers
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00:54.34gnarfacei'm sure plex isn't the only thing that works with ps3 (my initial google hits look promising:
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01:27.52debdogfsmithred: lines 397 and 398
01:27.52debdogwould it be possible to change it from a y/n to a 1/2? would make translating a tad easier since there is no 'y" in "ja"
01:31.02debdogsame for 426
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01:52.47debdogand 439 and possibly others
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01:59.57fsmithreddebdog, without looking at it, I'll say yes.
02:01.13fsmithredI do recall having to use "o" for "yes" one time when I was testing locales.
02:01.32fsmithrednot in the installer
02:03.49fsmithredwhy just those two lines?
02:04.13fsmithredthe whole script is full of y/n
02:10.28fsmithredfor now, do it like: y) ja
02:10.33fsmithredif that doesn't seem insane
02:10.53fsmithredand I can change them when I go through the whole script
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03:48.54TheTrueHoohaOmg. Terry Davis has a warrant for his arrest
03:50.07gnarfacethe templeOS guy?  what for?
03:50.46gnarfacei'm guessing it wasn't a GPL violation
03:51.03TheTrueHoohaBattery and Public Indecency
03:51.23TheTrueHoohaHe's really gone downhill since he was kicked out of his parent's place
03:51.28TheTrueHoohaReally since he ate his pet bird
03:51.56gnarfacei wonder if God told him to do it
03:53.09gnarfaceguess we'd better mirror his code in case anything actually divine is in there
03:53.28gnarfaceon the surface, his concept for the OS isn't insane
03:53.48gnarface(even though everything else about it may be, i haven't really looked)
03:56.39TheTrueHoohagnarface: his goal was to make it like a Commadore 64 except instead of a BASIC interpretor it's a Holy C interpretor
04:05.29gnarfacewell i really thought the part about the line count limitation showed foresight actually
04:06.12gnarfacethat fits it to a very specific niche none of the other operating systems really fit
04:06.26gnarfacenot exactly the way i'd do it mind you... but i admit i couldn't come up with anything
04:06.29gnarfacethis at least, does it
04:07.26gnarfaceTheTrueHooha: i'm going afk for now but this conversation is probably better for #debianfork anyway
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09:41.19TotalObliviongnarface, you there mate?
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09:46.36gnarfacewhat up, TotalOblivion?
09:47.34TotalOblivioni want to plug in some internal HDDs i have. Will they be auto-mounted or do i need to nano /etc/fstab
09:47.59gnarfacei think it really depends on what you have installed
09:48.31TotalOblivionhow do you mean?
09:48.51gnarfacewell some window managers can do it, but rely on udisks2
09:48.57gnarfacei don't know if there are other methods
09:49.01gnarfacei use fstab
09:49.04TotalOblivionaaaah. i see
09:49.17debdogfsmithred: Ok, y) it is
09:49.18TotalOblivionlsblk and nano to the rescue once again :D
09:49.34gnarfacewell you can use udisks2 if you want
09:49.42gnarfacei think e17 works with it
09:49.45TotalOblivionnah it's cool
09:49.55TotalOblivionone can always trust cli moar :)
09:50.12gnarfaceyea that's true
09:50.50TotalOblivionSadly I'm gonna have to install windows again :'( I need scanner support for my all-one printer. Next one I'll buy I'll check to have functional drivers for linux
09:51.19TotalOblivionalso gnarface plex has a repo package on gentoo as well. So I suppose it can work without systemd as well :)
09:52.19gnarfaceyou checked the cups configuration panel for your scanner and still couldn't get it to work?
09:52.35TotalOblivionyeah. it doesn't have support
09:52.46TotalOblivionah well
09:52.55TotalOblivionI don't care. It's a good pointed to change hw
09:53.08TotalOblivionI rather buy something that works with linux this time :)
09:53.31djphwhich printer?
09:53.56TotalObliviondjph, HP photosmart c3180. doesn't have scanner capabilities with linux
09:54.42djphHP's usually solid in *nix
09:54.56TotalOblivionit's 15 years old i think :P
09:55.30TotalOblivionGood question
09:56.03djphmost of the time HP's "just work(tm)" with (x)sane, even when they "don't support it"
09:58.14TotalObliviontime to go and install windows T.T
09:58.19TotalOblivionBad day this one
10:01.17gnarfacewait, you have the sane packages installed too, TotalOblivion?
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10:01.36gnarfaceit might matter
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10:03.16djphit definitely does.  I've used it with 10 year old photosmarts (garbage that they are) with success ... and I know that one pre-dates HP saying they have linux support
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10:07.05TotalOblivionI did have everything configured when I was on arch and it didn't work :(
10:08.43TotalOblivionIt doesn't really matte. Will buy a new printer/scanner next week or so.
10:08.52gnarfacewell i know scanner support is really spotty across the board on linux in general, i just wanna make sure we didn't miss something obvious too
10:09.12djphI'd go with a brother, HP is good too ... but they seem to be overpriced for what you get anymore
10:09.42TotalOblivionI'm up for other suggestions as well djph :)
10:10.02TotalOblivionlexmark has better support?
10:14.49djphlexmark are crap ...
10:15.02djphunless they've turned themselves around in the last 4-5 years
10:15.13djphbut HP / Brother are my personal Go-to's
10:15.36djph(note - I do laser, and laser alone ... inkjet are a waste of money)
10:19.59TotalOblivionwill go for laser yes
10:25.24TotalOblivionDevuan ships with hplip i presume right?
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10:31.11gnarfacewell it's in the ceres repo at least
10:31.13gnarfaceso probably yes
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10:32.11TotalObliviondjph, epson any good?
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11:23.51buZzparazyd: i installed a pi3 with jessie, upgraded to ascii, and had issues with alsa, turned out /dev/snd/* was 600 and root:root
11:23.59buZznot sure where i should report this?
11:24.33parazydshould be root:audio, no?
11:24.42buZzi made it root:audio and 660
11:24.46buZzand now functions
11:24.56parazydi'm not sure why that happens. as you can see, snd_bcmXXXX loads with modprobe
11:25.11parazydmaybe there are some params that can be passed
11:25.45buZzonly param it was is;
11:25.46buZzparm:           force_bulk:Force use of vchiq bulk for audio (bool)
11:26.28parazydbleh. could hackit into /etc/rc.local then
11:26.42buZzthats what i did ;)
11:27.14buZzi also added a nfs mount to fstab and wanted to add a bind mount of that to elsewhere, wasnt going, so added the bindmount to rc.local aswell :P
11:27.38buZznice and ducktapey
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11:30.44buZzeither way, i'm sure some user will run into it eventually
11:30.59buZzi'll just email to DNG i guess, so its at least findable :P
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11:47.47parazydok :)
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21:05.39Hum;#*"' `--   v  '._.'/    \|   |
21:07.32*** join/#devuan Nazmo (
21:10.48HumFeel free to optimize it! My version of screenfetch doesn't have a Devuan logo
21:12.49HumI used (option watermarking). If you don't know screenfetch: or apt-get install screenfetch && screenfetch
21:15.28HumThe Devuan is a little bit to big for the logo, maybe just DEVUAN is better
21:16.10*** part/#devuan BadSector (
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21:33.53g4570nHum: How do you include a custom logo on screenfetch? What file do you edit?
21:37.46HumI didn't have a look at it. How about filing a bug report/feature request at ?
21:39.05g4570nreading the man, there is the option -A but it does not specify how it is used
21:40.18HumI guess you can just choose logo from the included ones
21:41.15g4570nscreenfetch -A 'Debian' LOL
21:42.44g4570nYes, that seems... test... screenfetch -A 'OpenBSD'
21:43.14Humlol: less `which screenfetch`
21:43.55Humin less: /"Debian")
21:44.19Humthe art is in the source ;)
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21:45.29gurushould i use pkgmaster for my jessie box? or only ascii
21:45.41gururight now i have auto.mirror as my repo
21:46.24HumI am sorry, I don't know anything about, you are the guru ;)
21:47.20fsmithredyou can use pkgmaster for jessie, but you don't have to. You should use pkgmaster for ascii.
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21:55.16g4570nHum: this file is the one to edit, line 3046
22:05.04g4570nI tried pkgmaster and did not get the package descriptions, I have the 3 repos (jessie, ascii, unstable), also when I did an 'apt upgrade' I wanted to update many packages. Returning to auto.mirror is solved, this last
22:06.39gurufsmithred: thanks
22:07.30fsmithredyou're running a mixed system like that?
22:07.41*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
22:08.26blinkdogA frankenvuan?
22:09.16Humfrankenvuan doesn't have systemd
22:09.33g4570nYes, this is a tests system
22:12.54MinceRLightning init system
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22:27.11TotalOblivionI miss devuan already T_T
22:27.40fsmithredwhere did it go?
22:29.32TotalOblivionI had scanner issues so i had to go back to windows for now.... Something died inside me...
22:30.16fsmithredI ran win98 in vmware on etch for a long time so I could keep using my scanner.
22:30.31XenguyThere is dual boot, but that can take some work
22:30.34TotalOblivionWill dual boot though. So I will check if I can use my scanner from a VM in windows
22:30.56XenguyI suppose VMs or containers would be the thing nowadays
22:31.10TotalOblivionXenguy, I've always dual booted tbh. I'm actually waiting to upgrade my system so I can VM much easier. Exactly then goodbye windows for life
22:31.43XenguyVM under *nix is where W!ndows belongs ; -)
22:32.05XenguyBut horsepower, yeah
22:34.04Humthe nightmare of a linux user: My scanner works with windows only
22:34.21XenguyFortunately my last scanner worked fine on Linux
22:34.31XenguyGave up the ghost tho
22:36.02TotalOblivioni agree Xenguy :)
22:36.08TotalOblivionand I'll try to go full amd
22:37.43TotalOblivionAnd next printer/scanner I'll check if it's linux compatible
22:37.59TotalOblivionAt least I got a nice taste of devuan :3
22:38.14XenguyCome back soon :)
22:38.41TotalOblivionI shall! And next time it'll be for good :D
22:38.41XenguyLinux users just have to research hardware compatibility, but that's not so hard
22:39.03TotalOblivionNot so much research nowadays. Everything is much better and compatible
22:39.27XenguyNo major disappointments here to report
22:39.42XenguyHardware-wise I mean
22:40.03XenguyBut my laptops are Thinkpads, for just that reason
22:43.38*** join/#devuan djph (
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22:47.18TotalOblivionHow hard is it to maintain a package and does it require extensive dev/code knowledge?
22:47.27*** part/#devuan Nazmo (
22:47.46fsmithreddepends on the package
22:48.58fsmithredTotalOblivion, you got one in mind?
22:49.45TotalOblivionYeah. Plex actually. Provided I can make it work. But I'm neither a coder, not a dev. :P
22:50.22fsmithredwell, if you don't need to change any of the code, you just need to know about packaging.
22:50.40fsmithredand maybe some scripting for pre/post install stuff
22:51.01TotalOblivionWill keep it in mind when I get back into devuan :)
22:51.45gnarfaceTotalOblivion: chapters 6 and 8:
22:52.07gnarfaceit's more complicated to read about it than actually do it
22:52.31fsmithredso true
22:52.36gnarface(assuming the original package creator showed some basic organizational restraint)
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23:27.57greenjeansorganizational restraint?
23:30.09greenjeansi use post-it notes
23:39.24greenjeanspurpy ones
23:44.14XenguyAll hail Devuan, the Debian that might have been
23:48.46greenjeansgotta run, ya'll stay safe, @Golinux I hope you get to feeling better!
23:53.16blinkdogAre you not feeling well, golinux?

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