IRC log for #devuan on 20171018

00:00.06gnarfacedpkg-reconfigure locales
00:04.16AlexLikeRockuploading pic ....
00:06.03AlexLikeRockyesterday i put the  EN_US
00:07.28gnarfaceyes, but isn't the problem that es_* is missing?
00:08.28fromportwhat is the output of "locale -a" ?
00:09.52AlexLikeRock# locale -a
00:09.52AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
00:09.53AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
00:09.53AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
00:10.05fromportso enable that (space bar), go to okay
00:10.50gnarfacenavigate with arrows and tab key, use space bar to toggle selections
00:12.20AlexLikeRockTO  do what ?
00:12.34AlexLikeRockor es_es ?
00:12.41fromportenable es_ES
00:12.58fromportshould be an "*" in that screenshot
00:13.07fromportthan you use tab to go to "OK"
00:14.25fromportthen it will ask you which locales to make default eg: en_US or es_ES
00:14.41fromportyou choose what you want
00:16.46AlexLikeRockGenerating locales (this might take a while)...
00:16.51AlexLikeRockGeneration complete.
00:17.53KatolaZwait AlexLikeRock
00:17.54gnarfacewhat is the error exactly now, and what terminal is it?
00:17.59AlexLikeRockok KatolaZ
00:18.11KatolaZyou mist probably exit from your X session, and enter again
00:18.33gnarfaceoh, yea
00:20.02AlexLikeRockxfce4-terminal 0.6.3
00:20.13AlexLikeRockwhen open appear  :
00:20.32AlexLikeRockbash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_es.utf8F-8)
00:21.15fromportdid you read/understand what was suggested ? you have to LEAVE your graphical environment before new locales work
00:21.33fromportlogout , login again and then start a new shell
00:22.05gnarfacemight even have to restart the graphical login manager, if there is one, come to think of it
00:25.17AlexLikeRockok, closed  X .....
00:25.20AlexLikeRocki will back
00:26.14fromportyou haven't seen the terminator enough times ;-)
00:26.20*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
00:28.34AlexLikeRockim back
00:28.43AlexLikeRockistill faill
00:29.38fromportthat seems very drastic
00:30.27*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
00:41.36fromporti give up, i don't know/understand what you are trying to do/achieve
00:43.56*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
00:45.06fromportcan you please paste here (no screenshot) the output of: locale -a
00:46.34AlexLikeRock# locale -a
00:46.35AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
00:46.35AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
00:46.35AlexLikeRocklocale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
00:47.55fromportcat /etc/default/locale
00:50.26AlexLikeRock# cat /etc/default/locale
00:51.20AlexLikeRockthis error i make  , when at boot "live-cd"  say:   " press TAB to change  LOCALES"
00:51.45AlexLikeRocki press tab,  and write  wrong
01:12.05fromportso you know what you are doing wrong and how to make it right ?
01:12.42AlexLikeRockthey  was  an accident
01:13.03fromportis it working now ?
01:13.49AlexLikeRockterminal  , yes
01:13.59AlexLikeRockphytom script  = no
01:20.22fromportis the python script part of devuan ?
01:20.43*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:22.07*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
01:24.59*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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01:43.37*** join/#devuan Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
01:50.58fsmithredAlexLikeRock come back!
01:51.12*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
01:51.35AlexLikeRockwhat  its cool ?
01:51.38fsmithredlook in /etc/profile.d/
01:51.50fsmithredthat you came back right after I told you to come back
01:52.19fsmithredI think the file name is or something like that
01:52.32fsmithredthat's the one you need to edit
01:53.26AlexLikeRock# cat
01:53.27AlexLikeRockexport LANG=C
01:53.27AlexLikeRockexport LC_ALL=C
01:53.45fsmithredoh, only that file?
01:53.59AlexLikeRock# cat
01:53.59AlexLikeRockexport LANG=es_es.utf8F-8
01:53.59AlexLikeRockexport LC_ALL=es_es.utf8F-8
01:54.07fsmithredyeah, that's it
01:54.12fsmithredfix that
01:54.26AlexLikeRockU-R ROCK fsmithred  !
01:54.27fsmithredand there was some reason why I changed it from zz to tt
01:54.29AlexLikeRocktanks alot
02:00.03*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
02:00.38fsmithredoh yeah, if you don't use a display manager on a live-cd, there's a, and the locale script needs to run first.
02:01.46AlexLikeRockedit it :-)
02:02.01AlexLikeRocki will finish my   work,  and restart X
02:12.23AlexLikeRockwhat a contradictory
02:12.35AlexLikeRock# grub-install /dev/sda
02:12.35AlexLikeRockInstalling for i386-pc platform.
02:12.35AlexLikeRockdevice node not found
02:12.40AlexLikeRockdevice node not found
02:12.54fsmithredonce would have been enough
02:12.56AlexLikeRockdevice node not found
02:13.02AlexLikeRockInstallation finished. No error reported.
02:13.04AlexLikeRock¬_¬ ... no error !
02:13.17fsmithreddoes it boot?
02:13.44AlexLikeRockyes im fixin GRUB
02:13.56AlexLikeRockno so hard problem , i can make  :)
02:14.55fsmithredwhat was the problem?
02:15.28AlexLikeRockreinstalling  grub...
02:15.56fsmithredto get it to use your locale?
02:16.26AlexLikeRocklocale. need reboot  X
02:17.28fsmithredthere's a way to get grub to use your locale, too
02:18.14AlexLikeRocki make CHroot
02:19.22AlexLikeRockCannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.)
02:19.59fsmithredsys proc and dev
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02:20.16AlexLikeRockyes, i forget :->
02:20.26AlexLikeRockthey finish
02:20.54fsmithredto install grub in chroot, yeah
02:21.57fsmithredmount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
02:22.07fsmithredsame for /proc and /dev
02:22.12AlexLikeRockworking ..
02:22.36AlexLikeRockyes, dev  and proc i do
02:23.21AlexLikeRockexit 1
02:23.24AlexLikeRocki will back
02:24.21*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
02:24.43fsmithredall better?
02:25.07AlexLikeRockone beer to fsmithred  :-P
02:27.06AlexLikeRockwhat MEDIA PLAYER can "play " "playlist"?
02:27.23fsmithredI think most of them can
02:27.46AlexLikeRockvlc , just play one video, not all
02:27.48fsmithredI forget what's in the desktop-live
02:27.53fsmithredI use audacious
02:27.54AlexLikeRockvlc  need "extensions"
02:28.26AlexLikeRockto play playlis of YOUTUBE
02:28.38AlexLikeRockmy fall
02:29.22fsmithredI don't know
02:30.03AlexLikeRocka year ago i make  with VLC+Extension
02:34.46AlexLikeRockone more beer to fsmithred
02:34.54AlexLikeRock# grub-install /dev/sda
02:34.54AlexLikeRockInstalling for i386-pc platform.
02:34.54AlexLikeRockInstallation finished. No error reported.
02:35.07AlexLikeRockdone my fryend !
02:36.07AlexLikeRockyou come decided to drunk tonight  :-D
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03:01.01*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4001:d25f::4ee1)
03:01.07ServiceRobotello govnas
03:01.32ServiceRobotis anyone here?
03:02.22*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~ServiceRo@2601:45:4001:d25f::4ee1)
03:02.32furrywolfnow that's some hard-core patience there.
03:03.26rrqwas spun into deep existential reflection.
03:05.18ServiceRobotare other init systems beside openrc available for devuan?
03:05.34ServiceRobotI'm really interested in s6
03:09.19rrqsounds good. go for it. tell us how it went.
03:10.12fsmithredI think some people on the dng mailing list are using it. You can search for discussions.
03:10.12*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
03:10.47ServiceRobotyes, but I'm asking if it's available in the repositories, or if I can add a repo that has it
03:11.48fsmithredN: Unable to locate package s6
03:12.17*** join/#devuan sedrosken (
03:22.16ServiceRobotwell that's a shame. I wonder why there's no repo I can get it from
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03:38.33EvilhamI'm having an issue upgrading debian jessie to devuan jessie, will check it better after sleeping but it'd be useful if someone can check if that's working OK
03:41.12Evilhambasically dist-upgrade is failing because it tries to remove systemd
03:42.56rrqyou mean "when" rather than "because" I guess
03:43.08Evilhamboth :-D
03:44.08Evilhamafaik, it should just install and setup sysvint leave systemd alone, and after reboot, manually remove
03:44.33rrqI might have an hour; I'll need to fluff up a debian VM first; standard iso? particular DE?
03:44.59Evilhammmm good question, I think it's a custom one, can't quite get it though
03:45.01Evilhamit's from a provider
03:45.13Evilhambut this was working fine a few weeks ago :-D
03:45.31rrqfamous last words TM
03:47.44rrqaren't you supposed to go sysvinit first, then to devuan? (just parroting words of no depth)
03:48.13Evilhamthis is how 've always done it
03:50.25rrq(hmm downloading a debian netinst will take most of my hour:()
03:53.16Evilhamnevermind... it looks like whatever was working (tm) a couple weeks ago does not work any more BUT: I managed to test that debian --> devuan works fine
03:53.22Evilhamsth is wrong on my side, mb
03:53.33Evilhamshould have just gone to bed :-D
03:53.57Evilhamthank you anyway, rrq!
03:58.51Evilham*off to sleep a bit*
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04:56.20golinux<rrq> aren't you supposed to go sysvinit first, then to devuan?
04:56.39golinuxThat was always my understanding of the process.
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05:48.01jonadabI've only ever done the upgrade from wheezy to (devuan) jessie.
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05:48.17jonadabOr else direct installs.
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12:09.21cosurgiQuestion: is there a graph with number of release-critical bugs for next relese?
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14:28.21cosurgiQuestion: is there a graph with number of release-critical bugs for next relese?
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15:08.34golinuxcosurgi: Maybe this would help?
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15:30.42cosurgigolinux: thanks!
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19:10.41DPAIs there a copy somewhere from debians old policy for /etc/default/, before they removed it?
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19:15.44gnarfaceDPA: i don't see it in the FHS but it's mentioned here in the maintenance guide:
19:16.27gnarfacebasically just that /etc/default/[package] is sourced by /etc/init.d/[package] for default variables
19:16.58gnarfaceit's handy but lots of stuff never bothers with it
19:17.10gnarfaceit never seemed strictly enforced
19:20.13gnarfaceand since grub is in there too, it suggests it's been allowed for non-daemon purposes, too
19:21.36DPAI know, but I thought there used to be a page somewhere which specified what such files should contain, that they should only set variables but not export them, etc.
19:23.51gnarfacehmm.  well if it wasn't the FHS or the maintenance guide, i don't know what it was
19:24.15gnarfaceit could be somewhere else in the maintenance guide, i didn't really check thoroughly
19:24.44DPAok, thanks.
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19:27.40gnarfacethe maintainer's guide is supposed to be the primary entry point for learning packaging, so i'd expect that's where it's supposed to be, even if it's not
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19:42.56DPAI found it, it was still there:
19:45.13gnarfaceoh i didn't know about this one at all
19:45.15gnarfacegood find
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.