IRC log for #devuan on 20171001

00:47.14*** join/#devuan mns` (b10d32c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:12.49*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:17.49*** join/#devuan LongHairedHacker (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
02:13.48*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:58.41*** join/#devuan bozonius (
03:09.07*** join/#devuan Guest21916 (
03:11.09*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
03:13.08*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:79fa:e3ee:7ac0:7759)
03:24.49*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
03:29.28*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
04:35.55*** join/#devuan marulo (
05:14.39*** join/#devuan mchasard (
05:41.32*** join/#devuan mchasard (
06:03.24*** join/#devuan W_T (
06:12.14*** join/#devuan p4cman (uid171740@gateway/web/
06:33.31*** join/#devuan rrq (
07:37.56*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:40.29*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
07:48.43*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:53.53*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
08:10.05*** join/#devuan Fervi (
08:12.39*** join/#devuan marulo (
08:21.59*** join/#devuan marulo (
08:27.31*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc09:f100:99da:9fa7:7615:224f)
08:39.12*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
09:06.07*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
09:06.14*** join/#devuan muerte (~muerte@
09:09.22*** join/#devuan aggrora (
09:10.17*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
09:15.40*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
09:23.59*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
09:24.34*** join/#devuan sn0wmonster (~yeti@taskhive/lead/sn0wmonster)
09:24.44*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
09:30.55*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
09:33.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:34.53AntoFoxo/ morning
09:45.08*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:47.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
09:48.56*** join/#devuan m712_ (~root@unaffiliated/thefam)
09:50.12*** join/#devuan thaller (
09:50.58m712_i am currenrly typing via onboard on an xfce4-terminal running inside an xfce4 session with *8framebuffer Xorg* on a Samsung Gaaxy S3!
09:52.00m712_i am running devuan and xfce on android
09:53.58*** join/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
09:54.21m712_wifi works, not sure about cellular (how to test?), touchscreen works
09:54.41m712_xfce is sluggish but works
09:58.24m712_the screenis a little tiny
09:58.29*** join/#devuan nighty- (
10:01.30gnarfacehow about glxgears, m712_ ?
10:01.35gnarfacecongrats btw
10:02.26Vizvahow to restart networking
10:02.55gnarfacethat may not do what you want though
10:03.01gnarface(depending on your configuration)
10:03.17gnarfaceit may be better to stop then start it
10:03.24Vizvaits decrecated
10:03.32Vizvaits deprecated
10:03.56gnarfacedeprecated? who told you that?
10:03.57Vizvait may not re-enable someinterfaces * blablabla
10:04.11Vizvathe minimal live iso
10:04.59gnarfacewell it can't re-enable any interfaces it doesn't find defined /etc/network/interfaces
10:05.15gnarfacedefined in that file
10:05.33gnarfacethe minimal live iso may have a dhcp client running though
10:05.36gnarfacei'm not sure
10:05.42gnarfaceif it does, it might be better to just restart that
10:06.20Vizvai did write wlan0 now in side auto
10:06.29gnarfacealso maybe the live iso is using openrc by default (i don't actually know)
10:06.36Vizvabut it say it dont know this interface but i come on ifconfig -a
10:07.03*** join/#devuan fugitive (~fugitive@
10:07.05gnarfaceit has to have been in there before you stopped the network
10:07.34gnarfacei think it can get confused if something was manually created before being added to /etc/network/interfaces
10:07.47Vizvai stop now
10:07.58Vizvaand start but it dont know my wlan0
10:08.08gnarfaceshow me your /etc/network/interfaces?
10:08.24gnarfacenot in channel, pastebinit
10:08.36gnarfacedon't forget to scrub the wifi passwords if they're in there
10:08.52Vizvaauto lo
10:09.09Vizvaiface lo inet loopback
10:09.15gnarfaceno not in here,
10:09.15Vizvaauto wlan0
10:09.24Vizvaits not more
10:09.51gnarfacedid that ever work
10:10.02Vizvai start today wwith that live cd
10:10.08Vizvai want to make install it
10:10.24Vizvaineed network to download packages
10:10.30Vizvaor start a installer
10:10.40gnarfacei've never tried it myself, but that wlan0 looks like it's short on configuration
10:10.56gnarfacethere might be a script provided
10:11.06Vizvai see it in iconfig -a
10:11.09Vizvabuts unknown
10:13.01gnarfacecheck for packages wpa_supplicant and *dhcp*
10:14.24gnarface  if you skip down to the command-line section here, i think it's still accurate
10:14.29gnarfacetry it, if you get lost i'll help
10:28.43*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
10:30.48*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
10:30.48*** join/#devuan eady (
10:34.16gnarfaceVizva: i'm back, any progress?
10:34.42gnarfaceVizva: i forgot to mention, there might be some useful scripts in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin
10:34.47gnarfacenot sure
10:34.50*** join/#devuan fsr (
10:37.08fsrVizva, are you using the minimal live iso? If so, you could run to set up wireless
10:37.35fsrbut if you want to configure in network/interfaces file, you need more than 'auto wlan0'
10:37.38Vizvawork now thank you
10:38.08Vizvagnarface it feels good to go down lika that to basics :P
10:38.54gnarfaceyes, i agree.  i find it's the best way to keep things simple
10:39.32gnarfaceafter a few more layers of graphical abstraction it just starts getting more confusing
10:40.24*** join/#devuan amphi (~amphi@unaffiliated/amphi)
10:41.39Vizvai want to do installtion now
10:41.54Vizvathe installer i cannot find it
10:42.17Vizvadevuan-installer ?
10:42.39gnarfacethere should be some script on there
10:42.42gnarfacei'm not sure what it's called
10:43.20gnarfaceif you found one called devuan-installer that was already installed, that's likely to be it
10:43.35gnarfaceotherwise, check in /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin would be my first guess
10:43.46gnarfacei don't really know much about the minimal live setup
10:44.19*** join/#devuan nighty- (
10:46.47VizvaIt is also equipped to work well for blind people.
10:46.57Vizvalol iam not blind but i dont see anything
10:47.06Vizvamaybe later
10:48.56*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
10:49.05gnarfacei'm sure it's been answered on the forums
10:49.16gnarfacei wonder if the info bot has it
10:49.20gnarfaceany info on it
10:49.44Vizvais there such a bot here?
10:49.57gnarfacethere was...
10:50.07gnarfacemaybe it's offline
10:51.26gnarfaceit says in this file here, to use the refractainstaller script
10:53.13fsryes, run refractainstaller
10:53.15Vizvai did install it on a harddisk now
10:53.22gnarfaceVizva: it also mentions that it's recommended to use one of the regular installer images instead of a live image for installation, which i feel i should also just point out in case this is your first time with a debian derivative; a netinstall image in expert mode is really useful actually and
10:53.27Vizvabut thats still a squash
10:53.52fsrwhat's still a squash?
10:53.52Vizvai have some old usb harddisk and i did cp the iso on it
10:53.57gnarfaceVizva: ... gives you a lot of customization options
10:54.30fsryou didn't just
10:54.32fsryou did
10:54.45fsrno, run the installer to get a regular installation
10:54.52gnarfacewhat's a squash?  like the gourd?
10:55.06fsrthe live system
10:55.15Vizvasuch a filesystem all custumisations lost after reboot
10:55.24fsris that what you want?
10:55.40Vizvai want to isntall it to another harddisk
10:56.37Vizvai start it now
10:56.50Vizvaits on console without colors
10:57.04fsryes, minimal live has no X, no desktop
10:57.22fsryou can add more after you install
10:57.23Vizvabut this is fun
10:57.31Vizvabecasue new for me
10:58.09Vizvai  want a very minimal installation
10:58.21Vizvaand later the most things should be zfs
10:58.23gnarfacethe regular installers are in here, the NETINST ones are the online installers:
10:58.52gnarfaceyou can also do a minimal install with that
10:59.05gnarfaceif you just go into expert mode and at tasksel don't check any of the boxes
10:59.06Vizvai did do a apt-cache search
10:59.10Vizvafor installer
10:59.52fsrI don't think refractainstaller will show up that way
10:59.53Vizvai need to go into later now go to eat thx
11:12.53*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
11:18.18*** join/#devuan zjason (
11:31.46blapi wonder why xscreensaver packages are missing a lot of the modules from
11:37.23blapset someone's x-terminal to /usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -program sh
11:41.55*** join/#devuan uzivatel (~devuan@ seems to be missing something - usable links
11:57.16gnarfaceblap: i recall some sort of melt down over one nvidia glx implementation misbehavior, that may be why a lot of them got abandoned
11:57.37gnarfacethe abandoned ones were never fixed for nvidia, so they probably aren't in anyone's default xscreensaver installation anymore
11:57.40gnarfacethat would be my guess
11:57.52blapmhm  i recall there was a glmatrix that would fade in and out a background image
11:57.56blapdo you remember that?
11:58.05gnarfacebut i think if you search for other packages with 'xscreen' as a substring of the name you can get most of them back
11:58.33gnarfaceone of them froze on me in jessie recently i forget which one
11:58.46gnarfacemight have been Steam's fault dunno
11:58.55blapah maybe xscreensaver-gl-extra
11:59.05gnarfaceapt-cache search ^xscreen
11:59.17gnarfaceyea read the docs, such as they are, some of them are neat
11:59.27gnarfacebsod is fun for screwing with windows users
11:59.34blapis just odd, the new xmatrix doesn't do the creepy fade-in of pictures
11:59.51gnarfaceyea there's two different matrix screensavers
12:00.03gnarfaceone of them is not movie-authentic but behaves more like a real terminal would loook
12:00.21gnarfacei forget which is which
12:01.27blapxmatrix is the 2d version, glmatrix does it in opengl
12:09.53*** join/#devuan jonadab (
12:11.24*** join/#devuan mchasard (
12:24.46Ferviyep, sorry for question - any news about Devuan Beowulf? :P
12:31.59*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:32.44*** join/#devuan jord (~jord@
12:40.29*** join/#devuan justinsm (
12:41.28*** join/#devuan rdav (
12:50.14*** join/#devuan Gup (
12:50.32*** join/#devuan p4cman (uid171740@gateway/web/
12:52.29*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
13:10.14*** join/#devuan Gup (
13:16.33*** join/#devuan Ipe (~Ipe@
13:38.08*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
13:44.16*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:48.36*** join/#devuan W_T (
13:52.51*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
13:59.05*** join/#devuan mns` (b156ff05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:16.06*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
14:29.34*** join/#devuan rsx (
14:35.05*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
14:45.58*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:05.59Vizvawhere is the zfs dkms?
15:07.10Vizvabackports maybe
15:08.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon_ (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
15:08.41Vizvai dont find it but it was in jessie
15:10.18fsryes, it's in jessie-backports
15:11.30Humcurses: curses and network traffic:
15:11.39Vizvai did apt-cache search but dont find it
15:12.00fsrmaybe you need to add backports to sources.list
15:12.01Humabout curses and matrix screensaver
15:12.06Vizvai did
15:13.01fsrdeb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
15:13.01fsrand it's in contrib, so you need that
15:13.53fsrremember to update after making changes in sources
15:14.28*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:18.35*** join/#devuan Dantalion (
15:18.56*** join/#devuan vil (
15:20.34Vizvai did install the installer but cannot find
15:25.29*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
15:29.55Vizvait is not for this case
15:30.21fsrapt-cache policy zfs-dkms should show you
15:30.23fsr0.6.5.9-2~bpo8+1 0
15:30.52Vizvaiam still on that squash iso
15:31.04fsrshouldn't matter
15:31.14Vizvai want to insatl and i know now howto do it
15:31.19fsrif you added backports to sources.list and updated, you should see it
15:31.50Vizvayes but this come later since there is not a easy support to do zfs on root encrypted
15:32.24fsrmake sure you added backports correctly - I posted the line above
15:32.30Vizvatherefore i want to use a usb with a very small system
15:32.42Vizvayes i did find zfs-dkms
15:32.57Vizvasorry that i didnt response
15:33.42fsryou want zfs on the usb, or you want to use the usb to install on zfs on hard drive?
15:34.31Vizvai want to use the usb for a very tiny system and then use a ssd inside my lap with luks and zfs
15:34.50Vizvaonly boot will be not encrypted
15:35.09Vizvai did before now i will only think about do thsi with this iso
15:36.03fsrmaybe you should make a usb with persistence, and then you can make changes to it that will survive a reboot, in case you need to install more than once
15:36.03Vizvabut this refractainstaller it can do encryption after i download cryptsetup?
15:36.26fsrcryptsetup isn't installed on the minimal live?
15:36.31fsrand yes
15:36.49fsrit can encrypt root fs and /home
15:36.49Vizvabut i have internet now
15:36.53fsrbut no lvm
15:37.11Vizvai dont need it bad lvm
15:39.03fsrum, you might need to change the installer
15:39.39fsrthe one included in the iso will format the partitions with ext2/3/4
15:40.06fsrthere's a newer version that will let you turn that off - you can format filesystems before installing
15:40.16Vizvai did download devuan-installer but cannot find
15:40.32fsrand it won't re-format them
15:40.35fsrbut I'm not sure if you can use encryptiong with that
15:40.36Vizvaor maybe its only for rebooting
15:40.58Vizvawhats that?
15:41.04fsrwhat devuan-installer did you download?
15:41.20fsrrefractainstaller is the installer included in the live isos
15:41.21Vizvaits called debian-installer
15:41.32fsroh, you know how to set that up?
15:41.57Vizvaif its this graphical tool like in the msdos time , yes
15:42.10Vizvabut iam not sure becasue i cannot start it
15:42.39Vizvathis text tool with menus
15:42.49fsryeah, I think you need to set up a local repository
15:43.09*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:44.11*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
15:46.05fsrok, if you want to use refractainstaller with zfs on an encrypted volume, you'll have to edit the script to replace mke2fs with whatever command makes a zfs.
15:46.32fsrthat would involve editing one line for each partition that gets zfs
15:46.50Vizvathe problem is there to get a booting system
15:47.05fsrwhy is that a problem?
15:47.24Vizvathat dracut thing and so far isnt that easy
15:47.38fsryikes, I don't know anything about dracut
15:47.46fsrnever used it
15:47.49Vizvaroot on zfs is easy
15:48.04Vizvabut encrypted thats a little bit difficult
15:48.38Vizvai did try yesterday and failed
15:49.00fsrhave you done it with ext filesystems before?
15:49.12Vizvaand therefore i choose now to use a usb with a minimal system and then send out everything possible to a encrypted zfs
15:49.36Vizvaext4 is easy too
15:49.51fsrwhere did it fail?
15:49.57Vizvaso my minumal usb system will be ext4 encrypted
15:50.28Vizvamy ZFS encrypted system is still on ssd
15:50.44Vizvabut i have not a /boot thats for
15:50.54fsrif the usb is just for installing to ssd, you don't need to encrypt the usb
15:51.09Vizvai can reach it the question is when luks starts and when zfs come along
15:51.40Vizvai need the usb becasue it should have a part of system /boot and encrypted root
15:52.33fsryou will keep /boot and / on the usb?
15:52.41fsrinstead of on the ssd?
15:52.44Vizvaonly minimal
15:52.58Vizvaits avery fast usb a sandisk Extreme
15:53.14Vizvafast near like a sdd
15:53.39fsrthe way the installer does it is...
15:53.46fsrcryptsetup luksFormat blah...
15:53.55fsrcryptsetup luksOpen blah...
15:54.09fsrthen mke2fs ...
15:54.14Vizvai do this by hand no problem
15:54.27fsrthen rsync to copy the live system to hard drive
15:54.37fsryou could do all of the manually
15:55.41*** join/#devuan rdav (
15:56.00fsryou can even use the rsync excludes file that goes with the installer
15:56.10fsrthen grub-install, either in chroot or with --root-directory option
15:56.28fsr(or maybe it's --boot-directory0
15:56.50fsroops - meant ) not 0
15:58.34Vizvamaybe this refractainstaller will work with dev/mapper entrys?
15:58.52fsryes, it uses /dev/mapper
15:59.07Vizvathe i create crypttab and iam finish
15:59.37fsrto use refractainstaller, you will need to replace the lines that make ext filesystem with lines that make zfs filesystem
15:59.51fsrand you will need a newer version of refractainstaller
16:00.00fsrI can give you line numbers and links
16:00.13Vizvai think i will make a system on usb
16:00.28Vizvaand later bring out part to zfs on luks in ssd
16:00.49Vizvathen iam sure that i dont get a problem with /boot
16:01.21Vizvapatchwork family :)
16:02.28Vizvamaybe you know this- i did use the system load complte the squash in memory
16:03.07Vizvaok i will stop now thinking - its too much for here :)#
16:04.10fsroh, yes, you can boot into RAM and then re-use the same usb stick.
16:04.17fsrwow. never thought of that one.
16:05.17fsrbut then you have to do it right the first time, or you lose all the preparations you made
16:05.17fsrI would use two usb sticks - one for the live system/installer, one for the target system
16:05.45*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
16:16.31*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
16:22.32Vizvait ask me for encryption but failed
16:22.42Vizvai have busybox now
16:23.07Vizvathere was a /boot partition and a big partition i did use them
16:23.11Vizvabut failed
16:23.35Vizvathis tool lokks beta for me but the creator did write something like that
16:24.10Vizvai try not a bigger image i am curious now
16:25.30Xenguyfsr: Aha, you changed your nick to 'hacker mode' ; -)
16:27.49*** join/#devuan kaboutur (~laptop@
16:31.24Vizvaiam sorry but this minimal easy isnt worth shoot it up
16:31.43Vizvawhere can we file a bug report for it
16:32.16Vizvai try now bring my interface up again wlan0
16:32.54Vizvawith setnet
16:33.57Vizvai cannot bring it up but if i write some configuration into then it can come
16:34.45Vizvai want to bring the interface up but nothing
16:36.37Vizvaok  without this channel i cant do today maybe
16:37.06Vizvathats should be not the case
16:42.08fsrdoes ifconfig show your wireless interface?
16:42.31fsrXenguy, actually, I'm on laptop mode
16:43.02Vizvaand this should be come to
16:43.25Vizvait can make you crazy with the wrong keyboard :)
16:43.49Vizvaifconfig show it always
16:43.59Vizvabut i cannot bring it up
16:44.01fsrVizva, what bug do you want to report?
16:44.16Vizvaonly if i write some configs from hand
16:44.28*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
16:44.40Vizvai did use the installer with the strange name
16:44.49Vizvait ask me for encryption
16:45.05Vizvai did use partitions they are still there
16:45.17Vizvabut no luck i got busybox
16:45.54fsryou won't get zfs unless you changed the installer script
16:46.05*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
16:46.06Vizvano its no zfs now
16:46.15fsrhow did you do that?
16:46.24Vizvai will do now a installation with unencrypted boot and encrypted root
16:46.38Vizvabut it fail and it not my fault
16:46.59Vizvaok i will do again with a bigger system
16:47.10Vizvai want to see that the other installer still works
16:47.45Vizvathis one is beta and the creator call it like that
16:47.47fsryou may need to rebuild initramfs
16:48.04Vizvai do only dont understand that this insstaller is on the cd if its beta
16:48.10fsrwhich installer are you talking about?
16:48.18*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
16:48.44Vizvait did ask me questions i did answer correct
16:49.33Vizvai will download now the big iso and cp it on my usb
16:50.01fsrrefractainstaller is not beta
16:50.39fsrthere is a uefi installer, but that's graphical, and I call that one experimental
16:50.47fsrbut only because uefi is such a cluster-fsck
16:51.10VizvaHowever, it is also possible to install this minimal live image on a
16:51.10Vizvahard disk by using the refractainstaller script shipped with it. I
16:51.10Vizvatested the installation on qemu and on bare-metal, and it worked quite
16:51.10Vizvawell, but I cannot guarantee that it will work for you as well, so
16:51.10Vizvaplease use refractainstaller AT YOUR OWN RISK but feel free to drop me
16:51.10Vizvaa line if it works.
16:51.21fsrall gpl software says that
16:51.43Vizvayes in my case it didnt work
16:52.03Vizvabut i did not see it in many cases that such things dont work
16:52.24fsrmight just be something simple to correct
16:52.31Vizvaand dont work too
16:52.50Vizvait cannot bring up my wlan0
16:52.50fsrif you run 'refractainstaller -d' you'll get a more verbose error log
16:53.52Vizvai thik it did maybe not write over my old configuration
16:54.04Vizvabut it dont ask me todo this
16:54.09fsrI don't know setnet very well. Only used it a couple times
16:54.21Vizvait say me only that it find just a ext2
16:54.37fsrwhat found ext2?
16:54.44Vizvamy boot
16:54.55Vizvait was a ext2 before
16:55.02Vizvafrom old system
16:55.27Vizvai think it didnt overwrite
16:55.27fsrdid you change it?
16:55.49Vizvathere was no question about i was think it will do
16:55.59fsrif you selected a separate partition for /boot in the installer, it would have been formatted
16:56.09Vizvayes maybe
16:56.29fsrI know that installer pretty well - I wrote it.
16:56.29Vizvai think i must dd it first
16:56.37fsrdd what?
16:56.43Vizvathe partition
16:57.13Vizvadd it a little bit then it will be empty and created
16:57.28fsroh, ok
16:57.50fsrbut you still won't get zfs if you use the installer the way it is
16:58.03Vizvayes i know
16:58.21Vizvai will install a encrypted system and outsource to zfs encrypted later
16:59.27fsrsounds harder that way
16:59.27fsris there a single command to create a zfs filesystem like there is for ext4?
16:59.44Vizvai try now again and i dd the partition without encryption
16:59.59Vizvaafter i create a luks
17:00.10Vizvai use that mapper and do a zfs on it
17:00.44Vizvaalot of commands only if you want special dataset for each partiion like /var and so far
17:01.37Vizvathe good thing on zfs is for me i have such a defect disk its a ssd
17:01.51Vizvabut with zfs it runs with
17:01.59Vizvafor snapshot
17:03.22*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
17:16.33HumI started byobu in a urxvt and Shift+F2 doesn't make a split, CTRL+F2 works for the other direction does anybody have a hint?
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18:40.29Vizvagrub-install :warning attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels. This isnt supported yet ...
18:41.06*** join/#devuan peetaur (
18:41.55peetaurHi. does LXC work in devuan? I have cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=12k)  mounted, but I get
18:44.18fsrVizva, I don't understand the message. What partition labels do you have, and are they necessary?
18:44.55Vizvai did delete the old partition and create 2 new
18:45.20Vizvaa ext2 256 mb and a ext4 encrypted 39 GB
18:45.54Vizvabefore i did use the hd on usb with the iso squash system
18:46.05Vizvai try now again
18:46.23Vizvaagain error
18:46.41Vizvaso for this installer you need to use a disk very prepared before
18:47.10`3mVizva: Did you try the live-install?
18:47.14fsrdid you dd an isohybrid image to the usb?
18:47.14fsrdd or cat
18:47.18Vizvaor did i something wrong in parted?
18:47.40fsrdid you dd or cat the isohybrid image directly to the usb?
18:47.59fsrwas the error message about partition labels or partition tables?
18:48.12Vizvalike i write
18:48.20Vizvait was like copy it
18:48.52fsrpeetaur, there are a couple of discussions about lxc at
18:48.55fsrok. that's weird, because I've used labels before and didn't have a problem with grub
18:49.16Vizvai will try now again with the fast usb
18:49.29peetaurnext I'll try and then I'll take a look there, thanks
18:51.24fsrVizva, it's not necessary to have the partitions ready before you run the installer. You can run cgdisk inside the installer.
18:51.29fsrsorry, cfdisk
18:52.33fsrI'm not sure if cfdisk will create a new partition table. If not, you would need to run fdisk before running the installer. Just to create a blank partition table.
18:53.01Vizvabut with cfdisk i cannot choose the disk
18:53.12fsrcfdisk /dev/sdX
18:53.13Vizvait will always use /dev/sda
18:53.29Vizvaso start it outside the installer
18:54.01fsrnot sure. I haven't used cfdisk in a long time. I have used cgdisk this week, and it asks which disk to use.
18:54.57blapever see the isis flag?
18:55.34fsrVizva, do you want ext or zfs on this installation?
18:55.44Vizvano zfs
18:56.13fsrmake your partitions before running the installer, but don't create the filesystems
18:56.30Vizvaididnt create anything
18:56.36fsrthen the installer will ask if you want to partition, and you can say No thanks, I already have partitions.
18:56.38peetaurso far pretty bad...this key is in root's gpg keyring and apt's and yet it fails
18:57.02Vizvanow it ask me proceed anyway
18:57.13Vizvabut i did create the ext2 just now
18:57.20Vizvaon sde1
18:57.25fsrwhat is asking you?
18:57.34Vizvathe installer
18:57.34fsryou're running cfdisk or installer now?
18:57.58Vizvai hope he will write on the ext2
18:58.15Vizvabut its the old structure since i did create it new
18:58.27fsryes, when it asks you for a partition for /boot, tell it which one, then it will ask which file system
18:58.29Vizvanad he did say when mounted last time
18:59.26fsroh, if there is already a filesystem on the partition, mke2fs will ask you if you really want to format it.
18:59.54Vizvabut it dont ask this
19:00.06Vizvaits just say it see ext2 - proceed anyway?
19:01.08fsrI hope we're talking about the same thing
19:01.19Vizvai did say y
19:01.21fsrif it's about to format the partition
19:01.29Vizvanow it make swapspace
19:01.38fsryeah, swap file
19:02.01*** join/#devuan Drugo (
19:02.17Vizvait want to make swap space 256 mb
19:02.26Vizvaits a little bit small
19:02.31fsrthat can be changed in the config file
19:02.42fsror you can make a new swap file after install is finished
19:03.04fsrmost computers don't need swap now unless you want to hibernate
19:03.42Vizvayes and now ask me for the user name
19:03.53Vizvaand this was befreo when it not boot up
19:04.01Vizvatherefore i think there was not a error log
19:04.06fsrwhat do you mean?
19:05.40Vizvain the first when it not work
19:05.56Vizvayou remember when i first talk thats not boot
19:06.03fsryes, busybox
19:06.21fsrwhat does that have to do with user name?
19:06.42Vizvait was not say somenhting about error
19:06.52Vizvaagain busybox
19:07.12*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
19:07.24Vizvamodprobe module ehci-orion not found in modules.dep
19:07.32fsryeah, it always says that
19:07.55Vizvaand it say the disk by uuid dont exist
19:07.58fsrthat's not the problem
19:08.19fsryou might be able to boot from grub command line
19:08.21Vizvamaybe its because together with cryptsetup
19:08.47Vizvait didnt ask me for the password
19:08.48fsryou installed cryptsetup, right? Did it rebuild the initramfs then?
19:08.51Vizvayou know
19:09.25Vizvawhere can i see this now?
19:10.04Vizvaits like on the other day when i want to use zfs with luks together
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19:10.35fsrI don't think you can see it now.
19:11.16Vizvai will now use the cd again
19:11.20fsrbut maybe rebuild initrd and run installer again
19:11.20fsrand just to be sure...
19:11.20fsrhang on, need to check something
19:11.25Vizvaand then install abigger system
19:11.40Vizvai have no luck today with this little iso
19:11.43Vizvacan happen
19:11.57fsrCRYPTSETUP=y update-initramfs -u
19:12.05Vizvaand there is too that i have such a usb
19:12.14Vizvanot every os can hadle it
19:12.44Vizvaon the busybox?
19:13.45fsryou don't want to try to boot from grub command line?
19:13.45fsrit's probably just confused about which disk is hd0
19:13.57fsronce you're in, you run update-grub
19:14.02fsrno, from grub boot menu
19:14.17Vizvaok wait
19:14.20fsrpress c to get grub prompt
19:16.59Vizvai did write
19:17.09Vizvaon grub>
19:17.13Vizvanothing hapen
19:17.21fsrwrite what?
19:17.29fsrtry this at grub prompt
19:17.35fsrset root=(hd
19:17.35Vizvawhat you did write for me
19:17.57fsrno, I haven't told you the grub commands yet
19:17.58Vizvaok missunderstanding
19:18.04fsrset root=(hd
19:18.09Vizvaonly this
19:18.28fsrthen press TAB
19:18.28fsrmaybe twice
19:18.47fsrit'll show you what drives you have
19:18.55fsryou probably can't tell which one is which from that
19:18.58fsrso try
19:19.05fsrset root=(hd0
19:19.19Vizvahd0 -4
19:19.28Vizvahd0 hd1 hd2 hd3 hd4
19:20.07fsradd the 0 and TAB to see the partitions on hd0
19:20.23fsrthere should be enough info to figure out which drive it is
19:20.41fsrif it's not the right one, backspace to change hd0 to hd1 and TAB again
19:21.20Vizvanow it comeplete the line always
19:21.42fsrcan you tell which drive it is?
19:22.18Vizvait works only for hd0
19:22.27fsrit should work for all drives
19:23.00Vizvaif i use hd1 it complete the line only to )
19:23.31fsrif it completed the line that I told you to write, then there is only one partition on the drive
19:23.31fsrif there's more than one, it should partially complete and ask you for the rest of the line
19:23.43Vizvaso it should be hd1
19:24.04Vizvabut thats tsarnge because i have more disk inside
19:24.38fsrshow me what the completed line looks like
19:25.10Vizvaon hd1 it add ) only
19:25.17fsrset root=(hd1)
19:25.19fsrlike that?
19:25.34fsrok, try hd2
19:25.49Vizvait show partitions only for the disk where i had the system before
19:26.03Vizvait do nothing there
19:26.20fsrthen try 3 and 4 until you find the disk you want
19:26.52fsrif you changed the partitioning, and it's still showing the old partition layout, then you didn't really change the partitions
19:32.17*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
19:37.58fsrhow goes the battle?
19:39.10Vizvai still wait for you :)
19:39.36Vizvaset root=(hd0,gpt2)
19:40.05fsryou need to partition with cgdisk, not cfdisk for gpt
19:40.11fsris this also uefi?
19:40.21fsrok, good
19:40.51Vizvahow can icheck thats correct?
19:40.57Vizvai think its gpt
19:41.46fsrand you know you can boot this hardware with gpt disks?
19:41.46fsrgpt2 is the /boot partition?
19:42.39Vizvawhere the kernel is
19:42.46fsrset root=(hd0,
19:42.55fsrand it should list the partitions on hd0
19:43.22fsryes, set root to where the kernel is
19:43.22Vizvai did write it wrong
19:43.27Vizvaits msdos
19:44.01Vizvanow i set it
19:44.14fsrdid you find the /boot partition?
19:44.30fsrenter the completed line
19:44.50fsrlinux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sdXn
19:45.03fsrwhere /dev/sdXn is the root partition
19:45.25fsryou can tab-complete vmlinuz
19:45.39fsrif it doesn't complete, it's looking at the wrong partition
19:47.10Vizvasda1 sdb1 nowhere
19:47.30Vizvai think it did nit write into the /boot partition
19:47.45Vizvafor whatever reason
19:47.47fsrlast step in cfdisk is Write
19:47.53fsrand then you have to type "yes"
19:48.11Vizvai did
19:48.20fsror are you saying that /boot is empty?
19:48.42Vizvai cannot see now
19:48.49Vizvabut i think i need to mount it
19:49.01fsrlinux /vm
19:49.14fsrif it does not complete, then vmlinuz is not in the root of that partition
19:49.30Vizvathere is
19:49.34fsrwhich suggests that it may be the wrong partition or the wrong drive
19:50.12Vizvaand vmlinuz*
19:50.19fsrdid you enter the linux line?
19:50.45fsrlinux /vmlinuz ro root=<your root partition>
19:50.46Vizvai did try with sda1 and sdb1 and sdc1
19:50.54fsrinitrd /initrd.img
19:51.30Vizvabut it say always error: file vmlinuz not found
19:52.40Vizvai did create the boot first
19:52.49Vizvaso it should ne n=1
19:53.37fsron the linux line, root=your root partition, not the boot partition
19:54.06Vizvayes i did write like you said
19:54.18Vizvawith sda1 on end and the other
19:54.18fsryou set the boot partition with 'set root=
19:54.35fsrsda1 is boot partition?
19:55.10Vizvai did again
19:55.17fsrwhich partition contains vmlinuz?
19:56.41fsrwhich partition contains /etc, /bin/ and the others?
19:58.00Vizvait must be a bug or what
19:58.29Vizvai can make a picture and send
19:59.55fsrset root=(hd0,msdos1)
20:00.06fsrlinux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sda2
20:00.13fsrinitrd /initd.img
20:00.59Vizvabut on line 2 it say always /vmlinuz not found
20:01.33Vizvai treid with sda2
20:02.55fsrand if you just type 'linux /vm'
20:03.06fsrand TAB, does it complete the word or not?
20:03.29Vizvaand the it shouldnt be file /vm not found
20:03.56Vizvaok mom
20:04.07Vizvayes it do
20:04.17fsrthen it's there
20:04.26fsrit should work
20:05.32Vizvaand i cannot write complete , no?
20:05.40Vizvalike the whole kernel name
20:06.02Vizvaits a bug
20:06.48fsrsorry, I don't understand
20:06.54Vizvame too
20:07.02Vizvai believe you but it dont work
20:07.11fsrif tab-completion is able to complete the word vmlinuz, then vmlinuz is there
20:07.23Vizvait could be one thing
20:07.23fsryou still need to type the rest of the line
20:07.36Vizvai had FreeBSD on this
20:07.43Vizvamaybe there is some waste
20:07.56Vizvaand it confuse the grub
20:08.10Vizvaand many more
20:08.12fsryou might zero the first couple of megabytes of the drive
20:08.32Vizvai did try opensd too maybe
20:08.42fsrthen create new partition table and make new partitions
20:08.43Vizvabecause i had some problems with usb 3.0
20:10.23*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
20:10.50Vizvathank you for try with me
20:11.12fsryou're welcome. Sorry we couldn't solve it now.
20:11.53Vizvayour installer need something like hard-rocking wipe ;)
20:12.54fsrdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/the-right-one bs=512 count=4096 (or more)
20:13.18fsrwipe device, not partition
20:13.25Vizvaand you did some luks before with ,yes?
20:13.45fsrso, just /dev/sda /dev/sdb or whatever, as long as it's the right drive
20:13.58fsrI've done luks before
20:14.09Vizvayes i must care about i have many others
20:15.47fsrI've done many encrypted installs, both with debian-installer and with my installer
20:16.24fsrmaybe I'll try installing on zfs next week
20:16.47fsrI have to leave in a few minutes
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21:18.54blapi have come to visit you in peace
21:18.56blapand with goodwill
21:22.07aitori follow working on the live-sdk
21:24.00aitori have problems removing some .udeb packages, see the blend_black_list() function:
21:24.28aitori added lines like: rm -f $workdir/tmp_repo-$release/pool/DEVUAN/main/c/choose-mirror*
21:24.48aitordirty solution
21:26.03*** join/#devuan Hallodri (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
21:26.15*** join/#devuan Hallodri (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
21:26.42aitorOops! There is a superfluous " !!!
21:26.55*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
21:31.24*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
21:32.38Hallodriaitor you talk about code?
21:33.51aitori'm trying to build gnuinos using the simple distro kit: live-sdk
21:36.08Hallodria os?
21:36.36Hallodrihave something to do with microsoft?
21:37.19Hallodrii did find the wrong pages then first
21:37.29aitorno, no, no, no...
21:38.11Hallodriwhat was sdk java?
21:39.05Hallodrii find a page about a live-cd
21:40.17aitornothing deals with java
21:40.34aitorneither eclipse :)
21:41.14aitorHallodri: yes, that is
21:42.44aitorHallodri: clone the following sources:
21:42.50aitorgit clone
21:43.04aitorinstall the following packages:
21:44.01aitorinstall squashfs-tools from ASCII
21:44.09aitorand run:
21:44.13aitorsudo su
21:44.23aitorzsh -f
21:44.28aitorsource sdk
21:44.44aitorload devuan i386 gnuinos-server
21:45.12aitorthat's all
21:45.57Hallodrii hope to see zfs in the future somewhere with luks
21:46.12Hallodribut there are problems with the licenses
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22:12.51*** join/#devuan Hallodri (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
22:14.36Hallodria devuan iso can simply cop to usb with cp?
22:15.33Hallodriso that this is a working install media for example
22:16.50matlockno, you use dd
22:17.20Hallodriis this a change ?
22:17.33Hallodriin debian it was possible do this with cp
22:26.17greenjeansRefracta2usb <---awesome for doing liveusb's
22:26.53greenjeansRefracta-Installer <--if you want to do a conventional install on a usb
22:27.59matlockHallodri I dug in and I see that now, interesting
22:28.29matlockHallodri I don't know when that feature was introduced to cp and I don't know if it's been backported to jessie
22:29.02matlockthe Refracta team is around if you hang around here long enough
22:29.20Hallodrithe iso for devuan its the same style?
22:30.00Hallodrii search for some error
22:30.13Hallodrii have problems with the minimal iso
22:30.28Hallodriand now with the dvd install 4,7 GB
22:30.42Hallodriit say there are not kernel modules loaded
22:31.28Hallodriall this i did with cp a iso to a usb
22:33.22*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
22:34.10fugitiveYou need to burn the iso
22:34.54Hallodriit work with the other system too
22:37.11fugitivejust.. dd i=img.iso of=/dev/sd[b] bs=1M
22:37.35Hallodriburn to usb ? :)
22:37.59fugitiveif that is your question
22:38.16Hallodriyou did say i need to burn it
22:38.26Hallodrinow you tell me a command to copy it
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22:40.29Hallodrimy question is , whats wrong with my tries to install
22:41.18fugitivethere is big difference in dd && cp my friend.Personally, the only time I've used cp/rsync was when I was copying rootfs to arm based devices, or so.
22:41.36fugitiveThe stick won't be bootable if you just cp the iso on it
22:42.09Hallodriit will thats a new feature
22:42.14Hallodritry google
22:42.34Hallodrior may i search it for you
22:44.09Hallodrimy question is - did the devan isos change, so that the have another strucure as before the debian ones
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23:02.22matlockfugitive there is an obscure option in cp on debian that will burn bootable isos, I just don't know when that feature was introduced and if it was backported to jessie
23:02.37matlockfugitive see
23:03.17matlockHallodri if you're on a platform that supports making bootable isos with cp then it should work with the devuan iso, I can't tell you if it works in devuan jessie
23:03.48Hallodriobscure is a judgement
23:04.11XenguyUsing cp to make a bootable ISO sounds non-traditional, for sure
23:04.46matlockHallodri true, I've been using linux for a long time and this is the first I've heard of it, I've always used dd, but you learn something new every day; certainly the fact it's in the FAQ is evidence of it's novelty
23:04.52Hallodriin my language is obscure more than unknown
23:05.25Hallodrii think its a good feature i did use it well many times
23:06.23fugitivesame here :) thanks for link
23:07.23matlockI have found references to burning bootable isos using cp in debian jessie documentation, so it would presumably work on devuan
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23:07.50Hallodrii dd my usb now well and try again
23:08.29fugitivebut certainly not traditional option..
23:10.12Xenguynotes that blap appears to be spamming channels with isis/alt-right material ...
23:10.36Xenguy.oO( Would be nice to be proven wrong about this )
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23:39.34bozonius2(switched from host to artix desktop now that latter works)
23:40.53bozonius2    (Same errors as when I first reported this problem)
23:41.18bozonius2it is 64 bit and was rebuilt in last 20 mins with latest kernel headers, etc
23:41.26bozonius2pulseaudio is not installed
23:41.42bozonius2the video looks OK, btw
23:42.49bozonius2It is indeed eerie, watching Trump's mouth move with no words coming forth.   I am wondering if I should perhaps leave it this way?
23:43.17bozonius2Maybe we can encourage Kim to use Artix.
23:47.01bozonius2idea:   Roll back to 1.9, like Devuan.  See if THAT works?
23:47.16bozonius2can yaourt do that?
23:58.37*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (

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