IRC log for #devuan on 20170923

00:00.03DocScrutinizer05there's !nosystemd to answer such questions
00:01.27*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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01:06.49*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
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01:29.11*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
01:48.45*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:55.14*** join/#devuan blap (
02:09.37gnarfacechanku: i think xchat went non-free and everyone switched to hexchat
02:09.45gnarfacechanku: (it's mostly the same)
02:10.53chankuit's fine either way just need to figure out how to move my settings and stuff over to hexchat
02:14.10golinuxWhat this about xchat?
02:18.03chankuupgrading to ASCII removed xchat from my system :|
02:18.18chanku(along with a few other things for some reason, but my upgrade to ASCII was screwed up anyway)
02:18.34golinuxWhy exactly?
02:19.00blapspeaking of ascii, I made a new IRC painting - join ##ascii to see it
02:21.34Xenguyhexchat is a better choice than xchat anyway
02:22.44fromportadded firefox nightly build (version 57) from ubuntu ppa to ceres, works great and even faster than chrome!
02:23.19blapsadly the fonts it uses can't do proper unicode block characters on windows hosts
02:24.47blapthat's the last build that can be compiled with alsa?
02:30.27*** join/#devuan xar- (xar-@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe24:4661)
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02:41.26XenguyNot to mention that Chrome is basically Google spyware
02:41.41XenguyWhy so many people use it, I really have no idea
03:12.14*** join/#devuan TheOuterLinux (~TheOuterL@
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03:25.55gnarfaceStockholm Syndrome
03:31.05fromportXenguy: because it is so fast/small mem footprint compared to older firefox. I am pleasantly surprised how efficient the new firefox is. I am switching, still waiting for latest version on android now ;-)
03:33.51*** join/#devuan kelsoo___ (~kelsoo@
03:45.10*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
03:46.20fromportit's nice it imports bookmarks/cookies/passwords etc from chrome
04:03.48*** join/#devuan djph (
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04:36.15*** join/#devuan TheOuterLinux (~TheOuterL@
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05:12.38bozoniusseems like we had this same convo some time back about "why chrome?"  I remember someone saying "stockholm syndrome" and someone saying they are waiting on latest version for android.
05:12.53bozoniusMaybe a couple weeks back or so?   But it seems like deja vu to me.
05:16.20*** join/#devuan blap (
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06:07.57*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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11:43.51buZzhmmm , i installed devuan on a pi3 , but the bundled gcc doesnt seem to be capable of using -mfpu= or -mfloat-abi= ?
11:45.08parazydblame debian
11:45.16parazydbuZz: what are you trying?
11:45.22buZzwhat was amazing to me ; some cpuminer i tested on raspbian , is ~25% faster on aarch64 :O
11:45.40buZzparazyd: trying to get that miner compiled with NEON stuff :)
11:46.06parazydtry upgrading to ascii/gcc6
11:46.45*** join/#devuan datasmurf_ (~datasmurf@unaffiliated/datasmurf)
11:47.03buZzstill, 25% faster O_o this stuff is amazing
11:47.16buZzwith same powerusage even (~600mA under full load)
11:48.01parazyd-mfpu=neon means marvell though, iirc
11:48.21buZz-mtune=cortex-a53 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard <--
11:48.21parazydthat could make rpi out of the question
11:48.25buZzthats what i wanted to do
11:48.38buZzthe -mtune is supported, the others arent
11:48.43buZz(and didnt make it faster)
11:48.54parazydlike, at all in gcc or just fails to compile?
11:49.09buZzgcc said -mfpu isnt supported
11:49.19buZzor unknown option
11:49.27buZzyeah , confusing :P they do work in raspbian
11:49.29buZzbut w/e
11:51.28*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
11:51.36parazydbuZz: is it c or c++ code?
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11:52.04buZz , its a messy mix of both
11:52.34buZzmostly C , according to github, though
11:53.27parazydmaybe export ARCH=arm64
11:53.42parazydif that and/or gcc6 don't help, then try getting a toolchain from linaro
11:54.27buZzwelp, just need ~some fast config, then i'll cement it somewhere in my bedroom, constantly heating the room a tiny bit ^_^
11:58.37parazydthis stuff
12:16.51*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
12:35.38buZzi'm guessing ascii upgrade will keep the same kernel on pi?
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12:36.57buZz*recompiling in ascii*
12:38.13fsmithredI would expect the kernel to stay the same if you don't have the kernel metapackage installed. (but I don't know pi or arm at all)
12:38.33buZz-march=native is now working
12:38.47buZzcrosses fingers for higher speeds :P
12:39.20buZz!!!! ITS FASTER
12:39.42parazydgcc7 could be even better
12:39.48parazydbut that's going to have to wait for a while
12:40.09buZzso; raspbian 32bit = ~4.1khs , jessie 64bit = ~5.0khs , ascii 64bit = ~5.72
12:40.35buZzlets see if i can add neon now
12:42.24buZzgcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpu=neon-vfpv4'
12:46.26*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
12:46.31asbestoyo there
12:46.44buZz does suggest it exists, might the gcc 6.3 be compiled without floating point support or something?
12:46.46asbestodo any of you know what THE HELL is the apt mirror for installing devuan jessie?
12:46.51asbestoI got error during installation
12:47.01asbestomirror does not support the specified release (jessie)
12:47.05buZzasbesto: omg, i was in similar situation recently
12:47.10buZzwe werent able to pinpoint it
12:47.22buZzi ended up just installing from CD1
12:47.29buZzinstead of netinst
12:47.40asbestois there some USB installer that I can use?
12:47.41buZzasbesto: which networkcard is in your system?
12:47.51asbestoI dunno, I'm via ethernet
12:48.02buZzi ended up using ;
12:48.03asbestomasquerading thru cellular phone
12:48.07fsmithreddeb jessie main
12:48.23buZzasbesto: i wonder if you might have this ;
12:48.24buZz03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 0c)
12:48.43asbestoit doesn't work, Buzz
12:48.51buZzasbesto: what doesnt?
12:48.57asbestoI got the same error
12:49.10buZzfrom what
12:49.20asbestofrom the mirror you gave me
12:49.27buZzi gave a link to a .iso
12:49.34asbestooops, not you - fsmithred, sorry :D
12:49.49asbestoso from that .iso can I create an usb bootable key?
12:49.52asbestowill try it
12:49.54buZzasbesto: could you check lspci?
12:50.02asbestodamn, 600 mb to download via cellular phone :(
12:50.04buZzi just wanna know if your ethernet card is the same
12:50.06fsmithredsee if you have the evil controller
12:50.09buZzasbesto: oh
12:50.16buZzyou -can- just use the netinst image
12:50.25buZzand just ignore the failure of mirror, continue installing
12:50.40asbestoyep but after that I have nothing here, just command line
12:50.41buZzyou'll get a very minimal install,  but still able to install stuff from that
12:50.48asbestook, will try that
12:51.11fsmithredif you want a full desktop without network, use DVD, not CD
12:51.27fsmithredwithout mirror, I mean
12:51.28buZzapt install slim xorg fluxbox ; reboot
12:51.38buZz^ full desktop to me ;)
12:51.47fsmithredno xterm?
12:51.53buZzfluxbox will pull it in
12:51.55asbestook, continue without mirror, will see...
12:51.59asbestofluxbox! wow
12:52.10asbestobut we're not back in 1970. I want something useful :D
12:52.11buZzasbesto: you will need to add fsmithred's line once you finish installation
12:52.15asbestomate will fit me :)
12:52.16buZzwe arent?
12:52.21asbestohahahahahaha lol
12:52.25buZzjust supplement what you need ;)
12:52.46buZzone i saved for new installs on which i need to dev
12:52.47buZzapt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libgmp-dev git screen ca-certificates
12:53.05asbestoand also mc, joe, wireshark, kismet ;)
12:53.17asbesto(yes, I'm using joe as editor! hahahaha)
12:53.24buZznot even mcedit? :D
12:53.40asbestoused to Wordstar 3.40 command keys ;)
12:53.49buZz14:52:10 < asbesto> but we're not back in 1970. I want something useful :D
12:53.50asbesto(old guy here)
12:53.52buZzright right
12:54.01asbestohahahahahhaah you got me
12:54.10fsmithredthe other end of that axis is "apt-get install task-mate-desktop"
12:57.19buZzAdvanced SIMD (aka NEON) is mandatory for AArch64, so no command line option is needed to instruct the compiler to use NEON.
12:57.23buZzIf you want to enable auto vectorization optimisations so that the compiler automatically uses NEON instructions, then compile with -O3 or -O2 -ftree-vectorize.
12:57.26buZz\o stackoverflow to teh rescue
13:01.14buZzheh, actually makes it slower to do -ftree-vectorize
13:02.12asbestocan't find that apt mirror btw :(
13:02.25asbesto<fsmithred> deb jessie main
13:02.52fsmithredthat should find the nearest mirror
13:02.59asbesto404 not found
13:03.59fsmithredchecking to see if it works here
13:04.10buZzworks here
13:04.17buZz(in browser)
13:05.01fsmithredapt-get update works here
13:05.16fsmithredbad dns?
13:05.44fsmithredI might be using the same
13:06.57fsmithredI am
13:07.11buZzhmm, -Ofast instead of -O3 is ~0.5% faster :P
13:07.20asbestomy bad!
13:07.26asbestoi wrote jesse instead of jessie
13:08.14asbestosorry :D
13:11.46buZzthou art forgiven
13:12.12*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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13:35.02nailykhi. Am on the official but cannot find netinstall download links for ascii. Can someone point me the right place please?
13:38.49buZznailyk: there arent any yet, as far as i know
13:39.27nailykoh ok.
13:39.38nailykSo only way is to install jessie then upgrade?
13:39.45buZzafaik, yes
13:40.12fsmithredyou could use one of these: (i386 only for now)
13:40.25fsmithreds/one of these/this/
13:41.06buZzhmm, seems upgrading to ascii made wifi disappear on pi3 :)
13:41.20fsmithrednew firmware needed for new kernel?
13:41.33buZzbut its the same kernel .. not sure
13:42.00fsmithreddid the firmware upgrade but not the kernel?
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13:42.25nailykand debian-installer not present here
13:42.53fsmithredright. not yet.
13:43.10nailykok will try the nox one.
13:43.29nailykWill be a small VM for VPN purpose so will probably be fine. Thanks :)
13:43.37fsmithredit's standard system install plus extra utilities
13:44.04fsmithredand a few minor tweaks
13:44.23fsmithredlogin:passwords are root:root and user:user
13:44.45fsmithredinstall by running refractainstaller
13:45.51fsmithredI have to go outside. Will check back here in a bit.
13:47.49nailykmhhh but looks like it is another distro based on devuan
13:50.01buZzah, no , was looking for wrong module ;)
13:50.04buZzthe right one is brcmfmac
13:50.18nailykok no idea how it works, will try with debootstrap
14:01.10buZzwlan0     no wireless extensions.
14:01.12buZzweird :P
14:04.04buZzah, not weird, nmind
14:06.28*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:12.54buZzkinda annoying without wext , which cli wifi tools can i use beside 'iw' ? :D
14:20.16nailykwicd ?
14:24.05*** join/#devuan phleagol (Elite19031@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-isvtxossjvzhaxkh)
14:28.30buZzwicd's nl80211 driver seems to crash the ncurses interface :(
14:28.44buZzwpa_supplicant did work
14:28.58buZzrfkill didnt disable by default though, added it to rc.local
14:33.07nailykmhhh. with the new deboostraped ascii install cannot install packages because of missing libjson & liblognorm packages.
14:33.19nailykIs something going wrong on the install ?
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14:38.49nailykok look slike it is a known issue
14:43.45*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
14:44.09nailykgaves up
14:48.03fromportnailyk: i am running ceres on my desktop and <kockwood> everything has been working so far.
14:48.59nailykcan you paste me your source.list please ?
14:52.17fromport  i added a lot of personal stuff i use ;-)
14:55.21nailykmhh except non-free I had almost the same
15:08.37*** join/#devuan Fervi (
15:09.12infoboti heard es is Para los usuarios devuan de habla hispana que requieren la ayuda, ensamble por favor el canal del #devuan-mx  -- Spanish-speaking devuan users requiring support, please join #devuan-mx
15:10.00fromportwhy not #devuan-es ? ;-)
15:15.11*** join/#devuan W_T (
15:21.07AlexLikeRockyou can go to  we have
15:21.31fromporti speak 4 languages but not spanish, sorry ;-)
15:22.05fromportbecause it is latin based, i recognise a lot of the words though ;-)
15:22.12AlexLikeRockif you habe a friend  spaking  spanish ,   tell about :)
15:22.27AlexLikeRockyeah,  latin  its the BASE
15:22.37AlexLikeRockto maniy languages
15:22.44AlexLikeRockmany *
15:23.22fromporti think everytbody should learn portuguse, if you understand that, spanish/french etc are easy ;-)
15:24.05AlexLikeRockyes,   i got it  at  DUOLINGO
15:24.22AlexLikeRockand  GERMANY
15:35.42buZzwonder if a pi2 would see similar speed advantages from devuan ascii
15:35.46buZzhm :)
15:38.49*** join/#devuan g4570n (
15:41.54buZz4.55 on raspbian as reference (actually faster than the pi3 with raspbian O_o)
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15:59.36msiismfsmithred: in those refracta scripts you showed me two days ago, where you let it search for text editors, what is the command you use for opening a new instance of medit again?
16:11.15*** join/#devuan kelsoo_ (~kelsoo@
16:15.53msiismfsmithred: ok, don't mind, it's alright. i suspected, you were using "medit -i", but it's gotta be "medit -n", which is being used.
16:18.42golinuxmsiism: You don't have a nash history?
16:18.53golinuxoops bash
16:19.15msiismi do
16:19.27msiismbut i din't enter the command
16:19.55msiismi just wanted to make sure, it is correct in the script, which it is.
16:20.15msiism(couldn't find the script at first)
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16:36.33*** join/#devuan user42 (577af8e9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:42.45user42Hi, i've tried to installed devuan on a HP 250 G5 from a dvd-iso image burned on a dvd. Everything goes fine until the grub installation, there comes: " Unable to configure GRUB Executing 'update-grub' failed. This is a fatal error. " Does somebody know whats the problem?
16:47.50telst4rthat error tells only something going wrong with grub. Try switching to a different terminal (alt+ctrl+F1...8) and look for more specific error. I think devuan-installer dumps messages to one of those terminals. also take a look on dmesg
16:48.55fromportis htat HP 250 G5 a (u)efi machine ?
16:50.16user42going to try that. Im not sure win10 and efi partitions where there, but i deleted them and switched to legacy mode in the bios. I dont know mich about uefi
16:53.22golinuxfsmithred sends folks to:
16:53.50telst4ryea I think (u)efi is where something went wrong. how ever it's probably possible to still fix it in the devuan installer by redoing boot loader setup again
16:55.59*** join/#devuan Mr_Pan (~Mr_Pan@unaffiliated/mr-pan/x-4457432)
16:56.58user42ok, does that mean i need a efi partition? i just have a boot and encrypted home & swap partition
16:59.45telst4rdon't know
17:06.32fromportyou can choose either: or you could use efi, or not. but in case of non-efi usage, you need to wipe the beginning of the HD with zero's before the install to hide the previous efi setup
17:09.37*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:09.43*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
17:09.58nailykIs there a known problem with ipv6 speed ?
17:10.18AlexLikeRockwelll, its  time  to migrate  my server  with MYSQL
17:10.50AlexLikeRocknial  all wolrd have internet problems  now , bye  weather :-/
17:15.33fromportnailyk: that that I know of. Just checked on my ceres desktop, connected to TWC cable modem with ipv6 enabled:
17:16.01nailykreally weird
17:16.23nailykindeed while I was directly connected I had no problem
17:17.08nailykthe log file on paste.debian is download ipv4/ipv6 from an OVH box, then doing the same with tsocks ipv4 connected to that same box
17:17.24*** join/#devuan glk70 (~kvirc@
17:17.34fromportmy speed is reduced when I do the same command you used: 2017-09-23 10:16:53 (13.1 MB/s) - ‘/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
17:17.54nailykreally interresting. So could be a wget issue?
17:18.39glk70Hi folks. I need some help on debian working as router in a simple lan. I have 4 router (192.168.25[1-4].254), and a debian box with 4 virtual interfaces (192.168.25[1-4].1)
17:19.06glk70its ETH0 has address
17:19.11fromportnailyk: i think the server where you get it from is congested ;-)
17:19.56glk70I want clients from net be able to use the four routers as gateway. but from clients I can ping, but NOT
17:20.07glk70can somebody please help me ?
17:20.28fromportglk70: this is not the right channel for that to be honest
17:20.33nailykfromport: don't think so. But multiples proplems indeed. Downloading with firefox through the proxy (OVH box give a download speed at 6MB too)
17:21.31blinkdogglk70: I would help, but already I'm out of my depth just trying to understand your problem description
17:21.44glk70fromport: sorry. which one would be ?
17:22.02nailykglk70: is on the router ?
17:22.12glk70hmm I'l try to make myself understod
17:22.16fromportglk70: instead of running standard debian, i think it would be more convenient to setup a router os like on that machine. Also based on debian, but it's main purpose is router functionality. has it's own irc channel: #vyos
17:22.42AlexLikeRockits ....
17:22.50glk70I need debian for other purposes .
17:23.03fromporthe basically can pint the router gw ip (which is translated) but he has no routing to the rest of the subnet. standard linux routing issue ;-)
17:23.20glk70172.16.15.23 --> ping -->
17:23.31fromportglk70: like i said, it is based on debian, so you can add/install debian packages on top of the standard vyos
17:23.43glk70172.16.15.23 --> ping --> (first virtual interface)
17:23.49glk70ping ok
17:24.03glk70172.16.15.23 --> ping --> (second virtual interface)
17:24.06glk70ping ok
17:24.31glk70172.16.15.23 --> ping --> (router on 192.168.254.x/24) NO PING
17:24.43glk70like debian IS NOT ROUTING packets
17:24.50glk70but I cannot figure out WHY
17:24.56glk70and yes forwarding is OK
17:24.59fromportglk70: in short, you are missing the route to the whole 192.168.254.x/24.
17:25.34glk70and is configured as virtual interface
17:25.42fromporteven though you think you are pinging 254.1 you aren't. you are pinging the linux network stack and all the gateways on the linux box are "one"
17:26.00fromportbut again: this is not a debian routing channel
17:26.16glk70fromport: ok
17:26.22fromportthis is for a debian alternative : devuan
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17:26.29glk70ahh sorry
17:27.19fromportglk70: look here for more hints:
17:28.19fromportip route add via dev [whateverinterface]
17:28.24fromportshould work
17:28.26glk70oh thanks
17:28.31glk70I have ALLL ROUTES set up...
17:28.49fromportno you haven't otherwise it would work
17:29.04glk70ip route show :
17:29.29glk70192.168.254.0/24 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link wrc
17:29.43glk70and others as I have 4 virtual interfaces
17:34.45nailykglk70: there is a (known) issue where the 'loopack' cannot be achieved on phys interfaces
17:35.20nailyketh1 is set to and you ping from a computer connected on eth2 it will fail
17:35.26glk70I have loopbak, in ipv4 and ipv6
17:35.51glk70and rather strange it is making traffic too
17:37.07*** join/#devuan user42 (577af8e9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:37.25nailykThere is another (known) issue where (even with forward disabled) paquets can be forwarded anyway between interfaces:
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17:37.51nailyk(forwarding disabled!) 1. eth2 are in subnet
17:38.39nailyk2. eth1 are into
17:39.00glk70yes but I have forward enabled :) !
17:39.11glk70and all interfaces are virtual, and on the same ETH0
17:39.18nailykoh virtual
17:39.22nailyksorry, didn't test with virtual
17:39.32glk70stranger.... nslookup can resolve
17:39.40glk70but BIND9 doesn't
17:39.49glk70so ping fails
17:48.47nailykfor the ipv6 speed problem looks like ubuntu is acting the same. Wget is slow, firefox is ok, trough the same proxy obviously
17:48.56nailykin v4 both are ok
17:49.44nailyk(kernel 4.4 on ubuntu)
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18:51.33NonTeLoDicoif anybody mind.... I've solved the multigateway routing problems, just solving how to route packets from eth0 to the default gateway eth0:1 eth0:2, etc
18:55.07glk70changed to the defalt nic
18:55.10glk70if anybody mind.... I've solved the multigateway routing problems, just solving how to route packets from eth0 to the default gateway eth0:1 eth0:2, etc
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19:06.16user42i've tried to installed devuan on a HP 250 G5 from a dvd-iso image burned on a dvd. Everything goes fine until the grub installation, there comes: " Unable to configure GRUB Executing 'update-grub' failed. This is a fatal error. "   strg+alt+f4 says: "grub-installer: error: Running 'update-grub' failed. From dmesg i cant find something relevant (sh
19:06.16user42ould i grep somthing specific?). Tried with Lefgacy support on and off in bios. Everytime the same problem. My partitioning sheme is: 1GB efi; 1GB boot: rest for encrypted volume with logical volmue group;  30GB Logical Volume for root; 20 GB LV for swap rest for home. I would like to get it to work without (u)efi.
19:10.06golinuxYou should talk to fsmithred but doesn't seem that he's around today.
19:10.13fsmithredyes, I'm back
19:10.32fsmithredeating lunch and catching up on irc
19:11.00golinuxGood timing
19:11.14fsmithred20gb swap? why?
19:12.52fsmithredwell, that's weird
19:14.05*** join/#devuan user42 (577bb00d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
19:15.18golinuxHe's baaack
19:17.23fsmithredhp laptop with uefi might be tricky
19:17.42fsmithredI know on some of them, you have to name your bootloader Micrososft-something...
19:18.23fsmithredare you here?
19:19.17fsmithreduefi on hp probook:
19:20.10fsmithredwhat boots right now? just dvd?
19:20.53user42yes i deleted all previous windows 10 and efi partitions
19:21.36user42when i skip bootloader installation a "mini grubshell boots"
19:21.58user42i dont recall the name exactly
19:22.38aggrorauser42: Not sure how far you get but might be an option
19:23.49*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (
19:24.02aggroraI have only used it when grub was working and then failed, but it has some cool tools
19:24.40fsmithredyou can reinstall grub from the installation media
19:25.09fsmithredgo to advanced and...  I don't remember what it says, but you can figure it out. Reinstall grub bootloader, or something like that.
19:25.11*** part/#devuan dnull (
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19:26.00glk70Hi folks. solved. server with single nick performing as gateway from local NETWORKS with multirouting (actually in testing 2 router , 40 + 40 mbits)
19:26.29glk70thanks for letting me in
19:26.34glk70have a nice weekend
19:26.49user42thak you for your answers. i'll try the rescue mode then the forum post. cant burn a dvd right now
19:27.07user42at the forum post it says: An EFI System Partition must be present if GPT is used.
19:27.19user42before installation?
19:27.31fsmithredthat can vary from one machine to another
19:27.50fsmithredno, the installer should make the efi partition if it doesn't exist
19:28.00fsmithredand btw, 1gb is waaaaay more than you need
19:28.04Wonkathe EFI System Partition is needed to install GRUB into
19:28.13Wonkaat least efigrub
19:28.25fsmithredyeah, but it doesn't need to be there before you run the installer
19:29.31user42ok so i got an efi partition and am going to skip the bootloader installation because of the error and the try installing it from rescue mode
19:29.45fsmithredI've been using 200mb for efi
19:30.07fsmithredit is gpt partition table?
19:30.27fsmithredefi partition is fat32 with boot and esp flags?
19:32.07fsmithredfdisk -l should recognize it as EFI System Partition
19:33.46user42fdisk says Disklabel type: gpt
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19:34.31fsmithreddoes it say EFI System for the efi partition?
19:34.46user42dev\sda1 is Type EFI System
19:44.18fsmithredback. anything new happen?
19:45.29user42i would skip boot loader installation and try rescue mode now
19:49.27user42i finished installtion now and let it boot from my ssd. it says: GNE GRB version 2.02~beta.... Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. ....
19:49.40user42GNU GRUB*
19:50.45fsmithredok, so you have a grub prompt?
19:51.06fsmithredyou're just missing a boot menu
19:51.23fsmithredwhat partition is the /boot?
19:51.58fsmithredand which one is /?
19:52.08user42i gave it its own partition
19:52.13fsmithredand oh yeah, lvm complicates it a bit
19:52.30fsmithredyou know your way around grub command line to boot it?
19:52.44user42no :s
19:52.51fsmithredhang on
19:53.07fsmithredis the root partition part of the lvm?
19:53.29fsmithredok, which partition is the root?
19:53.52user42encrypted partition with LVG
19:54.12fsmithredok, hang on
19:55.35*** join/#devuan blitzed (
19:56.09fsmithredhow many drives?
19:56.13user42ls prits: (hd0) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1) (cd0)
19:56.26user42so 1 ssd and 1 cd
19:56.27fsmithredwhich of those is /boot?
19:56.39fsmithredwhere's hd1 in that?
19:56.47user42good question
19:56.54fsmithredcan you tell by the number of partitions which disk that is?
19:57.32fsmithredwhere did you put /boot and where did you put efi partition?
19:57.44fsmithredshoule be /dev/sd something
19:57.51user42i guess: hd0 is the ssd with 3 partitions: boot , efi and the encrypted one
19:58.13fsmithredbig spinning disk for /home?
19:58.38fsmithredset root=(hd0,gpt1)
19:58.44fsmithredif /boot is on the first partition
20:01.14*** join/#devuan user42 (58825556@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:01.59user42ty, i dont know where to get dev paths
20:02.06fsmithreduser42, first command on grub line:
20:02.18*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
20:02.22fsmithredwho partitioned your disk and installed the system?
20:02.46fsmithreddon't worry, do this...
20:02.53*** join/#devuan chanku (~chanku@2601:704:2:2415:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
20:02.58fsmithredset root=(hd0,gpt
20:03.02fsmithredand then TAB
20:03.11fsmithred(maybe twice)
20:03.23fsmithredand it should print a list of the partitions with information about them
20:05.32user42Parition hd0,gpt1: Filesystem fat, UUID 1F... - Partition stapn at 1024....
20:05.42fsmithredoh, cool
20:06.12fsmithredis the second one /boot?
20:06.21fsmithredis the second one ext?
20:06.34fsmithredand the third one is probably unknown filesystem
20:06.43fsmithredyes? no?
20:08.13fsmithredgod, I hope he's not rebooting every time I give him a new command.
20:09.16*** join/#devuan user42 (58825adb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:10.09fsmithredwhere is /boot?
20:10.32fsmithredset root=(hd0,gpt?)
20:10.50fsmithredok, then gpt2 in that command
20:11.29fsmithredlinux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/mapper/<vg_name-lv_name>
20:11.57fsmithredwhere vg_name is the volume group name and lv_name is the logical volume that has the root filesystem
20:12.20*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc09:f100:b0bf:371c:4dd8:59d3)
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20:19.20user42sorry my internet keeps crashing, did i miss something
20:19.48blinkdogWhat was the last thing you got?
20:20.17user42set root=(hd0,gpt2)
20:20.19user42done that
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20:23.27blinkdog<fsmithred> ok, then gpt2 in that command
20:23.27blinkdog<fsmithred> linux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/mapper/<vg_name-lv_name>
20:23.27blinkdog<fsmithred> where vg_name is the volume group name and lv_name is the logical volume that has the root filesystem
20:23.36blinkdogThat's the part after
20:25.08*** join/#devuan santamarta (~Juanjo@unaffiliated/santamarta)
20:25.41fsmithredenter that
20:25.47fsmithredand then second command:
20:25.50fsmithred<fsmithred> linux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/mapper/<vg_name-lv_name>
20:25.50fsmithred<fsmithred> where vg_name is the volume group name and lv_name is the logical volume that has the root filesystem
20:26.15fsmithredand it's on one line
20:26.26fsmithredthird command:
20:26.31fsmithredinitrd /initrd.img
20:26.35fsmithredfourth command:
20:29.38user42ok, thanks. i pressed tab after /vmlinuz and /initrd. output: errer: no suitable video mode found. Booting in blindmode. _
20:32.32msiismblinkdog: thanks for doing some work on the fod wiki. but one thing: could you try to place new pages withing the right namespaces?
20:32.51fsmithredok, I get blindmode sometimes
20:33.11blinkdogmsiism: Sure. What namespace should I use for these devuan-dev meeting notes?
20:33.48msiismblinkdog: well, that i don't really know. probably also the community wiki namespace
20:35.10msiismblinkdog: i just saw that you've put up an ASCII roadmap on the communiyt wiki page but in the global namespace.
20:35.15golinuxYes, I was thinking that was the right space
20:35.48blinkdogIs  community_doc:  where you're thinking?
20:36.04golinuxThat is going to be revised very soon and should probably be umped in with the meet notes stuff
20:36.16msiismthat namespace will probably have to be renamed to simply "community" in the future.
20:36.41blinkdogshould I move the pages to community: or community_doc: ?
20:36.43golinuxI don't see why
20:37.13golinuxkeep the current structure for the moment, I think
20:37.24fsmithreduser42, did it finish booting?
20:37.26msiismblinkdog: well community_doc, wince the other one doesn't exist yet.
20:37.39user42nope  still same screen
20:37.57msiismgolinux: because it's not just about documentation, but also about artwork, for example.
20:38.40fsmithredor maybe ctrl-alt-F7
20:38.59user42still same screen
20:39.10fsmithredain't workin
20:39.17msiismblinkdog: or, maybe wait.
20:39.33msiismblinkdog: the problem is that at the moment, dokuwiki doesn't actually have a move function.
20:39.52golinuxMaybe that will be coming shortly?
20:40.18blinkdogyeah, I was just seeing there is a pagemove plugin, but it hasn't been updated in awhile
20:40.30msiismgolinux: well, it's sort of there. but there's a privileges problem.
20:40.31fsmithreduser42, you might need to boot from a live-cd to repair it the way edbarx desribed
20:40.37fsmithredin the forum howto
20:40.49golinuxAnother blocker.  :(
20:41.07golinuxBut different 'management'.
20:41.18blinkdoggolinux: No worries. We can edit the pages in the playground: namespace
20:41.52blinkdogOnce they're ready, we can move them to the community_doc: space, either with the plugin, or copying manually if need be
20:42.08msiismblinkdog: for simple pages with no links to other ones, you can also just recereate them in the right namespace, but it will kill al revision history, which might not be acceptable.
20:42.12golinuxManual is a lot of work
20:42.39golinuxThe pages are not yet populated except for that one
20:42.54blinkdogYeah, I was going to say, we're just getting started, so we can probably afford to lose the history :-)
20:43.07golinuxI second that.
20:43.26user42fsmithred:  ok. could a clea windows 10 installation help(i have to install it to burn a disk) with the efi problem?
20:43.52msiismblinkdog: "deleteing" the old page is then simply done by opening it for editing and erasing all content.
20:44.02fsmithredif you have to do it anyway, take a look at what it puts on the efi partition
20:44.39user42gonna do that. trying dual boot than, though i dont like win10
20:46.04blinkdogmsiism: Okay. I'll start cleaning up the ones we've got
20:46.59user42okay thanks for your help. gn8
20:46.59fsmithredshrink it down so it doesn't take up much space
20:47.22user42gonna do that
20:47.30fsmithredthere's a way to add a linux boot option in windows using some command like bcgedit
20:47.37fsmithredor close to that
20:48.13msiismblinkdog: nice
20:48.37*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
20:50.09golinuxIt's not devuan-dev MINUTES!
20:50.28golinuxIt should be meet notes
20:51.20msiismi was wondering about that
20:51.26golinuxblinkdog: ^^^
20:57.57fsmithredtime for a break. bbl.
21:04.41blinkdogThere we go; a place for everything and everything in its place
21:06.13msiismblinkdog: and will you link to these pages on ?
21:09.27blinkdogmsiism: Just added/updated the links on the community doc root
21:12.57msiismeven cooler: i just realized, i've already got admin privileges.
21:13.44golinuxSome good news for a change.
21:14.55msiismgolinux: right. i will just need a few days to carefully re-read the admin docs for sokuwiki and then we can go about the restructuring.
21:15.43golinuxNice to have things moving again
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22:41.21gnu_srs1Hi, a maybe not-so-easy question: Current version of Xorg seems to have a memory leak, usage is now more than 20%.
22:41.21gnu_srs1Is it possible to find out where/reset it without logging out/something else?
22:56.59*** join/#devuan blitzed (
23:35.28fsmithredgnu_srs1, maybe lsof
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