IRC log for #devuan on 20170921

00:01.32*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:02.39Xenguy"20:01 -!- Home page for #devuan:"
00:02.59Xenguy^^ Any chance we could modify that to https ?
00:05.13DocScrutinizer05where is that?
00:05.28DocScrutinizer05though I don't see the issue, it will forward anyway, no?
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00:09.09DocScrutinizer05sorry, [2017-09-21 Thu 02:08:43] [Notice] -ChanServ- You are not authorized to perform this command.
00:09.30DocScrutinizer05missing some flags on ACL
00:09.43DocScrutinizer05jaromil: ^^^
00:11.04DocScrutinizer05jaromil: might want to add +s to my access list
00:11.36DocScrutinizer05maybe +sf
00:15.37DocScrutinizer05[Notice] -ChanServ-     /msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo +sf
00:39.14*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:44.49XenguyDocScrutinizer05: back...
00:45.01XenguyYou're right it does re-direct to https
00:45.21XenguyStill, might be nice to make it explicit?
00:45.26XenguyThanks for your replies
00:46.04DocScrutinizer05sorry I can't change it right now. Need a change in chan ACL to do so
00:46.55Xenguynp, just thought it worth mentioning
00:47.01DocScrutinizer05thanks :-)
00:47.08Xenguymy pleasure
00:53.38*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@
01:17.35bozoniusI think the Jessie version of openoffice is kinda... like... sorta... buggy?
01:18.04bozoniusI note some troubling behavior and might like to upgrade just libreoffice
01:18.16bozonius(I didn't mean openoffice, sorry)
01:18.42bozoniusis that possible short of upgrading the whole system (libraries, etc)
01:19.18bozoniusthanks, how can I do that?
01:20.03debdogassuming you're on 64bit
01:20.13bozoniusuh... think so.
01:20.19debdoguname -a
01:20.28bozoniusyes, I am
01:21.40debdogthere's a /de/ in that link
01:22.06*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
01:22.24debdogbozonius: ^
01:23.27bozoniusthat would have given me a chance to practice my German that I've been learning on Duolingo, but I guess I'm really too busy for that atm
01:23.35bozoniusappreciate the warning!
01:24.28bozonius(it could have been quite interesting, though...)
01:25.23debdoghow to install:
01:27.16*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:27.33debdogIIRC it installs into /opt
01:28.14debdogdepending on your DE/WM you might have to edit your menu entries or .desktop files
01:30.51*** join/#devuan Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
01:32.48bozoniuslooks like I need to remove the distro version?  It won't install because of some dependency issue
01:33.36debdoghmm, can't check right now, not on my work PC
01:33.59debdogexact output?
01:34.06bozoniusThis package is uninstallable Dependency is not satisfiable: libobasis5.4-core (>=
01:35.55bozoniusI had tried to use gdebi (why?)  Should I try using the regular dpkg ?
01:36.41debdogIIRC it worked for me with dpkg a couple of weeks ago
01:36.53bozoniusok, will do it that way then.
01:37.44bozoniusdebdog:  did you remove the distro version first?
01:37.56debdognot sure
01:38.16bozoniusI'm guessing it would be a good idea to remove it, though.
01:38.51debdogbut that's prolly one reason it installs into /opt. to not interf...., with the dist one
01:39.31debdogfetching the package right now
01:40.10bozoniusuh, out of disk space... in the middle of install
01:40.30bozonius(working on space issue now, but please advise on whether and how to back out, etc)
01:41.12debdogaptitute autoclean
01:41.18debdogor apt-get
01:41.38debdogor apt-get autoclean
01:41.53debdogfrees some disk space
01:43.04bozoniusthe /opt problem is resolved, but I am concerned about the install
01:43.18bozoniusdo I need to back out the partial broken install?
01:43.33bozoniusI mean, reverse it?
01:43.43bozoniusthen start over again, or just continue
01:44.12debdoghmm, if in doubt do rm -Rf /opt/libreoffice5.4/
01:44.19debdoginstall worked fine here
01:44.35bozoniusyes, it was proceeding w/o problems other than disk space on /opt
01:45.06bozoniusbut if I remove the files, will the package database need some kind of reset or update?
01:45.33bozonius(I have done that with rpm, but not with deb)
01:46.07debdogI don't think so, if you run the dpkg -i command again
01:46.47*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
01:50.47*** join/#devuan shwsh (~shwsh@
01:51.17Xenguyncdu is great for disk space sleuthing
01:53.05debdoguh, nice tool
01:53.26XenguyI love the ncurses stuff
01:54.17*** join/#devuan shwsh (~shwsh@
01:54.54debdoghad to look up sleuthing, though :P
01:55.14*** join/#devuan unixman_home_ (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
01:55.51XenguyOne more word in the vocab, right
01:56.20debdoghehe, right
01:56.54*** join/#devuan sb35 (
01:57.46bozoniusdpkg told me that it was /opt out of space
01:57.55bozoniusso no real sleuthing needed this time...
01:58.03bozoniusbut I will keep ncdu in mind, thanks
01:58.33bozoniushow can I remove all packages xyz-* ?
01:58.39bozoniusfrom command line
01:59.25*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:59.36debdoggood question
01:59.40gnarfacei dunno if it supports wildcards for removal
01:59.56gnarfacebut if you remove the ones the others all depend on, you can just call autoremove as a second step
02:00.17bozoniuswildcards gives an error
02:00.34bozoniusthanks gnarface
02:00.43bozonius(good idea)
02:00.44gnarfacealso you can just specify multiple packages on one command-line
02:01.04bozoniusyeah, there's tons.  I could filter it and pass the output in, but...
02:01.32bozoniusI was hoping for a slightly more elegant way like 'dpkg -r 'xyz-*' '
02:02.45gnarfacethere's probably some way, but there's probably also a good reason why all of us have managed to get by without it
02:04.42debdogfor tasks like this I just use aptitude's ncurses interface
02:09.13gnarfacedoes it the hard way
02:09.24*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:8cd5:806f:345:3241)
02:09.39debdoghehe, no pain, no gain
02:09.54debdoganywho, need to catch some sleep, nn
02:11.10bozoniusthanks again debdog.   It's looking good.  Menus updated correctly, so no issues there.  Just have to recreate some desktop icons which is just drag and drop on xfce
02:11.17bozoniusdinner time...
02:12.00bozoniusthanks gnarface  and Xenguy (to whom I might say "mir geht's gut"
02:13.08*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
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02:36.43*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:8cd5:806f:345:3241)
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03:04.44Xenguyno hablos telephonos = )
03:08.16Xenguyhehe, just kidding around
03:14.30webprojectxthat's chill
03:14.44webprojectxwhat's new with devuan translation project?
03:14.50webprojectxall joking aside?
03:15.10webprojectxThere is already an inordinate amount of racism, suttle and otherwise overt in the field of IT...
03:15.11golinuxNot a thing is happening with translation
03:15.16webprojectxcool beans
03:15.20webprojectxoh I c
03:15.44webprojectxI see Refracta respin has an Italian boot up option. pretty UI/ UX friendly for italians. lol
03:15.53webprojectxgood to see some respins out there.
03:16.36golinuxI thought you were talking about the website
03:21.39webprojectxWeb site is good. too bad the discourse app was frozen. what was the backstory on that?
03:21.41webprojectxspam as usual?
03:24.16*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
03:47.55*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
04:07.14bozoniusI do not speak telephones?
04:09.39bozoniusoh.  Or it could be portuguese, which I don't know at all
04:10.45furrywolfI believe it was a joke, something you apparently also do not know.  :)
04:19.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer06 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:23.08webprojectx: ) jokes are harmless
04:25.16*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
04:31.56golinuxJokes are often stupid and harmful.
04:32.17golinuxBut that discussion has no place on this channel
04:33.17furrywolfcurls up on golinux's feet for bedtime
04:53.26*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@
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05:41.08verblendetDocScrutinizer05, wooohooo alte socke :) ich glaub ich les nich richtig :))
05:53.08*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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07:55.49bozoniusis there a way to get scribus 1.4.6 on devuan 1.0?  It seems to be available in the next version (stretch?) so I am wondering if it would work on jessie
07:56.04bozonius1.4.4 is rather buggy
07:56.26bozoniusI mean it does work, but I've had it crash on me, and some of the features don't appear to work right
07:59.21*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
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10:07.06DocScrutinizer05verhehe hi!
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10:37.00blapmade a new irc pic :)
10:41.52Guest2923blap, :)
10:42.07MinceRso much love for authoritarianism nowadays
10:42.46blapoh i left off any text so people can bring their own associations
10:45.07blapunicode doesn't make it easy, 16 colors, only 2 colors in a 2x2 block at a time
10:45.10blapso if you want to shift a feature left one pixel, soryry you can't do that
10:45.24blapunless you redraw it to match the new possible color combinations
10:45.40blapwhich you can rarely do perfectly
10:45.48blapso it's like a puzzle
10:46.52MinceRwhy not just be lazy and use libcaca?
10:47.04Guest2923"who never been in the army, does not laugh in the circus" - folk wisdom
10:48.39blapbecause libcaca can't do it, afaik
10:49.19blapalso you can't just shrink an image to 77x25 pixels and get a good result in 16 colors
10:50.06blapthe automatic dithering doesn't do the trick. destroys too much information at that scale
10:50.08OmegaPhilThat is awesome art
10:54.12*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
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12:37.31icMinceR: what?
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13:44.33golinuxblap: Please keep political stuff off of this channel.  You can put that over on #debianfork.  Thanks.
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14:46.03buZzMinceR: yeah, libcaca doesnt do wtf-8 output, afaik
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15:07.08blapa new one is coming in a few minutes on ##ascii
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17:44.15sdllTeam, could you please tell me what setup you would recommend for Haskell development on Devuan? It seems that haskell-stack is only available since ceres. Should I upgrade?
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18:59.52fsmithredsdll, I don't know anything about Haskell, but I can tell you that ceres is not really ready. You might try an ascii/ceres mix, but even that will be a problem soon, since ascii is tracking stretch, which is now stable.
18:59.53*** join/#devuan b0stik (
19:07.20aggroraHi. If I were to install a manually downloaded .deb-package with "dpkg -i xx.deb". Is it up to me to find out if it may have dependecies on systemd, or would amprolla magically help me out? I'm using devuan jessie.
19:10.05*** join/#devuan aggrora (
19:10.14si\ver_Didn't even give me enough time to read a single stackoverflow answer for ya......
19:10.32si\ver_try dpkg -I for information about the package.
19:10.41aggroraHi, sorry I could not see if my message was sent.
19:11.34aggroraOk, will do that.
19:13.20fsmithredaggrora, from where are you downloading the package?
19:13.41fsmithredif you pull it from debian repo, you should check the deps (and versions) first
19:14.20fsmithredif you have devuan installed with devuan in sources.list, then apt-get download or aptitude download won't give you anything that's blocked/forbidden
19:15.14fsmithredyou're running jessie?
19:15.25aggroraApperntly it was not included in debian jessie and I would like to try it out
19:15.54fsmithred0.5.11-ds1-2~bpo8+1 0
19:17.07fsmithredis there a line for backports in sources.list or sources.list.d/devuan.list?
19:17.22fsmithredmine have been edited so many times I don't remember what the default it
19:17.35fsmithredif it's there, uncomment it, if not, add...
19:17.36fsmithreddeb jessie-backports main
19:17.43aggroraooh I see. I go check.
19:17.52fsmithredthen apt-get update && apt-get -t jessie-backports install midori
19:18.09fsmithredthen just to be safe, comment it out again
19:19.12fsmithredshouldn't really need to do that, but I'm paranoid. Of course, you need to uncomment it again to check for any updates to midori.
19:20.16DocScrutinizer05or yiu write a script to do that annoying conneting job for you ;-)
19:21.34fsmithredactually, that's a really good suggestion for me, doc. I got about a dozen lines that I have to comment out before I install anything.
19:24.50fsmithredI think mine needs to be a lot simpler than that
19:26.15aggroraDo I need to ad deb-src entry aswell, as it exists for the others? I got: W: Failed to fetch http...binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found.
19:26.17fsmithredmv sources.list sources.list.bak
19:26.29fsmithredmv sources.list.daredevil sources.list
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19:27.26fsmithredaggrora, no, that's only if you want to get the source code to make your own packages
19:27.26DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: yet simpler??? :-O  I thought that wasn't possible ;-P
19:28.17fsmithredaggrora, what's not being found?
19:29.21DocScrutinizer05aggrora: W are warnings, safe to ignore them
19:30.06aggroraThe package, but it was just a typo, I used "jessie-backports/main main" in sources.list
19:30.17fsmithredah, ok
19:30.18aggroranow it's installing
19:30.27aggrorathanks :)
19:30.30fsmithredlet me know if the faces on youtube are blue
19:31.30DocScrutinizer05is that _srill_ an issue in anything video?
19:31.56DocScrutinizer05you'd think they eventually should get it right
19:32.04fsmithredI'm trying it now
19:32.11fsmithredoh, error. try again later.
19:32.51*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
19:33.09aggroraBut my question still kind of remains.. If I were to install a package that do not exists in a repository, some legacy or whatever. Would i miss out on devuans systemd protection since it is not from
19:33.48fsmithredit won't install correctly
19:34.08fsmithredand you will get an error message saying that there's a dependency problem
19:34.12DocScrutinizer05no, the package might have dependedvies to systemd but there's no way you get systemd by accident unless you got repos that hold it. Tather your package will blow chunks on dpkg -i
19:34.33fsmithrednormally, 'apt-get -f install' will correct it, but not if the correction requires systemd.
19:36.25DocScrutinizer05anyway downloading a *.dpkg and installing it with dpkg -i is absolutely safe
19:36.47aggroraalright I see
19:37.15DocScrutinizer05when you however have debian deb lines in sources-list you're on a sure path to doom
19:38.05aggrorai guess ye?
19:38.27DocScrutinizer05I *think* apt.get still will warn you like "this will install crap shit systemd doom and 42 others YES/NO?"
19:39.16aggrorathen I feel safe!
19:39.38fsmithredyeah, read the package list that it's going to install and maybe use -s/--simulate first
19:41.42fsmithredI can't get any video to play in midori now. Tried youtube and vimeo.
19:42.45aggroraSame here, though I wont really use it for that
19:44.07fsmithredI've been browser-hopping lately, and I haven't found one I like
19:44.43fsmithredcame across and old firefox-3.x archive that I was tempted to try.
19:44.54Lydia_Kfirefox-0.9.5 <- the best release.
19:44.59aggroramidori does not feel as quick as people describe it to be, my firefox is way faster
19:45.12fsmithredfirefox is fast???
19:45.22fsmithredmine takes damn near half a minute just to start
19:45.33aggrorawell, faster than midori here :)
19:45.35fsmithredand that's just in the past couple of months
19:47.48aggroraIn 5-10 seconds here. 2 extensions, ad-block and https-everywhere, around 15 tabs. Only loading selected tab though
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20:00.18DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: I *think' FF does a lot of preload shite to be faster later on when you use it
20:01.29fsmithredwaterfox opens a little faster
20:01.53fsmithredhas the same extensions as ff, because it imported them all.
20:03.14fsmithredI used to turn off graphics in ncsa-mosaic to surf faster, but I don't think you can do that with ff.
20:06.00fsmithredgotta go. bbiab.
20:06.38DocScrutinizer05on unrelated OT sidenote: routers are not exactly easy but I finally nailed my TLS-handshake_dies issue by >>set firewall options mss-clamp mss 1452;  set firewall options mss-clamp interface-type all<<
20:07.23DocScrutinizer05now *real* 400/25 *with* port forearding *and* https/TLS
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20:27.42debdogfsmithred: registered to DNG two days ago, regreting it already
20:28.59debdoglot of weired IT freaks talking there, uhm, mayhap I shouldn't say that in here :D
20:32.48blinkdogDNG can be noisy, but there are some gems in there too
20:33.18debdoghehe, just kiddin (sort of, just need to raise my ignore shields)
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20:36.03fsmithredlol, I don't read most of what's on dng anymore
20:36.43debdogmayhap they're so deep, I just have to think trice to get it :P
20:36.55fsmithredyeah, what blinkdog said.
20:37.24fsmithredyou can search the archives from the web interface. That helps.
20:38.09debdoganyhow, I am lurking and waiting for the refracta stuff. though going on vacation next week, so it might take a while till I respond
20:39.03debdog..regarding the german tranlation stuff
20:39.24fsmithredthat's ok. I'm going away next week, too.
20:39.40fsmithredI'll put it up before then
20:40.07fsmithredprobably in the next two or three days
20:40.16debdogrgr that
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