IRC log for #devuan on 20170920

00:47.17*** join/#devuan eady (
01:01.17*** join/#devuan sb35 (
01:11.03*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
01:43.32*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
02:00.47*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:38.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
02:40.27*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
02:53.37*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
03:04.50*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
03:27.39*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
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03:51.07*** join/#devuan shwsh (~shwsh@
04:26.26*** join/#devuan nighty- (
04:55.18*** join/#devuan jmic (
04:57.58blaptries to get motivated to do a .deb
05:29.48*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
05:31.19*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
05:58.54*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
06:00.43malinas_hi everyone, I was looking at the list of Devuan mirrors when I noticed
06:01.14malinas_I'm not sure that's the kind of domain name you'd want associated to the project
06:01.56malinas_it's French for "a very big dick"
06:56.35*** join/#devuan tarbz3 (~Thunderbi@
07:00.31*** join/#devuan Gup (
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07:23.12*** join/#devuan nmollerup (~nmo@
07:25.21*** join/#devuan b0stik (
07:44.06*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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08:34.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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08:47.17*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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08:55.44*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:adec:6085:5a6e:101)
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09:04.33*** join/#devuan santamarta (
09:04.41*** join/#devuan santamarta (~Juanjo@unaffiliated/santamarta)
09:04.58*** join/#devuan Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
09:10.23*** join/#devuan jelly-home (jelly@pdpc/supporter/active/jelly)
09:31.02*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:8c2d:2ab8:e4ac:dc4e)
09:35.06*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:40.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:56.09*** join/#devuan gnarface (
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10:10.32*** join/#devuan Gup (
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10:48.06*** join/#devuan rdav (
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11:00.08blapfunny i never learned that word in french class
11:09.13*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
11:38.57*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
11:50.36*** join/#devuan Ipe (
11:56.14*** join/#devuan XuR_ (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:8c2d:2ab8:e4ac:dc4e)
11:58.51*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
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13:22.33*** join/#devuan Madda_ (~Madda@
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15:18.43*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:18.55*** join/#devuan negev (
15:19.12negevhi, getting this on devuan
15:19.15negevanyone know why?
15:21.00parazydbecause apparmor sucks
15:21.18negevits much easier than selinux
15:22.16MinceRnot using MAC is even easier :>
15:22.49negevits your last line of defence against 0days
15:23.13MinceRor another opportunity for them to exploit your systems
15:23.22MinceRit's a two-edged sword
15:27.27blinkdogwe're saving the closing right parens for ceres? :-)
15:39.22*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
15:39.56*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
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15:49.41*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
15:49.43MinceRno, canonical provides the closing parens as part of a support contract
15:50.39*** join/#devuan Madda (~Madda@
15:53.03blinkdogI hear they only resell Red Hat's closing parens now though
16:13.43*** join/#devuan Fervi (
16:18.18*** join/#devuan aggrora (
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16:21.27*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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17:09.11msiism(j #d1g
17:13.12sh4rm4^bnc<malinas_> [06:03:56] hi everyone, I was looking at the list of Devuan mirrors when I noticed
17:13.19sh4rm4^bncomg, i'm offended !!!!1111
17:14.38*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
17:33.11blapi'm torn between knowing it's a bad domain name for an OS, and loving it for triggering the right people
17:33.32*** join/#devuan verblendet (
17:33.40blaphallo verblendet
17:33.53*** join/#devuan Ltem (
17:33.57*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
17:34.02blapu speak deutsch?
17:34.20blapi maded a piccy for you then
17:35.30verblendetbut i guess YOU DID NOT make it, just uploaded....
17:36.42fsmithreddon't need to speak german to appreciate that one
17:37.07verblendetdas kommt ausserdem noch dazu, jo
17:38.04blapi did actually have to redraw it
17:38.26blapthe original was such low quality
17:39.47golinuxThis is the world surrounding us
17:40.13verblendetblap, das ist deins? wenn ja, schoen gemacht ;-)
17:41.41blapwell it's not my idea
17:42.20verblendetanyway, i dont pay GEZ :D :P
17:43.08blapi hear some have gone to jail for not paying
17:43.38golinuxvery OT for this channel.  Try #debianfork
17:43.48verblendetyes, OT
17:43.58golinuxverboten here
17:44.05verblendetis devuan also pulseaudio free?
17:44.10*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
17:44.14fsmithredsome of us are
17:44.37verblendeti want my alsa and jack back.... and get rid of this 'poettering' stuff
17:44.39fsmithredeasy enough to remove it
17:44.47verblendetsounds good
17:44.51fsmithredor don't install it in the first place
17:45.34verblendetyes,. .... thats sometrhing i have to complain about in modern distros, i'm not asked what to install
17:45.56fsmithreddebian installer is not like redhat or suse installers
17:46.02verblendetso on modern linux i always have to start with a minimum system and then roll the dice if it contains totally unnecessary stuff
17:46.09fsmithredyou can't select individual packages during installation
17:46.27blinkdogto be fair, if you were asked about all 20,000 packages, and you could answer 1/sec, you'd still be answering questions after 5 hours
17:46.49fsmithredif you don't want everything that comes with the default desktop install, just install a base system and then add stuff when you reboot into it
17:46.58verblendetblinkdog, yes, like in good old times where i sit 4 hours in front of menuconfig
17:47.10verblendeteven on expert install i'm not asked
17:48.11verblendetwhats the exact difference of devuan and debian? just the systemd free thingy?
17:48.22fsmithredwhen you get to the tasksel window that asks what software you want, uncheck everything except standard system utils
17:48.31verblendet(what i think is hard enough to get rid of)
17:48.35fsmithredin devuan, you can't install systemd
17:49.11verblendeti will try it. i currently use deb8 and it feels like i have no control over my system at boot time
17:49.11fsmithredand in debian, you can't uninstall it
17:49.17fsmithredso the universe is balanced
17:49.30*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (
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17:49.43verblendetok, thats what i was thinking of, uninstall, but if its not possible at all i will switch over with my next upgrade
17:50.05fsmithredbetter off with a fresh install
17:50.21fsmithreddebian jessie to devuan jessie is supported and works...
17:50.46verblendetwith upgfrade i mean a new setup, fresh ssd, fresh system, systemd free and no pulseaudio etc
17:51.07fsmithreddebian stretch to devuan ascii worked for me once (minimal install) but the one with gnome died in the conversion.
17:51.22verblendeti dont bother spending a few hours or more to have full control again
17:51.22fsmithredyeah, that'll work nicely
17:51.58fsmithredyou'll feel like you're finally back to debian after two years of wandering in the desert
17:52.11verblendeti had an old tp42 which runs an old debian .... and it feels much faster and nicer like a modern laptop with modern system, i cant explain why
17:52.16fsmithredor maybe jungle is more appropriate
17:52.33verblendet(this has also to do with kde 'upgrades', umpf)
17:52.44fsmithredoh, kde?
17:52.52fsmithredI think it works.
17:53.13fsmithredI don't think it's a choice in the installer
17:53.26fsmithredxfce, mate, lxde
17:53.36fsmithrednot sure if kde is there
17:53.38verblendetkde in deb7 was so cool, in deb8 they had those unnecessary things i never used, in deb9 it just looks ugly
17:54.41verblendetbut ok, i give it a shot :) thx
18:00.34*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-wawfctebctavlkfu)
18:00.50msiismverblendet: you could also try TDE (KDE 3 keep-around project). there is a devuan-based ditro offering it.
18:01.16verblendetoh... OH!
18:01.24verblendetthat sound very promising
18:03.40*** join/#devuan Mr_Pan (~Mr_Pan@unaffiliated/mr-pan/x-4457432)
18:12.54*** join/#devuan p4cman (uid171740@gateway/web/
18:16.12jonadabThat does sound interesting.
18:16.43jonadabIt's good to see another distro, however niche, based on Devuan.  I hope that is a trend that will continue and expand.
18:18.26jonadab"a computer desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers" <-- This sounds _really_ good right about now, with all the major DEs trying to turn Desktop computers into tablets or worse.
18:19.34si\ver_kde did it first. :p
18:19.37fsmithredexegnu is good stuff.
18:20.55fsmithredthe guy who put it together did a lot to help with refracta (the release) and refracta tools.
18:21.50fsmithredhe does good work
18:23.04msiismjonadab: just in case you dinÄt already know:
18:24.58*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
18:25.08jonadabmsiism: Oh, interesting.  I did not know.
18:36.36*** join/#devuan Fervi (
18:44.37*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
18:46.24*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:05.48blaplooks like there's work on a devuan based phone-os too
19:07.31*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
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19:53.33*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
20:04.57*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
20:07.08*** join/#devuan jord (~jord@
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21:07.00*** join/#devuan tadau (tadau@unaffiliated/tadau)
21:08.03tadauhow can i boot devuan from usb? cp'ing doesn't seem to work
21:09.04*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
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21:12.22greenjeanshi Devuan'ers
21:12.53unixmanSober, unfortunately. :)
21:15.05fsmithredtadau, use dd or cat
21:15.07jonadabtadau: probably have to dd a bootable image to the block device?  I've never actually make a bootable USB device, personally, though.
21:15.38fsmithreddd if=whatever.iso of=/dev/the-right-device  (no partition number)
21:16.01fsmithredoh, add to the end of tha command: bs=1M
21:16.18fsmithredand don't nuke your hard drive
21:16.51fsmithredhi greenjeans
21:17.03aitori'm still working on the devuan-installer for live-sdk
21:17.07aitorthere are things to improve, but seems to be heading in the right way
21:17.18fsmithredgreat. i haven't had a chance to test yet.
21:18.04aitori'm doing a new test; perhaps i'll push it to gitlab tonaight
21:18.56greenjeansUnixman: say it ain't so? I mean it's after noon your time right? ;D
21:20.12fsmithredgreenjeans, you had some ideas for refracta2usb?
21:21.16greenjeansoh I did, still haven't thought it out well, need to play with it more
21:21.20*** join/#devuan s_kunk (
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21:21.44fsmithredok. you can email me if you want
21:21.48greenjeansyou might not like what I want
21:21.56fsmithredoh, you can ask for anything
21:22.04fsmithredI won't feel bad about telling you no
21:22.12greenjeanscause i'm gonna be asking you to dumb it down a fair bit, lol
21:22.24fsmithredoh, that's not a problem
21:22.31fsmithredmessing with the code is a little scary
21:23.28fsmithredthe way it makes the menu entries is ugly and byzantine, and any time I touch it, it takes a long time to get it right.
21:23.53tadaufsmithred, jonadab i tried 'dd if=devuan..iso of=/dev/sdX' but ended up with no valid partition table, according to fdisk -l /dev/sdX
21:24.06greenjeansmy case for a simpler gui interface with almost no options: Most of the people i build for are not computer savvy, most people in general aren't either, a super simple GUI with only one basic install option and user MUST have preformatted the stick
21:24.20fsmithredpartition table?
21:24.33fsmithredisohybrid is something else.
21:24.53fsmithredit doesn't act like a normal partition. Gparted pukes on it.
21:24.54tadauDisk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table
21:25.03fsmithreddoes it boot?
21:25.21tadaufsmithred: haven't tried that yet
21:25.30fsmithredchecking a usb now
21:25.35*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc00:aa00:b0bf:371c:4dd8:59d3)
21:26.07fsmithredok, fdisk works on a dd'd usb here
21:26.14tadauso you think it's ok that it has no part table?
21:26.23greenjeansoh man, just remembered I bought a brand new stick just to play with Refracta2usb, back in a few...
21:26.29fsmithredmine has msdos table
21:26.53tadauyeah, thought it should have one
21:26.59fsmithredtadau, did you check the sha256sum on the iso?
21:27.04fsmithredmaybe a bad download
21:27.07tadaudoes it matter that i'm using devuan-live.iso?
21:27.22fsmithreddesktop-live or minimal?
21:27.43fsmithred(either one should work)
21:28.31fsmithredI know those work as isohybrid. I tested them before I uploaded them.
21:28.56tadauc29f5...efecc <- md5
21:29.06fsmithredok, hang on
21:29.58fsmithredno, I'm not getting that
21:30.26fsmithredthat one, right?
21:31.40fsmithredyou used a browser to download it?
21:32.25fsmithredtry wget
21:32.43fsmithredI'm gonna log in and make sure it didn't change
21:33.35*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
21:34.28fsmithredas soon as I find my password
21:41.24tadaufsmithred: wut? have you just pasted your pw to irc?
21:41.45fsmithredno, that was a different password, and I just had to change it.
21:42.11fsmithrednow I remembered the one I need and I'm in. One minute.
21:43.46tadauso, here comes the new md5: 09ca6...fed77
21:43.48fsmithredthe checksum is good
21:43.58fsmithredwe're using sha256sum
21:44.10tadauhow's that?
21:44.25fsmithreduse it the same way as md5sum
21:44.38fsmithredand md5 starts and ends like yours
21:45.12fsmithredsha256 is more secure. md5 is broken.
21:49.17tadaufsmithred: /dev/sdc1   *          64     1695743      847840   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS
21:49.29tadauthat look better now
21:51.55tadauand it boots up! :-)
21:52.24tadaucan i add another partition by hand and put some fw on it?
21:52.34fsmithredno, not on isohybrid
21:52.50fsmithredalthough I've heard some people claim that you can
21:52.59fsmithredbut isohybrid does weird stuff
21:53.15fsmithredif you want to make a live-usb with persistence, use refracta2usb
21:53.19tadauhow much is it when run in ram?
21:53.32fsmithredsize of the iso
21:54.20tadauwell, in the case i'ld prefere to use another stick or card, or simply attach an ehternet cable to fetch the needed fw for wifi ;-)
21:54.47fsmithredthe package you need is in /firmware
21:54.53fsmithredno, no
21:54.59fsmithredyou don't need to install wireless firmware
21:55.12fsmithredit's already installed (unless you need broadcom-sta)
21:55.21tadauare you sure?
21:55.34tadauyeah, that's the one ;-)
21:55.45fsmithredyeah, I get confused between the refracta isos and devuan isos. I made both.
21:55.55tadausome broadcom - and not the one that is included in devuan
21:55.58fsmithredrefracta does not have them installed, devuan live does.
21:56.12fsmithredok, then get another usb stick
21:56.18fsmithredyou have to compile a driver?
21:56.33tadauis there nmcli?
21:56.52fsmithredoh, network manager?
21:56.53tadaufsmithred: no idea - brand new toy. where shipped with win
21:57.25fsmithredwhat's your wireless hardware
21:57.44*** join/#devuan polocho (
21:59.56fsmithredtadau, run 'lspci' and tell me what your wireless card is.
22:03.43*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
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22:07.34tadaufsmithred: sorry, here i am again - wircd or whatever that gui is called does know how to handle my wifi - so you were right :-)
22:08.52tadaubtw, is there something special about devuan i need to know, or is it just like jessie without systemd?
22:11.31fsmithredit's jessie without systemd
22:11.48fsmithredopen a terminal and run lspci
22:11.58fsmithredthat will give you the model number of the wireless hardware
22:13.32fsmithredI have to go. I'll be back in about a half hour.
22:25.27*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
22:32.16g4570naitor: hi
22:38.20*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
22:44.29tadaufsmithred: me too, it's supper time :-) tx!
22:50.20*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
22:50.33*** join/#devuan MDrightsArch (~MDrightsA@
22:54.39*** join/#devuan Drugo (
22:55.50*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
22:56.12greenjeansgot it to work finally
22:57.06greenjeanspretty amazing how much faster liveusb boots as oppposed to livecd
23:06.05aitorg4570n, hi
23:06.15aitori was out :)
23:08.58g4570naitor: ah ok :D I saw that you came in and left the other channel
23:09.26aitori'm there
23:14.16*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
23:16.14*** join/#devuan fsr (
23:16.35fsrgreenjeans, over here!
23:17.38greenjeanshi aitor
23:18.16greenjeansfsr: fat32? no way to use ext2 or ext3?
23:19.53fsrthere is, but there's no need
23:20.02fsrthe fat32 part has a read-only system on it
23:20.21aitori uploaded the latest live-sdk
23:20.31fsrand when it's running, the system is on a linux filesystem
23:20.55aitortry it in ascii with i386 and the gnuinos-server blend
23:21.00fsrfor ext, you'd need to use extlinux instead of syslinux
23:21.25fsrok, will try it
23:21.34fsrcan't download now - I'm not at home
23:21.52aitorstill it's not instalable
23:21.54greenjeansthere's even a warning as it boots about how fat32 doesn't play nice with utf-8
23:21.57aitorfsr: ok
23:22.24*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
23:22.33fsrwell, if you don't try to have a Devuan and a devuan on it, you should be ok
23:22.50greenjeanslol but now I can boot a machine with my usb stick and also use it to play music in my truck lololol
23:23.09fsror share files with windows computers
23:23.37greenjeansboots way fast...been a while since I tried it but I don't remember optical drive being that much slower than usb 2
23:23.38fsrdzz doesn't even make a second partition for persistence. He hacks the initrd to be able to put it on the first partition
23:24.02fsryes, optical drives are way slower than usb
23:24.04greenjeansi don't share files with windoze computers
23:24.22fsrand I can't really tell the difference between a usb and a 5400rpm drive
23:24.41fsrnot even with a condom?
23:25.13greenjeansso how is it loading the live stuff? Seemed like it was to ram...
23:25.29blap  My latest unicode IRC troll pic :P
23:25.30fsryeah, look at df
23:25.47greenjeansbeen a long time since I messed with liveusb, i need to do some reading and catch up
23:26.08fsrthe help page will stay open as you do other stuff
23:26.52greenjeanscool, it's gratifyingly quick i tell ya, vuu-do runs like a champ this way
23:27.05greenjeansbut that
23:27.13greenjeansgonna be tough for regular folks
23:27.35fsrI don't think you're going to attract the regular folks so much
23:27.47greenjeansi need to dumb that way down or my aunt is gonna beat me over it
23:28.24fsropenbox for aunty?
23:28.27*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
23:28.33greenjeansoh I do fsr, i've installed Vuu-do or Devuan on over 40 machines now just in my little town
23:28.48greenjeansregular folks like it, mostly the mate versions
23:29.04greenjeansbut i'm converting a few to the 'Box revolution
23:29.06fsryeah, that's pretty mainstream
23:29.31fsrwait till you get to the part with using loopback files for persistent volumes
23:29.40greenjeansonce they get over that insane need for icons all over their desktop...
23:29.56greenjeansnuh nuhnuh no.
23:30.11greenjeansone simple option
23:30.30blapwas it apple or MS who started the icons all over the background thing
23:30.42fsryou want a linear path?
23:30.56greenjeansI think Refracta2usb-simple is what needs to happen, just a couple clicks
23:31.20greenjeansblap: can't remember now, been so long
23:31.31fsrthink of it as a swiss army knife
23:31.43greenjeansI know
23:31.47greenjeansand that's great
23:32.02greenjeansbut a simple version would be cool too
23:32.05fsrrtfm - there's a quick guide
23:32.12greenjeanscan I hack on it now?
23:32.12fsryou can read it and do it at the same time
23:32.35fsryou want to mess with the script, go ahead. it's gpl
23:33.13*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
23:33.38greenjeanssweet, i'll make a hella mess of it later
23:39.09*** join/#devuan rdav (

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