IRC log for #devuan on 20170919

00:04.37*** part/#devuan e3d3 (
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02:47.35*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
02:50.52infobotit has been said that es is Para los usuarios devuan de habla hispana que requieren la ayuda, ensamble por favor el canal del #devuan-mx  -- Spanish-speaking devuan users requiring support, please join #devuan-mx
03:13.41*** join/#devuan athidhep (~eafaef@unaffiliated/athidhep)
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06:10.53*** join/#devuan Keziolio (~quassel@fsf/member/Keziolio)
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09:11.16*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
09:20.06*** join/#devuan vdvevd (
09:20.32vdvevdhello, can someone tell me a good application to send files over bluetooth for Devuan?
09:20.53vdvevdor if it has this feature built in? i cannot find anything if i search bluetooth on the application finder
09:22.18*** join/#devuan ferdy-1 (~ferdy@
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09:23.41gnarfacevdvevd:  apt-cache search ^obex
09:24.19gnarfacevdvevd: (at least in the US, some carriers disable it, regardless of native hardware support)
09:25.49vdvevdThanks gnarface, I installed bluez-obexd, how do i actually send a file with it?
09:29.26gnarfacei don't actually know, sorry
09:30.00gnarfaceif the phone supports obexftp, it's the easiest one
09:30.19gnarfacei wasn't able to really test any of the other tools available, due to lack of driver support or lack of hardware support or both
09:30.52gnarface(and i haven't looked into it in a while either, because these days usually a usb cable will work even when bluetooth does not
09:31.31vdvevdAh i see thank you. I'll have a search around to see how it works. Will try obexftp too. TY
09:32.58gnarfaceobexftp -b [bluetooth address] -l[path]
09:33.05gnarfacefor example, that lists the files
09:35.12gnarfacethe last two phones i used it on, they spit the list out in some rough html/xml format
09:35.28gnarfaceso to make a script that parses it, i had to use a little regexp
09:37.04vdvevdany way to find my bluetooth address?
09:37.19gnarfaceuh, yea
09:37.24gnarfacehci something
09:37.43gnarfacehcitool or hcidump i think
09:37.52gnarfacepart of bluez on my install
09:39.15gnarfaceyea, `hcitool inq` or `hcitool scan` i think
09:39.31gnarfaceand hciconfig is like ifconfig for your local bluetooth device
09:40.56vdvevdall those commands are working for me but I'm getting 'device is not available: no such device' do i have to know the device name? no way to just list the bluetooth devices in my vicinity?
09:41.27gnarfaceonly if they're marked "discoverable"
09:41.56gnarfaceif this is your own phone, make sure that it is (it may not be on by default)
09:42.40vdvevdah ok, I wanted just to play around with seeing what is around me at the moment, the phone i want to put music on via bluetooth I can't turn on yet (waiting for a pac port today lol)
09:43.16gnarfacehcitool should be able to list bluetooth address *and* device name of every locally discoverable bluetooth device, though it may take a few moments for any output to show up at all, bluetooth isn't very ast
09:43.32gnarfacemost devices will even tell you the time for free
09:43.54gnarfacethat part always worked for me, but actually transferring files is another matter
09:44.17vdvevdgot it. i type 'hcitool dev' and the devices show up
09:44.17gnarfacehardware support on the vendor side, software support on the linux and isp side, what a mess
09:44.44gnarfacehmmm. hcitool dev, isn't that your own local physical onboard device?  i guess i don't remember
09:44.55gnarfaceyou'll also need range; usually less than a few feet
09:45.08vdvevdthanks for your help gnar, not sure how your memory is so good knowing all this stuff
09:45.59gnarfaceprobably an abnormality from head trauma
09:50.09*** join/#devuan reetp (
09:52.00gnarface(and you're welcome)
09:52.27gnarfaceif you want to tether (assuming the isp allows it), look into ppp and dund
09:53.25gnarfaceobexftp shouldn't require any of that stuff though, just device support
10:04.51*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
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10:36.54*** join/#devuan shwsh (~shwsh@
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10:57.50*** join/#devuan Ipe (
11:26.21*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (~quassel@unaffiliated/andrea993)
11:27.05*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:39.47*** join/#devuan Katnija (
12:03.11*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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12:11.55*** join/#devuan MDrightsArch (~MDrightsA@
12:15.17bill-auger<#dyne:alv> to all i need help to test a new jitsi server
12:15.17bill-auger<#dyne:alv> more people the better is the test
12:24.59*** join/#devuan nmollerup (~nmo@
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13:11.01*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (~artemis3@
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13:20.05DocScrutinizer05playing with BT you want to make sure you got the recent security patches
13:21.59DocScrutinizer05is DUN really tethering?
13:22.18DocScrutinizer05maybe rather PNAT
13:26.31*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
13:29.13*** join/#devuan Fervi (
13:43.55*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
13:54.13*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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14:22.45fromportUBNT 49.99 -0.62 (-1.23%)  <- another nose dive ? ;-)
14:23.19fromportwrong channel, sorry!
14:27.23*** join/#devuan Fervi (
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14:52.41*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
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14:56.25*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-ypwoflwdbuamfosk)
15:19.47*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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15:51.51DocScrutinizer05 :-/
15:54.14DocScrutinizer05fromport: will EdgeOS switch to systemd eventually? Or rather "rebase" to devuan?
16:03.55debdogwonders how that EME will work
16:04.57MinceRmajor webshites will depend on it and lock out free sw browsers
16:05.38MinceRlusers will flock to the locked down browsers that do what the content lobby wants
16:05.54MinceRand the open web dies, then we get to build something sane from the ashes
16:06.51Wonkawith a bit of luck, people will RE those extensions to make them work with Linux...
16:07.08*** join/#devuan aggrora (
16:07.15Wonkaalso, who will use them? Youtube? Vimeo? Netflix? Hulu?
16:07.38Wonkathose are all available on Android.
16:07.51*** join/#devuan cisc (~cisc@unaffiliated/cisc)
16:08.07WonkaI envision finally getting some fast Android emulator
16:08.32Wonkathere's Android for TVs - why are there no x86 Android VMs?
16:08.33debdogthanks MinceR, that made it quite clear
16:10.06blinkdogI thought the security of DRM systems relied upon the secrecy of the algorithm.
16:10.13blinkdogHow is that going to work with a published standard?
16:10.14gnarfacei don't think anything really stops you from running android in a vm, did it?
16:10.25MinceRwith a bit of luck the free world will come up with an open web and sane people will flock to it, leaving the w3c and the DRM fan club without power
16:10.36furrywolfno, strong cryptography explicitly assumes the algorithm is public
16:11.03furrywolfkeys, however, are secret.
16:11.07blinkdogAgreed, strong cryptography properly used does assume the algorithm is public.
16:11.21blinkdogBut that only works where you use cryptography properly; i.e.: you want the recipient to recover the plaintext
16:11.28*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:11.47blinkdogDRM is trying to prevent the recipient from recovering the plaintext except under very very limited circumstances.
16:12.02blinkdogThe way they do that is to hide the algorithm from the recipient.
16:12.05Wonkablinkdog: EME is not a published algorithm, but a standard for how to use your own algorithm on the browser side.
16:12.34*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
16:13.06Wonkablinkdog: I do think those algorithm implementations, however they will be, will get reverse engineered very fast
16:13.10blinkdogSo EME is going to be a published standard for what, a kind of DRM Virtual Machine?
16:13.28infobot[trust] safe, or
16:14.04*** join/#devuan KnoP (
16:15.22DocScrutinizer05anyway, poetterware, EME, DRM at large, tivoization everywhere. Very very VERY sad times
16:15.57*** join/#devuan Madda (~Madda@
16:16.16DocScrutinizer05finally big business re-posesses the internet and linux
16:16.18WonkaDocScrutinizer05: ack
16:16.28WonkaLinux itself not.
16:16.42WonkaAlso, we finally have the first open source microcontroller.
16:17.08infobot , or "The purpose of this framework is: ... to make sure that the platform meets the requirements set by third party software that requires a safe execution environment.", or, or
16:17.29DocScrutinizer05is where I started fighting that shit
16:19.16DocScrutinizer05Nokia corporate N9/meego devs in a public hearing aswered my question about the bootloader with "that's not part of the OS and thus not relevant for us" OHMY!!!!
16:19.22WonkaDocScrutinizer05: I'm a bit sad that OpenMoko failed so miserably.
16:20.58DocScrutinizer05Wonka: well, OM devels still hungry :-)
16:21.40DocScrutinizer05OM failure was mainly economical
16:21.56Wonkawell, arrival of iPhone and Android didn't exactly help
16:22.04DocScrutinizer05yep, exactly
16:22.22DocScrutinizer05now people more and more realize _what_ they get with this crap
16:23.47Wonkawell... we'd need newer hardware than the gta02, of course.
16:24.00Wonkaand an android emulator.
16:24.28Wonkabecause who would want to carry an android phone too, or go without all the things they're used to?
16:24.55WonkaOTOH, Jolla(?)s android emulator(?) stuff didn't work too well, nor?
16:26.51DocScrutinizer05there are a few android emulator projects
16:27.39DocScrutinizer05they all will fail when it comes to TC which is more and more an immanent part of any android app
16:28.54*** join/#devuan ttr (
16:29.21DocScrutinizer05"...third party software that requires a safe execution environment."
16:29.49DocScrutinizer05safe from user messing with it, to run strace or a screen grabber against the app
16:30.28DocScrutinizer05poetterware resp RH evil masterplan aims at exactly same direction basically
16:31.26DocScrutinizer05the true purpose of "secure boot"
16:32.04ttrhello everyone - apologies if this was mentioned already but couldn't find information about this nowhere - seems that init-system-helpers on arm64 is only with version of 1.24, which breaks dependencies in ascii
16:32.42*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:34.42Wonkaby the way... I noticed there's "jessie-security" and "ascii-security" in, but neither "stable-security" nor "testing-security" - why is that, and could that maybe be fixed?
16:35.05*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
16:35.25DocScrutinizer05Wonka: please use chanlog, it's been discussed already
16:35.46*** join/#devuan p4cman (uid171740@gateway/web/
16:36.22CHCl3I've just installed devuan as stable in my laptop and found that just root can manage sound trhough alsa and also the brightness of the screen
16:37.16CHCl3for example mocp doesn't work gives me Can't open pid file for writing
16:37.27CHCl3but sudo mocp works fine
16:39.00WonkaDocScrutinizer05: mmh, thx. found reasoning. but why alias anything at all then? *sigh*
16:39.13*** join/#devuan Katnija (
16:39.26DocScrutinizer05sorry, I don't recall, that's why I pinted to chanlog
16:40.01DocScrutinizer05all I recall is: "it's very tricky"
16:40.25DocScrutinizer05because devuan isn't in sync with debian releases
16:40.30CHCl3anyone can give me a hand on this?
16:41.42DocScrutinizer05CHCl3: without any first hand experience, I'd suspect it's mostly a permission issue
16:41.56debdogCHCl3: wild guess: check groups the ordinary user is assigned to
16:42.10ttrCHCl3: re- alsa - check if your user is in audio group
16:42.11CHCl3my user is under audio group
16:42.17ttrand video possibly
16:42.40CHCl3i also think it a group management issue
16:42.55DocScrutinizer05id alsa
16:43.10DocScrutinizer05err `id pulse*` whatever
16:43.13ttrbit stupid - did you fully log off (reboot) after adding yourself to that group ?
16:43.50CHCl3no alsa or pulse user with id
16:44.16*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
16:44.27CHCl3but muy user has gid=29(audio) and 44(video)
16:44.54DocScrutinizer05now check the owner:group and permissions of the file it fails to write to
16:45.36DocScrutinizer05this *might* be a genuine devuan systemd compatibility issue
16:45.49CHCl3no file pointed just alsa
16:45.56*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
16:47.19DocScrutinizer05ls -l /dev/snd/*
16:47.20CHCl3trying to run mocp and get Running the server... Trying JACK... Trying ALSA... FATAL_ERROR: Can't open pid file for writing: Access denied FATAL_ERROR: Server exited!
16:48.01fsmithredhow did you install devuan?
16:49.18CHCl3drwxr-xr-x  2 root root       80 sep 19 18:14 by-path
16:49.18CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  6 sep 19 18:14 controlC0
16:49.18CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  2 sep 19 18:14 controlC1
16:49.18CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 10 sep 19 18:14 hwC0D0
16:49.18CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  5 sep 19 18:14 hwC1D0
16:49.19CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  7 sep 19 18:14 pcmC0D3p
16:49.21CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  8 sep 19 18:14 pcmC0D7p
16:49.23CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  9 sep 19 18:14 pcmC0D8p
16:49.25CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  4 sep 19 18:14 pcmC1D0c
16:49.27CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  3 sep 19 18:19 pcmC1D0p
16:49.29CHCl3crw-rw----  1 root audio 116,  1 sep 19 18:14 seq
16:49.31CHCl3crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 33 sep 19 18:14 timer
16:49.33CHCl3sorry too messy for the chat mayube??
16:50.05CHCl3next pasting at pastebin
16:50.13fsmithredpastebin or other would be better for... yup. Thanks.
16:50.31fsmithredlooks like mine
16:51.09fsmithreddid you do a full desktop install or start minimal and add stuff?
16:51.28CHCl3I did a minimal and after that installed xfce4
16:51.50CHCl3but this trouble comes since the tty
16:51.53fsmithredalsa-base and alsa-utils are installed?
16:52.05*** join/#devuan KittenGNU (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
16:52.39*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
16:53.10CHCl3and this is my asound.conf
16:54.27ttrCHCl3: can you do getfacl /dev/snd/controlC0 and paste (pastebin) output
16:54.52ttras I can see you have extened attr enabled and they are set on control and hw and so on
16:55.32ttrsmall chance that somethign revoked acl/perms for your other group or your user
16:55.44DocScrutinizer05wut? /etc/modprobe.d/asound.conf
16:56.16DocScrutinizer05how's asound.conf related to modprobe?
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16:56.59CHCl3lots of tutorials told to plce it there
16:57.07CHCl3explain me please
16:57.36ttrCHCl3: if anythign asked you that contents sould be different
16:57.42ttrbut in moste case you do nto need it
16:58.15ttrthis file if have correct options will use differnt than default parameters for laoding module
16:58.45CHCl3i did because in the beggining managed the hdmi audio as I had other monitor  attached
16:59.02CHCl3with sames results
16:59.08ttrwhile this contents is alsa specific and if you need it it should be in your home or in /etc/alsa (or something liek this - as I do not need to use custom definitions in my case)
16:59.53CHCl3ok thnks looking at it
17:00.09ttr^ that one :)
17:00.33CHCl3that's the one yes
17:00.45DocScrutinizer05or alternatively ~/.asoundrc  (iirc)
17:01.57CHCl3well i'll add the user again to the groups an try to reinstall alsa, at worst i can install a desktop from the beginning
17:02.21DocScrutinizer05hhm yeah  /home/jr/.asoundrc
17:03.53CHCl3thnks for the lols <DocScrutinizer05> I'll try anyway not to format again in two days at least
17:13.05fromportDocScrutinizer05: i am pretty sure they will base it on "standard" debian meaning with systemd. I am trying to get a discussion going with vyos to base a new version on devuan, but so far i haven't gained much support :-(
17:13.57DocScrutinizer05yeah, always the same
17:15.25DocScrutinizer05nobody realizes the immediate and long term disastrous impact to embedded that systemd brings
17:17.55DocScrutinizer05I for sure don't want for example a dbus running on my router
17:18.29DocScrutinizer05or a mysql server for logging, or whatever madness poettering might come up with next
17:19.55*** join/#devuan CashDash123 (
17:20.17CashDash123How do I manually install devuan?
17:20.52CashDash123The documention isn't there yet?
17:21.02fsmithredhow manual do you want to get?
17:21.36CashDash123Minimal iso
17:21.41fsmithredthere are installer isos with the normal debian-installer, there are live-isos with a live installer, you can do a debootstrap install
17:22.02fsmithredyou mean like business-card iso? That's not on the download site, but netinstall iso is.
17:22.09CashDash123How do I do this
17:22.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
17:22.44fsmithredgo to, download the iso you want, either burn it to dvd or dd it to usb stick. Boot the media and run the installer.
17:22.49fsmithredhave you ever installed debian?
17:23.03CashDash123No arch and gentoo though
17:23.33fsmithredwhen you get to the tasksel window, uncheck everything (desktop, server, blah) except standard systemd utilities
17:25.33*** join/#devuan msiism (
17:26.58CashDash123I'd like to know to to use debootstrap I'm not used to using installers when installing from the terminal
17:39.17CashDash123Does the installer iso contain the dhcpcd stuff I think I'll need to set up my Ethernet?
17:40.35msiismCashDash123: installer will configure network automatically (try to at least)
17:41.00*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
17:41.01msiismmsiism: with ethernet that should work
17:41.42msiismCashDash123: i think there might be a debootstrap howto somehwre in the documentation section in the d1g forum
17:42.16DocScrutinizer05CashDash123: I fianlly found "headless
17:42.25DocScrutinizer05server" at
17:42.51CashDash123Its just when it comes to network I've done it more with systemd than say openrc
17:43.40msiismCashDash123: i don't understand that. i though openrc was a part of an init system
17:43.59CashDash123It is an init system
17:44.27*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:44.48msiismi see
17:44.52CashDash123Im moving to hexchat one sec
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17:49.10DocScrutinizer05my point was about whether the installer would run on console ("installing in terminal"). This might be obvious to users familiar with debian, other installers however run an x11 GUI
17:49.57DocScrutinizer05at least per default, when available
17:54.11DocScrutinizer05tbh I wouldn't even know offhand how to install any linux on a remote server I only have a console emu for - even if I knew hot ro "insert a boot CD" to that remote machine
17:54.32DocScrutinizer05how to*
17:55.35*** join/#devuan freemangordon_ (
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17:57.42blapnow i see some other folks have built Pale Moon for devuan
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18:01.26DocScrutinizer05(remote machine) I *guess* you could add a kernel cmdline parameter in uBoot menu to tell installer to not use a gfx card even if there is one, and instead run ncurses on console
18:04.40*** join/#devuan Hum (
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19:21.16verblendetah :)
19:21.33verblendetis this the systemd free debian channel?
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19:27.05blinkdogCould be ... what's the secret password? :-)
19:31.11Lydia_KVery good. "Fluffy bunny" would also have been acceptable.
19:32.50blinkdoghunter2 also
19:33.03Lydia_Kgasps! "That's my password!
19:33.20Akulidon't worry, it showed up as **** to me
19:43.10MinceRapparently "in its current form" means "at all"
19:54.37*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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23:16.29golinuxHow is the purpy hulk tonight
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23:46.32greenjeansha, today i'm all green from head to toe, so imagine the Hulk nekkid....
23:51.06XenguyIs it the jeans greenjeans , or something else?
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23:52.21greenjeanslol, nah it's the jeans, but I got a green shirt on today too, celebrating the first rain my sleepy little mountain town has seen in almost 3 months
23:55.48XenguyGlad to hear it
23:55.57XenguyThat's a longish time
23:59.19*** join/#devuan jubnut (

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