IRC log for #devuan on 20170913

00:06.27DocScrutinizer05yesterday I replaced the RMB Omron switch in my mouse, just to find today that the LMB Omron switch also freaks out and needs replacement
00:07.11DocScrutinizer05as if it broke from repairing its sibling
00:09.37*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
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00:45.33fsmithredmails a crate of broken mice to DocScrutinizer05
00:51.04*** part/#devuan Martin89 (
00:53.30*** join/#devuan zjason (
00:54.51EHeMWhere is a crate of broken cats when you need them?!
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01:00.52justinsmThe switch contacts are probably tarnished and just needed a squirt of deoxit or similar.
01:12.35*** join/#devuan ddg (~ddg@unaffiliated/ddg)
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01:43.37DocScrutinizer05rather a few milliampere more to keep them selfcleaning
01:47.33DocScrutinizer05then OTOH _all_ mice and basically all embedded switch crap I ever seen is built the wrong way: the key's only mechanical stop is the white button on the switch, which only allows max 10 times the operation force or the switch will go defect. If those fools had a real mechanical stop and a spring or hoam or rubber to push the switch button, this would reliably avoid any switch damage from excessive force to the key, but it would cost
01:47.34DocScrutinizer05like 0.5ct more
01:49.34DocScrutinizer05absolutely same applies to clickdisk switches
01:50.52DocScrutinizer05the dome disk collapses permanently when you apply too much force to it, yet any keymat on embedded has no mechanical stop other than the post that presses down the clickdisk
01:55.17*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telst4r@fsf/member/telst4r)
01:56.19DocScrutinizer05then for the Omron type microswitches , the manufs are also fools. why don't they allow the white button to go all the way into the switch body so key's post would stop on the switch's body rather than on the white button
01:59.24*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
01:59.30DocScrutinizer05the Omron D2FC-F has 75g operation force and breaks with 750g which isn't too hard to exceed when pressing a mouse button in action
02:06.51justinsmI used Servisol Super 70 on this one about 4 years ago after the buttons started acting up.
02:07.22*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:07.24justinsmLogitech LS1 laser mouse which I bought about 10 years ago.
02:07.46justinsmremarkable service life really
02:27.21*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan (
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02:31.13DocScrutinizer05Logi MX5500 aka Revolution, 5 to 20 years old (I got 3 of them), and the only thing constantly breaking are those damn switches
02:31.33DocScrutinizer055 to 10, typo
02:32.22DocScrutinizer05th eLMB switch is noticably mechanically wrecked
02:32.49DocScrutinizer05lower operational force, different sound
03:12.04*** join/#devuan R0b0t1_ (~~@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
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06:48.47EHeMEnd of transmission.
06:54.20system16hi whats the command for putting pc in SLEEP mode?
06:55.06system16with internet?
06:55.21system16u know like ps4 s rest mode
07:04.19*** join/#devuan Fervi (
07:23.45gnarfacesystem16: not sure what it's called, if it's called something other than sleep - but it also requires special hardware support
07:24.14system16devuan is running on a netbook
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07:37.46*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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07:40.45rdav__system16: pm-suspend for sleep, pm-hibernate for hibernate in swap file.
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07:41.10system16pm-suspend now?
07:41.33rdav__maybe, I haven't used it much from command line
07:41.44rdav__though have used pm-hibernate a lot
07:41.58system16im using devuan with no gui
07:42.28rdav__as in a server?
07:42.50rdav__would be interested to hear how you go with that
07:42.55system16sftp server
07:43.23gnarfacesystem16: power saving isn't my area of expertise, i'm more about power wasting ;)  check out the tlp package in jessie-backports, and pm-utils for what rdav__ is talking about, there might be a couple other different things.  general acpi documentation might give you a lower-level interface too
07:43.23rdav__could you possibly write up something for the devuan blog about this?
07:44.09gnarfacesystem16: also if your keyboard has a hibernate and/or sleep button, at least with e17 there's a good chance it'll actually work
07:44.15system16uhh rdav ask djph djph helped me to do this
07:44.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon_ (
07:45.26system16u mean no one used devuan as a server os before?
07:56.15gnarfacei have to assume he means some other part of that, maybe that it's a netbook?  i have headless servers all over this place...
07:57.24system16its a small sftp server with 250 gb of storage (its a cute server not a server :))
08:02.51*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
08:13.30system16i typed :suspend
08:13.59system16[1]+stopped              su root
08:14.06system16what is this ?
08:14.59gnarfacemy best guess is BASH job control
08:15.16system16how can i run it again?
08:15.47gnarfacehotkeys ctrl-s and ctrl-q, i think
08:15.53gnarfaceer, wait
08:15.59gnarfacemaybe ctrl-z and "fg"
08:16.14gnarfacecheck the bash manpage, string search for JOB CONTROL
08:16.15system16resume [1]+ ?
08:16.22gnarfacelooks right
08:16.51system16no it didnt work
08:17.07gnarfacethat wasn't the output?
08:17.17gnarfacei meant just literally "resume" only that
08:17.20gnarfaceif not, try "fg" instead
08:17.59system16fg [1]+ no such a job
08:18.58gnarfacei wonder if you're using dash instead of bash
08:19.09system16[ ?
08:20.24system16what now?
08:20.49gnarfacethere's a minimal shell called dash that is a bash alternative, but it's missing a lot of features
08:21.09gnarfaceit's popular to use for startup scripts, but you should probably not use it for login
08:21.28system16idk i only want that 1+ to startup again
08:21.38gnarfaceif "fg" didn't work i dunno what will
08:21.45gnarfacecheck the manpage
08:22.16gnarfaceyou're not literally trying to pass "[1]+" to it, are you?
08:22.46system16fg [1]+
08:23.00system16is it wrong /
08:23.24rrqis longing for a bash 101 channel elsewhere
08:23.39system16fg: current :no such job
08:24.04gnarfacethere IS a bash channel
08:24.26gnarfacesystem16: the man page says: fg %1
08:24.36gnarfacechange 1 with the actual job number
08:24.53*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:1d28:95da:da2f:1d04)
08:24.59system16which idk whats the job number
08:25.19system16is it important for sftp/ssh ?
08:25.35system16should i care aabout it?
08:25.54system16will it turn back on when i restart my netbook?
08:26.57system16rrq : hey i didnt want to do this i thought suspend puts the server into sleep
08:26.58gnarfacethe default should be the last you backgrounded, i don't know why it didn't work. as far as i know the fact it didn't work is the only reason you should be worried about it, but the odds here are pointing to user error.  since it was your "su" command, i assume from your login shell to root, it should disappear after you restart, until you log in and run "su" again.
08:27.26system16su root
08:27.45*** join/#devuan XuR (~quassel@2600:8800:980:e490:1d28:95da:da2f:1d04)
08:27.46system16i installed the minimal version ( 600-700 mb)
08:28.54*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan (
08:29.33gnarfacei'm not sure if the minimal version is dash or bash
08:30.24telst4rsh: 0: Illegal option -
08:30.42system16nothing happened
08:30.56system16telst4r, whats [1]+ ?
08:31.45telst4rsh: 1: [1]+: not found
08:32.21system16telst4r, what r u saying?
08:33.45system16i dont care what is [1]+ i just want it running
08:33.50gnarfacetry this, system16: ls -l /bin/sh
08:34.09gnarfaceactually, this: ls -l -F /bin/sh
08:35.35system16oh and the first one is :lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov  8  2014 /bin/sh -> dash
08:37.03gnarfacethere you go
08:37.12gnarfacelooks like you're probably using dash instead
08:37.19gnarfaceit was probably chosen because it's faster
08:37.33system16my netbook is ...bad
08:37.38gnarfaceso you'll have to read the dash manpage instead of the bash manpage
08:37.50gnarfacei've told you as much as i know about dash already here
08:38.00gnarface"man dash"
08:38.02gnarface(q to quit)
08:38.32system16its a manual
08:38.42gnarfaceall manual pages can be accessed with the command man
08:40.04system16:( i just want that [1]+ thing to run again
08:41.21KatolaZsystem16: on de??an systems dash is the default sh
08:41.27KatolaZand rightfully so
08:41.52*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:43.05system16sh [1]+ ?
08:43.53KatolaZsystem16: uh?
08:44.26system16KatolaZ, i want that [1]+ thing running again i think its important
08:45.18KatolaZwhat is [1]+?
08:45.33system16i typed suspend
08:45.41KatolaZfg 1
08:45.45system16and the answer :
08:45.51KatolaZfg 1
08:46.02system16[1]+ stopped              su root
08:46.13KatolaZsystem16: fg 1
08:46.45rrqfg %1
08:47.04system16no such a job
08:47.09KatolaZsystem16: what do you get if you run "jobs"?
08:47.29system16jobs ?
08:47.43KatolaZso what do you want to resume with "fg"?
08:47.50system16root@devuan:/home/test111# jobs
08:48.10KatolaZyou have no background jobs then
08:48.30gnarfacewell he said the command was "su root"
08:48.47gnarfaceso if the response to "fg 1" was nothing, then i would expect it worked
08:48.51gnarfacethis prompt here says you're root
08:49.01system16ys i am
08:49.46system16im root what wrong with it?
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08:51.09KatolaZthat you are root and you don't know how to fg/bg a job, maybe ;)
08:51.30KatolaZsystem16: what are you trying to do?
08:51.48system16turn in that goddamn [1]+
08:51.55system16turn on *
08:52.11KatolaZwhere is the [1]+????
08:53.22system16root@devuan:/home/test111# suspend
08:53.35system16[1]+  Stopped                 su root
08:54.20system16root@devuan:/home/test111# suspend
08:54.29system16[2]+  Stopped                 su root
08:54.33system16^^ is new
08:54.55KatolaZ(btw, what is 'suspend'???)
08:55.05system16[1]-  Stopped                 su root
08:55.06system16[2]+  Stopped                 su root
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08:55.19KatolaZif you want to resume the first one, just
08:55.21KatolaZfg 1
08:55.36system16ok next one ?
08:56.33gnarfacewhy do i feel like we're teaching skynet job control?
08:56.46system16looks like i cant do i it
08:56.53system16im restarting
08:57.42gnarfacei still can't tell if there's actually a dash bug or if it's working fine and he is just getting confused by the fact that silence in shell commands traditionally means "no error"
08:58.31*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (
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08:58.55KatolaZgnarface: I don't even know what they are trying to achieve
08:59.50gnarfaceas i gather it, he's literally just logged in, su to root backgrounded it, and can't figure out how to get it back,
08:59.52system16ok i think that job is running
08:59.53gnarfacefollowed by panic
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13:04.40AntoFoxtoday update my repo, there may be some disservice
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13:26.14HumI made a reportbug-by-mail.html that contains a problem here&body=package=(insert package name here)%0Aversion=(insert ...
13:26.35Humlike the short one in
13:26.57HumI can't write to my own wiki page in devuan
13:27.32HumI could s/devuan/debian/g and write it to the debian wiki
13:33.19DocScrutinizer05!#devuan infra is <Centurion-Dan> documentation of the infrastructure is in and it's mostly complete apart from no detail on dak and how we use that.... I'll get that done soon...
13:33.19infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
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14:00.31HumI posted the long mail link to (debian version)
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14:07.03golinuxUnreadable with %20 between every word
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14:26.49Humgolinux: I tried to make a more humanreadable version, but wiki syntax doesn't allow to make it nice. The linktext in [[mailto:...|Linktext]] must not have newlines.
14:27.28Humat the end of the page is a ugly human-readable version
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14:29.38golinuxAh, just the instructions.
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16:48.17*** join/#devuan EHeM (
16:50.01EHeMHrmm, Debian keeps choosing a different LTS kernel from everyone else.  :-(
16:50.49EHeMDebian went for 3.16 when everyone else went for 3.18, now Debian is going for 4.9 while my handy comparison (OpenWRT) is at 4.4.
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17:48.57Humthe order version, date would be better next time
17:49.10HumEHeM: ^^^
17:51.11HumDebian seems to choose extra longlife kernel, suitable for releases that get oldoldstable (or even stale ;)
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18:19.29hwpplayer1Hi people
18:20.18hwpplayer1Who is responsible for documentation here , like articles
18:20.28djphwe have documentation?
18:20.45hwpplayer1We have lots of Debian documentation in my opinion
18:21.06hwpplayer1I can host articles for you
18:21.40djphwhy bother having "someone else" host docs, what with the devuan site and all ...
18:21.54hwpplayer1I mean like newspaper
18:22.13hwpplayer1like omgubuntu etc
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18:36.03djphhave at it if you watn ... but that's not "documentation"
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19:23.09math_manIf Jessie is equivalent to Debian Jessie+1, why is Jessie+1 referred to as stretch, and why are some of the Devuan packages pre-Debian Jessie?
19:23.42*** join/#devuan blap (
19:23.52math_manFor example, I am trying to interact with my iPhone, and Devuan Jessie uses imobiledevice4 while Debian Jessie+1 uses libimobiledevice6
19:24.06math_manAnd I can't find a backport anywhere
19:24.15blapis there something like sid/unstable for devuan?
19:24.56math_manIt's called "ceres"
19:26.15blapi read it is possible to convert a debian system to devuan, is this currently supported?
19:26.49math_manThat is beyond my knowledge.  Better check Yahoo
19:27.17golinuxblap: Only wheezy and jessie can be upgraded to devuan
19:27.19math_manYea I can't find it in the backports
19:27.41math_manwhere can I see a full list of available packages in backports?
19:28.35Walexblap: if you *really* know what you are doing 'stretch' should also be upgradeable, but it is hairy because means replacing 'systemd'-infected packages with non-infected ones, and the infection is pervasive.
19:29.26blapthank you, i will start with devuan in a vm and make it install to a free partition
19:29.54math_manthere's this:
19:30.03math_manBut almost everything is missing there
19:30.32math_manDoes Devuan have a database like Debian where they list the package and which repo it's available in?
19:30.53golinuxPackages are in this unofficaial site but probably doesn't include backports:
19:31.29math_manthere we go thanks
19:33.28math_manthere we go, Ceres has libimobiledevice6
19:35.58math_manthis is odd
19:36.04math_manIT shows ASCII as having it too
19:36.16math_manBut I upgraded to ASCII yesterday and it did not
19:36.38math_manwhich is when I bailed to Kubuntu 17.10 (which really *is* unstable)
19:36.48golinuxDid you dist-upgrade?
19:36.58math_manlook at the chat logs here
19:37.11math_manShould I try again?
19:37.18golinuxlooks at all the chat logs
19:37.27math_man(also the menu spacing was messed up after moving to ASCII...)
19:37.52golinuxThat's probably a gtk3 thing
19:38.19math_manhow would you recommend I do it?  Just change /etc/apt/sources, run update, then upgrade, then dist-upgrade?
19:38.21golinuxWelcome to gnome's world
19:38.30math_manxfce is gnome derivative?
19:38.43math_man(gnome noob here, used to KDE)
19:38.45golinuxIt's moveing to gtk3 which is from gnome
19:39.01math_manASCII will move to gnome?
19:39.10golinuxNo Xfce
19:39.27math_manunderstood, they haven't ironed out the glitch yet
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19:39.47math_manLet me propose an idea to you:
19:39.53math_man(tell me if it's worth a shot)
19:40.00golinuxLet me give you a link:
19:40.25math_manWhat do you think about a fresh install of Jessie without any GUI, and then run the dist-upgrade from pure shell?
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19:41.08golinuxThat's one way to do it but a lo0t of work.
19:41.21math_manwhat do you recommend?
19:41.33math_man'ello 'ello 'ello
19:41.37Walexmath_man: to a very large extent 'wheezy' and 'jessie' are Devuan distros, of course 'wheezy' more than 'jessie'
19:42.28Walexmath_man: but what's the point of installing Debian 'wheezy' and then upgrading it to Devuan 'jessie'?
19:42.39Walexmath_man: but what's the point of installing Debian 'jessie' and then upgrading it to Devuan 'jessie'?
19:43.05math_manI think there has been a misunderstanding
19:43.11math_manthat was someone else asking about that
19:43.32math_manthis has purely to do with proerly upgrading from Jessie (devuan) to ASCII
19:43.54WalexAhhh you were referring to Debuan 'jessie' to start with.
19:44.03math_manyes sir :-)
19:44.08WalexAhhh you were referring to Debian 'jessie' to start with.
19:44.25math_mando either of you have ASCII installed?  Can you please do an apt-cache search libimobiledevice6 and see if it shows?
19:45.05golinuxI'm on stable
19:45.26Walexmath_man: well, upgrade-in-place is always an option, but as "golinux" said it is going to be slow, like all in-place upgrades.
19:45.59Walexmath_man: what about doing a personal backport from the source '.deb' for 'libimobiledevice6'?
19:46.48math_manbeen there, too many dependencies
19:48.06Walexmath_man: do you know about pinning?
19:48.20Walexmath_man: or '-t <archive>' in APT?
19:48.49Walexmath_man: then use them! :-)
19:48.53Walexmath_man: that is:
19:49.04math_manapt-get install -t jessie-backports?
19:49.20math_manah add an ascii repo and use that
19:49.25Walexmath_man: add the ASCII sources, 'jessie-backports', pin them lower
19:49.50Walexmath_man: add the ASCII sources, 'jessie-backports', pin them lower than 'jessie' and then use 'apt-cache policy' or the explorer in Aptitude to investigate your options
19:50.27Walexmath_man: on my site IIRC I have very nice example (quite old, but the idea is the same)
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19:51.52math_manThanks very much I will copy your message to view later
19:51.57math_manright now I have a customer bugging me
19:52.11*** join/#devuan Weeezy (Elite18779@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-ovsirmcsgenznqvl)
19:52.11math_manthanks and bye for now
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20:13.23Enrico_MenottiHello. I'd need some help in building a package. I want to say immediately that I'm very confused about what's happening in my system, so I apologise if I will be unclear in my question.
20:16.44Enrico_MenottiThe package is dbus-cpp. I have taken the source from Ubuntu (from Bazaar: bzr branch lp:dbus-cpp). Then tried to invoke debuild -us -uc -b. The thing requires other two packages which are not available in Debian/Devuan, namely: properties-cpp and process-cpp. I also took them from Ubuntu and built and installed them successfully.
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20:18.04golinuxEnrico_Menotti: Have you seen this:
20:24.05Enrico_MenottiNow I was on Devuan Jessie; so I had the corresponding build-essential version (and gcc, g++, etc.). With that build system, all went fine. Later on, I was trying to build another project, relying on dbus-cpp, and I needed to upgrade some other package (libboost). So I enabled the ascii distribution and upgraded that package. That led me to re-build properties-cpp and process-cpp. Still difficulties, so I tried to
20:24.38Enrico_Menottigolinux I have had a look at that, thanks. Will take the time to read carefully. But may that solve my issue?
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20:28.30Enrico_MenottiI am unable at present to be more precise about what is happening here. Any suggestion, at least on what to do to begin investigating, would be much appreciated.
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20:44.47mathmanHi Walex
20:44.54mathmanOk time to experiment with your method
20:45.35mathmanok so just add ascii at the bottom, right?
20:48.59Enrico_Menotti If anybody could have a look there...
20:51.13mathmandeb-src ascii main non-free contrib
20:52.27mathmansudo apt-get -t ascii install libimobiledevice6
20:52.37mathmanThe value 'ascii' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources
20:53.07Enrico_Menottimathman apt-get update?
20:53.13mathmandone thqat
20:53.42mathmanand it did download some ascii stuff during the update
20:54.15Enrico_Menottiapt-cache policy libimobiledevice6?
20:54.59mathmanunable to locate package
20:56.24mathmanIt should be there
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21:01.55mathmanbut apt-cache -t ascii also gives the same response
21:02.15mathmanah there we go
21:02.23mathmanI used deb-src in the sources.list instead of deb
21:05.54mathmanthere we go
21:05.58mathmanbetter remove the old stuff first
21:09.13mathmanlooks good
21:09.15mathmantime to reboot
21:09.19mathmanthanks for the help again.  Bye
21:09.21*** part/#devuan mathman (63e4a5f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:32.46*** join/#devuan mathman (63e4a5f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:32.56mathmanIt works!
21:32.59mathmanThanks again everyone
21:33.41mathmanEspecially Walex
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22:43.27tofu_Hey, a strange problem. Umm.. How to get copy paste working from the xfce terminal? I don't have a middle button. I have tried to enable emulation thougth xorg.conf, but it seems not to have taken effect. Anyone have a tip?
22:43.33tofu_I have a fresh install
22:43.52XenguyShift-Insert may work
22:44.10golinuxctrl C ctrl V?
22:44.29tofu_Xenguy: that is a go
22:44.38Xenguyglad to hear it
22:44.53tofu_golinux: that is a nogo , ^c cancels things in a terminal
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22:46.18golinuxLOL!  Yeah, I don't go there often.  You can also do paste from the 'edit' option in the menu bar.
22:46.28tofu_But is it not a strange function to be missing? rightclick in a terminal?
22:46.44Liekectrl+shift+c / ctrl+shift+v
22:47.12golinuxI just pasted with a right click
22:47.34tofu_Lieke: that works as well, I kinda knew those shortcuts
22:47.55tofu_I was just a bit supprised the right click did not work.
22:48.10golinuxIt worked here
22:48.27tofu_in xfce-terminal?
22:49.34gnarfacetofu_: 3-button emulation in xorg should work.  that's how all of us have always done it all along.  the right way to fix this issue is to revisit that xorg.conf setting, figure out why it didn't work.
22:50.10gnarfacetofu_: (consider the possibility of user error; double check your work, read the xorg log file for evidence of failure)
22:50.25tofu_gnarface: sure. Will do.
22:51.42gnarfacetofu_: so we're clear here, i don't really know how much you know.  do you know, for example, that this type of "copy/paste" copies implicitly on highlight of text, and the middle-mouse-click pastes whatever is currently highlighted?  (there's no "copy" command, per-se other than that)
22:52.36gnarfaceif the problem is a typo in your xorg.conf though, i would expect some complaint about it in the xorg log
22:53.27gnarfacethe only other likely possibility is some other tool or config conflicting with it
22:54.03golinuxtofu_: Yes in xfce-terminal?
22:54.07gnarfacei've heard of 2-button mice that don't work with the 3-button emulation but in 20 years never seen one
22:54.42XenguyI thought I used to click a 2-button mouse, both buttons at the same time, to emulate a 'middle-click' ?
22:55.18Xenguy(Once upon a very long time)
22:55.19fsmithredXenguy, that still works
22:55.25gnarfaceXenguy: yes, that's correct, but it has to be enabled at the xorg.conf (and i don't know if the default is on or off these days, but i thought they changed it to off a few years ago)
22:55.35greenjeansworks in lxterminal and mate terminal
22:56.09gnarfaceOption "ChordMiddle" "boolean"
22:56.25gnarfaceymmv if not using the "mouse" driver
22:56.45gnarfaceoh wait, that's not it
22:56.47gnarfaceit's this one:
22:56.52gnarfaceOption "Emulate3Buttons" "boolean"
22:57.01tofu_But does xfce-terminal have a menu options on right click?
22:57.17fsmithredyes, tofu. It should be there.
22:57.26greenjeanstry lxterminal, it's very nice ;)
22:57.27gnarfacetofu_: that i don't know off the top of my head.  if it does, it MAY have it's own clipboard builtin, like firefox
22:57.29fsmithreddoes right-click work other places?
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22:57.58gnarfacetofu_: "ctrl-c/ctrl-v" also will work - in firefox and other gtk apps that map it.  the 3button emulation is a lower level X thing
22:57.58tofu_fsmithred: not in chrome
22:58.10fsmithredis mouse broken/dying?
22:58.27gnarfaceother option, are the switches just weak?
22:58.32gnarfacei note this option from that manpage too:
22:58.34gnarfaceOption "Emulate3Timeout" "integer"
22:58.39fsmithredif xfce desktop, then right-click on desktop should give you a menu
22:58.42tofu_fsmithred: Maybe.. Its a used computer I mooched of work.
22:58.46gnarface- 50ms might be a bit tight tolerance for some people
22:59.03greenjeanslol, mouse not working right in xfce is....ironic
22:59.04gnarfaceor if the mouse buttons are weak
22:59.48gnarfacetofu_: you can use xev to see if clicks are being registered, to eliminate the possibility of physical switch failure in the mouse
23:00.14tofu_gnarface: yes, good one
23:00.29fsmithredmy mouse sometimes won't track properly until I give it a blowjob.
23:00.43tofu_gnarface: jupp... Button is b0rked
23:01.04gnarfacebummer.  sorry to hear that tofu_, but at least that saves you some time.  this is definitely in the range of problems people usually *don't* have with working hardware
23:01.35tofu_Oh well.. I have the keyboard shortcuts. Or can I hack the left one to work as right by a shortcut ? :p
23:01.56gnarfaceuh, you can alter the xorg.conf to remap the buttons, yea
23:02.01greenjeansmebbe xdotool?
23:02.03gnarfacethere might be userland tools to do it too
23:02.09greenjeansif you just gotta use that mouse
23:02.51gnarfacetofu_: personally, if you got nothing but time and a screwdriver and a dead mouse, i'd suggest trying to take it apart to clean the switch.  maybe it's just some caved-in piezo thing you can abuse back into working order then reassemble
23:03.01tofu_Its just a laptop, which I what to use for wiresharking in the field, so it would be nice not to be dependant on a mouse. Maybe I can map the touchpad to be right button
23:03.24gnarfaceoh, that's pretty likely actually.  some of them may be mapped already to that
23:03.42gnarfacesome devices have two-finger and three-finger tap enabled in hardware by default
23:04.09gnarfacei think for many others you can enable it with the synaptic touchpad driver
23:04.29greenjeansso it's the button on your laptop that's broken, not an external mouse?
23:05.44tofu_greenjeans: yeah, the laptop button it seems
23:06.07tofu_I managed to l00t an Latitude E6230
23:07.00tofu_Hmm.. double finger scroll works
23:07.01greenjeansyeah, I agree with gnarface then, it's worth taking apart, that's a really simple switch, sometimes it's just a little corrosion on the contacts, and a pencil eraser will fix that
23:08.11gnarfaceif double-finger scroll works, double-finger tap might also
23:08.43greenjeansQuestion for all: Even if you don't use such yourself, do you feel a video-editing app is important enough to most end-users for it to be included as a default app in a linux distro?
23:08.49gnarfacethough i think that would be middle-click and three-finger tap would be right-click, or do i have those confused?   well, either way, the "emulate3buttons" setting will probably sabotage that, so turn it off
23:09.37gnarfacegreenjeans: it depends on which one, i think
23:10.20gnarfacebut i'm not sure i'm qualified to pick, because i'd pick ffmpeg
23:10.28tofu_Maybe I should turn of that emulation , as of yet, only double finger scroll seems to generate an event
23:10.44greenjeansI was thinking of adding Openshot....I don't do vids/youtube myself, but obviously a lot of folks do
23:10.45gnarfacetofu_: three-finger tap doesn't work either?
23:10.57gnarfacetofu_: three-finger tap may take some practice to actually do
23:11.02Xenguygives the 1-finger salute ;P ...
23:11.22Xenguy(Just for fun, mind you)
23:11.41tofu_Xenguy: =D
23:13.44tofu_Nah, tried on two different latitudes , seems to only accept scroll events
23:13.52tofu_maybe there is a bios setting
23:14.17gnarfaceit might just need a different input driver
23:14.33gnarfaceor a different config setting in xorg for the one it's using
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23:14.59tofu_gnarface: aha. I now use the devuan default
23:17.47fsmithredgreenjeans, the only one I've ever used was avidemux
23:18.14fsmithredtried another (kde something) but couldn't really use it
23:18.48fsmithredtalk to golinux about video editing
23:19.02greenjeansI tried openshot and it seems pretty nice...oh, just remembered, Miyo uses for videos, I need to ask him how he likes it
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23:22.10tofu_anyways thx for the help.
23:23.10tofu_ , found this one. gonna try it tomorrow.
23:23.50greenjeanssimulates whatever keypress you like
23:24.20gnarfacetofu_: that should work, though for some window managers (e17 at least) xmodmap bindings get unset every time you start up, just fyi
23:24.44gnarfacetofu_: (though e17 has built-in tools for mouse/keyboard mappings)
23:25.04tofu_gnarface: good to know, I'm using xfce , just becuase its devuan default
23:25.25gnarfacetofu_: yea, somewhat ironically i have just about no experience with it
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23:26.01tofu_but i will try out e17 on my other computer. How does it compare to mate?
23:26.26gnarfacelots more customization, i'm guessing, but i don't know much about mate either.  that's a GNOME fork?
23:26.36tofu_yeah, gnome2 fork
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23:27.44tofu_my prefed setup was gnome2 with xmonad
23:28.00tofu_but gnome people went mad, so I changed to mate
23:29.12fsmithredI haven't used e17 since lenny, and it was amazingly low on resources. I would say it's nothing like mate.
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23:30.19tofu_fsmithred: yeah, I have heard good things about it
23:30.44fsmithredI didn't like the look, but I was impressed with how much it could do.
23:31.14fsmithredI even pulled ram out of the computer to see what I could do on 64MB.
23:31.36tofu_hehe.. Did it blend?
23:31.40fsmithredfile manager, text editor and terminal all worked fine
23:31.50justinsmI ran it for about 2 weeks last year on ascii.
23:32.02justinsmextremely quirky
23:32.14tofu_Cool, yeah. For embedded stuff that would be nice
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23:32.30tofu_But even the small stuff got memory now days
23:32.42tofu_ie, RPI
23:33.09blapi didn't know a modern x86 kernel could live in 64MB
23:33.54gnarfacebarely, but yes, with virtual memory
23:34.40fsmithredgreenjeans, I did try openshot back in 2011, and that's the one I couldn't figure out.
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