IRC log for #devuan on 20170902

00:00.36unixman_homeI like WiCD. I suggest using it. :P
00:01.40unixman_homeAh, but you installed without a GUI. I get it now.
00:01.51unixman_homeis slow sometimes :D
00:03.09unixman_homeOr wicd-cli. I forget about those as I rarely use them.
00:12.38*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4182:a200:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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00:38.54*** join/#devuan KatolaZ (~KatolaZ@
00:43.41golinuxNicaragua_: Try setnet
00:44.08golinuxalso here
01:06.43*** join/#devuan Spagno (
01:10.31*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (~artemis3@
01:11.57Nicaragua_I got openbox
01:12.00Nicaragua_but clean openbox
01:12.04Nicaragua_just openbox and X11
01:12.15Nicaragua_not xFCE LXDE nor Gnome neither KDE
01:12.19Nicaragua_just openbox and X11
01:15.12Nicaragua_I mean I 've installed Openbox, and I have fbpanel on it
01:15.24Nicaragua_I want something to replace nm-applet
01:15.33Nicaragua_because I don't have , we don't have systemD
01:15.41Nicaragua_and NetworkManager is based on systemD
01:15.50Nicaragua_and WiCD needs gnome libraries
01:21.59fsmithredyou can install network-manager without systemd
01:22.28fsmithred0.9.10.0-7+devuan1 in jessie main
01:24.53Nicaragua_thank you man
01:45.24golinuxNot is jessie-proposed?
01:45.28*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:45.33golinuxis > in
01:48.19fsmithredI think the one in proposed is the test build
01:48.33fsmithredit's got a gbp number
01:53.49*** join/#devuan Spagno (
02:08.41*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:10.24Nicaragua_hey what is the package for build essentials on devuan?
02:11.17Nicaragua_build-essential I see
02:24.03*** join/#devuan Nicaragua_ (
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02:31.34Nicaragua_wicd-curses is awesome
02:35.38*** join/#devuan debdog (
02:44.17Nicaragua_but finally
02:44.21Nicaragua_I installed wpa_gui
02:44.45Nicaragua_since is the wpa_supplicant's gui
02:46.00*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
03:10.42Nicaragua_and it's faster than everything
03:58.13*** join/#devuan ebisu (~yui@2602:306:32bb:c720:219:d2ff:fec5:63f3)
03:59.21ebisuYo, I picked this distro up for my laptop that I librebooted (threw in a free kernel) and everythings gucci. I havent used debian in a few years because system D is fucking shit so mad props to the developers
03:59.54ebisualso I was wondering if there's any convenient way to upgrade this ancient verison fo xfce devuan ships with
04:00.18ebisuif not ill just isntall window maker or somethin
04:03.20*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
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06:30.41pennTellerHi guys, does anyone know how to get the "cpupower" command to work on devuan? Any help is much appreciated
06:37.26Leanderlooks like the package is there, what is wrong with it?
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07:44.15gnarfaceebisu: check backports for a newer version
07:44.21gnarfaceebisu: (not sure but worth a try)
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10:51.39fsmithred   "If Amprolla is down or otherwise unavailable, apt-get appears to use the underlying debian repos in consequence.  This results in a whole bunch of unauthenticated packages (because I have the devuan keyring not the debian) including packages which are normally held back."
10:52.42fsmithredCenturion-Dan2, parazyd, KatolaZ, jaromil ^^^ please see this post
10:53.32fsmithredshit, wrong channel
11:16.29*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
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12:23.10system16i disabled port forwarding for my sftp server will this stop bots/humans from trying  to break into my server?
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12:28.33fsmithredsystem16, if there's no ssh port open, then nobody will try to break in through ssh.
12:28.48fsmithredyou can go here to have your ports scanned:
12:32.53fsmithredoh, trim the faq off that url
12:34.05*** join/#devuan reetp (
12:48.37DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: (picking up on that partitioning topic) gparted is lobotomized - when I select "repair" (OWTTE) it warns about "this will need a full scan of whole drive and may take very long". Then when you accept, the GUI freezes completely, incl "abort button" and all, while it reads and analyzes those 5 TB on my drive
12:49.30fsmithredI didn't know there was a repair option in gparted.
12:51.20DocScrutinizer05neither. Just found it and thought to just try it for curiosity's sake
12:51.46fsmithredremember the cat
12:52.03DocScrutinizer05now without *any* sign of progress, this is up to anybody's guess on how long it really will take
12:52.19fsmithredmaybe until root kills it
12:53.46fsmithredif I scan ports on my external ip address, will I see port 53 open even though it's not accessible from outside the local network?
12:54.36DocScrutinizer05(53) hmm, how so?
12:54.53DocScrutinizer05scan from where?
12:55.24fsmithredI'm scanning from inside the local network
12:55.32fsmithredI'm behind two routers
12:55.56fsmithredand I'm scanning the external address on the router that's connected to the modem
12:55.58DocScrutinizer05that's giving moot results, unless you want to know if netstat is correct ;-)
12:56.17fsmithredusing nmap
12:56.20DocScrutinizer05routers usually do "hairpinning"
12:56.43fsmithredso I'm not really reading from outside?
12:56.58DocScrutinizer05your route will not get filtered the way any external access to public IP would
12:57.12fsmithredok, I was afraid of that
12:57.24DocScrutinizer05you generally can't run nmap against $local
12:57.53DocScrutinizer05if you want, I can run from external
12:58.14DocScrutinizer05PM your IP (and level of check you want)
12:58.16fsmithredyes, please,
12:58.42DocScrutinizer05actually, please PM the nmap cmdline
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16:51.49*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:52.15AlexLikeRockbuenas tardes
17:02.13*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
17:04.23g4570nBuenas :)
17:18.40*** join/#devuan fugitive (
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17:26.50aitorhola, buenas tardes, me tengo que ir, estaré dentro de tres o cuatro horas
17:27.02aitorsee you :)
17:35.06*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
17:39.41bozonius what is that white rectangle at lower right?  I'm running xfce4 on devuan 1.0 with all the latest updates from the repo.
17:40.06bozoniusthe only clue is that if I try to right click anywhere within that white region, there is no context menu popup
17:40.37bozoniusthis appeared about a day ago, and I was thinking it was just an "artifact" and would eventually go away.  But so far, not.
17:40.47bozoniusyeah, that's what I'm thinking
17:40.51AlexLikeRockkill firt  time , and  next  will work  fine
17:41.01AlexLikeRockand   hit
17:41.37fsmithredI've had that. Can't remember what I did to make it go away, but it was easy.
17:41.45fsmithredrestarting the desktop doesn't help?
17:42.05bozoniususe the M$ method, fsmithred?
17:42.12bozoniusThis IS linux, afterall...
17:42.16AlexLikeRockfsmithred,   its more  easy  with   "xkill"
17:42.17fsmithredyeah, I occasionall reboot
17:42.25bozoniusdo I need to be root?
17:42.37bozoniusregular user -- it doesn't make it go away
17:42.39AlexLikeRockof desktop
17:43.03bozoniusright.  I know THAT will work.  I'm just wondering how it got there and why it remains
17:43.19bozoniusbesides xkill, is there a simlar tool to simply identify it?
17:43.22fsmithredoh, xkill looks cool
17:43.33bozonius(but it doesn't work for me)
17:43.59bozoniusistm there IS a tool that can identify a window in X
17:44.09bozoniussimilar to the way xkill works
17:44.16fsmithredI think I got that on the first login to the desktop, and I think my fix might have been to delete ~/.config/xfce4
17:45.00fsmithredwhat's the utility that you use to track mouse activity?
17:45.45fsmithredyeah, that does it
17:45.52bozoniusbut xwininfo does not tell me who owns it
17:45.57bozonius(program or script)
17:46.14fsmithredoh, it worked fine on this hexchat window
17:46.34fsmithredthis persisted over reboot?
17:47.17bozoniusnah.  I just want to know WHO did this to my desktop, and then hunt them down and murder the #@$% !
17:47.33bozoniusis very punchy right this moment, for some reason
17:47.43fsmithredI think it might be xfce
17:47.55*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
17:48.14bozoniusis xfce4 that evil, or lazy?
17:48.33Xenguy_evil? lazy?
17:48.38Xenguy_just got here...
17:48.38fsmithrednot sure, but I'm liking it less than I used to.
17:48.43bozoniusleaving artifacts around
17:49.43bozoniusok, xprop -id on that window tells me it is "thunderbird" "alert"
17:50.20fsmithredt-bird is closer to the chopping block than xfce
17:50.47fsmithredit only crashes when I retrieve mail
17:50.56bozoniusyeah.  So it is thunderbird -- it is still running, but it has no main window running
17:51.05bozoniusfsmithred:  every time?
17:51.10bozoniusI've never had that
17:51.14fsmithredno, not every time
17:51.23fsmithredbut only on the imap account
17:51.39bozonius"the" imap account?
17:51.45bozoniusor "any"
17:51.49fsmithredit also tells me I have over 10,000 unread messages in my inbox
17:52.03fsmithredI only have one imap account. Others are pop
17:52.15fsmithredall are gmail
17:52.21bozoniuswell the crash is t-birds way of shaming you for not reading all that urgent email!
17:52.33fsmithreddng is not urgent
17:52.45bozoniusemail shaming is the latest trending
17:53.00bozoniusor it will be once I make this meme go viral
17:53.14*** join/#devuan peetaur (
17:53.16bozoniuswonders how that actually happens -- do you have to be someone special?
17:53.27fsmithredright place, right time
17:53.29bozoniusglad I could make you chuckle
17:53.33bozoniusah, that's it.
17:53.41bozoniusthat's been my problem my whole life I think.
17:54.22bozoniusok, so t-bird is still running but has somehow tucked away its main window.   Nice.
17:54.39fsmithredkill that dinosaur
17:55.22fsmithredI've noticed that sometimes when it crashes, the window goes away, but it's still running, so I can't restart it until I kill it.
17:57.26bozoniuswmctrl -l does not list any windows open by thunderbird, including the one I identified.   But the man pages for these X11 utils do tell us that they are not very accurate
17:57.40bozoniusI wonder if killing the t-bird will get rid of the window
17:57.53*** join/#devuan cyteen (
17:57.55fsmithredtry it
17:58.02fsmithredyou should kill it anyway
17:58.13bozoniusI should.  And I did.
17:58.24bozoniusBut why...
17:58.36fsmithredwhy what?
17:58.40fsmithredwhy kill it?
17:58.55bozoniusnow, I did spend a good part of the day yesterday hunting down what seemed to be a mem leak in mozilla
17:59.16bozoniusI'm wondering if all that activity, and the leaks, might have left that artifact somehow.
17:59.27fsmithredyou're using 45?
17:59.45bozoniusah, I was running old ff with new tbird
17:59.58fsmithredoh, I'm using newer ff with old tbird
18:00.07bozoniusfor some reason, as it turns out, a prior update only upgraded t-bird but not ff
18:00.57fsmithredI stopped doing upgrades a couple months ago, but I can't remember why
18:01.24bozoniusI updated again yesterday, and this time, apt did update ff.
18:01.51bozoniusI think it had something to do with having had the experimental and backports repos enabled. Not sure tho
18:02.44bozoniusto answer your question, as of yesterday's update, I am now running 52 of both
18:03.04bozonius(the exact levels vary by ff or tbird)
18:03.26bozoniuswell, at least the time drift is gone
18:04.31bozoniusthat trick did it (tinker panic 0 in ntp.conf)
18:04.49bozoniusand this morning, all my VMs are humming along nicely.
18:05.12bozoniusI prob should reboot my devuan VM tho, after all that testing and tinkering re the mem leak
18:05.37bozoniusnot that linux should be impacted by userland programs over the long run
18:06.51bozoniuscold boot (shutting VM down then restarting)
18:07.29bozoniusdevuan shuts down and boots VERY fast.
18:07.36bozoniuseven in a VM!
18:09.39bozoniusnew problem (and I've been seeing this after reboots):   The VM (in full screen mode) comes up as a small window, less than the screen size, even though before shutdown, it was a screen-sized window
18:09.48fsmithrednow that I see it in the upgrades, I remember why I didn't
18:09.50bozonius(good one, i like it)
18:10.25bozoniuswhen I go into the display program, the resolution is not set
18:10.48bozoniusI can force it back to the size of the full screen, but why doesn't it preserve it across boots?
18:10.57fsmithredmine always come up small. I just grab the corner and make it bigger.
18:11.09fsmithredbut that only works with guest additions
18:11.50bozoniusbut I'm in full-screen mode, there's no "window" per se
18:11.57bozoniusit's the whole screen
18:12.05fsmithredoh, I never do that
18:12.16bozoniusI prefer it because I get to use the entire screen this way
18:12.28fsmithredyeah, I've had occasion to need that
18:12.28bozonius(which is why I paid $91 for my new monitor)
18:12.46fsmithredhow big?
18:12.48bozoniusOverstock, 1920x1080
18:13.08bozonius$91 (and I guess some extra, the usual), but got away with it all for under $100
18:13.12bozoniusget this:
18:13.13fsmithredanyway, I need to reboot for real now
18:13.24fsmithredfinish whqat you're saying
18:13.50bozoniuswe have had occasional ant attacks here, well, one crawled under the screen of my new monitor!
18:14.10bozoniusI complained to Overstock about this, and said they'd look into it.
18:14.50bozoniuswhile I was waiting to hear from them, I got an ok for the return by email.  But a few days later, I found a new monitor by the front door
18:14.52fsmithredthey're gonna clean ants out of your monitor?
18:14.55infobotin #devuan the exclamation mark ("!"), when put as first char in a line, is the infobot attention char (a shorthand for "infobot: ..." highlight). This is on special reqzest, in most other channels the bot uses tilde ("~") as attention char, and you'll find factoids referring to that like "also see ~<factoid>"
18:15.28bozoniusI mean, I had figured I'd have to box mine up and send it back before they would issue a new one
18:15.42bozoniusSo I installed the new monitor, sent back the original in the new carton
18:15.47fsmithredthat's nice
18:15.50fsmithredok brb
18:15.51bozoniusnow THAT's customer service!
18:16.51bozoniusgnarface:  Alls well this morning.  No more complaints on host or VMs about time sync crap.  And the upgrade of ff to 52 seems to have quit the mem leaks, mostly
18:17.25bozoniushowever, some leakage is still occuring, and I'll continue to monitor that.   The problem is almost definitely mozilla-only.  Not an issue for vbox at all as I see it.
18:17.44bozoniusjust wanted to update you.
18:18.29*** join/#devuan Guest1756 (~Guest@
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18:20.31*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
18:20.58fsmithredbozonius, I decided to check my email before I closed tbird.
18:21.10fsmithredgot a few messages, then closed it before the notification came up
18:21.24fsmithredand I got the same white box in the same place that you got it
18:21.40bozoniuswhat version of t-bird -- 45?
18:22.09bozoniuswell, nice to know someone else is getting this also
18:23.20bozoniusoh, wait, you told me you are running new tbird and old ff
18:23.26*** join/#devuan Akuli (~Akuli@2001:999:42:1739:21e:65ff:fe37:6b62)
18:23.39bozoniusI'm also running tbird 52 now
18:23.53bozoniusand for some time... never saw this notification artifact before
18:24.05fsmithredit was 45 tbird and ff 52
18:24.21bozoniusI tought you said other way around
18:24.25bozoniusbut ok, makes sense now
18:24.27fsmithredwow, still 45.8 after upgrade
18:24.55bozoniusdo you have backports or other repos enabled?   gnarface had me disable those and update/upgrade
18:25.08bozoniusand it then installed ff 52
18:26.49bozoniusmake something similar will work for you
18:28.12fsmithredI disabled backports before I upgraded
18:28.23bozoniusany other repos?
18:28.38bozoniuslike experimental or maybe some other?
18:28.43fsmithredjessie  -security -proposed
18:28.51bozoniusmaybe proposed?
18:28.54fsmithredno, I disabled everything. There was a shitton of them
18:29.16bozoniusand you ran update, then upgrade?
18:29.44fsmithredhad 146 upgrades. Was using kernel from April.
18:30.06bozoniusI'm pretty new to the dpkg/apt environment.  I mostly know rpm and yum, and also pacman (arch linux)
18:30.14bozoniuspacman is very nice, actually.
18:30.58fsmithredoh, I just have jessie and -security and -updates
18:30.59bozoniusyum is not bad, either.  RPM is a complex and feature-rich tool.
18:31.00fsmithrednot proposed
18:31.35fsmithredyeah, I started with redhat and then suse
18:31.54bozoniusme too.  Stopped at mandrake/mandriva along the way too
18:31.56fsmithredand fc4 for awhile
18:32.22bozoniusI'm only here because RH and derivatives went bad
18:32.23fsmithredended up coming to debian because everything is already in the repo
18:32.47fsmithredbrb, need to finish testing gpg
18:33.01bozoniussame in centos, really.   There's tons of rpms out there for RH and sons
18:33.09bozoniussee ya
18:33.48fsmithredback. It works. And I remembered the passphrase first try.
18:34.45fsmithredff is 52.2
18:39.28bozoniuscan you get tbird to 52, or is it still stuck at 45?
18:41.30*** join/#devuan oui (b209d78d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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18:43.14fsmithrednot sure
18:43.28fsmithredtrying to figure out something else right now
18:43.41ouihi, I need help. The community of devuan to be such what like alcatraz or other high security prisons: how to register in the forum? The forum motor ask me «what is the color of the desk of Devuan?» I don't know: it was not possible for me to install Devuan until yet!
18:45.03ouialso the access to this irc! the robot question is absolutely terrible! Why such extremely maximal complicately contact with not-users-until-yet?
18:45.24fsmithredrobot question for irc?
18:45.39ouiThank you for purple!
18:45.41fsmithredyou're doing it through a web browser?
18:46.57ouiyes, of course, Seamonkey (includes IRC, initialy using the IRC part of it, and, now, through the browser, it is most easy...
18:47.33ouiI don't know IRC commands... But if you can't register to the forum!
18:47.56bozoniusok, new issue.  It seems that the virtualbox additions do not support 1920x1080?  Because I don't see this mode in the dropdown when I go into Settings->Display
18:47.56fsmithredusing hexchat here. Mostly click.
18:47.57ouiand I never did learn English
18:48.15fsmithredyou're doing pretty well with English for not knowing it.
18:48.17bozonius(it's OK, oui.  English is a very hard language)
18:48.59fsmithredbozonius, xfce display settings doesn't work as well as lxrandr
18:49.20ouifamithred: I am French (says "oui") but live in Germany
18:49.25bozoniusAgain, unless there is a strict reason for using the repo Guest Additions ("GA"), I don't see any reason not to build these from the CD that comes with vbox
18:49.25fsmithredalthough that's more about second monitor than about display size
18:49.48bozoniusIch lerne Deutsch nun.
18:49.49fsmithredusb support?
18:49.54bozoniusund Espanol
18:50.28bozoniusfsmithred:  I can get usb support by building the GA myself.
18:50.44bozoniusNever had an issue on most platforms doing it this way.
18:50.59ouishit! the question did change: what is the Devuan login manager now!
18:51.24bozoniusonly ones I know of are devuan, mageia, and alpine that require repo version of vbox GA
18:51.30bozoniusoui:  slim
18:51.41ouithank you
18:51.45bozoniustry it.
18:52.23bozoniusdid that work?
18:52.51ouithank you bozonius, I did register with success to the forum (I hoppe)! Thank you very much.
18:52.58bozoniusnp, oui
18:53.02bozoniusglad you could get in
18:53.28guruweird i have no idea what changed but now i can install steam, but not zsnes still on ceres
18:53.34guru1/2 isnt bad
18:53.54fsmithredbozonius, I've only ever used the repo guest additions when I installed vbox from the repo. For packages, I use their guest additions (or whatever it's called)
18:58.02bozoniusbut 1920x1080 is not supported apparently.  When I was using the CD and building GA myself, I had no issue.
18:58.38bozoniusI'd think Debian Jessie would support this mode -- it must be common.   I'm pretty sure my monitor is fairly "normal"
19:08.25*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
19:09.20bozonius2so there is no xorg.conf by default it seems.
19:12.07bozonius2now this confounded VM is in full screen mode -- I did nothing!
19:13.20bozonius2oh, it picked 1920x1200 that's why.  But that is bigger than my physical screen.   so some new windows open partially obscurd.
19:17.38bozoniustrying "VBoxManage controlvm [name] setvideomodehint 1280 1024 24"
19:19.34bozoniusstill does not restore after reboot
19:31.17*** join/#devuan asbesto (
19:35.50*** join/#devuan Invader_Bork (
19:36.41Invader_Borkin this one year old video the vlogger was saying that in a future release devuan might switch to openrc
19:36.52Invader_Borkhas this happened? is there any truth to his claim
19:49.11*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
19:56.24*** join/#devuan bozonius2 (
19:57.15bozonius2video mode problem resolved by adding a startup script to xfce4.  Clumsy a bit, but it works.  Wonder why 1920x1080 mode is not available through repo vbox packages?
20:00.22bozonius2new issue:  xfce terminal does not start me in my home directory.   I tried enabling "login shell" in the prefs, but that does not have any effect
20:03.42*** join/#devuan asbesto (
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20:07.11bozonius2ok, think I have figured out the problem:  The .bashrc script that comes with devuan bash is trying to read a file called /etc/debian_chroot which does not exist
20:07.42bozonius2This might count as a bug?
20:11.36*** join/#devuan zjason (
20:12.25bozonius2well, I said that wrong.  it's checking for that file, and defaulting to null
20:13.43bozonius2PS1 prompt shows me it is referencing variable "debian_chroot" which never got set
20:13.56bozonius2guess there is still work to do on bash for devuan
20:14.12*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
20:14.52bozonius2no bugs against bash.
20:20.08*** join/#devuan Oldmoss_crowz (
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21:02.12DocScrutinizer05maybe that's all *just correct*?
21:07.55fsmithredbozonius2, how did you open the terminal?
21:09.01fsmithredand do you have bash-completion installed?
21:25.03*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
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21:33.10bozoniusDocScrutinizer05:  What do you mean by "just correct"?
21:33.43bozoniusfsmithred:  not sure, about bash-completion.  opened terminal from desktop icon -- would that make a difference?
21:34.00bozoniusseems I did not have this issue until the last couple days; never noticed this before that.
21:34.29fsmithredI know if you right-click on the desktop and "Open terminal here" the pwd is ~/Desktop
21:34.33DocScrutinizer05I meant that e.g. referincing an unset $env in PS1 might be completely intentional, for changing the prompt based on *whether* the $env is set or not
21:34.50fsmithredyes @ Doc
21:35.01fsmithredmy wheezy doesn't have /etc/debian_chroot
21:35.27fsmithredbut if I make one and then chroot into the wheezy partition, my prompt is prefaced by whatever is in that file
21:35.44*** join/#devuan thaller (
21:37.28bozoniusintentional?I wonder why I did not notice this problem until a couple days ago?
21:37.32DocScrutinizer05which makes a whole lot of sense
21:37.51fsmithredwhat desktop icon?
21:38.02fsmithreddid you make one for terminal?
21:38.07bozoniusone I created off the menu
21:38.10fsmithredand where did it put you?
21:38.16bozoniusin root
21:38.22bozoniusroot of the fs
21:38.47fsmithredhow'd you make one with the menu? You're in xfce, right?
21:38.56bozoniushold on
21:40.26bozonius2Ok, if I select it from the menu, it does the "right" thing:  It puts me in my home.  But the icon was created by using the context menu in the main menu
21:40.52bozonius2hover mouse over the xfce terminal in the menu, then right click and request desktop icon?
21:41.09bozonius2doesn't allow that here
21:41.23bozonius2headslaps himself
21:41.26fsmithrednope. if I right-click, it opens a terminal
21:41.31*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
21:41.35bozonius2this icon was imported from my old setup
21:41.41fsmithredif I copy the .desktop file to Desktop, I get an icon
21:41.50fsmithredand that one puts me in my home dir
21:42.12bozonius2false start
21:42.14bozonius2sorry guys
21:42.47bozonius2however, that other problem -- lack of 1920x1080 support I think IS a bug
21:44.37*** join/#devuan rrq (
21:45.01fsmithreddo you know if it works in debian jessie?
21:45.13bozonius2no idea, sorry
21:45.44*** join/#devuan Oldmoss_testing_ (
21:46.17fsmithredin my experience, if you're not seeing the optimal resolution for your monitor as a choice, either you need to specify the driver or the frequencies in xorg.conf
21:46.26fsmithredor in xorg.conf.d/
21:47.01fsmithredand finding the frequencies can be difficult sometimes
21:47.04bozonius2well, I fixed it by writing a script that is run when I login.   But this is a mode that is very common, I think.
21:47.26bozonius2fsmithred:  There is a tool for finding them.  yes
21:47.40bozonius2and it worked for me.
21:47.57*** join/#devuan kaboutur (~laptop@
21:48.09bozonius2But here's my complaint.  The repo package for the vbox GA's should have this compiled in.  For some reason it doesn't
21:48.40bozonius21920x1080 is a common maybe popular screen size (I think it is 4:3)
21:49.07fsmithredyeah, I've seen dell laptops with that resolution. And they weren't brand new.
21:49.11bozonius2googling this generates a number of hits for this resolution in vbox
21:49.23bozonius2this is a known issue
21:49.32bozonius2it has been fixed in other distros apparently
21:50.53*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
21:51.00bozonius2or I should say, in distros that require you to use THEIR repo package for guest GAs
21:52.07bozonius2if I use the CD-compiled version (as per Oracle's instructions) it works, because it can detect the local modes required.  The devuan packager has no idea what equipment a user might have.
21:52.09fsmithredwho does that?
21:52.18bozonius2well, devuan.
21:52.40bozonius2and mageia insists on it (I forget why, but they had some explanation)
21:53.08bozonius2and alpine provides it, probably because it is very hard to build the GAs from CD due to musl c
21:53.54fsmithredI always took the advice to use the guest additions that came from the same place I got vbox
21:53.59fsmithredmade sense
21:54.08bozonius2me too
21:54.26fsmithrednever tried to do otherwise, and in fact, presence of one can conflict with the other
21:54.33bozonius2but when I started running into various issues with my Devuan VM, we re-installed them from the repo.
21:54.59bozonius2I get vbox host from a different place -- namely, oracle itself
21:55.19bozonius2I'm not hosting with devuan, but rather CentOS
21:55.20fsmithredyeah, if you switch from one to the other, make sure you get rid of it first
21:55.36buZzwhere should i open a issue to make a reminder to add brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin to the raspi1 image so it works on raspi zero-w aswell? :D
21:56.47bozonius2fsmithred:  That is not always possible.
21:57.00fsmithredto switch?
21:57.44bozonius2I get my host vbox software for CentOS from Oracle (I have a yum repo file set up for this), but it varies when it comes to guests
21:58.28bozonius2there is no requirement that host and guest software must come from the same place -- for one thing, Oracle does not host binaries for every one of the 1000 different distros
21:58.54fsmithredthey don't have to
21:58.57bozonius2but there are a few, exceptional, distros that offer their own pre-built vbox GA packages
21:58.59*** join/#devuan Mr_Pan (~Mr_Pan@unaffiliated/mr-pan/x-4457432)
21:59.16fsmithredwithout also offering vbox packages?
21:59.17bozonius2right, because you can always build them from the "CD" image that comes with Vbox
21:59.27bozonius2WHICH packages?
21:59.31bozonius2host or guest?
21:59.44fsmithredvirtualbox and a graphical frontend
22:00.19bozonius2when you say "virtualbox" do you mean the host package or do you mean the guest additions and/or guest drivers?
22:00.23fsmithredthe program that allows you to make and run a vm
22:00.28bozonius2ok, that's host
22:00.46bozonius2GA only run in the guest
22:01.57bozonius2if you don't do virtualization with products like vbox, it prob all sounds like Greek
22:02.15bozonius2and I sometimes forget not everyone is doing this, sorry
22:02.19*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
22:03.16bozonius2btw, I just created a new desktop icon for xfce terminal.  Copied the parameters from the ones in alacarte and it works correctly
22:04.10DocScrutinizer051920x1080 is obviously 19:10
22:04.22bozonius2so... any ideas why devuan wants us to use THEIR guest packages?
22:04.42fsmithredbecause devuan doesn't have the manpower to change everything that debian does
22:04.54fsmithredI don't think we mess with vbox packages at all
22:04.59DocScrutinizer05and ofen seen used on 16:9 monitors
22:05.55bozonius2ok, let me restate the question
22:06.12fsmithredand I don't know any details about what the difference is between the debian packages and the oracle packages other than better usb support in oracle.
22:06.21bozonius2why debian wants us to use their GAs rather than building them on-the-fly with the source from the Virtual CD?
22:06.41fsmithreddoes that even work?
22:06.57bozonius2but if oRacle provides better usb support then why would we continue using debians?
22:07.09bozonius2work?  heck yeah.  I use it all over the place around here.
22:07.10fsmithredbecause it's completely open-source
22:07.57bozonius2how can debian or devuan's be completely open source if they are building the packages from oracle's source, unless oracle's is open source also?
22:08.30fsmithredI don't know the details on that, but there may be some licensing issues on some parts of it
22:08.31bozonius2I mean, I honestly don't know all the details about open sourcing
22:09.05bozonius2the only part of it that I know of that has licensing issues is the extensions, but that's on the host side anyway.  Not germane to the GAs
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22:12.03bozonius2DocScrutinizer05: but 1920x1080 is a common resolution, isn't it?
22:12.18DocScrutinizer05it is
22:12.23rrqalso called HD
22:12.28DocScrutinizer05very common I'd say
22:13.07bozonius2well, whether it is 4:3 or not, maybe immaterial.  But it is popular and common and (per rrq) HD.  For me, that's enough reason it should be included
22:13.45*** join/#devuan Oldmoss_testing_ (
22:14.08bozonius2I don't really mind using distro-supplied packages for VM guests, but there are a couple of issues.  One is this situation, where something common is not included, and the other is when VBox comes out with an upgrade and the distro trails months behind in getting updated packages out the door.
22:14.30bozonius2that has created soem problems in the past due to incompatibilities, some very subtle but potent
22:15.19*** join/#devuan Invader_Bork (
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22:21.46AlexLikeRockDocScrutinizer05,  how to now  if my cpu  its  686  or 586
22:21.57AlexLikeRockits intel core 2 Duo
22:22.11buZzits 686
22:22.22AlexLikeRockhow to now ?
22:22.23buZzor 'beyond' really :P
22:22.38buZz586 was pentium1 time
22:22.39fsmithredPentiumPro or newer is 686
22:23.08buZzAlexLikeRock: i think i know because i've read it many times since it was new :)
22:27.18*** join/#devuan gattuso (
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22:50.57DPAI've upgraded one of my PCs from jessie to ascii recently, and I've had a few minor problems.
22:52.09DPAI couldn't update udev because of a version conflict, but I just switched to eudev.
22:53.18DPAI can't unstall OpenRC
22:53.44DPAAnd the dhcp behaviour of wicd changed
22:54.13*** join/#devuan Katnija (
22:54.25DPAI also had to remove my wlan interfaces from my /etc/network/interfaces
22:55.48DPAI still have a problem with wicd, unlike in jessie, it does now generate and use its own dhcp config for dhclient
22:55.48*** join/#devuan efe-- (~oijoijoij@2601:196:8700:c91:95ee:d91c:3d7e:3ddc)
22:56.00efe--i just updated and now devuan is booting to console
22:56.09efe--not sure why mate-desktop isn't starting
22:58.53DPAefe--: Do you have a login manager like slim or lightdm?
23:00.10DPAWhat happens if you try "service slim start"
23:01.32efe--no output
23:02.07efe--[ - ] slim for status of all services
23:02.43DPAWhat does /var/log/slim.log say?
23:03.49efe--the last line says slim waiting for xserver to begin accepting connections
23:04.11efe--for the hell of it i typed apt-get install slim
23:04.22efe--libpng12-0 (>= 1.23-4 ) but it is not installable
23:05.00efe--its missing a depedency
23:07.29*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
23:07.36AlexLikeRockwhat abou lihtdm
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23:07.47AlexLikeRockor  what ever name XD
23:08.12AlexLikeRockwork  fine to me
23:10.11DPADoes an "apt-get -f install" (without a package) work?
23:11.02efe--i'll try installing this
23:11.06efe--hopefully it doesnt cause hell
23:11.11efe--no the package is missing
23:12.44efe--i'm installing lightdm maybe that will work
23:13.47*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
23:13.56efe--yeah i removed slim im back
23:14.18efe--good ol ceres unstable as can be
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23:18.40DPADoes anyone now how to restore the old behaviour of wicd in ascii to not use it's own dhclient.conf?
23:19.20*** join/#devuan jhq_ (
23:19.58DPAI no longer get things like search domains and otger dhcp options when connecting to a wlan network with wicd.
23:20.37fsmithredefe--, is this a problem with rsyslog?
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23:20.54fsmithredwhy do you want libpng12?
23:22.43DPA"apt-cache depends slim" in ascii or ceres. libpng12-0 only available in jessie.
23:23.14*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
23:32.42fsmithredoh yeah, it's slim that needs it
23:33.18fsmithredthere's a newer version in git, but it hasn't made it into the repo yet
23:36.18*** join/#devuan jback (

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