IRC log for #devuan on 20170830

00:01.56*** join/#devuan primalz (~rimalz@unaffiliated/primalz)
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00:18.12stevelittgolinux, Purpy-izing ctwm turns out to be a much bigger deal than just adding a graphic.
00:18.41stevelittIn ctwm, every workspace has a different background color, which is a HECK of a good idea.
00:19.46*** join/#devuan Spagno (
00:20.30stevelittIt would be difficult to change those colors in a way that's all purpy, but different enough purpy to deduce which workspace you're on.
00:22.06stevelittI'm not yet knowledgeable enough about ctwm to know whether it can use images and/or gradients for the background.
00:23.27golinuxWhen you figure it out, ping me
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12:10.54*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
12:12.10*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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17:50.24alexlikerockhola amigos
17:50.34alexlikerockhow its going?
17:51.10stevelittWaaaaa sappening!
18:01.32*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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18:12.43*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:25.03xkr47I'm installing devuan 1.0 release and ran into a problem at the bootloader installation step
18:25.18xkr47"Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed"
18:25.22xkr47"This is a fatal error."
18:27.57xkr47going to console ctrl-alt-f2 and looking in /var/log/syslog says pretty much the same, "grub-installer: info: Installing grub on 'dummy'"
18:28.28gnarfacexkr47: does lilo work?
18:28.45xkr47dunno, would like to keep using grub
18:28.54*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
18:28.56fsmithredyou might be able to install it in chroot
18:29.00xkr47grub (efi) has been working fine with ubuntu 15.04
18:29.06gnarfacexkr47: still, sometimes the difference in behavior can tell you a lot
18:29.30fsmithredare you going to keep ubuntu on there?
18:29.59*** join/#devuan derseegrog[m] (derseegrog@gateway/shell/
18:30.19xkr47gnarface, hmm well.. I have a bit peculiar EFI that requires the "hybrid MBR partition table" to be set up in a special way for it to boot in EFI mode
18:30.38xkr47well as a fallback
18:30.48xkr47just added a new partition for devuan and installed there
18:31.01luc_awooxkr47: did it asked you on what hdd to install it? the last time i got that error was because the installer timed out
18:31.06fsmithredyou could skipt the bootloader for now and boot into ubuntu and run 'update-grub'
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18:31.12xkr47I will try running "grub-install sda" in chroot from the console now and see what that does
18:31.16fsmithredthen you can boot into devuan and run 'grub-install'
18:31.29fsmithredfor efi, you don't need to use a device name
18:31.54xkr47luc_awoo, no it did not ask, but it did ask whether I wanted to install some fallback grub thingy (unfamiliar concept to me) and I said no
18:32.20xkr47fsmithred, oh
18:32.35fsmithredfor uefi grub does not ask which drive to use. It puts a bootloader on the efi partition
18:32.43xkr47ok I will try to boot to it using the old grub that was installed by ubuntu ?
18:32.53fsmithredyou could
18:32.59fsmithredor as I said, try it now in chroot
18:33.15xkr47ok let's see.. so I will now resume installation using "COntinue without boot loader" then I guess
18:33.16fsmithredI'm not sure where the installer mounts the new installation
18:33.23xkr47ok trying chroot
18:33.29fsmithredin /target or maybe /installer/target
18:33.38xkr47sure it does, otherwise it couldn't install it :)
18:33.44xkr47but yeah it is still mounted at this point
18:33.50fsmithredyeah, I just don't know the mountpoint
18:33.55fsmithreddf will tell you
18:34.02xkr47/target it seems
18:34.24fsmithredrun 'update-grub' after, so you get a boot menu
18:34.31fsmithredstill in chroot
18:34.35xkr47I have the "64bit efi dvd installer" image
18:34.47fsmithredoh, the live iso?
18:35.19xkr47one sec
18:35.20fsmithredok. didn't know there was a separate installer iso for uefi
18:36.04xkr47hmm mybe it isn't uefi :)
18:36.10fsmithredshould do both
18:36.18fsmithredactually, I know it does both
18:36.33xkr47grub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/ doesn't exist
18:36.47xkr47so grub-install doesn't detect this to be a 64-bit uefi setup
18:36.51fsmithredI've done a few uefi installs with that iso. Usually works perfectly.
18:36.55xkr47maybe I reboot and try then
18:37.10xkr47yeah I'm taking it slow
18:37.21fsmithredls /sys/firmware/efi
18:37.23xkr47will do whatever forensics you request :)
18:37.40xkr47/sys is empty in chroot
18:37.56xkr47only /target/dev and /target/media/cdrom linked
18:38.01fsmithreddid you run grub-install and update-grub yet?
18:38.13xkr47just grub-install
18:38.20xkr47which failedd
18:38.28xkr47I will mount --bind /sys /target/sys and see
18:38.38fsmithredshould already be there
18:38.44fsmithredwill tell you
18:39.00xkr47and /proc for fun
18:39.06xkr47yeah wasn't there
18:39.14xkr47ok, chrooted back and new error
18:39.18fsmithredok, should work better
18:39.23xkr47installing for x86_64-efi platform
18:39.32xkr47grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory
18:39.50fsmithredmount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi (in chroot)
18:39.52xkr47should the EFI partition be mounted somewhere
18:39.59fsmithredassuming sda1 is the efi partition
18:40.19xkr47sda2 for me :P
18:40.24fsmithredif not in chroot, you can mount it to /target/boot/efi
18:40.32fsmithredok. I never tried that.
18:40.39xkr47/boot/efi does not exist.. mkdir
18:40.59xkr47NTFS signature is missing lulz
18:41.14fsmithredshould be fat32
18:41.22xkr47not vfat?
18:41.26fsmithredsame thing
18:41.37xkr47mount refuses
18:41.50fsmithredget out of chroot (or another console)
18:42.11fsmithredand check: ls /sys/firmware/efi
18:42.18xkr47this is not a fat filesystem
18:42.21fsmithredif it doesn't exist, you didn't boot in uefi mode
18:42.43fsmithredhow many drives you got?
18:42.49fsmithredok, good
18:43.17xkr47I have a SSD (sda), a HDD (sdb) and usb stick (sdc) (where I have the installer)
18:43.29xkr47installing to sda3
18:43.31fsmithredfdisk -l
18:43.49fsmithredmake sure you know which drive is which, in case they decided to change their order
18:44.06xkr47fdisk detects it as dos disklabel because of my peculiar hybrid MBR
18:44.13xkr47it == sda
18:44.29fsmithredand there should be marked EFI System
18:45.24xkr47this efi boot partition looks full of crap to me, except the first 512 bytes
18:45.48xkr47I will now revert to booting and seeing what happens because I don't want to mess up the EFI part in case some detection is wrong
18:46.12xkr47ok run that
18:46.18fsmithredshows your bootloaders
18:46.33fsmithredis ubuntu shown as first in boot order?
18:46.37xkr47yeah BootCurrent refers to USB HDD
18:46.58fsmithredBootOrder: ?
18:46.58xkr47are the ones with stars "active" ?
18:47.12fsmithredI never inactivated one
18:47.24xkr47I have like 25 entries in this list
18:47.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
18:47.48fsmithredthat's more than I've ever had, and I've been working on the live uefi installer for the past year
18:48.15xkr47the first one in BootOrder marked with a star seems to be the right one "ATA HDD0"
18:48.31fsmithreddo you have one called ubuntu?
18:48.36xkr47Boot0000 .. Boot0019 are my entries, where the number is hexadecimal
18:48.43xkr47so it means 26 actually
18:48.57xkr47no.. the bios labels them by the hardware nae
18:49.25xkr47at least the names look familiar from the "boot order" menu in bios
18:49.39fsmithredthe command to delete them (you can do it later) would be:
18:49.40xkr47maybe my ubuntu 15.10 never changed the default name
18:49.54fsmithredefibootmgr -b XXXX -B XXXX
18:50.02xkr47lol "Boot0019  OEM Hot Key"
18:50.02fsmithredwhere XXXX is the number
18:50.21fsmithredwhere does that take you?
18:50.25xkr47ok I'll refrain from modifying EFI until I can see if this poor thing still boots at all :D
18:50.32fsmithredgood plan
18:50.48xkr47soo .. "Continue without boot loader" from installer?
18:50.58fsmithredyes, then boot ubuntu
18:51.16xkr47... not devuan?
18:51.24fsmithredhow you gonna boot devuan?
18:51.33xkr47editing grub command line?
18:51.46xkr47or well "boot script" I guess
18:51.49fsmithredoh, ok. Yeah, that's what I'd do,
18:51.55fsmithredcommand line
18:52.03xkr47one more funny thing
18:52.09fsmithredor boot ubuntu and let ubuntu add it to the boot menu
18:52.23xkr47it seems I had another partition with an alpha version of devuan on the same usb stick
18:52.34xkr47the installer found it first and said "heyyy I found your installer"
18:52.44fsmithredis this a multi-boot usb?
18:52.46xkr47so I went to console and unmounted + mounted correct one
18:53.10xkr47hey I just made multiple fat32 partitions on it and installed the iso to the new one
18:53.19xkr47and moved the "bootable" flag to the new partition
18:53.40xkr47but the installer didn't look at that and instead scanned all partitions or something
18:53.43fsmithredinstalled the iso how?
18:54.01xkr47"THERE'S your problem" ? :D
18:54.11fsmithredmaybe. I haven't used it in over 10 years.
18:54.21fsmithredand when I did, it put grub on the wrong drive
18:54.25xkr47it's very gtk2 and has never failed me
18:54.27fsmithredi.e. on the usb
18:55.04fsmithredyou reboot, I'll be back in couple minutes
18:55.08xkr47finishing installation..
18:55.19xkr47yeah no worries, thanks a million already mate!
18:55.53xkr47fingers crozzed
18:56.46xkr47ok grub appears still
18:56.48*** join/#devuan hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
18:58.52xkr47unknown filesystem
18:59.01xkr47I'll show you unknown filesystem!
18:59.16fsmithredunknown filesystem?
18:59.18*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:59.23xkr47so grub says when I tried
18:59.27xkr47insmod btrfs
18:59.29fsmithredtried what?
18:59.34xkr47set root='hd0,gpt2'
18:59.48fsmithredthat's second partition
18:59.48xkr47linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro
19:00.07xkr47oo yeah forgot grub2 doesn't use the off-by-one on gpt partitions
19:00.18xkr47error: file /boot/vmlinuz not found
19:00.25fsmithredwell, yeah
19:00.30fsmithredtry gpt3
19:00.48xkr47BUT THAT'S WHAT THE INSTALLER TOLD ME TO DO when I chose "Continue without boot loader"
19:00.55xkr47it said "vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3"
19:01.02xkr47gpt3 worked yeah
19:01.06xkr47but but tab completion ftw
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19:01.14xkr47it found vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64
19:01.32xkr47but that step has incorrect instructions at least
19:01.42xkr47KERNEL PANIC oo nice
19:01.56xkr47could not find root fs :P
19:02.11*** join/#devuan fugitive__ (
19:02.33fsmithredbut it found the kernel on the filesystem that it can't find?
19:02.43xkr47hmm so I just specify the root in major:minor instead.. was that the syntax
19:03.06xkr47fsmithred, _grub_ loaded the kernel but the kernel doesn't find the filesystem referenced by the root=xxx parameter
19:03.35xkr47so grub loads the kernel alright using the "hd0,gpt3" syntax but /dev/sda3 was unknown to the kernel
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19:04.05fsmithredbtrfs is a module in 3.16
19:04.18fsmithredso that's not the problem
19:04.30xkr47sure but it said unknown-block(0,0) which makes me think it did not know what sda3 meant
19:04.40xkr47rather than not understanding the filesystem within
19:04.54fsmithredI'm feeling kinda lost now
19:05.04xkr47can you help; do you have a /dev/sda* file in /dev ?
19:05.07xkr47ls -l /dev/sda*
19:05.14xkr47can you paste me one of the partitions if you do
19:05.56fsmithredyeah, got all of them. sda, and sda1-sda13
19:06.23fsmithredbrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8,  3 Aug 30 10:30 /dev/sda3
19:06.34fsmithredyes, I installed that today
19:06.51xkr47unknown-block(8,3) now
19:07.05xkr47used root=8:3
19:07.16xkr47and because panic I cannot scroll the console
19:07.30xkr47this is the biggest mistake of the kernel panic
19:07.44xkr47it should have some panic driver for keyboard so I could scroll
19:07.52fsmithredthat would be nice
19:08.11fsmithredyeah, maybe
19:08.26xkr47if btrfs is a module then I will need a initrd
19:08.30xkr47didn't specify one
19:08.39xkr47again, the instructions didn't say I should
19:08.45fsmithredyou booted from command line wihtout initrd
19:08.49xkr47BAAAD instructions.. :)
19:09.04fsmithredoh, after you tell it where to find kernel and root fs...
19:09.21fsmithredinitrd /boot/initrd [TAB]
19:09.50xkr47booted up!
19:09.59fsmithredwhere were these instructions?
19:10.13xkr47in the "Continue without boot loader" step
19:10.31fsmithredwow, I've never seen that.
19:10.43fsmithredand I've installed without a bootloader a few times
19:11.28xkr47this is my best recollection at least
19:11.48fsmithredlol, ok. Don't file a bug report without confirming it first.
19:12.56fsmithredwhat kind of computer is it?
19:13.34xkr47this kind of computer: "Battery may be broken. Battery capacity is very low (18.2%) which means it may be broken"
19:13.45xkr47it's a Lenovo laptop from 2011
19:14.59fsmithredok, you're the second one I talked to who had an early uefi laptop, and that one was weird, too.
19:15.19fsmithredbut then...
19:15.26fsmithredI think maybe they're all weird
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19:16.43gnarfacexkr47: got the latest manufacturer's bios?
19:16.50xkr47I have not checked
19:16.55gnarfacedo that
19:17.06xkr47I'm a bit afraid it will not boot anything after that :D
19:17.24xkr47I wonder if I could somehow make sure I can revert to the old one if needed
19:17.31gnarfacethat's a fair thing to be concerned about, but in my experience it's also the leading cause of "why doesn't my hardware do what the driver docs say it does"
19:17.47xkr47I mean these newer laptops are great, you can save all bioses in the efi partition and pick one to flash from the bios setup
19:18.04xkr47yeah probably
19:19.06xkr47installed all desktop envs
19:19.14xkr47openbox is "clean"
19:19.25xkr47empty desktop and no task bars
19:20.34xkr47ok well now I'll boot ubuntu and add the devuan to the grub config there
19:20.55xkr47it would be nice if I could have one grub per installation and then choose among them
19:21.04xkr47so one grub on sda1, one on sda3 etc
19:21.20xkr47so each distro could just configure its own menu entries as it wished
19:24.25fsmithredyou should be getting one directory on the efi partition for each distro
19:24.33fsmithredwell, that's what mine does
19:24.54xkr47sounds nice
19:25.00xkr47I wants
19:25.04fsmithredand the last one installed is always first
19:25.19xkr47I'm still so in the BIOS world mentally
19:25.22fsmithredand if I use efibootmgr to change the boot order, it shows that the boot order is changed...
19:25.28fsmithreduntil I reboot and it reverts
19:25.53xkr47yeah I think my new laptop did that
19:25.57fsmithredblack magic
19:25.57xkr47never tried on the old one
19:26.12fsmithreddesigned to frustrate us
19:26.13xkr47old one = mine, new one = work laptop
19:26.35xkr47luckily changing setup from bios setup works :)
19:28.33xkr47lenovo thinkpad w520
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19:28.49fsmithredI would expect that to be pretty good
19:29.32xkr47seems I have 1.42 and 1.43 is available
19:30.04xkr47"BIOS Update Utility for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit), 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad W520"
19:30.14xkr47"BIOS Update Bootable CD for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit), 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad W520"
19:31.01fsmithredno update bios from the bios?
19:31.11xkr47don't remember
19:31.33fsmithredI guess not, and that's why they have a bootable cd
19:31.36xkr47the newer laptop from 2016 I can just drop the .exe into the /boot/efi and select it from the bios
19:31.58xkr47haven't updated bios in.. 4 years on this one :)
19:32.37xkr47hmm my ubuntu 15.04 has 3.19 kernel
19:32.39fsmithreddo they have a changelog that shows what's in the newer bios?
19:32.47xkr47devuan has a really "stable" version :)
19:33.42xkr47I can't fathom why a bootable bios update cd has "operating systems" listed
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19:34.15fsmithredit's for people running linux who can't run a windows program
19:34.40xkr47yeah, but it only lists windows operating systems :)
19:35.07xkr47"If the UEFI BIOS has been updated to version 1.43 or higher, it is no longer able to roll back to the version before 1.43 for security improvement."
19:35.19xkr47yeaah that's what I'm talking about, just brick it!
19:36.30fsmithredthey're telling you what operating systems they support on that model
19:36.38xkr47it does not seem to contain very major/relevant updates for me
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19:39.47xkr47hehe ubuntu 15.10 fails to shut down
19:39.54xkr47guess what init
19:41.11xkr47now I wonder if my devuan will support sleeping on this laptop
19:41.18fsmithredI'm reading about the vulnerability they fixed. Can't tell if it's a remote attack or not.
19:41.24xkr47well at least it boots nice from my manual grub entry
19:42.13fsmithredone of the things it allows an attacker to do is... (ready for this?)
19:42.17fsmithredturn off secure boot
19:43.02xkr47throws himself off the balcony
19:43.42xkr47wonder if this old laptop has the infamous Intel ME or not
19:43.54fsmithredI would not do that update for fear that it would not allow me to turn off secure boot
19:44.14fsmithredyeah, I think that was around in 20111
19:44.17xkr47a bit sad that AMD has shown no signs of helping linux users disable the similar technology on its new ryzen series
19:46.33xkr47if I have a devuan beta 2 install, will it upgrade to the equivalent of a devuan 1 release version by regular apt-get distupgrade ?
19:47.07xkr47I have an old install as well and wondered if the fresh install I just made is going to be different
19:49.23fsmithredyes, just update/upgrade
19:49.51fsmithredum, if there's a /data you can delete it
19:51.17xkr47wonder if I should try grub-install now
19:52.36xkr47no "sleep" option in "When laptop lid is closed:"
19:53.00xkr47is sleeping unsupported in devuan or do I need to tweak my kernel somehow or?
19:54.53fsmithredmine don't sleep unless I tell them to. Lid doesn't do it. There's a discussion about it at with a couple of possible fixes.
19:56.19xkr47in ubuntu 15.04 it does provide that option and does sleep nicely 98% of the time
19:56.39fsmithredoh, if you figure out what does it, let everyone know
19:56.51xkr47hmmmm I know nothing of this domain yet
19:57.20fsmithredis it xubuntu?
19:57.24xkr47I don't know what piece of software "notices" that the lid is closed
19:57.32xkr47no, regular ubuntu
19:57.50xkr47and I don't know how gnome-control-center knows what options to list in the dropdown
19:57.51fsmithredprobably something specific to their desktop
19:58.04fsmithredgnome still gives options?
19:58.25xkr47heh you nailed it
19:58.32fsmithredbb need coffee
20:03.01xkr47how do you tell it to sleep?
20:04.57xkr47firefox 52.x.....
20:05.20xkr47one would think the latest firefox would be included in "security" updates
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20:08.44fsmithredsleep/suspend is in the logout dialogue in xfce
20:08.52xkr47ok will check
20:08.56xkr47but woot I just found /etc/systemd in my devuan install!
20:09.08fsmithredfirefox-esr is in repo
20:09.14fsmithredyeah, all that is for udev
20:10.31xkr47firefox-esr is already installededed
20:11.18fsmithredthat's from jessie-security
20:11.35fsmithred54 or 55 requires pulseaudio
20:11.51xkr47but pulseaudio is running
20:12.04fsmithrednot here it isn't, but I didn't take the full desktop
20:12.39xkr47actually I want to throw pulseaudio out and start using jack with kxstudio
20:13.03fsmithredI wish ff had support for jack
20:13.09xkr47is it possible to "unselect" the desktop bundles I selected during install like MATE, XFCE etc
20:13.22fsmithredyou installed them all?
20:13.31xkr47I wanted to try them out
20:13.46xkr47I've been using sawfish window manager for 17 years
20:13.59fsmithredtry apt-get remove task-mate (and so on)
20:14.02xkr47only occasionally being forced to use whatever default the gnome desktop has used along the years
20:14.10fsmithredif you're lucky, it will just remove the metapackage
20:14.19xkr47sawfish was the default gnome window manager back in 2001
20:14.27fsmithredyeah, I remember
20:14.42xkr47I have a rather elaborate set of lisp scripts now
20:15.36xkr47and a bunch of scripts to install sawfish on any modern system
20:15.58xkr47ubuntu 17.04 on my work laptop, pager stopped working
20:16.18xkr47so now I'm adding fprintf statements to the C source code to see why it won't show :)
20:18.07xkr47synaptic seemed to find "task-mate-desktop" which depends on tasksel, task-desktop, mate-desktop-environment and slim
20:18.33xkr47are metapackages any different from normal packages? is it possible to identify them somehow?
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20:20.35gnarfacexkr47: yes, and yes
20:20.36xkr47aha, under "Sections" there are a "Meta Packages" and a "Meta Packages (non free)
20:20.52fsmithredmetapackage just lists other packages to install
20:20.59fsmithredto autoinstall
20:21.31xkr47but not all of the options in the installation program are listed here
20:21.50xkr47mate desktop for example isn't
20:21.55xkr47lxde is
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20:27.02xkr47hmm xfce control center has a power management tool which lists "suspend" as an option when lid is closed
20:27.06xkr47but it doesn't work
20:28.12xkr47from the menu, it sleeps
20:35.56fsmithredyeah, same here
20:36.04fsmithredI'll be afk for a it
20:39.20xkr47can't say the same :)
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