IRC log for #devuan on 20170821

00:10.04*** join/#devuan debdog (
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01:26.40*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
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01:34.47*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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02:21.00*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:418b:1400:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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03:09.29*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc0e:3700:9c8b:49c7:cd17:5752)
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03:42.35*** join/#devuan pennTeller (~pennTelle@unaffiliated/pennteller)
03:43.27pennTellerGuys just came to say thanks to everyone who forms part of the community around Devuan. I am extremely grateful that this bistro exists.
03:43.33*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:46.48*** join/#devuan XuR (
03:52.48Xenguyme too pennTeller
03:53.09XenguyAlexLikeRock: Why remove vlc?  I use it for all my video
04:01.12*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
04:11.09*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
04:13.00*** join/#devuan blinkdog_ (
04:19.57pennTellerXenguy, :)
04:20.23*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
04:31.58saptechhi all
04:32.24saptechhow do I install perl?
04:32.38blinkdogapt-get install perl
04:32.58DusXMTsaptech: It's already most likely installed, since parts of the system depend on it
04:33.13DusXMTTry: $ perl --version
04:33.16furrywolfthat's way too easy.  perl's installation should involve a lot more punctuation.
04:33.55saptechthanks. it is installed...silly me
04:34.44saptechI had used aptitude install perl but it wasn't showing anything about it. But apt-get install perl showed it was already the latest ver
04:35.03saptechso is it best to use apt-get instead of aptitude with Devuan?
04:36.09DusXMTsaptech: That's just how aptitude always worked. I use both, aptitude's text user interface is convenient, yet apt-get's speed is convenient too
04:37.51saptechok, thanks
04:41.29DusXMTIt looks like even dpkg itself ships with a set of perl scripts, eg. dpkg-buildpackage or dpkg-source, and tasksel is a perl script as well, so yeah, it's very much a requirement :)
04:41.46furrywolfwould be nice if it weren't, for tiny installs
04:43.38DusXMTIt seems that even adduser/deluser are perl scripts
04:44.21furrywolfcurls up next to Lydia_K for bedtime
04:45.27*** join/#devuan pennTeller (~pennTelle@
04:46.55saptechthat is interesting @ perl usage
04:47.57DusXMTCones to show that it is indeed a very useful tool :)
04:48.04DusXMT(the language)
04:54.46saptechI'm trying to install Obmenu-Generator to work with Openbox menu icons
04:55.04saptechI'm following this site,
04:56.01saptechwhen I run the command to add the icons to the Right-Click menus,I get this error message
04:57.20saptechthe msg show can't locate gtk2. Do I need to install it?
05:00.12*** join/#devuan zdzichu (~zdzichu@fedora/ttorcz)
05:16.11saptechlibgtk2.0-0 is already the newest version.
05:29.16*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
05:33.09*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
05:35.00saptechI got it sorted out
05:35.17saptechit came back to missing a perl module again
05:35.33saptechI had to install libgtk2-perl
05:38.42*** join/#devuan malinas (~user@
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09:15.12*** join/#devuan Oberoid_ (53a3d907@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:16.55Oberoid_Just installed devian sucessfully on hp compaq 6000 and old packerd bell notebook
09:19.48Oberoid_To celebrate this success I ordered 10 logo stickers. Now I will try an old compaq evo n610c
09:33.03*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-tdsphrxquxrekgzn)
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09:48.14*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
09:52.48aitori follow working on the installer
09:55.29aitorthe following script removes all the "/" characters from the second field of the line:
09:55.32aitorroot: (......) :17387:0:99999:7:::
09:55.40aitorin /etc/shadow
09:56.03aitorbeing FILE=/etc/shadow:
09:57.27aitorNow it's easy to replace this field by '*', and this removes the root password
09:57.49aitoris it a bad idea to add it to user-setup-udeb?
09:58.46*** join/#devuan thaller (thaller@nat/redhat/x-xfithxvyfiselybo)
09:58.58aitoris it better to remove the password from the live system, instead of changing official packages?
10:04.58aitorthe second condition is not neccesary
10:05.26*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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10:15.32djphwhy're you trying to remove root's password, and how will you accomplish installing things if root's effectively' disabled?
10:23.24aitorbetter to remove the line containg "root:"
10:23.25aitorawk '!/root:/' shadow > temp
10:23.39aitorand generate the new line
10:24.20aitordjph: i'm adding d-i to fsmithred's iso image, and root's password is set to "toor"
10:25.06aitori don't know if is it possible to leave it in blanck using devuan-sdk
10:25.40aitoris awk included in the base system?
10:27.44aitordjph: root won't be disabled after a hard disk installation; during live sessions you can use 'sudo' and set a password for root, if you want
10:31.20*** join/#devuan Mr_Pan (~Mr_Pan@unaffiliated/mr-pan/x-4457432)
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11:43.18DocScrutinizer05aitor: (away :-/ )  why don't you use `passwd --delete --repository $FILE root` instead?
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11:44.19buZzoh :P
11:44.26DocScrutinizer05aitor: (away :-/ )  [ -n "`grep "^root:" $FILE | grep "\/"`" ]   looks odd anyway, regarding number of ticks" and number of escapes
11:46.18DocScrutinizer05"`grep "^root:" $FILE | grep "\/"`"
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11:47.56DocScrutinizer05"`grep '^root:' $FILE | grep '\/' ` "   instead?  Or actually  `passwd --delete --repository $FILE root` instead of the whole test&grep&sed edit monster
11:49.24DocScrutinizer05OOPS `passwd --delete --root $FILE root` prolly
11:54.39fsmithredwhat is $FILE?
11:54.46*** join/#devuan litefem1 (
11:55.03fsmithrednm, I see it
11:55.05*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
11:59.01fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, can root do 'passwd --delete' on the root account?
11:59.11*** join/#devuan soohwa (7745a4a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:01.00*** join/#devuan zdzichu (~zdzichu@fedora/ttorcz)
12:03.55soohwaI saw and in case someone is interested in mirroring jessie or ascii i uploaded here a modified version of debmirror (from wheezy but I think it can be adaped). Yes that is a hack :
12:05.05soohwaI failed to register at the forum so this is why I post here.
12:05.29fsmithredfailed how?
12:06.03fsmithredsoohwa, was it the questions?
12:06.55soohwasorry, I have no question, it was just to answer with my modified script ^^
12:07.20fsmithredno, I mean how did you fail to register at the forum? Was there a problem?
12:07.22soohwaI never received the confirmation email. But no matter ^^
12:07.47fsmithredhang on, I'll check your account
12:08.03soohwaokay :-)
12:08.45*** join/#devuan D-HUND (
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12:10.49fsmithredwell, it agrees with you - waiting for verification. I don't know how to trigger it to send you the email.
12:11.17soohwaokay, no pb, thx for the check ^^
12:11.47fsmithredit'll come eventually
12:12.20soohwayes, who lives will see
12:12.50fsmithredlol, I mean like maybe today or tomorrow
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12:33.50DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: why not? I think passwd doesn't care which etc/shadow line it edits
12:34.01fsmithredseems like suicide
12:34.52DocScrutinizer05note that aiui the $FILE parameter is supposed to point to a /chroot/etc/shadow, not the active system one
12:35.39fsmithredyeah, it should
12:35.45DocScrutinizer05you know what sounds like suicide (and ebertheless works flawlessly)? reconfiguring sshd on a remote server that you're logged in via ssh
12:36.02fsmithredbeen there, done that
12:36.07fsmithredit was scary the first time
12:36.19fsmithredactually... every time
12:36.32DocScrutinizer05yeah, always check ssh login via a seconf terminal, while keeping the primary login active
12:37.30fsmithredsecond login on the remote? I'm confused.
12:37.51DocScrutinizer05there are also nice tools to roll back changes when you don't commit-confirm them within a given amount of time
12:38.58DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: it's nothing to feel confused about - just open a second local xterm and try ssh user@remote there, while keeping the first ssh session in first xterm open
12:39.32DocScrutinizer05if the second one fails, you still are logged in via first one, to fix whatever issue
12:41.26DocScrutinizer05re passwd: it's only a glorified sed basically
12:42.13DocScrutinizer05it literally just edits a few files in /etc/ (if you got no NIS or whatever)
12:43.13DocScrutinizer05you could completely replace passwd(1) by a tiny script for sed
12:46.11DocScrutinizer05just scripts don't respect SUID, so normal users whould need sudo to invoke it
12:51.53*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
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13:08.38DocScrutinizer05rotfl @ man passwd >>You can find advices on how to choose a strong password on<<  Versus
13:09.48DocScrutinizer05actually the requirement to have at least one numeric and one punctuation char in your password *reduces* entropy
13:09.54specinghow long before manpages become replaced with wikipedia?
13:10.43specingDocScrutinizer05: in theory yes, but since in practice humans probably don't put them there, it increases it
13:12.45DocScrutinizer05well, passwd enforces those rules
13:12.58DocScrutinizer05which doesn't make sense at all
13:13.55DocScrutinizer05also it's quite funny to check the maximum *relevant* number of chars in passwords of any system. Often it's depressingly stupid
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13:16.22Lydia_KI use that comic all the time when trying to explain good passwords to people.
13:17.19DocScrutinizer05from man passwd:  >>Number of significant characters in the password for crypt().  PASS_MAX_LEN is 8 by default.<<
13:22.25DocScrutinizer05users are stunned when they find out they can drop 2/3 of the nice long password and it still is valid to log in ;-P
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13:28.49specingDocScrutinizer05: that does not hold on Gentoo
13:28.59specingcan't log-in by typing only 10 chars
13:30.34DocScrutinizer05it may get overridden in /etc/login.defs explicitly, and also by encryption_method I guess, and of course at compile time for crypt() etc
13:31.34DocScrutinizer05it's not a system property that would break any compatibility if changed, so...
13:34.40specingMAX_LEN at 8 is insane
13:34.48specingwhoever set that should be thrown to the sharks
13:35.18DocScrutinizer05anyway in my book best practice for secure passwords is: allow for passwords that user can remember so they don't need to write them down, don't age passwords since changing passwords doesn't really add security. and **number one**: have sufficient throttling in login to both slow down single threaded brute force and forbid massive parallel brute force
13:41.20DocScrutinizer05I got this one as poster on my flat's door :-D
13:47.44*** join/#devuan aitor (
13:47.51aitorhi again
13:48.30DocScrutinizer05((throttling)) xkcd takes an arbitrary const of 1000 tries/s, that's insane, you shouldn't allow more than 1 per second, excluding short term bursts
13:49.22aitorthere is a mistake in the file:
13:49.33DocScrutinizer05seems to have waken up with his opsec hat on today
13:49.40aitorof the grub-installer-udeb package
13:50.02aitorline number 389:
13:50.16aitorlog-output -t grub-installer dd if=/dev/zero of="$wipe_bootdev" bs=512 count="$(blockdev --getsz "$wipe_bootdev")"
13:50.28aitori think...
13:50.36DocScrutinizer05aitor: please consider using `passwd --delete --root $FILE root`
13:50.51aitoryes, i read it, thanks
13:50.51DocScrutinizer05instead of that script you posted
13:51.29aitori didn't know it :)
13:51.29*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a02:8070:418b:1400:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
13:51.52aitorthe line posted above should be:
13:51.58DocScrutinizer05comes in very handy for rescuesystem
13:51.59aitorlog-output -t grub-installer dd if=/dev/zero of="$wipe_bootdev" bs=512 count="$(blockdev --getsz $wipe_bootdev)"
13:53.36aitordue to the superfluous double quotes, many of the following lines are snipped
13:54.40aitorlog-output -t grub-installer $chroot $ROOT dpkg -P grub-pc-bin grub-pc grub-efi grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-ia32-bin grub-efi-ia32
13:55.09aitortake a look at it, DocScrutinizer05
13:55.13DocScrutinizer05aitor: you need to take care to never use nested " " without proper escaping
13:56.04DocScrutinizer05yes, that last line looks like it's OK regarding ticks"
13:56.45DocScrutinizer05I got no odea what command is log-output and which parameters it takes
13:57.28aitorbut dpkg --purge grub-pc, etc... is not executed
13:58.04aitorDocScrutinizer05, i attach the file:
13:58.19aitorline 389
13:59.34DocScrutinizer05why do you wipe that partition, to start with?
13:59.49aitorDocScrutinizer05: sorry, we are talking about different issues
14:00.38aitori'm trying to add d-i to fsmithred's image, mantaining fylesystem's md5sum
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14:01.10DocScrutinizer05also the case in line 385 looks like a degraded "if", if anything
14:01.24aitorand there are two obstacles: root's password and the installed grub-efi packages
14:02.32aitori'll download ascii's version
14:03.10DocScrutinizer05sorry, I can't help. No idea about all that
14:04.30aitordid you give a try the installer in live mode? it works:
14:04.54aitori recomend you, it's much better than opensuse
14:05.03DocScrutinizer05but dude, that's one monster of a script! with randomly interleaved function defs for additional fun ;-)
14:06.23DocScrutinizer05e.g 634  select_bootdev()
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14:09.27aitorwhat happens with select_bootdev() in the 634 line? i'm still trying to understand the tenth line..., you go very quickly
14:10.51DocScrutinizer05I just have a cursory look and see it's happily mixing "main" code and function definitions
14:11.32DocScrutinizer05maybe that's needed when you actually write one main function of >500 lines
14:11.53DocScrutinizer05so you find function definitions nearby their invocation
14:12.37DocScrutinizer05nevermind, coding style isn't the main issue here I guess
14:13.32aitorthe function definitions are in the header of the file, and also in other files like:
14:15.03aitornot in the udeb packages, they are called minipackages
14:15.27aitorDocScrutinizer05: need to go, see you later :)
14:22.41*** join/#devuan menip (
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16:55.45g4570nHi, yesterday install firefox from Ceres/Unstable, and now firefox crashes when starting and does not start. The same is reproduced with firefox-esr that came using without problems. Has anyone had a similar problem?
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18:26.02saptechthe sun is coming back out @ eclipse
18:28.58saptechI seen a partial eclipse back in the '60s when I was a kid
18:30.27fsmithredmust be really a small part here. I was hoping to see everything turn violet.
18:34.30golinuxDidn't notice a thing here
18:35.03saptechI'm in the States, the midwest part
18:35.16saptechgot a full eclipse view
18:35.52saptecheerily looking darkness at 1:15pm
18:36.18golinuxTexas is too far south
18:36.48saptechI'm in St. Louis, MO
18:37.12*** join/#devuan ChubYann (~ChubYann@
18:37.21golinuxThe media hype is overkill.
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18:37.23fsmithredMassachusetts here.
18:37.41fsmithredno eerie this time, but I have seen that in the past.
18:37.45golinuxsaptech is in the heart of the GMO beast
18:37.58golinuxand now we're really OT
18:38.25saptechheh, Monsanto is HQ here
18:38.39golinuxNo s**t
18:38.57debdogsaptech: must have looked like
18:39.31golinuxThat's not how a corona looks
18:39.42saptechyep, some neighboring communities have a class action lawsuit against them for poluteting the waterways
18:40.24golinuxWe should move to #debianfork yo continue this if you want to go there
18:40.28saptechdebdog, it kinda of lookl ike it
18:42.13saptechI think next one in 2023 but different parts of the world
18:42.21debdogmayhap should've linked this
18:42.35debdogregarding <saptech> I seen a partial eclipse back in the '60s when I was a kid
18:43.03saptechyes, i'm an old timer
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18:43.53golinuximgur just crashed my browser.  Why does anybody use that pos.
18:43.54fsmithredI saw that one, too
18:44.08fsmithredand another in 1970
18:44.11saptechit didn't crash mine
18:44.33saptechthe last full one was in '79, not part of the country
18:45.19*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
18:45.35golinuxPlease move to #debianfork
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18:50.22specinggolinux: your browser should crash when viewing a random website
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18:54.58saptechI have my Openbox setup very good
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20:29.00saptechhi all. does anyone use jwm window manager? How do I get the menu to show current programs?
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20:42.17aitori've never used jwm
20:44.07aitorparazyd built an iso of heads using awesome as a WM, and it had a (dynamic?) application for that
20:44.15aitorobmenu-generator, maybe?
20:44.44aitori'm working on another application for that:
20:45.54aitor#include <gtk/gtk.h> is needed for the icons
20:48.23saptechok, I currently use openbox with obmenu-generator. I was just checking out jwm
20:48.50aitorthe method:
20:48.52aitorgchar* clean_exec (MenuCacheApp *)
20:49.27fsmithredsaptech, maybe you need to restart thw wm to get the menu to update. I don't know.
20:49.48fsmithredthere are some jwm links in this thread:
20:49.58aitoronly skips some superfluous characters like in the exec cmd, like:
20:49.59aitorpcmanfm %U
20:51.16aitorthanks for the link
20:51.26*** join/#devuan CaptainFixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
20:53.13saptechok, thanks
20:56.16aitorsaptech: download the main.c and the makefile, install libmenu-cache-dev and generate your own in /etc/xdg/menus/
20:56.47aitorfor example, you can copy the content of as a template
20:57.22aitorand run 'make'
20:57.27saptechaitor, where do I get from?
20:57.28*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
20:59.12saptechI do not have lxde installed. I use Mate
20:59.24saptechbesides Openbox standalone
21:01.55aitorthe output of the application should be something like:
21:03.24aitorthe wrong UTF-8 encoding is due to the navigator
21:04.15saptechok. I'm copying your instructions and will try it out and see if I can get it working
21:05.13fsmithredsaptech, in jwm, Restart in the menu will cause newly-installed apps to show up. You have to dig down through the debian menu to find them.
21:05.21aitori still have to work on the popup menu
21:06.09aitorthere are some videos:
21:10.02aitori don't want to bore you
21:14.40aitorsaptech: replace by in the code of main.c, if you want
21:16.04aitoryou can play with the code, it's too short
21:16.16aitorremove clean_exec if you want
21:20.51aitorbedtime, bye :)
21:21.42aitorthe eclipse is comming to Europe
21:22.10fsmithredsolar eclipse at night?
21:22.48aitorfsmithred -> #debianfork
21:23.28saptechok thanks guys
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23:48.32golinuxWhere is everybody?
23:51.04fsmithredit was busy this morning when you were asleep
23:55.02*** join/#devuan aitor (
23:55.25golinuxNot that busy . . .
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23:56.13aitorhi, golinux, i'm awake
23:56.34*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (

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