IRC log for #devuan on 20170820

00:00.20*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
01:00.56*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (
01:22.45*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer)
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04:24.33*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (~Centurion@
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06:36.02*** join/#devuan debdog (
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07:15.30*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:17.01*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
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07:19.29*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
07:21.36*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
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08:27.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:05.33*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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09:39.55*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
09:51.42*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:52.37aitori'm uploading a new image of devuan-live+d-i:
09:52.50aitordebian-installer worked
09:54.39aitorthe image doesn't work in live mode (i removed the /home/devuan folder), it holds running the init-bottom scripts
09:57.37*** join/#devuan debdog (
10:00.09aitornow i'll try to reduze the changes done in the original filesystem.squashfs
10:04.02aitorsurely, the symlink /etc/mtab is not necessary
10:06.08aitori'll also try to mantain root's password, there are some lines in user-setup-udeb/usr/bin/user-setup-apply clearing the root password from the database, and setting it again
10:08.20*** join/#devuan rdav (
10:08.23aitorthe main point is to remove grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-amd64-bin from the system; otherwise, grub-installer-udeb fails before configuring users and passwords and running update-initramfs
10:09.19aitorthe iso has been uploaded
10:12.23*** join/#devuan nighty- (
10:13.27*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
10:18.56*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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10:46.50*** join/#devuan mchasard (
10:52.57*** join/#devuan rdav (
11:05.35*** join/#devuan rdav (
11:09.40*** join/#devuan Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
11:32.52*** join/#devuan aggrora (
11:33.48*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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12:12.57*** join/#devuan jonadab (
12:15.21*** join/#devuan g0zzy (
12:15.55g0zzyIs pulseaudio present by default in the xfce4 desktop?
12:21.35jonadabUgh, pulseaudio.
12:23.28*** join/#devuan rdav (
12:29.00*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
12:34.49*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
12:58.03*** join/#devuan mchasard (
12:58.18*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
13:00.35fsmithredg0zzy, most likely, PA is installed, but that depends on how you installed xfce. It can be avoided, removed or replaced with apulse.
13:02.25*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
13:03.24*** join/#devuan mchasard (
13:03.39g0zzyfsmithred: Thanks. I was thinking it wasn't. Someone on #debian was bemoaning the difficulty of removing it and i mentioned i thought it was absent in devuan ;)
13:04.05fsmithredshould be easy to remove
13:10.08*** join/#devuan Lugal1 (~a@WL-POOL2-ONT-030.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
13:11.07Lugal1I see only a i386 iso on the download side.  but I think my CPU is i686.  how can I get it for 686  and is there a big difference?
13:11.31fsmithredi386 is just a name kept for historical reasons
13:11.40fsmithredit's a 686-pae kernel
13:14.57DusXMTIn fact, linux won't even run on a 386, not even on a 486, because of some instruction the kernel relies on
13:15.06DusXMTPerhaps uclinux could work on those
13:15.30DusXMT(or one of the BSDs)
13:26.15*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
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13:28.50*** join/#devuan rick8024 (
13:35.20*** join/#devuan mchasard (
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13:50.11Lugal1ah, ok, good to hear that :)
13:57.19*** join/#devuan peetaur (
14:00.14*** join/#devuan peetaur (
14:05.12*** join/#devuan debdog (
14:07.12*** join/#devuan DeFender (
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14:21.30*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
14:22.08*** join/#devuan DoctorFender1031 (
14:42.16*** join/#devuan specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
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15:09.09*** join/#devuan aitor (
15:13.22*** part/#devuan g0zzy (
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15:17.03aitorthe iso still doesn't work in live mode
15:18.28fsmithredaitor, what changes did you try?
15:18.35aitora home folde for the devuan user already exits, but the user doesn't exit in /etc/passwd
15:21.12aitori removed grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-amd64-bin, and, after running apt-get autoremove (this step removes grub-common, grub2-common, efibootmgr, libefivar0 and os-prober) i reinstalled os-prober
15:21.28aitori also ran update-initramfs -u
15:21.55aitorthe iso uses udev, not eudev
15:22.35aitorscripts/init-bottom/udev runs succesfully, i get:
15:22.59aitorrunning scripts/init-bottom... done
15:23.07aitorand then it holds
15:23.31fsmithredit didn't run when I tried to boot the last iso I downloaded. (not the last one you uploaded.)
15:23.37aitorall the live-* packages are installed
15:23.52aitordownload the last one
15:24.26fsmithredif you uploaded one yesterday, I didn't get it.
15:24.34aitorlive-boot live-tools live-config live-boot-initramfs-tools and live-config-sysvinit
15:24.48aitori uploaded one today
15:25.05aitorthe installer works
15:26.14fsmithredwhy did you autoremove?
15:29.14aitorit removes unneccesary packages (sorry, i was multitasking)
15:29.31fsmithredthey are necessary if you boot on uefi
15:29.53aitornot after removing grub-efi
15:30.11*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:30.26aitorit removes the dependencies of the previously removed packages
15:30.34fsmithredwhen I boot one of my live isos on uefi hardware, I can run efibootmgr, even though grub-efi is not installed
15:31.30aitori never used efi :(
15:32.06fsmithredyou're lucky. It's a pain in the ass.
15:32.29aitoryou hate it, i'm aware :)
15:33.26*** join/#devuan sh4rm4^bnc (~sh4rm4@
15:33.53aitori'm wondering why the iso doesn't work in live  mode
15:34.16fsmithredis it failing in the same place as the one from a couple days ago?
15:35.47aitoryes, i can't assert if this step was done or not
15:37.26aitoris this your unique image generated by devuan-sdk?
15:38.08sh4rm4^bncso, devuan is finally a thing ? which udev replacement did you opt for in the end ? gentoo's eudev ?
15:38.44fsmithredeudev is in experimental
15:38.55fsmithredso is vdev
15:40.31aitorfsmithred, i'll try to replace udev by vdev in the iso and i'll tell you the results
15:41.07aitorsee you later
15:44.04sh4rm4^bncfsmithred, so what does non-experimental use ?
15:53.25*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
15:54.17*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
16:00.26fsmithredbtw sh4rm4^bnc, devuan has been "a thing" (i.e. usable) for a couple of years.
16:00.46fsmithredbbl (20 min)
16:02.20sh4rm4^bncyou use an old udev version ? or how'd you get rid of the libsystemd dependency ?
16:14.34*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
16:17.44*** join/#devuan Lugal (~a@WL-POOL2-ONT-030.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
16:23.18gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: they didn't.  they just got rid of the systemd daemon dependency.  libsystemd still may be installed.
16:23.38gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: (in some cases people have reported success replacing it with a dummy package though)
16:25.27sh4rm4^bncso you're effectively using an own udev fork ? or is it just a small patch ?
16:26.45gnarfacei think it's just literally just recompliled with ./configure --without-udev or something like that
16:27.36gnarfacenot 100% sure of that though
16:27.43gnarfacesome stuff has gotten minor patches
16:27.45gnarfacethere's a list
16:29.13gnarfaceplus two extras added
16:29.37gnarfaceand systemd and systemd-sysv are blacklisted (
16:29.45gnarfaceeverything else is actually pulled directly from debian on-the-fly
16:30.23gnarfacesorry, meant ./configure --without-systemd
16:30.30gnarface(i'm sure you knew what i meant)
16:31.05gnarfacesomeone here knows the specifics but it's slow
16:31.18gnarfacea slow day
16:31.23gnarfacein a slow channel
16:33.35*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:6753:7649:572f:4ad0:7882)
16:34.51*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
16:35.16fsmithredsh4rm4^bnc, we are effectively using the exact same udev package as in debian jessie
16:36.21fsmithredin ascii it's the same version as stretch, and in ceres, it's the same version as buster/sid
16:36.26gnarfaceit didn't even need to have dependencies altered?  i feel like i knew that once...
16:36.36fsmithrednot yet
16:37.11fsmithredI assume that one day, people running ceres will try to do an upgrade and will be told that udev is uninstallable.
16:37.48fsmithredsorry, "not installable"
16:37.50sh4rm4^bnci wonder why you don't switch to eudev permanently
16:38.11fsmithred'cause we move s - l - o - w - l - y
16:38.16gnarfacei'm hoping someone who gives a flying rat's ass about Steam support tests eudev and vdev some day
16:38.28gnarface(hopefully before udev fails to upgrade)
16:38.36sh4rm4^bncwhat's the issue with steam ?
16:38.46fsmithredcan't you test it, gnarface?
16:39.00gnarfacenot effectively
16:39.04sh4rm4^bnci use eudev in sabotage linux since day one
16:39.05fsmithredit's pretty easy to revert to udev if you need to
16:46.00*** join/#devuan guru (
16:47.37gnarfaceok, you're right, i could test it
16:47.42gnarfacei'm just too scared to be the first one
16:48.19gnarfacei don't wanna find out it doesn't work only to get VAC banned by some automated anti-cheat watchdog
16:54.25fsmithredeudev has to pretend it's udev for all the other players to be happy
16:54.55sh4rm4^bncjust put eudev into the base install so you get immediate user feedback
16:55.10sh4rm4^bncthen the issues, if there are any, can be fixed
16:55.14aggroragnarface: I might be able to retrive some old accounts that you can try, not sure though. I had two extra accounts once with games like cs and l4d to use on lanparties
16:55.42fsmithredinstall/remove eudev:
16:56.23gnarfacehmmm.  so the specific issue is with the steam controller, which i'm not sure whether it's bound permanently to my account or not
16:56.32gnarfacei'll have to check that
16:56.34gnarfacemaybe it isn't
16:57.02fsmithredsh4rm4^bnc, we don't have a base install for ascii yet. And it would probably be better to get more feedback from users before we spring it on them.
16:57.08gnarfaceif someone else had a steam controller, the issue is immediately noticeable on launch of certain games though
16:57.18gnarface(rocket league, for example)
16:58.34fsmithredthis community started as a result of a forced replacement. We should not repeat that.
17:02.53*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
17:08.52golinuxfsmithred> this community started as a result of a forced replacement. We should not repeat that.
17:09.15golinuxExactly.  We respect our users in this camp.
17:14.40sh4rm4^bncit's not like eudev is some weird zombie thing which takes away your freedom
17:14.52sh4rm4^bncit's basically just udev without systemd deps
17:14.56fsmithredyeah, I know
17:15.16sh4rm4^bncso where does "forcing the user into..." come into play ?
17:15.47fsmithredit's a major system component. I'd like to see more feedback before it's the default.
17:16.07fsmithredif you want it, it's easy enough to get it.
17:16.49sh4rm4^bncyou're not gonna getting feedback if you dont put it into some default install :)
17:17.07sh4rm4^bncsince there's a "testing" release, that'd be the obvious place to put it
17:17.43golinuxNo there isn't currently a 'testing' release
17:18.00gnarfacefsmithred, golinux (no arguments from me)
17:18.10fsmithredhere's an unofficial pre-testing release:
17:18.20golinuxDevuan  =  Debian
17:18.21golinuxJessie 1.0  =  Jessie  (old stable)
17:18.21golinuxASCII (in process) = Stretch (stable)
17:18.21golinuxBeowulf (not yet set up) = Buster (testing)
17:18.21golinuxCeres = sid
17:18.23fsmithredyou can test eudev and openrc at the same time
17:18.45golinuxfsmithred: to the rescue!!
17:19.12gnarfaceeudev/vdev are an unnecessary risk to most users for the moment.  hopefully one of them will be thoroughly vetted before an emergency battlefield promotion becomes necessary :-/
17:20.02sh4rm4^bncrisk ? you mean the risk of their USB scanner not getting automatically detected ?
17:20.16gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: yea or just any unexpected behavior
17:20.47fsmithredthat certainly concerns me - I spend a fair amount of time here helping people with problems.
17:21.10sh4rm4^bncsince eudev uses the same device database as udev, that's highly unlikely though...
17:21.27fsmithredyes, and I haven't seen any problems with it
17:22.07gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: well the problem i'm having in ceres with Steam isn't even happening with other versions of udev, so i think maybe your evaluation of how fragile this stuff is may not be 100% on point
17:22.57sh4rm4^bncwell there's nothing that can be done against proprietary software doing checksums against known system components to prevent cheating
17:23.06gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: and it ONLY affects valve hardware that uses the "xinput" controller API (not to be confused with X input)
17:23.44gnarfacesh4rm4^bnc: in this case, it doesn't appear to be a dumb checksum thing.  it's got to do with a internal udev database of some sort (different from the udev rules files themselves) that changed in format fundamentally in an undocumented fashion
17:24.17gnarfacebut you're right its not something most users will run into
17:24.30gnarfaceat least most non-steam users
17:25.41sh4rm4^bncunfortunately, the systemd-gang has their fingers in udev, so gratuitous format changes and breakage is not unexpected...
17:27.00gnarfaceyea.  i kinda wonder what Valve will do about it when this version of udev trickles down into Debian stable
17:27.27gnarfacefor the moment they're alternating between denial and deflection
17:29.19gnarfaceit only affects games that bind buttons to stuff like "jump" and "shoot" instead of existing X11 joystick/event input button #'s or existing mouse/keyboard keys
17:30.19gnarfaceso yea, it's a rare corner case
17:30.48gnarfacebut only in the sense that Steam users on Linux are a rare corner case to begin with
17:32.02sicknesslittle question that I can't seem to find in the official documentation: how to have/install the refracta installer tools into a normal installed devuan? apt-cache search refracta doesn't find anything :/
17:32.19fsmithredit's still in experimental
17:32.35fsmithredshould have migrated down to jessie, but things are slow now
17:33.05sicknessah, ok, tnx :)
17:33.19fsmithreddeb experimental main
17:33.31sicknessah, good
17:34.07fsmithredalso here:
17:44.44*** join/#devuan Guest (~Guest@
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17:48.57*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
18:07.54*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:15.49Lugalchanging the mac address changes it in the software or in the hardware?
18:25.31sh4rm4^bncit changes till ifconfig down
18:28.07*** join/#devuan aitor (
18:30.16aitorfsmithred, are you there?
18:31.34aitori forgot the boot option: nocomponents=passwd, you said me in an email days ago... arrrrr!
18:31.46aitornow, it works in live mode
18:32.09aitori tested the live-installer of d-i, and worked for me
18:33.00aitoruploading it again:
18:34.32aitorwe should add the clearlooks theme in the system: it's the default gtk theme used by d-i
18:35.30aitorthe image will be available in 6 minuts aprox.
18:35.32fsmithredisn't clearlooks installed already?
18:35.43fsmithredneed to get rid of that password file
18:35.45aitori don't think so
18:35.47*** join/#devuan devil (~quassel@
18:36.11aitoroops, i didn¡t try to reboot
18:36.41Lugalwhy is libsystemd0 installed in the default devuan installation?
18:36.47fsmithredyou are correct. It's not.
18:37.09Lugalit is
18:37.12fsmithredLugal, for gvfs-daemons and maybe something else
18:37.16Lugaljust installed one today
18:37.21Lugalah ok
18:37.24fsmithredaitor is correct - clearlooks theme is not installed
18:37.43aitorfsmithred: systemd can be removed from gvfs
18:37.47aitori did it
18:38.07fsmithredwell put it on so it can migrate into the repo
18:38.44aitorok, i haven't it to hand now, but i will push it
18:38.54fsmithredactually, I don't think there's going to be a big effort to remove dependency on libsystemd0 in ascii
18:40.36aitorfsmithred: the image is uploaded
18:41.06aitorplease, test the live-installer and check if the new root's password works
18:41.24aitorneed to go, be back later
18:41.30fsmithredwhat is pass?
18:41.53aitoruser-setup-ask will ask you
18:42.17aitornot at all, and happy hacking :)
18:51.21*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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19:18.40*** join/#devuan devil (~quassel@
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19:32.05*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
19:35.51fsmithredaitor, it acts the same: can't manually partition, grub doesn't install, name and passwords changes are lost, can only log into desktop as root (with old password)
19:36.51fsmithredcancel that - I used the wrong iso
19:39.39*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
19:41.27*** join/#devuan fzerosum (
19:41.32fsmithrednew iso won't boot
19:53.26*** join/#devuan DingoSaar_ (
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20:32.36*** part/#devuan Lugal (~a@WL-POOL2-ONT-030.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
20:32.40aitorthe iso boots, it worked for me twice
20:33.50aitorbut root's password doesn't work, user-setup-udeb needs some improvements, at least in jessie
20:35.12aitordespite all you can get sudo permissions leaving in blank the root password
20:36.15aitorfsmithred: the checksum of the iso is 431f4fb983cd5c08ec2c2707e48d4016
20:37.43aitori'll fix this issue in half an hour
20:51.44*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
20:52.35*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
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21:01.51aitoruploading it again..., the same link:
21:02.10fsmithredI must have had a bad download.
21:02.15aitorbut different md5sum: 15e0d7b45791e410b356287c685d8a37
21:02.40aitorno worries :)
21:02.46aitortime to dinner, brb
21:03.17fsmithred404 Not Found
21:04.31aitori can access to the link
21:05.30fsmithredI re-downloaded right before you uploaded
21:05.34fsmithredand that one works
21:06.16fsmithredoh, it still says pureftpd-upload
21:06.38fsmithredit's not finished
21:06.47aitor~4 minuts left
21:06.56*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
21:07.24aitori only did one change in /etc/shadow
21:07.42aitori'll try to add this change within user-setup-udeb
21:09.35fsmithredmanual partitioning works
21:10.12aitori tried using grep and sed (in order to avoid rpl) but the presence of the special character / in the second field of:
21:10.27aitorroot: (......) :17387:0:99999:7:::
21:10.49aitorgave me problems; i'll try this week
21:11.10aitorfsmithred: time to eat, see you
21:11.16aitorto dinner+
21:13.09furrywolfyou can escape / with \/, or use a different character for the pattern separator.
21:14.20fsmithredgrub-install succeeded
21:14.44furrywolfthat is, s-a-b- is just as valid to sed as s/a/b/
21:16.43furrywolfor scacbc, if you want to make your expressions very hard to read.  :)
21:21.51furrywolfaccording to a quick check, there are 41 words in the english language
21:22.04furrywolf(according to /usr/share/dict/words) that are valid basic sed substitution patterns.  :)
21:26.03fsmithredyeah, I've used other separators in sed, especially when working with paths
21:29.45fsmithrednew username and password worked. New root password did not work. It kept the old one.
21:38.30*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
21:50.34EvilhamI got used ages ago to use s!foo!bar
21:50.59Evilhamsadly in some places that's taken as bad syntax :(
21:53.24fsmithredit might fall into the category of optical illusion or some other deception.
21:56.02MinceRyou can even use s as the separator :>
21:57.48*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
21:58.27Evilhamoh, that's nasty
22:06.37*** join/#devuan quite (quite@unaffiliated/quite)
22:07.04*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
22:47.16*** join/#devuan dh7320 (
23:08.51*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
23:09.18*** join/#devuan fugitive (~fugitive@
23:10.37fugitiveguys which kernel do you use? seems i am experiencing some annoying problems with wifi.. both via atheros and intel adapter. (on jessie 3.16.0-4-amd64)
23:13.09*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
23:37.18*** part/#devuan msiism (
23:39.04*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
23:39.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
23:46.15AlexLikeRocki remove  vlc
23:47.08AlexLikeRocki tink   need reconfigure   AUDIO CORE or somting like thtat

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