IRC log for #devuan on 20170814

00:04.07*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
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00:13.52*** join/#devuan Katnija (
00:17.18*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
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00:34.38*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:37.07*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:44.34*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
01:22.54Artemis3fsmithred, good, now instructions for installing runit in devuan :3
01:48.00fsmithredsomeone would have to tell me how to do it.
01:50.03Artemis3 ?
01:51.49*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:54.25*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
01:56.46*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:09.44golinuxfsmithred: Artemis3:  Steve also had some posts on DNG recently about runit iirc.
02:10.08golinuxgoes to find it
02:10.46fsmithredall I did was install packages
02:13.28*** join/#devuan nmollerup (
02:33.34*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
04:20.49*** join/#devuan justinsm (
04:37.55*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
04:43.31*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
04:56.33*** join/#devuan metaxy (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
05:03.38*** join/#devuan zer0def (~zer0def@
05:22.36ji-ef[m]> anyone else... here are instructions for installing openrc in devuan ascii:
05:22.37ji-ef[m]Now that sounds cool :D Thanks !
06:07.23*** join/#devuan ltem (
06:07.26*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
06:21.22*** join/#devuan peetaur (
06:34.19*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:44.04*** join/#devuan joered (
07:15.30*** join/#devuan wgas (~quassel@unaffiliated/wgas)
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07:49.31*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
08:00.08*** join/#devuan thaller (
08:04.37*** join/#devuan Y_Plentyn (
08:04.52Y_Plentynthinking about community building
08:04.56Y_Plentynare there plans for physical meetings? e.G. at FOSDem? or
08:05.00Y_Plentyn(I will probably go to the latter anyway)
08:07.03*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
08:17.03aitorY_Plentyn: the latest fosdem meeting was on 4 and 5 february, is it always in Brussels?
08:17.15*** join/#devuan justinsm (
08:17.36Y_Plentynaitor: always in Brussels, always around that time
08:18.02aitorok, thanks
08:18.12aitorand linuxday?
08:18.34Y_Plentynalways around end of year, always in Dornbirn, Austria
08:19.31Y_Plentynthe same question might be interesting for RFLL^H^H^HMLL
08:20.09aitorthere is no announcement:
08:21.43*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
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08:24.14*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:24.42aitorok, december
08:26.16aitorseems to be in Germany, near Switzerland and Liechtenstein
08:27.16Y_Plentynnope, Austria
08:27.37Y_Plentynso, the rest was correct
08:27.59Y_Plentynit is quite reachable from north italy IIRC
08:29.14*** join/#devuan freemangordon_ (~ivo@
08:30.36aitorTourino, Milano?
08:32.20Y_Plentynaitor: being from berlin I never tried that ;) but I remember being told that it was not hard
08:32.46Y_Plentynnot more distant than rome for example
08:35.15aitorsome of the italian people here are not from the north
08:35.42aitorAntofox, for example, is from napoli (i think)
08:36.40Y_Plentynyeah, but still - it is one of the nearest places to italy reachable by land ;)
08:36.52aitoryou were hidden
08:37.02Y_Plentynant it is quite reachable by air, too
08:37.25*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
08:37.53aitori'll go in bike
08:38.13Y_Plentynif you do not mid crossing the alps ;)
08:38.31gnu_srsfsmithred: Nice to see installation of openrc in ascii summarized:
08:38.31gnu_srsMaybe we should create a similar file for installation of eudev?
08:39.00aitori saw the instructions
08:39.45Y_Plentyngnu_srs: is there anything else to do but enable experimental (which was a bit tricky for me) and apt install eudev?
08:42.20gnu_srsNo that is all that's needed. I think the txt files should add which versions should be installed too ;)
08:44.13*** join/#devuan Drugo (
08:44.41gnu_srsAdd to /etc/init.d/sources.list: deb experimental main; apt-get update; apt-get install eudev=220:3.2.2-devuan2.3
08:45.58gnu_srsOptionally purge udev: dpkg --purge udev
08:47.41aitorso, eudev an udev can coexist?
08:47.57Y_Plentynaitor: probably not
08:48.21gnu_srsNo, but the conf files remains after a replacement and no purging.
08:48.51Y_Plentyngnu_srs: does that hurt? (just for my information)
08:51.47gnu_srsAfter install of eudev: sudo dmesg|grep eth0. For sysv-rc eth0 will be replaced by ens3, on openrc not. Change /etc/network/interfaces accordingly.
08:53.08*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
08:55.05gnu_srsOr add net.ifnames=0 to /etc/default/grub
08:57.03*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:418b:1400:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
08:58.15gnu_srsY_Plentyn: No problem with udev and eudev conf files coexisting, the only common file is /etc/udev/udev.conf
08:58.45Y_Plentynso... I put up a posting on the community pake of the forum - so, If anybody wants to join on some meeting we can coordinate it there for now
08:59.16Y_Plentyngnu_srs: good
09:08.48*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
09:14.43*** join/#devuan fugitive (
09:21.08*** join/#devuan mattcode (~mattcode@unaffiliated/mattcode)
09:23.28*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
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09:28.10fsmithredgnu_srs, am I reading correctly? You don't get the stupid network names if you use openrc?
09:32.25*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
09:34.26gnu_srsfsmithred: Yes: udevd[1393]: Error changing net interface name eth0 to ens3: Device or resource busy
09:34.45*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
09:35.58gnu_srsWith sysv-rc: e1000 0000:00:03.0 ens3: renamed from eth0
09:36.13fsmithredhuh. I didn't notice because I fixed the boot command first
09:36.43fsmithreddoes openrc use /etc/inittab?
09:37.40DusXMT(Well, on Gentoo where OpenRC is the default, I had "stupid" network names)
09:37.44*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:38.05DusXMT(Am I the only one who likes them?)
09:38.39fsmithredyou must not have tried it with a usb dongle. The number won't be as long as a uuid, but it's longer than it needs to be.
09:38.54gnu_srsYou can also do: ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
09:39.09*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
09:39.17fsmithredI'm also irritated that LP refers to them as "predictable". You must open the box and look inside to predict what it will be called.
09:39.54gnu_srsfsmithred: Me too :D
09:40.08aitorwicd doesn't work in my computer with those names, and the status icon of simple-netaid in freepascal also fails sometimes
09:40.36DusXMTaitor: that's odd, a simple configuration (opening preferences and setting the names) made mine work o gentoo
09:40.37fsmithredin wicd you need to change to the new number in preferences
09:40.56aitorsimple-netaid-gtk doesn't fail with those stupid names because i began working on that with them
09:41.14aitorok, i didn't know
09:41.56aitori have to buy some food, see you later
09:44.07fsmithredgnu_srs, I can write similar instructions for installing eudev. I'll be pretty short, even if I include instructions for reverting to udev.
09:46.06gnu_srsfsmithred: Yes please do. Nice :)
09:48.17fsmithredjust checked at d1g and nobody has posted it before, so I'll do it
09:48.47fsmithredmaybe on dng, too. One post about the live iso and instructions for both eudev and openrc
10:09.41fsmithredgnu_srs, instructions for installing eudev:
10:12.55gnu_srsgood: Maybe also mentioning the eventual renaming of network devices?
10:19.23gnu_srsAnd an entry for "Install openrc in ascii", with the contents of your file install_openrc.txt (adding versions too)?
10:22.02fsmithredyeah, I added a post to miro's thread about installing openrc
10:22.18fsmithredmaybe it's kinda lost there at the end of a long thread
10:22.46fsmithredthe renaming of network devices happens in ascii anyway.
10:23.33fsmithredversions of openrc?
10:25.06*** join/#devuan nighty- (
10:25.15fsmithredI see 0.13, 0.23 and 0.27 - are any of them bad?
10:25.22*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
10:30.29parazyddon't even consider < 0.23
10:30.43gnu_srs0.23 and 0.27 are preferred
10:30.46parazydtoo old and development is constant
10:33.11gnu_srsfsmithred: And versions of util-linux, sysvinit-*, initscripts
10:33.14fsmithredis it possible to use 0.23 in jessie, or just advise against trying it in jessie
10:33.59fsmithredmiro has the versions and the sha256sums in the thread and also uploaded them to his server
10:34.04gnu_srsI haven't tried, but it might not be advisable for jessie :(
10:34.18fsmithredok, it'll be openrc in ascii anyway
10:34.36fsmithredany ceres pioneers are on their own
10:35.19fsmithredand I assume the instructions will be obsolete when all the packages get into the repo. Is that correct?
10:36.53gnu_srsYes, I hope so.
10:38.46gnu_srsMaybe I should create a local repo and try out the upgrade path. Any pointers how to create a local repo?
10:39.30gnu_srsBetter would of course be the devuan repo problems solved :D
10:40.03*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
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10:44.06*** join/#devuan msiism (
10:45.40gnarfacegnu_srs: check out reprepro
10:46.45*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (
10:48.33gnu_srsgnarface: Tks for the hint. Will take a look at it ;)
10:48.45*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
10:55.46*** join/#devuan leafwiz_ (
11:06.02*** part/#devuan msiism (
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11:45.34*** join/#devuan jord (~jord@
11:58.56*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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12:27.29*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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13:08.47*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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23:45.30aitorgnu_srs: you need to define a conf/distributions file for reprepro
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23:46.43aitorhere you are an example:
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23:52.50*** join/#devuan early (
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23:53.19aitorput all the content in a file named, for example, devuan-repo
23:53.29aitorand run:
23:53.36*** join/#devuan rann (sid175221@gateway/web/
23:54.03aitorfind ./devuan-repo -name "*.deb" -exec reprepro --ask-passphrase -b . -V -C main includedeb jessie {} \;
23:54.36aitorfind ./devuan-repo -name "*.dsc" -exec reprepro --ask-passphrase -b . -V -C main includedsc jessie {} \;
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23:55.39aitoryou can also add the *.changes files
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23:59.36aitor21WAAB4TU is munching on popcorn
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