IRC log for #devuan on 20170808

00:06.44*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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01:55.26*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:00.59*** join/#devuan omnipotentduo (~morgan@
02:03.07omnipotentduoquiet as a mouse in here tonight
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02:03.56*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
02:19.36*** join/#devuan toronja (~servando@
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02:45.37gnarfaceno news is good news?
02:49.56*** join/#devuan omnipotentduo (~morgan@
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04:03.05DocScrutinizer05some love it that way
04:03.18DocScrutinizer05not me
04:11.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:50.26*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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09:44.49DusXMTHmmm... The power manager button in Mate is a yellow exclamation mark... and it doesn't appear to know when the cable is in and when out... and yet it does know, if I open the settings
10:03.30*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:59.56*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
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12:08.45Centurion_DanDusXMT: probably because mate power manager has been infected by that systemd virus...
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12:23.10*** join/#devuan specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
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12:42.36DusXMTCenturion_Dan: It's likely. It can read the values, it even reports how much the battery is charged, but it doesn't know if it's charging or not, even though the information is there...
12:42.54DusXMTPerhaps what happened is that there was a change in the interface of upower
12:46.35*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
12:52.09*** join/#devuan jord (~jord@
12:55.04*** join/#devuan Maarten (~smuxi@
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13:15.46*** part/#devuan gregl (
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14:05.27*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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14:17.27*** join/#devuan fugitive (~fugitive@
14:18.30fugitiveguys, how to get flash player working? :)
14:18.33fugitiveii flashplugin-nonfree
14:18.33fugitiveii pepperflashplugin-nonfree
14:19.21gnarfacelook in about:plugins see if it's enabled
14:19.27Evilhamthat's EOL :-D (j.k.)
14:19.29gnarfacei don't know what pepperflash is
14:19.40gnarfacei advise against using flash too
14:19.57gnarfacebut it should work
14:19.59fugitivehah Evilham :D let me see :)
14:20.11gnarfacepepperflash may conflict for all i know
14:20.13fugitiveyea i know.. i don't like it either.. but have to use it
14:20.24Evilhamsometimes there's no choice
14:20.32Evilhamdid you check this already?
14:20.44Evilhamtrying to update and so on
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14:21.33fugitive$ update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
14:21.33fugitive-bash: update-flashplugin-nonfree: command not found
14:21.39fugitivethis doesn't work :/
14:21.50gnarfacedid you check about:plugins?
14:21.50fugitiveand, yh, it is not enabled in ffox
14:21.58gnarfacewell just enable it
14:22.36gnarfaceyou can go to about:addons->plugins i guess
14:22.41fugitivei can't ... i don't see any option to enable it
14:22.53fugitivei have only this : OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.
14:22.58gnarfacedisable that
14:23.20fugitiveyea it is
14:23.41gnarfaceyou can go to tools->add ons, too
14:23.46fugitivemaybe some shared lib needs to be symlinked.. somewhere.. ?
14:23.46gnarfacethen go to the plugins tab
14:23.51gnarfacefind the pulldown on the right
14:23.56fsmithredtry reinstalling flash
14:24.03fsmithredit shouldn't need any setup
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14:24.18gnarfaceit might be disabled by default still
14:24.21fsmithredpepperflash is for chromium
14:24.21fugitivelet see..
14:24.23gnarfacein firefox itself, is what i'm saying
14:25.05fugitiveyou know what might be a problem...
14:25.14fugitiveHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
14:25.14fugitive2017-08-08 16:24:56 ERROR 404: Not Found.
14:25.14fugitiveERROR: wget failed to download
14:25.14fugitiveMore information might be available at:
14:25.22gnarfaceoh hmm
14:25.34fugitivethey removed repo
14:25.41gnarfacedo you have the ca-certificates package installed?  that just happened to me
14:25.56fugitiveone sec.. url is bit weird..
14:25.57gnarfacei couldn't wget anything with a https url
14:25.59debdogjust downloads the installer and extracts the .so file
14:26.20OxFEEDBACCwhat the fun :-))))))))))))))))) to all who have helped me so much... the thing with the 64-bit tablet with 32-bit-only UEFI... i'm finally in the installer :-D
14:26.20gnarfaceyea it's not hard to manually install
14:26.24gnarfaceit's a single file
14:26.45gnarfacehooraay, what'd it take OxFEEDBACC??
14:26.55gnarfacecustom build?
14:27.12fsmithredcongrats OxFEEDBACC
14:28.10fugitivegnarface , yea i have ca-certs installed
14:28.25OxFEEDBACCgnarface, fsmithred, i actually manually built and configured grub... seemed to be the easiest... though i had to take some hurdles...
14:28.26fugitivelook, when i try manually to dload:
14:29.01OxFEEDBACCgrub config isn't so good documented... but finally it works... oh yes, and i used refind to "bootstrap" grub...
14:29.16fugitive$ curl -o test.tar.gz
14:29.21fugitive$ file test.tar.gz
14:29.22fugitivetest.tar.gz: HTML document, ASCII text
14:29.31fugitiveand it makes a sense, coz : 2017-08-08 16:28:45 ERROR 404: Not Found.
14:29.39OxFEEDBACCgrrrmpf... "incorrect cd-rom detected"...
14:29.55fugitivestupid adobe...
14:31.26OxFEEDBACCyeah, connected the optical... then it works...
14:31.45fugitivei am dloading manually tarball, will see..
14:42.58fugitivefixed.. fckin crap.. :))
14:45.57fugitivethanks ppl :)
14:46.06Evilhamhaha :)
14:46.17Evilhamvery good that you fixed it
14:47.16fugitiveyea, downlaod tar, copy that lib, update alternatives, and done
14:47.38Evilhamah... hopefully you'll be able to not use flash soon
14:49.41OxFEEDBACC"GRUB installation failed --- The 'grub-efi-ia32' package failed to install into /target/. ..."
14:49.56OxFEEDBACCwhat is /target/ in that context?
14:52.32*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
14:53.15gnarfaceliterally /target/ somewhere in the tmp working directory of the installer
14:53.20gnarfacemight be like /mnt/target or something
14:53.33gnarfaceanyway it's just the root directory of the install
14:53.49gnarfaceyou can alt-f4 and mount it manually to mess with it, in theory
14:54.49OxFEEDBACCwell, rebooted already... now trying to manually start it through  grub's shell
15:00.15*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:01.21OxFEEDBACCbut hangs somewhere...
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15:10.14fugitiveOxFEEDBACC , what you're trying to do? i'm curious .. :)
15:10.58aitorOxFEEDBACC: the target is the hard disk where you are installing the system
15:11.16OxFEEDBACCfugitive, i want to run devuan on a tablet... it's UEFI without legacy boot support, and while the actual system is 64-bit, the EFI firmware is only 32-bit...
15:13.07fugitivewell.. i am waiting my uart to arrive so i could test some arm boards
15:13.45OxFEEDBACCmine is an x86 tablet...
15:15.27*** join/#devuan Kobaz (
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15:30.13*** join/#devuan thehornet1 (~a0225280@
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15:40.31*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:02.46OxFEEDBACCit hangs after detecting the camera at usb 1-4... is there a kernel command line parameter to inhibit touching that device?
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16:08.50gnarfaceblacklist the driver maybe?
16:09.51OxFEEDBACCwhich driver, i may ask ;-)
16:09.59OxFEEDBACCi'm not a kernel wizard, too...
16:10.46gnarfacei've no idea which driver, you'll have to look it up by the camera model
16:11.10OxFEEDBACCaye, sir
16:12.08*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
16:12.24OxFEEDBACCwow... it still reacts on removing and plugging in the USB stick...
16:12.31OxFEEDBACCcan i exploit that?
16:12.42OxFEEDBACCctrl-c doesn't work there, obviously...
16:12.47gnarfacemaybe it's not really hung when it hits the camera?
16:13.22gnarfacei've seen problems before with boot scripts going awry in ways that leave you trapped but the computer isn't actually frozen
16:14.17OxFEEDBACCyeah, but i can't switch terminals... and it said just some lines above "/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off"... i think i don't have a bunch of VTs...
16:14.23gnarfaceyou could also maybe just blacklist uvcvideo or videodev or v4l2_common (or all of the above)
16:14.53gnarfacectrl+alt+f2, ctrl+alt+f3, ctrl+alt+f4, nothing?
16:15.01OxFEEDBACCokay, do you have a hint where i put that? will there be an /etc/blacklist or some such?
16:15.24OxFEEDBACCno, just this one screen...
16:15.37gnarfacein /etc/modprobe.d there are *.conf files
16:15.50gnarfacei recommend you make your own intead of editing the ones there already
16:16.10*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
16:16.16gnarfaceyou can copy the format of the blacklist.conf already there
16:16.20gnarfacebut it's nothing complex
16:16.29gnarfaceliterally just "blacklist [module name]"
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16:16.31gnarfaceon individual lines
16:16.45OxFEEDBACCwith wildcards?
16:17.03OxFEEDBACCwell, i can check if i find something in syslog to determine a driver...
16:17.28gnarfaceusually there is some sort of device name near where it's detected in the output
16:17.30gnarfacenot always
16:17.46OxFEEDBACCit's before syslog :-/
16:18.45OxFEEDBACCv4l doesn't effect the gfx driver, does it?
16:20.19gnarfaceis "quiet" on the kernel command-line?
16:20.46gnarfacev4l? probably not but i'm not 100% sure...
16:21.00gnarfaceshould mostly be fore video inputs not outputs
16:21.10gnarfacebut the camera might use v4l or uvcvideo i think
16:21.14gnarfacein addition to usb
16:21.33gnarfacein theory you could just blacklist all the usb stuff even, but that might blacklist too much
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16:33.45OxFEEDBACCno quiet on the command line ... i never understood what it is for, actually...
16:34.53OxFEEDBACCi've put all 3 of your suggestions into a blacklist.conf.... the question now is just, does the kernel (or modprobe) respect all files in that directory? or do i have to register it somewhere?
16:35.39OxFEEDBACCbtw, except usb 1-4 and the manufacturer/vendor (Alcor Micro) there's no hint on what device that is...
16:36.26OxFEEDBACCi can't just blacklist all usb-things... oh, yes, it said usb-xhid (or whatever that reads... can
16:37.09OxFEEDBACCcan't just check back, because the blanker kicked in and the keyboard is obviously non-functional... (a chance for VTs working later...)
16:37.36OxFEEDBACCthough the keyboard was listed before the cam, on usb 1-2...
16:40.39OxFEEDBACCoh, yes, and there is vendor=058f, product=5608 ... why did i miss it before?
16:44.50*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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17:05.45gnarfaceOxFEEDBACC: yea the module utils just obey files in that directory as long as they end in .conf
17:06.46OxFEEDBACCam just trying to follow this approach:
17:07.35OxFEEDBACCjust adding that in the final /etc is too late... extracted the initrd, and am wondering if i can put it back together to a working state...
17:07.48OxFEEDBACCsings humpty dumpty ...
17:09.01*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
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17:10.25gnarfaceoh hmm
17:10.44gnarfaceno it's update-initramfs
17:11.15OxFEEDBACCwill it include that file/dir? /etc/udev/rules.d is not in the initramfs...
17:11.21gnarfacei think it's also possible to blacklist modules by kernel command-line, but i am not sure of the syntax
17:11.24OxFEEDBACCbut i guess that can be configured...
17:11.52gnarfaceudev rules are something different, that's runtime stuff
17:12.00gnarfacewe were in /etc/modprobe.d
17:15.26OxFEEDBACCthat can't be it... original initrd 14889957, the repackaged one (adding 1 small rule file and the dir) 83992411 bytes...
17:16.10gnarfaceoh uh, probably the config defaulted to all modules but at install you chose targeted?
17:16.45OxFEEDBACCi didn't choose anything, afaict...
17:16.52OxFEEDBACCregarding that, at least...
17:17.21gnarfacemaybe only asks in expert mode
17:17.28OxFEEDBACCand i used gzip and cpio directly, not the update-initramfs utility...
17:17.44gnarfaceyou'd have to do it as root, of course
17:18.09gnarfacelook in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
17:18.19OxFEEDBACCi'm outside that system... i can't boot it (yet)
17:19.08gnarfacewell you'd in theory change MODULES=most (the first option) to MODULES=dep and then re-run update-initramfs and it would in theory be closer to the original smaller size
17:20.58OxFEEDBACCya, but why would it include /etc/udev/rules.d?
17:21.18gnarfacei dunno.  are you sure that it does?
17:21.54OxFEEDBACCif i were i had used that tool in the first place ;-)
17:22.17OxFEEDBACCi'm pretty sure it does not... but let's see...
17:22.34OxFEEDBACCno, can't just "see"... i'm not in that system... :-/
17:22.49gnarfaceare you in the installer?
17:23.00OxFEEDBACCnope, on another box...
17:23.42*** join/#devuan pitchum (
17:28.19gnarfaceok, so when it freezes, that's after a completed install though, didn't you say?
17:28.37gnarfaceyou complete the install successfully then it stalls on the first boot?
17:29.38*** part/#devuan pitchum (
17:29.50OxFEEDBACCi'd say it's a minimal install, but yes, it freezes only when i boot the installed system...
17:30.50gnarfaceok, so you can still get a grub prompt if you try to boot it right now, then, right?
17:31.20*** join/#devuan freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun)
17:31.29gnarfaceok, and you know how to edit the kernel command-line temporarily from that prompt, right?
17:31.52OxFEEDBACCyes... that's how i booted the first time, before i adapted grub.cfg...
17:33.05gnarfaceok, so you should be able to blacklist a module from the kernel command-line i just don't know the exact syntax.  i'd say that's the best thing to try next though
17:33.24gnarfacetry to blacklist that camera module, or maybe the parent module for it
17:34.08OxFEEDBACCif i just knew which module it is... i looked that alcor micro up, but didn't find much...
17:37.52OxFEEDBACC ... looks like what i need...
17:38.01OxFEEDBACC(for the udev approach)
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17:39.43gnarfacei think alcor micro may be supported by the uvcvideo module
17:39.50gnarface(it covers a bunch of different models)
17:50.29OxFEEDBACClogin :-D
17:51.12OxFEEDBACCwhat a silly bullshit... but what do i expect... i tried for 18 hours today... and yesterday almost the same amount of time...
17:51.46OxFEEDBACCi just forgot to specify the root= in the kernel command line... no idea what effect that internally has, but that was just it...
17:52.24OxFEEDBACCbut i think i will still unauthorize the cam...
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17:56.45gnarfaceOxFEEDBACC: hah.  you were just missing root=, that's all?  that's the path to the root partition (/)
17:56.58gnarface(partition or device)
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17:59.15OxFEEDBACCno, of course with the partition thereafter... without i wouldn't even count it as specification...
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18:02.04gnarfaceyea, sure, that's what i meant
18:02.09OxFEEDBACCoh, and i even misread your last 2 lines :-/ sorry... but yes, that was all... man, i really need sleep... maybe after it's running now, i will get some more/better sleep tonight...
18:03.36gnarfacehah, sleep well man
18:03.51gnarfacethis stuff gets easier over time, you definitely fought an uphill battle
18:03.53OxFEEDBACCthanks, but not yet... :-p
18:05.38OxFEEDBACCand 6 VTs available, just btw...
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18:35.56merpHow to update Firefox to version 55 on Devuan?
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18:47.06merpSomeone help me?
18:55.30ji-ef[m]Download from mozilla, unzip, done
18:59.29merpji-ef[m] But I have to uninstall before Firefox-ESR 52?
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19:12.27ji-ef[m]if you installed esr from apt, so no, you can keep it.
19:12.28ji-ef[m]But, to launch firefox 55, you'll have to launch it from the install directory,--ie not from the standard lenu
19:15.39ji-ef[m]firefox from apt install binary stuff in /usr. Your download+unzip install stuff in the directory where you decided to unzip to, so no conflicts
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19:24.39gnarfacefirefox 55 isn't in backports?
19:27.44fsmithrednope. None in backports.
19:28.02fsmithred52.2.0 in jessie-security
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19:39.42merpji-ef[m] But I have to add repositories for Firefox on Devuan?
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20:00.11ji-ef[m]well dunno if mozilla provides deb pkgs for Devuan. Unril then, get latest versions from their site.
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20:08.17merpji-ef[m] As would be the procedure for Firefox with Unril?
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20:09.14ji-ef[m]Sorry XD, typo : Until
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20:19.51merpji-ef[m] As would be the procedure for Firefox with with format .tar.bz2? There is No format .deb
20:25.14ji-ef[m]yes, at the very least, from Firefox 55, you can update to future versions from the "About ..." page, I think
20:28.53merp<ji-ef[m]> Do you know which is the command to install from the terminal the browser firefox with tar format-gz2?
20:30.05merp<ji-ef[m]> Do you know which is the command to install from the terminal the browser firefox with  format .tar.gz2?
20:30.26fsmithredapt-get install firefox-esr
20:31.03fsmithredwget <path to the mozilla's download>
20:31.33fsmithredtar -xvjf firefox-whatever
20:31.52fsmithredwhatever.tar.bz2, that is
20:32.23fsmithredthe second way will get you the newest
20:32.29merpBut that is in version 52.
20:32.57fsmithredapt get should give you 52
20:33.09fsmithredI don't know what the newest version is
20:34.05fsmithredwhy do you need the newest? Most of the people I know are keeping 45.9 because the newer ones suck so bad.
20:34.51merpWhat I want is to install the version 55.
20:35.28fsmithredso go to mozilla, download the tarball and unpack it in your home. That's the easiest way.
20:36.14Artemis3or switch to Palemoon and be done with it xD
20:36.23fsmithrednightly? Is that the source tarball?
20:36.31fsmithredI got that once by mistake.
20:37.21greenjeansnightly beta builds
20:37.38greenjeanshere's the latest stable
20:38.23merpBy default this  installed with version 52, and I want to install the version 55, and this in format .tar.gz2, that's why was wondering to install using the command in the terminal.
20:39.26fsmithredyou don't actually install it. Just unpack it and run it.
20:40.21golinuxYou can even put it in your user directory!
20:40.49fsmithredI'll give you the commands again if you need.
20:40.52golinuxYou can have several versions that way.
20:41.37fsmithredtar -xvjf firefox*.bz2
20:41.44fsmithredfirefox/firefox &
20:42.14fsmithredthe & is optional
20:43.18merpThanks, and which is the repository to be refreshed automatically in devuan Jessie?
20:47.00greenjeansyou can actually just download the tarball, right-click on it in your file manager and choose "extract here", when that's done go into the new firefox folder and click the firefox executable
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20:47.53golinuxThat's what guigirl does
20:49.20greenjeansoh wow, this nightly build from yesterday is like twice as fast as the current version in the repo, maybe more
20:50.43fsmithredhow do the menus look?
20:52.12greenjeansand it automatically imported book marks
20:52.24greenjeansfrom my other installed version of ff
20:53.10greenjeansmenus look fine, everything is nice and crisp
20:53.29merpWhen you install the version new firefox 55, all the settings of firefox 55 you will be lost, and it would be a circuit-annoying in every new version. With the repository added Devuan Jessie, is not updated automatically without losing the current configuration?.
20:55.43greenjeansFireftp and icon pre-installed
20:56.31greenjeansFlash and openH264 installed too
20:58.20fsmithredall your settings are in ~/.mozilla and any version of firefox you run will use those files
20:58.48fsmithredyou might get some conflicts with extensions
21:00.25ji-ef[m]merp I don't think you lose anything. FF config is in .config, in your Home.. Just get the latest firefox in tar.bz2 as everyone tell you, unzip in the directory you want
21:00.26ji-ef[m]And check for updates directly from within firefox in the "About version" or whatever menu .
21:02.38merpBut as this in the backports of Devuan version of firefox-esr-10n 52, tap to uninstall the version 52 and then install the new version 55.
21:02.59*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
21:03.32greenjeansyep, the latest version of 55 is pretty snappy, heckuva lot better than the last one I tried
21:03.45greenjeansPalemoon is still quicker though
21:04.26fsmithredmerp, can't you download firefox in the language you want?
21:04.50ji-ef[m]As I told you before, there are no conflicts between these 2 versions; but if you feel it, just uninstall firefox-esr
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21:06.53merpWait a little while, don't miss, boy try to desisntalar the old version and install the new version in tar format-gz2.
21:09.12ji-ef[m]Sleep time, it's 11pm here, see you tomorow :)
21:09.29fsmithredcook time here. g'ngiht
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21:09.43fsmithredheads for the kitchen
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22:07.39aitortoday i've built an image of gnuinos jessie in amd64, tomorrow i'll do same for ascii
22:08.07aitorthe issue of the authentication failure during live-sessions has been solved, and now it works
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22:34.51greenjeanswoo-hoo new gnu-inunu!!!!
22:34.55greenjeansos that is
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22:38.01omnipotentduoquestion about repos for devuan, do we just use jessie's repos for adding new repos like wine?
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22:49.45omnipotentduonever mind I figured it out
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23:29.45omnipotentduoI'm thinking daemons should be called cats, because no one actually knows what they do when they aren't being watched lol
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