IRC log for #devuan on 20170805

00:01.46*** join/#devuan rdav (
00:03.50*** join/#devuan CaptainFixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
00:04.55fsmithredI haven't used OSS since 2000
00:05.36bozoniusit appears interest in OSS, even OSS4, is rather waning, from what I've read about it these few minutes since blurting the question
00:06.36bozoniusseems that the original open source was taken private, which (as usual) miffed a lot of folks, then the company that took it private opened it up again... <sigh>
00:07.11bozoniusmaybe that whole episode left a bad taste for many and that's why it no longer seems to have much street value
00:07.51bozoniuswell, anyway, as promised, I am reading the alsa pages to try to get a deeper understanding of sound using ALSA.
00:08.27fsmithredafk for a bit
00:10.45gnarfacebozonius: alsa has been worth it.  i don't know much about OSS4 other than that support for it is rare
00:33.29*** join/#devuan Katnija (
00:34.28bozonius NOTE: For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix for analogue output. Dmix is enabled by default for soundcards which don't support hardware mixing. You still need to set it up for digital outputs.
00:34.40bozoniuswe are running 1.0.27 or so
00:40.10gnarfacebozonius: yea it's been on by default in the default pcm for years now, which is called literally, "default"
00:40.41gnarfacebozonius: but you can't trust all your programs will use "default" by default, many of them do really boneheaded stuff and default to "hw:0,0" or something equally disruptive
00:41.28gnarfacebozonius: most of the good ones have built-in controls to at least select that much, however some don't have anything and require some alsa config trickery (~/.asoundrc customizations are the common way to address this on a per-user basis)
00:41.56bozoniusbut popular programs like firefox or chromium...
00:42.08bozoniusone would think that they would get it right
00:42.20gnarfaceone would, if one was childishly naive
00:42.27bozoniusthere'd be a furor otherwise
00:42.33*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
00:43.07gnarfacewould there be?  i've never known there to be furor over any other vast injustice in the world
00:43.31bozoniusthey have literally millions of users, gnarface
00:43.50gnarfacethe same measly <= 2% of them are competent as everywhere else though
00:44.06bozoniuslook at the pushback re system-duh
00:44.28gnarfacesorry, i get where you're coming from, and i know that this is gonna be hard for you to wrap your head around
00:44.32gnarfacebut the world is a hugely unfair place
00:44.40bozoniusno fucking kidding
00:44.47gnarfaceand largely, most of the people in it are slow on the uptake
00:44.54gnarfaceespecially when it comes to "nerdy" things
00:45.08bozoniuspart of it is the docs
00:45.15gnarfaceknow how i know?  because we wouldn't be having this conversation otherwise.   Netscape would still be in business, otherwise.
00:45.27bozoniusI'm reading the pages on alsa and they are about as clear as mud
00:45.47gnarfaceAaron Swartz would still be alive otherwise
00:45.58bozoniuspoory written, typos galore, attrocious grammar (making me re-read the same parts over and over again)
00:46.26bozoniuspunctuation and other problems all of which make it hard for newbies to read
00:46.27gnarfaceyea volunteer donated by english-as-a-third-language speakers
00:46.38gnarfaceit's neither here nor there
00:46.43bozoniusand then you argue the 98% of us are idiots?
00:46.56gnarfacehere's what keeps me going every day
00:47.09bozoniusdo tell...
00:47.10gnarfacethe blind hope that maybe, just maybe, ONLY 98% of everyone is idiots
00:47.24bozoniusyou are making this hard
00:47.55gnarfacethis is another common misconception: i didn't do it
00:48.10gnarfacethey were all already broken before i was born, as far as i've been able to tell
00:48.14bozonius(not saying that)
00:48.47djphgnarface: what're you on about?
00:48.50bozoniushow are we supposed to get this information so we can actually FUCKING understand these technical nuances?
00:49.11gnarfacebozonius: so, when it comes to funded software that moves MILLIONS of dollars, the first rule is to stop assuming anything but the money is the goal.  if you can get past that prejudice, everything about what Mozilla is doing now makes sense.
00:49.58bozoniuskeeping millions confused and frustrated hardly seems like a useful means of making money
00:50.14gnarfacedjph: we're just having problems coming to grips with the fact that appears to have turned evil
00:50.37bozoniusI never said they (or anyone else in software) was on the good side, gnarface!
00:50.37djphI think you're about a decade, maybe two, late to that party
00:51.07bozoniusI worked for years in the trade, and I what I witnessed made my stomach turn
00:51.17bozoniusmade me leave, in fact
00:51.33djphyay, corporate america (or whereever)
00:52.06bozoniuslast manager of a project I was on was so bad I got myself a 25 ton mega anxiety attack
00:52.20gnarfacepalemoon's existence seems to be the best evidence of "furor" that i can find.  it's probably the loudest it's gonna get, honestly.
00:52.33bozoniuspop gun, imo
00:52.38djphlast manager of a project I was on finally made me realize what the old timer had the shovel and quicklime for ...
00:52.56bozoniuspalemoon might be good for the mobile, but not the desktop (I've tried it)
00:53.28bozonius(djph:   really, where do companies find these cretins?)
00:53.30gnarfacewell, maybe in another decade the rest of society will catch up to our perspective but for the time being they'd rather believe the lies the corporations tell them because, well, it's better than having to concede to NERDS
00:54.04bozoniusit's because they are ignorant.  Disco, baby!
00:54.21bozoniusanyway this is the tech channel...
00:54.35Xenguysay my name
00:54.46Xenguyyer godamn right!
00:54.56djph"people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals."
00:54.56Xenguy^^ Love that scene
00:55.44djph"... Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
00:56.04XenguyI can only hope to know that I don't know
00:56.18Xenguy.oO( Just say Know )
01:03.06bozoniusmy head hurts
01:12.27gnarfacea test to try bozonius: arecord -f dat |aplay & speaker-test -c 2 -t wav
01:12.52gnarface(this will test dmix unless you've altered your alsa config to sabotage stock default behavior somehow)
01:13.20gnarfaceit will test dmix and full duplex recording at the same time actually
01:13.42gnarfaceif that doesn't work right, nothing else is gonna
01:14.54gnarfaceyou're absolutely right that it's dumb for firefox not to just have a field in about:config for changing the default audio backend from pulse to whatever
01:15.08gnarfaceapulse is the only known workaround right now
01:15.24gnarfaceif you hear of another, let me know
01:15.34gnarfacei can probably help you figure out alsa
01:15.51gnarfacei can't do anything about firefox though
01:38.19*** join/#devuan bill-auger_ (
01:51.45*** join/#devuan tsuggs (
01:57.42*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:04.54*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
02:05.49gnarfacehello Toppo state your business
02:06.17*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:06.25Toppohi gnarface :D
02:07.46*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
02:09.59*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
02:13.27*** join/#devuan Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
02:13.46*** join/#devuan tsuggs_ (
02:33.26*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
02:37.41gnarfaceToppo: it's slow in here on most evenings, but if you have any questions just ask them and stay logged in.  someone will answer eventually
02:44.49*** join/#devuan rrq (
02:44.57Toppothanks gnarface. I'm having trouble installing openjdk-8-jre, here is the log:
02:45.01*** join/#devuan bman (
02:45.26gnarfaceToppo: i tell you what.  use a pastebin or and i'll look at it.
02:46.07gnarfacemeant to say not "a pastebin"
02:47.09Toppogot it
02:47.45djphseems it's telling you to install the new java ca-certificates package (20161107~bpo8+1)
02:48.54gnarfaceyea, looks like you included backports then took them back out, but something you're upgrading still requires backports (probably that java 8 package itself is from backports?)
02:49.01*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
02:49.06gnarfaceToppo: ^^^
02:49.15Toppoyes djph, but if I do that, a lot of other dependencys will broke
02:49.30ToppoYes gnarface, I have backports, but they are active
02:50.01djph... good god java is a shitshow if the "latest" ca-certs breaks things
02:50.20gnarfacehmmm, it could still be user error
02:50.31*** join/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
02:50.31*** mode/#devuan [+b *!*@redhat/mason] by ChanServ
02:50.31*** kick/#devuan [mason!ChanServ@services.] by ChanServ (User is banned from this channel)
02:50.31Toppoprobably ^_^
02:50.59gnarfaceToppo: did you try this?: aptitude -t jessie-backports install openjdk-8-jre
02:51.06Toppohere is mi source.list:
02:51.16Toppognarface no, I'll try it now
02:51.42Toppolol :D
02:51.47Toppoit works gnarface :D
02:51.54Toppothank you
02:52.13gnarfaceToppo: great!  no problem, happy Friday.  dinner time for me, but i'll be back in a few hours probably
02:52.43ToppoOk, thanks again. Have a nice dinner <3
02:52.59*** join/#devuan aitor (
02:53.35aitorhi, enable to access to dev1galaxy: Error: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server.
02:54.18Toppowhat's that aitor ?
02:54.23*** join/#devuan Spagno (
02:54.30Topposomething related to devuan?
02:54.43aitori can't access to the forum
02:54.52Toppome neither
02:55.18Topposame issue here
02:55.32Toppocan't connect to postgresql
02:57.38aitorlet's hope tomorrow :)
02:58.18aitorbye :)
03:34.03*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
03:46.22*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@
03:52.18*** join/#devuan TheOuterLinux (~root@
03:55.37TheOuterLinuxI have a weird question/challenge for Devuan minimum. Devuan minimum has frame buffering, but I can't get mpv --vo=drm or opengl to work. Any reason for this? I don't want to install a bunch of unecessary xorg packages and loose booting up to TTY.
04:02.14*** part/#devuan TheOuterLinux (~root@
04:09.12*** join/#devuan menip (
04:25.40*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
04:27.52golinuxbozonius: Try arch wiki alsa pages/
04:28.40*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
04:36.17*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
04:53.19*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
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05:56.15*** join/#devuan robru (uid39559@gateway/web/
06:06.52*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
06:43.58*** join/#devuan specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
07:00.34*** join/#devuan rsx (
07:06.45bozoniuswhen I run the test gnarface suggests, I get lines like these (and no sound):  overrun!!! (at least 0.027 ms long)
07:17.37*** join/#devuan wgas (~quassel@unaffiliated/wgas)
07:21.23gnarfacebozonius: even on the host, without pulseaudio?
07:21.55bozoniusthis was on Devuan guest VM, w/o PA
07:21.56gnarfacebozonius: and nothing else accessing the soundcard at that time, and the capture volume for the mic selected and unmuted in alsamixer, with the volume up (on the *capture* tab not the playback tab)
07:22.27gnarfaceshould work, barring a driver bug that suggests an alsa.conf problem
07:26.37bozoniushold on; my bad
07:26.46bozoniusI had FF running, so that was an invalid test
07:26.55gnarfacebut if it's in a guest, i *think* it can *also* be a alsa.conf problem on the host *or* in the VM itself
07:26.57bozoniusI killed ff (still Devuan VM now)
07:27.21bozoniussorry, I just wasted your time b/c I didn't do the test correctly
07:27.33muepalso could be something specific to what mechanism is used to get sound out from the VM
07:27.54bozoniusI just ran it again and no errors.  I hear "front left, front right" repeatedly (but nothing else)  I did not speak during the test
07:27.56muepat least qemu/kvm has many options and I'd guess virtualbox has some of its own
07:28.31gnarfacebozonius: were you still getting overrun errors?
07:28.38bozoniusno, no errors
07:28.53bozoniussound was clear, undistorted
07:28.54gnarfacebozonius: did you check the capture tab in alsamixer?  you might not have the mic selected
07:29.25muepwhat kind of VM is this?
07:29.30gnarfacebozonius: when i run that here, even if i don't speak, i can clearly hear the ambient noise of the room coming through over the speaker-test
07:29.49bozoniuslet me do this again, speaking while it runs...
07:30.15gnarfacebozonius: you can run the speaker-test in a separate terminal from the arecord|aplay commands if you want
07:30.27bozoniusok I can hear myself echoed through speakers and the speaker-test output also
07:30.39gnarfaceso that works
07:30.46gnarfacebut firefox jams it
07:30.47bozonius(sorry for my bumbling)
07:31.03gnarfaceno worries, i had trouble with this part at first too
07:31.11gnarfacethis is the part pulseaudio (badly) hides from the user
07:31.34gnarfaceit's because it's stripped down more or less to very little other than the basic hardware features
07:31.57bozoniusJACK supposedly does a better job, but it is still a "layer" on top of ALSA, and can still have at least some latency
07:32.07gnarfaceyes, you might often hear stuttering in pulseaudio while doing this
07:33.56*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@
07:34.02gnarfaceso, probably, if firefox does this in ANY VM, it will do it to ALL of them AND the host at once
07:34.14gnarfacebecause they're sharing one soundcard
07:34.19gnarfaceit's a physical limitation
07:34.34gnarface(you could use multiple soundcards though but most people just upgrade to one that does hardware mixing)
07:35.22muepI do not think the VM has normally access to the soundcard
07:35.33bozoniusMy soundcard is onboard.  And it's about 3-4 years old, though the model may be older
07:35.55bozoniusASUS M5A78L/USB3
07:36.04gnarfacemuep: well it has to if you're gonna play sound
07:36.17bozoniusno, I can always add a separate card
07:36.17gnarfacemuep: i didn't say whether i thought it was a good idea or not
07:36.34muepusually the VM hypervisor provides an emulated soundcard that is implemented purely in software. then the guest os writes audio samples to a buffer in that emulated sound card and the emulated audio card implementation copies samples from there to actual sound card
07:36.39bozoniusI am pretty sure there is a soundcard around here...
07:37.03gnarfacebozonius: well, now that you understand how the conflict occurs, you in theory could avoid it too
07:37.19gnarfacethough with newer firefoxes you'll need pulseaudio or apulse
07:37.23bozoniusmuep:  In the interests of efficiency and removing latency, the vbox devs may have taken a different approach
07:37.24gnarfacei don't know any way to avoid that problem yet
07:37.59*** join/#devuan ltem (
07:38.31gnarfacei'm gonna go back zelda for a while
07:38.34gnarfacebut i'll return
07:39.47bozoniussay hello to zelda for me
07:40.03bozoniuswonders who the heck is Zelda?
07:40.18muepif I was using audio a lot from a VM I might actually enable the TCP transport in my VM host and set up pulseaudio-compatible applications inside the VM to connect directly to the host
07:40.44muepat least the networking path between VM host and guest has received some special optimizations for efficiency
07:43.52*** join/#devuan peetaur (
07:49.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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07:59.07*** join/#devuan Fervi (
08:05.40bozoniusmuep: That sounds like ONE of the things pulse does.   In fact, I did it once a number of years ago.
08:06.02bozoniusthis wasn't between a VM and a host though.  This was between two pieces of HW.
08:06.54muepI used it between hardware, too, at some point
08:07.38bozoniusit was useful enough.  Don't know how I'd have done it otherwise.  The netcat methodology being kicked around here doesn't sound very nice to me.
08:07.46bozoniusI like pretty things, like flowers.
08:07.52bozoniusand kittens.
08:08.15*** join/#devuan pillepalle (~Thunderbi@
08:08.29bozoniusLike, I don't even like seeing grease ooze running down the size of the oven.
08:20.33*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:418b:1400:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
08:41.43*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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10:16.21*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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12:18.14*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
12:18.16*** join/#devuan utente (
12:27.45utentehi. installed a raid 1 under devuan 1.0. 2 disk WD Green. ram of pc is 3GiBi, cpu dualcore atlon64. fact: as single disk, both disks can reach 57MB/s on write operation (when i transfer file larger some GiBi or i do test with dd if=/dev/zero of=file). build of raid gone ok (i did it during devuan installation). bot disks has a single partition (sda1 and sdb1) dedicated to be member of raid. Devuan is installed on sdc
12:27.45utentedisk. no Graphic intercace, no unuseful background daemon running (i istalle bare CLI interace from 1st cd of devuan). raid1 resync take at least 3 days but it completed. some tests: if i do dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/on/raid1/test bs=1M count=102400 i can archive a poor 15MB/s. dd take about 21% of one core, so there is not bottleneck by cpu. if i read the same file form raid, i can get an appreciable 94 MB/s. now the
12:27.45utentequestion: is correct i got so poor write speed of 15MB? i wist 40, at least 30MB/s. i can accept a degradate speed because of software raid, but 15MB/s is too much low.
12:30.57*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
12:31.10gnarfaceutente: i seem to remember someone recently having the same problem and it turned out their disks were still syncing ...
12:31.40*** join/#devuan specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
12:31.50gnarfaceutente: have you verified it?
12:32.11utentei came 1-2 dais ago reportin the problem, mauybe i was who you remember :-). i effectiveli turned off the pd sometime during resync: could be it a problem?
12:32.30gnarfacewell if you interrupted the resync, maybe
12:32.31utenteturned of the PC*
12:32.33gnarfacei dunno
12:32.39gnarfaceit would at least delay it that's for sure...
12:32.45gnarfacecheck iotop
12:32.48utentei use ext4 as fs, maybe it could impact?
12:32.54gnarfaceeh, probably not
12:33.12gnarfacebut try different block sizes maybe
12:33.20utentei have not iotop instlled, but id yes, what i have to loop for into iotop?
12:33.37utentewhat block sizd do you suggest_?
12:33.55utentei have not iotop installed, but if yes, what i have to look for into iotop?
12:34.12gnarface512 and 4K
12:34.31gnarfacealso you can benchmark with hdparm and bonnie++
12:34.58gnarfaceif you're not using the "performance" cpu governor it could effect things
12:35.04gnarfacejust make it slower
12:35.05utentehell. i must move the PC near intenet cable and instal all the utilities.
12:35.15gnarfaceoh it's not online?
12:35.19gnarfacethat's a problem
12:35.24utenteyep. offline.
12:35.32utentelogistical problem, yes,
12:35.50utentei am doing irc in one room, pc is into another room.
12:36.35gnarfacewell in theory you could install locally and copy the deb files to a usb disk from the package cache too
12:37.07gnarfacebut if the installed packages are very different between the local system and the other one that may not be as easy
12:37.53utentei use devuan 1.0 stable, i suppose packages did not changed so fast.
12:39.13gnarfaceshould be in /var/cache/apt somewhere
12:39.23utenteanyway: even if i use a test tool what it can tell me? all in all, i did time dd if=/.... so i know the spped reached during write and read operation. what cai i got more form iotop /bonnie++ etc?
12:39.24gnarfacetry: find /var/cache/apt -iname '*.deb'
12:39.40gnarface(as long as it hasn't been cleaned since you installed)
12:40.12gnarfaceiotop is like top for io
12:40.17gnarfacefor your harddrive usage
12:40.21utentenope, i always do apr-get clean. but those packages are not into archive, cos they are not on fist cd of devuan, the only one i used.
12:40.34gnarfaceah, i see
12:40.54gnarfacei'm not sure which cd they are on, i mostly netinstall
12:41.00utentei know iotop, i used in past and i know what it is the usage. but i cannot se what more information it can give me
12:41.12gnarfaceoh maybe something else using it
12:41.51utentelet me go there to see if hdparm is avaiable. maibe it is not activated the dma.
12:44.30gnarfacealso you asked if ext4 might be the problem, so i suggested bonnie++ to do some checks of that
12:45.07gnarfacewhen you format with ext4 you can set block size at format time
12:45.29gnarfaceyou should check the specs on those drives to make sure the block sizes match if they're 1k or 4k
12:45.35gnarface(not possible if it's 512 i think)
12:45.46gnarfaceall this will help at little, at least
12:46.06gnarfacemaybe there is something weird with those drives where they're really bad at the block size you used when you formatted them
12:46.09gnarfacei'd believe that is possible
12:46.50gnarfacethey ARE green drives after all
12:46.58gnarfacewhich means they're also only 5200RPM
12:47.10gnarface5400 i mean?
12:48.38gnarfacei also don't necessarily know for sure /dev/zero has infinite bandwith, btw
12:48.53gnarfacedid you try copying a file too?
12:49.46*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:ae27:94f:d6d8:3d1:1642)
12:52.06*** join/#devuan Invader_Bork (~Invader_B@
13:01.06utentei tested dd onto OS disk into home of unprivileged user, it archive 35MB/s. so no probmem of dma.
13:01.51utenteanyway, those WD Green if used asingle disk, can archive 57 MB/s on write, so actual 11-15MB if under raid, is strnage.
13:01.52*** join/#devuan thaller (~thaller@
13:05.01gnarfacedefinitely strange, i agree
13:05.38gnarfacewhat does hdparm say about the physical/logical block sizes?
13:06.02gnarfacejust curious
13:08.36utentenot present hdparm. i must install.
13:21.45*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
13:32.54utentegnarface, hdparm /dev/md0 report radhonly =0, readhead= 256
13:36.40gnarfacei was thinking more like: /sbin/hdparm -I /dev/sda|grep -i 'logical\|physical'
13:36.50utenteok let me do qait.
13:38.07utenteit report logical/phisical sectos size= 412 bytes
13:38.25gnarfacetry to dd with that instead
13:38.39gnarfacei assume you menat 512?
13:39.57utenteand run iotop on other shell
13:40.08utentespeed seems to be the same
13:40.34gnarfaceand iotop shows that 99% of io is dd?
13:40.37utentetotal disk write dance between 8 and 15 mb/s
13:40.51gnarfaceare you using LVM too?
13:40.52utentedd is at 84% into iotop
13:41.09utentejbd2/md0-8 is at 96%
13:41.14utenteno lvm.
13:41.28utentekworker at 44%
13:41.33gnarfacewhere's the other 12% going?
13:41.37utenteext4lazyint at 4%
13:41.52utentei dont know.
13:42.07utentenow dds at 82%
13:42.58utentenow 84%
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13:44.37gnarfacewell the whole point of running iotop was to find out where the rest is going
13:45.13gnarfacetry `iotop -a` to show totals and use the left/right arrows to sort by read/write
13:45.34utentedd finished, it copied 2.6GB at 12.3 MB/s.
13:45.42utentei do again
13:47.28utentejbd2/md0-8 = 99%. dd =81%. kworker=47%  md0_raid=9%
13:47.48utentethe oter service tale less than 0.1%
13:48.33utentei guess: because the service involving md0 is at 99%, maybe the system is already at mazxymun efforto possible?
13:49.07gnarfacei don'
13:49.11gnarfacei don't know
13:49.36gnarfacewhat does iotop say when you're not running dd?  does io go to almost 0?  or is there still something using up 12% of it at all times?
13:50.06utentenow dd ended.
13:50.21utentejbd still at 99
13:50.53utentethen kworker 48%, ext4lazyint 13%, md0_raid1=4%
13:51.18gnarfacedoes it change after a while?
13:51.33gnarfacei would assume it would be mirroring for some time
13:52.22utentenow jdb2 down to 75%
13:52.50utentego down and down
13:53.26utentei wait till it will get stable value
13:54.43gnarfacei bet that's where that 12% is going, at least
13:54.46gnarfaceso it's still formatting
13:55.07gnarfacebecause ext4 actually formats REAAALY slow in real life
13:55.14gnarfaceso that's probably your bottleneck too
13:55.39utentecould be. really could be.
13:55.51gnarfaceyea, now imagine that overhead doubled while it gets copied to the second disk
13:55.58utentei guess to move or not to other fs
13:56.17gnarfaceeh, it'll eventually be done
13:56.24utentethere is a way to see how much wait thil formatting finish?
13:56.35gnarfaceprobably but i have no idea
13:57.07gnarfacea 1TB disk might take a good several hours
13:57.15gnarfaceit also might have to start over from scratch if you stop it
13:57.35gnarfaceit wouldn't be unexpected for it to take a day or two
13:57.36utenteso ath this point the only way is to wait untill ext4lazy disappear
13:57.45gnarfaceyea maybe
13:57.51gnarfacemaybe just dont worry about it for a couple days
13:57.58utentegot it.
13:58.27gnarfacenext time, if you remember to, you can probably choose to format them up front
13:58.37gnarfaceyou may have to select "expert mode" at installation time though
13:58.38utentemany take for support in search and smash bug
13:58.44gnarfaceno problem
13:58.49gnarfaceyou're welcome
13:59.00utenteto format them up front. what do you mena with "up front"?
13:59.05gnarfacelike, during install
13:59.15gnarfaceinstead of as the disk is being written to like it's doing now basicall
13:59.38utentedurin install i got optio only to create raid, ot to format it also iirc.
14:00.02gnarfacei do know other filesystems can do it faster
14:00.07gnarfaceext4 resizes super slow too
14:00.14gnarfacebut it's not uncommon
14:00.42utentein past i user XFS ant it was good but it need UPS to preserve electrical shortage. ant i have not ups.
14:01.16bill-augeris the bittorrent broken? i get scrape errors from both 2 trackers
14:01.21utentei should explore reiser4. i past reiser3 was good i used on kernel 2.4 but after the problem to main developer it was adbandoned.
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14:54.25bill-augerk goos now my bad
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15:57.00romohey guys, regarding a Jessie Desktop Live Install: is it possible to turn on the 'use uuid in /etc/fstab' afterwards?
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16:00.49utenteromo, u have to rename also the dhh with new uuid
16:02.56fsmithredromo, afterward when?
16:03.28fsmithredafter you leave the options window, no. but you can stop the installer and start over.
16:03.53fsmithredwhole install only takes about 10 minutes
16:05.06romoutente: thanks, doesn't sound familiar though. maybe reinstall might be quicker in that case...
16:05.21romofsmithred: install is already done, but encountered some 'problems'
16:05.22fsmithredromo, where are you in the install?
16:05.33romowill the uuid option work with encrypted root?
16:05.35fsmithredwhat problems?
16:05.51fsmithredif it won't, it'll tell you
16:06.00fsmithredthere's something around there that won't work
16:06.13fsmithredmaybe labels. I forget, but hang on and I'll check.
16:06.22romoyeah... alright, here's the extended problem:
16:07.23fsmithredUUIDs in fstab won't work with encrypted filesystems and
16:07.32romoset up encrypted root, separate boot, no uuid (cause I think it was complaining). disconnected all drives except system to not mess things up
16:07.47fsmithredgood so far
16:07.56romonow the system will only boot/unlock if there are absolutely no other drives connected...
16:08.38fsmithredthere should be uuids in grub.cfg
16:08.46romoI have full access to the encrypted root if I boot from live medium, unlock and mount, no problem
16:10.38romocould you expand on that, I'm super noobish regarding grub... or what to do now.
16:10.56fsmithredhang on, I'm checking my own setup to see how it's done
16:11.06fsmithredI'm using labels in fstab, not uuid
16:11.12fsmithredbut I know grub uses uuid
16:11.50fsmithredand it can be confusing because the physical volume gets a uuid and the filesystems inside it get their own
16:12.41fsmithreddid it boot correctly with only the one hard drive?
16:13.09romoI'll second that confusing part. So if I reinstall, disable UUID and enable Lables instead I should be fine?
16:13.45fsmithredno, sorry. labels won't work with encryption, either.
16:14.11romoit tried to unlock the corect volume but failed at it as if you enter the pw incorrectly. error message reads: 'Cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?'
16:15.33fsmithredare you familiar with booting from grub command line?
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16:15.56romoon second thought, theres a small possibility it grabbed the wrong drive. I have one more that is set up similar, I just remembered, sorry.
16:16.06fsmithredmore than small
16:16.49fsmithredI have three drives, grub is installed to all of them, from squeeze, wheezy and jessie
16:17.00romosuper unfamiliar, I always set up one bootloader per drive...
16:17.23fsmithredyou might need to play with drive order in bios
16:17.40fsmithredor possibly get to the boot device menu and select the hard drive
16:18.00fsmithredwhich is what I have to do
16:19.05romojust thought: should this not be fine if I reinstall after connecting the system drive to sata1, since it will no longer switch position upon connecting other stuff
16:19.13msiismd1g forum seems to be down.
16:19.31fsmithredmsiism, yeah, folks have been working on it all morning
16:19.47fsmithredthere's a trouble ticket in to the hosting service
16:19.59fsmithredand a fallback plan working
16:20.47fsmithredso waiting for cloudatcost response or sunrise in australia. whichever comes first.
16:21.38fsmithredromo, I didn't understand your last statement
16:22.37msiismfsmithred: ok, thanks
16:22.43fsmithredif the drive is not in the first port, then yeah, the system no longer sees it as first because you plugged stuff in front of it
16:22.58fsmithredeasy test: get the boot device menu and select
16:23.16fsmithredsome key should get you there at post screen
16:23.31fsmithredF12, F8, ESC, it should tell you
16:24.03fsmithredalthough it still might have problems
16:24.42romoyes. now that you mention it: I can be certain I hit the right drive. Cause the bootloader loocks differently for the others.
16:25.17fsmithredbut it might think it's supposed to be /dev/sda but it's now something else
16:25.37fsmithredreboot and press c at grub boot menu
16:25.53fsmithredcan you tell the drives apart by what partitions they have?
16:27.08romowell, there's some similar. in the mainboard boot menu they have sort of 'extensions'. does it display partition size? with sizes I can tell them apart.
16:27.49fsmithredI don't remember, but I can usually tell them apart
16:28.10fsmithrednot gonna lose anything by booting, so try it
16:28.20fsmithredlet me know when you get to the grub prompt
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16:29.16romois it very complicated? I have a shortage of machines atm and I'm on the one in question...
16:29.35fsmithredit's a few commands
16:29.45fsmithredbut easier if we could still talk
16:29.56fsmithredyou would type the following at the prompt:
16:30.01fsmithredset root=(hd
16:30.13fsmithredand then press TAB (maybe twice)
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16:30.23fsmithredand it would tell you what hard drives you have
16:30.40fsmithredfirst is hd0, second is hd1, third hd2
16:31.18fsmithredthen to complete that line, you'd give it the partition (the one for /boot)
16:31.35fsmithredwhere's it plugged in? third sata slot?
16:32.07romohave to look that up in the board menu again, but something like that, yes.
16:32.53fsmithredanyway, when you figure out which one is the right hard drive, add the number and press TAB again (maybe twice) so you'd have something like this on the command line
16:33.03fsmithredset root=(hd2,
16:33.12fsmithredand TAB will show you the partitions
16:33.29fsmithredif first partition was used for /boot, then
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16:33.43fsmithredset root=(hd2,msdos_1)
16:34.12fsmithredthen ENTER
16:34.36fsmithredlinux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sdc2
16:34.53fsmithredassuming your / is on second partition of third hard drive
16:35.03fsmithredinitrd /initrd.img
16:35.27fsmithredand you can use TAB completion on any of these  to make sure it really exists
16:35.41fsmithred(yeah, type the word and hit enter)
16:35.41metaxcan i update my devuan jessie to stretch?
16:36.05fsmithredI think you'd need to change it to debian jessie first
16:36.19fsmithredor do you want devuan ascii?
16:39.25romofsmithred: alright, thanks a lot, I'm trying it now. Should it not work, I'll try to steal hardware and come back with a 2nd rig.
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16:50.38saptechfsmithred, is ascii = to stretch? How do you change it from jessie to ascii?
16:51.57fsmithredchange "jessie" to "ascii" in source.list, update and upgrade
16:52.34saptechok, thanks
16:52.38fsmithredI'd find you some instructions, but the forum is down. Maybe at the wiki.
16:52.41fsmithredhang on
16:53.03saptechso wouldn't buster be testing for devuan?
16:53.34fsmithredyes, but there's no buster repo yet
16:53.55saptechok, I didn't want buster now. i was just curious
16:54.03fsmithrednot buster
16:54.12saptechI think I'll upgrade to stretch
16:54.16fsmithredbeowulf will track buster
16:54.36fsmithreddon't have any debian sources in your list, or you will have trouble
16:54.44fsmithredrsyslog won't install
16:54.45saptechno I don't
16:54.54fsmithredyou have three options for workaround
16:55.17fsmithredeither get rsyslog from jessie-backports before you upgrade to ascii
16:55.31fsmithredor install busybox-syslogd or syslog-ng
16:55.56fsmithredwhat desktop do you use?
16:56.27fsmithrednot sure if you'll run into problems with that
16:56.48saptechwhich one have problems, plasma?
16:57.13saptechI'll read the wiki before upgrading. thanks
16:57.17fsmithredfor cinnamon there's a fix that involves a couple of small edits
16:57.27fsmithredyeah, and forum should be up again by tomorrow
16:57.39fsmithredlots of info there. just have to search
17:12.18saptechis ascii considered Testing?
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17:18.58golinuxascii = debian stretch
17:24.30fsmithredI would not use words like 'stable' or 'testing' in sources.list. Better with codenames.
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17:33.26saptechok, thanks
17:35.11romofsmithred: managed to identify 'hd' as 'hd0' but no idea how to get a corresponding partition letter now, I tried a lot of /dev/sdX2's no, with bingo success.
17:35.49fsmithredput a comma after the hd0 and hit TAB again, and it should show you the partitions
17:36.00fsmithredmsdos_1, msdos_2, and so on
17:36.32fsmithreduse the boot partition in the (hd0,msdos_X) piece
17:36.53fsmithreduse / for the linux line where you have root=/dev/sdXn
17:37.28fsmithredhm, those X's are not the same thing. Poor choice of variables on my part.
17:37.42romothat seemed alright, but it just went out on me time and time again at "linx /vmlinuz..." with "no partitoin xyz found"
17:40.01fsmithredwrong root. it's encrypted.
17:40.38fsmithreddrawing a blank on how I do this.
17:40.45fsmithredI might have to reboot to try it.
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17:42.52romocurrently trying the manual, but I still have no way to get from "hd0" to the correct letter for /dev/sdX
17:44.51fsmithredtry using the /dev/mapper name
17:45.50fsmithredset root=(hd0,msdos1)
17:45.57fsmithredno underscore like I had it before
17:46.05fsmithredyou do have /boot on the first partition?
17:46.50romoI tried booting into live media, using the lsblk information, tried to count according to the board "mapping" starting with hdd0... and tried to input just everything with "sdX2" in it.
17:47.34fsmithredthen on the linux line, use root=/dev/mapper/sda2_crypt
17:48.11fsmithredor root=<uuid of the filesystem>
17:49.31romoalright, sda2_crypt does read awfully famliar. both, "set root" and "linux /vmlinz" targeting the encrypted root partition, correct?
17:50.00fsmithredset root=(hd0,1)
17:50.11fsmithredthat one needs to use the boot partition
17:50.22fsmithredon the linux line, you need to tell it where to find /
17:52.42romoalright, thanks. I'm gonna try another pass.
17:53.03fsmithredme too
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18:19.14fsmithredromo, any luck?
18:23.32romofsmithred: Sadly no, how about you?
18:23.43fsmithredone thing I told you wrong
18:23.59fsmithredon the linux line, /vmlinz will be /vmlinuz-<version>
18:24.08fsmithreduse tab completion
18:24.11fsmithredsame for the initrd
18:24.49fsmithredmaybe it worked for me because I have a label on the filesystem. I used root=/dev/mapper/root_fs
18:25.36fsmithredoh, get the uuid for the root filesystem (I think you'll have to boot from CD or USB and open it first)
18:26.08fsmithredthen on the linux line, you should be able to use root=uuid and type the first few numbers/letters then tab-complete it
18:26.36fsmithredwhere did it fail? any error message?
18:27.33romostill had no way to determine partition letter. grub doesnt offer uuid for encrypted, like you assumed and trying did not work
18:28.11fsmithredyou shouldn't need the partition letter
18:28.16fsmithredyes you should
18:29.08fsmithredwhat's in the fstab?
18:29.15fsmithredfor the root partition
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18:29.51romoI'd like to second the 'shit' part. don't know about fstab. so I boot into live, unlock and then cat fstab about uuid?
18:30.11fsmithredcat fstab for whatever it says for the root partition
18:30.17fsmithredor anything else interesting
18:30.50fsmithredyou could then assign a label
18:31.00fsmithredI just thought of something easier
18:31.52fsmithredthat might be debatable, but you could chroot the installation and run grub-install and update-grub
18:31.55romoI was about to go encrypted lvm and torch the entire drive in the process. now I'm interested
18:31.58fsmithredand let grub figure it out
18:32.27fsmithredwe should probably go to pm if you want to do that
18:32.44fsmithredassuming you can get here from the live session
18:35.10romonot sure, 2nd rig has some issues regarding getting it online. I will have to be able to recreate this on different machines. that's why I'm thinking:
18:35.25romois dvd or netinst-img with encrypted lvm viable atm?
18:35.39fsmithredif you have a regular installer iso, you can do lvm
18:35.47fsmithredany of them. netinstall or dvd
18:37.18romoI tested dvd-img at some point and it did not seem to retrieve updates after the install (?) which left me super concerned. but if they are both ok in general terms...
18:37.41fsmithredif you installed with a network mirror there were no updates to be had.
18:37.50fsmithredyou already had them
18:37.51romoI mean I "lose" the drive, a lot of control and rescue potetial, but I could do this on my own repeatedly without effort
18:38.48fsmithredwhat are you losing?
18:40.02romothe thing I liked the most about the desktop life that I could just allocate a super tiny ammount of space to the system install. If I remember correctly encrypted lvm will take up the entire drive (and wipe it for hours)
18:40.21romo*live, English, so difficult at times.
18:40.22fsmithredyou can skip the wipe
18:40.47fsmithredand you can make the lvm container any size you want with manual partitioning (a labyrinth)
18:41.14fsmithredanother approach would be to do the install with all the drives connected
18:41.25fsmithredbut you better know which one is which
18:42.40fsmithredI've done it with three or four drives attached. The live installer will only mess with the drive(s) you tell it to use.
18:44.20romoyeah, I made a spreadsheet with pros and cons. thing is: next time a drive whistles in an unexpected manner I would want to swap stuff around to read smart data etc. pp. without caring.
18:45.05romoguess I'm heading for netinst, which is the only one I have not tried so far.
18:45.33fsmithredor get all the uuids during a live session and plug them into /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab
18:46.34fsmithredwhy do you need to swap anything to read smart data? Just open a root terminal and read it from the drive.
18:49.13romothose would be external ones from other machines, docking station...
18:50.11fsmithredbrb need coffee
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18:59.27romothis isn't the worst idea in the world, except I need sugar a lot right now
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19:08.43fsmithredromo, you still here with just the one machine?
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19:14.20romofsmithred: yeah. took a slight detour. I'm afraid the notebook insinsts on being offline atm. I think I'd like to try to reinstall with the netinstall image and try to limit container size like you described.
19:15.15fsmithredok, find a tutorial on doing encrypted lvm at or maybe at the debian wiki
19:15.39fsmithredif you've done encrypted install with the debian installer, it's similar logic
19:15.58fsmithredmake the container, then make the volumes inside it
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19:16.55fsmithredactually, you don't need to do lvm. You just need one encrypted partition, right?
19:17.41romoI don't mind havin everything inside one encrypted root, yeah.
19:18.48fsmithredyeah, lvm will let you have encrypted swap partition. I usually use a swapfile that's on my encrypted root, so I don't need lvm
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19:20.47romoyeah, that's why the desktop live install seemed so appealing. Used to Debian 8 encrypted LVM Guided Install... I will try to not let it have my entire drive this time though, like you mentioned.
19:21.32romofsmithred: Thanks a thousand times for putting in so much time and efford for this.
19:24.48fsmithredwatch this, it's not for lvm, but it will give you an idea of the installers logic.
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19:30.15tdm4anyone here know how to fix: "Fatal error: glibc detected an invalid stdio handle"?
19:50.55Guest27170file a bug?
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19:57.16ca-on-adamThe forums are down.
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20:51.06ca-on-adamDoes anyone care that the forums are down?  Or do you already know?
20:51.23fsmithredwe know
20:51.29fsmithredthanks. working on it.
20:51.46golinuxI'm in forum withdrawal!
20:52.00fsmithredI went and read the debian forum today
20:52.26golinuxI check the debian forum every day.
20:55.02romofsmithred: the need for candy shopping lured me away previously. thanks a lot for the video, the lord knows I'll need it. First attempt without (I just had to) faild. I'll practice this a few month in a vm now and then go again.
20:55.38DeFender1031Speaking of debian, what's the deal with Ascii? Debian replaced jessie as stable a while ago.
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20:55.43fsmithrednote the -4 at the end of the filename. That's how many attempts it took to do it right. And I've done it many times before.
20:56.02fsmithredDeFender1031, debian left us more crap to clean up on this one.
20:56.21fsmithredIt's in progress. It's possible to upgrade to ascii with a little bit of trickery.
20:56.46DeFender1031fsmithred, oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to sound impatient or accusatory in any wya.
20:56.59fsmithredyou didn't
20:57.00golinuxFeel free to come help with the cleanup.
20:57.12DeFender1031I was just curious about what the current status is and whether there's an ETA.
20:57.23fsmithredno ETA
20:57.29fsmithredthis year
20:57.37DeFender1031Believe me, I realize that devuan is essentially a matter of cleaning up debian's crap.
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20:57.52fsmithredI'll release an ascii version of Refracta well before the end of the year, one way or another
20:58.02DeFender1031Out of curiousity, what's this "trickery" you refer to?
20:58.13fsmithredreplace rsyslog before upgrade
20:58.16golinuxrsyslog stuff
20:58.37fsmithredeither from backports or an alternate: syslog-ng or busybox-syslogd
20:59.13fsmithredif you are a fanatic like some of us and exclude libsystemd0, you will be disappointed - xorg needs it
20:59.41DeFender1031I'm not sure what rsyslog is, but if it's really as simple as including something from backports, couldn't it be done on the repo end?
21:00.18fsmithredstuff happens slowly around here
21:00.49fsmithredit's actually a slightly newer version in ascii than in backports, so it needs to be recompiled.
21:00.56ca-on-adamIf XOrg depends on something connected to systemd, does that mean that XOrg will have to be forked into a non-systemd variant?
21:01.46fsmithredthe default desktop install, from installer iso or from live iso already includes libsystemd0
21:01.56fsmithredthe core devs are not so concerned with that
21:02.10fsmithredkinda like having libpulse0 even when you don't have pulseaudio installed
21:03.57ca-on-adamThe more I learn about what is happening with Debian, the more glad I am that devuan began.
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21:25.14tdm4fsmithred: yeah kinds sucks you still need libpulse0 and libsystemd0
21:25.28tdm4but better than having those actual pieces of garbage binaries
21:31.00*** join/#devuan Katnija (
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21:32.06aitordays ago somebody asked about devuan-installer with encryption
21:33.00aitorthis is possible doing a manual partitioning:
21:35.23aitorbtw, i still can't access to d1g
21:36.16*** join/#devuan Katnija (
21:36.29aitorthe link holds
21:41.22aitorbbt (be back tomorrow)
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23:16.10DocScrutinizer05aiui the debian way to make a library/subsystem SHITE an optional dependency of package FOO is to have FOO link against libSHITE0 which is a empty dummy when SHITE isn't present on your system
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23:46.09DocScrutinizer05I got this idea from which I consider a useful read for me at least
23:46.48*** part/#devuan romo_ (

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