IRC log for #devuan on 20170720

00:02.15*** join/#devuan mushmouth (
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07:48.57goobwho up ?
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08:32.39*** join/#devuan g0zzy (
08:33.43g0zzyHas any of you got any material you used to make a Devuan live with live-build?
08:34.08g0zzy(where a successful image was built)
08:34.50*** join/#devuan wgas (~quassel@unaffiliated/wgas)
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08:39.27gnarfaceg0zzy: for whatever it may be worth, refractasnapshot worked for me, and it was really easy
08:42.13g0zzyThanks. I was going to use that but i think i'm right in saying it can only be used to make derivations from an *installed* system (as opposed to another live)?
08:43.04gnarfaceyea that's the part that made it easy
08:43.37gnarfacei can imagine plenty of reasons that may not fit the task
08:43.57gnarfacebut it's worth noting that it's reasonably easy to simulate in a vm
08:44.14gnarfacemaybe even a chroot, not sure
08:46.14g0zzyI think what i might do is to install to a stick first
08:46.30gnarfacethat might work
08:46.35gnarfacealso probably kvm
08:47.14g0zzyI think i'd sooner avoid the complexity of a vm
08:47.25gnarfaceqemu is surprisingly simple
08:48.37gnarfaceqemu-img create -f qcow2 vdisk.img 10G
08:48.42gnarfaceqemu-system-x86_64 -hda vdisk.img -cdrom /path/to/boot-media.iso -boot d -m 384
08:48.58g0zzyYou know what - i've always found it complicated ;)
08:50.37gnarfacewell, try the usb stick first i guess, lemme know if it works
08:51.04gnarfacethe problem is it'll be really slow, so if you're planning to do a big image, it might strain your patience
08:51.13g0zzye.g. what is vdisk.img in the above?
08:51.23gnarfacebasically just a disk image file
08:51.40g0zzyDoes qemu provide them?
08:52.20gnarfaceit provides the tools to make them.  honesty i think it works with raw images created from dd, too.  the example i googled up and copy&pasted from isn't directly appropriate (redhat) but i just wanted to show you it could be relatively simple to run it
08:52.37gnarfacethe first command creates a blank image, the second one launches a hypothetical install iso
08:53.04gnarface(to install the the blank image)
08:53.08g0zzyWell i've got everything to launch that (including Refracta) but no disk.img
08:53.43gnarfacewell you have to run the first command to create it
08:53.50gnarfaceit creates it in the current directory
08:54.00gnarfacenot 100% sure but also -hda might be -sda now
08:54.04g0zzyOh sorry - missed that ;)
08:54.08gnarfaceit might not matter
08:54.29gnarface"10G" is for 10 gigabytes
08:54.33gnarfaceyou can change that
08:54.55gnarfaceobviously a live image has size limitations...
08:54.55g0zzyYes, seems i could make it smaller perhaps for standard Refracta?
08:55.50gnarfacei think it's probably a good idea
08:55.54gnarfacei'm not sure it actually matters
08:56.26g0zzyI think it's probably sparse anyway
08:56.31gnarfaceit'll affect how big the image is on your harddrive obviously though
08:56.39gnarfaceyea, but it's probably sparse
08:57.45g0zzySo, are you saying you originally ran the Refracta installer like that?
08:58.10g0zzyAh. I'm getting confused
08:58.11gnarfacei installed it to a laptop with a dead video card and a 160GB harddrive
08:58.19gnarfacethen used refracta on that
08:58.34g0zzyAh OK
08:58.53gnarfacei can't help you with live-build, i merely suggested this may be a simpler approach
08:58.59gnarfaceshould work in theory as far as i know...
08:59.20g0zzyYes, i've certainly had a lot of wasted time with lb
09:01.27*** join/#devuan b0stik (
09:07.15gnarfacean even easier approach might be a chroot
09:07.30gnarfacei don't know if that will work, but you might have to remember to explicitly install grub and the kernel and kernel headers to make it work
09:07.49gnarfacebut it's so much easier to try, that it might be worth trying just for science
09:09.36g0zzyIt would be great if you could just install a package that would do 'refracta snapshot' on any system (such as Devuan ;))
09:15.33gnarfaceyes, it would be
09:15.44gnarfacei wonder why it's not in debian...
09:16.04gnarfacei don't recall it being that hard to build though
09:17.03KatolaZg0zzy: you should have a look at live-sdk
09:17.11KatolaZlive-build has a lot of problems
09:17.21KatolaZthe live Devuan images are obtained with live-sdk
09:17.31jaromilalso the vm images using vm-sdk
09:17.38jaromiland the arm images using arm-sdk
09:17.49KatolaZjust stop using the live-build mess :D
09:20.31jaromilthere is lots of work ongoing on *-sdk which is becoming a distro-agnostic suite also visible here
09:21.06g0zzyKatolaZ: I'm glad you said that. Sometimes i'm reluctant to criticise the work of the Live people but it's certainly had me tearing my hair out
09:21.50KatolaZg0zzy: it has become a real mess
09:22.03KatolaZit was great when the project started
09:22.16KatolaZthen they managed to clutter it with all sort of garbage
09:22.51KatolaZand now it practically works only on Debian, under certain weather conditions, and only if you have sacrified the right number of goats to the correct hindu gods
09:24.18g0zzyIs this vm-sdk a VMWare thing?
09:24.29g0zzylive-sdk sorry
09:24.50parazydno, vm-sdk currently makes vagrant boxes and qemu qcow2s
09:24.56KatolaZno golinux
09:25.03KatolaZno g0zzy
09:25.05parazydthe qcow2 dshould work in vmware though
09:25.24parazydlive-sdk produces bootable ISOs
09:25.46jaromilour -sdk suite uses the same definitions of packages and pre-post-inst scripts to generate all targets
09:26.32jaromilwe recommend using that, but refractascript is also very good for quick snapshots
09:28.21g0zzy then?
09:28.52KatolaZg0zzy: if it's a live what you want, you should use live-sdk
09:29.59jaromilyea has them all in one place
09:31.54jaromiland there is this manual for now, which is related to another project where we use devuan and the sdk but we'll line up a good start page once we finished testing everything
09:32.02g0zzyThanks. Shall look
09:40.18g0zzyI take it that Mate stuff should probably be seen as dubious, because of the Gnome element?
09:40.58KatolaZg0zzy: AntoFox has sanitised MATE for jessie
09:41.04KatolaZwe will include it in jessie-proposed
09:42.10g0zzyBut can it remain sanitized with enough ease to not get left in a backwater?
09:42.29parazydanto is maintaining it very well
09:42.38parazydand it's even the latest version iirc
09:43.30g0zzyused to be an xfce stalwart but began to think Mate looked better
09:43.46parazydthis is anto's repo/website
09:47.06g0zzyI'll be interested to see how he's done wicd with that
09:49.02parazydg0zzy: there is even networkmanager cleaned up somewhere in the devuan repos
09:49.08parazydmaybe jessie-proposed or something
09:49.28g0zzyYes, as I think there's at least an aesthetic price to be paid for avoiding the Poetterbork of NM
09:57.22KatolaZg0zzy: network-manager is in jessie stable
10:07.33*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
10:19.24g0zzyIt'd probably stick in my craw to install it ;)
10:21.11*** join/#devuan b0stik (
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10:30.16malinashi, got a problem with virtualbox-dkms that fails to compile, both virtualbox and the kernel are pulled from jessie-backports
10:30.44malinassomeone else posted about the same problem and got as a reply "Either downgrade your kernel, or upgrade to virtualbox 5.1.12 or higher."
10:31.11malinasshouldn't packages coming from backports be at least compatible between themselves?
10:33.16jaromilthere is a more recent reply i gave
10:33.31jaromilhas to do with symlinking /etc/debian_version to /etc/devuan_version
10:34.48malinasnope, it doesn't solve the problem
10:34.57malinasit's a compile time error
10:36.28malinaserror: too many arguments to function ‘get_user_pages’
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11:01.41jaromilack. then i don't know. we have it working on ASCII with that fix, latest vbox version
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11:07.04malinasthe version of virtualbox in backports is actually quite old, maybe bumping it could solve the problem
11:07.37malinaswell, "quite"
11:10.21jaromilwe do not recommend using anything related to virtualbox in debian repositories. it must be installed from upstream. same with vagrant. I say this because of working regularly with these technologies and none of the debian packages works.
11:10.50jaromilif it'd be just my decision, i'd actually remove these packages from the repositories.
11:15.23rrqhmm, I have a week-old jessie installation, with backports added and both apt-cache and apt-policy fail to reveal any virtualbox package ??
11:17.02rrqmalinas: would you mind tell what `apt-cache policy virtualbox` says (if that is the package name)?
11:21.44rrqah; it's in "contrib"... 4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1
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14:21.21g0zzyAnyone know what's going on with this having all the non-free wireless firmware off home in Refracta?
14:29.21parazydthey aren't installed by default
14:31.14buZzi was suprised iwl3945 now works without firmware :D
14:31.26buZzor does the live image have it preinstalled? i'd expect not
14:32.16g0zzyis thinking some kind of compromise to avoid having non-free active
14:32.46*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
14:32.55KatolaZg0zzy: there is a script in the /root directory
14:32.57KatolaZto remove them
14:33.06KatolaZplease read the README
14:33.11g0zzyOK. Thanks
14:33.12KatolaZbuZz: ^^^^
14:34.46buZzah, so it does come with firmwarez on the live image?
14:35.23golinuxYes.  But with delete option as mentioned above
14:36.06g0zzyOn another matter, i've now got an issue with task-mate-desktop. Prior to going for this, i enabled AntoFox's repo but i now note that Mate is already in the main repo. I think some of Mate has already come in, even without installing the desktop. I'm worried about getting into a .deb mess
14:50.39*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
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15:05.47fsmithredg0zzy,  buZz : In the devuan live isos, nonfree wireless firmware is installed. In the refracta isos, it is not installed, but the packages are included so you can install them if needed to get online.
15:06.01buZzah fancy
15:06.22fsmithredin both cases, non-free is NOT enabled in sources.list
15:07.54fsmithredwe figured it's easier to remove the nonfree stuff than it is to add it, especially if you can't get online.
15:08.19fsmithredthe method used in the refracta isos fails if you have to reboot after installing the package (if you're in a live session)
15:10.04buZzsadly, the platform i'm installing to depends on it being installed, but nothing a quick chroot from live wont fix
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15:24.00fsmithredsorry I keep missing g0zzy. I'm not sure what he's trying to do. It is possible to make a live iso from a running live session with refractasnapshot. You just need to run it from a usb stick that's big enough to hold a copy of the running system plus the size of the iso, or else you can use a second usb stick and change the work_dir and snapshot_dir to be on the second stick.
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16:18.13bozoniuswhat flash player do you recommend for devuan?  I'm thinking of gnash, but if there is a better, more supported choice, let me know
16:24.47peetauragrees with zdzichu
16:24.54specingagrees with zdzichu
16:25.16peetaurbozonius: the best choice is to nag whatever outdated website to switch to HTML5 since flash died years ago
16:33.43bozoniusbugs to switch to HTML5 and, in revenge, CBS calls Homeland Security and has him placed on the no-fly list
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16:34.24bozoniuswas trying to watch an old version of DS9, the one with the tribbles where they dubbed in the original series
16:34.30bozoniusoh well
16:34.37bozoniuswoulda been fun
16:37.48Lydia_KThat's on netflix
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16:38.21jonadabTrials and Tribbleations.  I like that episode. == free, netflix not so much
16:39.44bozonius(at least, it appears to be free at cbs)
16:40.32Lydia_KIt's a good episode.
16:40.42Lydia_KI don't think it's free at CBS, but maybe it is.
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17:14.23timelessanyone here familiar w/ ssh-keygen?
17:14.39timelesssome of my openssh clients have a version of ssh-keygen that supports `-E md5`, and some don't
17:14.47timelessand i can't figure out the why's/wherefores
17:15.05timeless(they both claim to be openssh7.4p1)
17:15.35KatolaZtimeless: different distros?
17:15.49KatolaZthey might have been recompiled with different options then
17:16.28jonadabI am not seeing -E as an option on Devuan.
17:16.53jonadabIn the man page, I mean.
17:16.58jonadabWhat does it even do?
17:17.05KatolaZyes, it's there
17:17.10KatolaZat least in ascii :)
17:17.16timelessi have it on macOS Sierra and ubuntu xenial
17:17.19jonadabAh, I'm on jessie.
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17:17.38KatolaZit's just the algorithm used to display the fingerprints
17:17.53timelessi don't have it on my jessies nor do i have it on stretch
17:18.06*** join/#devuan Fervi (
17:18.13KatolaZit's there in ascii though
17:18.32timelessKatolaZ: yes, but since my logs happen to generate md5 fingerprints, i was hoping to be able to give people "universal" advice to be able to calculate the fingerprints to identify a given key
17:18.41FerviHmm, why Debian doesn't have normal init procedures like Red Hat? I mean init 5 to normal Xorg, 3 to console etc.
17:18.47KatolaZyea timeless, got your point
17:18.56KatolaZFervi: welcome :)
17:19.03KatolaZit has been like that since ever :)
17:19.11timelessit /sounds/ like going forward most will have it
17:19.15timelessso, it might not matter
17:19.20KatolaZand there is no "normal" use for runlevels
17:19.31KatolaZexcept for the usual 0 and 6
17:19.39Evilhamwas about to say that :)
17:20.00jonadabFervi: The way I alwasy learned it is that 1 is single-user, 2 is multi-user with maybe some things not running (e.g., X11), 3 is everything.
17:20.17KatolaZjonadab: that's not written anywhere
17:20.20KatolaZit's distro-specific
17:20.22KatolaZalways been
17:20.28timelesssome systems had 5 as x11
17:20.34timelessit really varied a lot
17:20.41Ferviyep, but why Debian don't have that. hmm
17:20.43KatolaZjonadab: have you checked which runlevel are you on in your Devuan? :)
17:20.59FerviFor example
17:20.59Fervi1 - root
17:21.00Fervi2 - console without network
17:21.00Fervi3 - console with network
17:21.00Fervi4 - something
17:21.00Fervi5- graphical
17:21.02KatolaZFervi: ?
17:21.15jonadabKatolaZ: Heh, I hadn't.
17:21.20KatolaZFervi: you can configure it as you like
17:21.22timelessfwiw, in solaris init 5 was some flavor of poweroff
17:21.37KatolaZjonadab: runlevel :)
17:21.44Fervii know that i can configure this :D
17:21.56FerviBut I think this schema is optimal
17:21.58timelessthe short answer is "different people picked different things"
17:22.04jonadabKatolaZ: I see.
17:22.05timelessand there's no "right" answer
17:22.06Fervihm, ok
17:22.07KatolaZFervi: then use a red-hat based distro :)
17:22.08timelessjust "holy wars"
17:22.14jonadabALthough, X11 isn't installed, much less running, so.
17:22.23FerviKatolaZ I want Debian with nice init runlevel configuration! :P
17:22.23KatolaZdebian-based normally have only runlevel 2
17:22.26KatolaZand not all of them
17:22.28Fervior just Devuan
17:22.35KatolaZFervi: just do it :)
17:22.38KatolaZfor yourself
17:22.40jonadab(My Devuan system is headless.  I ssh into it from... wherever.)
17:23.38jonadabFervi: Does anybody ever really run Linux in a multi-user setup with networking disabled?
17:23.59jonadab(runlevel 2 on your proposal)  It seems... pointless to me.
17:24.02FerviProbably not, but if your system fail on server, you can temporary go to init 2 (in RH) to fix it
17:24.19KatolaZFervi: you can do the same in a Debian-based system
17:24.22jonadabIf you're physically at the system, you can go init 1.
17:24.25timelessfwiw, both my debian and ubuntu systems are set to runlevel 5 (and none of them have x11) -- the ubuntu ones are based on an installer, the debian ones could have been tinkered w/ by some previous sysadmin
17:24.25KatolaZjust go to runlevel 1
17:24.42jonadabAnd if you're not physically there, you need network, unless you have serial console or something.
17:25.15timelessat the end of the day, runlevels are mostly shortcuts for "start this, stop that"
17:25.17jonadabAlso, "4 - something" seems rather vague.  What's the use case for that.
17:25.25timeless4 = user defined mode
17:25.40timelessit's specifically under the assumption that a user might want to define a mode that doesn't match 3/5
17:25.48jonadabI see.
17:25.55timelessinstead of the user making a mess of the default 3/5...
17:26.01timelessthere was /some/ logic to it
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17:26.42timelesssadly, this is a case of "you can't use a book by its cover"
17:26.55jonadabI don't even want to know what systemd does with runlevels.
17:27.02timelessif you don't know what pages are in a given runlevel, then selecting that runlevel could very easily leave you very unhappy
17:27.20timelessoh, hrm, these runlevel 5 systems are systemd
17:29.20timelessi think practically runlevels in systemd are replaced by targets and you can have as many of those as you like
17:29.37unixmanRunlevels are basically meaningless on a systemd infected system.
17:30.15timelesspractically speaking, runlevels are pretty meaningless on any system you haven't personally built from scratch and prevented anyone else from touching :)
17:30.38timelesshas personally stuck X into runlevel 2/3 on systems and taken it out of runlevel 5 on systems
17:30.50Maarteni was wondering how to add a grub menu that would start the login shell without any auto login to xserver userland stuff and after asking for root password auto start a dialog based consel app... a couple of days ago, in a debian channel they told me this could not be done due to some systemd related issue... so now im wondering if i migrate to Devuan would i be able to do this and if so, does anyone know of any howto's explain something similare?
17:30.52jonadabIn practice, the only non-default runlevel I ever use is 1.
17:31.54unixmanMaarten, sounds like you just don't install X and pals and you're good.
17:32.05timelessi'm pretty sure w/ some hackery you could make it work anywhere (worst case by having multiple boot ramdisks/equivalent)
17:32.23timelessunixman: he wants to have it as a boot option, not a permanent only mode
17:32.38Maartenunixman: yes timeless is right
17:32.59unixmanAh, okay. Hrm, interesting puzzle.
17:33.05timelessMaarten: well, i definitely don't know of a howto. i can definitely imagine ways to make it work
17:33.36timelesshas recently been using tmpfs debootstrap (jessie) chroots to fry disks
17:34.09timelessthe general way that grub (or lilo) work is they establish something of a "mini file system" that is responsible for the next stage of booting
17:34.13KatolaZMaarten: you can use a runlevel for that :)
17:34.41KatolaZ(no kidding)
17:35.05unixmanKatolaZ, nice idea! That would work.
17:35.05timelessMaarten: congrats on being on thread :)
17:35.51KatolaZthe best thing would be for getty to manage user authentication anyway
17:36.13KatolaZand then have a script in /root
17:36.34KatolaZwhich is started on root login only if the current runlevel is the one you want
17:36.36Maartentimeless: this would also work on devuan i assume...
17:36.45KatolaZMaarten: ^^^
17:36.48timelessMaarten: fwiw, the debian folks were wrong shows systemd.unit=
17:36.58timelessMaarten: i don't see any reason it wouldn't
17:37.16Akuliroot's shell rc could just check the runlevel and run the thing when needed?
17:37.29KatolaZMaarten: the runlevel is passed as an (optional) numeric argument to the kernel
17:37.42KatolaZAkuli: namely ^^^
17:37.43timelessAkuli: that's dangerous, since you might want to log in as root later -- and you don't want x11 to go away just because you do
17:38.10KatolaZtimeless: I think Akuli was referring to Maarten's request
17:38.48timelessyes, but wouldn't it still mess up as i'm describing?
17:39.02timelessanyway, i need to go back to killing computers
17:39.16timelesshas killed 3 so far this month and has 1 more to go, it's actually fun
17:39.36Akulidoes "a dialog based consel app" need x?
17:39.48Maartenacctully i dont get Akuli s solution
17:39.49*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
17:40.15Akuliroot's shell rc doing something weird sounds kinds of scary :D
17:40.16Maartenwhich runlevel number should i add to grubs kernel line?
17:41.12timelessprobably 1... but, it depends, see the earlier discussion about runlevels being meaningless unless you know what's in them :)
17:42.21Akuliis everything related to runlevels defined in /etc/inittab or is there more to it?
17:43.09Maartenmy system doesnt have any /etc/inittab (but im still on debian jessie)
17:43.10timelessor similar
17:43.28KatolaZMaarten: then you are using systemd?
17:43.47timelessKatolaZ: he was considering moving from jessie debian to jessie devuan to address this concern
17:43.51timelessso he'd be using systemd
17:44.05KatolaZdunno how that is managed under systemd
17:46.06timelessMaarten: anyway, you should look at the archlinux wiki link above first
17:46.19timelessit would let you save on updating until you have a better reason
17:46.44timelessdevuan's great, but one piece of bad advice from a debian channel isn't really a good enough reason imo for switching
17:47.04timeless(admittedly, the devuan channel seems to give me better advice + support than debian)
17:47.04Maartenoke to summarize, if i have devian i could append run level 1 to grub, then make a script would auto run the app i like to autostart. then add this script in the /root folder (then how to auto start this script)? and whould it auto ask for root password?
17:47.41timelessrunlevel 1 would almost certainly default to a login prompt...
17:48.01timelessunless you rewired runlevel 1
17:48.05KatolaZno Maarten
17:48.34KatolaZgetty will normally provide a login prompt
17:48.45KatolaZ(if you use getty)
17:48.48Maartencool... shouldn't i also have to do something with /etc/rc1.d ???
17:48.57KatolaZwhy rc1.d?
17:49.11KatolaZyou can use any other runlevel
17:49.16KatolaZif you want to use 1, well, fine
17:49.59Maartenoke so runlevel is not importand as long is i call getty? then how do i do that?
17:50.49timelessMaarten: i don't think you have the right mental model of how the system would work today
17:51.05timelessgetty is a process responsible for managing physical consoles
17:51.11timelesstypically 0(?)..5
17:51.30timelessit usually exists in all runlevels that aren't equal to starting up/shutting down
17:51.36KatolaZMaarten: ever seen an inittab?
17:51.53Maartentimeless: im reletivel new to linux, i addmitedly not undestand this kind of stuff fully jet, but like to learn
17:51.54timelessit's responsible for asking for a username and password and then starting a shell
17:52.09timelessMaarten: no worries
17:52.25timelessso when someone here says "getty" at a runlevel, they don't mean "you need to do work for getty to be there"
17:52.29timelessthey mean "it will be there"
17:53.22timelessif i were you, i'd start by installing virtualbox, and installing devuan inside virtualbox
17:53.42timeless(i'd set up virtualbox to have a reachable ip address, and devuan to have sshd, then i'd ssh into the vm)
17:53.48timeless(and i'd run the vm headless)
17:53.49Maartenjust out of curiosity, is getty an application or an acronym?
17:54.29KatolaZit's an application
17:54.38timelessan application and an abbreviation (but not a proper acronym)
17:54.58muepafaik it is part of the mechanism that presents you a login a virtual terminals
17:56.05KatolaZanyway Maarten, what you need to do can be done via getty on a specific runleve
17:56.27timelessthe wikipedia article isn't terrible
17:57.22KatolaZtimeless: yes
17:57.46KatolaZactually agetty also accepts a parameter to specify the username
17:57.53KatolaZand ask only for a password
18:05.15Maartenoke sure i will first test in vbox before implementing... but still not sure what i should do to try to make this work... so i get that as long is i get the shell it will ask for password and will login to root. but i don't understand katolaZ remark about i could use any runlevel... i thought the the run level parameter in grub was what would give my the shell at the first place.. and if i do add '1' at the end of the kernel parameters to get the shell and
18:05.15Maartenadd small script to /root then how to auto run this script... btw this script should not auto run when i in Mate do a 'su' to become root...
18:05.38MaartenKatolaZ: that should nice do i set the agetty as kernel parameter?
18:06.19KatolaZMaarten: no, getty gets called by init
18:06.24KatolaZand is configured in inittab
18:07.17MaartenKatolaZ: oke thanks i will google for how to do that...
18:07.29KatolaZin that case they use mingetty
18:07.33KatolaZinstead of agetty
18:07.43KatolaZbut it's more or less the same stuff
18:08.00KatolaZagetty is what is used to authenticate the access to a console
18:08.08KatolaZagetty calls the "login" program
18:08.27*** join/#devuan DPA (
18:08.33timelessfor people curious, the way to get an md5 ssh fingerprint when one has the sha256 only ssh-keygen is `awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | md5sum | sed 's/../&:/g; s/: .*$//'` -- from
18:14.39MaartenKatolaZ: cool will studie the resources.... then i think im almost there.. only left then is the auto start of the application when root logs-in without also running that app when 'su' to root in terminal emulator in mate...
18:15.32*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
18:15.47TheTrueHoohaKatolaZ: when we gonna have new setnet?
18:16.27*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
18:17.54KatolaZTheTrueHooha: what are you missing in the current one? :)
18:18.09TheTrueHoohaIt has bugs and a dum interface
18:18.21KatolaZTheTrueHooha: please report the bugs
18:18.22TheTrueHoohaI emailed you a while ago about the bug with spaces in the SSID
18:18.27KatolaZoh yes
18:18.33KatolaZthat one should have been solved, indeed
18:18.40KatolaZI have tried a couple of essids with spaces
18:18.48KatolaZand could not reproduce it....
18:18.52TheTrueHoohaAnd sometimes it fails to start dhclient
18:19.03KatolaZTheTrueHooha: again, under which conditions?
18:19.11TheTrueHoohaAnd a method should be implemented to ensure multiple instances don't occur
18:19.13KatolaZ(maybe you sent me the log?)
18:19.26KatolaZTheTrueHooha: multiple instances of what?
18:19.27TheTrueHoohaIt happens all the time, KatolaZ
18:19.36TheTrueHoohaLike the SSID is "Carl's Jr Public Wifi"
18:19.44TheTrueHoohaAnd it literally saves as "Carl's"
18:19.49TheTrueHoohaAnd I need to manually change it
18:19.52KatolaZok, will test it again then
18:20.07KatolaZthe dhclient thing
18:20.17TheTrueHoohaIt just hangs
18:20.22TheTrueHoohaAnd won't accept a terminal interupt
18:20.25KatolaZcurrently, I bbelieve setnet would kill any other dhclient on the same interface
18:20.27TheTrueHoohaAlso the UI doesn't make a lot of sense
18:20.38*** join/#devuan DPA (
18:20.54KatolaZTheTrueHooha: you can modify it :)
18:21.37KatolaZlet me have a look to the spaces bug
18:21.48*** join/#devuan aitor (
18:25.33gnu_srs1systemd and gnome are now using meson as build system. They are diverging further and further away from GNU tools :(
18:29.06KatolaZTheTrueHooha: which version of setnet are you using?
18:29.23TheTrueHoohaLatest one
18:29.38KatolaZversion number, please
18:31.09aitorneed to reboot :)
18:32.55*** join/#devuan nico2 (~nico@2a0a:e5c0:0:2:400:b3ff:fe39:7beb)
18:32.59nico2good evening
18:35.10*** join/#devuan telmich (~nico@gpm/telmich)
18:35.38timelessthe devuan jessie installer spends a lot of time writing lines that are effectively {timestamp} in-target: ^M
18:37.34*** join/#devuan Guest1244 (~Guest@
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18:42.03*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:42.51KatolaZTheTrueHooha: found the bug about spaces
18:42.55KatolaZwanna give it a try?
18:43.07KatolaZto test if it works?
18:43.43TheTrueHoohaGive me the updated version and will check later today when I go to fast-food dinner
18:44.51*** join/#devuan metaxy (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
18:47.01KatolaZthe space bug should be fixed now
18:47.08KatolaZplease check and report
18:49.30*** join/#devuan DPA (
18:53.40*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
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19:03.06Evilhamtimeless: I'm going to sign up for hubic to test it out, may end up using it for my company; if you have a referral code, I don't mind filling it ;)
19:03.19Evilhamoh, I meant nexttime
19:03.36Evilhamsorry :-D wrong nick
19:04.59*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
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19:05.48Evilhamnextime: see just above for the hubic thingy
19:10.15aitorhi again
19:10.38aitori'm trying to add debian-installer to linux-heads
19:11.18aitori get "Software RAID not available" before running partman
19:11.21*** join/#devuan JotaMG (
19:12.41aitordmraid-udeb and libdmraid-udeb are included in the installer
19:18.02*** join/#devuan guru (
19:22.03JotaMGHi all!
19:22.05JotaMGI think ascci still has no network-manager, so maybe this is useful, I'm using Devuan ascii, upgraded from jessie, and using the antix repos I managed to have a working network-manager:
19:22.06JotaMGnetwork-manager            1.4.4-1.0nosystemd
19:22.08JotaMG(although debian stretch is at 1.6.2-3)
19:28.46*** join/#devuan castaneda (5d28e645@gateway/web/freenode/session)
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19:37.21gurunever cross the streams ;)
19:41.04unixmanUnless fighting Gozer.
19:45.09FerviSo it's better to don't use network-manager :P
19:46.08unixmanFervi, you are just wanting to start a fight it appears. ;)
19:47.19FerviI preffer wicd. It's more stable, but it doesn't support mobile connections etc
19:47.25FerviBut I want to belive
19:50.00guruDo you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?
19:50.34MinceR"i want to bereave"
19:50.56guruasian ghostbuster berry gewd
19:51.07MinceRcarmageddon even better
19:51.42MinceRhm, actually, it's from carmageddon 2
19:51.59FerviI belive in wicd with mobile connection :D
19:51.59unixmanFervi, what do you mean by wicd not supporting mobile connections?
19:52.08guruwe're so off topic an admin is going to flip their shit on us
19:52.22JotaMGFervi: I use NM with ascci for almost 2 weeks, make vpn conections, etc, and no single problem
19:52.22banshiwho is nice in kernel building?
19:52.31unixmanguru, well, talk of wicd should be on-topic methinks. ;)
19:52.34Ferviunixman: Wicd can only connect to wired and wireless (wifi). To wifi you need gnome-ppp
19:52.36JotaMGfor me its very usefull!
19:52.39FerviTo mobile gnome-ppp
19:53.19guruwicd just feels so much more stable to me than network manager
19:53.26gurui use to prefer nm
19:53.41*** join/#devuan aitor (
19:53.42Ferviyes, it is more stable
19:53.49aitorhi again
19:53.55Ferviand that's the reason why I use it
19:54.05aitorsolved the issue with debian-installer
19:54.36unixmanFervi, I though gnome-ppp was for modems. Is that what you mean by mobile?
19:54.52Ferviunixman: Yep
19:55.05unixmanAh, okay.
19:55.06Fervignome-ppp can also connect to mobile modems
19:56.13aitori still didn't try a full hard-disk installation of linux-heads ascii with d-i and linux-libre-4.9.33 + grsec, but it will work, i think
19:56.16unixmanOh, like the AT&T / Verizon / OtherBigWireless modems?
19:57.40aitorbut live-installer-udeb must be hacked, because we need to remove the luther live user from the system
19:57.59aitorand maybe also the root's password
20:00.57aitorthis weekend i'll share an iso image
20:01.22banshiwhat does this mean:
20:02.19aitorseems to be a kernel build attempt
20:03.30aitora kernel packaging attempt:
20:10.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
20:10.44banshiaitor, is it possible to run just kernel packaging?
20:11.00*** join/#devuan DeFender (~DeFender1@
20:11.32aitorcan you concrete your question?
20:12.17banshiI just tried to compile my own kernel using this howto:
20:12.41banshibut at the very end It ended up with that error
20:13.29banshiit took 2 hours... so, I want to build linux-headers***.deb without restarting full kernel building
20:15.14aitorthere is no debian/changelog in this howto
20:15.29*** join/#devuan mwarning (
20:15.31aitorsee the line number 12 in the link:
20:15.32aitorinstall -p    -o root -g root  -m  644 debian/changelog
20:15.41*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
20:16.07mwarninghi, I cannot find virtualbox in the package feed (apt search virtualbox). What feed to I need to set?
20:17.15aitorneed to go, see you later :)
20:18.18greenjeanshi aitor
20:18.40*** join/#devuan aitor (
20:18.48aitorhi, greenjeans
20:19.06unixmanmwarning, do you mean what package sources to set?
20:19.18mwarningunixman: yes
20:19.18aitorsee you later
20:20.21unixmanmwarning, checking. BRB
20:21.21mwarningunixman: much appreciated!
20:21.32mwarningcurrently I use "deb jessie non-free main" and the likes
20:22.43unixmanmwarning, this is what is in my /etc/apt/sources.list:
20:22.55*** join/#devuan Datapanic (46594ba1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:24.07unixmanmwarning, I can see virtualbox when I do 'apt search virtualbox'.
20:26.03mwarningunixman: I was missing contrib
20:26.11mwarningthanks, looks good now
20:26.14unixmanmwarning, ah, yeah that would do it. :)
20:26.28unixmanYou're welcome.
20:27.01*** part/#devuan Datapanic (46594ba1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:28.05*** join/#devuan ltem (
20:31.33mwarninghm, looks like I need to install the source for linux-image-4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 in order to run virtualbox.... but there seem to be no sources
20:32.09Fervibpo is from aptosid / siduction / liquorix?
20:32.53mwarningno idea
20:33.05mwarningbut maybe linux-source-4.9 is the right source package
20:33.31mwarningI was expecting some package name like linux-sources-4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64
20:37.12Ferviit should be
20:37.21Fervibut bpo isn't from devuan repository
20:37.39Ferviit is
20:37.42Fervifrom backports jessie
20:37.56FerviTry this
20:48.00mwarninghm, does not work
20:50.42mwarningI cannot get virtualbox to start a container ;-(
20:52.56*** join/#devuan Jjp137 (
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20:57.36golinuxgreenjeans: My aromored friend is back.  :(
20:58.02greenjeansoh dang, i'm sorry
20:59.22golinuxlet's get on pm with OT
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22:15.12g0zzyThanks for all support folks. Got my Refr. snapshot. Not yet with Mate but maybe later
22:15.16*** part/#devuan g0zzy (
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22:51.58aitorgolinux: armored, not aromored
22:52.20aitori've never heard of an aromored armadillo
22:54.15aitortime to bed :)
22:54.38DocScrutinizer05armor made from aroma maybe?
22:56.24fsmithredthat would be a skunk
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23:21.41golinuxSheesh , . . can't even make a typo around here
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23:56.55jorddoes anyone have a clue why fontconfig segmentation faults on arm64?
23:57.03jordspecifically this:

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