IRC log for #devuan on 20170715

00:03.26*** join/#devuan kdlsp (
00:05.04*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
00:07.30vvandeIt looks like Devuan doesn't create enough randomness for gpg.
00:07.49KatolaZvvande: it's not a problem of devuan
00:08.02KatolaZif your machine has been just booted
00:08.14KatolaZthen you don't have enough entropy
00:08.14vvandeI know, it is not where the problem comes from. But it is where I have it. :)
00:08.34KatolaZit's just because you probably have just booted it...
00:08.40KatolaZuse the network
00:08.47KatolaZand the disks
00:08.48vvandeI'm working over SSH. Should I go to the machine and attach a vibrator to the mouse? lol
00:09.04KatolaZuse the network
00:09.04KatolaZdownload a large file (the kernel)
00:09.06KatolaZand sync the disks
00:09.55vvandeok, will try that - I went to sit at the machine and browse a little, and it wasn't enough
00:09.55KatolaZyou might need to do that a few times, with different files
00:09.57KatolaZwell, it depends on the amount of randomness you need
00:09.59vvandethanks KatolaZ
00:10.09vvandeappaarently more than i have :(
00:10.31KatolaZif you are trying to create a 8192 bit key, then you gotta be patient...
00:10.47vvandea few hours of configuration and downloading programs wasn't nearly enough
00:10.47KatolaZbut also a 4096 one needs a lot
00:11.17KatolaZbut 4096 is usually doable
00:12.38gnarfacemouse movement is a surprisingly dense source of entropy
00:13.16KatolaZwell, if you can move it
00:13.26KatolaZor if you have one :)
00:14.29OldmossYes, lots of lightning chess (1 min each player/game) is good
00:20.14*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:20.14*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:20.24KatolaZyes, it can be fun :)
00:26.48*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
00:27.54vvandeKatolaZ: I think I need something else to make this work. After doing some "more work", the request for randomness increases. After more work it was 275, when trying again right after that it was 291 bytes.
00:28.30vvandeThat's with a key of 2048
00:29.07KatolaZvvande: if you use it for a key, you loose it
00:29.07KatolaZeven if the key generation fails
00:29.55KatolaZyou can also use ls -lR, interleaved with a recursive wget,for instance
00:30.14KatolaZnet + disks usually can generate enough entropy for a 4096 bit key
00:30.18KatolaZbut you gotta wait
00:30.45KatolaZdo not try multiple times in a row
00:30.45KatolaZor you will just waste theentropy you have generated
00:34.39vvandeok, thanks for that info.
00:34.51vvandeI'll stop bothering you about it now. :)
00:35.39vvandeI didn't know waiting did anything because the first time I waited it just exited after a short time. I figured it did that always. But I see now that it's still sitting there.
00:36.05vvandeSo I'm logged in on anoher SSH session, and waiting will probaby work this time then.
00:40.14*** join/#devuan rdav (
00:52.28*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
01:07.01DocScrutinizer05where's available entropy logged? /proc somewhere?
01:10.03vvandeI think /dev/random and /dev/urandom or something
01:10.15DocScrutinizer05urandom is pseudo
01:10.37DocScrutinizer05random is the source, but not the info about status of the source
01:11.19vvandeI've actually learnt a coulple of things in the last hour. One is that this _does_ work, but just tedious. The other is that I could have imported a key.
01:11.30vvandeI'm quite ignorant on these things. ;)
01:11.44vvandein any case ..... it just finished!
01:12.21DocScrutinizer05yes, whatever you did it prolly reads random bytes from /dev/random which is known to be terribly slow
01:12.46DocScrutinizer05but the only source of true random numbers
01:13.17DocScrutinizer05while urandom is a pseidorandom generator
01:13.33DocScrutinizer05you give it a seed and it creates the ever same pseudo random sequence from that seed
01:13.36vvandeI just did: gpg --gen-key
01:14.13vvandein the process of installing torbrowser, which for reason is turning out to be an ordeal for me on this machine
01:14.31vvandeI didn't have any problem last time I installed it.
01:14.41vvandeprobably just some fit of stupidity or something
01:16.59DocScrutinizer05I see e.g. munin monitors host's available entropy, but no idea where from it gathers that info
01:18.15DocScrutinizer05nevermind, found it:  cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
01:21.05fsmithredvvande, my entropy is bigger than yours :P
01:21.15vvandeI bet it is too.
01:21.30vvandemy FreeBSD machine doesn't need any though
01:21.39vvandeseems a better way
01:21.42DocScrutinizer05looks around, and decides he must be master of entropy
01:22.07vvandethe dizzy broad is the master of entropy
01:22.30vvandeentropy as a lifestyle
01:23.02DocScrutinizer05thought entropy is where all life ends
01:25.28DocScrutinizer05actually one possible definition of lifeis: it creates local spots of low entropy by using an entropy potential difference in the larger world, thus adding to the total entropy of the system
01:26.02fsmithredwe slow down the entropy of the universe
01:26.10fsmithredwe=all living things
01:26.54DocScrutinizer05nah, if all universa would be living, that would create a negative entropy total, this is impossible
01:27.31DocScrutinizer05that's so terribly OT now, we prolly all get kicked :-)
01:33.31*** join/#devuan wigums (~wigums@unaffiliated/wigums)
01:37.11djphDocScrutinizer05: but given the finite scope of life, and the infinite scope of the universe, there is no life in the universe.
01:50.31*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
01:54.54*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:00.35*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
02:01.01*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:01.48DocScrutinizer05 - might be available in your system to help with /dev/random
02:07.21vvandeI've seen some (apparently) high quality USB devices for this.
02:09.08*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
02:09.16DocScrutinizer05http://onerng yep like this
02:10.23*** join/#devuan Drugo (
02:15.27vvandeso $40 could have saved me an hour
02:21.24*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:29.38*** join/#devuan menip (
02:31.24DocScrutinizer05though I always thought gpg --gen-key asks user to move mouse *and/or type random stuff on keyboard* to help with generating entropy. The later should always be possible and result in a key in short time
02:31.59DocScrutinizer05or does that fail via ssh?
02:36.54DocScrutinizer05ooh, how pathetic, gpg relies on OS entropy only, thus suggesting to type *in another terminal*
02:38.39*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
02:48.36*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
02:50.19*** join/#devuan hightower2 (~hightower@
02:51.00DocScrutinizer05and this is the penalty for testing that stuff, sometimes I _love_ snapper and btrfs
03:09.06*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
03:27.56*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
03:36.57*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
03:46.38*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
04:28.01*** join/#devuan gmc (~gmc@freenode/sponsor/gmc)
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04:38.50*** join/#devuan gmc (~gmc@freenode/sponsor/gmc)
04:38.59aitorpeople talking about the entropy
05:12.50*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:3252:cbff:fec5:6f94)
05:16.35vvandeI'm just waiting for the entré.
05:22.52*** join/#devuan rdav (
05:30.24*** join/#devuan obeardly (
05:43.53*** join/#devuan tallship (
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06:10.56*** part/#devuan bman (
06:36.35*** join/#devuan unixman (~aunixman@unaffiliated/eracc)
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07:35.43*** join/#devuan zdzichu (~zdzichu@fedora/ttorcz)
07:47.58*** join/#devuan Levure (
07:51.51*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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07:56.26*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telstar@fsf/member/telst4r)
07:57.05*** join/#devuan zdzichu (~zdzichu@fedora/ttorcz)
07:58.17*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:01.54*** join/#devuan rdav (
08:13.13*** join/#devuan banshi_ (~banshi@
08:23.52korisgood morning
08:25.37wigums*grumble**grumble* coffee
08:49.02*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:56.16*** join/#devuan rsx (
09:21.27*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:418b:1400:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
09:51.29*** join/#devuan finsternis (omissis@gateway/shell/
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10:01.44*** join/#devuan peetaur (
10:02.43*** join/#devuan doomcup (
10:20.09*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
10:21.50*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:36.15*** join/#devuan Drugo (
10:38.01*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
10:52.44*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
11:00.38*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
11:21.07*** join/#devuan sauron (
11:21.19*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer) seems to be down
11:36.40debdogseems like certificate expired
11:37.31fsmithreddidn't this just happen a week or two ago?
11:39.14*** join/#devuan mike_gentoo (~Texn@
11:41.12gnarfaceif the problem is really that nobody can write a cron job right, i volunteer
11:41.46fsmithredis it back? I just pressed the Go Back button on the warning page and went to a mozilla page, then hit the real back button and went to
11:42.23fsmithredok, reload gets me the warning again.
12:06.29*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
12:28.50*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
12:39.50*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
13:02.56*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
13:05.28*** part/#devuan msiism (
13:14.36*** join/#devuan Maarten (~smuxi@
13:16.01*** join/#devuan DPA (
13:18.50*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
13:21.13*** join/#devuan rdav (
13:42.42*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
14:01.26*** part/#devuan mike_gentoo (~Texn@
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14:03.31*** part/#devuan LinxSDD_BB (~Texn@
14:23.32DocScrutinizer05wildcard cert, 2 years  - a 200 bucks iirc. honestly you wasted way more on mandays already with LE
14:31.54DPAI used LE for years without problems. I mean, it's just a cron job, no sysadmin should have problems with something that trivial.
14:34.25DPAAlso, why seams noone to configure their cron daemon to send mails, it would've been noticed way sooner that way.
14:37.26*** join/#devuan Obi_Code_konobi (
14:37.26zdzichuyou're assuming competent sysadmin
14:42.51DPAWell, without mistakes there is no room for improvement. Let's just see it as a valuable learning experience, noone's perfect.
14:43.28*** join/#devuan mchasard (
14:46.28zdzichuit's no learning experience when it happens over and over again
15:02.16DPAOn another note, LE will introduce free wildcard certs using DNS verification in 2018.
15:05.24*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
15:05.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:06.02*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
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15:18.26*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer)
15:26.17DocScrutinizer05I still would prefer a static cert I can pin
15:28.03DocScrutinizer05with self signed certs I had to trust my own evaluation once and add the cert as trusted, now I have to trust in LE CA
15:28.36DocScrutinizer05I don't see the advantage in this
15:32.43*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
15:53.27*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
16:01.40*** join/#devuan peetaur (
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16:42.16*** join/#devuan eracc_lappy (~Captalist@unaffiliated/eracc)
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17:39.52*** join/#devuan Mike_Hamza (~Texn@
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19:51.54*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
19:57.39*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
20:00.41*** join/#devuan XuR_ (
20:04.33*** join/#devuan Capricornus (~HexChat@
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20:31.17*** join/#devuan Capricornus (~HexChat@
20:40.30*** join/#devuan catprints (~person2@
20:46.27*** join/#devuan devuan----- (~barbara@2601:196:8700:c91:2e60:cff:fed2:cf87)
20:46.59devuan-----Just installed devuan on my grandmothers laptop... what window system does devuan use so I can make it autologin without a password
20:47.05*** join/#devuan rsx (
20:47.17devuan-----i thought lightdm but that's not the case
20:47.20devuan-----there's no config file for it
20:48.08Capricornusit's slim
20:48.12devuan-----thanks :)
20:48.15vvandeOf course you can install anything you like.
20:48.17Capricornusyw :)
20:48.28devuan-----long as it autologins she doesnt care
20:48.55vvandewhat's slim? I got a default xfce
20:48.59devuan-----Edit /etc/slim.conf to uncomment the auto_login command and replace  no with yes:
20:48.59devuan-----auto_login          yes
20:49.01devuan-----perfect thanks :) found it
20:49.14devuan-----i don't agree with this from a security standpoint but shes 80 :P
20:49.34vvandegotta do what you gotta do
20:49.47Capricornuskudos for the lady using devuan :)
20:49.58devuan-----yeah shes been using debian for 5 years but no longer ;)
20:50.03devuan-----testing this out rebooting brb
20:58.38*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
21:12.53*** join/#devuan Maarten (~smuxi@
21:27.36*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
21:38.08TheTrueHoohaHey, KatolaZ
21:38.22TheTrueHoohaI have a suggestion about your networking wrapper thing
21:38.51TheTrueHoohaI think you should change the interface to resemble something more standard like Identicurse or MC
21:39.17*** part/#devuan catprints (~person2@
21:39.40TheTrueHoohaYa know, having the "OK" be a button, the sections being accessed using function keys, and the quit being one of three options, including (perhaps) F10 and q
22:05.22*** join/#devuan justinsm (
22:16.56DocScrutinizer05on a random sidenote: 10 of my very first linux systems would use less diskspace than one Contents-amd64__debian filelist. Makes you ruminate
22:21.56*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
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22:52.52*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
22:52.52*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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23:03.50*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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23:39.43*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
23:51.40*** join/#devuan bozonius (
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23:52.50bozoniuslogwatch stopped sending mail about 5 days ago.  My other cron job does run, though, and that sends mail ok.  Googled for clues, but nothing that seems to address this.
23:53.31bozoniusI even tried running logwatch with debug to see what it is doing.  Looks like it does run through it all and generates a report.
23:55.33bozoniusI notice that logwatch is being called with "--mail"  but the documentation only provides "--mailto"
23:56.04bozoniusotoh, this was working until 5 days ago.  Logwatch was installed Jun 29, which is a week or two before this began
23:57.06*** join/#devuan fred`` (

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