IRC log for #devuan on 20170702

00:06.53*** join/#devuan gnarface (
00:14.58*** join/#devuan K`Tetch (~no@unaffiliated/ktetch)
00:15.31*** part/#devuan K`Tetch (~no@unaffiliated/ktetch)
00:16.42Schallaven :)
00:22.44*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:22.44*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:22.48*** join/#devuan cioran89__ (
00:22.54Schallaventhe mods are from me, actually
00:23.55SchallavenI was positively surprised that it needed only minor changes to run
00:24.04Schallavenso good job, I guess :)
00:25.37*** join/#devuan arlen (~arlen@unaffiliated/arlen)
00:25.38*** join/#devuan blitzed (
01:15.12*** join/#devuan myst_ (
01:21.56*** join/#devuan cioran89 (
01:40.01*** join/#devuan rdav (
01:47.39furrywolfI picked up a pair of speakers labeled L-10R.  they have no brand on them as far as I can tell.  they're mid-sized bookshelf speakers, relatively heavy, 8" woofer and some kind of odd tweeter.  ported.  anyone ever hear of them?
01:47.42furrywolfgrr, wrong window
01:52.33*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:11.49*** join/#devuan cyteen (
02:15.49*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:33.09*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:33.18*** join/#devuan menip_ (
03:04.13*** join/#devuan mns` (c910ed0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:04.43*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
03:25.31*** join/#devuan gattuso (
03:40.58*** join/#devuan Taters (~Taters@unaffiliated/taters)
04:48.59*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
04:49.16*** join/#devuan sedrosken_ (
04:55.42*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
05:01.32*** join/#devuan rdav (
05:03.09*** join/#devuan petergozz (
05:39.40*** join/#devuan peetaur (
06:01.21*** join/#devuan petergozz (
06:28.00*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
06:35.06*** join/#devuan pitchum (
06:42.50*** join/#devuan mchasard (
07:18.40*** join/#devuan mchasard (
07:24.21*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
07:26.08*** join/#devuan zjason (
07:39.48*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
07:40.21_abc_Hello. Does anyone know if the devuan live image has sshd on and listening when booted 1st time?
07:40.32_abc_I assume a password must be set before use?
07:41.08_abc_(why are basic infos such as default user and password so impossible to add for release developers? - all distros seem to suffer of this)
07:41.19_abc_ oooh got it
07:43.03*** join/#devuan peetaur (
07:48.23*** join/#devuan Flo_ (727d4778@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:52.39*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
07:58.09*** join/#devuan zjason (
08:03.19*** join/#devuan cyteen (
08:06.25*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:07.11*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
08:09.34aitorparazyd: the header #include "../../../include/generated/autoconf.h" in the file "/arch/x86/tools/relocs.c" is superfluous
08:09.49aitorthis header doesn't exist
08:12.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:27.35*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
08:40.51*** join/#devuan IVIonarch (
08:43.25*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
08:44.58*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:48.14_abc_Does anyone have a screenshot of the current live jessie devuan desktop after booting?
08:48.15*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
09:03.56*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
09:07.41zdzichuryuujin: wrong channel
09:10.54*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer)
09:15.07*** join/#devuan rrq (
09:47.26gnu_srs1zdzichu: Do you mean #debianfork?
09:49.20gnu_srs1Interesting though: Censoring is going on: mbiebl              locked              and limited conversation to collaborators       8 hours ago
09:49.20gnu_srs1poettering              deleted a comment              from jrmithdobbs       an hour ago
09:49.21gnu_srs1oettering              deleted a comment              from sergeyfrolov       an hour ago
09:53.19*** join/#devuan peetaur (
09:54.56*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
10:54.29*** join/#devuan BugzBunny (~bugzbunny@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/bugzbunny)
11:02.03*** join/#devuan thaller (
11:08.58*** join/#devuan firegarden (
11:09.34firegardenhi guys certificato scaduto :\
11:09.44firegardenssl cert is fucked up
11:18.54firegardenyep. right now. LE deadline is 2 july i think the certbot autoupdate failed
11:19.19firegarden[and i was working on git :\ ]
11:22.28zdzichua distro which can't even get certificates right
11:25.46*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
11:28.03*** join/#devuan cyteen (
11:29.41*** join/#devuan fallentree (~fallentre@2001:41d0:401:3100::3133)
11:39.05*** join/#devuan justinsm (
11:42.34Leanderat least the website is (not yet?) impacted
11:42.56*** part/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
11:48.09ryuujinzdzichu: why wrong channel? I was showing why systemd is shitsemd
11:48.28ryuujinbetter, one of the many reasons
11:49.37fsmithreda discussion about the topic in the link would be more off-topic than the link itself
11:51.14ryuujinfsmithred: got it
11:54.04zdzichuryuujin: you can have such discussion on #debianfork; there's no systemd in devuan, so it is not relevan here
11:55.18fsmithreddamn, I was about to start discussing the content (and doing it without going off-topic) but I can't. I can't create a new user
11:55.46fsmithredfailure while writing changes to /etc/group even when I do it with adduser and a legal name
12:20.05*** join/#devuan firegarden (
12:25.48NewGnuGuySpeaking of web certs, the cert for expires on the 4th.
12:40.00*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
12:51.24fsmithredwell, that was weird. / was mounted rw, but remounting it rw fixed the problem.
12:52.35fsmithredfor the record, I can create a user 0day with 'adduser --force-badname' but that user cannot run root commands.
13:01.39*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
13:11.09*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:35.58*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
13:36.26*** join/#devuan tgragnato (
13:37.11*** join/#devuan phogg (
13:37.11*** join/#devuan phogg (~phogg@pdpc/supporter/student/phogg)
14:01.26*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
14:04.09*** part/#devuan sitaram_ (~sitaram@unaffiliated/sitaram)
14:10.52*** join/#devuan thaller (
14:23.42*** join/#devuan menip (
14:24.52DocScrutinizer05get a decent wildcard cert valid 2 years already!!!
14:25.36DocScrutinizer05LE is a toy
14:29.10DocScrutinizer05about the relevamce of systemd bug tickets: they often have impact on devuan since we need to cope with the fallout here, so a mere link is prolly ok
14:30.01DocScrutinizer05discussion of the details prolly mot, unless they evidently have such impact on devuan
14:38.23*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
15:00.59*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
15:25.36*** join/#devuan cyteen (
15:33.09*** join/#devuan nullmark (
15:36.34*** part/#devuan crash_ (
15:38.42*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
15:39.08Schallavenhello devuaners o/
15:39.43*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:55.20*** join/#devuan catprints (~alias@
16:10.15*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
16:19.09*** part/#devuan clemens3 (
16:46.58*** join/#devuan early (
17:09.54*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:33.19*** join/#devuan tgragnato_ (
17:49.47*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
17:53.19*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:56.20*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
17:56.47*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
17:59.06*** join/#devuan metax (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
18:14.23*** join/#devuan Zungo (~AndChat@
18:17.29*** join/#devuan Evilham (054f4c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:18.49EvilhamHello there, I am trying to get an overview of the state of the project (thanks a lot!) and just realised that the certificate for expired about 8 hours ago
18:20.02gnarfaceCenturion_Dan, fsmithred, jaromil ^^^^
18:20.27golinuxEvilham: Yeah, we know
18:20.43Evilhamok! :)
18:21.01Evilhamjust thought I'd let you know in case you didn't ^^
18:21.29golinuxNever hurts to report
18:22.53*** join/#devuan thaller (
18:32.57*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
18:37.33*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
18:51.48buZzEvilham: thanks :)
18:52.10buZzblegh, HSTS is so horrible
18:52.56Evilhamit is when something goes remotely wrong >,<
18:53.06buZzor anything at all
18:53.31buZzusually just Lets Encrypt scripts that run on the wrong moment of day
18:56.48metaxsystemd sucks
19:06.45*** join/#devuan aitor (
19:07.29aitorparazyd, are you ther?
19:10.00*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
19:11.44*** part/#devuan dl2s4 (
19:11.59aitorlinux-heads has built succesfully, but one step during the packaging failed
19:14.15DocScrutinizer05wonders after how many fixing sessions to make LE work (again) a commercial wildcard cert is cheaper than the expense for engineer working hours to babysit LE crap
19:14.49aitori attach the *.build file again:
19:14.55DocScrutinizer05and how much reputation damage you could save with that
19:15.32aitori know where is the mistake, no worries :)
19:17.02DocScrutinizer05for like 10 bucks a month you get rid of all worries regarding certs for at least 2 years
19:17.37DocScrutinizer05seems like LE is a poor deal compared to that, from very beginning
19:19.42aitortime to dinner, see you later :)
19:22.38*** join/#devuan cyteen (
19:24.25Evilhamso, I've been reading the documentation, and there is something I haven't seen: if "jessie" is going to have LTS, what does it mean? is there a specific time frame? or it hasn't been decided yet?
19:24.54Evilhamor debian policy applies and it's basically until it becomes oldoldstable?
19:25.03*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
19:29.17DocScrutinizer05I *think* I've seen sth about 5 years. Might be dreaming though
19:33.03Evilhammaybe on the forum, not on the official release :-p
19:41.00Evilhamaaand another silly question, is there something like ? A quick overview of the packages in each distribution. Just tried but I think it's just repo metadata
19:50.57NewGnuGuyjaromil KatolaZ: The cert for expires on the 4th.
19:52.03EvilhamxD good catch
19:53.11gnarfaceEvilham: is supposed to be it, but it's not done yet as you can see.  there's only a couple exceptions from though.
19:53.58gnarfacehmm... although i don't remember seeing this before...
19:54.18*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
19:57.31Evilhamthe cert is fine now btw
19:59.17NewGnuGuyEvilham: which one?
20:01.06infobothmm... #devuan packagelist is on our gitlab's group
20:02.08DocScrutinizer05!literal pkg
20:02.08infobot"#devuan pkg" is "<reply>see #devuan packagelist"
20:10.20golinuxNewGnuGuy:  Thanks for the heads up but the d1g cert has never failed to renew the cert is fine :-)
20:12.32infoboti heard packagelist is on our gitlab's group
20:14.56*** part/#devuan catprints (~alias@
20:15.01Evilhamhum, so that package list is already somewhat useful, but it's missing the current version and the ability to select the distribution (ascii / jessie)
20:15.15EvilhamI don't find a related repo on /groups/devuan-packages though
20:15.32Evilhamdoes anybody know where I can file the bug/request?
20:16.33gnarfaceEvilham: bugs being filed on the gitlab somewhere (
20:17.32Evilhamso I just file it somewhere and it'll get redirected to the proper group / project?
20:18.36gnarfaceuh, not exactly what i meant by that; more that i just don't know the exact url, it's somewhere on that gitlab though
20:19.44Evilhamhaha ok, but that _is_ the prefered way,r ight? because there's also the debian-style BTS
20:20.02Schallaven ?
20:20.58gnarfaceEvilham: there's just no stand-alone bug tracker yet.  it's more a manpower thing.  so they're using built-in gitlab functionality for now because it was the fastest thing to get up&running
20:22.51gnarfaceSchallaven: yea, that looks like the right one.  Evilham, use that link Schallaven just posted.
20:23.36EvilhamOk, however I did look through the projects and didn't see one fitting that page
20:23.50Evilhambut maybe they'll know and redirect me to the proper one :-)
20:25.21Evilhamactually I can't create an issue against the group, but only against a project >,<
20:30.02Evilhamduh, found it... sorry about the verbose. I hadn't noticed the "site source" link in the footer.
20:30.17Evilhamfor the record, this is it:
20:31.44gnarfaceaah, good.  glad you found it.
20:32.02*** join/#devuan bazquxer (~bazquxer@gateway/tor-sasl/bazquxer)
20:42.41Evilhamook, I just reported my first devuan bug and am halfway through the first install, it has been productive :-) thanks
20:42.50Evilhamthis is the issue btw:
20:53.11*** join/#devuan guru_ (
21:02.47*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
21:16.19*** join/#devuan bn_ (
21:21.36*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:24.07*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:25.50*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:26.16*** join/#devuan Fervi (
21:27.41*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:28.15golinuxEvilham: Saw your 'bug' posted on git.
21:28.36*** join/#devuan Juesto (
21:32.28golinuxAn alternate presentation of package information is currently being developed.
21:33.10golinuxBut I have no idea how it is being formatted or what info it will contain.
21:48.24*** join/#devuan catprints (~alias@
21:53.56Evilhamgolinux: do you happen to know where development for that is taking place? if so I'd take a look
21:54.51golinuxWell, I do the website and I haven't even seen it yet.
21:55.31Evilhamhehehe, ok, so the latest code is in that project? if I wanted to give it a go, that'd be the place?
21:55.37golinuxI suspect it will be going to off site ;links much like Debian does.
21:56.29Evilhambecause right now, it's a statically generated page, right?
21:56.46golinuxLet's back up a bit.
21:57.14golinuxThat version of the site is about to be deprecated because it is very difficult to work with.
21:58.44golinuxI have prepared a static html version that may or may not be implemented.  You can see it here:
21:59.33golinuxThat code is only on my desktop, not even in git yet.
22:00.31golinuxIt was discussed at the last dev meet a few days ago.  Let me see if I can find the discussion about the package pages
22:01.06Evilhamoh, that'd be cool
22:02.21fsmithredEvilham, we have a real bugtracker at, but I think you can only report via email at this time.
22:05.23golinuxfsmithred: That's not really a 'bug' is it?
22:05.39fsmithredI don't know what the issue is
22:05.51fsmithredjust got here and skimmed the scrollback
22:06.00golinuxRead up about 20 lines
22:06.54golinuxHe's requesting a more detailed pkg list on the site.
22:06.55Evilhamit's about the site, more of a feature? it'd be quite interesting to have an overview of package availability and versions on devuan's different versions
22:07.41fsmithredas long as the right people see it, I guess it doesn't matter where it is.
22:07.45golinuxAs I said, I don't think that's going to be on the site itself one's it's done.  Instead will go to linked pages.
22:07.58golinuxone's > once
22:08.13Evilhamprobs like works, makes sense because this will most likely need to be dynamic
22:08.53Evilhamgolinux: what are you using to generate the static version of the web you are locally working on?
22:09.16golinuxI did it manually.
22:09.30golinuxVery old school, I am
22:09.31*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
22:10.33EvilhamI see, that's not sustainable tho, is it? :-D. I have had some success using a static webpage generator called hyde:
22:10.45*** join/#devuan Zungo (~AndChat@
22:10.54Evilhamit's very lightweight, has nearly no dependencies and is very flexible
22:11.05Schallavenif the content of the page is practically static then a static page is all you need :)
22:11.41Evilhamyes, but if it's all in html files, it makes making changes very difficult
22:12.05Evilhamsome kind of templating makes it quite easier
22:12.33Evilhamand then just serving the static html files works just fine
22:12.57Schallavenhave you looked at the html code of the devuan site? it is very basic imho and easy to maintain
22:13.13Schallaven(for now)
22:16.18Evilhamit is very nice html ^^ and probably better in the short term, but mid-term deciding to e.g. add a link to the top menu/footer would imply manually changing all html files, which is not cool
22:16.53Schallaventrue :)
22:17.01golinuxAgreed but there is resistance to php includes.
22:17.39golinuxSchallaven: The backend that generates those html pages is a nightmare to work with:
22:17.55EvilhamI really think moving it from plain html files to a static webpage generator, where a script is ran against a repo and the resulting files uploaded to a server wouldn't be too much of a pain
22:18.09SchallavenI did not know there was a backend for these static pages, actually; my bad
22:18.17golinuxSo now it is at least in human workable html files.
22:19.44golinuxSchallaven: Take a look and see how much sense that makes to you . . .
22:20.19SchallavenI took a look and closed it again :)
22:20.42Evilhamdo you mind if I transform your html files into something that statically generates them? from smaller html files with the content (anything inside <div class="wrap">) --> your full html files
22:21.07EvilhamI can always do it and you decide against, but if it's going to be a clear no, I'd rather invest the time differently :-P
22:21.39Schallavenbut if I understand correctly the backend just formats a md-file, doesn't it?
22:22.47golinuxIf that gets done it would be with jaromil's webnomad
22:23.28golinuxBut the pieces are scattered like leaves in the wind.
22:24.49golinuxI'm way to old school to deal with that
22:25.07golinuxto > too
22:25.21EvilhamI'm already looking into it
22:25.53golinuxEvilham: You're on webcaht?
22:26.57Evilhamyes >,<
22:27.18SchallavenI gave up on webpages some time ago
22:27.25*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:28.38golinuxSchallaven: Sometimes websites are necessary . . .
22:29.34Evilhamyes, it's the main entry point to the project. Btw, just finished installing my first devuan machine.
22:30.19SchallavenI know, I know :)
22:30.45Schallavenhave devuan running here in a vm, very nice and fast
22:30.52Evilhamgolinux: would you mind passing me a zip with the html files you generated? ^^
22:31.07Schallaveninstalled MATE and now playing around a little bit, e.g.
22:31.44EvilhamI went headless for this one, I'm mainly interested using devuan on servers
22:32.06SchallavenI think it could be a nice base for a desktop system too :)
22:32.39Evilhamfor sure! if the aim is a base universal system, it should ^^
22:33.06*** join/#devuan dmh (sid189360@gateway/web/
22:36.06*** join/#devuan Juesto (~AndChat@
22:36.54specingEvilham: wouldn't alpine be better for servers?
22:37.01specingits hardened
22:37.23specingor gentoo hardened
22:37.37*** join/#devuan metaxy (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
22:40.21Evilhammaybe, but I've been using debian for ages and really like the idea of a "unviersal operating system", which is why I'm glad devuan exists nowadays
22:45.55*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
22:47.26aitorparazyd is missing :)
22:47.35*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
22:48.30aitortime to bed, here
22:49.23Evilhambona nit!
22:50.42aitorondo lo egin !
22:50.44*** join/#devuan cyteen (
23:06.58golinuxEvilham: Let's wait to see if the site actually gets deployed before putting any more effort into it.
23:09.45Evilhamgot it :)
23:15.54*** join/#devuan metaxy (~metax@gateway/tor-sasl/metax)
23:26.26*** join/#devuan robru (uid39559@gateway/web/
23:26.55*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
23:34.38*** join/#devuan john280z (
23:41.36*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@

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