IRC log for #devuan on 20170624

00:02.46*** join/#devuan Guest23670 (
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00:12.33*** join/#devuan systemd (ae8dcbe6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:19.38*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.38*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:36.08*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
00:43.26*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
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01:24.52*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:28.39*** join/#devuan stephen64 (
01:32.23stephen64I'm following but I get NO_PUBKEY when I apt-get update.
01:32.44stephen64is the keyserver
01:35.21stephen64I ask because naively running apt-key against it is giving me an error.
01:37.12fsmithredapt-get install devuan-keyring
01:37.38fsmithredand then update again
01:38.18stephen64damn, did i misss that in the docs?
01:39.02stephen64well, doesn't appear to have been on this page anyway
01:39.37fsmithredI'm not sure what's on that page. Been a long time since I've read it.
01:58.39*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
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02:11.09zyliwaxstephen64: his other guide mentions this >>
02:15.08*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:22.13fsmithredstephen64, did that work for you?
02:24.55stephen64workkd great on pine64 but there's no jessie image ready to go for the pinebook (that I know of) so i'm going he rootfs route.
02:25.48stephen64wait, that's not the one I thought it was...
02:26.29stephen64oh, yeah, comment stands.
02:26.50stephen64It was just fine on the pine64+ board, went from jessie to devuan with no problem.
02:27.09stephen64Hm, maybe I should go grab that sd card and adapt that for the pinebook...
02:29.22stephen64I recalled that the upggrade worked fine even though it didn't mention arm64 or aarch64, so I started making a debootstrap on the pinebook, hoping it would just pick the correct arch and so far stuff is fine in the chroot.
02:29.30fsmithredI don't recall having to add devuan-keyring when I've done a debootstrap install
02:31.18stephen64I vaguely recall having to do it once before for debian, but I can't remember why.
02:33.55fsmithredI just checked root history in a debootstrap installation, and I didn't add it.
02:34.25fsmithredare you installing in chroot now?
02:34.56fsmithredmake sure you have a kernel
02:39.01stephen64make sure I have a kernel...
02:39.03stephen64I didn't forget.
02:39.30*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
02:40.03fsmithredforgetting to make a root password is fun, but forgetting the kernel is not.
02:40.14stephen64oh, damnit
02:40.19stephen64I didn't forget that either
02:41.16stephen64it probably lives on part0 anyway
02:42.11stephen64err... 1?  whatever the zeroeth partition is called.
02:42.34stephen64I'm just going to use the one it has for now.
02:42.51fsmithredI don't know about arm
02:42.58stephen64Oh, but I may need to copy the modules over.
02:43.44*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
02:44.02stephen64Why the heck are all these arm systems running 3.x kernels anyway?
02:45.01fsmithredcheck backports for newer (4.9)
02:45.02stephen64Nah, this one is running ubuntu xenial mate or something
02:45.15stephen64I am not a fan of ubuntu anymore.
02:45.32stephen64if they had just shipped it with jessie i'd be done by now.
02:45.35fsmithreddapper was great
02:47.11stephen64hm, just a few feet over and I lose connection
02:50.33fsmithredbed time here. good luck.
03:27.22*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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10:55.50kolphi. is there basically the same software in devuan jessie as in debian jessie? i.e. kde 4, etc?
10:58.52*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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11:07.44gnarfacekolp: more or less, yes
11:07.58gnarfacekolp: just a couple exceptions, they're listed on the webpage
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11:14.15kolpgnarface: ok, thanks
11:15.52*** join/#devuan Capricornus (~Capricorn@
11:25.18*** join/#devuan qwiw (~ozfan@
11:46.10infobotdevuan literally mirrors debian in realtime ("all the same") except replacing packages with systemd-dependencies, and it introduces its own themes and branding
11:47.19DocScrutinizer05when we can't get that on the website, we should at least get it as factoid. I'm getting tired typing it each time
11:49.44infobotdevuan literally mirrors debian in realtime ("all the same") except replacing packages with systemd-dependencies, and it introduces its own themes and branding. Also see factoid (~/!)amprolla
11:51.01DocScrutinizer05!listvalues debian*fork
11:52.39DocScrutinizer05note how devuan in technical aspects (despite all the gossip and bickering) is NOT REALLY a fork
11:53.16DocScrutinizer05technicaly it's a meta distro layered above plain debian
11:53.48DusXMTWe'd need an incredible amount of manpower to create a "real" fork, maintaining all the packages ourselves
11:54.09DocScrutinizer05nobody wants a "real fork"
11:54.40DocScrutinizer05which is worth absoilutely nothing, as long as you don't want to _change_ everything
11:55.43DocScrutinizer05e.g. foing dpkg->rpm might be a reason for a real fork
11:55.59DocScrutinizer05but I heard no plans for any such thing
11:56.15*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@unaffiliated/nailyk)
11:57.14DocScrutinizer05moving avail from core libs (glibc etc) to sth alternative would be a reason for a fork
11:57.34DocScrutinizer05s/avail/away/  /me needs more coffee
11:59.29DocScrutinizer05I mean the VUAs didn't start devuan because they despise or hate debian, they *love* debian and thought it needs help to stay the way it was when it was at its best. Thus no fork but a meta distro
12:02.15DocScrutinizer05kolp: kde4 is a problem since it has some systemd dependencies, but what I heard from devels, those are manageable and eventually devuan will have kde4 too
12:03.21DocScrutinizer05I mean, KDE4 is quite a bunch of apps, right?
12:04.34kolpDocScrutinizer05: I am giving it a try right now. we'll see how it goes.
12:04.55DocScrutinizer05I think the network manager systray applet is one obvious candidate for systemd creeping in
12:06.00DocScrutinizer05notifications via audio (Polyp Audio) might also pull in systemd
12:07.55DocScrutinizer05power and session management comes to mind (shutdown, suspend, hybernate. Lock screen, switch user, etc)
12:09.03DocScrutinizer05your best bet might be to ignore / break dependencies and force-install KDE, then see what breaks
12:15.54DocScrutinizer05or you look into trinity, those folks seem to follow a somewhat similar mindset regarding KDE as devuan's mindset regarding devuan. And they started in times when systemd wasn't a thing
12:17.35DocScrutinizer05orders the power user package, expanding hours per day by more than factor 4, to a full 100h
12:19.55DocScrutinizer05DANG! some dude who claims his office is up in the sky AIUI just tells me my current contract has a 80 years notice period to cancel/change, so no upgrade for me
12:22.37DocScrutinizer05!tell kolp about amprolla
12:24.24bluemarlinpolyp audio .. that sounds omnious
12:28.44DocScrutinizer05hmm, maybe they renamed it shortly after I put it on my blacklist ;-)
12:29.47DocScrutinizer05recently I got mild bashing as "dinosaur" when I used the term sysop instead of admin
12:30.45DocScrutinizer05I already forgot what we called the stuff we now call "app", before we did that
12:31.02DocScrutinizer05"program" maybe?
12:31.18DusXMTthought "app" is the name of a "program" for a phone?
12:31.42DusXMTMy ears don't like the word :)
12:32.42DocScrutinizer05too many words with negative connotation sound very similar to "app" ;-)
12:32.46gnarfacei think originally the idea was an "app" was like a mini-program.  not really a technical definition, more a marketing one.  then shortly after applebee's started trying to convince everyone that appetizers are ALSO "apps" there was quickly a global grassroots push to start calling everything an "app"
12:33.16gnarfacenow an "app" is just anything that's cool that is more complex than a jpeg, basically
12:35.04DusXMTWhen I hear the word "app", I imagine a consumer product :)
12:35.13DocScrutinizer05anyway ;-P
12:35.37*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
12:36.13bluemarlinwhoa it's a real thing. I assumed that was a joke name for pulse. Why would someone name program so gross
12:36.36DocScrutinizer05a guy in maemo actually made a package manager called "fappman" (or was it "fapman"?) faster app manager
12:37.39DocScrutinizer05assuming. I get lots of bashing because others do ;-D
12:38.41infobotfapman is, like, Faster Application Manager, a frontend for apt which uses own repositories catalog, and shouldn't be used to do system upgrades (like CSSU), or actually for anything since ~speedyHAM. It also does "apt-get autoremove" after every operation, by default. In short, it's been identified as source of system corruption and thus deprecated, or see ~hamvsfam
12:39.31Capricornusam I the only one thinking that "fapman" isn't an appropriate name for a program?
12:39.41DusXMTSounds like a pacman clone to me
12:39.42DocScrutinizer05haha, no
12:40.04bluemarlinCapricornus: nope... it's like naming a music player 'earfuk'
12:40.29Capricornusgood grief, devs sometimes choose opinable names :D
12:40.30DocScrutinizer05they renamed it "fam"
12:40.34*** part/#devuan tdm4 (
12:40.48DusXMTOr perhaps an image or video viewer "rectal erector" :3
12:40.56DocScrutinizer05like Poettering renamed his crap Polyp->Pulse
12:42.31DocScrutinizer05whatever, fam/fapman is *deprecated* and onsolete ;-D
12:42.36DocScrutinizer05obsolete even
12:43.31DocScrutinizer05and PA is despised and useless ;-P
12:45.48DusXMTIt has _one_ useful feature: being able to adjust the volumes of different clients separately... but a lot of programs provide a built-in volume control
12:46.53DocScrutinizer05literally every single point of argumentation Poettering listed for the need to invent PA was either moot from beginning or never got fulfilled by PA (stability, for the latter). Over 90% were both, moot _and_ never been delivered on, IOW PA was actually introducing the problems it incorrectly claimed to be in ALSA
12:47.07*** join/#devuan mwarning (
12:47.14Capricornuspersonally I like using pavucontrol: it also allows you to boost volume above the application's 100%
12:47.21DocScrutinizer05DusXMT: nope, ALSA can do that just fine, I published a short howto
12:48.13DusXMTAlso, one might argue that it helps developers write programs that'll have sound support on all unix platforms, but then again, libalsa can work on top of OSS/possibly-other-sound-systems as well :) (as is the case in NetBSD)
12:51.11DocScrutinizer05it even is better (at least in my book) than PA, in that the volume sliders in mixer are also available before and after an app opened a (short time) audio stream
12:51.48DocScrutinizer05so you can adjust the volume *before* you start playing sound
12:52.21DocScrutinizer05try to adjust notification sounds in PA when the sound even is only a 0.5s long ;-P
12:53.40DocScrutinizer05note how my approach could work fully "automatic" by simply replacing the fixed string slider name in .asoundrc by a function refurning the app name for example
12:54.14DocScrutinizer05PROGRAM name, or better process name
12:55.33DusXMTstill finds it amusing that (lib)alsa works more or less just fine on non-Linux systems :)
12:55.40DocScrutinizer05and there was always (working, at the time PA got introduced) dmix in also, so no need for polyp audio to "fix" that. And the "you can't determine the buffer delay in ALSA" argument is completely moot too
13:01.59DocScrutinizer05basically polyp audio was the test run for systemd, already doing all the awesome stuff like hijacking and monopolizing a system, while same time the new stuff is inferior to all that been there already
13:03.33DocScrutinizer05*PLUS* making a lot of fanbois cheer it up, denying all the definciencies it has
13:03.51DusXMTI remember, back when I first started using Ubuntu in 2008, pulseaudio would become a zombie process that there would be no way to kill; imagine a complete newbie trying to figure out what to do with such a situation
13:04.02DusXMT(after crashing)
13:05.02DocScrutinizer05around same time, with PA audio events sometimes were played on my PC literally dozens of hours after the right time. Awesome, isn't it?
13:05.55DocScrutinizer05prolly when zombies reaped eventuially ;-P
13:06.26DusXMTOh, I know what pulse is for, to get rid of the zombie and reinstate pulseaudio when it loses control :)
13:06.32DusXMT*what systemd is for
13:06.47gnarfacethat's exactly what it's for actually
13:06.50DocScrutinizer05LOL, that's a good one
13:07.00gnarfacethis is the real secret behind systemd's adoption
13:07.12gnarfaceit caters to developers who are too lazy to make a program not crash
13:07.40gnarface(since making a program safely respawn with the sysv setup i guess required knowledge of BASH which is "yucky")
13:08.36DocScrutinizer05like making audio mix streams and provide per-process volume needs knowledge of ALSA which is as well "yucky"
13:08.42gnarfacei don't like what it says about humanity, but that's where we're at.  the world where what wins in the court of public opinion is whatever is just below the threshold of sustainable competence
13:09.29DocScrutinizer05mantra of the day. very true
13:11.15DocScrutinizer05feels tempted to find an official No-Poettering flavor / spinoff of devuan
13:12.12DocScrutinizer05PA, avahi, systemd. I guess I can find a few more from same author I rather would _not_ want to have in my system
13:17.19parazydDocScrutinizer05: here's lennartware in gentoo:
13:17.38parazydthe more obscure ones, of course, besides avahi/systemd/pulseaudio
13:17.51DocScrutinizer05TA! just pestered the useless bot with dauthor, to no success
13:18.29DocScrutinizer05I guess the bot bitrots when even stuff like dauthor doesn't work anymore
13:20.32DocScrutinizer05!poetteringware is also
13:20.32infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
13:21.54DocScrutinizer05the URL name actually already< gives it away ;-P I mean "zero pointer" really now? Why not fapman?
13:23.10DocScrutinizer05sorry, it starts to qualify for "take it to #debianfork!!!"
13:30.10*** join/#devuan mwarning (
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15:00.36*** join/#devuan Capricornus (~Capricorn@
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15:14.49DocScrutinizer05kde devels, oh my. khotkeys accepts FQN from file browser requester and then sends that stuff to system() or whatever (in "action")
15:17.11DocScrutinizer05>"/bin/rm -rf / "
15:17.20*** join/#devuan peetaur (
15:18.33DocScrutinizer05I really wonder if linux filesystems should get fixed to simply always convert spaces to _ in all filenames
15:19.09*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
15:19.19DocScrutinizer05creates sone new obscure problems, but solves a facter 1000 more than it creates
15:20.15zdzichui recently read a comprehensive article about dangers of filenames
15:20.22zdzichuand what should be done about them
15:20.30zdzichulet me find it
15:21.03zdzichu  that would be it
15:21.08DocScrutinizer05ta again
15:21.30DocScrutinizer05hah, already had that :-)
15:23.20*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
15:26.33DocScrutinizer05>> I think that we should modify the filesystem rules, and POSIX tools ...<<
15:27.12gnarfaceto fix what is obviously a bug in a random file manager?
15:29.33DocScrutinizer05>>I I then examined the Portable Filename Character Set, defined in 3.276 (“Portable Filename Character Set”); this turns out to be just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, <period>, <underscore>, and <hyphen> (aka the dash character). So it’s perfectly okay for a POSIX system to reject a non-portable filename due to it having “odd” characters or a leading hyphen.<<
15:30.43*** join/#devuan menip (
15:31.30gnarfacesame for ID and CLASS values in *HTML but in practice, nobody has made an implementation that limited since netscape 4
15:32.22*** join/#devuan koris (~koris@
15:32.22DocScrutinizer05I could think of mount fs options   oddchar-sanitize and oddchar-reject, where a fs mounted -o oddchar-sanitize would convert all odd chars to underlines and a fs mounted -o oddchar-reject throws error whenever it encounters such odd char filename
15:32.31zdzichuuhm, gnarface, did you read the rest of the essay?
15:32.39gnarfacezdzichu: no
15:34.05DocScrutinizer05question: what's the behavior of read() etc on a oddchar-reject fs when a filename on storage already has an odd char?
15:34.16DocScrutinizer05rather, open()
15:35.46DocScrutinizer05would it throw error but succeed nevertheless? would it silently ignore all together, or would it even try to fix by renaming the file on storage (prolly not the latter)
15:37.30*** join/#devuan SpOOky_ (~SpOOky@
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15:44.30DocScrutinizer05Manual page mkfs.fat(8)  >>AUTHOR Dave Hudson - <>; modified by Peter Anvin <>. Fixes and additions by Roman Hodek <> for Debian GNU/Linux.  /n ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mkfs.fat is based on code from mke2fs (written by Remy Card - <>) which is itself based on mkfs (written by Linus Torvalds - <>).<< Those guys knew their business, eh?
15:49.29DocScrutinizer05I claim authorship of the idea for mount options oddchar-reject and oddchar-sanitize in _all_ linux filesystems  ;-)
15:51.31DocScrutinizer05and I think a open() **for read** with a oddchar filename on a fs mounted -o oddchar-reject should succeed.
15:52.40DocScrutinizer05open() for write on fs -o oddchar-reject should do sanitize when the file exists, thus renaming the file implicitly
15:53.17DocScrutinizer05well, the latter needs more pondering
15:58.20*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
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16:17.22*** part/#devuan Latrina (Latrina@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-okuurqlrgaeutfjf)
16:24.32DocScrutinizer05>>One reader of this essay suggested that GUIs should transparently convert spaces to underscores when creating a file, reversing this when displaying a filename. It’s an interesting idea. However, I fear that some evil person will create multiple files in one directory which only differ because one uses spaces and the other uses underscores. That might look okay, but would create opportunity for confusion in the future. Thus, I
16:24.34DocScrutinizer05haven’t recommended this apporoach.<<  I'd be willing to live with this risk, happily ever on
16:25.15DocScrutinizer05not the GUI, the fs itself should unconditionally replace all odd chars by underscores
16:25.34DocScrutinizer05both on reading and writing dirs
16:26.59*** join/#devuan gotgnu (
16:30.40DocScrutinizer05for now I ponder a cmdline tool doing a recursive filename sanitizing on storage. possibly run in cron.hourly or cron.daily
16:36.21DocScrutinizer05or even via inotify-wait in a daemon script
16:44.09DocScrutinizer05BLARGH! /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches default 8192
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18:40.47msiismwill downloading devuan using the release torrent automatically fetch the checksum file and its signature file?
18:43.01parazydprovided you don't deselect the files in your torrent client
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18:44.28msiismthat also goes for the magnet link then, i suppose
18:44.40parazydindeed. they're the same torrent
18:45.45msiismparazyd: ok. i still need to figure out how all that actually works. i've never used it so far.
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19:15.27DocScrutinizer05then download from a mirror?
19:15.59DocScrutinizer05mine has *plemty* of bandwidth :-)
19:18.00DocScrutinizer05though yesterday I actually first time received a traffic warning. I've set the threshoild to iirc 200GB out of the 5TB I'm allowed per month
19:18.18msiismDocScrutinizer: right. still, i need to know a bit about how torrent/magent work or what they are, so i have some background knowledge when i write documentation.
19:18.22DocScrutinizer05so download all you like, via wget :-)
19:18.39DocScrutinizer05aaah ok, yeah
19:19.07DocScrutinizer05I only know torrents from kde ktorrent and the torrent client I once ran on my mirror
19:19.26DocScrutinizer05the latter was a PITA to get running
19:23.21DocScrutinizer05hmm nope, 100GB
19:23.52DocScrutinizer05so already 3% of allowed traffic used up on 23rd of month
19:25.01DocScrutinizer05(allowed traffic: 30TB)
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19:37.15abcabcwhy is thttpd not in most debian main package lists?
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22:54.27guruit would be cool to see this channel peek at a higher number
22:54.37gurudebian is always in the thousands
22:55.38gurusome guys are on there 24/7 helping people i wonder if the foundation behind it pays them
22:55.42guruie: jelly
22:58.36tallshipgolinux: pong
23:05.48sedrosken217 people isn't a small amount either guru
23:05.58sedroskenmore than I was expecting by far
23:06.06sedroskenconsidering arch-openrc has a grand total of...
23:06.18sedrosken7 people, including myself
23:07.33guruoh wow he's here too
23:07.44jellyI'm everywhere.
23:07.44guruyou and another guy i see assisting people all the time in debian
23:07.52gurui'm impressed lol
23:08.00sedroskencurrently setting up a copy of devuan on my old C2D laptop to kick around and see if I can get runit working and some other stuff I was wanting
23:08.09gurui figured you were debian community staff
23:08.10jellyguru: and no, not getting paid for it
23:08.11sedroskenI'm seriously considering migrating from arch-openrc
23:08.42sedroskenas it does nothing to avoid the ages-old arch problem of updates consistently breaking things
23:09.10jellyguru: I've had exactly two times someone wanted to accept my paid support hourly prices.
23:09.13sedroskenand I got so fed up with this last round that the AUR is not successfully keeping me around
23:09.27gurujelly: sorry to hear that
23:09.59guruwithout people like you I would be screwed
23:10.09guruthere's 3 major contributors I see in that channel
23:10.10sedroskenindeed, same here
23:10.12guruyou're one of them
23:10.39guruthankfully 1/3 are in this channel
23:10.52jellydon't mind people that are willing to learn and show they tried to research things themselves, but hand holding in PM starts at $100/hr
23:11.15gurusounds fair to me
23:11.33guruthat's a fair price in the event of an emergency
23:11.39gurui'll keep it in mind
23:12.08jellythat's standard fare, goverment takes half of that away if I want to be legal
23:12.40sedroskenwhat government do you live under where the tax rate is 50%? i know the US is bad, but wow
23:12.47gurumaybe denmark
23:13.08gurupaypal only reports if you exceed 10k though
23:13.21guruthat would be the wise choice
23:13.51jellyUS isn't bad, you can choose not ignore your medical and pension if you want to :-)
23:14.16jellymost of eu, all that stuff is mandatory
23:14.41*** join/#devuan peetaur (
23:15.26golinuxWant to take this OT chat to #debianfork?
23:15.52gurui'll just not talk about it
23:16.00jellyI'm done, just woke up on highlight
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23:16.54sedroskenI'm done here too
23:21.22[guru]is there a target for an ascii relax or when it's done?
23:21.33[guru]lol i was typing relax in another chat sorry
23:23.10*** join/#devuan nighty- (
23:36.17gnarface[guru]: when it's done, just like jessie
23:36.36gnarface[guru]: in debian they say "sooner if you help" which we should probably start saying here too
23:38.00*** join/#devuan tallship_ (~tallship@
23:38.02gnarfacefor the time being i think it's still recommended you stick with jessie for mission-critical/production systems
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