IRC log for #devuan on 20170619

00:11.58*** join/#devuan XuR (
00:14.39*** join/#devuan ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin)
00:15.04ozmagewhen i can get devuan based on debian 9 ?
00:15.10ozmagealready ?>
00:18.49*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:18.49*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:25.50*** join/#devuan aitor (
00:31.36golinuxozmage: Upgrade to ascii (stretch).  It's not ready for primetime yet though.  Be prepared to fix things . . .  ceres = sid
00:31.48*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:33.18aitori can't build vdev in ascii
00:33.41aitordpkg-gencontrol: aviso: no se puede analizar la dependencia udev (232-25)
00:38.32aitordpkg-gencontrol: fallo: se ha detectado un error al analizar el campo «Provides»: udev (232-25)
00:41.18*** join/#devuan nighty- (
00:44.05aitori only changed the version of udev
00:44.23aitorin the debian/control file
00:48.20aitorsolved: i forgot the "=" symbol, LOL !
00:52.09*** join/#devuan aitor (
01:01.47fsmithredWe need to make a big public announcement that says ASCII IS NOT READY FOR PRIME-TIME
01:10.18zyliwaxis ascii supposed to be equivalent to stretch?
01:27.43*** join/#devuan cyteen (
01:28.50*** join/#devuan guru (
01:29.50Xenguy"Here there be dragons"
01:30.53aitorfsmithred: i installed vdev within a chroot jail contining devuan ascii and linux-libre-4.9.25, patched for vdev
01:31.02aitortomorrow i'll try to run it
01:31.20*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
01:31.25aitorbye, too late here :)
01:40.10zyliwaxyeah i'm seeing the vestigiality of libpulse0 confirmed when running strace on mplayer, it tries to access several library/config files, only one of which actually exists (
01:40.43zyliwaxthis makes me happy that the dep can ultimately be removed altogether, i suppose the next step would be to try a build huh?
01:41.17*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:56.41*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:09.26*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:12.11LatrinaI went funtoo, on the laptop at least
02:12.32Latrinarouter / AP remains devuan jessie
02:14.31*** join/#devuan petergozz (
02:25.32*** join/#devuan bn_ (
02:34.27*** join/#devuan batmore (323598af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:39.58batmoregolinux,fsmithred,rrq: I checked out Amazon Web Services, Devuan-1.0-TLS by maurorappa... Amazon image for people to use within AWS env.  Very nice installation and setup.  Far and away better than my AWS instance.  The docs for the image are straight forward and correct. You end up with a usable simple install of Devuan Jessie 1.0 with TLS effective (security).  I recommend it as the base, goto AWS AMI image to use within Amazon clo
02:43.03batmoregolinux,fsmithred,rrq: for reference... the aws ami image I produced was an adaption of an earlier Debian Wheezy, that was upgraded to Devuan Jessie v1.0. Mine ends up using xilinux for boot rather than grub(2).  Mine is simpler, but maurorappa's image is more true to current Devuan Jessie setup/config.  cheers
02:44.36fsmithredbatmore, thanks. jaromil parazyd Centurion_Dan KatolaZ ^^^
02:45.05golinuxbatmore: Thanks for the review.  Are you going to post it in that forum thread or should I?
02:46.05batmoregolinux: either way... I can't get to it now, away from desk, so if you'd like to annotate, then I'll follow up.
02:46.11golinuxThat's really good news to have a AMI
02:46.30golinuxOK.  I'll do that.
02:47.13batmorek, back later
02:50.03*** join/#devuan thijso (
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03:09.13*** join/#devuan Katnjia__ (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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03:35.44*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
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04:28.49AlexLikeRock"DEVEDE" not  work at devuan
04:30.58*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
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07:59.57*** join/#devuan BobK (~bob@unaffiliated/bobkamau)
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09:50.56*** join/#devuan negev (~mark@
09:51.02negevhi, what is going on here?  this looks broken
09:51.21negevit seems to think removing the kernel without replacing it with anything is ok? :D
09:53.46*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:59.49*** join/#devuan Madda (
10:16.28*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
13:33.24*** join/#devuan infobot (
13:33.24*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
13:37.00*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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13:44.20*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
13:45.30*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
13:51.42*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
13:52.38*** join/#devuan Everche (~zaiwr4@
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14:19.10*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:30.55sixwheeledbeastWhy is the next release important?
14:31.25gnarfacebecause debian just released theirs
14:32.37gnarfacenow, personally i think they did it early just because they saw a swiftly forming vaccum sucking people into devuan
14:32.45gnarfacebut that's just my paranoid speculation
14:33.32parazydwasn't stretch frozen months ago
14:33.41gnarfacequick for them
14:34.09KatolaZI think that stretch's freez was planned already before Devuan beta 2 came out last November
14:34.16gnarfacethe freeze was planned
14:34.17mns`that's what a think too
14:34.19gnarfacebut it's been RELEASED now
14:34.30parazyddevuan 2 != debian
14:34.31*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
14:34.32gnarfacejust that it wasn't projected until after august, last i heard
14:34.32KatolaZlet's be honest: Debian doesn't give a shit of what Devuan does :)
14:35.40mns`but to me, devuan one should focus only in release when it's ready. Its not a race
14:35.49*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:36.01mns`to me, quality comes first
14:36.14KatolaZmns`: devuan jessie came out 2 years after Debian jessie :)
14:36.43mns`KatolaZ: for now, thats ok
14:37.28KatolaZI guess ascii will be a bit qucker, but who knows?
14:37.34*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7423:1e00:16da:e9ff:fe98:e08e)
14:37.46KatolaZor better, ascii could probably be a bit quicker, but who knows?
14:37.54mns`but quality first
14:38.02gnarfacewell i agree that devuan jessie is no less production ready today than it was yesterday just because debian jessie has been moved to oldstable, and i agree that ascii is no more necessary today than it was yesterday just because debian released stretch either, but some people will see it that way nonetheless
14:38.21KatolaZdefinitely gnarface
14:38.28KatolaZbut we can't make all users happy
14:38.37KatolaZnobody can
14:38.40sixwheeledbeastIf your choosing Debian over Devuan because of "next release" alone, are you not missing the point of Devuan?
14:38.57KatolaZyou will always have users who like a distro and users who don't like it
14:39.13KatolaZhave you seen the negative reviews on Distrowatch?
14:39.27KatolaZwhat can you say to somebody that complains because xfce is 4.10 instead of 4.12?
14:39.54KatolaZI think most of these users are not even able to distinguish between xfce 4.10 and xfce 4.12, if they are not told which is which
14:40.08KatolaZbut still
14:41.56*** join/#devuan peetaur (
14:43.30*** join/#devuan Latr_work (~Latrwork@
14:44.53sixwheeledbeastIt's not like you couldn't install the newer packages you need individually is it...
14:44.58*** join/#devuan justinsm (
14:45.24sixwheeledbeastwill unless they depend on systemd.
14:48.38*** join/#devuan mn3monic (~xxwa@unaffiliated/mn3monic)
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14:53.12*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
15:02.36*** join/#devuan topro (
15:03.19*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:06.22toproNow that Debian Stretch got released, will Devuan Ascii keep tracking Stretch, will it switch to next Debian testing branch, or will it eventually go its completely own route?
15:06.24*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
15:07.01gnarface^ case in point
15:08.53toprognarface: if thats intended to be a reply to my question, I don't get it, sorry
15:09.12gnarfacetopro: i don't know if it's even been decided yet.  i think it's most likely to keep tracking stretch, but not necessarily become the new devuan "stable" until more work is done on it.
15:09.27*** join/#devuan firegarden (
15:09.57gnarfacetopro: i think there IS some chance that it may have to deviate more from debian than jessie did
15:10.34gnarfacetopro: it would most likely only be due to systemd-related changes upstream
15:10.40toproI could imagine that considering the Devuan Jessie Release beeing just finished as of now, stretch might get skipped. But if thats not even decided upon yet, we'll see..
15:11.08toprothought here might have been a decision
15:11.40gnarfacethe only consensus i've heard so far is that the fresh release of debian precipitates nothing for us but this question over and over again
15:12.40*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:12.40gnarfaceand also i've been asked to avoid calling ascii "devuan 9" as it's actually devuan 2 :)
15:13.15furrywolfwe could switch to firefox versioning, and bump the major number every time we change more than three packages.  :P
15:13.59gnarfaceyes, jump straight from devuan 3.5 to devuan 48, because then it sounds like more work was done :-D
15:14.19furrywolfworked for windows 9...  :P
15:15.49AntoFoxMATE 1.18 is finished
15:15.52AntoFoxMy apologies for the delay
15:15.54*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7423:1e00:16da:e9ff:fe98:e08e)
15:16.24AntoFoxTime to get home and upload
15:18.27*** join/#devuan Vizva (
15:18.34toprognarface: thatnks for the update, I'll keep watching out for a more detailed decision about ascii
15:18.40*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:09.33aitorthank you, AntoFox
16:14.49*** join/#devuan peetaur (
16:16.13aitorfsmithred: i'm getting the same error booting vdev in live mode with newer kernels
16:16.23aitori'll try again in another moment
16:17.02fsmithredwhich error?
16:17.15*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:18.01aitorcdrom_id and udevadm not found
16:18.51*** join/#devuan koris (~koris@
16:19.24fsmithredoh yeah, that one.
16:19.32aitorit's curious, vdev works with some linux-3.16.x, but not with the newest 3.16
16:19.57fsmithreddid you compare configs?
16:20.08aitorthe only file referring to cdrom_id in all the kernel is the patched one
16:20.40aitori'm using the same config file, i think, but i'm not sure
16:20.57aitorthanks for the hinty
16:21.15fsmithredlet me know if you need a stock 3.16 config file to look at
16:21.25*** join/#devuan davidl (~usrname@fsf/member/usrname)
16:22.26aitorbye :)
16:22.53*** join/#devuan SpOOky_ (~SpOOky@
16:25.06__stephenMy pinebook arrives today.  Anyone have Devuan running on their pinebook?
16:25.37parazydi haven't built pine64 images yet
16:25.50parazydbut we could try something eventually
16:26.10__stephenI cheated and did a debian install on my pine board and then upgraded to devuan.
16:28.39__stephenMeanwhile, I've upgraded my x200's drive to an SSD.
16:29.08__stephenI used a devuan disk I had lying around to do the mkfs.ext4 and then just copied all the files over.
16:29.45__stephenUpon reboot I was greeted with a message about the version of e2fsck not being able to handle an unsupported feature.
16:30.54__stephenAnd I manauged to get in, remount the system rw, and install a newer e2fsck from backports, but it was kind of annoying.
16:32.57parazydyeah you need backported e2fsprogs
16:33.14__stephenAnyone know if the initramfs bundles its own e2fsck?  I suppose I need to regenerate that as it still complains during startup just before the real system is up.
16:34.05parazydi believe it's ran in userspace, not from the initramfs
16:34.12__stephenBut at least it doesn't drop me to an "emergency shell" since I manually ran the newer version.
16:34.28__stephenThat's odd.
16:35.00fsmithredI've got fsck in my initrd
16:35.16__stephenWhat do I need to dkpg-reconfigure to get the initrd to regenerate?
16:35.44fsmithrednot sure how you get the newer e2fsck in there
16:35.59fsmithredum, maybe unpack it, add it manually and repack?
16:36.16__stephenThere was some backport e2fsck-static or something... it replaced the system one, so I assume I can just tell it to update again and it should use the newer one.
16:36.30__stephenIf not I could manually unpack, add, and repack.
16:38.06fsmithredthat's what lsinitramfs shows me
16:38.18fsmithredoh, that's for jessie kernel.
16:38.24aitor__stephen: if you have several kernels, then run:update-initramfs -u -t -k all
16:39.12__stephenOh, thanks.
16:39.26aitorde nada
16:39.43__stephenI was going to look into building a newer kernel, that'll come in handy.
16:43.15*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
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17:29.06guru__stephen: how has the pinebook been treating you? the reviews i read said stock os ubuntu w/ mate was slow
17:29.14guruis debian/devuan any better?
17:32.38gnarfaceoh i was curious about those pinebooks too
17:42.05*** join/#devuan Vizva (
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18:19.58__stephen@guru It's being delivered today, haven't been able to play with one yet.
18:20.11__stephenI've played with the Pine64+ board, but not the pinebook.
18:22.12*** join/#devuan gotgnu (
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18:33.21MinceRwhich repo has the firmware-* packages of the desktop livecd?
18:34.01MinceR(if any)
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19:44.45calamariI've been using Raspbian on my pi 3, and to make it boot faster, I compiled a custom busybox and replaced systemd init with busybox. This has worked great for everything, but now I'm trying to get bluetooth going and I hadn't been loading dbus. Am I correct in thinking the precompiled dbus relies on systemd? Can I recompile it to not need it (and would that be enough to get bluez working)? I saw the Devuan RPi beta release, which is
19:44.45calamarivery exciting, but I've already invested a lot of time in current project, definitely next time!
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21:08.56MinceRwhat are the risks of installing packages from outside the repository of the release i'm using? will it break the next dist-upgrade, for example?
21:10.11debdogpreferably only do that on anything-can-happen-thursday
21:19.21debdogthere really is no precise answer for that
21:20.31debdogif you just pull in some packages from ascii to stretch, it might just work
21:20.49debdogbut you didn't specify
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21:22.13MinceRso far i've installed the firmware-* packages from the desktop live image and i'm considering pulling in a newer kernel image
21:22.17MinceRi'm getting desperate
21:22.22MinceR19 232213 < MinceR> so far i've installed the firmware-* packages from the desktop live image and i'm considering pulling in a newer kernel image
21:22.23*** join/#devuan milobit (~milobit@unaffiliated/milobit)
21:22.25MinceR19 232217 < MinceR> i'm getting desperate
21:22.37debdogkernel usually is no problem
21:23.39debdogI am creating my own kernel packages and install them all the time. no worries when dist-upgrade ing
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21:30.06golinuxMinceR: Backports?
21:31.11golinuxI think there a 4.9 kernel there
21:33.28MinceRi'll try that, thanks
21:47.15MinceRgreat, now i have a new kernel, but x won't start
21:48.17debdogwhich GPU/driver?
21:48.30debdogwhat does xorg.0.log say?
21:51.44debdoghmm, ok, that's odd
21:51.57MinceRit says a lot of things and i don't even know if the network interfaces work with this kernel
21:52.01MinceRthey didn't with the old
21:52.19MinceRthe weirdest thing is that when i plugged in a usb wifi dongle that worked with debian7, that didn't work either
21:52.36MinceRi should have chosen another career
21:53.08debdoghehe, I am glad I did not chose that path for a career
21:53.18golinuxMinceR: Are you on ASCII?
21:53.41MinceRi'm on jessie
21:54.24sauron-lol sounds like you are having sex
21:54.35golinuxYou only have pkgs installed from the jessie repos?
21:55.05MinceRi also have pkgs extracted from the desktop live iso
21:55.15MinceRas i suspected i need firmware from one of them
21:57.10MinceRwell, at least now i have eth0
21:57.53*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
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22:57.44guruhow long will jessie be supported until?
22:58.06gurujessie (debian) i know is april 2020
23:00.38fsmithredguru, same lifespan
23:01.03*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
23:01.36fsmithredMinceR, you can get firmware packages from backports, too. Also, if you're using wicd, go into preferences and make sure default wireless interface is wlan0 (or whatever yours is called.)
23:03.49gurulol that's the mistake i made yesterday
23:04.02gurui didn't specify wlan0 in prefs
23:04.04Nematocystis ascii now the stable branch in parallel with debian, or is that coming along shortly, or not really planned?
23:04.34gurujessie is stable
23:04.46XenguyDevuan Jessie
23:04.54gururight sorry
23:05.23Nematocystright, but debian just moved to stretch.  so i was curious if devuan was moving stable too
23:05.36gurui'm on ascii now i think it shares the same packages as stretch
23:05.55*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
23:06.01guruxenguy would know same with fsmithred
23:06.15Xenguyascii is Devuan's stretch, but it is not yet stable
23:06.38guruNematocyst: a good example is i can't install network-manager because it's tied into systemd and that package isn't devuanized yet
23:06.41NematocystXenguy, that's what i figured.  thanks
23:06.43XenguyIt ascii is being focussed on now, IIUC
23:07.01gurubut wicd is better in my opinion
23:07.09gurui haven't had a single stability issue yet
23:07.15guruall is well
23:07.30gurucase usage: laptop for daily work
23:08.14guruNematocyst: i don't blame you i was running stretch and had no interest in going backwards
23:08.20Nematocystguru, i agree about it being better.  but it LOOKS worse IMO.  took me a while to give it a try because it seemed kludgy at first
23:08.33Nematocystguru (wicd)
23:08.51guruafter using it for a bit i have no interest in switching back though
23:09.23Xenguywicd seems to work well for me
23:12.38Nematocysti always removed network-manager in debian, as it sometimes got in my way.  hand editing /etc/network/interfaces worked better.  so far in devuan, i've stuck with wicd
23:13.42golinuxguru: network manager HAS been devuanized.
23:14.00golinuxat least for jessie.
23:14.25gurugolinux: that's correct, but we're talking about ascii
23:15.05guruThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
23:15.06guruE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
23:15.10guruie: cancer
23:18.14Xenguy.oO( Like Amazon ... )
23:19.14gurui really like the devuan typesetting thumbsup
23:19.42gurui'm not really into purple but it looks nice
23:20.09XenguyThat's golinux 's baby, unless I'm mistaken
23:21.55XenguyOh that's the logo; I have no idea about that
23:22.14XenguyI saw the 'purpy' and hence my previous comment
23:24.15XenguyI like the logo, whoever made it
23:24.49XenguyI saw some comments that were unflattering tho, but not everyone is going to like the same thing of course
23:26.03golinuxXenguy: hellekin and I did the logo
23:26.31XenguyCool, I think it turned out well
23:26.53golinuxYou can read the entire porcess on that page
23:26.59guruthanks :)
23:27.01XenguyThe gory details!
23:27.29guruthe best one was selected for sure
23:27.48guruthe inner planets versions are way too crowded
23:28.37XenguyAh, so there are orbits involved?
23:29.23golinuxDuh . . . yes
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23:33.16guru man everything gets forked
23:33.25guruunity lives on lol
23:33.50Xenguyoh gawd
23:34.53guru an another hah
23:35.06gurui'll stick with mate
23:35.32XenguyI've tried many, but MATE's my mate these days too
23:36.00*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:36.21guruyeah in case of emergency i'll use xfce
23:36.42XenguyI like LXDE as well (it may be lighter even)
23:37.39gurugood choice
23:38.27korishmmm okay this has happened to me on two different installations now, does anyone here know why it might be the case that when I go to login with MATE in devuan jessie 1.0, it will sometimes just load one of my panels and that panel will be white and have nothing on it and nothing else will ever load so I just have to reboot?
23:38.35Nematocysti've been running xfce and very happy as i slowly extricated most of the fluff.  but last week, i installed antix on a whim on some ancient machines in the other room, and find myself slowly moving towards the likes of icewm, openbox, and even jwm
23:38.39korisand then in many cases it will just work
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23:38.53korisI tried it with both slim and lightdm and they have the same results with regard to this
23:43.02Nematocystnot sure how much of that is nostalgia versus useability. my current xfce is very win2000 like, except for conky running
23:43.07*** join/#devuan TheDoctor_ (5d684e58@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:52.01XenguyI like minimal, but over time I got a bit lazier :)
23:52.59XenguyI liked the first 2 you mentioned, but don't know the 3rd
23:53.17Nematocystfairly similar to mwm
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23:57.06Nematocysti hadn't really thought about going backwards again from xfce as I spent a fair bit of time tweaking this one.  but on one athlon-xp box i had some space, went to distrowatch looking for something to play with, noticed antix just realeased a new version, was without systemd, and targets old hardware as an option.  kinda flew under the radar, but glad i tried it.  uses ROX/icewm by default

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