IRC log for #devuan on 20170618

00:00.32*** join/#devuan DPA (
00:00.36fsmithredAchylles, read what's there
00:00.45aitorsee you tomorrow :)
00:01.00aitorbye :)
00:01.37Achyllesand fsmithred only this?
00:01.59fsmithredwhat does it say for default wireless interface?
00:02.38AchyllesI have to reboot my laptop with the usb live
00:03.00fsmithredoh, you're not on that now?
00:03.20fsmithredcheck it later.
00:03.31Achyllesbecause I cannot get internet with that...
00:04.11Achyllesok. Go on
00:04.20Achyllescheck and then...
00:04.30fsmithredmake sure it's the right name
00:04.36fsmithredyou said it was wlan0
00:04.48fsmithredthen that's what wicd should be looking for
00:04.53fsmithredwhere did you get wlan0?
00:05.00AchyllesI think
00:05.07Achyllescannot remember
00:05.17fsmithredwell, check it with iwconfig
00:05.20fsmithredor ifconfig
00:05.26Achyllesonly shows eth0
00:05.35Achyllesand no wireless extensions
00:05.39fsmithredtry iwconfig
00:05.49Achyllessame thing
00:05.59Achyllesno wireless extensions
00:06.16fsmithredtry unloading and reloading the module
00:06.16Achyllesthats why I thing the firmware is not uptodate
00:06.35fsmithredwhen did you download the iso?
00:07.07Achyllesrather, 3 days ago
00:07.10fsmithreddpkg -l firmware-atheros
00:07.30AchyllesI will see
00:07.45Achyllesi will reboot with the live usb...
00:08.00*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
00:08.02fsmithredfirst one I uploaded didn't have the newest firmware. I replaced it, maybe the next day. That was more than 3 days ago.
00:08.42Achyllesthen I can gather the data...
00:09.11AchyllesI will go there...
00:09.27fsmithredI'll be back in a few minutes
00:23.51*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:23.51*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:32.09*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
00:32.39fsmithredany luck?
00:33.04Achyllesiwconfig gave me -> no wireless extensions
00:33.16Achyllesrfkill showed me
00:33.32Achyllesblocked, but I unblocked the device
00:33.50Achylleswicd -> properties gave me -> wlan0
00:33.58AchyllesI removed the module with
00:34.09Achyllesrmmod ath10k_pci
00:34.19Achyllestried to insert again
00:34.29Achyllesinsmod ath10k_pci
00:34.44Achyllesthen it said that could not find the module
00:34.55fsmithredmaybe modprobe atheros
00:34.59fsmithredI'm not sure
00:35.02Achyllestried many times
00:35.05fsmithredcheck debian wiki
00:35.13fsmithreddpkg -l firmware-atheros
00:35.47fsmithredmake sure it's the newest one (20161130-3)
00:35.55fsmithredif it's not that version, then
00:36.07fsmithreddpkg -i /firmware/firmware-atheros
00:36.24fsmithredhit tab at the end of that command so you get the whole filename
00:36.51fsmithredit might be in /firmware.bpo or some other ending
00:37.36fsmithredI think I made two firmware folders - one for the backported ones and one for those that aren't in backports (jessie versions only)
00:38.01fsmithredand you still might need to unload and reload it
00:38.33*** join/#devuan cioran89_ (
00:40.11Achyllesthx for the hints...
00:40.51AchyllesI really would like that image to work for my wireless hardware...
00:41.38Achyllesanyways... tomorrow I will have another go...
00:41.41fsmithredI don't know if it would make a difference, but you could try with modprobe instead of rmmod/insmod
00:41.46fsmithredit's supposed to be smarter
00:43.41Achyllesprobably, I will try again, then go to sleep. Tomorrow will be back.
00:45.52*** join/#devuan Vizva (
00:46.47*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
01:07.01*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:07.02*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:08.05*** join/#devuan djph (
01:30.49*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
01:33.00matlockshould Devuan be listed as a Debian derivative here
01:34.50MinceRi doubt they want to admit that devuan exists
01:58.13*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:03.33*** join/#devuan p2-mate (
02:09.29Xenguyctcp AlexLikeRock version
02:09.53XenguyAlexLikeRock: So you didn't like hexchat
02:10.09Xenguyjust curious
02:16.24*** join/#devuan rrq (
02:17.16*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:17.17AlexLikeRockyes, i like  Hexchat,
02:17.22*** join/#devuan bn_ (
02:17.28AlexLikeRocklooks   better  than  xchat
02:17.51AlexLikeRocklooks  like more   update
02:27.03*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:28.14AlexLikeRockcensus  date update :
02:28.15AlexLikeRockDerivatives/Census (last modified 2016-02-22 06:58:00)
02:28.29*** join/#devuan seagoon (ae8dcbe6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:28.38AlexLikeRockmatlock  (away)
02:32.36*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:42.22*** join/#devuan guru213213 (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:56ab:3aff:fe0c:f3a7)
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02:50.52*** join/#devuan guru--- (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:56ab:3aff:fe0c:f3a7)
02:51.10guru---I followed to install BCM43142 drivers + rebooted and I still cannot scan\connect to wifi networks
02:51.19guru---worked when I was using debian stretch
02:51.38guru---I doubt anyone in #debian will help me lol
02:53.56*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
03:05.41*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:56ab:3aff:fe0c:f3a7)
03:07.01*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
03:08.02*** join/#devuan guru1323 (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91::be7f)
03:10.15guru1323go figure network-manager works
03:10.36guru1323BCM43142 will not work with wicd
03:22.07*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
03:24.08*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:32.17*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
03:35.46*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
03:46.12XenguyIt's a bit quiet here tonight, but glad to hear you found a solution guru1323
03:49.02golinuxXenguy: It's been pretty quiet here all week.  I have a life again!
03:50.28XenguyGlad to hear it golinux
03:51.08XenguyI'm resting up this weekend, after a really busy week at work
03:57.16*** join/#devuan bn_ (
04:00.43*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
04:15.45*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
04:21.02*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:37.05AlexLikeRockto  make  a DVD   (video )
04:37.15AlexLikeRockany one to remember  name of  software
04:39.35Xenguyapt-cache search burn |grep -i dvd
04:40.12Xenguysimpleburn looks interesting, but I never tried it
04:42.09AlexLikeRocki love  pet  of BSD,  but  this  goin "extreme"
04:42.40AlexLikeRockthe pic  up and left
04:44.30XenguyCool, Beastie stabs Tux
04:44.45XenguyWith a pitchfork
04:45.15XenguyThis is BSD at its worst of course
04:45.41AlexLikeRockLOL, well  , yes ... tink so...   -_-
04:46.24XenguyI have no idea honestly
04:46.39XenguyThey promote linux, but stab Tux, go figure
04:47.47golinuxXfburn works for me
04:48.41AlexLikeRockgolinux, , to render  AVI  to  DVD
04:50.07golinuxI use avidemux but the qt version suckos so I'm still using the gtk version from wheezy
04:51.39golinuxIt will convert to a dvd compatible mpg which you can then use to build an iso with dvdstyler
04:52.14AlexLikeRockinstaling... deb-multimedia
04:52.24golinuxI been doing it like that for a decade
04:53.07AlexLikeRockyep,   afriend  ask for a  movie,  they  use  only  "DVD player "
04:55.10AlexLikeRockalot  dependencies  , problen
05:01.32*** join/#devuan mchasard (
05:03.00golinuxhandbrake maybe?
05:04.14DocScrutinizer05while we're at it: my BCM4356 WLAN chip doesn't work either.  Prolly related
05:07.12AlexLikeRockDocScrutinizer05,   buy a USB-WIFI
05:07.30DocScrutinizer05why would I do that?
05:07.45AlexLikeRockits my sugest :)
05:08.14DocScrutinizer05totally utterly pointless
05:08.40guru1323i still don't understand why my BCM only works with network-manager and not wicd
05:09.18guru1323but others reported the same issue
05:09.56DocScrutinizer05I did a modprobe bm43 (or the like) and that resulted in some pretty looking logs in dmesg, but still no wlan interface in rfkill or iwconfig
05:12.15DocScrutinizer05ooh btw: firefox is 45 on live, while the recent securitypatched is 54
05:12.54DocScrutinizer0545 doesn't even know to update itself
05:15.51*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
05:16.09DocScrutinizer05but that huawei tablet is useless anyway with that fsckdup touchpad that has no right mousebutton
05:18.16DocScrutinizer05prolly running linux in vmware under windows10 is the best I can hope for
05:18.39DocScrutinizer05so the windows touchpad and touchscreen etc drivers will emulate stuff for linux
05:21.26DocScrutinizer05honestly, a touchpad that emulates right mousebutton from touchpoint of finger when the single existing switch gets pressed, that's pathetic stingy hw design
05:34.22*** join/#devuan mchasard (
05:34.23*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
05:53.56*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:02.44zyliwaxi touched on this earlier but is devuan seeking to untie pulseaudio-related packages out of debian, or just systemd stuff?
06:03.27zyliwaxi've managed to avoid libpulse0 but by missing out on things like gimp and mpd
06:04.46zyliwaxyes, gimp currently requires libpulse0 on devuan jessie
06:05.51DocScrutinizer05friggin mad
06:07.45zyliwaxi'm using moc(p) to still have music without libpulse0, but if libpulse0 can't be neatly removed from gimp, might as well just get mpd :P
06:09.39zyliwaxoh yeah, i have no way to play videos atm -- all three of mplayer, mpv, and vlc want libpulse0 too
06:11.28DocScrutinizer05!ddesc libasound2
06:18.06DocScrutinizer05wonders if the bot uses repos of a debian version of 2009
06:20.35*** join/#devuan ltem (
06:31.00gnarfacezyliwax: just fyi if you don't have the pulseaudio daemon installed & running, libpulse0 shouldn't hurt anything.  afaik it's not a priority to recompile everything without support for it, but that's what you'd have to do basically.  most stuff won't resist but stuff closely tied to GNOME and RedHat's evil agenda may resist.
06:32.15*** join/#devuan mchasard (
06:32.16gnarfacezyliwax: *almost* nothing that depends on libpulse actually needs pulseaudio to work, even if it's set up to assume it's presence by default.
06:33.17gnarfacezyliwax: (one commonly overlooked stumbling block here is the oft-overlooked /etc/openal/alsoft.conf file; the openal configuration)
06:35.03gnarfacezyliwax: and for the projects that have been taking shady bribes to comply (*cough* firefox *cough*) with said evil agenda, there's apulse, a pulseaudio to alsa wrapper, in the lines of aoss (not the first time that firefox has betrayed the community in this way)
06:36.05gnarfacezyliwax: i'm wandering away for now, but if you need help reconfiguring stuff to behave without pulse, #alsa has been really helpful to me for that.
06:40.47zyliwaxgnarface: thanks for the good information, as it stands my ecosystem is going to move away from firefox anyway because of them dropping xul/xpcom plugins
06:42.06zyliwaxgnarface: at this rate i am more comfortable biting the bullet and simply allowing libpulse0 on my system -- or just roll my own .dpkgs and see how that flies
06:51.43gnarfaceyea i would imagine in a lot of instances, a simple change to the package dependencies alone would suffice
06:51.58gnarfacebut i've just let it be for now
06:52.05gnarfaceit hasn't gotten in my way (yet)
06:52.45parazydgnu_srs1, DocScrutinizer05: amprolla has nothing to do with the /devuan repository, only /merged
06:55.35parazydi think dak+jenkins make the /devuan repo
06:55.49parazydCenturion_Dan should be able to tell you best
06:57.24infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
06:58.08DocScrutinizer05I don't even know where to look for any *merged/
06:59.03*** join/#devuan peetaur (
07:00.23DocScrutinizer05ooh,  never noticed that exists
07:02.10DocScrutinizer05hmm I see. deb jessie          main  -- you must be right
07:03.06DocScrutinizer05so what *is* then?
07:03.39DocScrutinizer05and why there are no sources?
07:03.46parazydmost of those get merged with debian repositories to provide /merged
07:04.00DocScrutinizer05yep, thought as much
07:04.09parazydi believe there are a few exceptions, like 'experimental' and whatnot
07:04.22parazydi haven't the slightest idea why sources are missing
07:04.32parazydbut you should be able to find them on that is
07:05.10DocScrutinizer05  27086 looks legit
07:06.38parazydwhat's the problem exactly?
07:08.04DocScrutinizer05even looks ok, just has empty Sources.gz which seems to be no problem per se for now
07:08.49parazydare there any binary packages in ascii-proposed?
07:08.51DocScrutinizer05parazyd: "the problem": [2017-06-18 Sun 00:00:56] <gnu_srs1> (12:40:04 AM) srs: (12:54:31 PM) gnu_srs: Hello. Can somebody check the file sizes of Sources.{gz,xz} at:{ascii-proposed,experimental}/main/source/ ?
07:09.04DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-18 Sun 00:00:56] <gnu_srs1> (12:41:23 AM) srs: (12:55:53 PM) gnu_srs: If the sizes are 20 and 32 bytes respectively, they are empty. Thanks!
07:09.16parazydthose bytes are probably the gzip header
07:09.23DocScrutinizer05yep :-)
07:09.56*** join/#devuan Vizva (
07:10.22parazydthis is the cleanest way unfortunately to find packages in ascii-proposed at this state/time
07:10.40DocScrutinizer05so I guess it's a non-issue, or is {ascii-proposed,experimental} supposed to have *any* specific sources already?
07:11.14parazydexperimental for sure
07:11.44parazydascii-proposed seems to be missing them as well. as you can see in the above url, there should be a few packages in there
07:12.02DocScrutinizer05hmm OK, then my suggestion comes in to give apache a rewrite rule for a stopgap fix to that
07:12.03guru1323so ascii will be stretch essentially or they're going in another direction?
07:13.20DocScrutinizer05though I'm not sure anybody would want to apt-get install source of a package under development, right?
07:13.22parazydDocScrutinizer05: curl | zcat | grep '^Package: '
07:13.58parazydit's these, but indeed their sources are empty
07:14.31DocScrutinizer05I'd assume you want to use git for that
07:14.40DocScrutinizer05not apt-get
07:15.33parazydnah, if you `apt-get source $pkg`, you should be able to get its sources in the current dir
07:15.46parazydthat's expected behaviour
07:15.57parazyd(and it will pull the git repository)
07:17.07guru1323ah that's good to see the devs idling here
07:17.27parazydguru1323: ascii will probably be a bit different than stretch
07:17.40parazydalthough i guess the same debian philosophy should apply
07:17.51guru1323works for me you have my trust in terms of desktop os's for now
07:17.57guru1323i switched over tonight
07:18.30guru1323switching my production servers is a whole different ballgame but i like what i see so fa
07:19.06DocScrutinizer05I'd trust in devuan for servers a year or two before I'd even ponder to try it for desktop
07:19.42DocScrutinizer05after all server is easypeasy compared to the desktop dependency mess
07:20.09guru1323i don't feel the same way, i don't know much about the dev team and we have mission critical data on there
07:20.31guru1323i can easily wipeout a desktop
07:20.55parazydafaik all our servers run devuan
07:21.06DocScrutinizer05I know a bit about the problems immanent in removing systemd, and which impact that has
07:21.46DocScrutinizer05removing systemd and dbus can only make a server more stable ;-D
07:22.29guru1323long as the team can keep up with security updates i'm happy
07:22.45DocScrutinizer05and the number of packages involved is limited, while for desktop it seems there is no end
07:23.30DocScrutinizer05security updates are original debian, unless a particular update imvolves a package that needed patching to get rid of systemd
07:24.26DocScrutinizer05at least afaik, please anybody correct me when I'm wrong
07:25.36parazydnot only security, but all packages are debian's now unless we have removed systemd or systemd-sysv
07:26.59guru1323seems like things will grow a bit more complicated as you fork
07:27.07parazydwe have a couple of packages that aren't in devuan though
07:27.12DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-10 Sat 22:39:30] * DocScrutinizer05 wonders how security patches to systemd would get hindered to infest devuan
07:27.13DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-10 Sat 22:40:15] <DocScrutinizer05> well, prolly since you don't have systemd, you don't get any security patches to it either ;-)
07:27.15DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-10 Sat 22:40:35] <jaromil> parazyd is almost done with the third rewrite of amprolla (we are testing it already) and after that we'll have an alert mechanism to detect forked packages that need security updates, so we can apply them timely
07:27.31guru1323thanks :)
07:27.34parazydguru1323: it's mostly keeping up with the updates, so time-consuming, but not hard work
07:28.16guru1323hopefully you have some sound financial backing to keep this thing going
07:28.51DocScrutinizer05prolly not (yet)
07:29.10parazydno actual sponsorship from anyone yet
07:29.30DocScrutinizer05the last few annual financial reports were not like there's funding abundance
07:29.40parazydbut there's a concrete userbase i believe. so something will come up if needed
07:29.49parazydDocScrutinizer05: that's right
07:30.17DocScrutinizer05FSF should support dyne
07:31.04DocScrutinizer05but seems RMS doesn't see the problem in systemd cabal
07:31.51parazydneither does torvalds, while they're not trying to push code into the kernel
07:32.23DocScrutinizer05Linus is pretty numb as long as it's not about his beloved kernel
07:34.35*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
07:35.09DocScrutinizer05... but RMS... quite strange how he's not going to rage against RH/Poettering raping his GNU userland
07:36.09DocScrutinizer05about Linus, see:
07:36.12infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering'', or you look here for Linus' notion on what's poettering:, or, or see ~systemd cabal
07:36.27detha<hat type=tinfoil>how much does RH pump into the FSF?</hat>
07:36.45DocScrutinizer05good question
07:37.25DocScrutinizer05actually the entity to scrutinize is
07:38.38dethaparazyd: do the changes to amprolla affect the nginx rewrites on the repository servers?
07:38.59DocScrutinizer05>> It was founded by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat in March 2000. The project's servers are hosted by Portland State University, which in turn are sponsored by HP, Intel and Google<<
07:38.59parazyddetha: what changes?
07:39.12detha3rd rewrite, etc
07:40.17parazyddetha: i renamed DEBIAN-SECURITY to DEBIAN-SEC, but that's that
07:40.21parazydcan easily be reverted
07:40.32parazydnothing else changed i think
07:41.30dethaparazyd: the reason I am asking is that I have a sort of reverse of those rewrites running here. I have a local debian mirror, but no devuan mirror
07:43.00parazyddunno. this is the nginx conf:
07:44.31dethaah. that would need an update here yes, thnks
07:45.25*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
07:45.53parazyddetha: keep in mind this version is not in production yet
07:47.30dethaparazyd: no problem, adding RewriteRule ^/merged/pool/DEBIAN-SEC/(.*)$ http://localmirror/debian/debian-security/pool/$1 [R,L] to the apache conf shouldn't break anything now, and will take over when it goes into production
07:49.06dethaon that topic, is there any chance of an rsync-able version of the packages in the near future?
08:01.31DocScrutinizer05if, then only for those forked packages that are actually hosted by devuan
08:04.41dethaEven if it was only the metadata I would be happy. With my setup, apt-get update on a debian VM is fast, on a devuan VM one waits. And waits.
08:06.22*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:06.33DocScrutinizer05ooh, you should make sure the debian(!) mirrors devuan amprolla redirects your apt to are "replaced" (etc/hosts? whatever) by your local debian mirror
08:07.15DocScrutinizer05detha: see !amprolla
08:08.02dethaThey are. But to run devuan, one needs the metadata from devuan. And that I can only redirect to WAN
08:08.05DocScrutinizer05a local devuan mirror won't help much
08:08.23aitori used some scripts depending on reprepro for a complete repository in the past
08:08.40aitorthe downside: reprepro is not compatible with the git source format
08:09.01dethaDocScrutinizer05: on a 2Mb/s connection, it will.
08:09.21aitoroften used in devuan, but still not officially aproved in debian
08:09.28dethaAt night, I have plenty bandwidth. In the day, contention brings it down to 2 - 2.5Mb/s
08:10.25DocScrutinizer05detha: there's only the few forked packages plus the metadata that actually come from devuan servers, but the way amprolla works it will pull all the rest from debian mirrors and not from your local debian mirror
08:12.35DocScrutinizer05ooh wait, apt-get update is about metadata only, right?
08:14.56DocScrutinizer05so why not run apt-get update instead of a rsync in the low-congestion time?
08:14.57dethawhat I have at the moment is roughly
08:15.36dethabecause the apt-get runs in a newly booted VM, that didn't exist last night yet
08:24.29*** join/#devuan ipe (
08:25.38DocScrutinizer05hmmm. Transparent buffering proxy then, maybe
08:26.41DocScrutinizer05don't know if varnish or nginx could do that, or if there's another package for that purpose
08:27.06dethasquid helps a bit, except with the first run on a day
08:32.31zyliwaxi wonder if plain "apt" has any improvements over "apt-get"
08:33.12zyliwaxi'm personally dubious about how it could have an advantage in this specific area but it'd be what i'd try here
08:34.38dethahmm. worth a try, but I suspect it will still need up-to-date metadata
08:35.19*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
08:35.41zyliwaxfwiw my apt upgrade completes at a very acceptable speed
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08:36.16dethaupgrade is not the problem - the first update is
08:36.17zyliwaxi have no benchmark against a debian system but ~22 seconds is fine for my purposes
08:36.29zyliwaxoh yeah i meant to say update there my bad
08:37.19zyliwaxah just the first update? i was thinking of subsequent updates here -- but you should only need to do the first update once? it's a hurdle sure but not one you have to repeat
08:40.22dethaI repeat that one often, as in 'Oh, let me try what happens with routing this way, let me create a linux VM, and two BSD VMs'
08:44.36parazydrsync mirrors aren't offered by debian?
08:45.13*** join/#devuan banshi (~banshi@
08:46.37dethaparazyd: rsync
08:46.46*** join/#devuan Vizva (
08:46.48parazydso what's causing issues?
08:47.20dethanot an issue, more an annoyance
08:50.39*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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09:21.08*** join/#devuan banshi (~banshi@
09:34.14*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
09:49.23DocScrutinizer05parazyd: download of particularly Packages.gz, if it changed
09:49.39DocScrutinizer05which aiui is what apt-get update does
09:51.30DocScrutinizer05a buffering transparent proxy and a cronjob doing the download (either by apt-get update, or even via wget -O /dev/null) a few minutes after aprolla built those metadata anew, should fix this issue for all local installs and updates
09:52.15DocScrutinizer05no matter on which local system that apt-get update cronjob runs, as long as it connects to internet via the proxy
09:53.47DocScrutinizer05I think subsequent updates are faster since apt-get is smart enough to only download the header and notice the file didn't change from the already downloaded version
09:54.20DocScrutinizer05just like a proxy would do
09:57.16parazydwhy not just run amprolla yourself?
09:57.31parazydah forget it, gpg
09:57.57parazydonly if you wish to sign your own mirror, but that will only work for public key holders then
10:01.01DocScrutinizer05anyway I wonder what takes *that* long, 9044193; 8920485. Even with as "slow" as 2Mbit, this is a matter of max 90s
10:02.14parazydi reckon it does gpg verification and checksumming beforehand
10:02.26DocScrutinizer05of course rsync would be smaaaart since it's supposed to only transmit deltas. So does git which uses rsync afaik
10:07.05DocScrutinizer05any checksumming is invariant by internet access bandwidth, so should slow down debian even from local mirror likewise
10:08.14DocScrutinizer05I strongly recommend the transparent buffering proxy approach
10:08.23parazydi think you're also not considering all the hops between you and
10:08.50DocScrutinizer05those hops only happen once, on DNS resolving
10:09.12parazydi thought the problem is only the first time
10:09.44DocScrutinizer05since >>[2017-06-18 Sun 11:53:47] <DocScrutinizer05> I think subsequent updates are faster since apt-get is smart enough to only download the header and notice the file didn't change from the already downloaded version<<
10:10.04parazydi don't know much about apt's architecture
10:10.25DocScrutinizer05I know a lot about apt-get update, from maemo HAM ;-D
10:11.19DocScrutinizer05the terrible time hog in HAM was internal data tree building etc
10:12.12DocScrutinizer05freemangordon fixed that by some optimizing in maemo HAM's apt-worker-thread, which did a magic speedup of factor 30
10:12.18infobotspeedyham is probably 30 times faster than HAM, now included in CSSU.
10:14.30parazydyeah ham had a bunch of accessible metadata
10:14.35DocScrutinizer05we had fun times in administration when we serviced the repo calls for the weekly HAM update of a 30k devices via a single 100MBit (or less) backbone
10:15.12parazydnever tried speedyham, i usually resort to the terminal
10:15.32*** join/#devuan cioran89_ (
10:15.35DocScrutinizer05usually fair enough when you know what you're doing
10:15.55DocScrutinizer05just never do apt-get (dist-)upgrade
10:16.02DocScrutinizer05on maemo
10:17.05DocScrutinizer05maemo system is one huge metapackage, and that doesn't play nice with upgrade, when there are a few packages that are "too new" and possibly broken, etc
10:18.00DocScrutinizer05the dependencies in maemo never were sufficiently comprehensively defined
10:19.02DocScrutinizer05autoremove also is a poor idea
10:19.23DocScrutinizer05for same reason
10:30.27DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# apt-cache show mp-fremantle-community-pr|nc 9999
10:30.32DocScrutinizer05have fun ;-)
10:31.51DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# apt-cache show mp-fremantle-generic-pr|nc 9999
10:34.07*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
10:35.15DocScrutinizer05should get rid of some of the legacy junk
10:38.49DocScrutinizer05btw in a certain sense CSSU (community) is an overlay repo just like devuan
10:50.47*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:00.41enycis dewuan ascii ready yet? ;-)
11:03.01djphas an "unstable" release, absolutely
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13:30.05justinsmI noticed that cinnamon will now install on ascii, with no dependency problems.
13:30.57fsmithredwith just libsystemd0? Or other components, too?
13:31.30justinsmJust libsystemd0 as far as I know.
13:32.01fsmithredcool. I'm sure some people will be happy to hear that.
13:32.02justinsmI've run it for a few hours, but ran into 2 problems.
13:32.24justinsmVideo overlays will crash it
13:32.42justinsmas will the screensaver
13:32.45fsmithredwhat's a video overlay?
13:32.57DocScrutinizer05I run into the weird problem of "what to do when you got no right mousbutton"
13:33.10fsmithredsell your mac
13:33.22justinsmE.g. vlc or youtube videos playing.
13:33.30DocScrutinizer05s/mac/huawei matebook10/
13:33.53DocScrutinizer05with wincrap10
13:34.01fsmithredno button to hold down to simulate right button?
13:34.09DocScrutinizer05which one?
13:34.18fsmithredno clue
13:34.38fsmithredprobably no manual to read, too.
13:35.18fsmithredjustinsm, try starting vlc in terminal and see if it tells you anything
13:35.23DocScrutinizer05lol nope
13:35.52fsmithredask a neighborhood kid.
13:36.22DocScrutinizer05might patch the damn touchpad driver
13:36.34DocScrutinizer05to work like the windows driver
13:36.43fsmithredI'm sure they weren't expecting that.
13:37.24DocScrutinizer05go figure: it has exactly one hw swirch under the touchpad, and when that switch gets engaged, the driver checks if your finger is right or left side of the touchpad
13:39.41DocScrutinizer05on the bright side: I could patch the driver to emulate 6 mouse buttons this way
13:40.19DocScrutinizer05but it SUCKS big time
13:40.29DocScrutinizer05also under windows
13:41.38*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
13:41.52DocScrutinizer05sure like hell you rather want keyboard keys emulate mousebuttons when pressed as long as touchpad has pen_down while kbd key_down event
13:43.19DocScrutinizer05when kbd even while touchpad pen_up, the touchpad should get locked for a user defined timespan after each kbd event
13:43.32DocScrutinizer05s/even /event /
13:50.30*** join/#devuan Achylles (
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13:52.07DocScrutinizer05also I recommend to not close the "leather" kbd thing like when system is active - I'm surprised that mine survived the cooking
13:53.20*** join/#devuan Akuli (
13:53.43Achylleshi fsmithred
13:54.17AchyllesI finally figured out how to enable my wifi card on devuan-bpo
13:54.24fsmithredwhat was the issue?
13:54.38AchyllesI will paste the steps somewhere...
13:55.07fsmithredmaybe post at
13:56.30AchyllesThe issue is that it does not load automatically...
13:56.46AchyllesIt is a bit trick to get that working...
13:58.51fsmithredadd it to /etc/modules?
13:59.36DocScrutinizer05what did you load? which chip?
14:00.20fsmithredI think
14:00.21DocScrutinizer05pretty close to mine
14:01.00DocScrutinizer05at least also bcm43*
14:01.42DocScrutinizer05Achylles: please disclose what module you modprobed
14:02.16*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91::be7f)
14:02.51Achyllestrying to register on the devuan forum...
14:04.10fsmithredmodprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
14:04.20fsmithredmodprobe wl
14:04.24fsmithredfrom debian wiki
14:05.08fsmithredbut maybe that doesn't work
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14:10.08fsmithredoh, I must have been thinking of someone else
14:10.15AchyllesThose are the steps I followed with fsmithred help
14:10.59fsmithredyou may as well leave out the ifup
14:11.25AchyllesI had to ifup
14:11.48Achyllesit said that was not configured
14:11.53fsmithredit shouldn't do anything unless you configured the it in iterfaces
14:12.01fsmithredthat's what it should say
14:12.03golinuxAchylles: Please use the BBCode tags to format your post
14:13.32golinuxAnd welcome to the forum!
14:15.14Achyllesfsmithred, but I configured that in the wicd and not in interfaces...
14:15.18*** join/#devuan Vizva (
14:15.47fsmithredifup won't work with wicd
14:16.04AchyllesAlthough, I wished it could load automatically...
14:16.14fsmithredwicd stores its information somewhere else
14:16.20fsmithredadd it to /etc/modules
14:16.31fsmithredor is it /etc/modprobe.conf?
14:16.59*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91::be7f)
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14:18.52Achyllesfsmithred, why don't you (devs) add a ncurses network manager called "ceni" to the official Devuan image? That, for me, is one of the best networing tool and it works with resolvconf...
14:19.22AchyllesCeni is a tool from Siduction distro
14:19.27fsmithredI'm pretty sure we won't be adding anything to jessie at this point
14:19.35fsmithredyeah, I've use it
14:21.12AchyllesOk. Understand...
14:21.42AchyllesAlthough it can be installed with inxi - I think...
14:22.15fsmithredconnman is in repo. I've heard good things about that.
14:23.50fsmithredand there's setnet, which I think is still in experimenta. Possibly in ascii-proposed. I can't check now - not at home.
14:25.43MinceRlooks experimental enough
14:25.46MinceRi couldn't even quit it
14:26.07fsmithredoh yeah, you have to go up a bunch of times to get out
14:26.37fsmithredI keep meaning to mention that to KatolaZ  ^^^  Easier way to exit would be nice.
14:30.10*** join/#devuan e (e@freenode/staff/spy.edk)
14:31.59Achylleswhere is the setnet link? Github???!!!
14:32.32*** join/#devuan seagoon (ae8dcbe6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:39.03fsmithredAchylles, I think it's in the experimental repo
14:42.29Achyllesthx. Already reading that info...
14:44.44*** join/#devuan guru2131232321 (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91::be7f)
14:45.11guru2131232321man this is a nightmare i had to use network-manager instead of wicd to connect to wifi
14:45.19guru2131232321i can only connect to [some] wifi networks
14:45.28guru213123232107:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)
14:46.37fsmithredguru2131232321, was I talking to you around 12 hours ago?
14:46.58fsmithredok, someone else was struggling with same wireless
14:47.25guru2131232321i followed the debian instructions to get it working in the first place
14:47.35fsmithredusing jessie or backports?
14:47.38guru2131232321this was a non issue with stretch
14:48.23fsmithrednewer firmware is in backports, but I don't know if the other guy got it to work
14:49.59guru2131232321 is what i followed
14:50.15guru2131232321what is the backports repo?
14:51.00fsmithrednewer packages backported to jessie
14:51.37guru2131232321sorry i'll be more specific, what is the repo address so i can add it
14:51.55fsmithreddeb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
14:52.30guru2131232321deb jessie main non-free contrib
14:52.30guru2131232321deb-src jessie main non-free contrib
14:52.30guru2131232321# jessie-security, previously known as 'volatile'
14:52.30guru2131232321deb jessie-security main contrib non-free
14:52.30guru2131232321deb-src jessie-security main contrib non-fr$ # jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile' deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free deb-src jessie-updates main contrib non-free
14:52.33guru2131232321oops sorry
14:53.47guru2131232321after adding that to my repo list i got a ton of W: Failed to fetch  Unable to connect to  messages
14:53.53guru2131232321when doing apt-get update
14:58.48fsmithredthanks, I just noticed I don't have jessie-security on this laptop
15:00.59fsmithredno error here. Maybe try auto.mirror instead of us.mirror
15:02.18guru2131232321that's odd it worked this time. my wifi and lan connection must be unstable
15:02.27guru2131232321i did another apt-get update
15:02.35fsmithredok, that makes sense
15:02.43guru2131232321apt-get upgrade says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
15:02.55fsmithredadding experimental shouldn't do anything to jessie-security
15:03.10guru2131232321should i remove broadcom-sta-dkms and reinstall with backports?
15:03.11fsmithredyou have to specify that you want something from backports
15:03.23fsmithredI think just...
15:03.37fsmithredapt-get -t jessie-backports install broadcom...
15:03.50fsmithredjust that one package and the others come with it?
15:04.05fsmithredyou may need to get backports kernel and headers, too
15:04.17guru2131232321apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms
15:04.38guru2131232321that should work
15:04.51fsmithredI don't understand what the sed does
15:05.40fsmithredapt-cache policy broadcom-sta-dkms
15:06.37fsmithredI'm not seeing it in backports
15:07.06fsmithredsorry, I thought it was there
15:07.42fsmithredand I really don't understand that command. I know it came from the wiki.
15:07.59fsmithreduname -r would be the running version of the kernel
15:08.16fsmithredno point installing the kernel you're running, it's already there
15:09.02fsmithredwhy do they tell you to install the kernel you already have installed?
15:09.08guru2131232321what about ascii is that using the stretch packages
15:09.11guru2131232321i don't mind using testing
15:09.11fsmithredheaders I can understand
15:09.24fsmithredyeah, there's a newer version in ascii
15:09.39guru2131232321alright well im not abandoning devuan but i can't go without wifi i need to get work done
15:09.50fsmithredI don't know if it would work with 3.16, but maybe with bpo 4.9 kernel it would
15:10.17guru2131232321let me find the image and just start over
15:11.23fsmithredthere's a lot that's not ready in testing
15:11.37*** join/#devuan mn3monic (~xxwa@unaffiliated/mn3monic)
15:12.02guru2131232321if my wifi works that's good enough for me
15:12.51guru2131232321it uses the broadcom package from stretch right?
15:12.52fsmithredI would just try the wireless package first, and if that didn't work, maybe try with backports kernel
15:13.01fsmithredhang on
15:13.04guru2131232321then im using ascii testing and riding it out
15:14.29fsmithredis that same as stretch?
15:14.38guru2131232321thats the version i have now
15:14.40guru2131232321ugh let me check
15:14.49fsmithred248 in jessie
15:14.56fsmithrednot 271
15:15.58guru2131232321any idea what i should do
15:17.23fsmithredsorry. not a wireless guru here.
15:17.29guru2131232321np thanks
15:17.58fsmithredbut you're helping me find problems in my sources.list
15:17.59*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
15:18.12fsmithredI didn't have contrib and non-free in the backports line
15:21.00edbarxI need a tool to help me change the version number of sources i.e. a helper tool to edit debian/changelog. Tool found: debchange.
15:21.42gnarfacesame as dch?
15:21.45gnarfaceor different?
15:28.26*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:30.01edbarxYes, the same one.
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16:10.40aitoredbarx: git-dch --ignore-branch --auto --full --new-version=
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16:13.51jimjamjimhello.. where can i find the source code of the network-manager?
16:15.14furrywolfapt-get source network-manager
16:15.26fsmithredit's in jessie-proposed
16:15.55zdzichuseriously, github repo is first hit on google for 'network-manager source'
16:16.13fsmithredactually, I'm not sure which one is newer
16:16.44*** join/#devuan Vizva ( for the devuan version
16:18.28jimjamjimfsmithred: is this it?
16:19.44fsmithredno, it's probably at the link given on that page. Looks like what's there is 2 years old. It was updated in the last month.
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16:21.19jimjamjimfsmithred: which link?
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16:23.47fsmithredthe link you provided, where it says "We moved".
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16:24.02fsmithredLooks like apt-get source network-manager gives the newest one
16:24.08fsmithreddate on files is Apr. 28
16:24.32*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8700:c91:56ab:3aff:fe0c:f3a7)
16:24.43jimjamjimfsmithred: but i'm currently on debian :(
16:25.07fsmithredwhich source are you looking for?
16:25.37jimjamjimthe source without systemd
16:26.13fsmithredthe 'we moved' part is old
16:26.25gurufsmithred: man i feel stupid all i had to do was goto preferences and add wlan0 manually to wireless interface
16:26.40gurufsmithred: now wicd is working. it didn't autoconfigure it for some reason
16:26.43fsmithredsorry I didn't say that.
16:26.56gurufsmithred: but that doesnt mean i can connect to any interfaces, but at least i don't have to use network-manager
16:27.10gurulet me try now here goes
16:29.34*** join/#devuan Doof_ (ac0f2433@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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16:32.08fsmithredjimjamjim, sorry, I don't know where it is. Need to ask Centurion_Dan
16:32.39*** join/#devuan guru_ (
16:32.57guru_I don't know if it's working all networks now because I switched to wicd or because I upgraded to ascii
16:33.07guru_-working on
16:33.41fsmithredwell, it shouldn't have worked on any if the default wireless interface wasn't set.
16:34.00fsmithredoh right, you were on nm before.
16:34.00guru_oh i was using network-manager on jessie
16:34.44guru_seems like nm is infested with systemd since i was forced to use it on ascii
16:35.03guru_*forced to use wicd
16:35.21fsmithredyeah, nm in ascii looks like it hasn't been devuanized yet.
16:35.40guru_i really like the simplicity of wicd this is a great forced change
16:35.51guru_(forced because nm hasn't been devuanized)
16:36.23fsmithredsome like it, some hate it
16:36.35fsmithredit doesn't do vpn
16:36.57jimjamjimguru_: network manager doesn't work?!
16:37.13fsmithredthe one in jessie works
16:37.24fsmithredthe one in ascii is the same as the one in debian
16:37.59guru_jimjamjim: on ascii it says  network-manager : Depends: libpam-systemd but it is not going to be installed
16:37.59guru_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
16:38.10jimjamjimfsmithred: ascii is testing right?
16:38.22guru_i'm a crash dummy :)
16:39.07jimjamjimwhere can I find the repo for network-manager?!
16:40.09guru_apt-get install network-manager
16:40.20fsmithredhe's on debian
16:41.15guru_i feel like a lot of people (such as myself) here are debian users just keeping an eye on things
16:41.46jimjamjimguru_: are using debian?
16:41.53guru_on all my production servers yes
16:42.07guru_but for my desktops i switched to devuan
16:42.12fsmithredjimjamjim, packages are here:
16:43.36jimjamjimfsmithred: I don't think it's the source!
16:44.09guru_oh i see he's using systemd-less packages on debian
16:44.26fsmithredadd devuan jessie to sources.list, remove debian jessie, apt-get update && apt-get source network manager, then reverse the changes to sources.list and update again
16:44.54fsmithredor wait until Centurion_Dan wakes up.
16:45.27jimjamjimguru_: fsmithred i'm using wcid on debian.. it works just fine!
16:45.53fsmithredyeah, I've never had any trouble with it
16:46.32jimjamjimyeah.. but i can't get it to work with my wireless 4G modem
16:47.12jimjamjimI wrote udev rule to bring the iface up and auto connect!
16:50.39jimjamjimdoes suspend/restart/shutdown work on xfce?
16:51.22fsmithredalthough some report that it does not on their system.
16:51.30fsmithredI haven't been able to figure out what's missing.
16:52.22jimjamjimis xfce the only DE?
16:52.37fsmithredmate and lxde are also in the installer
16:52.37gnarfacesometimes certain video and soundcard drivers fail to resume correctly from suspend and/or hibernation
16:52.43fsmithredkde can be added after install
16:52.53gnarfacein some cases, you can change a module option to work around the driver issue i think
17:15.00*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
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18:58.23DocScrutinizer05  >>Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.<< MEH!
19:00.39*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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19:19.55golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Where did you get that link?  And what was it about?
19:21.00DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-18 Sun 16:02:51] <Achylles> trying to register on the devuan forum...   [2017-06-18 Sun 16:09:37] <Achylles>
19:26.05_moep_hey, I want to contribute a changed initscript. whats the best way to do it?
19:34.54golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Is have no idea.  Ask him.  I don't know what the pid (instead of id) refers to)
19:35.07golinuxHe has posted this:
19:36.02golinuxSo he did register.
19:36.51golinuxIt would be nice if he started using code tags.
19:38.08gnarface_moep_: there is a gitlab
19:38.16gnarface_moep_: i think you just sign up and make a pull request
19:44.16MinceRwhere do i get a debootstrap binary so i can install devuan from a non-devuan live system?
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20:21.22tallshipI guess botbot disconnected from chan
20:21.34tallshipDon't see it in the list of nicks
20:55.41DocScrutinizer05however must be here, see
20:56.39DocScrutinizer05tallship: say hello to [0__0]
20:57.03golinuxtallship: [0__0] is botbot
20:58.09*** join/#devuan Achylles (
20:58.57DocScrutinizer05/who *botbot*
20:59.28tallshipm! DocScrutinizer05
20:59.50tallshipAt least I think that's how it works... it's supposed to tell you that you're doing a fine job.
21:00.01DocScrutinizer05:-) ta
21:00.02tallshipLemme go back and look at those docs again lol
21:04.11*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7418:5900:16da:e9ff:fe98:e08e)
21:12.34DocScrutinizer05golinux: id=727=t(read?)id. Quoting I get, so prolly q(uote?)id=2326.  p(ost?)id=2325 is suspiciously close, no?
21:13.45DocScrutinizer05I suspect that's what you bet before you committed your post, I.E. you're still in edit
21:15.00golinuxActually, it looks like it's a post id within a thread
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21:22.09golinuxProbably deleted
21:22.14DocScrutinizer05in e.g. maemo forum (talk.m.o) you get showthread?p=4711#4711 and showpost?p=4711#4711
21:22.49DocScrutinizer05but also showthread?t=42
21:23.07DocScrutinizer05I guess here it's similar
21:23.23*** join/#devuan Achylles (
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21:26.01DocScrutinizer05 vs  vs
21:26.24golinuxEnough already.  We get it
21:28.01DocScrutinizer05it's basically kust different views of same thing
21:28.27DocScrutinizer05forum software is all a tad weird
21:30.09DocScrutinizer05golinux: you're right, deleted, 2324 exists and works
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22:35.20golinuxAre you?
22:35.25OxFEEDBACChow comes i get package uidmap listed as unauthenticated in synaptic? v. 1:4.2-3+deb8u4 on
22:35.33OxFEEDBACCsoon, if it goes on like that :-D
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22:51.17XenguyI have been known to operate a PC when I'm high, but I almost always find it a bit frustrating, esp. if I have to stick to a linear state of mind, to solve a problem for example
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22:51.47XenguyCos my mind just instinctively wants to hop all over the place, heh
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23:15.57AchyllesXenguy, so get used to i3wm to work in a focused way ->  ;)
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23:57.00XenguyAchylles: I've actually been lurking in their channel, for if I ever try a tiling WM :)
23:57.39XenguyCan I run i3 inside MATE, or ... ?

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