IRC log for #devuan on 20170607

00:02.12gnarfaceXenguy: i think just unload all the snd_* modules and then reload them
00:02.39gnarfaceXenguy: is that a laptop? i've been hearing lately in #alsa about overheating problems
00:03.10gnarfaceXenguy: apparently there's a bunch of new gear out that's highly prone to overheating and the first thing it does is disable the external speakers
00:03.35gnarfacesnd_hda_intel stuff, i think
00:04.19gnarfaceXenguy: there's a way to disable the mechanism, but you may want to make sure you have acpid and lm-sensors loaded and working
00:05.14gnarfaceXenguy: it could just be crashing too though
00:05.16zyliwaxunknown___: perhaps you can work out your issue more effectively in #libreboot
00:07.23unknown___zyliwax, yes, thank you
00:09.16Xenguygnarface: It doesn't seem to be a heat-related problem, and yes it is a laptop
00:10.01gnarfaceXenguy: well it's not *actually* overheating in the cases i mentioned so much as apparently the temperature threshold has been set too low at the manufacturer.
00:11.03XenguyWell, this is one of those situations where everything has been working fine for ages, and then suddenly audio is crashing
00:11.29XenguySo I'm not inclined to think this is some edge case, but it really is hard to say
00:11.54gnarfacemaybe it's just that desktop volume control widget that's crashing?  does the audio still work if you play something from comand-line, like "speaker-test -c 2 -t wav" ?
00:12.09XenguyLet me try that
00:13.31XenguyHeh, that was cool
00:13.47XenguyThe output of the test was audio
00:13.48gnarfaceso maybe just a vlc problem?
00:14.11gnarfacedid you recently change vlc versions?
00:14.25XenguyWell I have a vague memory of this happening while I was using a browser too, but just once
00:14.34XenguyNo vlc version changes, no
00:14.51XenguySo IIRC, this is not application specific
00:19.29*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.29*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:19.38Xenguygnarface: one clue is that the audio widget disappeared from the tray area...
00:19.54XenguyNot sure how to get it back tho (without rebooting)
00:20.13ozmageXenguy, mate ?
00:20.19Xenguyozmage: yep
00:20.45XenguyThanks for that
00:20.55ozmageis happening here too and im on archlinux atm
00:21.04ozmagewith mate 1.18 gtk3
00:21.10ozmagefor some reason
00:21.19ozmageits a coincidence :)
00:23.37Xenguyozmage: The only thing I can find is:  mate-applets
00:23.45XenguyWhich is already installed
00:23.57XenguyMaybe what you mentioned is in that package
00:24.45ozmageno you run it in the terminal or mate-run and the speaker applet comeback to the tray icons
00:24.53ozmagebut if its uninstalled
00:25.01ozmageinstall mate-applets
00:25.46XenguyAlready installed, but I traced the one you mentioned to this package:  mate-media-pulse
00:26.01XenguyWhich looks like it isn't yet installed, let's see
00:26.42XenguyOh, it was already installed, hrm
00:27.23XenguySo do you restart the applet with mate-volume-control-applet
00:27.32XenguyOr how do you use it?
00:28.08Xenguy$ mate-volume-control-applet
00:28.09Xenguy** (mate-volume-control-applet:19231): WARNING **: Applet is already running, exiting
00:28.26XenguyYet it doesn't appear in the usual tray area
00:29.47Xenguyfsmithred: strangely it doesn't show up in that listing
00:29.57XenguySo weird
00:30.15fsmithredps ax |grep volume
00:30.27fsmithredmaybe you need to kill and restart it
00:30.36fsmithredhave you tried logging out and in again?
00:31.02XenguyMind if I paste a few lines?
00:31.10ozmagekillall -9 mate-volume-control-applet
00:31.19ozmageand then run it again
00:32.09Xenguyozmage: no output, and doesn't appear in tray area
00:32.34Xenguy$ ps ax |grep volume 2680 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor 2694 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-afc-volume-monitor 2700 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor 2706 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-goa-volume-monitor 2707 ?        Sl     0:01 mate-volume-control-applet 2715 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
00:32.41Xenguy19267 pts/10   S+     0:00 grep volume
00:32.52XenguyThat got mangled
00:33.15XenguyI'll try logging out and back in then
00:33.20ozmagekillall -9 mate-volume-control-applet do this job
00:38.50XenguyI already told ozmage that this didn't work:  killall -9 mate-volume-control-applet
00:39.09Xenguyfsmithred: logging out and back in reset the audio app
00:45.05fsmithredwhen you tried to kill it, did you check if the pid had changed? It might restart itself if you kill it.
00:55.11*** join/#devuan ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin)
00:55.27ozmagesomething is wrong
00:55.35ozmagethe installation went ok
00:55.43ozmageand booted fine
00:56.11ozmagebut wicd cant find any wireless connection
00:56.27gnarfaceozmage: make sure you have wpa-supplicant installed
00:56.29ozmagethe wifi drivers are loaded firmware etc
00:57.04ozmagebut the os dont even make the wifi led on
00:57.17ozmagelike other oses
00:57.28ozmagewhy is this  happening ?
00:57.44ozmagei think wpa_supplicant is installed
00:58.08ozmagei used the last install iso uefi 64 bits
00:58.13*** join/#devuan Latrina (Latrina@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-qvatvlkrolhullow)
00:58.21Latrinawell evening
00:58.27ozmagehello Latrina
00:58.51Latrinahey ozmage, almost ready to slam devuan jessie onto my apu2c4
00:59.01Latrinasadly in replace of freebsd, at least temporary
00:59.13Latrinabut happy to try out the project
00:59.14ozmageno way
00:59.34LatrinaI am having some wireless trouble with freebsd 11 as AP
00:59.45ozmagefreebsd is always welcome on my hdd's
00:59.48Latrinaand I need a linux distro as sort of diagnostic
01:00.01ozmageLatrina, which intel wifi card ?
01:00.15Latrinamost of my clients all run fbsd, but mainly fw and storaging
01:00.19ozmagewhich driver iwm ?
01:00.35ozmageoh no ok
01:00.46ozmagemaybe 12-current can help you
01:00.48Latrinawhich is embedded into the kernel anyways
01:00.53Latrinait might
01:00.55ozmagehave you tried trueos ?
01:01.07LatrinaI dont run BSD as desktop sadly
01:01.14ozmageits 12-current without debug
01:01.30ozmageyes but only for testing
01:01.33Latrinaoh yeah
01:01.41LatrinaI could give it a go as well
01:01.44ozmagetrueos can tell you if the wifi works
01:01.51Latrinathanks for the suggestion
01:02.05ozmagehey now with this thing of mine
01:02.11ozmageno wifi here
01:02.25Latrinaoh it does work, but the throughput on n is like 34mbs with laptop besides the router
01:02.44Latrinawhile this card is supposed to boost up to 400mbs in 802.11n
01:03.21LatrinaI know its nominal, but from 400mbs to 34mbs, hell something must be really wrong
01:05.17Latrinaif Devuan had Gnome 3 I would totally go into it on my laptop as well
01:05.41Latrinanot really happy with Ubuntu 16.04 and systemd
01:06.06Latrinayeah it works, but fuck knows how.. I just can't get to figure systemd at all
01:06.11LatrinaI am too lame for it
01:41.42*** join/#devuan Olufunmilayo (~Olufunmil@unaffiliated/olufunmilayo)
01:48.50*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2601:704:2:a700:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
01:50.44*** join/#devuan ozmage (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin)
01:50.49ozmagehello again
01:51.02ozmage here some useful info for my problem
01:51.11ozmageno wifi yet
01:51.43ozmageits like the os is not waking up the wifi interface
01:52.02ozmagei have a lot of time without use sysv
01:52.08ozmagehow i solve this ?
01:52.36ozmagei cant use a os without wifi
01:52.52ozmagethe wifi led its not ON
01:52.54gnarfacehe\y ozmage are you sure you have the firmware installed?  which firmware packages did you install?
01:52.59ozmagebut modules are loaded
01:53.05ozmagelook at the paste
01:53.10ozmageall its there
01:53.21ozmagei mean
01:53.44ozmagei just installed the live cd
01:53.48ozmageall comes in
01:54.00gnarfacedid wifi work on the livecd?
01:54.04ozmagein the dmesg shows the firmware loaded
01:54.09ozmagedont know
01:54.25ozmagei installed via virtualbox to a usb pen drive
01:54.44ozmageand im booting the install in bare metal from  the usb
01:55.09ozmagei mean on the real hardware
01:55.30gnarfacecan you boot the livecd again to see if wifi works within the live environment?
01:55.50gnarfacei admit i don't see anything suspicious immediately in your paste
01:55.56gnarface[    0.227857] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
01:56.00gnarface^ though i wonder about this one
01:57.00gnarfacealso, if the laptop has an external physical switch that enables/disables the wifi, note that with the linux drivers the "on" position isn't always the same as in windows
01:57.45ozmageyes it have a switch
01:57.48ozmageand its on
01:57.52ozmageim using it now
01:58.01ozmageClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz (825MHz) • Memory: Physical: 5.5 GiB Total (3.4 GiB Free) Swap: 7.0 GiB Total (7.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 70.0 GB / 133.9 GB (63.9 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller • Uptime: 21m 51s
01:58.03gnarfacei'm saying try booting with it in both positions
01:58.09gnarface"on" may be now "off"
01:58.10ozmageand this is a lenovo x220
01:58.17ozmageno its on
01:58.34gnarfacei don't think you're hearing what i'm saying
01:58.35ozmagei already do that
01:59.08ozmagei moved it twice on dmesg shows me when i turn it on or off
01:59.17ozmagealso look at the rfkill list
01:59.22ozmagein the paste
01:59.27ozmageall its on
01:59.31ozmageor not lock
02:00.05ozmage0: phy0: Wireless LAN
02:00.06ozmageSoft blocked: no
02:00.06ozmageHard blocked: no
02:00.57fsmithredozmage, check prefs in wicd to make sure default wireless interface is in there
02:00.59ozmagedont know what is wrong i also have the same kernel here too in archlinux 3.16.43
02:01.12ozmageno there is no interface
02:01.25ozmagenot in ifconfig or iwconfig
02:01.44ozmagehere in arch its
02:01.46ozmagewlp3s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
02:01.47gnarfacewlan0     IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:off/any
02:01.56gnarfacewait, i see your wifi interface right here
02:02.09gnarfaceit's clearly present
02:02.16gnarfaceline 3
02:02.20ozmagewlp3s0    IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"WLAN@JIMENEZ"
02:02.39ozmagei dont think so
02:02.44gnarfacesystemd doesn't name interfaces the same
02:02.52ozmagebut ok if you say so let me try that
02:02.57ozmageok let me reboot
02:02.57*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:04.09fsmithredI must be looking at the wrong paste. I see wlan0. If it's wlp3s0 he needs to boot with 'net.ifnames=0'
02:04.32fsmithredor change the interface in wicd
02:04.53gnarfacecurrently suspects user error
02:07.22*** join/#devuan ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin)
02:07.45ozmagelike that
02:07.53ozmageyes was wlan0
02:07.59gnarfaceno problem
02:08.09ozmagefor some reason wicd dont pick it up
02:08.14gnarfaceprobably a bug
02:08.14ozmagestrange really
02:08.43gnarfacesystemd changed the way they name interfaces to be more like BSD
02:09.03gnarfacewhich is unnecessary and annoying primarily, but also caused a lot of regressions to ripple out into related tools
02:09.07gnarfacethat might be why you're seeing this
02:09.10ozmagealso my mistake i had to just figure it oit myself but for some reason i had my eyes closed
02:09.36fsmithredodd that it would happen with 3.16 kernel
02:09.40ozmageblind by the systemd crap
02:09.44*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:09.47gnarfacei'm thinking the bug may be in wicd
02:10.22ozmagenow let me move my install to a new dataset on my  zfs zroot pool
02:11.41ozmageto get all the zfs stuff what i need to add to my source.list ?
02:11.52ozmagemain its already there
02:12.08ozmageso i need non-free or something like that ?
02:12.17gnarfacehonestly i'm not sure
02:12.43gnarfaceapt-cache search ^zfs
02:13.40ozmageim looking on synaptic
02:13.42gnarfacei thought zfs required a kernel patch on Linux
02:13.52ozmageand some stuff are missing
02:14.08ozmageon debian everything is there
02:14.34ozmagewell on testin
02:14.36ozmagewell on testing
02:14.46ozmagei just did modprobe zfs
02:14.51ozmageand no luck
02:14.54gnarfacewell maybe it's just not in jessie, did you look in jessie-backports?
02:15.02ozmagewell i have to do this manually
02:15.43ozmagelet me see
02:15.48gnarfaceon unstable i see zfs-fuse and zfsnap in the main repo, but i did believe that zfs is not shipped in the Linux kernel due to license incompatibility with the GPL
02:16.35gnarfacethere has existed a patch for many years but i'm not sure it has ever been or ever will be "shipped" with any linux distro due to the license issue
02:17.28ozmageon ubuntu its there
02:17.56gnarface  < this page says it should already be in jessie-backports "contrib" section
02:18.32ozmagethats what is missing here contrib
02:18.41ozmagei was just adding non-free
02:19.09gnarfacelots of non-free stuff depends on contrib too.  it's a good idea to enable them together
02:20.02gnarfacei usually then disable them again right away when i'm done with them though; the stuff in there also isn't as well tested as the stuff in main
02:20.45ozmagei feel like home here like wheezy oldstable :)
02:20.58gnarfacegood, that's the intended effect
02:21.09ozmagelet me install mate too
02:21.23ozmagethanks for the good work
02:21.28gnarfacedidn't do any of it
02:21.58gnarfacethe ones who did will hear you though
02:22.32ozmagelet them know :)
02:22.41ozmageirc do your job
02:23.15*** join/#devuan _william_ (
02:36.22Centurion_Dansuppport for nvidia is horrid... older cards particularly....
02:37.41ozmagei have to install debian wheezy to get my old laptop to work with a nvidia 4200 ti
02:38.50Xenguystill supported too
02:39.22ozmagenot really
02:39.34ozmagehave to use the driver 96.43
02:39.38ozmagenvidia blob
02:39.58gnarfacehow does it do with nouveau? have you tried it?
02:39.58ozmagenouveau all i get its garbage on the screen
02:41.26ozmagenope the spl-dkms and zfs-dkms have problems here
02:41.28ozmageare borked
02:41.37ozmagei need to install all by hand
02:42.12gnarfacemake sure you also got them from backports
02:43.24ozmageno them dont work
02:43.33ozmageare from there where are broken
02:44.00ozmageto install all the developer tools here is the same ?
02:44.25gnarfacehmm.  apt-get build-dep [package name]
02:44.25ozmagelike all the stuff to compile apps from source and kernel compilation ?
02:44.30gnarfaceshould be the same yea
02:44.53gnarfaceapt-get build-dep [package] and apt-get install build-essential
02:45.02gnarfacei think
02:45.40*** join/#devuan nighty- (
02:45.56fsmithredlinux-headers-`uname -r`
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03:20.14LatrinaI am installing debuan jessia via serial yeah
03:26.56*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
03:33.28*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
03:47.32Latrinainstallation completed and goodnight as allarm goes off in 7 hours
03:48.10matlocktell us how it went in the morning, good night
03:48.29Latrinanight ;)
04:05.08*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
04:26.08*** join/#devuan ozmage (~ozmage@unaffiliated/javashin)
04:26.30ozmagei had to force-all
04:26.37ozmagefor zfs stuff here
04:27.58ozmageand this kernel sucks
04:28.12ozmage[ 2168.126816] [drm] GPU HANG: ecode -1:0x00000000, reason: Kicking stuck semaphore on render ring, action: continue
04:44.50*** join/#devuan tg (~x@unaffiliated/tg)
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07:00.25*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:04.18*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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07:14.02*** join/#devuan bozonius (
07:15.30*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
07:15.40bozoniusRunning fresh install of Devuan 1.0.0 and have not had any problems, until I tried sound -- it's not working. I took all the defaults during installation; maybe I need to install sound drivers?   I am running under Virtualbox 5.1.22 and have sound in my Ubuntu VM, but not here in Devuan.  Thanks for any help.
07:17.52KatolaZbozonius: is sound working outside flash?
07:18.20bozoniusI note that in "Settings" there is no icon for sound.   No, it does not run the aplay test either, KatolaZ (thanks for responding)
07:19.22KatolaZjust open a mixer
07:19.42bozoniusI did that, and I upped the main volume to max.  No differnce
07:19.58KatolaZdo you have alsamixer?
07:20.05bozoniusI tried that too
07:20.22KatolaZdid you select your card?
07:20.47bozoniusThere is only one "card" available -- for alsa.
07:20.51KatolaZwith F6
07:21.00bozoniushold on, let me go back and check again...
07:21.43bozoniussorry, I meant one card only for pulseaudio.  I tried the pa -k trick, no help either.
07:23.03bozoniusmaybe this would help:
07:23.44KatolaZbozonius: select your card in alsamixer with F6
07:23.45bozoniusI am running the xfce desktop.  There is a mixer with that, and that was the other mixer I tried.  It has only one selection and that is for the emulated AC97 intel sound, but it is for alsa
07:24.04KatolaZthen you will see all the sliders
07:24.16KatolaZmaybe the master is muted there
07:24.46bozoniusF6 does nothing; F1 shows the options, and F6 is not listed
07:25.25bozonius(we are talking about alsamixer now, right?)
07:25.49KatolaZare you in alsamixer?
07:26.04KatolaZthen F6 shows all the cards
07:26.08bozoniusbut F6 does not do anything
07:26.20*** join/#devuan topro (
07:26.23bozoniusand help (F1) does not even show F6... but I'll double check
07:27.02parazydbozonius: don't you need to install some virtualbox kernel modules/guest additions in the guest machine to get stuff like acceleration and sound working?
07:27.11KatolaZalternatively, you can use 'S'
07:27.29KatolaZoh is that a VM?
07:27.58parazyd"  I am running under Virtualbox 5.1.22 and have sound in my Ubuntu VM, but not here in Devuan."
07:29.41*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
07:30.47bozonius'S' does not work either
07:31.00bozoniustrying to get a screenshot for you...
07:38.05bozoniussee, the help doesn't even list F6
07:39.07gnarfaceyou also need to be in the audio group
07:39.33gnarfacebut make sure the ubuntu vm also has pulseaudio
07:39.54gnarfacejust statistically it's usually pulseaudio breaking expected behavior
07:41.08gnarfacehowever i think the earlier suggestion about VirtualBox specific drivers should be double-checked.  i don't know about virtualbox, but i know that VMware needs them.  maybe the ubuntu includes them automatically.  that could also explain this mystery.
07:41.21bozoniusthe user IS in the audio group
07:41.53*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
07:42.14bozoniusif you are talking about the guest additions, I had not yet installed them.  I am able to mount a file system from the host, however.
07:42.21KatolaZbozonius: do you have virtualbox modules for sound?
07:42.52bozoniusI'm not sure
07:43.04edbarxProject "battpooch" is set to "public" but files are not displayed for everyone except me, the uploader, why?
07:43.08bozoniuswhat are their names -- are they vbox???? like that?
07:45.00bozoniusI have vboxsf and vboxguest (lsmod shows these)
07:48.02bozoniusmaybe this could shed light on my sound issue? Grepping the messages log, I see:
07:48.52bozoniusJun  7 00:08:31 devuan pulseaudio[4445]: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Disabling timer-based scheduling because running inside a VM.
07:49.55*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
07:49.58bozoniusKatolaZ:  I know of no sound modules for VirtualBox
07:50.14bozoniusI'll try installing the guest additions; perhaps that will help
07:51.38bozoniusnutz.  When I try to insert the guest additions CD, I get an error.  Says that the media is locked
07:53.01bozoniusgnarface:  Not ignoring you, was just trying to catch up with Katola's suggestions.
07:53.11bozoniusI'll look for sound drivers in my Ubuntu...
07:54.37*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:741e:2700:16da:e9ff:fe98:e08e)
07:54.40bozoniusnope.  Just vboxsf and vboxguest, just like Devuan
07:55.53bozoniusand sound DOES work there...  I just tried it.
08:05.22bozoniusRebooting with the guest additions already mounted.
08:08.15bozoniusSo now at least I can build the GAs.
08:08.26bozoniusI had a problem adding my user to the vboxsf group:
08:08.35bozoniusmoduser -a vboxsf username
08:08.43bozoniusthat failed.
08:09.36bozoniusanyway, I'll try rebuilding the additions and reboot and see if it makes any difference.
08:11.19bozoniusok, it's usermod -a -G vboxsf username (forgot the -G)
08:15.15*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
08:15.58bozoniusas I expected, GA's made no difference for sound.
08:18.36bozoniusKatolaz, gnarface:   Still no luck, even with guest additions installed in VM.
08:19.43*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:25.30*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
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08:41.52*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:02.25gnarfacebozonius: just as a sanity check, is it possible for you to test alsa on the devuan live iso?
09:06.21bozoniusgnarface, you will probably hate me.
09:06.31bozoniusI forgot to move the sound control up for the desktop
09:06.35bozoniusthat's all it was.
09:06.40bozoniusDevuan is perfect.
09:06.46bozoniusyeah.  Hah is right.
09:06.53bozoniusslaps himself
09:06.57gnarfaceeh, no worries.  happens to the best of us
09:07.02drmeowschwitz( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
09:07.20bozoniusDevuan looks to be the next big thing.
09:07.26bozoniusvery polished and fast
09:07.55gnarfaceall we did is un-break debian.
09:08.08bozoniusonly took, what... 2 years?
09:08.14gnarfacehard not to look good when you follow such a faceplant
09:08.31gnarfacewell, to be fair it only really took a couple months before it was completely usable for most of us
09:08.33bozoniusI can't believe all of that... eh
09:08.35bozoniusnever mind.
09:09.00bozoniusI suppose this is a safe anti-sys???d zone though.
09:09.22gnarfacethe real thing is, the people steering this project had set specific goals for the 1.0 release, and they decided to stick to them regardless of peer pressure
09:09.29gnarfacethe last mile was definitely the slowest
09:09.33gnarfaceso to speak
09:09.47bozoniusThat is absolutely beautiful in my mind.  Exactly how it SHOULD be done.
09:10.07bozoniusand that long trudge through that last mile really paid off.
09:10.47bozoniusThe funniest part though is that the speed of the boot and shutdown was comparable to Debian, per the review on distrowatch.
09:11.06*** join/#devuan Madda (
09:11.24bozoniusso all the noise they made, all the apologia, nasty and rude emails leaked out...
09:11.26bozoniusfor what
09:11.33Artemis3Can't wait until it gets better alternative init support, ie. openrc xD
09:11.43bozoniusS6 !!!
09:11.55gnarfacehehe, yea it always bugged me that "concurrent boot" or "multi-threaded boot" or "dependency-based boot" or whatever you want to call it, the primary end-user excuse for justifying systemd, was *already a feature* of the old sysvinit.  they really did a good job of sweeping that inconvenient truth right under the rug....
09:11.58bozoniuseven runit
09:12.32gnarfacewe have a discussion channel at #debianfork
09:12.43gnarfaceit's a bit safer to editorialize in there
09:12.48drmeowschwitztbh it still confuses me how after half a century of unix and particularly sendmail, the realisation that a single monolithic blob at the center of everything hasn't dawned on everyone et
09:13.19drmeowschwitz*isn't a good idea
09:13.49*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
09:14.05gnarfacedrmeowschwitz: well, it dawned on SOME people.  but if you think devuan took a long time to finish, ... boy wait until you see how slow HURD moves
09:14.10bozoniusgnarface:  I am over on debianfork now...
09:16.39drmeowschwitzHURD is still being developed?
09:16.53drmeowschwitzI dont remember when was the last time I even heard of it
09:18.27gnarface page footer says it was last updated in december
09:19.03gnarfacei just think there's not many people excited about it because the chances of Nvidia ever supporting it is probably about 0%
09:19.32gnarfacei'm not even sure direct rendering is in fact possible with the HURD security model, but i don't know much about it
09:20.34*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
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09:43.19drmeowschwitzif there's one thing I don't care about in any of my production and development, it's GPU
09:43.34*** join/#devuan tg (~x@unaffiliated/tg)
09:43.43gnarfaceit's probably worth mentioning (tangentially related at least) you can also run a BSD kernel in debian/devuan too now
09:44.02*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:44.03gnarfaceso there are options
09:46.04*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
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11:14.59psychi[m]drmeowschwitz (IRC): it is active
11:20.02gnarfacehave you tried it, psychi[m]?
11:20.25gnarface(on devuan, i mean)
11:24.48gnarfacei'm just curious how difficult it is to get working
11:27.18*** join/#devuan davidl (~usrname@fsf/member/usrname)
11:30.13psychi[m]gnarface (IRC): I 've tried GuixSD before...tried Debian/Hurd but not a success ^_^
11:30.50gnarfaceoh.  so not easy yet.  i figured
11:37.39gnu_srsDebian GNU/Hurd is available. However support for Hurd with GuixSD is experimental, and not Shepherd supported yet.
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15:27.45aitoredbarx: i can't find any activity there...
15:30.27aitoris it public, are you sure
15:32.51aitorgit clone asks me for the name and the password and gives me a:
15:32.54fsmithredI believe he set it up wrong. I've done the same thing.
15:32.59aitorremote: access denied
15:33.11fsmithredset it up as wiki instead of repo
15:35.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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15:42.37aitori saw one commit by DPA in simple-netaid-gtk:
15:43.30__stephenanyone running devuan on an x200? with or without libreboot?
15:48.33aitori have one lenovo and another IBM (similar), but they are too old and i've not any charger for them
15:49.54__stephenThe lenovo/thinkpad x200s are pretty cheap on ebay, so I was thinking of getting one to play with.
15:50.04zyliwaxi have a librebooted x200
15:50.18zyliwaxi'm very happy with it
15:50.32__stephenDo you get direct rendering out of intel's graphics under X?
15:50.51__stephenIt's not a big deal, just a point of curiosity.
15:51.18zyliwaxlol i actually have no clue
15:51.25zyliwaxi wouldn't know how to verify that anyway
15:51.28__stephenglxinfo | grep -i rend or something
15:52.07zyliwaxdo note it runs gentoo not devuan so my answer might not be portable -- i did do some setup for intel graphics on it though --- checking now
15:52.40zyliwaxglxinfo: command not found
15:53.02zyliwaxah i need mesa-progs package
15:53.04__stephenIt's in some mesa package, not sure what one on gentoo.
15:53.15__stephenBeen about a decade since I've used gentoo.
15:53.56zyliwaxcompiling now
15:54.13*** join/#devuan matlock (~matlock@
15:55.38__stephenNot sure if all x200s have a touchscreen, but if yours does, does it work under linux?
15:56.16zyliwaxdirect rendering: Yes
15:56.27*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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15:57.13zyliwax__stephen: i have a separate x200t that requires a bit more work to get running with libreboot (read: soldering -- i didn't do it myself), and the tablet works fine -- i'm actually considering devuan for that device
15:57.42__stephenI was going to ask if there was any technical reason why you didn't put devuan on it.
15:58.17zyliwaxi had it running void at first in hopes of creating a linux-libre package for that platform
15:58.38zyliwaxit actually does have an earlier devuan installed on it but i'm think i'll just blow it away
15:58.58zyliwaxmain consideration for me is that devuan uses an older kernel and i'm one of those btrfs-loving nuts
15:59.11zyliwaxold kernel + btrfs = bye bye data
15:59.25zyliwaxso i will likely have to compromise or use ascii
15:59.55zyliwaxalso, i would like a linux-libre kernel, which i heard on the grapevine is now in devuan?
16:00.15aitorzyliwax: are you referring to Void Linux?
16:02.19zyliwaxaitor: indeed
16:04.38aitorit uses a different apckaging system
16:05.32zyliwaxyeah, the xbps packaging system
16:05.47*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
16:05.50aitorand Runit, isn't it?
16:05.54zyliwaxa lot of the linux-libre kernels don't have sources from fsfla anymore, just the deblob scripts
16:06.15*** join/#devuan DPA (
16:06.19zyliwaxso i'd need to find a way to apply the scripts to those sources
16:06.24matlockzyliwax there is a devuan-based sitro with a linux-libre kernel
16:06.28zyliwaxaitor: yes it uses runit
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16:11.02aitorzyliwax: parazyd had built linux-heads applying those scripts
16:14.55aitorneed to go, see you :)
16:15.50aitorDPA: i'll change the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS in simple-netaid-gtk, thanks
16:16.53*** join/#devuan Introoter (uid189461@gateway/web/
16:17.29zyliwaxanother option i have for linux-libre kernels is jxself's repo
16:22.48Latr_worknet install via serial console and the APU2C4 went smoothly
16:23.05Latr_workhopefully my wlan cards will behave properly as AP
16:23.15Latr_workotherwise I will return all of it
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20:08.12ozmagewhy the battery icon look like that
20:08.12ozmagea big warning icon
20:08.20ozmageon archlinux and ubuntu mate looks ok so its not the battery which is not working fine
20:08.52ozmagewhats wrong here ?
20:08.52ozmagehow i fix that ?
20:09.21ozmageall the versions of mate i had are like that i erased all the files on my user hone to recreate them again
20:09.26ozmageand its the sane
20:09.32ozmagefor the root user too
20:09.38zyliwaxozmage: perhaps try running acpi -V in a terminal to see if it's uncovering any problems
20:09.41ozmagewhat is going on ?
20:09.52ozmagesomeone have this problem too ?
20:10.24ozmagei dont have acpi command
20:10.59zyliwaxhrm i wonder if that is actually the problem, i.e. it's looking for acpi command in background and failing
20:11.14ozmageim installing it
20:11.57ozmageno is not that
20:12.07ozmageand i had no errors on acpi -V
20:13.34zyliwaxdoes it provide an error on hovering over it?
20:13.37greenjeansozmage: It's broken
20:13.52ozmagewhat is broken >
20:14.06ozmageno error at all
20:14.18ozmagewhat is broken greenjeans  ?
20:14.29ozmagethe mate-desktop ?
20:14.52greenjeansThe mate power manager
20:14.54ozmagemy battery looks ok even on freebsd with mate desktop
20:15.11ozmagebut was broken on version 1.8
20:15.12greenjeansit's not using the proper icons, not polling for actual power figures
20:15.26ozmageand on this new mate 1.18 gtk3
20:15.47greenjeansI though they had fixed it in the newer mate version
20:15.50ozmagenot good
20:16.10greenjeans1.8.1 is what's in devuan jessie
20:16.20ozmagehmm and i ahve adwaita icon theme
20:16.38ozmageyes but i have mate 1.18 now
20:16.53greenjeansI think maybe there's some systemd incompatibility, it worked in Debian with mate 1.8
20:17.01ozmagestill the same
20:17.18ozmagedoes someone uses mate 1.8.1 ?
20:17.23greenjeansi do
20:17.32greenjeansit's the stable version in jessie
20:17.35ozmageand looks like that too ?
20:17.41ozmageoh ok
20:17.46ozmagegood to know
20:18.08ozmagewell i installed slackware before and was working pretty nice
20:18.20ozmagewith mate 1.18 gtk3
20:18.21greenjeansmate power manager is pretty sad all around, it doesn't support suspend and hibernate commands anymore either
20:18.23ozmageusing sysv
20:18.45ozmageon gentoo with openrc it does
20:18.54greenjeansI replaced it with xfce power manager, works better, suspend and hibernate supported etc.
20:18.54ozmagebut i dont want to compile anymore
20:19.09ozmagei have a perfect gentoo installation
20:19.19ozmagebut i do not want compile anymore
20:19.28ozmagemy laptop get too hot
20:20.12ozmagelet me remove it then
20:20.21ozmageor compile myself
20:20.31ozmageno better remove
20:21.19_moep_hey I used a setting from debian (unattended upgrades) but I get a warning
20:21.24zyliwaxi just do it raw on my gentoo rigs by echoing mem or disk > /sys/power/state or using the suspend utils s2disk, s2ram, s2both
20:21.45zyliwaxi have no reason to believe this wouldn't work across all sorts of linuxen
20:23.21ozmageon gentoo works
20:23.27ozmagewith no problem
20:23.40furrywolfwe have pm-suspend and pm-hibernate...
20:23.49ozmagebut like i say i dont want to compile anymore
20:23.58zyliwaxozmage: fair enough
20:24.05zyliwaxfurrywolf: i thought those were deprecated?
20:26.23*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
20:26.52ozmagelooks like i dont have suspend or hibernate on the shutdown dialog on mate
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20:28.43furrywolfzyliwax:  they're what I use.  no idea if they're deprecated or not.  lol
20:29.35ozmagedebian still have freetype old as hell
20:30.38ozmageubuntu too
20:30.38zyliwaxfurrywolf: i looked at the code some time ago, iirc at least on gentoo they appear to be wrappers for the equivalent s2* commands
20:30.45ozmagewe are at 2.8
20:30.55ozmagewhich looks nice as hell
20:31.05ozmagetoo many hells
20:32.23ozmagefedora too
20:32.41ozmagewell i think im going to install arch with openrc
20:32.49ozmageok bye
20:33.39greenjeansno, no suspend or hibernate dialog in mate. What I do is install Obsession, then bind keys to obsession-exit commands, works nice, very quick, and no need to get into menu anymore for shutdown
20:35.49greenjeansanybody know a hack to get pcmanfm show size under the icons in icon-view? Mate/Caja can do this natively, but it's the only thing I can't seem to duplicate in openbox/pcmanfm
20:36.35greenjeansthat and adding a right click context entry to open the current folder in terminal
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20:41.03matlockand GNU to you
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21:58.18aitorzyliwax: jxself seems to be an user of trisquel
21:58.57aitorand a "Freedom Verifier" for GNU+Linux distributions that seek FSF endorsement on
22:01.51aitorhere is his website, including the repo for linux-libre:
22:05.26zyliwaxaitor: thanks for the information
22:05.46zyliwaxwe've talked before, i've run his kernels on a previous devuan install and they're delicious
22:05.50aitornot at all
22:10.17aitorsee you tomorrow zyliwax, my eyes are closing
22:11.04zyliwaxaitor: good night!
22:11.10aitorbye :)
22:12.25*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
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22:13.40Latr_workI think I'll go gentoo on my laptop
22:14.39Latr_workif devuan will one day have a gnome 3 systemdfree it'll be my first and only choice
22:15.41furrywolfbut can you use gnome 3 without the uselessness of gnome 3?
22:22.27Latr_workso your trying to say gnome 3 itself is useless?
22:23.00Latr_workif thats the case, my guess is you have never spent 20 sane minutes with it
22:23.20Latr_workbecause with 20 sane minutes you can get a pretty sane desktop environment out of it
22:23.34Latr_worknote the word sane!
22:23.44unixman<3 Xfce4
22:23.57furrywolfgnome3 gets in my way.  I have used systems with it.  This has been fixed.
22:25.13Latr_workwell it doesn't get in my way and in the way of many
22:25.19Latr_worksystemd does
22:25.32furrywolfchannel poll:  who other than Latr_work likes gnome3?  :P
22:25.49Latr_workdo you think I give a shit?
22:25.51unixmanfurrywolf, we all know you are a KDE guy. ;) :D
22:25.57zyliwaxseems it might be a special type of hell continually decoupling gnome3 from systemd
22:26.05furrywolfthat might be wrong for multiple reasons.  :P
22:26.46zyliwaxi'm all for individual DE selection and can hope it will last
22:26.52zyliwax(but it won't affect me kek)
22:27.35furrywolfyou can't.
22:27.37furrywolfgrr, wrong window
22:27.56Latr_workI tend to respect whatever somebody might like or dislike
22:28.11Latr_workbut I guess this is not a common tendency in everybody
22:28.50furrywolfgnome is so anti-freedom that even if the software was better, it'd still be hard to like them.
22:31.22zyliwaxLatr_work: yeah you expressed my sentiment better than me
22:32.13Latr_workI like new modern UI on hw that can support it
22:32.34zyliwaxi'm a utilitarian myself
22:32.39unixmanSo, OS X it is then. :)
22:32.44zyliwaxgot my lovingly hand crafted i3 config
22:32.56furrywolficewm! :P
22:33.04Latr_workMy T60 which is uses as OpenSSH terminal with OpenBSD 6.1 -STABLE I run twm
22:33.16zyliwaxcompton is my "eye candy" but really it is functional for my workflow
22:33.17Latr_workand nothing else apart from openssh and tcpdump
22:33.30zyliwaxi dim the inactive windows so i know where my input will land
22:33.36unixmanAnyone have a Devuan question? :P
22:33.45Latr_workunixman: I used to have Macs for 8 years but things have changed lately
22:33.49Latr_workvery badly
22:34.14Latr_workso I decided to ditch apple for good, that was 2 years ago though
22:34.32Latr_workyeah off topic, my bad
22:34.39unixmanLatr_work, I just received a 15" donglebook at work last month. Still using my FreeBSD Unix workstation for most of my work. :)
22:34.55Latr_workglad to hear
22:35.21unixmanI will only use the Apple when working from home / on-call.
22:35.26Latr_workI have freebsd running on my servers and most of my clients all across the world runs it
22:35.40Latr_workonly reason I dont use it as desktop is lack of Gnome 3 support
22:35.45Latr_workand I cant blame them
22:36.06unixmanSince I <3 Xfce4 it's all good. ;)
22:36.40Latr_workxfce4 is cool, but I dont get that graphical satisfaction I would from say Gnome 3 or KDE 5
22:37.32furrywolfI don't want "graphical satisfaction".  I am most satisfied by software that does what I want it to do with minimal annoyance.
22:37.46unixmanI'm not all that hot for graphics. I like the convenience of cut/paste in my ssh sessions. Well, and watching the occasional YouTube video.
22:37.50Latr_workfurrywolf: you don't, I do
22:38.09Latr_workdon't try to convince me that whatever you do or like is right
22:38.13Latr_workit wont work with me.
22:38.32furrywolfdo you actually use your computer, or just look at it?  :P
22:38.46Latr_workI just stare at it and I masturbate
22:38.52Latr_workmore info?
22:39.03unixmanAh, a pr0n user. ;)
22:39.05Latr_workI can come up with a whole of a lot more
22:39.11msiismwonders if fltk could be tweaked to look like gtk2
22:42.31*** part/#devuan msiism (
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22:59.32golinuxLatr_work: The chitchat channel is #debianfork not here.
23:00.14golinuxThis is more of a help channel.
23:17.24*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
23:19.36*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)

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