IRC log for #devuan on 20170601

00:06.19*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
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00:20.36*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:28.23*** join/#devuan rfmj (
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00:35.50yarddogok, i rebooted, and it only booted into a text mode, i needed to manually startx, how do i get this to auto go to x again?
00:38.04golinux__stephen: good catch!  I'll go correct it now but rely on someome else to load on the server.
00:38.38*** join/#devuan CaptainFixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
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00:40.39*** part/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
00:40.41*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
00:43.52Xenguyyarddog: What's the context here, aka your general situation?
00:44.28Xenguy(I may have arrived late)
00:44.35yarddogi rebooted, it went to a text login, i logged in, and needed to startx to get back to the gui
00:45.42yarddogwhen i go to reboot/log out, the only option is logout, the rest are greyed out
00:46.06XenguyIs this after a fresh install?  Or were you experiencing other symptoms or problems?
00:46.20XenguyIs this Devuan stable?
00:46.40yarddogwith 4.0.9
00:47.00XenguyWhich desktop BTW
00:47.38*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
00:47.51XenguyDo you think something went wrong during the installation?
00:48.20XenguyCos it seems like an irregular outcome somehow
00:48.52gnarfacewell, expected behavior for a minimal install if he didn't know to manuall install a graphical login manager
00:48.59XenguyIf it's fresh, maybe just reinstall?
00:49.15gnarface(or rather, perhaps didn't know that it was a separate package)
00:57.34Xenguyyarddog: So maybe smth as simple as:  apt-get install xfwm4
00:57.58Xenguyalso maybe:  apt-get install slim
01:04.19*** part/#devuan rfmj (
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02:17.39*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
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02:30.46*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
02:30.53yarddogany advantage to the grsec kernel?
02:41.19*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
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02:52.33*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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03:10.19gnarfaceyarddog: as a desktop end-user, probably not
03:11.04gnarfaceyarddog: i mean, there is a theoretial advantage, but probably not one that will benefit your use case more than the potential compatibility issues it could incur
03:11.56gnarfaceyarddog: for a public servers though, i'd say there is a good argument in favor of it
03:12.17gnarface(especially if you have to run untrusted code supplied by your users)
03:12.25*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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03:21.26yarddoggotcha thanks
03:21.35yarddogi was wondering
03:21.38gnarfaceyarddog: mind you, feel free to try it.  there shouldn't really be any harm in installing it and booting it.  you should be able to leave the other kernels installed too and just choose one at boot
03:21.43yarddogwith the privacy crap
03:21.55gnarfaceyarddog: i don't want my statements to be misconstrued as advising against security
03:22.02gnarfacea little paranoia is healthy
03:22.41gnarfacemaybe not LOT, like i have.  but that's a symptom of once having not enough and learning the hard way...
03:22.47yarddogi dont know where you are, but i'm in the US, and i dont trust anything our govt is doing right now privacy wise
03:22.59gnarfacei'm in the US too
03:23.09gnarfacei'm one of those looney people who have been claiming this was happening for 20 years
03:23.11yarddogso you know
03:23.21gnarfaceyea i know
03:23.31gnarfacemy advice to you is to get really good with openvpn and openssh
03:23.36yarddogi dont even know how to install that kernel to be honest
03:23.56yarddogyeah i have a openvpn and tor as well
03:28.49gnarfacei'd also strongly recommend against wireless unless you're in control of the DNS server
03:29.02gnarfacejust in general
03:29.12gnarfaceradio signals are too easy to hijack
03:29.40yarddogi agree
03:29.51yarddogethernet ++
03:35.07*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
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06:50.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
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07:58.54Centurion_Danparazyd: what's it running on??
07:59.07parazydnokia n900, it says so :)
08:05.23ryuujinoh... wow :)
08:05.37*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
08:07.49parazydit also runs relatively fast, except for firefox - which tends to run out of memory
08:08.17parazydcaveat of firefox, they alloc a shitload of ram on glibc
08:14.53cocoadaemonDevuanPhone is the future
08:16.11buZzparazyd: so cute
08:16.24cocoadaemonparazyd, gonna try to burn a heads tonight
08:16.27buZzi should get xorg working aswell :P
08:16.48parazydbuZz: will save you some time:
08:17.27cocoadaemonside note : always surprized to not find ISO via torrent, as I assume this is a decent way to ensure checksuming
08:17.41cocoadaemonI was reading te
08:17.54BadSectorany consumer oriented computing machine released the last decade that can run linux will be fast with most window managers that are not GNOME 3 or KDE 4+
08:17.58parazydbuZz: xorg is inverted by default for some reason on the n900 touchscreen
08:18.02BadSectoruntil the moment they meet the web
08:18.12BadSectoror at least any modern web browser
08:18.28parazydcocoadaemon: indeed, i could provide that. but i have more important stuff to do atm
08:18.39parazydalso they are gpg signed at least... so i got that going :D
08:18.47cocoadaemonI was using the Tails web install tutorial (which is pretty cool) and they go the long way of verifying GPG
08:19.00BadSectorelinks, lynx, dillo and perhaps netsurf should be fine though
08:19.00cocoadaemonsure, just a side note, FWIW
08:19.10parazydmy tails download UX tas terrible
08:19.15parazyd*was terrible
08:19.28parazydi just want do download the damn iso with wget!
08:19.42buZzparazyd: yeah i noticed that already on .. something, cant remember :P
08:19.43parazydhad to go through 4-5 pages
08:19.56parazydbuZz: maybe #maemo when i pasted it :)
08:19.58buZzand xorg touchinput calibration is a fine art :P
08:19.59cocoadaemonah, right. Well, I guess they missed that easy target.
08:20.17parazydbuZz: some values here:
08:28.55cocoadaemonit's odd. My ascii debootstrap can apt-get update, but refuses to install. Passed your conf patches parazyd, but still got a "Waiting for headers" in the chroot
08:31.29parazydwhat does an strace say?
08:45.44*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
08:58.39*** join/#devuan koris (~koris@
09:02.47*** join/#devuan negev (~mark@
09:02.55negevis there any reason apparmor wouldn't work properly on devuan?
09:05.09*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:06.56gnarfacewhat happened?
09:07.11gnarfacenegev: what did it do?
09:07.29negevkept denying something that i'm pretty sure was explicitly allowed
09:07.45negevtried putting the profile into complain mode but it didn't seem to generate any complain messages in syslog
09:09.57gnarfacemaybe a basic permissions issue?
09:10.57gnarfacewhat was it something to do with device access?
09:11.02gnarfacea usb device perhaps?
09:11.29gnarfaceif you switched from a systemd based distro, some of that behavior does change
09:11.36gnarfaceat least, the default behaviors change
09:11.41gnarface(you can still change it)
09:14.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:16.25*** join/#devuan Madda (
09:22.52*** join/#devuan gnarface (
09:24.52gnarfacesorry about that, i'm back
09:25.20Digitno apology required.  :)
09:25.26negevgnarface it was exim trying to lock files in its spool directory, fairly simply, i copied the profile from a ubuntu box where it works fine
09:26.33*** join/#devuan thaller (
09:26.44gnarfacewell that's not the solution i would have recommended necessarily, but if you're satisfied with it then that's fine with me
09:27.43*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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10:01.10cocoadaemonand WIFSTOPPED does *not* mean my wifi is stopped, as I analyzed in a first, naive, way
10:01.12*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
10:01.50cocoadaemonWait IF STOPPED
10:06.55cocoadaemonWell, apparently, you do need to mount proc for apt install to work... Stupid me.
10:07.59parazydthought that was common knowledge
10:08.07parazydyou also need to --rbind mount /dev
10:11.32_moep_hey, whats the best way to install a newer linux-base?
10:15.26*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:1a85:fdbb:eac8:2dcd:9dfb)
10:15.31_moep_I have to use a newer kernel, but thats not possible without a newer linux-base
10:15.59parazyddefine 'newer'
10:16.37_moep_linux-image-4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 : Depends: linux-base (>= 4.3~) but 3.5 is to be installed
10:17.56parazydhmm, other folks have successfully installed the backports kernel...
10:19.07_moep_which backport?
10:20.15parazydthe jessie-backports repository
10:20.21parazydwhere you're getting that package from
10:21.27_moep_I jessie bpo
10:21.48_moep_deb jessie-backports main contrib
10:23.17KatolaZ_moep_: you shouldn't mix debian repos and devuan ones....
10:23.29_moep_parazyd: is it this? deb jessie-security main contrib non-free
10:23.35*** join/#devuan bArk3nMuTT3R (
10:23.58_moep_but I only seer a newer kernel with the bpo repo
10:24.30KatolaZ_moep_: ypu should use devuan's backports...
10:24.59_moep_where can I find them?
10:25.01KatolaZdeb jessie-backports main
10:25.44KatolaZalso mentioned there ^^^^
10:26.41*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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10:27.31_moep_but I get the same problem
10:29.26_moep_linux-image-4.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 : Depends: linux-base (>= 4.3~) but 3.5 is to be installed
10:30.30fsmithred_moep_, how are you trying to install the kernel? linux-base should automatically come with it
10:32.00_moep_just apt install linux-image-and-so-on
10:32.30fsmithredapt-get -t jessie-backport install <packages>
10:32.41fsmithredbackports, not backport
10:33.57_moep_yes works
10:33.59parazydapt-get install covfefe
10:34.09_moep_whats covfefe?
10:34.18parazyda new viral meme :D
10:34.49buZz:D :D :D
10:34.58parazydi'm dying :D
10:35.16*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
10:35.34buZzwe should make a furry version of pepe
10:35.39buZzand call it fefe
10:35.44buZzthen make it covert
10:35.54parazydit's like pepe, just more rapey
10:37.32buZzyeah, furry :D
10:39.08*** join/#devuan peetaur (
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10:48.58*** join/#devuan Vizva (
11:05.13*** join/#devuan Capricornus (~Capricorn@
11:18.01jaromilcouldn't resist
11:18.11jaromilthis the best
11:26.59*** part/#devuan bArk3nMuTT3R (
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11:34.36jaromilits a us meme anyway
11:34.40jaromilthere is little response in this timezone
11:39.20cocoadaemonso coverage, much trump
11:40.29cocoadaemonparazyd, OMG rbind, it exists
11:40.37cocoadaemonno more dev/pts
11:40.45parazydalso, umount -R
11:41.16cocoadaemonthat's cool too
11:41.48cocoadaemonalso, I really need to remember mounting dev proc sys read-only unless necessary
11:42.26parazydcaused me a need to reboot a few times
11:42.36cocoadaemontwice did I rm -rf a faulty mount ... and covfefed my /dev
11:43.45cocoadaemonwell, I must admit I didn't expect mount to be so featureful
11:48.47parazydwell it's gnu
11:48.57parazydbusybox for example doesn't have this kind of stuff
11:49.12parazydi mean they do, but inside -o flags
11:49.29parazyd-o rbind
11:49.45yarddoganyone know of a way to get slack to install? the group thing slack
11:50.04nepugiamount -o rw,remount /system most needed command on android
12:09.33*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
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12:28.06__stephenI have a device for sharing usb devices between computers, but much like a kvm, my xmodmap settings are dumped when I switch between machines...
12:28.15__stephenAnyone have any novel workarounds to re-run xmodmap when a keyboard is re-plugged?
12:33.06__stephenActually, maybe I can ps to see which WM is running, get the user name, compute the path to the .Xauthority and just invoke it with XAUTHORITY and DISPLAY filled out...  and something is still missing, testing that didn't work.
12:33.40*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
12:51.24__stephenWell, now I feel dirty, but I have a solution to my keyboard issue:
12:51.48__stephenI'll launch this script from my fvwm config(s).
13:04.02__stephenIf anyone comes up with a better way to detect the keyboard plug in such that it can xmodmap, let me know.  (updated script:
13:04.31*** join/#devuan Achylles (
13:04.56gnarface__stephen: i dunno about better, but you can hook to a script from a matching udev rule
13:05.14__stephenNo, the udev rule wouldn't have permission...
13:05.25__stephento use X
13:06.10__stephenI tried to manually set XAUTHORITY and DISPLAY, but that didn't seem to work... or maybe that's because I ran it from a different VT when X wasn't visible...
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13:44.09yarddogwhy does devuan and debian use firefox 49 instead of 53?
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13:45.06fsmithredit's the extended support release. That way, we get security fixes without having to change the version in a release
13:47.04yarddogi think mozilla will jump esr to 53 pretty soon
13:47.12yarddogbecause of tor
13:47.51fsmithredmight not get into stretch/ascii.
13:48.20KatolaZmight get into ascii even if it does not get in stretch... :)
13:48.23fsmithredpretty sure stretch went into freeze a long time ago
13:48.26fsmithredyeah, true
13:49.10gnarfacearen't firefox and firefox-esr both still in ceres?
13:49.32yuki_is_boredi think they're on testing as well
13:49.38yuki_is_boredjust not on backports
13:49.43yarddogguess it will be 52esr
13:52.09fsmithredI don't see firefox-esr in ceres. There's 45.9.0esr-1 in ascii and 45.9.0esr-1~deb8u1 in jessie and jessie-security
13:56.34fsmithredyou see it in ceres?
13:56.44*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
13:57.59gnarfacei might just still have it installed...
13:58.30fsmithredwhen I do apt-cache policy firefox-esr there's nothing listed for ceres.
13:58.45fsmithredbut maybe it's something on my end, because I never see ceres in the output.
13:59.31gnarfacestill showing up on too
13:59.40*** join/#devuan moonpup (~moonpup@
13:59.53gnarfacetry iceweasel
14:00.04gnarfaceshould be the same
14:00.42KatolaZfsmithred: do you have the ceres repo enabled?
14:00.53fsmithredyes, I have all repos enabled
14:00.58fsmithredand pinned
14:04.59*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
14:05.22fsmithredaha! deb lines for ceres said /devuan instead of /merged. Now it works. Same version of ff-esr in ceres and ascii
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15:13.45brabosweet.. following with encrypted lvm.. would i need something extra installed besides lvm2 then like dmcrypt?
15:16.08fsmithredbrabo, cryptsetup
15:16.52brabofsmithred: nice, waiting on kernel install now :)
15:16.59brabothanks already
15:19.30brabofirst devuan install on a machine of me.. i'm excited about it :)
15:19.48KatolaZbrabo: will be quite boring, if you come from debian :)
15:20.20braboKatolaZ: yeah it is a change that isnt
15:21.12*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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15:47.54brabohmmm the installation of grub2 printed a lot of "device node not found" and after finishing off grub loops over "unable to find lvm volume molly-vg/root" hmmmm
15:48.08brabo*finishing off install and reboot
15:49.53*** join/#devuan negev (~mark@
15:50.27negevhi, i installed devuan 1.0 from a fresh install of debian 8.  i followed the guide but it seems i now have libsystemd0 installed, and some packages that i need are dependent on it
15:50.50negevspecifically: fcgiwrap php5-fpm transmission-daemon
15:51.07brabo/dev/mapper only contains a 0 byte file named 'control'
15:59.08zdzichunegev: transmission issue is known - , but no maintaner rebuilt it --with-systemd-daemon=no
16:04.49fsmithredbrabo, is /etc/crypttab right?
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16:13.53brabofsmithred: not in the initramfs no, atm rebooted into installer console and there also no vgs..
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16:16.50braboinstaller rescue mode succeeds in decrypting /dev/sda5 and mounting /dev/molly-vg/root as /
16:18.08brabofsmithred: so there i do have a /etc/crypttab with 'sda5_crypt UUID=$someuuid none luks'
16:20.12brabosame uuid is visible in /dev/disk/by-uuid so that seems okay
16:20.47brabogrmbl, i have to do something with this like once every couple of years so i have no clue what i'm doing :)
16:21.10*** join/#devuan captainepoch (
16:23.16DocScrutinizer05(([2017-05-24 Wed 22:49:07] <Lydia_K> Per application volume control.)) ALSA can do that as well, and better than PolypAudio
16:26.54negevdzichu: is it possible for someone like me to recompile a package without the systemd dependency and submit it?
16:33.05KatolaZnegev: please also have a look at the packages already in jessie-proposed
16:33.08zyliwaxdoes every flavor of devuan end up pulling in libsystemd0 or is it only pulled in as a dep for optional packages that require it?
16:33.21KatolaZzyliwax: the second one
16:33.38KatolaZminimal-live doesn't have libsystemd0
16:33.43zyliwaxi tried doing ceres earlier but it was a mad mess in that regard
16:33.46brabosooo i kindof suspect i need to install something extra on my system or so..
16:33.47DocScrutinizer05actually the only thing I know of that PukeAudio can do and ALSA can't is redirecting active audio streams, e.g. when pairing a BT headset while listening to music
16:33.51KatolaZzyliwax: ceres is a mess
16:34.02KatolaZand ascii is being catered for
16:34.16zyliwaxKatolaZ: you pre-empted my second question, i got concerned that libsystemd0 was now standard because i saw it in the desktop-live
16:34.16DocScrutinizer05and that's a rather questionable 'feature' anyway
16:34.41zyliwaxyeah i'd like to run ascii excluding libsystemd0 if at all possible
16:34.57DocScrutinizer05ooh, and BT Bluez stuff is PA-only
16:35.00KatolaZzyliwax: I am not concerned of libsystemd0
16:35.07KatolaZthere are fat worse dep problems
16:35.10KatolaZe.g. gconf2
16:35.23KatolaZwhich have much deeper effects that libsystemd0
16:35.45KatolaZ(which is just a dead piece of software, since you won't get systemd running on a Devuan)
16:36.17zyliwaxyeah come to think of it i probably am mentally overstating the impact of libsystemd0
16:36.32KatolaZlogind is another problem
16:36.40KatolaZwhich might be somehow overcome
16:36.42KatolaZudev is another
16:36.52KatolaZwhich is being dealt with through eudev
16:36.54zyliwaxi am dreaming of a server install
16:37.00DocScrutinizer05btw congrats for 1-0-stable :-)
16:37.15KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: o/
16:37.18clemens3do you consider dbus also an issue?
16:37.20KatolaZhaven't seen you in a while
16:37.23DocScrutinizer05\o KatolaZ
16:37.36DocScrutinizer05been knocked out from overload
16:37.40KatolaZclemens3: I dunno whethere we are in the position of considering dbus an issue
16:37.46KatolaZit is an issue for me
16:38.06KatolaZbut unfortunately a lot of software is depending on dbus lately
16:38.08clemens3me too, even thought i can less pinpoint why for me than with systemd
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16:38.19clemens3but i consider it also bloat
16:38.27KatolaZit is bloat, in manu respects
16:38.36clemens3and also is difficult to recompile without for me
16:38.58DocScrutinizer05health isn't granting infinite credit, one day you jave tio pay
16:39.07clemens3cpus depends on it and everything depends on cups
16:39.28clemens3cups i mean
16:39.58KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: hope you are better now..
16:40.09KatolaZit's not just cups unfortunately
16:40.12DocScrutinizer05recovering. Since yesterday online again
16:40.18msiismi'm trying to create a table showing all available locales in devuan as well as their descriptions. i'm using a bash script to do it. the only problem: some files in /usr/share/i18n/locales/ need to be excluded and i can't work that out. here's what i've got so far:
16:40.29greenjeansKatolaZ: gconf2 wasn't ever a problem for me when it was just gconf2, it was when the dconf crap was foisted on top of it.
16:40.47DocScrutinizer05KatolaZ: thanks :-)
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16:42.42zdzichumsiism: you try to reimplement 'locale -a -v'?
16:43.07KatolaZgreenjeans: and some DDs are including useless deps on gconf2
16:43.14KatolaZI have just filed a bug about that
16:44.37msiismzdzichu: now that you mention it, i think i do, sort of. but of course i don't, now that i know.
16:44.38KatolaZthis make something like grace (a program to draw x-y plots) depend on systemd
16:44.46KatolaZwhich is STUPID
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16:44.55zyliwaxKatolaZ: when you say libsystemd0 "is just a dead piece of software", are you saying it isn't even being utilized by the software that drags it in?
16:46.04KatolaZzyliwax: if you don't have systemd running as init, libsystemd0 is useless
16:46.05zyliwaxand if so is that due to the lack of systemd? can software even call libsystemd0 directly without systemd? if you aren't sure that's alright just curious
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16:47.24msiismzdzichu: well, i'm looking for a way to show all generallay available locales and their description, not just the ones i'm using.
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16:55.04brabofsmithred: okay, i fixed it, seems initramfs lacked cryptsetup, from recover mode i added 'CRYPTSETUP=y' to initramfs.conf and updated initrams, it works now :)
16:55.52greenjeansCorrect term I think for libsystemd in Devuan is "DUMMY package", quite apropos don't you think? ;)
16:59.41golinuxmsiism:  I have uploaded the overview to the site.  I solved the problem with "Langauge support       Yes"
17:00.14golinuxKatolaZ also suggested removing the <  > on the file size.
17:00.41golinuxI'll send you the final screenie,
17:02.39msiismgolinux: ok, i'll still try to generate a decent list from a script.
17:03.44KatolaZmsiism: have you looked into /usr/share/i18n ?
17:03.47golinuxThen we would have to create a new page to post it.  Would be best to find an off-site source
17:04.23msiismKatolaZ: well, that's where my script is looking for info, yes.
17:04.29golinuxYes.  That is where it is located.  Would be nice to find an off-site link with that information.  I haven't been able to find one.
17:04.29KatolaZcool :)
17:04.40KatolaZgolinux: ?
17:05.50golinuxI was hoping to find an 'official' document listing available locales somewhere.
17:06.48KatolaZgolinux: that is the "official" source
17:06.51KatolaZthe locales package
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17:09.39golinuxIt requires creating another page.  :(  Not that I'm lazy or anything but . . .
17:10.10Capricornusanyone using XFCE's weather forecast applet? it isn't working for me
17:11.01msiismgolinux: well, if the script works right, it could not only create the table, but the whole page.
17:12.25golinuxGood luck shoehorning that into the bizarre site structure
17:12.38KatolaZgolinux: sorry, but a page for what?
17:12.50golinuxIt's not just simple html
17:13.04golinuxThe locales.
17:13.28golinuxCan't we just find the content of the locales package somewhere an link to it?
17:13.41golinuxI tried and failed.
17:13.55aglgolinux: have a look to /etc/profile.d/
17:14.23Capricornusjust the forum's locales, or whole site's?
17:14.40msiismgolinux: well, the script now works, though it's really primitive.
17:15.15golinuxCapricornus:  Language support for Jessie
17:15.34Capricornusah. that's black magic for me
17:15.37golinuxWe put together a Quick Overview of specs for the website.
17:15.44KatolaZoh ok
17:15.55KatolaZwell msiism has a script
17:16.05KatolaZit should be possible to generate html form there
17:16.13KatolaZshout if you need help with that
17:16.39golinuxAsI said above . . . I solved the problem with "Language support       Yes"
17:17.05msiismmaybe someone could have a look at that script again. i'm not sure if it's entirely sane. find it here:
17:17.50msiismi'm still kind of new to bash scripting (just so you know)
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17:20.54golinuxdoesn't want another page iun the zoo.
17:22.34msiismgolinux: why did you omit all the lower than signs infront of the size info for available images?
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17:23.00msiismgolinux: i'd say, the info is wrong that way.
17:23.17golinuxI emailed you that answer and also posted above.
17:23.30DocScrutinizer05msiism: use `grep -v "$excludes" `  instead of  " [ "$locale" != "$exclude1" ] && [[ "$locale" != "$exclude2"* ]] &&"
17:23.45golinuxKatolaZ' suggestion that they were unnecessary
17:23.51msiismDocScrutinizer05: ok, thanks
17:24.07KatolaZmsiism: >310MB can be anything
17:24.11KatolaZit could be 400MB
17:24.31KatolaZunless you meant to use something like ~310MB
17:24.35golinuxjaromil didn't respond to my query about his < in the opposite direction.
17:24.40KatolaZwhich clearly means "approximately 310MB"
17:24.48msiismKatolaZ: well, i meant to use "lower than"
17:24.49DocScrutinizer05or grep -e
17:24.54KatolaZagain, <200MB can be anything
17:25.03KatolaZfrom 1 bype to 199.99999 MB...
17:25.11KatolaZit's not informative
17:25.19KatolaZeither we use ~
17:25.26KatolaZor we  use "about"
17:25.30KatolaZor nothing
17:25.35golinuxNo not the word
17:25.40KatolaZe.g., the exact numbers
17:25.48msiismthem i'd go with ~
17:26.04msiismKatolaZ: the exact number differ, that's the problem
17:26.11KatolaZok, then use ~
17:26.22golinuxSo ~ should take care of it
17:26.24KatolaZnobody will complain if it's 1/2 MB more or less
17:26.39golinuxOr just a bare number
17:27.18KatolaZ> 310 MB is incorrect for minimal-iso
17:27.34DocScrutinizer05for file in `find $files|egrep -v "$ignores"`
17:27.41KatolaZthe i386 version is 299MB
17:27.49KatolaZthe amd64 version is 306MB
17:27.55msiismDocScrutinizer05: ok, let me see if i can fir that all in
17:28.19golinuxI have Doc on ignore so didn't see that
17:28.45msiismgolinux: it's just hints for the script
17:29.04DocScrutinizer05but what's wrong with `locale -a` ?
17:29.21msiismDocScrutinizer05: it doesn't show a list of all possibly available locales
17:29.36msiismjust those installed
17:30.43KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: locale -a lists only the available locales compiled on the machine
17:30.46KatolaZnot all of them
17:31.06DocScrutinizer05hmm, isn't "installed"==`find /usr/share/i18n/locales/` ?
17:31.14KatolaZno DocScrutinizer05
17:31.21DocScrutinizer05k, nm
17:31.31KatolaZthey are trying to list all the *available* locales in Devuan
17:31.36msiismDocScrutinizer05: well, i think there's one porblem with your suggestion on combining the things that have to be excluded in one varibale: exclude4 and exclude2 need to be used with wildcards att the, since they refer to several files.
17:32.03DocScrutinizer05no problem, egrep knows wildcards
17:32.11DocScrutinizer05just regex, not shell globs
17:32.46golinuxneeds a break from this folly
17:33.19SpassCapricornus, you mean xfce4-weather-plugin? check this thread >
17:33.22Spass"The weather URLs have been deprecated by the weather provider."
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17:33.25msiismDocScrutinizer05: and then i would have to evaluate of `egrep -v "$excludes" ` is true, right?
17:34.01DocScrutinizer05msiism: nope, egrep -v just filters out the matching strings
17:34.06DocScrutinizer05from stdout
17:34.57DocScrutinizer05and I don't see wildcards in exclude4 and exclude2 either
17:35.17tarragondestroy pettartard's systemdown once and for all!!
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17:35.41msiismDocScrutinizer05: they are being used in the conditional statement of the if structure.
17:35.59DocScrutinizer05yes. So where's the problem?
17:36.28DocScrutinizer05you don't need the "if [ "$locale" != "$exclude1" ] && [[ "$locale" != "$exclude2"* ]] && [ "$locale" != "$exclude3" ] && [[ "$locale" != "${exclude4}"* ]]; then" anymore
17:36.37msiismDocScrutinizer05: i don't really know, since i don't really get it. but that's ok. i'll try to figure it out.
17:37.08KatolaZmsiism: use find
17:37.27DocScrutinizer05[2017-06-01 Thu 19:27:34] <DocScrutinizer05> for file in `find $files|egrep -v "$ignores"`
17:37.31fsmithredCapricornus, I have backported xfce4-weather-plugin debs here -
17:37.38msiismKatolaZ: i always thought, i'd find a way around that...
17:37.50KatolaZfind a way around find!
17:38.29msiismKatolaZ: really, i've been using locate for the most part, since it's a lot easier to use...
17:38.34msiismDocScrutinizer05: ok, i see
17:39.51unixmanIn most cases find is available when locate is not. Learning to use find is a good exercise for CLI junkie wannabes. ;)
17:40.40negevis php7 available for devuan?
17:40.52DocScrutinizer05of course you could do the egrep part in `find ... -a -n -regex "$excludes" ...` , but... I don't want to confuse you
17:41.45DocScrutinizer05oops -a -not
17:42.46DocScrutinizer05or, POSIX comüpliant: "-a ! -regex ..."
17:44.57DocScrutinizer05negev: sure, since it's available vor debian
17:45.40negevhow would i get it?
17:45.43greenjeansgreenjeans@devuan:~$ find beer
17:45.43greenjeansfind: `beer': No such file or directory
17:45.51greenjeansdoesn't work
17:45.58unixmannegev, IIRC ascii has php7.
17:46.01fsmithredgreenjeans, you have to import it first
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17:47.23unixmannegev, yup it does. See this for your php question:
17:48.50msiismDocScrutinizer05: well, what i did now is kind ot the opposite of what need to be done, i guess: for file in `find $files | grep -v "$ignore"`
17:49.10msiismthis gets all the things that need to be ignored instead of those that are not to be ignored.
17:49.35DocScrutinizer05grep -v filters *out* all matches and leaves the rest to stdout
17:49.47msiismlet me try that again
17:50.01msiismmissed the -v
17:50.39DocScrutinizer05you need egrep or grep -e to have "|" processed without escapes. (without me having checked that)
17:51.01DocScrutinizer05iirc with plain grep you need "\|"
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17:52.57DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~> find /usr/share/locale/|egrep -v "a|e"|wc -l     0
17:52.58DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~> find /usr/share/locale/|grep -v "a|e"|wc -l      6392
17:53.19DocScrutinizer05^^^ not devuan
17:56.58DocScrutinizer05ok, I see a problem: you need find "$files" -maxdepth 1, and "files=/usr/share/i18n/locales/" (without "*" wildcard)
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17:58.40DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~> find /usr/share/locale/ -maxdepth 1 | wc -l
17:59.20msiismDocScrutinizer05: ok, i just checked "msi@moon:/usr/share/i18n/locales$ find * | egrep -v $ignore" and it works.
17:59.49DocScrutinizer05see above
17:59.57DocScrutinizer05find dives into subdirs
18:00.26DocScrutinizer05IOW it lists *all* files in your dir you scan
18:00.32DocScrutinizer05and all subdirs
18:00.54DocScrutinizer05unless -maxdepth 1
18:01.09msiismok, well there apparently aren't any sub dirs in the locales folder, so i didn't notice that.
18:01.52DocScrutinizer05sorry I have no devuan system to check the real thing for you
18:02.40DocScrutinizer05but `find` is one of the greatest tools in UNIX
18:02.47msiismDocScrutinizer05: well, i'll figure it out somehow (i hope)
18:02.58DocScrutinizer05if not, just ask
18:03.02msiismat the moment i'm getting an empty file
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18:03.19DocScrutinizer05try the commands on cmdline first
18:03.25msiismmay i'll just try that line by line in xterm
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18:06.35unixmanJust submitted my Devuan review at Distrowatch. I gave it two thumbs up. ;)
18:07.39DocScrutinizer05files=/usr/share/i18n/locales/;   excludes="i18n|iso14651_t1|POSIX|translit_";        ... ;       for file in `find "$files" -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "$excludes"`; do ... ((no more "if [ "$locale" != "$exclude1" ... ))
18:10.01msiismDocScrutinizer05: you could also just use ls in this case.
18:10.20DocScrutinizer05no, scripting ls output is strongly deprecated
18:11.08DocScrutinizer05since (unlike find output) the output of ls is prone to surprise you
18:12.45DocScrutinizer05generally output of the generic unix cmdline tool isn't defined precisely enough to script it (the original sin in UNIX)
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18:14.23dethaor the output of /proc/*, for that matter.....
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18:17.27msiismDocScrutinizer05: well, the problem seems to be with the combination of values in the ignore variable
18:18.20DocScrutinizer05should work with egrep -v "bla|foo|bar"
18:19.08DocScrutinizer05aka egrep -v "$excludes"; with excludes="i18n|iso14651_t1|POSIX|translit_";
18:19.24msiismapparently that doesn't work
18:19.30DocScrutinizer05nice read:
18:19.45dethathat part should work. pipe just that to a file, and see what's in the file
18:20.00DocScrutinizer05or pipe it to less ;-)
18:21.07KatolaZmsiism: what are you trying to do exactly, if I can ask?
18:21.24dethaless does fancy stuff when it sees non-printable characters
18:21.51msiismKatolaZ: i'm trying to exclude values from the list that is given to the for loop
18:23.32KatolaZmsiism: higher level
18:23.37KatolaZwhat do you want to achieve?
18:23.50dethanote: the whole  for i in $(find ....); do ... done thing doesn't handle spaces in filenames correctly by the way
18:24.27dethafind ... -print0 | xargs -0 ......  works better
18:24.35cocoadaemonuse find XXX | while read line; do ... done ?
18:24.40msiismKatolaZ: create a table that lists all available locales from /usr/share/i18n(locales and alo prints out their descriptions
18:25.32KatolaZmsiism: so you need only the "title" field in the corresponding locale file
18:26.20KatolaZor do you want instead Language: + Territory: ?
18:26.30msiismKatolaZ: no, title only
18:26.42msiismDocScrutinizer05: i'm trying that again
18:27.41CapricornusSpass, fsmithred, thanks to both for your help, weather forecast plugin updated and running; DIY guide here
18:27.42KatolaZfor i in `find ./`; do grep "^title" $i | sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g' ; done
18:28.18KatolaZyou need to be insside /usr/share/i18n/locales
18:28.33KatolaZor to change ./ with /usr/share/i18n/locales
18:29.19Akulii think plain find is same as find .
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18:29.57KatolaZit is Akuli, but I find it more clear with ./
18:30.34KatolaZmsiism: ^^^
18:30.42DocScrutinizer05find /usr/share/i18n/locales -exec bash -c "grep "^title" {} | sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g'" \; ; ;-)
18:30.43KatolaZfor i in `find ./`; do grep "^title" $i | sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g' ; done
18:31.09KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: there is no need to exec bash...
18:31.29DocScrutinizer05you can't pipe in find's exec
18:31.38DocScrutinizer05can you?
18:33.09DocScrutinizer05but of course you can pipe find's output to sed ;-)
18:33.59DocScrutinizer05find /usr/share/i18n/locales -exec grep "^title" {} \; | sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g'
18:34.00msiismDocScrutinizer05: well, i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but the result is empty:
18:34.39KatolaZmsiism: have you tried the line I pasted above?
18:34.52DocScrutinizer05missing "
18:35.02KatolaZor find ./ -exec  grep '^title' {} \; |   sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g'
18:35.17KatolaZagain from /usr/share/i18n/locales
18:35.20KatolaZit works
18:35.22DocScrutinizer05egrep -v $ignore    vs  (correct)  egrep -v "$ignore"
18:35.47msiismsame result
18:36.17KatolaZmsiism: are you inside /usr/share/i18n/locales/?
18:36.33DocScrutinizer05very strange, try using "\|" instead "|" in excludes, and use grep instead egrep
18:36.46msiismKatolaZ: no
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18:38.05KatolaZmsiism: ^^^
18:38.08msiismKatolaZ: ok, "msi@moon:/usr/share/i18n/locales$ find * | egrep -v $ignore" works
18:38.16msiismi don't get it
18:39.14DocScrutinizer05pastebin please
18:39.32msiismKatolaZ: can you be sure that there is only exactly one beginning with "title" in a locale file?
18:39.44msiismDocScrutinizer05: paste what?
18:39.55DocScrutinizer05the last few tests you did
18:40.16DocScrutinizer05I want to learn why stuff fails :-)
18:40.26msiismok, let me use the escript command and reproduce that
18:40.29KatolaZmsiism: yes
18:40.40KatolaZfind /usr/share/i18n/locales/ -type f -name '*_*' -exec  grep '^title' {} \; |   sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g;s/title\t+//g' | sort
18:41.09DocScrutinizer05KatolaZ: you love my weird ideas, eh?
18:41.36KatolaZthat one corrects three entries where title is followed by tabs, not spaces
18:41.38KatolaZbut it works
18:41.52KatolaZo it doesn't
18:41.55KatolaZno :)
18:42.49DocScrutinizer05have a nice time, /me heads out, time for breakfast
18:43.34KatolaZmsiism: find /usr/share/i18n/locales/ -type f -name '*_*' -exec  grep '^title' {} \; |   sed -r -e 's/title\ +//g;s/title\t+//g' | sort  | uniq
18:43.37DocScrutinizer05one last hint: sed could replace grep too ;-D
18:43.39KatolaZthis gets unique strings
18:44.20msiismDocScrutinizer05: here's somethign that works:
18:44.39KatolaZmsiism: ^^^
18:44.42KatolaZthat one gets all
18:45.04DocScrutinizer05ooooh, files vs dirs
18:45.05KatolaZand with duplicates removed
18:45.08DocScrutinizer05my fault
18:45.52msiismDocScrutinizer05: you were using a different path, right?
18:45.55KatolaZmsiism: you don't need to exclude anything
18:46.00KatolaZiso* do not have a title...
18:46.22msiismKatolaZ: but i don't want them in the list
18:46.30KatolaZmsiism: they will NOT
18:46.39msiismhow is that?
18:46.41KatolaZhave you tried my oneline?
18:46.56KatolaZbecause grep only considers the "title" line
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18:47.00KatolaZand they have none
18:47.09msiismnot yet (tryng kind of hard to keep up with whats happening)
18:47.21KatolaZjyst try it
18:47.25KatolaZit works :)
18:47.37KatolaZand does what you need
18:47.39msiismok, i will when i get back here in a few minutes
18:47.47msiismthanks so far
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18:48.38DocScrutinizer05for file in `find "$files" -type f | egrep -v "$excludes"`; do ...
18:49.00KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: don't need to exclude anything
18:49.01DocScrutinizer05but listen to KatolaZ ;-)
18:49.18KatolaZthe files you want to exclude have no "title" inside
18:49.23KatolaZso there is no need to exclude them
18:50.37KatolaZand with a bit of awk you can get also the list in the form
18:50.43DocScrutinizer05cheers u/
18:50.44braboso okay, my lappy is purring with devuan, i see quite some mentions here and there of debian, is it worth reporting these if they are not in the bug system or?
18:50.50DocScrutinizer05o/ even
18:50.56KatolaZEnglish (United Kingdom, United States, ..)
18:51.07KatolaZSpanish (Bolivia, Colombia, ....)
18:51.27DocScrutinizer05brabo: yes
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18:51.35KatolaZbrabo: what is that exactly?
18:51.52braboKatolaZ: this for example:
18:51.53brabobrabo@molly:~$ uname -a
18:51.53braboLinux molly 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2 (2017-04-30) i686 GNU/Linux
18:52.37KatolaZbrabo: that will not be fixed
18:52.38DocScrutinizer05well, devuan is a meta-distro on top of debian, there always will be "debian" strings in it
18:52.53KatolaZthere is no need to recompile everything just to remove debian from the name....
18:53.23KatolaZunless recompiling is needed for other, more serious reasons
18:53.42DocScrutinizer05nevertheless we can have all those occurrences listed in bugtracker and tag them as (usually) WONTFIX
18:54.07DocScrutinizer05so we got them covered
18:54.57braboif you like, for me it is no problem, i was just under the impression it was a full splitoff and that these instances would be a low priority to replace with devuan ;)
18:55.30DocScrutinizer05what's urgently needed is a "What Is Devuan (a primer for dummies)"
18:55.45braboi did not know how far it went ;)
18:55.45DocScrutinizer05brabo: no offense
18:56.12brabonone taken, and as i said, if you think it is useful to report these so they're covered i can do so
18:56.14DocScrutinizer05nobody is aware of the meta-distro property of Devuan
18:56.58DocScrutinizer05I'd consider it useful to have all those debian occasions listed, but it's for sure low priority
18:57.49DocScrutinizer05if it's actually reasonable to open a tracker ticket for each one, that's another question though
18:58.10DocScrutinizer05ask the gurus, like KatolaZ
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19:00.26CapricornusDevuan's installer dvd's label is Debian 1.0[...]
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19:00.43DocScrutinizer05hehe, that's not a WONTFIX for example
19:01.10KatolaZmsiism: I have also the list in "Language - Territory" if you want
19:02.15braboCapricornus: same for netinst cd installer
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19:13.29msiismKatolaZ: tried your script and it works. akthough, i would rather list the local name (file name) and then the description. also the quotes would have to be omitted. could you put that together (i mean as a nice script file)? looking at your script kind of fried my brain.
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19:34.00negevhi, i'm running devuan jessie, can i upgrade to stretch and is it stable enough for general use?
19:39.12matlockyou would upgrade to the ascii on devuan
19:39.30matlockand many people are running it just fine, as always YMMV
19:39.54matlockyou could also if you wanted utilize backports to bring over updated components that are known stable, like kernel 4.9
19:40.12negevi'm upgrading to ascii now
19:41.07negevseemed to work
19:41.29greenjeansI always wonder why people are so anxious to abandon a known stable system, for one that's more bleeding edge I guess for lack of a better word, it's been my experience that it almost never adds any tangible value to do so
19:42.00negevi prefer newer bugs to older bugs :)
19:42.12greenjeanslol, okay, good response
19:42.15golinuxprefers no bugs
19:42.26_moep_matlock: how is the update policy under ascii? security packages asap in stable?
19:42.29greenjeansI prefer no bugs myself, so I use stable
19:42.41negevthere are always bugs, you're just not hitting them
19:42.56greenjeansI tried the 4.9 kernel and ascii in general, did nothing for my system
19:43.28greenjeansno negev, no bugs in my cereal I promise ya ;)
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19:45.12matlock_moep_ I'm not entirely sure now that 1.0 is out and team is now focusing on ascii, I know ascii-security is maintained and active
19:45.23Capricornus... ..... ........//\Oo/\ < Bugs? Where?
19:45.38*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
19:46.01greenjeansbuggy ascii, best to move on to Beowulf :)
19:46.03matlock_moep_ if I had to guess it's probably getting Stretch security packages
19:46.21matlockmatlock but someone else will need to chime in and confirm
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19:52.07matlockgreenjeans I upgraded to 4.9 to get some of the updated features in the kernel but you're right from a user standpoint not much of a difference yet
19:52.14negevwhat happened to nagios3 in ascii?
19:53.58matlockshould be there, can you install other packages?
20:01.24negevnagios3-cgi is there but nagios3 isn't
20:01.35negevalso transmission doesn't work anymore :|
20:04.12matlocknagios3 is in the repostiory, devuan repositories are just mirrors of debian repositories with systemd deps removed
20:04.12*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
20:04.36matlockI am concerned you have an incomplete upgrade
20:06.25KatolaZnegev: it seems like your upgrade took too short
20:06.39matlocknegev did you run everything here
20:06.41KatolaZhave you apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?
20:06.49negevyes i did
20:07.18KatolaZafter you upgraded the souces.list?
20:08.34matlockdoes apt know you are on ascii, what file is that KatolaZ, is it lsb_release that has the installed system listed?
20:09.15matlockwhat does /etc/devuan_release say
20:09.31negev# cat /etc/devuan_version
20:10.02negev# cat /etc/*rel* |head -n1
20:10.02negevPRETTY_NAME="Devuan GNU/Linux ascii/ceres"
20:11.11matlockshould it say ascii/ceres? I don't know; i thought ceres was next after ascii
20:12.06negev    i don't see nagios3 for ascii here
20:14.04enycHrrm....   Now there is a  devuan release,  what will be involved in  Ascii  coming out sooner after  debian stretch ???   is there ''ever increasing delta'' to sort out big mess,  or will ascii be much easier ???
20:14.54negeva friend also on ascii doesn't have a nagios3 package either
20:15.11matlocknegev well damn, you're right; what about building nagios4 from source?
20:15.37*** part/#devuan msiism (
20:16.13matlocknegev looks like their was no maintainer and the current debian version of nagios3 had several open bugs and security bugs
20:16.30negevand yet it's in devuan 1.0? :D
20:17.11matlocknegev yeah for some reason they haven't pulled it from jessie, weird
20:17.28negevugh i bet nagios4 is a whole new world of pain and suffering
20:17.53negevoh and its not in ascii, great
20:18.46matlocknegev I think nagios went commercial, so it may be in non-free which you don't have enabled
20:19.49negevgreat big hairy lesbian mammoth bollocks to that
20:20.03DocScrutinizer05negev: please understand that devuan is a meta-distro overlay pulling most stuff directly from debian repos
20:20.24negeveff it, i don't need nagios, my stuff doesn't break
20:20.33DocScrutinizer05when you install nagios, you install it from DEBIAN mirrors, not devuan
20:20.39negevill write serverspec tests and run them once a day, done
20:20.59infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
20:21.26matlocknegev the core part of nagios is still open source but they've got a whole layer of commercial software they want to sell to you now
20:21.39negevgood luck to them
20:22.15negevoh this really sucks, now i have even more dependencies on libsystemd0 :|
20:22.49DocScrutinizer05well, that's expected outcome to upgrade to a not-released-yet devuan version
20:23.08negevcan i safely downgrade?
20:23.42DocScrutinizer05yes, restore the backup you made before upgrade ;-)
20:24.27negevso apt doesn't support downgrading a system?
20:24.58negevi suppose i could throw up another linode and copy my config over... again
20:25.01negevit's a lot of effort though
20:25.05negevsurely someone made apt support this?
20:25.24DocScrutinizer05since that's not tested, I wouldn't rely on it, even when it might be supported (which it prolly isn't)
20:28.02muepapt can easily support it but since maintainer scripts can run arbitrary code, you can not really be sure if the results will be correct without reviewing those
20:28.27negevmeh, ill just live with the libsystemd dependencies then
20:28.36negevmay i could write a stub libsystemd0 package that does nothing
20:29.19negevoh i know, every call to a function in libsystemd0 should fire a twitter message from a randomised account at lennart poettering with a randomly selected insult
20:29.22negevyes, that seems fitting
20:30.29negevascii does seem to be using noticeably less ram with the same services loaded
20:30.41greenjeanslol negev, i like that idea
20:30.54negevi've been thinking of starting the Downvote Lennart project
20:31.04negeva website that makes it really easy to downvote lennart's stupid comments on github issues
20:31.10mueponline harassing mob does not sound like a good idea at all to me
20:31.35negevlike when he claimed that that rm -rf /.* thing wasn't an issue and didn't understand what it did
20:31.41matlocknegev please post to github
20:31.51negevpost what to github?
20:32.12muepbetter just focus on making a good OS
20:32.15matlocknegev your systemd->twitter insult function call
20:32.29negevi have a lot of ideas that never make it into reality
20:32.40negevhaving a kid kind of makes all your time disappear
20:33.50matlockopen a bug report with a feature request, maybe it will inspire a developer one day
20:34.38greenjeanssystemd, the D stands for Dummy-Package
20:34.51greenjeansI love Devuan
20:36.46greenjeansi got no problem with dummy packages, I rather enjoy watching crap that poopy-heads claim is indispensable, just sit there spinning it's wheels and going nowhere
20:38.00negevi think i'll raise an issue on github complaining that libsystemd0 contains code
20:38.06negevand suggest that it should just contain stub methods
20:38.14negevand perhaps some ascii art of lennart looking sad
20:38.21muepplease don't
20:38.39negevyou fun spoiler
20:38.50greenjeansi'm gonna re-name or create a new directory, something like "usr/bin/villageidiot/" and put libsystemd0 there and change all the links, lol
20:40.06greenjeansmake the icon for the folder a big pointy dunce cap
20:40.28negevi only run linux on servers so i don't see any icons
20:40.44negevi'm sure libsystemd0 doesn't do much, it's just the principle of it being there that's annoying
20:42.05greenjeanswell i'm sure the VUA's know a shit-ton more than me about it, so i'll trust them on this...but I keep finding things that are alleged dependencies when they are in truth not doing anything, and can be removed with a little massaging of some files here and there
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20:43.08mueptypically with libsystemd0, removing that dependency will remove some features that the devuan target audience does not care about
20:43.46greenjeanslike for instance what I stomped yesterday, samba-libs and libsmbclient, problem was that gvfs-backends was listing libsmbclient for a dependency, so that pulled in several other depends plus the huge samb-libs package
20:44.26greenjeansbut in reality, gvfs-backends only needed them to support mounting/viewing Windows shares
20:44.40greenjeanswhich I don't need
20:44.54greenjeansbut I do need gvfs-backends for a lot of other stuff
20:46.17greenjeansso I hacked on var/lib/dpkg/status, removed libsmbclient as a dependency in the gvfs-backend listing and changed the version number to something higher than current (avoids Synaptic error)
20:46.47greenjeansand now they are gone and everything still works perfectly and no Synaptic erros
20:47.13*** join/#devuan leo__ (bd91c2a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:47.45muepdoes gvfs-backends actually contain anything or is it just a metapackage?
20:48.02muepgvfs is a bit special in that it is a plugin based system
20:48.08greenjeansno it's a busy lil beaver
20:48.22leo__Hello :  I've made some devuan stickers and 4 tshirts to give for free on my linux users group.   is there a problem with that ???
20:48.24greenjeansit handles mounting of just about everything
20:48.32muepexplicitly designed to support adding features without having to recompile the thing
20:49.05greenjeans^that seems smart muep
20:49.08muepI roughly know what gvfs but was wondering about that package in particular
20:49.51muepit is extra work to write a plugin-extensible thing as opposed to something that you need to recompile to change the set of available functionality
20:52.04greenjeansmuep: list of installed files from gvfs-backends:
20:52.51greenjeanshope that helps
20:54.45greenjeansI deleted the gvfs-backends files that related to samba too for good measure, but probably didn't have to go that far to do what I wanted, but does help make a smaller iso point being that maybe there's a similar situation with libsystemd0
20:56.34greenjeanslxappearance lists the lxde icons set as a depend, but you can delete the icon pack itself and lxappearance doesn't stop working
20:56.54greenjeanstons of these little pseudo-depends out there
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20:58.06greenjeansbut then again, i'm just a VUU with an itchy delete-finger
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21:00.24muepokay, looks like it indeed has many things in a single package
21:04.04matlockgreenjeans like if you delete xfburn it deletes everything else in xfce4-goodies including most xfce4 plugins
21:07.35greenjeansdoesn't look like there's too much depending on libsystemd0....gonna try to experiment some tonight
21:08.28Centurion_Danif anyone runs into an issue with their mouse going to sleep after a few seconds.... laptop-mode is to blame.
21:09.18Spassmatlock, yeah that xfce4-goodies package is a pain in the *, same with removing mousepad AFAIR
21:09.26greenjeanslooks like in my openbox mini, that only 3 packages are currently listing libsystemd0 as a depend
21:10.53greenjeansrsyslog, sane-utils, and gvfs-daemons
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21:11.38Centurion_Dangreenjeans: I'm working on rsyslog and gvfs-daemons.
21:12.16greenjeanscool, what does rsyslog use it for?
21:12.25KatolaZgreenjeans: guess...
21:12.57greenjeansi dunno, logging my angry tweets and redirecting them to potty-head?
21:13.58greenjeansg'night KatolaZ
21:16.16DocScrutinizer05leo__: no problem, much appreciated
21:17.15leo__DocScrutinizer05: Thanks
21:17.58Centurion_Dangreenjeans: not quite, it's so rsyslog can be a proper slave to systemd's journald
21:18.26Centurion_Dangreenjeans: btw, is that in jessie or ascii
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21:20.43greenjeansso is it rsyslog creating the lib/systemd/ directory in the first place?
21:21.24greenjeansdon't see why gvfs-daemons needs it either
21:21.28DocScrutinizer05greenjeans: rsyslog depends on *systemdown* because of logging is hijacked by that, so rsyslog can't work without it on systems that have it, or somesuch
21:23.29Centurion_DanYeah, it's like systemd is a bully trying to cuckold everything in reach...
21:23.40DocScrutinizer05systemd-journald replaced all ?syslog daemons, so rsyslog has been patched to allow it running on systems with systemd
21:24.16muepAFAIK there are at least two ways to pass syslog messages from journald to rsyslog. journald can pass them into rsyslog as syslog messages (this used to be the only way) or rsyslog can request journald to pass them in some journald-specific way
21:24.58DocScrutinizer05a nice example of the devastating effects of systemd hostile takeover
21:25.05muepthat first way was available even before rsyslog got any journald specific changes. I do not know why they want that other mechanism but maybe it has some advantages
21:26.56DocScrutinizer05systemd not only replacing (e.g.) rsyslogd but also changing the API/ABI so you can't use rsyslogd anymore to replace systemd-journald
21:28.13muepwhat api did it change? afaik you still can run an unmodified traditional syslog daemon
21:29.04DocScrutinizer05Hi Dan btw! :-D
21:30.11koollmanto be fair, the dependancy for rsyslog is just because it's packaged that way. rsyslog has many input modules, they are optional, iirc
21:31.23greenjeanskoollman: seriously? so can't it just be re-packaged?
21:31.25DocScrutinizer05quite possible
21:32.14muepmy impression is that many of these "remove a libsystemd0 dependency" changes are just packaging changes, as opposed to having to patch upstream source
21:32.18koollmangreenjeans: it probably could. doubtful in jessie. that's why devuan exists, though :)
21:32.42DocScrutinizer05exactly why Devuan exists
21:33.33greenjeansis syslog-ng no longer a viable option?
21:33.59DocScrutinizer05there are a half a dozen different sysloggers
21:34.30DocScrutinizer05all are supposed to work, more or less - except that one which is broken by design ;-)
21:35.02greenjeansso is there no real compelling reason to use rsyslog over syslog-ng?
21:35.10DocScrutinizer05not really
21:35.33DocScrutinizer05VUAs may know better
21:35.48koollmanI prefer rsyslog. mostly because it has many inputs and outputs, and a decent way to be configured for buffering and as a log relay
21:35.53greenjeansso that seems like a couple of viable solutions at least for that package
21:36.32DocScrutinizer05rsyslog looks more versatile, yes
21:36.44fsmithredbusybox-syslogd is another alternative
21:37.00greenjeansI imagine for sysadmins it's heresy, but as an everyday user I turn logging off, I don't need it and it just wastes ram
21:37.20DocScrutinizer05hmm, up to you
21:37.36DocScrutinizer05there's still dmesg
21:37.40greenjeansI think most users would if they knew how to do it
21:38.07greenjeansI usually turn off cron too
21:38.48koollmangreenjeans: heresy! :)
21:39.13greenjeanshey, busybox-syslogd does look like an option
21:39.55DocScrutinizer05a PC without cron is like a Saeco espresso machine without mains power in your house
21:40.00fsmithredI don't know anything about it except that I can build ascii with that instead of rsyslog
21:40.20greenjeansit logs everything pretty much the same?
21:40.38fsmithredum, I don't know. I haven't looked at a log yet.
21:40.41koollmandefault configuration for pretty much any logger in debian is the same, really
21:40.42DocScrutinizer05prolly, except that it's messybox
21:40.52greenjeansa PC without cron is like being single again without having someone nagging you to do chores
21:40.52infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd, nice, ps, diff as used by mc...) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils
21:40.58koollmanthe changes are additionnal features you may or may not want to use
21:41.45greenjeanssee, even fsmithred doesn't look at logs
21:41.46koollmanDocScrutinizer05: well. it fits the requirements, as a minimal stub to replace a syslog daemon :)
21:42.34DocScrutinizer05up to the sysadmin
21:42.46fsmithredI do 'tail -f /var/log/messages' sometimes - it's a good way to see if the usb stick is losing contact.
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21:44.21greenjeansgood gravy, pulseaudio requires the dummy package too? sheesh...this is why i'm moving more towards openbox, mate is slowly breaking my heart
21:44.32fsmithredgreenjeans, for the little bit of ram and hard drive they use, logs are well worth the investment when you actually need them.
21:45.26greenjeansi'm sorry but in 8 years in linux and the 40 prior to that, i've never really needed a log
21:45.57DocScrutinizer05dmesg -w
21:45.59greenjeanslog entries generally only confirm that an error happened, they never explain why
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21:46.21greenjeansalways have to figure that out myself anyway
21:47.00greenjeansbut anyhoo, Devuan uses them and wants them so i'm down, just throwing ideas out there
21:47.19fsmithredthanks, doc!
21:48.23greenjeanswow yeah, that was a lotta info Doc
21:48.34greenjeansand in color too!
21:48.58koollmangreenjeans: I guess one could make a tiny configuration for a "log to /dev/null" option :)
21:49.25koollmanmaybe with a way to switch back to something else when trying to solve a problem
21:49.50koollmanDocScrutinizer05: well, if you never read a log ... why have it ?
21:49.52greenjeanseasy enough to turn rsyslog on and off, BUM works great
21:50.03DocScrutinizer05I mean why log to anywhere?
21:50.06koollmanalthough, yeah.
21:50.16DocScrutinizer05switch OFF logging if you don't want it
21:50.53DocScrutinizer05logging to /dev/null is absolute cruft
21:51.00greenjeansyep, you can turn rsyslog off with BUM and disable it from starting on boot, that's what I do and offer in my iso's
21:51.31koollmanright, right. so, an empty package with 'Provides: linux-kernel-log-daemon, system-log-daemon' ? :)
21:52.06koollmandependancy would be ok, and it's very very efficient :)
21:52.12DocScrutinizer05kernel logs to /dev/kmsg
21:52.36DocScrutinizer05for everything else see man 1 logger
21:54.14DocScrutinizer05and man 3 syslog
21:55.10greenjeansso yahoo/aabaco small businesses tech support's only answer to their shitty broken servers and snail-like FTP speed is that I need to get a Windows computer and use Cyberduck
21:55.33greenjeansso I was told by an otherwise nice man from India
21:55.48fsmithredwell, it looks like you won't have to worry about using up hard drive space with busybox-syslogd. There's no syslog, messages or kern.log
21:56.02fsmithredthere is dmesg
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21:56.25DocScrutinizer05dmesg just reads out /dev/kmsg
21:56.46DocScrutinizer05kernel ring buffer for log is defined on kernel cmdline iirc
21:56.55DocScrutinizer05size that is
21:57.15greenjeansrsyslog also likes to hang on shutdown if you are missing log files it wants to write to, ask me how I know ;)
21:57.32DocScrutinizer05hmm, unusual
22:02.08greenjeansokay ya'll. i'm out, have fun! @golinux: let me know when website stuff is changed and what I can do to help after that, I can work in html, css, some javascript etc. though again i'm not a ninja there either
22:11.57Spassshould I be worried about this message "firmware: failed to load rtl_nic/rtl8168e-3.fw (-2)" when my Wi-Fi works just fine and I don't want to enable "non-free" repos?
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22:15.45muepSpass: my guess would be that you are then just using some older firmware version
22:16.02muepwhatever happens to be shipped inside that wifi adapter
22:18.18Spassnow when I look at it closely, it may be about my ethernet card, but I didn't check that on my Devuan install yet, I didn't need it
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22:19.45Spassstrange, I thought that only some wireless cards cause troubles, not eth
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22:30.17muepalmost all ethernet cards use firmware, too
22:30.44muepand in many cases, they require the OS driver to upload it instead of shipping their own copy onboard
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23:01.40Spassyep, I know about that package, but "non-free" is not an option for me now
23:02.44DocScrutinizer05well, your NIC obviously needs a non-free firmware blob
23:02.49Spassso, only intel gigabit ethernet cards has free firmware? or not even them?
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23:03.15DocScrutinizer05I think many NICs have firmware in a flash storage
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23:03.36DocScrutinizer05so they don't need a firmware blob loaded by system on boot
23:04.14DocScrutinizer05a few need firmware upload though, and possibly some of those few even have FOSS firmware
23:05.26Spassnext time I must take that under consideration when buying new mobo
23:07.01DocScrutinizer05puts "NIC" on that long list of subsystems that have firmware and are known to allow firmware update, though they don't have FOSS firmware. So all those devices on that list don't qualify for Stallman's RYF cert
23:08.54DocScrutinizer05the requirement to not allow firmware updates is ridiculous even for RYF
23:09.21koollmanDocScrutinizer05: hmm ... that's not the requirement, iirc
23:09.28DocScrutinizer05it is
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23:10.26DocScrutinizer05RMS himself asked me if we could add a write-protect to the firmware of Neo900 modem
23:11.30DocScrutinizer05obviously you can't, for *any* subsystem that has firmware in flash. You never can prove there's *no* way to bypass the write protection
23:12.20koollmanthis seems strange. I would guess the requirement would be more like 'provide free/opensource firmware, and a way to control them'
23:12.38koollmanor is it in the 'no backdoor' policy ?
23:13.05DocScrutinizer05you always may assume the chip/module makers have a way to update their firmware - no matter if they disclose the means to update it or not
23:14.58DocScrutinizer05it is the "as long as it has no (documented) firmware related functions in the interface, we consider it being a blackbox without any relevant software inside". That's basically self-deception
23:15.46koollmanthat reminds me I have to check how network hardware has evolved for sdn stuff
23:15.48DocScrutinizer05RYF fails on defining sustainable system borders
23:16.53DocScrutinizer05I'd recommend the FSF rather resorts to a von-Neuman model of a system
23:17.11DocScrutinizer05and uses that to define the system borders
23:18.28comradekinguwhat is strange about that?
23:18.36DocScrutinizer05that would also mean that you don't bother about *data* and only put your requirements to program text that gets executed on the von Neuman system's controller aka CPU
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23:20.04comradekinguif you dont have requirements for fw, you have lost already
23:20.17DocScrutinizer05even with nowadays systems' architecture not exactly being von Neuman anymore but rather Harvard, you still can do this
23:20.35koollmanDocScrutinizer05: the 'exception for secondary embedded processors' is hard to read for me. but isn't it basically "we only care about software running on the main cpu, not the rest" ?
23:21.42comradekinguthings that only do one non-harmful thing, in a way where you would assume ill-intention and it still wouldnt matter
23:22.39comradekingulike the nub fw on the openpandora
23:22.54DocScrutinizer05hidden in >>...within which software installation is not intended after the user obtains the product.<<
23:23.25comradekinguyes, like eeprom-flash type stuff
23:23.57DocScrutinizer05this translates to "must not have a way to install firmware updates from linux system"
23:24.01koollmanDocScrutinizer05: oh. so, rom is ok, eeprom is not ?
23:24.12DocScrutinizer05yes, basically
23:24.24djpheh wot?
23:24.50djph... oh ...
23:24.55DocScrutinizer05sorry this is off topic in here
23:25.03DocScrutinizer05I apologize
23:25.46djphDocScrutinizer05: nah, I just missed some key points in the scrollback
23:28.49DocScrutinizer05basically every I2C chip must be considered as a subsystem with embedded (and possibly, even likely) update-able firmware
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23:29.24DocScrutinizer05just for most of those chips the update procedure is not disclosed
23:29.50koollmanDocScrutinizer05: I would rather have a certificate of 'every chip is documented correctly and you can write your own code for it', really :)
23:31.50DocScrutinizer05the interface needs documentation of all aspects relevant for operating the chip, and it needs evaluation making sure the chip can't inject code for the linux CPU into the system via that interface
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23:33.15koollman(like ... amt. or most bmc systems)
23:34.26koollmanon the plus side, I did find documentation to write some software for supermicro bmc, once it was broken. there even was an linux packager somewhere :)
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23:44.03DocScrutinizer05actually the interface must not have any means to access data on the system by its own (without linux CPU supporting it), neither write nor read. You can't make sure data going *through* the subsystem isn't getting accessed/altered by it, see NIC for example
23:45.33DocScrutinizer05anyway bottom line: in my book firmware is *data* and FSF has no business with that stuff
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