IRC log for #devuan on 20170517

00:02.48greenjeansrats, gotta run, thanks parazyd and jonadab! Y'all have a good one
00:09.22*** join/#devuan tgragnato (
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00:23.23*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-5): Jessie 1.0.0 RC2 | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:30.58*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
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01:01.03*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
01:06.46*** join/#devuan dardevelin_ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
01:21.07*** join/#devuan zono50 (
01:21.17zono50anyone know a good tutorial for installing wine on devuan?
01:25.09gnarfacezono50: i don't, but i'll help you out of pity, such as i can
01:25.12*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:26.45gnarfacezono50: if you're lucky, all it takes is "apt-get install wine" but if you're on jessie, that version is probably too old to do anything interesting with regards to current games
01:26.57zono50that's what i figured
01:27.28gnarfacezono50: the wine-development package in unstable is more current, but you can also just use the wine-staging package from winehq directly if you want CSMT and other bleeding-edge stuff
01:27.44zono50is that a deb package?
01:28.09gnarfacezono50: yes.  in general, mixing in 3rd party repos is not advised, but in this case it's your best option (don't get comfortable with the idea)
01:28.47gnarfaceobviously you could make your own build too, but it's a royal p.i.t.a. if you want 64-bit support too
01:30.29gnarfacewine-development was 2.0 last i checked
01:30.33gnarfacewine-staging is 2.6
01:30.34zono50i don't think i really need 64 bit anyways
01:30.51gnarfacei think the regular "wine" package in jessie is like 1.6 or something, but should work fine if you aren't playing recent games
01:31.20gnarface(the Blizzard games are all completely broken without the latest wine)
01:33.14gnarfacehmm, wine-development 1.8.7 appears to be in jessie-backports
01:33.28gnarfacethat might be a good compromise if you don't need a post-2.0 version
01:33.58zono50yeah i added the deb DISTRO main, and then ran apt-get update, but when i search for wine, it finds version 1.6
01:34.13*** join/#devuan nthrow (~nthrow@unaffiliated/nthrow)
01:34.16gnarfaceoh and it's probably worth mentioning that if you're using a newer AMD GPU, just forgo the standard wine builds entirely and skip to something called "wine-gallium-9" (i think)
01:34.37zono50says run this command, but it can't find it
01:34.37gnarfaceyou added that line literally?
01:34.39zono50sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable
01:35.05gnarfaceyou were supposed to swap out "DISTRO" with your actual distro.  in this case, jessie (i presume)
01:35.18zono50haha lol
01:36.22gnarfacei haven't tested wine-staging on jessie myself, but it works on ceres
01:36.32gnarfaceyou might run into dependency issues
01:37.17zono50ah there they are
01:38.47zono50ok so wine is installed, what now
01:39.12gnarfaceok the most helpful thing i think i can do at this point is make sure you understand the WINEPREFIX environment variable's significance and use
01:39.20zono50i'm listening
01:39.25gnarfaceby default your wine prefix will be ~/.wine
01:39.40gnarfaceall your games go in there, your "c:\" is a subdirectory of that
01:39.47gnarfacehowever that's just by default
01:39.50zono50there is no ~/.wine directory
01:39.58gnarface(it's created on the fly at start up)
01:40.04zono50ah ok
01:40.18gnarfaceif you want to change it, set WINEPREFIX to another path your user has access to
01:40.32gnarfacethis can be set to a new path *every time you start wine*
01:40.46gnarfaceso in this way, you can keep and manage multiple separate wine prefixes
01:41.25zono50so WINEPREFIX is an environment variable that simply stores the path to my games and applications
01:41.55gnarfaceyes.  it's important you understand.  why you'd want to do that - segregate all your games into separate prefixes - only becomes more apparent when winetricks for one breaks another in the same prefix
01:42.25zono50so what would an example command look like
01:42.37gnarfaceif WINEPREFIX is set to an empty directory it just creates a new wineprefix on the fly there
01:44.36zono50so let's say I want to install a game
01:44.49zono50i type wine then the path to the exe?
01:45.40gnarface(or "wine-development" literally, if you're using the debian wine-development package)
01:45.49gnarfacein most the other packages, wine is called wine
01:46.24gnarfaceif you want to just initialize a bare prefix and mess with the settings before installing anything into it, use the "winecfg" (or "winecfg-development") binary, which also obeys WINEPREFIX the same way
01:46.46gnarfaceso for example you want to install a game to /usr/local/games/my_starcraft_prefix
01:46.56gnarfaceassume this directory is created and chowned to you already
01:47.04zono50is wine 32 bit by default?
01:47.26gnarfaceyou would run this command: WINEPREFIX="/usr/local/games/my_starcraft_prefix" winecfg
01:47.41gnarfaceit at least used to be 32-bit by default.  i don't know for sure if they changed it
01:47.51gnarfacebut you specify with another environment variable: WINEARCH
01:48.13gnarfaceWINEARCH="win64" for 64-bit (note NOT "wine64")
01:48.42gnarfacewinecfg also obeys WINEARCH
01:48.46zono50so wine WINEPREFIX="BLAH BLAH BLAH"
01:49.20gnarfacei like to put environment variables before the command, but i guess in bash it doesn't matter
01:50.55zono50says cannot find wineprefix
01:51.04gnarfaceWINEARCH="win64" WINEPREFIX="/usr/local/games/my_starcraft_prefix" wine 'c:\Program Files\StarCraft II
01:51.19gnarfaceWINEARCH="win64" WINEPREFIX="/usr/local/games/my_starcraft_prefix" wine 'c:\Program Files\StarCraft II\StarCraft\ II.exe'
01:51.42gnarfacethe WINEPREFIX directory MUST EXIST
01:51.51zono50it does
01:51.52gnarfaceit can be empty but it has to exist and be writeable by the user you run wine as
01:52.06gnarface(never run wine as root though)
01:53.34*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
01:53.40gnarfacestill can't find it?
01:54.06gnarfacetry moving the WINEPREFIX setting before the binary on the command-line (though i doubt it matters)
01:54.25gnarfacei can tell you how to fix the permissions if you show me them (ls -ld [wineprefix])
01:55.11zono50export WINEPREFIX=/directory/ wine winecfg
01:55.41gnarfaceexport works differently
01:55.43gnarfacethat might be your issue
01:55.47gnarfacetry that without the "export"
01:56.01zono50export changed the directory to where i wanted it
01:56.11gnarfaceare you not using BASH?
01:56.16gnarfaceare you using tcsh or some weird shell?
01:56.35gnarfacealright well, never heard of it.  all my previous advice assumed BASH
01:56.59gnarfacei assure you though, that's the environment variable, that's how it works
01:57.10zono50i appreciate it
01:57.22zono50saying broken nvidia randr detected, falling back to randr 1.0
01:57.28zono50please consider using the nouveau driver
01:57.42gnarfacewell the jessie drivers are probably just too old
01:58.03gnarfacethere are newer nvidia official drivers as well as nouveau ones in backports though
01:58.14zono50i've installed the nvidia drivers from the website
01:58.23gnarfacewell that's always a huge mistake
01:58.32gnarfacebut that doesn't explain why it thinks they're too old
01:58.36gnarfacemaybe it's expected behavior
01:58.42gnarfacedoes winecfg at least give you the cfg panel?
01:59.04zono50yes it does
01:59.45gnarfacewell that's good.  seems like mission successful here.  just for future reference though; the shell script installer for linux hoses your distro and generally comes with poorly-tested drivers (even when not marked "beta" explicitly)
02:00.07gnarfacein general you should always stick with the nvidia drivers packaged by your distro
02:00.18gnarface(if they're old there is probably a good reason)
02:00.31*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:00.57gnarfacenouveau support is hit and miss.  in some cases it does certain things better (especially on "legacy" cards) but usually for 3d games it will choke
02:01.19*** part/#devuan tgragnato (
02:01.25zono50yeah when i installed the nvidia drivers, it gave an error about not being able to find the 32 bit compatibility libraries
02:01.57gnarfaceyea, if i'd caught you before installing them, i could have told you how to add that
02:02.08zono50i can always reinstall video drivers
02:02.20gnarfacemulti-arch must be enabled but it is not by default.  then some 32-bit libraries have to be installed concurrently with the 64-bit ones
02:02.48zono50which libraries, and how do i enable multiarch?
02:02.51gnarfacethe problem is that this all requires a very careful dance of interlocking package dependencies that the nvidia installer script just trampled rough-shod
02:03.22gnarfaceso that mistake may actually lead to you eventually needing to reinstall
02:03.24gnarfacefair warning
02:03.34gnarfacebut i'm wishing for your sake this time it'll be fine
02:03.40zono50will that cause a problem with me running games in wine?
02:04.15gnarfacenot directly - the most likely evidence of damage will come later during some system upgrade that mysteriously fails for you when it shouldn't have
02:04.36gnarfaceok so
02:05.04gnarfacei'm gonna give you some commands to run as root
02:05.21gnarfaceas a sanity check, paste me back the responses (or just say "none" if there was no response)
02:05.30gnarfacefirst command: dpkg --print-architecture
02:06.03gnarfacesecond command:  dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
02:06.10zono50run as root? or no
02:06.14gnarfaceas root
02:06.29gnarfacewell, with these it won't actually matter whether you run them as root or not
02:06.43zono50what is foreign architectures?
02:06.56gnarfacedid it print nothing?
02:07.11gnarfaceor did it print "i386" ?
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02:07.39gnarfaceyou already have multi-arch enabled, no need to invoke root
02:07.48zono50ah ok
02:08.03gnarfaceapt-get install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386 libgl1-nvidia-glx:amd64
02:08.11gnarfacethis will need root^
02:09.09gnarfacelibgl1-nvidia-glx:amd64 should alreay be there
02:09.21gnarfacelibgl1-nvidia-glx:i386 will probably pull in a boat load of other stuff though
02:09.30zono50those packages are not available, but is referred to by another package
02:09.36zono50in the first string of text you sent
02:09.48gnarfaceoh, you have to have non-free enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list
02:09.58gnarfacethe nvidia driver packages are in a different part of the repos
02:10.34zono50i have main contrib non-free
02:10.41gnarfacehmm.  you sure?
02:10.53gnarfaceyou ran "apt-get update" after adding them, right?
02:11.00zono50yeah from
02:11.15gnarfacepastebin your sources.list
02:11.18gnarfacesomething doesn't sound right
02:11.30gnarfacei've done this on hundreds of machines at this point
02:14.31*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@
02:15.01gnarfacezono50: comment out the cdrom line and the winehq line, then add " contrib non-free" to all the remaining lines
02:16.52zono50ok now it's finding the packages, what does contrib non-free do
02:17.29gnarface"main" only contains stuff that is actually open source
02:17.43zono50it's asking me if i want to run nvidia-installer --uninstall, but i imagine i have to stop the display manager before i do that?
02:18.02gnarfacei imagine it'll damn well stop it for you
02:18.12gnarfacemight not be very elegant
02:18.45gnarfaceso, contrib is just stuff that may rely on non-free
02:18.54gnarfacenon-free is actually proprietary stuff (like nvidia drivers)
02:19.08gnarfacemain is only open source stuff that doesn't depend on non-open-source stuff
02:19.27gnarfaceit seems annoying, but it keeps patent trolls from sabotaging development of unrelated software
02:19.54gnarfaceearlier you had " contrib non-free" added to your security and updates lines, but not the main one
02:20.22gnarfacealso you'd want to add them to backports as well for any chance of newer nvidia drivers through distro-approved channels
02:21.24zono50If you plan to no longer use the NVIDIA driver, you should make sure that no X screens are configured to use the NVIDIA X driver in your X configuration
02:21.24zono50file. If you used nvidia-xconfig to configure X, it may have created a backup of your original configuration. Would you like to run `nvidia-xconfig
02:21.24zono50--restore-original-backup` to attempt restoration of the original X configuration file?
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02:21.34gnarface*personally* though, when i use backports and/or non-free to update nvidia drivers, i always disable them again right after
02:22.31gnarfacere: the nvidia-xconfig; you didn't customize your /etc/X11/xorg.conf or any other part of Xorg though, i assume? if you didn't, you can just ignore that message
02:22.48zono50i had to edit xorg.conf to edit my rat 9 mouse
02:22.59zono50and i did edit the xorg.conf through nvidia-settings
02:23.19gnarfacewell you might want to make a manual backup
02:23.19gnarfacei dont' trust that shell script to not mangle stuff
02:23.34gnarfaceotherwise i'd say just ignore
02:23.49zono50I understand.  I'll be on tomorrow to work on it.  Work calls early
02:23.55zono50Thanks for the info
02:33.13*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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07:37.23jaromilgood morning!
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07:58.01edbarx"git push" --> "Please make sure you have the correct access rights". DNG states repository keys changed. How am I going to chance those keys and what should I do with the posted "clutter" aka keys on DNG?
07:58.51zdzichuremove old keys from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
07:59.07zdzichuyou can do ssh-keygen -R
08:04.15edbarx"git push" complains "The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
08:04.15edbarxECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Zvn7XQAIeSX63n+/3oeHAQ3gdKDunanS79EsDD9k2o0.
08:10.50jaromilthis is correct
08:11.02jaromilwe migrated the git server (see Centurion_Dan's signed message also on dng)
08:11.16jaromilthe new fingerprint is a8:8d:25:ac:eb:84:80:a4:52:05:84:27:23:de:8c:ce.
08:11.37jaromilplease check and update known_hosts accordingly - and many thanks for your patience and contributions edbarx !
08:12.15parazydstop using md5
08:33.18*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
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08:37.06jaromiloh, ack
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11:26.01aitori can find an available port for simple-netaid at every click on the connect button, it's not need to be necessary constant
11:26.23aitorjust running:
11:26.25aitor$ netstat --all
11:27.04aitorthere is no need do it constant
11:27.18aitorhere is the ouput:
11:27.40aitornow, the port 21234 is failing for me
11:28.36aitoras you can see in the output, there is a UDP protocol:
11:28.42aitorudp      704      0 *
11:28.48aitorusing this port
11:30.08aitorso, i'll run "netstat" and try to find the ":PORT " string
11:30.16KatolaZaitor: why do you need this?
11:30.24KatolaZjust choose a port
11:30.29KatolaZand use it consistently?
11:33.16aitorthere are two groups in the ouput:
11:33.36aitorActive Internet connections (servers and established), that is the TCP and the UDP
11:33.49aitorActive UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
11:34.28aitorthis last one mentioned by Detha, i seem to remember
11:36.32KatolaZaitor: just use
11:36.34dethais still in favour of
11:36.42KatolaZnetstat -nt
11:36.48KatolaZfor tcp sockets
11:36.57KatolaZagrees with detha on this point....
11:37.22dethano need to hunt for free ports, just declare /var/run/simple-netaid/socket your spot
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11:38.24aitorand what about defining: sin_port = 0
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11:38.56dethahow does the other side know what it selects?
11:39.06aitorok detha, thanks
11:40.27aitorKatolaZ: i'm using udp
11:41.39Hellewhy couldn't we have OpenFirmware on PCs......
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11:43.40aitoras i explained in the irc, i have to follow the following steps for the network connection
11:44.09aitor1) Remove /run/network/.ifstate.lock
11:44.45aitor2) Remove /run7network/ifstate.wlp3s0    (in my case, wlp3s0)
11:45.17aitor3) Run /usr/lib/simple-netaid/bin/backend 1 ESSID PASSWD
11:45.59aitorin the most of the cases, this last step fails at the first attempt, giving:
11:46.15aitorifup: interface wlp3s0 already configured
11:46.29aitorbut, trying again, it always works
11:46.47aitorso, i run the backend twice
11:46.58aitori have to improve this point
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11:47.51aitorif the connectioon attept fails due to a wrong passward, two attemps whould take a lot of time
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11:49.09aitorthe solution is to measure the time of the attemp
11:49.58aitori've been taking times
11:50.22aitorin the first case, less than 20 miliseconds
11:50.27dethathat /could/ be a reason to implement the backend as a daemon (although I am generally opposed to the 'daemons for everything' designs). Hand interface name+ESSID+PASSWD to a daemon, let the daemon sort out retries etc.
11:50.43aitorin the second case more than 7000 miliseconds
11:51.40aitorOoop, 13:50
11:51.48aitorneed to go, see you :)
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12:31.42drawkulais /etc/binfmt.d a systemd invention? I dont see it on an old wheezy for cubietruck and not in devuan-jessie on PI3. Or: where should I search? which package might be missing?
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13:36.43drawkularrq: thanks... that url and man page has several times systemd in it... <trump voice> SO SAD! </trump voice>
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15:33.27Wacky_TobaccyAnyone here use OpenVZ 7/ Virtuozzo 7?
15:35.14Wacky_TobaccyWas hoping someone could help me test the Devuan template for it.
15:36.48Wacky_Tobaccy if anyone is interested.
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16:41.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:43.26AlexLikeRocki need help
16:44.11AlexLikeRocki run  this  line
16:44.25AlexLikeRockfind / -type f -exec  rename 's/\.png$/\.jpg/' *  '{}' \;
16:44.40AlexLikeRocki run at  "/"
16:44.56AlexLikeRockby error
16:45.10AlexLikeRockthen i lose backgroun
16:45.19AlexLikeRockmouse  coursor
16:47.50DPAOk, i'll just mate a list of all pngs on my system and upload a script to correct everything, just wait a second...
16:48.15AlexLikeRockthe ting  , its  make  switch BACK
16:48.38AlexLikeRockbut, not  ALL jpg
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16:48.44AlexLikeRocki need  detect
16:49.00AlexLikeRockhow  are  realy  PNG  renamed  to jpg
16:52.46furrywolffind / -type f -name \*.png -exec rename 's/\.png$/\.jpg/' \{\} \;
16:53.14DPANo, that would rename everything
16:53.45furrywolfI missed the start of this conversation.  I just saw a statement that could be optimized.  :P
16:53.45AlexLikeRockexactly , no rename  ALL
16:53.49furrywolfwhat are you trying to do?
16:54.31AlexLikeRocki rename  by error  PNG to jpg
16:54.45AlexLikeRocki ned  put back to JPG
16:55.11AlexLikeRockbut  REAL JPG,  stay like JPG
16:55.27furrywolfso you have a bunch of .png files with .jpg extensions, and you need to know which they are, and rename them to .png, without changing actual jpegs?
16:55.41AlexLikeRockyes  furrywolf
17:00.04AlexLikeRockexample   :
17:00.20AlexLikeRockfile  picture1234.jpg
17:00.41furrywolffind / -type f -name \*.png -exec file \{\} \; | grep -i jpeg | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs -d '\n' rename -n 's/\.png/\.jpg/'
17:00.45AlexLikeRockPNG  image data, progressive, precision 8,
17:01.39furrywolfthere may be a prettier way to do it, but that should work
17:02.00furrywolfremove the -n from the rename after verifying it's doing sane things
17:02.22furrywolfoh, I got it backwards.
17:03.35furrywolffind / -type f -name \*.jpg -exec file \{\} \; | grep -i png | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs -d '\n' rename -n 's/\.jpg/\.png/'
17:03.58furrywolfwon't work if your files have colons or newlines in the name.  deal with it.  :P
17:04.48*** join/#devuan DPA (
17:04.58furrywolfwith the -n on the rename, it will tell you what it would do, but not do it.  remove the -n to actually perform the renames.
17:05.40DPAOr put the following into a file:
17:05.51DPApng="$(printf "$1" | head -c -4).png"
17:05.51DPAecho "$png"
17:05.53DPAif ! dpkg -S "$jpg" &>/dev/null && dpkg -S "$png" &>/dev/null
17:06.30DPAThen chmod +x scriptfile
17:06.34*** join/#devuan OxFEEDBACC (~what@unaffiliated/oxfeedbacc)
17:07.15furrywolfthat would only work for images from installed packages.
17:07.17DPAAnd then: find / -iname "*.jpg" -not -path /home/ -not -path /usr/local/ -not -path /usr/src/ -exec ./scriptfile {} \;
17:08.19furrywolfdid I miss where he said it was only images from packages?  heh
17:09.24DPAShouldn't matter. -name works too. Havn't tested it thought, and dpkg may print some wornings.
17:10.02furrywolfAlexLikeRock:  what did you do to mis-name the files?  does it affect only files installed by dpkg?
17:10.28AlexLikeRockextension  files
17:10.38AlexLikeRockat  root
17:11.34furrywolfso you renamed files everywhere on the system, not just those installed by dpkg?
17:12.29furrywolfdid you see what is output by   find / -type f -name \*.jpg -exec file \{\} \; | grep -i png | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs -d '\n' rename -n 's/\.jpg/\.png/'
17:12.54furrywolfdid you mis-name them in a case-sensitive or case-insensitive fashion?
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17:18.01furrywolfok, so DPA's script that depends on dpkg won't work, then.  it'll only fix ones installed as part of packages.
17:18.13furrywolftry the command I gave.  If it looks correct, remove the -n and run it again.
17:18.14AlexLikeRockfurrywolf,   yesah,  this are  solution
17:21.07furrywolfsigh.  did you rename them in a case-sensitive or case-insensitive fashion?  what did you do to mis-name them?
17:21.36AlexLikeRockyes,   work  fine  , without  "-n"
17:21.51furrywolfgood  :)
17:22.57*** join/#devuan Irrwahn_ (
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17:23.19furrywolfthat command very uglyly (it's a word now!) chains together several unix commands...  find looks for .jpg files, file identifies them, grep looks for ones where file said they're pngs, cut grabs the part before the ':' find printed, which is the filename, then xargs sends all those filenames to rename.  lol
17:24.18furrywolfit's not done well - it will break if you have filenames containing a colon or a newline.  but I figured it's pretty unlikely you have any of those.  a cleaner version wouldn't break like that, but I didn't want to spend much time thinking about it.  :)
17:26.20AlexLikeRockdot  worrye,    tanks so much
17:28.10*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
17:29.03furrywolfnow, the right way to do it is to send systemd-file-renamer a dbus message from systemd-image-analysis service....  :P
17:30.11*** part/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
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17:46.20djphfurrywolf: you forgot allowing systemd-imager to listen to systemd-human-input
17:47.38*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
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18:09.21nepugiafurrywolf: you forgot the required gnome frontend
18:09.29greenjeansI think I create more bugs than I find and squash
18:10.35nepugiagreenjeans: happens to everyone :)
18:10.47DPADoes anyone know when aitor will show up again? I need to ask him which compiler he uses for simple-netaid-gtk, because gcc4.9 from jessie doesn't appear to support c++11 threads.
18:12.00greenjeansi got another weird small one, and it's definitely me, not devuan or mate (which is what i'm working on)
18:12.21golinuxDPA: aitor is like a flame in the wind . . .  :)
18:13.43greenjeansmaking a very small bare mate mini, built up package by package instead of using the meta-packages or tasks, so it's probably missing something here
18:14.26greenjeanshave set a bunch of custom keybindings, and they work fine, as long as you click on the empty desktop in between trying to use them
18:14.58greenjeansnot like that on my other mate install, so i know it's not mate that's broken, something i don't have somewhere
18:16.50nepugiahmm missing x packages, had a problem where it would map the trackpad 1:1 on the monitor, do you have all required x input drivers installed?
18:26.27*** join/#devuan Spass (
18:26.48greenjeansi do
18:27.38greenjeansseems they are all there, checking for differences between working install and the mess i'm making now
18:29.31greenjeansthe keybindings will also all work properly if I have the keyboard-shortcuts gui open, or the dconf-editor open, you can click any one of them as many times as you want and they keep working
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18:30.42greenjeansbut other than that, you get one click of a keycombo and you can't get it to work again until you right-click the mouse somewhere on the desktop
18:31.07greenjeans*edit* make that left-click the mouse
18:31.54nepugiafor some reason wine comes to mind, but i kinda doubt that is the problem
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19:11.58greenjeansonly other similar problem I could find, and this guy's issue apparently went away all on it's own
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19:17.19aitorhi DPA
19:18.35aitori'm building simple-netaid in ascii
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19:26.57aitorDPA: but i started building it in jessie with -std=gnu++11
19:27.53aitorno idea about incompatibilities with c++11 threads
19:29.47aitorthe spinner uses the Glib::Threads::Thread class and worked in jessie
19:31.24aitorlook at the ActiveWifis class, it was my first step
19:32.35DPAOk, thanks
19:33.37*** join/#devuan tgragnato (
19:34.20DPAI'm currently working on a c++ wrapper around fork & exec to replace system. I think it may be possible to avoid the tcp socket using file descriptor inheritance.
19:35.49aitorno idea what are you talking about :(
19:36.28aitorfork  & exec ?
19:38.01DPASystem just takes the whole command, but fork & exec allow to start a process and specify individual arguments. That way, the arguments don't need escaping.
19:38.03aitorDPA: it's not a tcp socket, it's a udp
19:38.09aitorbut similar...
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19:39.23aitori'm lost :)
19:41.28DPAAnyways, it's possible to use the socketpair function to optain an unix socket with internal udp protocol. Sockets are just filedescriptors. When a program is started in linux, it inherits all filedescriptors from the calling programm which don't have the SO_CLOEXEC flag set.
19:45.24*** part/#devuan Guest (~Guest@
19:47.36aitori read about the filedescriptors
19:50.22dethaDPA: I've been wondering, when you use anonymous unix sockets like that, what is the difference in functionality with using pipe() + fork() ?
19:50.40aitorso, the udp protocol is possible within an unix socket using a "socketpair" function...
19:51.45DPAYes, and unix sockets allow to pass filedescriptors between applications.
19:52.03aitorthanks, DPA
19:52.26aitorsorry, but need to go :)
19:52.44aitorsee you tomorrow, thanks
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21:59.06greenjeansgolinux: you rock
22:00.05golinuxis speechless
22:00.18golinuxWhat did I do now?  LOL!
22:01.15greenjeanshehe, you just rock, that's all, you made my day which has otherwise been very frustrating
22:04.17golinuxAh Vuu-do.  I was a little slow getting around to posting that but better late yada, yada
22:06.15greenjeanswell I appreciate it a lot, was really cool seeing it there, made the effort worthwhile, I got the openbox RC-1 out a couple days ago, and am working on the mate alpha now
22:07.38greenjeansI gotta run for now, have a great evening everyone!
22:07.39golinuxIt's been added to the list in the upcoming stable announcement too.
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22:54.18korisare there any other good linux distros that don't use systemd?
22:55.15MinceRslackware, funtoo
22:56.00nepugiagood is prety subjective, here is a list of distros (no idea if they are good or not)
22:56.17korisah, thank you
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23:22.29zono50Hola gnarface
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23:30.56tarbz2Hola, veo idioma español :)
23:31.58Sleakerkoris: I think the most tested one is mx16
23:32.46zono50poquito senior
23:33.50golinuxMX offers sysvinit as default but it's hardly free of systemd!  In fact they offer instructions on how to enable systemd!  I only found this a few days ago and was shocked because so many people are hyping MX as systemd-free.  I don't see this as a long term strategy because the ability to use other init systems can be denied at any time.  It also doesn't address the issue of 'entanglements'.  I have used St
23:33.50golinuxeve Pusser's repos in the past and they have always been compatible but if they are riddled with systemd deps that is probably now a risky choice for devuan users.
23:34.29tarbz2Seguramente tendrás más español que yo inglés ;)
23:34.34zono50so i read a news story saying that systemd has some sort of security vulnerability where you can access all of someones files
23:39.24Sleaker'This page simply provides information for those interested in the question.'
23:39.34Sleaker'The MX Linux team strongly urges users to remain with this configuration which uses sysvinit instead'
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23:49.05nepugiapretty happy with the init freedom i have here, using openrc ob all my jessie installs ( did when those systems were debian too, but could not remove libsystemd0, so i changed my os :) )
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23:53.11zono50me too, i love it
23:55.56gnarfaceyo zono50
23:56.06zono50whats up
23:56.21gnarfacenothing, you flagged me
23:56.35gnarfacedid you figure out that wineprefix stuff?
23:56.40zono50ah, yeah i did
23:56.44gnarfaceoh, good
23:57.23zono50next i gotta set up my ipvanish vpn, but can't remember my password -_-
23:58.11zono50looking at the wine directory, why is there a dosdevices folder and a drive c folder, what's the difference?
23:59.36*** join/#devuan Lydia_K (
23:59.49gnarfacethe dosdevices c:\ is just a symlink to drive_c
23:59.59gnarfacethey look like different directories but they're just the same directory

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