IRC log for #devuan on 20170515

00:13.03*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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00:21.04*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:21.04*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-5): Jessie 1.0.0 RC2 | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:27.05*** join/#devuan nighty-- (
00:27.11*** join/#devuan CaptainFixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
00:35.20*** join/#devuan auser_ (~devuan@
00:42.21*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@2602:306:32a0:d690:21b:77ff:fea3:4a99)
00:45.01*** part/#devuan auser_ (~devuan@
00:50.23*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
01:16.12*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:30.10*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:31.32*** join/#devuan zocker_ (
01:31.38*** join/#devuan nikitis-temp (d068e4ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:32.17nikitis-tempI recently installed Devuan today, and when I reboot now, I cannot get past "waiting for /dev to be fully populated...."
01:33.43fsmithrednikitis-temp, were you able to boot this install earlier?
01:50.10*** join/#devuan stroucki (
01:53.13strouckiis there documentation for the InRelease file format?
01:54.04strouckiall debian derivatives that i have at hand have one space from the begin of line for the md5sums
01:54.13strouckiMD5Sum: 8ae3baea40d236b5d1f31ccf30b6bc8f       1180269937 Contents-powerpc
01:54.38strouckiwell, there was supposed to be a newline after the MD5Sum:
01:55.33strouckiwhile devuan has two spaces before the md5sum
01:55.41strouckiand approx chokes on that
01:56.44strouckiand jessie-update's InRelease is missing a newline before the MD5Sum:
02:01.28*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:02.25*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:32.48*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:35.53*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
02:37.36*** join/#devuan misto6_ (
02:46.45fsmithrednikitis-temp, did you edit /etc/network/interfaces? If it says 'allow hotplug' change it to 'allow auto'
03:04.25*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
03:09.32rrqor just 'auto'
03:10.19rrqno 'auto eth0' .. or replace eth0 with your interface name
03:12.18*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:34.35*** join/#devuan JohnTheRipper (~JohnTheRi@
03:38.35fsmithredrrq is right.
03:42.38*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy1 (~NewGnuGuy@
03:57.23*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
04:06.39golinuxpekman: You left the other channel
04:07.02golinuxSurely you've read the announcements for RC1 and RC2
04:09.44*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
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04:45.45*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
05:03.58*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
05:11.02*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
05:13.10*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
05:17.27*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy1 (~NewGnuGuy@
05:20.13*** join/#devuan mchasard (
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05:35.11mchasardi have a trouble with a vlc compilation when i run it i have this error
05:35.24*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
05:35.34mchasardcore interface error: no suitable interface module
05:35.34mchasard[0000000020735130] core libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
05:36.04mchasardi follow this tuto
05:54.33mchasardhow to remove an application compiled but fault
06:01.45mchasardi can't use firefox till few day it return me that uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate will not be valid until 03/05/2017 10:42. The current time is 01/05/2017 07:32.
06:02.08mchasardhow to get a new valid certificate ?
06:05.09aarotry setting the right date to your system
06:07.05mchasardi did not see that it was at 01 /05
06:07.13*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
06:07.46mchasardcool thanks a lot ...
06:17.38*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
06:24.39*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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06:33.46*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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06:56.19*** join/#devuan Countess_Bathory (~Tess@unaffiliated/bloodcountess)
07:07.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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07:15.13*** join/#devuan mchasard (
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07:26.17*** join/#devuan Countess_Bathory (~Tess@unaffiliated/bloodcountess)
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08:06.35*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
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08:15.53*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
08:20.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:34.37*** join/#devuan Madda (
08:51.00*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
09:10.39*** join/#devuan alazred (~alazred@
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09:56.50*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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10:40.48*** join/#devuan _root_ (~taha@unaffiliated/root/x-2442832)
10:42.00*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
10:42.05aitorhi all
10:43.13aitori recorded a video about the behavior of the security key in the backend of simple-netaid
10:45.00aitorat every click on the connect button of the password dialog, a random key is generated and sent to the backend through the port of the socket
10:46.02aitorthe backend receives the message comparing its value with the argument in the command line
10:46.15aitorif they differ, the backend will do nothing
10:46.47aitori'll give you the link to the video in a few minuts
10:47.35aitorsomebody suggested that this idea is a security hole, instead a security measury
10:47.42aitorwhat do you think about?
10:48.01*** join/#devuan k0nsl (
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10:49.42*** join/#devuan _root_ (~taha@unaffiliated/root/x-2442832)
10:53.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:53.36DPAIs there a link to the code?
10:56.58*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
10:57.00aitorstill not, but i'll push it today
10:58.13aitorfirst of all, i must to do this process multithreaded
11:00.37aitori'm uploading the video
11:01.55aitori promise no more videos about swallows
11:05.19aitorDPA: i must to do it multithreaded because the server (in this case, the backend) is waiting for the message for a few miliseconds while the on_button_connect() method is being executed
11:06.41aitoris a bad idea to send also the other arguments (essid, password) through the socket, insteas as arguments in the command line?
11:07.04aitorwhat do you think about?
11:07.42aitoryou are much better unix admins than me, even being worse chefs
11:08.23aitori had to underline this point
11:11.05aitorthe server's address is set to, a special address for the local host
11:11.46aitorso the client and server should be on the same machine
11:12.36*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~NewGnuGuy@
11:13.05djphaitor: what is it that you're doing (can't watch the vidjeo, at work ... all I have is ssh out ... lalalala)
11:13.36aitorlalalala? are you french?
11:13.56Leander_it's pretty difficult to understand what you're actually doing, indeed
11:14.21aitorthe backend of simple-netaid has suid permissions
11:14.38djphaitor: nah, just "singing" "lalalala" since I can still ssh out to me IRC box
11:14.41Leander_and you don't need multithreading in many cases, just a "select" (available in many languages)
11:15.44aitorwe won in Eurovision with such song many years ago
11:17.01*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:17.54KatolaZaitor: whatever you do in the GUI, I would put a lot of effort in input sanitising
11:18.01aitorif you run the backend in the command line, it'll be waiting for an answer from the Connect button of the password dialog through the port
11:18.08KatolaZand also on the backend, I would avoid direct feeding of user inputs
11:18.30aitorand only the user of the GUI can do that
11:18.32KatolaZthat's the most important thing with SUID processes
11:18.42djphKatolaZ: GUI or CLI, sanitize your inputs.  Otherwise Little Bobby Tables will ruin your da
11:18.53KatolaZaitor: that's not the best design
11:19.00aitorso, you think that's a good idea, KatolaZ?
11:19.06KatolaZyou might wans to have several clients connecting to the same backend
11:19.08KatolaZnot just one
11:19.37aitorseveral ports, then?
11:20.09aitorwe can select many ports in the range 1024...65535
11:21.17parazydwhat are unix sockets?
11:21.28Leander_^ exactly
11:22.50dethaparazyd: things that look like a socket to the program, and like some special type of file to ls
11:23.07aitorsockets are used for the comunication between different processes
11:23.27parazydonly Leander_ gets my point it seems
11:23.42Leander_what are rethorical questions?
11:24.43aitorLeander_: what's difficult to understand?
11:25.11aitorfirst of all i'll improve the code and push it to gitlab
11:25.11dethaaitor: why a backend for something on the local machine should be listening on
11:25.31aitorafter that, we can discuss
11:26.03Leander_why you generate a random number to then send it later via a socket, not sure how you then know that this number is the one you should have been expecting in the first place, especially if you keep changing it
11:26.11*** join/#devuan chomwitt1 (
11:27.26aitoronly the code of the password dialog knows its value
11:27.43aitorthe password dialog sends it by two different ways:
11:27.53aitorthrough the port
11:28.06aitorand as an argument in the command line
11:28.15*** join/#devuan malinas_ (~user@
11:28.18aitorthe banckend compares both values
11:29.16Leander_that's what I don't get: if you don't trust input A alone, and don't trust input B alone, then how come you can trust input A+B?
11:29.42aitorif you run the backend from the command line, you can't know beforehand twhich value will be sent trhough the socket
11:29.53aitorand the backend will do nothing
11:30.19Leander_but then why do you need to confirm through 2 different channels? there's something amiss
11:30.32aitorsorry, 13:30 qnd need to go
11:31.45Leander_I think you're trying to use a shared secret scheme, but it feels like something's wrong about the way it is done
11:33.01aitorsurelly, that's not the best scheme :)
11:33.10aitorsee you later, Leander_
11:34.07*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:36.59dethadoesn't get it. What is he trying to defend against here?
11:43.15djphno idea
11:49.16*** join/#devuan _root_ (~taha@
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11:50.03dethaEither one assumes local sockets are safe, and sends things straight through, or one assumes they are not, and wraps the whole thing in asymmetric encryption.
11:54.23*** join/#devuan DPA (
11:57.50*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
12:05.16_root_is it true that qt technologies (qt-desktop qt web and so on) is the property of Nokia Corp. and not at all secure riddle with whole :)
12:05.27_root_but seriously
12:06.42gnarfaceqt isn't perfect, but that's half lies and half contrivance
12:07.36parazydqt rocks
12:09.10gnarfaceall that is important to understand here is that software can be available under multiple licenses simultaneously.  it's up to you, the customer, to choose which
12:10.55gnarfaceqt is hardly unique in that respect
12:11.30gnarfaceyou can always choose to use something else too
12:11.52gnarfacegtk is also quite popular
12:15.47*** join/#devuan chocolate (65a40f0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:16.24gnarfacei like efl
12:16.35gnarface(and they're probably ALL riddled with holes)
12:16.46sixwheeledbeastqt was trolltech, Nokia and then Digia before being the "Qt Project"
12:16.50chocolatehello friends, can anyone suggest a calendar prog for devuan? I want to plan my week and have a nice looking and customizable weekly planner!
12:17.46chocolatethanks buzz
12:17.49chocolatechecking it out now
12:17.50djphisn't there an extension for t-bird as well?
12:17.51gnarfacechocolate: is iceowl (sunbird) still in the repos?
12:17.56djphuh ... lightning, I think?
12:18.20gnarfaceoh, yea they re-named it lightning
12:18.20sixwheeledbeastthunderbird's calendar suitable?
12:18.28sixwheeledbeastoh yep
12:18.34gnarfaceall i can tell you about it is that it installs
12:19.51chocolategreat - checking them out now!
12:20.44gnarfaceisn't there a planner in libreoffice?
12:21.10djphgnarface: not that I'm aware of
12:21.16gnarfacethere is not
12:21.21gnarfacei was thinking of lotus
12:24.52KatolaZchocolate: if you are using emacs, the standard diary + calendar + orgmode are quite powerful
12:25.23chocolateiceowl is still in repos
12:25.37chocolateas the extension for thunderbird
12:25.41chocolatelooks good!
12:26.03fsmithredorage is the xfce calendar
12:26.42*** join/#devuan JohnnRun (
12:26.55chocolatethanks gnarface, djph, katolaz, fsmithred
12:27.03chocolate*thumbs up
12:39.11*** join/#devuan tgragnato (
12:39.20DPAIn that simple-netaid video, what is the password prompt there for?
12:40.31DPAI mean, what's the purpose of the password prompt?
12:42.02gnarfaceroot or sudo password?
12:42.10gnarfacejust guessing
12:42.26*** join/#devuan chomwitt1 (
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12:51.26dethawifi password maybe?
12:53.24dethaanyway, if all he wants to do is the odd command to configure an interface, what is wrong with something along the lines of  plus ?
12:53.57gnarfaceoh, wifi password, that's a better guess than mine
12:54.00dethaNo need to have a multithreaded server hanging around doing nothing 99.9% of the time
12:55.31KatolaZI still think that using a C program which just does "execl" something else is an overkill... :|
12:58.33dethayou have to gain privileges somehow. 10 years ago, people would just run the entire front-end SUID. And in case of interface config, yes one could pull up the source of /bin/ip and speak netlink directly. But that is a project on its own
13:03.12KatolaZdetha: I mean, you can just call a shell script to gain privileges
13:03.32KatolaZwithout the need of making a shell from scratch
13:04.02KatolaZwhich is probably what you need to do, if you have more than a couple of possible commands
13:04.49dethaalas, there's no such thing as a suid shell scripts, and sudo has this annoying habit of checking /etc/sudoers and asking for passwords
13:06.45KatolaZwell, you're right
13:07.06djphdetha: though, can't you fix /etc/sudoers to allow certain things to get by password-free?
13:08.34parazyd>not using pinentry
13:08.35dethaone can. one has to be extremely careful with it though - never underestimate what you can make a command do
13:09.44*** join/#devuan DGMurdockIII (
13:09.46dethafor example, let junior have the rights to update systems. can't just say 'allow apt-get', because junior might create a .deb that installs an suid shell
13:11.38KatolaZdetha: reality is that admin should be kept separate from users
13:12.13KatolaZI know people want a windows-like experience on Linux
13:12.24KatolaZbut that is simply wierd
13:12.28KatolaZand leads to wierd solutions
13:13.00buZzKatolaZ: i think that you could run wannacry inside Wine
13:13.00bluemarlindetha: i wouldn't let non-admin update production systems - the updates either run automatic or require full supervision imho
13:13.08buZzbut why would you want that
13:13.15dethaKatolaZ: agreed. but in case of these wifi things, can't give users access to too much, but they need the odd setting
13:13.19*** join/#devuan Countess_Bathory (~Tess@unaffiliated/bloodcountess)
13:14.54KatolaZdetha: if you need to setup wifi, you must agree to use some level of "weirdness"
13:15.10KatolaZit might be sudo
13:15.13KatolaZor sup
13:15.13dethabluemarlin: all depends on what environment you are in. keeping systems patched is boring. the days that you could leave prod on auto-pilot and nothing would break are long gone
13:15.16KatolaZor something else
13:15.32KatolaZbut there is no escape: you need to execute some operations as admin
13:15.38dethaaitor seems to be busy developing the 'something else' ;)
13:16.09KatolaZI wouldn't touch the "something else" for any gold
13:16.17KatolaZ~amount of gold
13:16.26KatolaZbecause almost any solution will be flawed
13:16.37KatolaZor more flawed than sudo, sup, etc.
13:16.44bluemarlini honestly can't think of any 'safe' method besides authenticating the user-space binary with some sort of executable-signing
13:17.23KatolaZbluemarlin: and even then, you must be sure that the "user" cannot mangle with the signing ;)
13:17.49dethaand even that can be circumvented. run the binary under debugger, 'fix' the data that goes to the backend, continue
13:18.08KatolaZdetha: namely ;)
13:18.26dethathat's why I suggested the suid part with lots of checking, and hard-coded commands.
13:18.44KatolaZdetha: I would insist on "lots of checking"
13:18.50bluemarlingood points, damn
13:19.06KatolaZknowing that even in there are things that must be hardened in this sense
13:19.54KatolaZhas a list of checks which needs to be implemented in setnet
13:20.07equexhey. im trying to decide wether to install devuan or regular jessie. from the website it comes down to the "one program should do one thing well"-doctrime which i agree very much with. but when i first heard about the systemd debacle long ago, the argument against systemd was about it being unsecure and an invitation to make backdoors almost by design? is there any truth to that ?
13:21.04fsmithredI haven't heard of any exploits yet.
13:22.35*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:29.18bluemarlinequex: if you could prove that something is flawed by design, then not many people would use it, i guess. If you have time, go through this:
13:32.56bluemarlinfor me personally - i switched to devuan because debian 8 was painful to interact with. system service management works as a sorry hybrid between systemd and sysvinit, binary logs got currupt somehow when my systems have crashed, etc
13:38.32*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
13:40.40nepugiaKatolaZ: personally my solution would not be to allow the user to allow any elevated binaries but rather let a system daemon run in the background that accepts some commands like commect to this wifi (and probably logs those)
13:49.27KatolaZyes nepugia, but you must sanitise all the input that comes from the user program, and all the stuff that the daemon accepts
13:49.47KatolaZand double-check that those are as expected, on both sides
13:50.04*** join/#devuan alazred (~alazred@unaffiliated/alazred)
13:50.45nepugiayou have to do that for pretty much any software :)
13:51.11KatolaZyep ;)
13:54.47Leander_it sounds quite like what dbus is for, doesn't it?
13:56.04KatolaZit does Leander_
13:56.06*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
13:57.16nepugiai thought dbus's purose was to annoy users?
13:57.48zdzichuI don't think dbus devs care about users at all
13:58.04zdzichuannoying them is just an unintended side effect
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14:23.08aitorNo need to have a multithreaded server hanging around doing nothing 99.9% of the time - Detha
14:23.32aitorthe multithreaded server will be hangin only during the click event
14:23.41aitorhanging :)
14:24.27buZzi had a dev at work say something similar today
14:24.40buZz'its multithreaded, so when a job is running the process is stuck'
14:24.51buZzi gave up trying to educate them :P
14:25.55DPAaitor: What is the purpose of the random number again?
14:26.27aitorsave, i'm working...
14:26.35aitori'll answer you later :)
14:28.21*** join/#devuan dardevelin__ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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16:02.35_root_why retroshare debian file doesn't have plugins in it?
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16:05.46*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
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16:09.11aitorDPA: i need more time for the design of the password dialog with the security key
16:10.10aitorthe design should be similar to the separation of Window_main.cpp and window_main_worker.cpp in the code of simple-netaid-gtk:
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16:11.11aitorthe code of window_main_worker.cpp is running continuosly in paralell with the main window
16:13.38aitorcalculating at every 40 miliseconds the status of the network connection, and changing the status icon and its label acording to it
16:14.02aitornow, answering to your question:
16:14.45aitoras i explained above, the backend will need an integer as an argument in the command line
16:15.48aitorinmediatly, the backend hangs waiting for this same integer through the port of the socket
16:17.04dethaaitor: what is the purpose of that? i.e., what are you protecting against?
16:17.14aitoronly the user of the GUI can send the same value through these two different channels
16:17.48aitoryou can't run the backend from the command line
16:18.12aitoronly clicking on the connect button of the frontend
16:19.15dethaehm, if one runs the backend from the command line, with '42' as argument, one can send it 42 over a socket.
16:19.26furrywolfI missed some context here.  why would anything to do with networking need such a weird security thing?
16:20.21aitordetha: that's true
16:21.17aitorbut it must be sent through the same port
16:21.56dethaaitor: don't know if you've seen my example connecting an ad-hoc backend with pipes, that at least guarantees that nobody interferes
16:22.09furrywolfand why would you want to force interaction only through a gui?
16:22.16furrywolfthis entire thing seems broken (and idiotic).
16:22.27dethalong and the short of it, whatever the gui can do, another program can do
16:23.16dethaSo assume that a standard user can run the backend from the command line, and protect it from anything you don't want a user to be able to do
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16:27.18aitordetha: this is exactly the case of the backend of simple-netaid
16:27.30aitorcase 1:
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16:29.35golinuxMorning Lydia_K
16:31.38dethaaitor: in that case, all the extras are not worth it. It is nice to protect comms between gui and frontend from random processes lying in wait to inject extra commands, but in the end, the backend should not be able to do anything you don't want the user to do
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16:33.57aitorso, what's the conclusion?
16:34.05aitorsocket or no socket?
16:34.49Leander_as detha said: if you don't want the user to be able to perform an action, then the backend must not be able to perform it either
16:35.22dethanetwork sockets open a whole new can of worms, because without something like selinux or apparmor you can't prevent anybody, even 'guest', from sending stuff.
16:35.38dethaunix sockets is an option
16:36.00dethapassing key material on the command line is not an option
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16:40.16zono50hello everyone, I was hoping there is someone here who can assist me with a problem i'm having
16:41.10fsmithredtry stating the problem and hanging around for awhile
16:41.27zono50When I boot my pc, it boots into tty1 command line login, I have to manually sudo service kdm restart for kdm to load.  I've reinstalled kdm and kde-full, but everytime i boot, it goes straight to command line login
16:41.29aitorzono50: are you cooking?
16:41.51zono50I recently upgraded my kernel to 4.9
16:42.57fsmithredyou could mess around with update-rc.d to figure out when the service is supposed to be started and stopped.
16:43.31fsmithredor you could install sysv-rc-conf and see a table showing all services and what runlevels they run on
16:43.41fsmithredmaybe kdm is just turned off
16:43.56zono50well when i do sudo service kdm start it says it's already running
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16:44.06fsmithredtry restart
16:44.26KatolaZzono50: did it work previously?
16:44.36KatolaZzono50: I mean, before the kernel upgrade?
16:44.37zono50i've rebooted multiple times, it auto directs to console login everytime, and if i try to do CTRL+ALT+F7, i get a blinking cursor unless i restart kdm service
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16:46.00fsmithredcan kde be started without kdm? stop it and run startx (or is there a startkde command?)
16:46.35KatolaZzono50: there is nothing in the 8th virtual terminal as well, right?
16:47.55zono50i'm not sure, i'm not an expert at this stuff
16:48.40zono50i installed sysv-rc-conf, how do i load it
16:49.31aitordetha: then, in your opinion, is it better to send the essid and the password through the local host or not?
16:51.43zono50ok so on sysv-rc-conf kdm has an x on run levels 2, 3, 4, 5,
16:53.09fsmithredthat's correct
16:53.17fsmithredtry ctrl-alt-F8
16:53.20fsmithredor even F9
16:53.43fsmithredq to quit sysv-rc-conf
16:54.02zono50ctrl alt f8 gives a blinking cursor, and f9 does nothing
16:54.03dethaaitor: personally, I would fork off a suid binary and send it the interface+ESSID+password through a pipe. Or, if you opt for a daemon, have the daemon open a socket in /var/run/simple-net/cmd, and have the gui write to that.
16:55.19fsmithredas root, grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
16:55.55Leander_aitor: just to make sure, did you look into "unix sockets" or do you think they're IP sockets with another name (they are not)?
16:56.14zono50(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown
16:56.42Leander_the complete name is actually unix domain socket
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16:57.16aitordetha: i'm reading this tutorial:
16:57.58fsmithredyeah, that's the key. I guess you got no error.
16:58.21fsmithredstop kdm and try startx
16:58.36zono50so sudo service start startx?
16:58.48fsmithredsudo service kdm stop
16:59.03fsmithredand then 'startx' just one word
16:59.07zono50ok brbr
16:59.09aitorthanks, detha, need to go
16:59.12aitorsee you later
16:59.44dethaaitor: that looks like network sockets, mostly.
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17:00.08aitoranother link?
17:00.14zono50startx brought the gui up
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17:00.50aitorbye: 19:00 :)
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17:08.10dethain case I miss him, please point aitor to
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17:20.31zono50on boot, kdm is already runninng, but requires a manual restart of kdm to show on the screen
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17:29.45fsmithredsounds like the problem is with kdm
17:30.03fsmithredI don't know if there are any bug reports on it.
17:30.16fsmithredI can think of a few workaround solutions.
17:30.36fsmithredoh, I'm talking to the wall.
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18:00.01grillonby bye
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18:31.26zono50what's the best way to update to kde 5.9 from devuan?
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18:39.30nepugiaif you use jessie i doubt there is an easy way, for ascii you might be able to compile it yourself (if it is not in the repositories)
18:44.57DPAI once tried to make a server with workers, each as their own process. I first made a library which allows arbitrary numbers of programm entry points: . Afterwards, I masivly extended it in an attemp to make a server framework: . At the begining it looked really promising, I made an API for message handlers for workers which where able to recive
18:45.03DPAfile descriptors and pointers using an anonymus unix socket and a signal in the background: . The idea was to process datas from incomming tcp connections by pipeing datas using filedescriptors between different workers which processed different parts of the input: . It looked really promising at the begining, but the
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18:45.09DPAconcept turned out to be fundamentally flawed, because it was impossible to use the file descriptors without risking the worker waiting for enough datas forever and the code not becoming a total mess. After I noticed that, I abandonend that project and removed it from github. However, there is one thing that may be from interest now, the generation of an anonymus unix socket pair: socketpair( PF_UNIX,
18:45.15DPASOCK_DGRAM, 0, socket_pair ) and the inheritance of it after a fork. I know that if a process starts another programm, any filedescriptor without the FD_CLOEXEC flag will be inherited. I don't know if this applies to unix sockets too, but if it does, it allows for the exchange of datas and filedescriptors between a program started by another program without having a named socket, a opened port or a file
18:45.21DPAlaying around. No other process could interfere with the connection (except one that attaches to one of the programs using ptrace).
18:52.05zono50what's the preferred display and window manager for devuan? is devuan stopping support for kde at kde4?
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19:04.36nepugialightdm maybe? kde works fine (kde4) it only is not a default install option
19:11.25golinuxKDE5 is in the repos but there are some gottchas.  Like not being able to unlock screen which is a show stopper (in ascii)
19:11.46golinuxTDE is in process of being packaged
19:12.04golinuxzono50: ^^^
19:13.53zono50ah I gotcha
19:15.28zono50which package do i need to install, is it included in the main repositories
19:16.17nepugiakde-full for alllll stuff afaik
19:16.52nepugiakde-task-desktop is what the installer would do, if it is still available
19:19.28zono50so devuan is working on bringing over kde 5 then? if so than I can wait til the bugs are out
19:28.52nepugiakde5 will not be in jessie, you can use it in ascii :), but i did not test it so i do not know how stable it is
19:29.43zono50well not being able to unlock the screen is definitely a deal breaker
19:30.55zono50is kde5 in the kde-full package in ascii?
19:31.44nepugiafix it :), personally it is not since it does not matter at most of my installs since keyboard acces is more then enough to take over the system regardless of whether kde can lock the screen of not
19:31.57nepugiapretty sure ascii only has kde5
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19:40.11zono50what's the best way to upgrade from jessie to ascii?
19:40.49fsmithredreplace "jessie" with "ascii" in sources.list, update and upgrade and dist-upgrade
19:41.06fsmithredand you might need to upgrade kernel separately
19:41.15zono50i updated kernel to 4.9 yesterday
19:41.32fsmithredfrom backports or ascii?
19:42.24zono50neither, from linus torvalds git site
19:42.28zono504.9 rc8
19:43.07fsmithredyou doing that just so you can have kde?
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19:44.40nepugia4.9 rc8 is not a 4.9 kernel
19:46.43zono50oh wait nevermind that was the previous version, i have 4.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
19:47.01nepugiathat is the jessie-backports kernel
19:47.12fsmithredok, so get the ascii kernel when you're finished upgrading
19:47.22fsmithredbut I ask again, are you upgrading just for kde?
19:47.32zono50pretty much
19:47.54fsmithredjust use a different display manager instead
19:48.25fsmithredwish I could find it, but I did install kde recently, and I seem to remember that I couldn't get kdm to work
19:49.04zono50yeah, i had to restart service manually, so i was told to set sudo service kdm start in rc.local and now the gui boots up as normal
19:51.27nepugiawhy use a dm at all? :p
19:52.10djphnepugia: more terminals?
19:52.39nepugiahaving a dm gives you less tty's to use not more
19:52.44fsmithredso you don't have to be root to shut down
19:53.16nepugiafsmithred: tested, does not have anything to do with the dm
19:53.31DusXMTyeah, that's policykit
19:54.16fsmithredok, but it's easier to be root than to use dbus commands
19:54.29nepugiadjph: you can have more tty's if you want , up to 36 accesivly by the keyboardbi thibk
19:55.07nepugiafsmithred: what are you on about? in bith cases you can use roor and dbus :3, does not affect the dm
19:55.31fsmithredok, well in xfce, the shutdown buttons don't work if you aren't using a dm
19:55.59nepugiaintetesting, i do not have experiemce woth xgce
19:56.12djphnepugia: okay, "more ttys that're on the screen at once"
19:56.54nepugiadjph: that is just X itself :), you do not need a dm to get an x session
19:57.19DusXMTfsmithred: Try this in your .xinitrc: ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session xfce4-session
19:57.19djphpretty sure x is the display manager ...
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19:57.25djph*is a
19:57.41djphbut then again, I've been known to be very wrong more than not
19:57.47fsmithredDusXMT, sudo halt is easier
19:57.57DusXMThmm, that commands appears not to exist on devuan jessie
19:58.38fsmithredI've got some dbus commands that do work in jessie. I've used them with openbox and icewm.
19:58.40nepugiano dm has a different terminology :), x is i think called the display server or something (granted i could be wrong aswell)
19:59.35nepugiafsmithred can you add them to the xfce menu? if so we could put them into the default xfce so a dm is not neccesesarily needed
20:00.20fsmithredfirst we need to fix the fact that you must have a dm in ascii. (unless that's changed in the last couple of months)
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20:06.52fsmithredI'm trying that now
20:07.14bluemarlinhi there
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20:45.38fsmithredok, startx does work in ascii.
20:48.38nepugiawhy wouldnt it?
20:49.03fsmithreddon't really know, but it didn't work a few months ago when I installed ascii
20:49.15fsmithredhad to install a dm
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20:57.26parazydfsmithred: works but you have to run x as root
20:57.45parazydmeaning, /usr/bin/Xorg needs the suid bit as root
20:58.25fsmithredyeah, that's done by xserver-xorg-legacy, isn't it?
20:58.58parazydit works vanilla
20:59.14parazydif you install xinit with no-recommends it pulls the minimum needed
20:59.26parazydforget legacy
20:59.40fsmithredwhat is that for?
21:00.10parazydfor some obsolete support
21:00.16fsmithredok, I just removed it
21:00.18parazydthe Xwrapper thingie in /etc/x11
21:00.21fsmithredand now startx doesn't work
21:00.31parazydls -l /usr/bin/Xorg
21:00.52fsmithredcan't copy/paste
21:00.57parazydis it suid?
21:01.08parazydthen do it
21:01.41parazydyou might also have to be in the video group
21:01.47parazyd(and also input)
21:02.14nepugiavideo is only needed for 3d acceleration, input only for input afaik
21:02.23nepugiaxorg schould start anyway
21:02.55parazydyou'll usually want both ;)
21:03.31parazydalso xorg is dumb and if the system has /dev/dri it will fail if you have no perms
21:03.35nepugiausually yes, but whether startx works or not schould not affect this :)
21:03.39fsmithredDescription: setuid root Xorg server wrapper
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21:04.20parazydfsmithred: can you remove the suid bit for a sec?
21:04.25parazydadd yourself to video and input
21:04.35fsmithredI don't see a setuid bit
21:04.36parazydthen chown :input /usr/bin/Xorg ; chmod g+s /usr/bin/Xorg
21:04.47parazydi wonder if that will work
21:05.00parazyd(make sure you relog when you get added to the groups)
21:05.15fsmithredalready in video, will add input
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21:06.02golinuxnepugia: I stand corrected KDE4 is in jessie repos.
21:06.49fsmithredno screens found
21:06.55nepugiayea, i use it on 2 installs :)
21:07.24parazydfsmithred: i see, yeah no point then. you would need to write an xorg.conf
21:07.40nepugiano screens found os such a bs error, was always something with video drivers for me though
21:07.42fsmithredhaven't done that in awhile
21:07.44parazydhowever if you put the root suid bit on it's going to work
21:07.57parazydchmod +s /usr/bin/Xorg
21:08.12parazydi'd also chown it back to root:root
21:08.35nepugiayou schould not need an xorg conf at all, only if you have a not qwerty keyboard layout or need a different video driver
21:09.33fsmithredshouldn't I see an s in the perms?
21:09.40parazydyou should
21:09.54parazydsrwxr-x-x i guess
21:11.10fsmithredI'll do it again
21:11.25nepugiai use xorg in jessie , my Xorg does not have an s in the front
21:11.30parazydadd -v to chmod/chown
21:11.36parazydmaybe it shows you what happens
21:11.40fsmithredok, it worked second time
21:11.48parazydweird :D
21:12.03fsmithredyeah, I can still see the command, and I typed it correctly both times
21:12.38fsmithredstill won't go
21:12.44parazydwhat's it say?
21:13.33parazydran xorg without a login manager on ascii a few days ago
21:13.38fsmithredoh this is new: check /home/user/.local/share/xorg.Xorg.0.log
21:14.13fsmithredno screens, unable to connect, error (1)
21:14.20fsmithredoperation not permitted
21:14.32fsmithredfailed to set IOPL for I/0
21:14.45parazydwhat kernel are you using?
21:15.09fsmithredguess I should upgrade that
21:15.34parazydbut you'll have to reboot of course, then you lose it
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21:17.20greenjeanslol, yep, just for u fsr
21:17.35fsmithredthanks, I need some power.
21:19.08greenjeansupower is apparently the reason for hibernation bug in Mate, also problem with mate-power-manager not working properly and not reading battery info
21:19.54greenjeansworking on vuu-do mate
21:20.12greenjeansi think maybe I should have left xfce power manager in
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21:22.07greenjeansis newer upower no good for some reason? we are using a version that's like 7 years old
21:23.12fsmithredsame error: failed to set IOPL for I/O
21:23.18greenjeans7 years old this month in fact
21:23.37greenjeansgnome 2 was still around when this version of upower was made
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21:28.50fsmithredparazyd, any other ideas?
21:28.54fsmithredhi aitor
21:29.09parazydfsmithred: tomorrow, when i get to a proper machine
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21:33.52greenjeanshi aitor
21:34.45aitoran explanation for the "probable" sense of the security key of simple-netaid is needed, even appearing absurd
21:35.06aitorhi, greenjeans :)
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21:38.13aitorthe quid of the question is:
21:38.45aitorwhich way is more secure for sending data?
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21:39.36aitorargs in the command line, or the socket?
21:41.10aitorimagine a hacker trying to steal your password
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21:55.30greenjeanspesky hackers
21:55.37aitorsorry, i lost my network connection
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21:59.16aitorif your answer is: the command line is more secure, then we need to check if the person sending those args is the same person connected to the port
22:00.41aitorotherwise, the args will be sent through the socket and the security key has no sense in such case, obviously
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22:01.25nepugiaif i dont have security it cant be broke, meheh
22:02.04aitorwhat's your opinion?
22:02.24aitori'm a newbye in security stuff
22:03.53parazydaitor: why don't you use asymmetric key encryption?
22:04.09parazydstill doesn't know the usecase of this whole discussion
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22:06.21aitorquantum computers will break them in a few minuts, in the future
22:06.30Leander_no they won't
22:06.55aitorthat's the true
22:07.26parazydthen use post quantum cryptography ;)
22:07.36Leander_*if* a real quantum computer is created, it will be able to break *some* encryption schemes (hello RSA) with specific key strengths
22:08.23Leander_it's slightly more complicated than just "everything will be broken"
22:10.22aitorbye, VUAs
22:10.32aitori hate you
22:10.44aitori love you :)
22:11.22parazydLeander_: what is he doing?
22:12.04Leander_err... I don't know
22:12.51Leander_what's VUA?
22:13.05fsmithredVeteran Unix Admins
22:13.08fsmithredas in
22:14.25parazyd"when i was in 'nam...'
22:14.42parazydloves 'nam flashbacks in trash b-movies
22:15.01Capricornushands parazyd some napalm
22:15.16Capricornussmell it in the morning
22:16.06greenjeansi think devuan's current version of upower is 'nam-era
22:16.25Leander_anyway, he has this strange security scheme in mind, that's he's been trying to deal with all day long
22:17.22MinceRthe 'nam-shub of Enki
22:17.30parazydweird indeed. i understand he's doing some nework management tool
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23:01.21zono50i'm trying to install nvidia drivers, but it can't find the 32 bit libraries.
23:01.36zono50i have multiarch-support installed, and did sudo apt-get update, but it's still not working
23:02.46Sleakerzono50: if you're on a 64bit kernel you can't use 32 bit drivers.
23:03.30Sleakermulti-arch support is so you can run 32bit applications on the 64bit machine, not for hardware support.
23:03.52Sleakerzono50: which nvidia driver/distro?
23:04.50zono50375.66 geforce gtx 980 ti
23:04.50Sleakeroh I'm not in ##linux. haha
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23:04.55Sleakerand this is jessie?
23:05.02Sleakererr eres.
23:05.07zono50yes jessie
23:05.36zono50i've installed them before, but it seems to be hit or miss, sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't
23:05.49Sleakeryou installing the official nvidia driver?
23:06.53Sleakerhmm yah I haven't tried to use the official one on a recent system. I've always had pre-packed binaries.
23:07.17SleakerI thought you might have been trying to install a i386 package or something.
23:11.18nepugiathe driver is in devuan repos aswell, if you need a recent version you can use the one in the non-free section of jessie-backports (i kinda recomend installing it from there, seems to work better for me)
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