IRC log for #devuan on 20170508

00:21.35*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:21.35*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-5): Jessie 1.0.0 RC2 | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:22.40*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
00:23.59fsmithredoh well, check in around 10:00-12:00UTC and I'll probably be here.
00:25.53minnesotagsHey. Ok, using the new login page, it is REALLY hard to read the session options. It's so bad, I reinstalled four times, thinking I didn't do it right because I couldn't see the options come up. No bueno.
00:26.45fsmithredthat will be fixed in an update soon
00:27.25minnesotagsI'm actually a bit upset about this, because now I have to reinstall yet again, because what I really wanted was LXDE and I3, and now I have XFCE/i3. I may live with it though because it is a major PITA to go through this all again.
00:27.44fsmithredapt-get install lxde
00:27.51fsmithredapt-get remove xfce
00:28.10fsmithredslightly more than that, but not much
00:28.47minnesotagsHow about, readability on the login page?
00:28.59fsmithredthey are metapackages, so they pull lots of stuff in with them
00:29.07fsmithredand out
00:29.30minnesotagsDing ding
00:29.37fsmithredyou do not have to reinstall to change desktop
00:29.51fsmithredyou could even leave xfce installed and ignore it
00:30.40fsmithredthe login page update should be soon. Or, I could find out the secret code and you could fix yours.
00:30.51fsmithredit really is just one color code in one file.
00:31.18fsmithredand F1 toggles through the choices, so you could even guess where you are
00:31.21minnesotagsI'm sure. But that doesn't help new people.
00:31.32greggypoowhen it's fixed it will :)
00:31.58fsmithredand the fix will come with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
00:31.58minnesotagsYes. Guessing. Random!
00:32.14fsmithredno, not random. In order.
00:32.28fsmithrednot sure what order, but it stays the same.
00:32.34minnesotagsGuessing is random.
00:32.48minnesotagsReading is fundamental.
00:33.54greggypoominnesotags, the first time, you guess, the second time, hopefully you remember
00:34.10fsmithredxfce is most likely first
00:34.17minnesotagsI suppose I'm lucky, since I've been using Devuan for 2 years, most of my machines and install media are older and not "modern".
00:34.19fsmithredand if you only have one other right now
00:34.38fsmithredit'll be the second one
00:35.21minnesotagsLet's put a grey font on a grey background next time. BRILLIANT!
00:35.54minnesotagsNobody will ever think of that.
00:36.04minnesotagsBe unique.
00:36.16fsmithredit doesn't look so bad on some monitors
00:36.35fsmithredand it's not going to last long
00:36.47fsmithredthere are more serious problems in the linux world
00:37.15fsmithredwhy, when I was a noob, I used to log in and type commands without a monitor
00:37.19minnesotagsAre they as easily correctable?
00:37.29fsmithredsome yes, some no
00:37.47fsmithredthis one, if you're lucky, will be fixed in a few minutes.
00:37.52minnesotagsRender unto Lennart.
00:37.57fsmithrednot so lucky, and probably a few days
00:38.15minnesotagsHey, you can use the build server I donate.
00:38.42fsmithredI don't know anything about it, but I'm sure a server would be welcome
00:54.21*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
01:06.14*** join/#devuan buZz (~buzz@
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01:29.45*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:32.12golinuxFrom the most recent review on distrowatch:   It seems to me that these guys didn't really fork Debian, Devuan is the path that would have been taken if Debian had stayed true to its raison d'etre. Debian chose to fork itself and it did royally.
01:35.11gnarfacewell stated
02:05.22*** join/#devuan whetherever72 (~jake@2602:306:bda5:8cc0::49)
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03:40.16greggypoogolinux, i could not have put it better myself, and i've tried :)
03:43.56golinuxYeah, it's a keeper!  A lot of the reviews on DW sing Devuan's praises.
04:02.05nepugiatoo bad that we lost some dev progress through this systemd bs, oh well
04:47.43*** join/#devuan mns` (~devone@
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06:01.27enycgolinux: errrrr whatis DW is this context?
06:10.48*** part/#devuan nepugia (loweematri@gateway/shell/
06:18.28enycKatolaZ: aah had'nte looked about that site before...  i wonder how self-slecting the submitters on the site are.
06:19.15*** join/#devuan misto6_ (
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06:21.34KatolaZenyc: they are self-selecting for almost any distro ;)
06:22.08KatolaZI mean, I have never posted a review for a distro I have not tried
06:22.21KatolaZso I assume people only post about what they have tried/used
06:22.38KatolaZI personally stopped trying distros at random long ago
06:24.08*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
06:29.35*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
06:31.55enycKatolaZ: i'm tihtkning furethr... those who would try out devuan more likely to be those to be positive abotu it...  but anyway ta least its not full of 'it doesnt work' ;p
06:33.00gnarfacei think there's probably an issue with the fact that systemd broke a lot of upgrades
06:33.40enycgnarface: humm err arr err updates frob weher et o where devuan/debian/what?
06:33.57gnarfacefrom debian wheezy to debian jessie
06:34.23gnarfaceso i'm guessing there's a lot of long-time debian users now embittered by this
06:34.44enycgnarface: aah hrrm I have some jessie debian without installing systemd but ok
06:34.48*** join/#devuan chomwitt1 (
06:35.06enycgnarface: makes esnse depends on your costumazations and soforth
06:35.13gnarfaceenyc: yes, it didn't break EVERY upgrade, but it did break some of them
06:35.42enycgnarface: i have some nice mess with old initrd's and help udev's and allsorts ;p
06:36.19enycgnarface: some systems can boot across kernel 2.6.32 up to 4.9-bpo version, interestingly...!
06:37.24gnarfaceenyc: yes, but you see, i actually know what i'm doing.  and the upgrade to debian jessie was the first one that had broken for me since sarge, so i'm embittered, and i can't be the only one.
06:38.23gnarfaceenyc: (and it should be mentioned for clarification, that the sarge upgrade probably was my own fault, since woody was my first debian install)
06:38.56enycgnarface: okies
06:39.25gnarfacebut yea, they only test with ext4
06:39.54gnarfaceso sometimes they change stuff outside of systemd that breaks stuff
06:40.09gnarfaceand this time they changed something that breaks stuff even if you didn't opt into systemd during the upgrade
06:52.05*** join/#devuan cabbie0 (
06:52.11KatolaZenyc: I am moderately enthused by positive comments, but I value more the negative ones
06:52.30KatolaZenyc: the good sign is that there are not many of them atm
06:53.15KatolaZbut anonymous reviews are rarely that much useful to get the pulse of what's going on
06:53.53*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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07:02.14*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
07:12.23cabbie0Hi. Recently installed Jessie 1.0.0 beta i386 on AcerOne net-book (via USB-stick) and 2006 Acer Aspire laptop. Both purring happily.
07:19.10*** part/#devuan cabbie0 (
07:19.36*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
07:26.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
07:33.01*** join/#devuan mchasard (
07:34.01*** join/#devuan mchasard (
07:40.49mchasardhi i have some troubles with live install for reboot
07:47.51mchasardamd64 or i386 iso ?
07:48.37enycmchasard: how so troubles? what do you mean?
07:49.52mchasardat the end after the install when i reboot ...error gpt ...
07:50.08mchasardi have a 32bits pc
07:50.37mchasardi have take the i386 live iso
07:50.44mchasardits the raison ?
07:50.52enycmchasard: gpt sounds partitioning related hrrm
07:51.15enycmchasard: GPT partition table instead of MBR/pc table
07:51.44mchasardso how should i done ?
07:52.01enycmchasard: i dnot'know not tested out the new installed yet
07:52.23enycmchasard: do be patient and ask in here!
07:52.38enycmchasard: it may be that wwiping the drive and  repartitioning/reinsalling might work
07:53.09mchasardi take only one partition and install devuan here
07:53.49mchasardi have a doublt about taking the good iso
07:54.13enycmchasard: nods
07:54.33enycmchasard: if possible, if you have a spare hard disk, attach that ONLY and install on that alone, see if it will work there
07:54.45enycmchasard: it SOUNDS like something about multi-boot/grub/somesuch misbehaving somehow
07:55.04mchasardyes i had an error each time about grub
07:55.10mchasardat the end of install
07:55.30*** join/#devuan aitor (
07:55.37enycmchasard: yes, ty to install it on a blank/empty hard disk (even an old, small, disk) see if you can get it 'working' on your box
07:55.55enycmchasard: if that works, then work with others here to try to narrow down the multiboot issue
07:56.39mchasardi had install before delete partition
07:56.57mchasardi had delete partitio before installing
07:57.14enycmchasard: thats not same as blanking whole drive
07:57.24enycmchasard: this will still keep mbr or gpt partition table etc.
07:57.26KatolaZmchasard: are you using gpt?
07:58.00aitorhi docscritinizer05: i didn't dedicate too much time to wlx
07:58.01KatolaZand before that, what is the "error" that you expeience?
07:58.06mchasardi have taken an old macos disk
07:58.21aitorit's run when clicking on connect/disconnect buttons
07:58.24enycmchasard: right definitiley blank it with zero'es first then repartition
07:58.32enycmchasard: old mac-os disk has funny mac partition label etc
07:58.43aitori'll replace system() by execl(() in all the project
07:58.43KatolaZenyc: there is no need to blank a disk... :S
07:59.05enycKatolaZ: indeed you can overwrite whatever headers etc
07:59.08mchasardbut it was an hackintosh install
07:59.33*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
07:59.38enycKatolaZ: though i find zerofilling (or better, badblocks -wvs) useful to cause hdds to do more mapping out bad sectors pro-actively before re-use
07:59.52KatolaZenyc: that's another story...
08:00.35KatolaZif you want to "blank" all partitions, most of the time it is sufficient to zero the first few MBs
08:00.40enycKatolaZ: indeed
08:00.42KatolaZanyway mchasard this is not your case
08:01.02KatolaZmchasard: what is the "error" you experience?
08:01.10mchasardboot error gpt
08:01.20KatolaZcan you boot into the new installation?
08:01.27aitor'NEVER send argv[] directly to system()!' - Docscrutinizer05
08:01.35aitori know
08:01.44mchasardi'm under live keys
08:01.55KatolaZmchasard: ?
08:02.01aitoras you can see in the coding style, i didn't dedicate too much time to wlx
08:02.02mchasardat the moment
08:02.17KatolaZmchasard: do you have another bootloader installed on  the same disk?
08:03.06mchasardcause i have different disk for different system
08:03.41mchasardand i put another disk to install via usb live
08:04.35enycmchasard: so, boot installer with ONLY this disk to install devuan on installed, and work out how to  fdisk -l    to identify disks, and   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd??? bs=1M count=2   to properly wipe partitions on this disk, reboot, install.....   this must be done with great care not to wipe out wrong disk!
08:04.47aitorDocscrutinizer05: i'll use a switch() function, depending on the values of the arguments in the command line
08:04.51mchasardi had install with installer not live under another pc adn all was ok
08:05.20mchasardi can see only one disk each time
08:05.43KatolaZaitor: you must sanitise any imput before using it for system() or execl()
08:05.55KatolaZespecially since that thing will be suid...
08:06.58aitoryes, now i'm concentrated in the frontend
08:06.58KatolaZmchasard: whic image are you using? i386
08:07.30aitoras i said, i'll use switch(), like in the backend of netman, you know...
08:07.47aitorswitch (switch_item) {
08:07.55aitorcase opSave:
08:07.58mchasardi install again
08:08.02KatolaZmchasard: wait
08:08.15KatolaZif you have only one disk, why are you using gpt?
08:08.34mchasardi don't know why i have this error gpt
08:08.36enycKatolaZ: old hackintosh install disk
08:08.43KatolaZI mean if you use the disk wxclusively for devuan....
08:09.01enycKatolaZ: so mchasard doesn't know how to get rid of that and wipe partition TABLE /headers properly
08:09.06mchasardyes i decided to use for devuan cause i already duplicate this disk
08:09.38KatolaZmchasard: just recreate the partition table then
08:10.03KatolaZbefore you install
08:10.14mchasardi already did that
08:10.23mchasardsimple installation
08:10.25enycmchasard: how? what exactly did you do?
08:10.28mchasardwith only one partition so
08:11.02KatolaZmchasard: and you used an msdos partition table?
08:11.13KatolaZinstead of gpt?
08:11.20mchasardhum i have delete the partition
08:11.38mchasardhow to know that ?
08:12.14KatolaZfdisk will tell you
08:13.01mchasardfdisk - ??
08:13.37mchasardi just create an msdos partition
08:13.46mchasardtable partition
08:13.56mchasardso no doubt now
08:14.07mchasardi could try a reinstall ?
08:14.53aitorneed to go
08:15.01KatolaZmchasard: if you redo the same sequence of steps, you will end up in the same situation....
08:15.09mchasardhum ...
08:15.36KatolaZtrying a reinstall makes sense if you have changed soimething in the meanwhile
08:15.52mchasardi have create an msdos partiion table
08:15.56KatolaZoh ok
08:16.00mchasardin the doubt
08:16.03KatolaZmissed that
08:16.09KatolaZthen yes. definitely
08:16.16KatolaZsince you had a gpt problem
08:16.17mchasardext4 is better?
08:16.21KatolaZone last thing
08:16.30KatolaZoyu said you have live iso right?
08:16.46mchasardi'm under this live at the moment
08:16.55KatolaZfor i386?
08:17.05mchasardyes 32bits
08:17.13KatolaZit's not ams64
08:17.18KatolaZjust to be sure
08:17.31KatolaZ(but you don't need uefi anyway)
08:17.41*** join/#devuan Madda (
08:17.42mchasardotherwise i couldn't use this live
08:17.56mchasardno uefi
08:18.11KatolaZtry to reinstall
08:18.15mchasardso i try a new install
08:18.15KatolaZit should work
08:18.25KatolaZypu can install from live
08:18.28mchasardok thanks i 'll be back
08:27.15*** join/#devuan Drugo (
08:29.14mchasardno error for boot loader i think it was due to gpt partition table
08:29.20mchasardi goes on
08:30.38mchasardi have to reboot now
08:33.36*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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08:36.05mchasardok i'm back success
08:36.13mchasardunder new install
08:38.59*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
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08:39.22mchasardi have one thing same as my other install
08:39.33mchasardno fr layout
08:39.54mchasardit was due to lightdm or slim
08:40.40mchasardi have now to install another desktop
08:42.20mchasardbye default its slim or lightdm installed?
08:52.31*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:57.37KatolaZmchasard: happy it worked fine
08:57.54KatolaZthere are clearly some problems with the live install on i386 and gpt
08:58.19mchasardyeah is it normal that office stay in english ?
08:58.35KatolaZcould you please file a bug report to live-iso please?
08:58.56KatolaZmchasard: you need to install libreoffice i10l stuff
08:59.29mchasardbut normallly with backports it should upgrade ?
09:22.23*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
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09:38.57gnarfacei seem to remember an issue with grub giving gpt errors at boot and it turned out to be caused by something windows had left over in the boot loader
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09:39.06gnarfacemchasard: i seem to remember an issue with grub giving gpt errors at boot and it turned out to be caused by something windows had left over in the boot loader
09:39.26gnarfacemchasard: was this a former windows7 drive you were trying to install to when you got that gpt error?
09:39.50gnarfacemchasard: there was some fix that involved blanking the boot sector then re-running grub, i think
09:40.01mchasardyes but it was due to gpt partition table
09:40.04mchasardnow its ok
09:40.22mchasardi'm in msdos partition table
09:40.26gnarfacei think you can avoid it by using msdos partition table instead, yea, but some things require a gpt partition table
09:42.57gnarfaceanyway, whatever works for you.   zeroing the whole drive would have also worked, but would have been total overkill
09:48.55gnarfacethere is a clean way to fix it
09:49.04gnarfacei just forget what it was exactly
09:56.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:00.44AntoFoxI am working on mate 1.18
10:00.47AntoFoxI hope to finish it soon
10:02.15*** join/#devuan engideavr (
10:03.03KatolaZAntoFox: great!
10:16.57*** join/#devuan peetaur (
10:27.14gnu_srsHi, I have now upgraded the valentine image to RC1 and RC2. There are still versions from that are newer than in Devuan/Jessie:
10:27.14gnu_srslibpulse0: 5.0-13.0nosystemd1 vs 5.0-13+devuan2,
10:27.15gnu_srsupower: 0.99.1-really-0.9.23-2.0nosystemd1 vs 1:0.9.23-2+devuan1.2 :a bug in naming??
10:27.15gnu_srsxfce4-power-manager{,-data}: 1.4.1-2.0nosystemd1 vs 1.4.1-1 (Debian package)
10:29.11KatolaZgnu_srs: "valentine" is a pre-alpha from more than two years ago....
10:30.39gnu_srsI've upgraded to RC2
10:32.29KatolaZoh cool
10:32.41KatolaZI meant, there might be quirks with packages in the valentine iso
10:33.18fsmithredgnu_srs, upower is same version: 0.9.23-2
10:35.29*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (
10:35.30fsmithredis upower 0.99-blah a real package or a dummy?
10:35.36gnu_srsfsmithred: Maybe the upower version should have version: 0.99.1-really-0.9.23-2+devuan1.2 (without epoch?)
10:36.13fsmithredno, I think the 0.99 is from angband, not debian. But that's a guess.
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10:37.12gnu_srsI think 0.99.1 it was uploaded by mistake, therefore the devuan package has the epoch?
10:37.47Centurion_Danthe epoch should be fine.  0.99 from debian has been gutted of the very parts we needed for power management.
10:38.33fsmithredah, so the numbers have to keep up.
10:39.06*** join/#devuan djph (
10:41.21DPAI just found file capabilities. I'm removing some suid bits from my systems now. "chmod -s /bin/ping; setcap cap_net_raw+ep /bin/ping". Seams to work so far.
10:45.09gnu_srsWhat about the xfce4-power-manager* packages?
10:49.55gnu_srslibpulse0 is OK to replace with 5.0-13+devuan2, The latest Debian/Jessie version of upower is: 0.99.1-3.2 (no epoch)
11:06.24gnu_srsOK, the devuan upower version needs the epoch since latest debian one is 0.99.1-3.2 and devuan is based on 0.9.23, right?
11:09.30gnu_srsI think xfce-power-manager* needs an update: It build-depends on libsystemd-daemon-dev (but not depends).
11:30.21*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
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11:46.15*** join/#devuan kamila (d537b8dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:46.37kamilaHello, does anyone know what happened to the devuan image on OpenNebula marketplace? It should exist according to , it did exist a few days ago, and now it's gone
12:06.58Centurion_Danno idea... either who put it their or who removed it...
12:07.21parazydmaybe they're updating for rc2
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12:07.38parazydif it was there 'a few days ago'
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12:32.43fsmithredI didn't think it was possible to have both grub-pc and grub-efi-amd64 installed at the same time, but it looks like I did that.
12:33.41fsmithredoh, just dpkg is confused. aptitude sees it correctly
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17:51.49Enrico_MenottiHi. I thought I could start learning some things about Hildon (for Devuan on the N900). After a bit of googling, I decided to begin with the GTK+ libraries. So I'm trying to compile them on Devuan. I'm reading here: I'm encountering many issues, solved a bunch of them, but now I'm stuck at a certain point. Let me report what I'm doing so far.
17:52.55Enrico_MenottiI started by cloning this: On the page about gtk building that I linked above, they say to run ./configure. So the first problem is that this script does not exist. Instead, I found, which seems to create configure and execute it. Then a make successfully starts the build.
17:52.55Enrico_MenottiNow the newest versions of gtk+ require libraries which seem not to be available on Devuan Jessie, at least not in the required version. So I checked out a previous branch, gtk-3-14. This allows the build process to go fairly ahead.
17:53.56Enrico_MenottiHowever, at a certain point I got the following error from the linker:
17:53.57Enrico_MenottiThis seems to be triggered by the linking process of
17:53.57Enrico_MenottiSo after some googling I found this: and this:
17:54.30Enrico_MenottiIf I got it right, gtk+ has a behaviour (linking against .la files) which seems to be deprecated (based on the Debian bug report above.)
17:55.11Enrico_MenottiAny idea?
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17:56.27buZzEnrico_Menotti: did you see ?
17:56.41Enrico_MenottiI have written it. :)
17:56.55buZzwait, i guess thats the wrong link
17:57.04buZzi was searching for wizzup's work
17:57.13Enrico_MenottiAh I understand.
17:58.22buZznot so much yet
17:59.11Enrico_MenottiMaybe this?
17:59.15buZzthat might get you further
18:00.14Enrico_MenottiWell, I didn't read all the thread, to be honest. But from a first sight I didn't find useful info. I will read more carefully, however.
18:02.44Enrico_MenottiI searched the thread for gobject, without any success.
18:03.01buZzEnrico_Menotti: the #maemo channel had some discussion about it recently, quite sure they had some success
18:03.12buZzi saw someone running maemo on a allwinner tablet
18:03.19buZzbut cant find a link to it
18:03.26buZz(well, maemo, hildon and some other stuff)
18:04.16Enrico_MenottiOk, but for now I'm not looking at the N900 - I'm starting trying to compile the gtk+ on Devuan on a laptop.
18:06.27Enrico_MenottiI think the problem I encountered may be generalised in the following way: given a package, which I installed from the mirrors, and for which I also have the sources (namely, libglib2.0-dev, I think), how to create a corresponding .la file? I found out something about libtool and libtoolize, but I am unable to use it.
18:07.49buZzthey didnt dev for N900
18:17.17greggypoowow, you guys are really talking about the little nokia pda
18:17.33buZzgreggypoo: shitton of people still use it daily
18:17.43buZzits way more freedom than a android or ios
18:17.49buZzalso, hardware keyboard
18:19.05greggypoomy n810 still works, but i haven't used it since my first android phone
18:19.16greggypooit says it has 924 days of uptime :)
18:24.08buZzi have a 770, n800, n810 and n900
18:24.23buZzstill need a n9-00 though to complete my collection
18:24.27buZzand maybe a n950 but thats hella rare
18:24.30greggypoomy first android phone had a keyboard, i wish that had caught on
18:25.17buZzi stopped using android couple years ago (and phones in general)
18:25.43buZzdont favor paying for a service so other ppl can harras me
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18:57.37DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~/Dokumente/Neo900/projbin/kicad-et-al/eeshow> ssh root@t900 uptime
18:57.40fsmithredgreenjeans, did you figure it out?
18:57.53greenjeansI did
18:58.07fsmithredyou left too quick last time
18:58.09DocScrutinizer05n9-00 ?
18:58.39fsmithredsorry I got you stuck on the wrong name
18:58.50greenjeansI went ahead and set it for autologin for running tests, but I may go back to not autologging for the final
18:59.04greenjeansoh no biggie man, I really appreciate your help
18:59.16greenjeansin fact you set me on the right course for another fix
18:59.18fsmithredyou might need to configure a runlevel without display manager
18:59.46greenjeansyou won't believe how i fixed autolgin
19:00.11fsmithredrifle or shotgun?
19:00.40greenjeansthe problem was in the user-timeout line itself, if left uncommented if glitches now and then no matter what you set the delay at
19:00.47greenjeansi commented it out for livecd
19:00.53greenjeansand now everything works
19:01.36fsmithredit stays commented?
19:01.46greenjeansi used the lightdm delay script in live config, changed it
19:02.13DocScrutinizer05buZz: N9-00 = early codename for N950
19:02.40greenjeansjust added a hashtag and left it at 0 for timeout
19:03.34greenjeanscould do it in the 0100-lightdm script too, but delay script was already there so I used it
19:03.58fsmithredyeah, that one was added. better to make changes there.
19:04.02greenjeansand I took out 0040-sudo completely
19:04.29greenjeansno more sudo nopasswd on the livecd, it works just like installed system now
19:04.33fsmithredyou can turn off any live-config piece by adding to boot line:
19:04.46fsmithrednocomponents=sudo  (for instance)
19:05.05greenjeansoh cool, that's a much better way
19:05.17fsmithredthere's a bunch of those. see man live-config
19:05.56buZzDocScrutinizer05: isnt N9 the actual N9-00 ?
19:06.02greenjeanslightdm just doesn't seem to like that user-timeout line
19:06.31DocScrutinizer05no, even
19:06.40greenjeansboots a lot faster autologging in now, and uses less ram at first idle, 131 mb
19:07.22buZzDocScrutinizer05: ah, so N9-01
19:07.23DocScrutinizer05see "Dali", and "Lankku"
19:07.42greenjeanstrying to figure out whether I want autologin on the livecd or not, any recommendations?
19:08.29fsmithredlive-cd is used for short times, the person is right there, the passwords are published on the internet
19:08.29greenjeansmy login screen is just so pretty though....;)
19:08.57fsmithredisn't it the same as the desktop background?
19:09.08greenjeanswell yeah....
19:09.18greenjeansit's pretty too
19:10.01greenjeanswell cool, i have beta 2 rolled up, will start uploading here shortly
19:10.55Enrico_MenottiAnybody knows about what I asked above?
19:11.02greenjeanshey i think i have enough space on my site to mirror devuan, is there anywhere that lists how much space and bandwidth is needed?
19:11.09buZzdid you ask in #maemo yet Enrico_Menotti ?
19:11.19Enrico_MenottiYes, yesterday.
19:12.07buZzthere is code somewhere, but i dont know it
19:12.16buZz(for running hildon on modern devuan)
19:12.44fsmithredthere's info about mirroring on main site
19:13.03fsmithredI need to go do stuff. back in about half hour.
19:13.31greggypooEnrico_Menotti: i probably won't be able to help you but i'm curious, what do you need a glib .la for?
19:14.21Enrico_Menottigreggypoo I'm trying to compile gtk+ on Devuan. I end up with it unable to find a specific .la file.
19:15.12Enrico_MenottiI reported extensively my situation about an hour and a half ago.
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19:25.18greggypooEnrico_Menotti:  thanks
19:25.47aitorDocScrutinizer05: aitor's concept is absolutely correct (and simple netaid much appreciated), just the implementation of wlx needs some more love
19:25.59aitorof course :)
19:31.55aitorwlx is only an utility for now
19:35.29aitorthere will therefore only be one backend
19:36.12aitorthe original backend of simple-netaid
19:37.33aitorwith some minor improvements
19:48.11aitorok, i'll obey to our sheriff dedicating more love to wlx
19:48.25aitorleaving aside my poems :)
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20:28.08greenjeansI think that I shall never see, an init as buggy as systemd, it just won't leave well-enough alone, i'm not surprised they love it at GNOME.
20:33.56MinceRthe amount of bugs in systemd couldn't fit in an init
20:39.06buZzlol MinceR
20:39.12buZzthats a nice quote :)
20:48.29greenjeansit's kind of like an old 70's 8-track player, it works but only if you wad up a piece of paper or a matchbook and wedge it in just the right place, otherwise it's fuzzy and drags and sounds like crap
20:48.51greggypoothat one doesn't rhyme
20:49.09greenjeansit's free-verse
20:50.25buZzi was helping someone setup LXC and cgroups
20:50.51buZzand someone went to shouldersurf me to tell me about 'THERE IS MACHINED IN SYSTEMD YOU KNOW? WORKS FINE, WHY DO YOU NEED LXC'
20:51.04buZzasked them kindly to fuck off
20:51.44parazydbuZz: speaking of lxc
20:51.53parazyddo you have any idea how to avoid the proc restrictions?
20:52.05parazydi'm trying to do binfmt and crazy stuff, lxc just denies me
20:52.19buZzyeah cgroups ;)
20:52.44parazydwhat am i supposed to do?
20:52.54parazydremove noexec?
20:53.09parazydi've no idea what i'm doing
20:53.20buZzyou need to specifically allow a lxc access to the stuff you want
20:53.39Enrico_MenottiHi parazyd. Don't want to disturb you - but may you have a look at my questions above? Maybe you know something about that...
20:54.11parazydbuZz: ah, i see
20:54.47parazydEnrico_Menotti: why do you need .la files?
20:55.36buZzactually , this could work ; lxc.mount.entry = /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc none rbind,create=dir,optional
20:55.56Enrico_MenottiI'm trying to compile gtk+. At a certain point it complains about a missing .la file. I explained all above, extensively (it's about three hours ago.)
20:56.19parazydbuZz: thanks!
20:56.23parazydi'll give it a shot
20:58.02parazydEnrico_Menotti: seems you should fix the autoconf crap in the sources there
20:58.25parazydyou should use gtk2 though
20:58.31parazydit's what the maemo port will use
20:59.58Enrico_MenottiSo did I download the wrong sources?
21:00.17Enrico_Menotti(Sorry, don't know the difference between the various gtk's).
21:01.13parazydmost of hildon is written in gtk2
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21:02.55Enrico_MenottiAh got it. I was on version 3.14.
21:03.27Enrico_MenottiSo it is sufficient to checkout an earlier version?
21:04.28Enrico_MenottiI will try. Thanks.
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21:10.04parazydbuZz: seems like setting security.privileged to true (in lxc2/lxd) helps
21:10.36buZzah, i didnt know you were running a unpriviledged one :)
21:10.43parazydneither did i :D
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21:21.34aitorn^eed _^to go^_
21:22.04aitorbye :)
21:24.02fred``keep up the good work
21:24.32greenjeansbeta #2 up:
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22:33.26Enrico_Menottiparazyd I checked out branch gtk-2-24, and I'm trying to compile. However, now I run in a different issue: seems echo is turned on, so that I get printed on screen every single command which is executed. It's a mess. Tried to go back a few tags, but no result. Any idea?
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