IRC log for #devuan on 20170506

00:01.55*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
00:10.04*** join/#devuan HoloIRCUser4 (
00:13.28*** join/#devuan Eadrom381|X250 (
00:24.50*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:24.50*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-5): Jessie 1.0.0 RC2 | discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:54.40*** join/#devuan frodo654321 (
00:55.03frodo654321hi there ..
00:57.03frodo654321question: what does or does not work if systemd is not present. I have a very small set of apps I use on the desktop. I read somewhere Gnome and KDE breaks if systemd is not present. How did they manage to break the desktop to fix the init process .. thanking you ....
00:57.39MinceRtrick question, they did not fix the init process
00:57.43MinceRthey broke that too
00:58.38gnarfacefrodo654321: some stuff related to battery/temperature/hibernation stuff got rolled into systemd, then dutiful little shills at Gnome decided to re-code to require it, and the old lm-sensors developers apparently obediently also packed it in so there was no competing compatibility measures left "supported"
00:58.53frodo654321I assume the DE is just another userland app that fires up, why make it dependent on a particular init process?
00:58.57gnarfacefrodo654321: also i think maybe some login daemon stuff too
00:59.15gnarfacefrodo654321: oh, there's schadenfreude going on for sure.  no question about it.
00:59.36gnarfacefrodo654321: if you're looking at the whole picture and thinking "this looks fishy" yea... you're right.
01:00.36frodo654321As I also read, they rolled udev into systemd, didn't work, systemd developers said not our problem, we don't know that stuff.
01:00.43frodo654321What an attitude !
01:00.49gnarfacefrodo654321: they're trying to make systemd *so much more* than just an init system.  they're trying to roll the entire userland into it, basically, starting with anything normally run by root.
01:01.09gnarfacefrodo654321: yea, the udev thing is a ongoing pain in the ass, but primarily only for gamers
01:01.30frodo654321OK, I'm moving to devuan (from lubuntu), what won't work?
01:02.21frodo654321pulseaudio don't work already :)
01:02.28gnarfacetrue.  also there are network-manager alternatives
01:02.41parazydgnarface: networkmanager works
01:02.42frodo654321Cannot ever -ever - ever get it to save settings !!!
01:02.51gnarfaceparazyd: it got fixed now?
01:02.59gnarfaceisn't up-to-date on that as he wasn't using it
01:03.09parazydCenturion_Dan: updated it systemd-free
01:03.16gnarfaceah cool
01:03.20parazydnot sure in which repo it is though
01:03.24frodo654321Also boot hangs for 30 seconds because it can't find a NIC that hasn't been initialized yet.
01:03.37gnarfaceyou're having that problem too?  that's weird....
01:03.48gnarfacewait, are you using a n900 phone?  someone was having that issue on a n900
01:04.00parazydlol no, there's no lubuntu on the n900
01:04.45frodo654321Will apt-get work same as usual?
01:04.54gnarfaceyea, none of that stuff changed
01:05.21frodo654321Third party apps like mpv? (pardon my ignorance)
01:05.30gnarfaceyea, all should be the same... though i think there WAS a bug in the debian debootstrap with regards to the devuan repos, i'm not sure it hasn't been fixed.
01:05.57parazydfrodo654321: yep, all works
01:06.05gnarface(the devuan debootstrap installs fine in debian though, if you need it to work)
01:06.14frodo654321I thought the systemd war was over, why so many people choose to leave?
01:06.22parazydthe normal one also works, just drops the wrong repo when it's done
01:06.37gnarfaceoh, good to know
01:06.47gnarfacefrodo654321: who told you the war was over?  sounds like propaganda to me
01:06.52fsmithredI just did a debootstrap install a few days ago. It worked.
01:09.05frodo654321What desktop does Devian come with as default?
01:09.18MinceRxfce, afaik
01:09.27fsmithredthere are live isos you could try
01:10.04frodo654321So you could install LXDE or LXQT no problem, I like a small simple fast desktoop ..
01:11.27frodo654321I could install the minimal-live version and then install LXDE or LXQT?
01:11.40gnarfacesure why not?
01:11.45gnarfaceif you have enough spare ram
01:12.18gnarfaceabout that 30s pause on startup.... are you booting without an initrd.img?  that was the other thing about that guy who had the same issue, he wasn't using an initrd.img
01:12.40gnarfacei don't remember hearing whether compiling the driver in statically fixed the issue or not though
01:13.06gnarfaceit's not happening to me on any of my machines here though, but i'm using stock kernels and initrd.img setups for the most part
01:13.23gnarfacefrodo654321: ^^
01:14.37*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
01:15.25frodo654321According to the log, it was saying unknown NIC .. force detect or something. I just disabled activiting the NIC from some systemd config file.
01:15.57gnarfaceoh, so the 30s pause was happening with systemd on lubuntu for you too?
01:16.04frodo654321yep ..
01:16.09gnarfacei wonder if it's firmware related
01:16.22gnarfaceyou don't know what the actual device is, do you?
01:16.35frodo654321Yea, it's a generic non-standard motherboard ..
01:17.15frodo654321What do I type to get the NIC device name?
01:17.44gnarface(unless it's usb)
01:18.37frodo654321No it's on the board .. wait ...
01:19.49frodo654321lspci | grep ETHERNET .. 00:07.0 Bridge: NVIDIA Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)
01:20.27gnarfacemost likely forcedeth
01:20.41DocScrutinizer05N900 has no ethernet BIC, unless you like to count in wl1251 WLAN
01:20.41frodo654321Yea that's it .. forcedeth ..
01:20.47DocScrutinizer05NIC even
01:21.21gnarfaceforcedeth i think does not require non-free firmware anymore.  needing some module options wouldn't surprise me though
01:21.49frodo654321I have noticed a lot of 'waiting on' on browsing even though I has supposidly lots of bandwidth. do you think it's to do with a vrap NIC?
01:22.09gnarfacealso complete utter failure to be reliably useful might depend on having the latest motherboard firmware (i've owned some nforce boards in my day)
01:22.47DocScrutinizer05anyway that 30s delay seems to be related to udev *rules*
01:23.20frodo654321I hesitate to upgrade the firmware in case I brick it ..
01:23.57DocScrutinizer05I'd guess one triggers a flase positive on some other hardware and tries to load a driver that takes 30s to find out it's loaded mistakenly
01:24.38frodo654321Again I am confused .. does udev handles the NIC .. does systemd handle it .. does systemd override udev .. that's what I object to systemd, it's confused :)
01:25.17DocScrutinizer05no systemd in devuan. udev *called* systemd-udev
01:25.52frodo654321Unless it prevents me using the machine, I generally don't go and fix something.
01:26.15frodo654321I see lots of msgs from dmesg ..
01:26.20gnarfacefrodo654321: udev has been rolled into systemd, but existed before it, and handles assigning names to hardware in /dev
01:27.01gnarfacefrodo654321: there are some... discrepancies in udev behavior, some of them are bugs, some of them are related to different batches of udev rules files (plain text files you can edit yourself)
01:27.20frodo654321According to the lead developer he can't get it to work :)
01:27.45frodo654321'we don't know any of this low level stuff' .. or words to that effect :)
01:28.24gnarfacewell it's clearly a big mess
01:28.30gnarfaceit doesn't evidence careful qa
01:28.35frodo654321If you deciden to assimilate udev then get it to owrk !!!
01:28.47gnarfacehmmm... i wonder what happened with vdev
01:29.02gnarfaceinfobot: vdev?
01:29.09gnarfacehmm, nope
01:29.22frodo654321So eventually Debian is going to be an app that runs on top of systemd :)
01:30.02gnarfaceyea, it seems like they are trying to recouple the whole stack
01:30.11gnarfacenot just debian
01:30.13gnarfaceevery distro
01:30.16gnarfacethat's the plan
01:30.18gnarfacethen redhat rules the world
01:30.21gnarfaceor whatever
01:30.43frodo654321What happened to do one thing and do it well/
01:31.09frodo654321And then glue them together to make a stack?
01:31.21gnarfaceit's not about enabling users
01:31.39gnarfaceit's about enabling the systemd developers themselves
01:31.43gnarfaceat the expensve of users and developers
01:32.17gnarfaceit's not about doing anything well other than stopping other people from doing what they were doing
01:33.21gnarfacea redirection of the entire development environment to de-emphasize developer user and increase emphasis on consumer-mindedness
01:33.25MinceRno, debian is going to be a spin of fedora with a different logo and wallpaper
01:33.38MinceRjust wait until the cabal "standardizes" the package manager
01:33.50*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (erik@
01:37.13DocScrutinizer05can't take long
01:37.21infobotsystemd cabal: a bunch of people (Lennart Poettering, Kay Sievers, H. Hoyer, D. Mack, T. Gundersen, D. Herrmann) who want to turn linux into their wet dream perverted version of windows-me-too: -- Rumor has it that 2016 systemd will have replaced kernel. See ~nosystemd"
01:41.27DocScrutinizer05(30s delay) either a driver from a rule, or that particular udev actually already is systemd-infested and tries to connect to d-bus
01:42.56frodo654321gnarface .. re: udev rules files. I had a problem mounting a canon canera and had to do just that, edit a udev rule file. Now with systemd, the rule is somewher else I guess.
01:43.54*** join/#devuan Drugo (~Drugo@
01:44.05gnarfacefrodo654321: it is my assumption that they're just updating the rules faster
01:44.18gnarfacefrodo654321: possibly through a internal mechanism that is systemd specific
01:44.20frodo654321ot: When I took a look at the systemd windows type INI files, I said to myself, this doesn't look much.
01:45.41frodo654321gnarface: The confusion is, and I am definitly confused, what controls the udev rules?
01:46.00gnarfaceyou mean what uses them?
01:46.15gnarfacesystemd is a running daemon
01:47.21DocScrutinizer05iirc systemd-udevd has a lot of rules in /usr/*/*... now
01:47.38DocScrutinizer05just like systemd-init does
01:47.42frodo654321Which have a different systax that systemd INI files. The order of the lines effect the execution of the items. Except when there are a BEFORE/AFTER directive. sorry to say, it looks like a school project :)
01:48.49frodo654321That's what it looked like to me ..
01:50.12frodo654321Who in his right min thinks windows INI files are a good idea? Square bracket, close bracket] lines of text .. :)
01:51.27gnarfaceyou know, i like xml
01:51.33gnarfacebut everyone will dogpile on that too
01:51.37gnarfacethe issue here isn't the syntax
01:52.02gnarfacethe issue is the quality control
01:52.13gnarfaceit's all just wrong
01:52.32frodo654321gnarface: "systemd is a running daemon" once a boot process has done its job you shouldn't be able to change it, or allow it to change anything. What is the init process even doing running *after* the boot process is over. You see my confusion?
01:52.55gnarfaceit doesn't seem very secure to me either
01:53.30frodo654321Generally, complicated leads to confusion which leads to bugs!
01:53.53frodo654321Which leads to insecurity ...
01:55.05frodo654321See also this: "systemd-resolved will fall back to Google public DNS (, etc.) in the absence of other configured DNS servers."
01:55.37gnarfacelol yea amateur hour shit
01:55.45frodo654321So if I hack the local DNS server and set to my box, I can take over systemd on anyone elses box ?
01:56.46frodo654321Just who in his right mind hardwires an IP into a vital boot process? Presumably this isn't changable or cannot be disabled?
01:58.07golinuxsystemd discussion should rally be on #debianfork . . .
01:58.14frodo654321ok ..
01:58.36golinuxgnarface should know that.  ;)
01:59.00golinuxI thought sure you'd be talked out by now!
01:59.00frodo654321What's the long term support going to be like?
01:59.21frodo654321On devuan
01:59.22golinuxLike long term support
01:59.51frodo654321How often will it be updated/upgraded
01:59.52golinuxbiab - dinner
02:00.09golinuxProbably only security fixes.
02:00.27golinuxbackports may get some newer pkgs
02:01.27frodo654321I only upgrade when they stop providing updates for the current version.
02:02.11frodo654321What is in a distro? .. the kernel, a file system .. a desktop .. etc?
02:02.26frodo654321how did you go about making devuan?
02:02.55fsmithredpackages were recompiled without dependency on systemd
02:03.04frodo654321Ah ..
02:03.11fsmithredthat amounts to about 1% of the packages in debian repos
02:03.23fsmithredthe rest is unchanged debian
02:03.27frodo654321Which ones stopped working?
02:03.39fsmithredthere's a list at
02:03.49frodo654321I'll go and see ..
02:03.55fsmithredthe list for ascii will be longer
02:04.00frodo654321bye .. thanks for the info ..
02:04.08*** part/#devuan frodo654321 (
02:11.38*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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02:57.50*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:58.46DocScrutinizer05muses over
03:00.35*** join/#devuan gmcastil (~user@
03:03.19DocScrutinizer05parazyd: ^^^ ?
03:05.42DocScrutinizer05>> 2. Replacing #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash magically makes the problem go away in my VM.<< LOL
03:12.11*** join/#devuan gmcastil` (
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04:35.13gmcastili'm noticing a lot of packages that are not able to be authenticated - is this something that should be looked into?
04:43.11*** join/#devuan batmore (323598af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:49.27batmoreRC2 net install working good, no issues. os-release gives no indication of which 'version'  (ie: RC flavor) is active.  I was hoping to see Devuan RC2
04:51.37batmoregmcastil: it's only been 45min since I did the download/install... no authentication issues
04:53.54batmoregmcastil: so very recent effect.
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07:35.53aitormoin, moin
07:36.23aitortime to take a coffee, i'll be back shortly
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07:52.28mchasardhi rc2 is out
07:52.35mchasardalso for arm device
07:53.09mchasardi'm under rc1 ...should i install it or the update make already that
07:56.25mchasardfor locales  its better to install installer.iso ?
07:57.14*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
08:18.20Centurion_Dangmcastil: is this an existing install??
08:21.34*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:21.45aitorhi parazyd
08:21.59aitordbus appears in each and all the files
08:30.06syco_semems to be a little problem with the graphical install mode in RC2: it fails at grub-install (ask for the debian netinstall cd,n ot devuan)
08:30.15syco_works fine in text mode install
08:33.17minnesotagssysco_, I had the same happen with an i386 install today, but I went through the install the second time and it worked. :-/
08:34.44*** part/#devuan minnesotags (
08:36.28parazydaitor: yes that's the thing
08:37.03parazydDocScrutinizer05: hah, i might actually give that a shot, although i'm nearly done with packaging eudev for devuan, so i won't worry too much about it
08:49.33*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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11:55.47Centurion_Dancoagen: ah.. great.. We need to file a bug about synaptic...
11:57.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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12:38.34DocScrutinizer05parazyd: a `exec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null` is a rather lightweight patch ;-)
12:39.18DocScrutinizer05the failure mode pattern anyway is "funny"
12:40.47DocScrutinizer05plus I learned something new about dash :-)
12:41.34DocScrutinizer05or rather: a subtle difference between dash and bash
12:42.01*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:42.52AntoFoxcoming out problems with mate-1.16??
12:42.56*** join/#devuan mchasard (
12:43.23AntoFoxand with xapps from linuxmint?
12:43.37AntoFoxhi Doc
12:43.45parazydDocScrutinizer05: theoretically, if it works in dash it will work anywhere
12:43.57DocScrutinizer05obviously not
12:44.06parazydhow so?
12:44.36DocScrutinizer05since dash saves file handles for std* to $10+ while bash closes them
12:44.50DocScrutinizer05err &10+
12:45.38parazydwhat if you invoke bash as sh?
12:45.43DocScrutinizer05thus a `exec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null` fixes stuff for dash, since that closes STDOUT/ERR for good
12:46.00parazydnothing has to be "fixed" for dash
12:46.05DocScrutinizer05[2017-05-06 Sat 05:05:41] <DocScrutinizer05> >> 2. Replacing #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash magically makes the problem go away in my VM.<< LOL
12:46.12parazyddash is the minimum common denominator
12:46.37parazydDocScrutinizer05: no, i'm saying that bash behaves differently if argv0 is sh
12:47.22DocScrutinizer05please note that none of the comments in this ticket been by me
12:49.32DocScrutinizer05anyway the root cause is some logging keeps filehandle open for 30s when using dash for scripting, since dash saves file handles even when redirected. Bash doesn't
12:50.11DocScrutinizer05the switch from log=ERR to log=INFO awakened the sleeping bug it seems
12:52.18DocScrutinizer05the "fis" is to close filehandles for good, by `exec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`
12:52.47parazydas said it won't matter, since eudev will be implemented instead of the old udev
12:53.10parazydand gives for better (newer) hardware support
12:53.13DocScrutinizer05sure, as soon as devuan gets rif of udev, it won't matter anymore
12:53.36DocScrutinizer05still it's an "interesting" bug
12:54.13DocScrutinizer05I just hope it got fixed in eudev
12:54.47DocScrutinizer05AIUI it's an old sleeping bug
12:55.31parazydseems not everyone is experiencing it though
12:55.50DocScrutinizer05yeah, it needs "log=INFO" or somesuch
12:55.57DocScrutinizer05which triggered it
12:56.01parazydi see
12:56.50DocScrutinizer05default was "log=ERR" before 209(?)
12:57.29parazydprobably INFO was leftover cruft from the developers when systemd was assimilating udev
12:57.44DocScrutinizer05 to bottom is a worthwhile cursory read
12:59.25DocScrutinizer05I really only read diagonally. I might have memorized some details incorrectly. Give it a shot, it's intriguing
13:00.10DocScrutinizer05an educational example how bugs sneak in
13:03.22DocScrutinizer05 actually
13:06.41*** join/#devuan mchasard (~pierre@
13:07.05DocScrutinizer05  >>You're obviously correct; the extra FDs are red herrings.<<  ...  >> dash "backs up" any FDs it redirects, so it can restore them later on. bash just closes them outright in this situation (forked subshell + parent exits), causing udev's spawn_read to immediately, thereby marking the udev event as finished.<<
13:09.02DocScrutinizer05>> Upstream commit 2004d23a0fcaa6e74631057a2ff75594a038d86e changed udev's default log level from LOG_ERR to LOG_INFO (altough all older versions always suggested that INFO was the default -- it wasn't). That commit is part of systemd v209 and newer.<<
13:11.35DocScrutinizer05> +# Note that this trick does not work under dash, which "backs up" any > +# redirected FDs to FD 10 and higher.
13:11.37DocScrutinizer05>  do_everything > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
13:11.38DocScrutinizer05This seems to work under both bash and dash:
13:11.40DocScrutinizer05exec > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
13:11.41DocScrutinizer05do_everything &
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14:03.24fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, were you talking to someone earlier about 30-second delay at boot? If so, were they on ascii?
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14:06.42DocScrutinizer05they were on ARM aka N900 and yesterday some other board aiui
14:06.50DocScrutinizer05no idea what's that images
14:07.19fsmithredinitramfs-tools (0.129) has a warning about 30-second delay in systems that don't support hibernation
14:07.30fsmithredhave to disable it
14:07.50DocScrutinizer05please see last 8 lines I posted
14:08.29fsmithredFrom version 0.128, the boot code waits for a suspend/resume device
14:08.35DocScrutinizer05>>    * net.agent: Properly close stdout/err FDs, to avoid long hangs during udev      settle. Thanks to Ben Hutchings! (Closes: #754987)<<
14:09.14fsmithredthese are not the same problem, are they?
14:09.42DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti reported hang in udev, exactly like described in
14:10.27DocScrutinizer05yours sounds like suspend/resume
14:10.55DocScrutinizer05also "boot code" which != udev aiui
14:11.17DocScrutinizer05so no, not the same problem
14:12.30Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 In my case the hang was due to net.agent waiting for the loopback lo device to be mounted, which did not happen due to the lack of an initrd. After 30 seconds net.agent times out and the boot goes on.
14:13.09DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: which is *exactly* what is all about
14:13.27fsmithredwhat I got is from Apr 27 changelog of initramfs-tools
14:13.51fsmithredmaybe 30-second boot delays are in fashion?
14:14.03DocScrutinizer0530s sure is fashionable
14:14.33fsmithredI guess that's better than five minutes
14:14.49DocScrutinizer05like in wget ;-P
14:15.09DocScrutinizer05ooh wait, those are 900s aka 15min
14:18.23Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 I read that bug report. It's not exactly what happened to me. In that bug, if one turns udev_log to "err" the delay vanishes. In my case, it did not.
14:20.36*** join/#devuan DingoSaar (
14:23.50DocScrutinizer05in this case I'd rather blame the observation than the explanation
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14:30.03Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 Sorry, I didn't understand what you mean...
14:31.47Enrico_Menotti(I'm referring to: DocScrutinizer05 in this case I'd rather blame the observation than the explanation.)
14:34.25*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
14:35.32DocScrutinizer05compare >>* net.agent: Properly close stdout/err FDs, to avoid long hangs during udev<<  and >>The loopback device always reports link up through ethtool,...<<  vs  >>In my case the hang was due to net.agent waiting for the loopback lo device<<
14:37.35*** join/#devuan JTechno (
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14:42.32mchasardwich video player do you use under raspberry pi and devuan arm ?
14:42.36DocScrutinizer05whwere did you do "export udev_log=err"?
14:42.54Enrico_MenottiA minute...
14:43.10*** join/#devuan chocolate (65a40f0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:43.29DocScrutinizer05well, never mind, I wouldn't consider it relevant for that bug
14:43.58DocScrutinizer05for whatever reason yours differed to the reported behavior in ticket
14:44.23fsmithredmchasard, if you want something functional that's lightweight, mpv is good. I have no idea about what works on rpi.
14:45.28Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 A few days ago I reported four ways to get a log from udev: through its config file (which right now I don't remember what exactly is), through a kernel parameter, through an environment variable, or through udevadm.
14:45.38mchasardfor me i try to use it but its jerky
14:46.09mchasardmay be a wap partition is requiered
14:46.15DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: and none of them is really relevant for
14:46.58Enrico_MenottiIn the first case, which is the one that worked for me, I had the line udev_log="err". I tried to change it to "info" or "debug", with no result (no log and the delay was still there).
14:47.05fsmithredyou trying to watch HD video?
14:47.26DocScrutinizer05kernel cmdline? I don't think this works OOTB
14:47.44DocScrutinizer05whatever, this is OT here
14:47.48Enrico_MenottiNo, config file.
14:48.13Enrico_MenottiIn order to get a log, I had to downgrade udev to the Wheezy version.
14:48.36Enrico_MenottiIn this way, by setting udev_log="debug", I found out the delay to be pertinent to net.agent.
14:48.47mchasardi tried also avi but its same
14:48.53fsmithredI have trouble with some .mkv files
14:49.09Enrico_MenottiAnd with a bit of googling, found out net.agent to wait for the loopback. (Checked also in the code.)
14:49.12fsmithredmaybe google for solution. Probably others have same problem.
14:49.25fsmithrednot necessarily devuan issue
15:07.13*** join/#devuan mwarning (~mwarning@2a01:4f8:141:4623:2e0:8fff:fe00:6ac)
15:09.00nepugiadoes devuan support an efi stub inatallation? would be pretty cool to get when you choose to inatall devuan as only os on a pc
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16:06.31bjbXenguy, I am going to try the upgrade-to-Devuan-from-wheezy now.  I can boot from a netinstall cd now ... so can recover if things go really badly.
16:07.01bjbHere goes ...
16:07.01XenguyExcellent bjb
16:07.08XenguyGood luck!
16:12.50*** join/#devuan bjb (
16:24.28*** join/#devuan Drugo (
16:25.35bjbso ... I changed the apt-sources.list to have 6 sources - 3 binary and their three source package equivalents.
16:25.49bjbapt-get update, then apt-get install devuan-keyring.
16:26.08bjbthen try apt-get install apt dpkg.
16:26.20bjbbut it still says it cannot authenticate the packages it wants to install
16:26.25bjbIs that expected?
16:26.39DocScrutinizer05 (Devuan on N900)
16:27.34XenguyHrm, not sure about that bjb , hopefully someone here is familiar with devuan-keyring issues
16:28.24XenguyAre you using the steps documented in that article, w/e it was?
16:28.37bjbWell, I guess I'm checking that now : -D
16:29.20*** join/#devuan Akuli (~Akuli@
16:30.00bjbLucky me, the page is not loading
16:30.18bjbI think I was reading that page downstairs ...
16:30.42bjbMaybe I can connect to irc from downstairs
16:32.34DocScrutinizer05 ?
16:33.34*** join/#devuan bjb (
16:34.03bjbI'm reading this page:
16:34.33bjbAh, I need to do another apt-get update
16:35.34bjbThat works better ...
16:35.55XenguyGood to hear
16:36.04bjbThe apt-get install apt dpkg step is something I find helps ... when you are upgrading, use the new apt and dpkg.
16:36.20bjbI will carry on with the recommendations after that
16:36.43Xenguyfollows bjb's progress with interest...
16:38.06bjbIt is pulling in a lot of stuff at the moment ... I'm at the 146th package, it has another 1 min 45 seconds to go
16:38.19bjbjust with apt-get install dpkg apt
16:38.29bjbI think if it is getting libc6 that is normal
16:39.21bjbPerhaps I will unplug the network cable now ... back in a bit
16:41.20KatolaZbjb: need to apt-get update after you have installed devuan-keyring
16:45.50*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
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16:51.48Lydia_KOh boy oh boy! I can wait to read the comments from the systemd lovers complaining that we exist at all!
16:52.06Xenguymakes popcorn...
16:52.50mwarningit's about choice. Not picking on other people..
16:53.02OxFEEDBACCdo we? ;-)
16:53.49FlibberTGibbeti gather systemd will eventually incorporate a deuvan or bsd vm to satisfy those who don't like systemd :D
16:56.31KatolaZLydia_K: you will be surprised to find far less trolls in the comments this time
16:57.52KatolaZalso on Moron...ops...Phoronics several senior members have provided positive comments
16:58.56FlibberTGibbetKatolaZ: they have? thought those guys were firmly in the opposite camp. wow.
17:00.26Lydia_KWow, so far these comments are all very positive.
17:00.45Lydia_KI'm honestly stunned considering all the hate that was in the slashdot comments last time there was something about us there.
17:01.01*** join/#devuan bjb (
17:01.11Xenguywb bjb
17:01.29bjbI've done the apt-get install apt dpkg ... proceeding to apt-get dist-upgrade -d (I generally like to download everything in a separate step)
17:01.45FlibberTGibbetmaybe i'm being thoroughly subjective but systemd does seem to have more detractors as time goes by, not less. not the sign of a roaring success
17:02.24KatolaZbjb: you just need to apt-get update *after* you have installed devuan-keyring to have packages verified
17:02.40*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:02.45bjbKatolaZ, ok thanks
17:02.47XenguyKatolaZ: I think that's done now
17:02.59KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: well, systemd is still the system of choice in te majority of the Linux world....
17:03.25XenguyThe majority will always go with the default I think
17:03.25KatolaZoh sorry Xenguy, bjb
17:03.25*** join/#devuan DPA (
17:03.35bjbsystemd is not the system of choice ... it's the default.  Lots of people are putting up with it because it's the default
17:03.56FlibberTGibbetKatolaZ: yes, for now that's certainly the case. i'm inclined to go with bjb on this one though -- given the choice...
17:04.01bjbKatolaZ: I appreciate the attention to my plight : -)
17:04.05XenguyIndeed a couple of linux people at work were not really even aware of the systemd issue
17:04.34bjbAt work, we don't really have a choice ... the customer is going with it so we have to know it.
17:04.40bjbbut I will not have it at home : -)
17:04.52bjbIf the customer wants me to know it, they can pay for it
17:04.57Xenguy^5s bjb...
17:06.39bjbOk, the downloading has happened ... I will disconnect from network again and do the installation.
17:07.59KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: our role is just to provide choice
17:08.01Xenguyhave fun
17:08.06KatolaZthen people will decide ;)
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18:19.52bjbDon't be alarmed
18:20.22bjbIt went well.  I noted the packages with changed config files and one was shorewall, so spent some time reading up on the implications
18:20.57bjbIt's always hard to do that without any network though : -)
18:22.03Xenguybjb: Interesting, I'm running shorewall on the box/gateway/router that I need to upgrade from Wheezy
18:22.47XenguyIn the past I've found shorewall to be demanding, when upgrades happen (e.g. config changes often need to be made)
18:24.46bjbI probably should have tried to note my current version before the upgrade, the proposed version after the upgrade, and done the research before the upgrade
18:25.07bjbI agree re shorewall upgrades, but I don't do it often so it does end up entailing changes
18:25.14XenguyThat's the joy of going first :-)
18:25.48XenguyI'll find out what version my Wheezy box is running
18:26.15bjbIt wasn't too bad ... I went from version 4.5.5.something to 4.6.4.something
18:26.33Xenguy$ shorewall version
18:26.59bjbbut, there were a few things.  I ended up just using the old config file.  But eventually I will replace it with a "newly" generated one.  I don't like staying with the old files because it makes further upgrades harder.
18:27.39XenguyTrue, and loose ends usually come home to roost, eventually
18:28.22Xenguyputs the shorewall upgrade research on his to-do list...
18:28.50bjbSo maybe your first step should be to set your shorewall config files to be your config using the suggested base config files.
18:29.01bjbThen you will have minimal changes when you do your upgrade.
18:29.07XenguyOr as a good friend of mine likes to say:  "Completeness matters"
18:30.07bjbWell now to fix up the other package configs
18:30.32bjbI must say the debian wheezy->devuan upgrade was flawless and painless : -)  very happy with that
18:30.38Xenguybjb:  So basically, no gotchas along the way, or is it still too early to say?
18:30.50XenguyAh, there ya go
18:30.51bjbThis is a small system though - no desktop, server only. very few packages
18:31.39XenguyHow did you backup your system before the upgrade?
18:32.25bjbrsync the whole filesystem to another machine ... except for /proc and /sys and maybe one or two other directories.
18:32.42bjbThere is no database or anything on here
18:32.59bjbAnd make sure there is a bootable CD handy : -)
18:34.07XenguyI need to get better at creating rescue USBkeys, cos there's no CD reader on this system
18:34.48XenguySo far I've used dd to create an install USBkey
18:35.32bjbI suppose I should learn that skill (making functioning bootable USBkeys)
18:37.02XenguyYeah, I'll need to buy a few more so I can have a rescue key at the ready
18:37.05fsmithredtry refracta2usb - you can make multiboot usb, first partition is a real fat32, so you can use it like a regular thumb drive to transfer files, and you can have multiple persistent volumes
18:37.10XenguyAnd a few other things
18:38.08Xenguyfsmithred: Sounds interesting, I have not yet delved into the refracta world
18:39.41fsmithredyou may need to zero the first 2 or 4 MB of the usb stick first, if it was imaged with isohybrid
18:40.30fsmithrednot sure why
18:42.32*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:51.23Xenguyheh, Bruce Perens weighed in on /. with a short comment:  "I installed Devuan on a laptop and will probably expand it to my other systems over time. I installed 1.0 and the absence of NetworkManager was a problem, so it's nice to see that this new version includes it."
19:02.17gnarfacefor real?  if Perens is onboard, that's validation
19:02.47KatolaZgnarface: Bruce Perens wrote on DNG two weeks ago already....
19:03.00gnarfacei hadn't heard
19:07.32KatolaZgnarface: that's because it's a mailing list, not a podcast ;P
19:23.30__stephenAnyone know why the hdmi port wouldn't show up in xrandr but I still see things like [ 1156.629799] hdmi_state_machine_set_state_l: switching from state 7 (Recheck EDID) to state 5 (Enabled)
19:23.35__stephenin my dmesg out?
19:30.14DPAWhich names are shown for the other displays?
19:30.34__stephenJust "default"
19:30.38gnarface__stephen: custom kernel?
19:30.42__stephendefault connected 1920x1080+0+0 0mm x 0mm
19:31.04__stephenIt's the one copied from the chromeos.
19:31.25__stephenIt's an acer cb5-311 -- the 13 inch tegra based thing...
19:31.39gnarfacewell it's possible to compile without HDMI support, but it's probably worth noting that for nvidia hardware, the open source drivers probably can't do it
19:32.07__stephenThe kernel supports it, it worked under both chrome and ubuntu.
19:32.09gnarfacei can't say whether that also applies to tegra or not
19:32.28__stephenBut now thta I've swapped ubuntu for devuan it doesn't seem to work.
19:32.32DPADid you also copy the modules?
19:32.58__stephenI don't know that it uses one...
19:33.10gnarfacehow about non-free firmware?  (might not have been packaged with the kernel)
19:33.25__stephenThere's a thought, but I copied the firmware over too.
19:34.19__stephenPerhaps it didn't load something... but it seems like I'd have other issues, too.
19:35.14*** join/#devuan grillonBNC (~grillon@
19:35.16__stephenPerhaps I should reboot into chrome, and compare the modules listed...
19:35.31__stephenAny way to query the kernel for loaded blobs?
19:37.15gnarfacealso probably if firmware is missing, you'll see complaints during boot output into dmesg
19:37.20__stephenThat shows modules, but what about firmware?
19:37.33gnarfaceoh hmm.  other than looking for complaints in dmesg, i'm not sure
19:37.52gnarfacei've only ever had to expect missing firmware to be complained about visibly in there
19:38.01__stephenIs there a convenient package in devuan for posting to a pastebin type site?
19:38.18gnarfacepastebinit exists
19:38.38gnarfacei think it can be reconfigured to point to
19:39.01__stephenBad API request, invalid api_dev_key
19:39.21__stephenI suppose I need to manually select a pastebin site for it...
19:41.13__stephenI should note, I unplugged the cable just a moment before doing that.
19:41.23gnarfacewell it clearly SAYS it finds the firmware
19:41.38gnarface(lines 370, 371, 372)
19:42.03*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
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19:45.07DPAMaybe it's the xorg driver. It may pick one that just writes to the framebuffer or something like that.
19:46.14gnarfacehmm, mabye
19:46.22__stephenI don't know, it somehow picked one that does accelerated 3d and dri ...
19:46.33gnarface__stephen: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what it says for sure?
19:47.05__stephenThat's weird..
19:47.28__stephenLooking now...
19:47.36*** join/#devuan ipe (
19:48.17__stephenLook at all those fbdev errors...
19:48.42gnarfaceoh yea
19:48.58gnarfacethat doesn't look right
19:49.58gnarfaceneither does this: [    53.991] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory
19:50.38__stephenwhich is funny becuase: glxinfo | grep -i rend
19:50.40__stephendirect rendering: Yes
19:50.48__stephenamongst the other output.
19:51.10gnarfaceis tegra hardware supposed to be using fbdevhw drivers?
19:51.16gnarfaceseems like a mistake
19:51.28gnarfacei don't know though
19:51.50gnarfacemaybe this is just an issue of needing a manual xorg.conf config file or snippet
19:52.17gnarfacethat's an easy thing to imagine chromeos would have been doing differently
19:52.32gnarfaceand it could explain the wrong drivers loading
19:53.33*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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19:55.43parazyd__stephen: perhaps these help?
19:56.19gnarfacedifferent udev rules seem to be also something that predictably gets left behind often too
19:58.38__stephenthat 51-* looks new...
20:01.29__stephendetatching to poke some stuff, bbiab
20:02.07greenjeansseems like what it's trying to use is the nouveau driver, it does 3D. looks like there's support for some tegra stuff that was rolled in to the kernel in 3.14, but not necessarily for the newer tegra chips
20:04.58gnarfacei have run into some issues with regards to steam controller support that turned out to be (still unfixed) broken behavior between different udev versions that is somehow *ironed out* by running systemd, like systemd has an internal update mechanism for some stuff.  it was not udev rules alone though, it was some /dev/.udev database or something like that which got completely reformatted silently
20:05.26gnarfacehopefully *that* isn't the issue here though
20:05.42gnarfacebecause as far as i can tell, nobody at Valve *or* on the udev team is willing to admit they broke it on purpose
20:06.55gnarfacebut chances are they're doing it to kill compatibility with 3rd party distros
20:18.15__stephenI loved the steam controller... until they changed the firmware and it wasn't just a regular input device but needed to interact with steam to work.
20:18.45gnarfacethere exists a community driver now so you don't need steam
20:18.50gnarfacebut i agree that was annoying
20:19.02gnarfaceit seems to be all wrapped up in udev/systemd vendor lock-in
20:19.20gnarfaceand not just breaking steam controllers either - this seems to be related:
20:19.21__stephenOf course, if any of the freely available input drivers would let me do chording with the ps4 buttons it would all be a non issue.
20:19.55gnarfaceyea i'm just angry that steam has better support for my decades-old nintendo wii classic controller than it does for their own hardware.
20:20.21gnarfacei'd rate their effort level here at somewhere between pathetic and criminally negligible
20:20.32gnarface*criminally negligent
20:20.37gnarfacesorry i'm off-topic again
20:20.40gnarfacegets off the soapbox
20:21.34__stephenmy batteries are getting low, I'm going to shut down and go look for some lunch.  I have a whole bunch of avenues to pursue now for my graphics issues.
20:21.59gnarfacegood luck.  let us know what you discover.
20:22.06__stephenI shall.
20:22.09__stephenthanks, all.
20:44.11greenjeansfsmithred: figured out the shutdown issue, it was something that didn't get auto-rebuilt in var/log after all, i guess best policy is what you use in snapshot, truncating current and deleting old logs, but I do know now what all gets re-built and what needs to stay
20:44.37greenjeansnarrowed it down to 4-5 files I should say
20:45.39*** join/#devuan ericnoan (~en@unaffiliated/ericnoan)
20:45.39greenjeans2 instances of logsave, either from gnome-pty-helper or just from rsyslog were trying to write to files that no longer existed in var/log
20:46.26greenjeansso it's only 2 of the 5 I didn't have in the new install
20:49.30fsmithredthere may be some old discussion about that at refracta forum
20:49.48fsmithredlook for dzz's posts about it
20:58.37greenjeansVuu-do beta finished :
21:04.45greenjeansfully un-purped
21:14.01fsmithreddownloading now
21:21.34fsmithredI like the release notes
21:22.10*** join/#devuan mwarning (~mwarning@2a01:4f8:141:4623:2e0:8fff:fe00:6ac)
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21:22.59fsmithredgreenjeans, fyi sudo nopasswd is enabled in live environment. It's a live-config thing.
21:26.24greenjeansyeah I should have mentioned that. But for looking at/editing a system file in a mounted volume while in live session you still need root password
21:27.38fsmithredit must have ignored the login screen - I typed 'user' and got in.
21:28.55greenjeansreally? dangit.....
21:28.58*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:29.42greenjeansis that due to sudo nopasswd?
21:29.46fsmithredonly works as a password for vuudo
21:29.54fsmithrednot if I try username user
21:30.06fsmithredno, it shouldn't be related to sudo
21:31.22greenjeanswell drat, that didn't take long to find a bug, lol
21:32.19greenjeansbrb, gotta switch to installed system and check it I guess
21:32.23fsmithredit shouldn't be asking for a password
21:32.33fsmithredor maybe I'm too fast for the 1 second timeout
21:33.09greenjeanslightdm shouldn't be asking you? It's not configured for autologin....
21:33.18fsmithredyes it is
21:33.41fsmithredand timeout is 1 sec
21:33.50greenjeansyeah but that's commented out isn't it?
21:35.31fsmithredlive-config does that
21:35.50greenjeansit uncommented it on the livecd?
21:35.59fsmithredadd noautologin to boot command and remove username=devuan
21:36.18fsmithredyes, when the lightdm live-config script runs
21:40.18fsmithredok, confirmed: remove username=devuan and add noautologin and it works the way it should
21:41.48fsmithredthe text-mode boot entry does not work
21:41.54fsmithredand I know why
21:42.58greenjeansI removed some boot entries
21:43.15greenjeanswhere are talking about removing username=devuan?
21:43.22fsmithredboot entry
21:43.43fsmithredthat triggers autologin
21:44.37fsmithredthe text-mode boot entry expects that you have configured lightdm to be off in runlevel 3
21:45.39greenjeansi don't see live.cfg
21:45.52fsmithredwhere are you looking?
21:46.23greenjeanssorry, meaning to say i don't know what folder or directory, need a pathway
21:46.28fsmithreddo set refractasnapshot to let you edit the boot menu?
21:46.41fsmithreddo you set...
21:47.29fsmithredlook in /usr/lib/refractasnapshot-base/isolinux
21:48.15*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:52.44greenjeansI don't have a /usr/lib/refractasnapshot-base folder, just usr/lib/refractasnapshot.....ahh here we are, you have to forgive my thickheadedness right now, mind is fried from 3 days of research/reading
21:54.23fsmithredI know the feeling
21:56.39greenjeansokay, on the installed system the /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/iso/isolinux/live.cfg  says nothing about username=devuan, is it adding that to livecd? and where from?
21:57.25fsmithredyou must be adding it somewhere
21:58.07fsmithredno, refractasnapshot detects that the name is not user (the live default)
21:58.11fsmithredand adds it
21:58.27fsmithredset edit_boot_menu to yes, so you can remove it
21:58.42fsmithredcan't remember if there's a switch to disable that. Probably not.
21:59.10greenjeanswait, i think there's something about it in one of the conf files
21:59.22fsmithredand either remove the text-only entry or run 'update-rc.d lightdm disable 3'
22:01.22greenjeanssnapshot.conf has a section about changing username
22:01.22fsmithredyeah, there is, and you don't want that.
22:01.28greenjeans# If the primary user's name is not "user", then live-boot needs to see
22:01.28greenjeans# the user's name in the boot command. In that case, the script will
22:01.28greenjeans# automatically add the correct option. If you set a user name here, it
22:01.28greenjeans# will override that process. Use this if you want to log into the live
22:01.28greenjeans# media as someone other than the primary user (i.e. any user whose
22:01.29greenjeans# uid:gid are not 1000:1000.)
22:01.31greenjeans# Under most circumstances, leave this blank or commented out.
22:01.40fsmithredyou didn't need to post that
22:02.01fsmithredfill that in if you want your second user to be the one logged in automatically
22:02.19fsmithredI don't think anyone has ever used that
22:02.56greenjeansi thought i had gotten rid of devuan as a username from everywhere, wonder where snapshot is finding it?
22:04.12*** part/#devuan mwarning (~mwarning@2a01:4f8:141:4623:2e0:8fff:fe00:6ac)
22:04.24fsmithredremove ${username_opt} from live.cfg
22:05.52greenjeansnothing in etc/passwd on the installed system that refers to devuan
22:06.39fsmithredthere's a username in the boot command
22:06.58fsmithrednot devuan
22:07.35fsmithredthe one whose uid and gid are 1000
22:30.54*** join/#devuan Eadrom381|X250 (~SeanFenne@
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22:37.47greenjeansi had thought about just making the build partition autologin anyway so it would autologin on the livecd, but if it's uncommenting those lines anyway, I don't see why it's not going directly to desktop with no further input
22:38.08greenjeansis that a lightdm thing?
22:38.48greenjeansno password needed but still need to hit enter to get in?
22:39.11parazydlightdm removed autologin at some point
22:39.55greenjeansahhhh, that explains that
22:40.28greenjeansby that you mean where it just bypasses the login screen completely?
22:40.49greenjeanslike slim does
22:41.12parazydthe furthest you get is what you got
22:41.19parazydpressing enter
22:41.29parazydand that's a PAM hack
22:41.41greenjeansthanks parazyd, that helps
22:42.40*** join/#devuan rrq (
22:42.50greenjeansso i'm not sure now that i need to do anything about it, as some input is going to be required regardless to get past login
22:43.19fsmithredthere are still autologin lines in the config file
22:43.27fsmithredrefracta logs in automatically
22:43.39fsmithredmaybe because I don't change the username, but that should work
22:44.25fsmithreddzz and I added the 1-second timeout to fix that
22:44.34fsmithredmaybe it needs to be 2 seconds
22:44.42greenjeansrefracta logs in automatically for the livecd session with lightdm?
22:44.55parazydbut that's jessie/old
22:45.05fsmithredoh, is this ascii?
22:45.07parazydas said, lightdm removed that autologin at a later point
22:46.53rrqfsmithred: you've had some luck using vdev or eudev on ascii with 4.9 kernel?
22:47.02fsmithredyes, rrq
22:47.08greenjeansso current lightdm in devuan jessie repo has had the autologin removed?
22:47.21fsmithredno, it's in jessie
22:47.32parazydi couldn't get it working in ascii
22:47.32fsmithredand your vuudo sure looks like jessie
22:47.40greenjeansit is
22:47.48parazydfsmithred: what magic are you using?
22:47.53fsmithrednot sure
22:48.05greenjeansyeah, spill it buddy
22:48.30fsmithredunicorn farts
22:48.54parazydif the debian initramfs wasn't such a black box it would be a lot easier to track
22:48.58fsmithredthat's why my grub boot splash works in uefi, but not in the devuan isos
22:49.20fsmithredglad I'm not the only one who's confused about that
22:49.58greenjeansokay, i'm gonna try setting it to autologin in the build partition, and then squash another run I guess.....[sigh]
22:50.24fsmithredyou have live-config-refracta, which is supposed to fix lightdm
22:50.39fsmithredthat's where the 1-second timeout comes from
22:51.04fsmithredyou want autologin or not in live session?
22:51.18fsmithredwhat do you mean setting it to autologin?
22:51.30fsmithredyou think that will get copied into the iso?
22:51.46fsmithredit gets messed with at boot by live-config
22:52.17rrqhmm I found improvements to initramfs-tools (0.130) that are in the way for me; requires the presence of a udev init script and does something new at pivot time;
22:52.46fsmithredoh shit; damned pivot is a recurring nightmare
22:53.04fsmithredlast time it was util-linux
22:54.59fsmithredI need to go to the kitchen for a bit.
22:55.12fsmithredrrq, do you want the iso I made with vdev and 4.9 kernel?
22:56.11rrqno I can inspect the broken install with minimal-live thanks
22:57.41fsmithredI'll check versions of stuff after I go throw some food in a pot.
23:01.07greenjeansstill don't see "username=devuan" anywhere
23:02.45*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
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23:16.03fsmithredWHAT USERNAME DO YOU SEE?
23:16.13fsmithredprobably the right one, instead of the wrong one.
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23:19.35aitor10 seconds have passed and i'm still here
23:19.48aitorneed to go
23:19.53fsmithredlol, ok
23:20.01fsmithredchroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error
23:20.12aitori'm adding more features to simple-netaid
23:20.28fsmithredit's working out?
23:20.37fsmithredrrq, I'm rebooting the laptop
23:20.58aitora menubar, a toolbar and a right click popup menu showing more info about the active wifi, etc...
23:21.28rrqfsmithread: looks like ascii only offers initramfs-tools 0.130
23:21.35fsmithredsounds good
23:21.42rrqwell :-)
23:21.59fsmithredum, it's not ascii
23:22.15fsmithredit's jessie with backports kernel and live-* from ascii
23:22.43rrqright; initramfs-tools 1.20+deb8u2 perhaps?
23:22.49aitorfsmithred: chroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error
23:23.01aitorthis has already happened to me
23:23.20aitorin some cases
23:24.24fsmithredaitor, you know what causes that?
23:25.00aitori can't remember now :(
23:25.40fsmithredmaybe noexec in the mount
23:30.47fsmithredI've done very little with ascii. Upgraded a refracta ascii today that I last upgraded in january
23:32.10fsmithredrrq, is the boot hanging for 30 seconds?
23:32.37rrqno it breaks at pivot... not mount ing root
23:33.32fsmithredthere's some dead code in refractasnapshot around there from a couple years ago
23:33.33aitori upgraded today my devuan ascii
23:33.40fsmithreddon't know if it would help
23:34.39rrqI have ascii running with udev, but installing vdev 0.1.2 breaks it
23:34.49fsmithredcommented lines are the ones we added
23:34.52fsmithredmount -n -o move /sys ${rootmnt}/sys
23:34.52fsmithred#nuke /sys
23:34.52fsmithred#ln -s ${rootmnt}/sys /sys
23:34.52fsmithredmount -n -o move /proc ${rootmnt}/proc
23:34.52fsmithred#nuke /proc
23:34.54fsmithred#ln -s ${rootmnt}/proc /proc
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23:35.31fsmithredthat was for some bug in util-linux that got fixed about two years later
23:36.52aitori have a doubt: does refractasnapshot depend on dbus?
23:37.01aitorthe accesibility parts, maybe?
23:37.08rrqmine stops earlier: at mountroot
23:37.20fsmithredwhat is vdev-0.1.2?
23:37.48fsmithredI have vdevd-2.0.2 and vdev-initramfs-1.2.7
23:38.14rrqmmm no difference: new packaging just
23:38.25rrq(single package)
23:38.33fsmithredok, I see it in experimental
23:38.49fsmithredmaybe I'll try adding that to my ascii install
23:38.57fsmithred(after I make a snapshot)
23:39.09fsmithredkitchen again. back in a few minutes.
23:39.43rrqit's slightly broken by installing at /lib/amd64-linux-gnu/ which neds to be moved to x86_64-linux-gnu ... but that's a different problem
23:40.24aitorfsmithred is always cooking
23:43.43fsmithredI like to eat
23:43.50aitorRichard Stallman once said: if you are not a good developer, contribute in an other way
23:47.01*** join/#devuan kabrarroka (
23:47.47kabrarrokaaitor: si solo sabes cocinar, es mejor que no hagas nada
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23:54.59kabrarrokamenos mal, por fin se ha ido

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