IRC log for #devuan on 20170502

00:19.30*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.30*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-04-21 - for real now): Jessie 1.0 RC ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:42.10*** join/#devuan tallship_ (
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01:14.40*** join/#devuan DingoSaar_ (
01:29.02*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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02:06.27*** join/#devuan menip (
02:10.49*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
02:15.55*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:28.16*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:29.55*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:39.48*** join/#devuan DGMurdockIII (
02:49.38*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:50.08*** part/#devuan Sudos|U10 (~Ultra10@unaffiliated/sudos)
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09:03.25*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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09:07.09aitornow i remember the name of the founder of the trisquel project: Rubén Rofriguez
09:07.27aitorisn't it?
09:08.32aitorthe topic about gnuinos is locked because any forum thread at the Trisquel project site is auto-locked after some time passes from the last comment
09:10.23aitorone of the administrators have reopened the comments at that topic so i can continue the discussion, but i still find it locked :)
09:16.09*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:29.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:44.54*** join/#devuan godbed (
09:46.42Helleam I correct in spotting that the live CD lacks memtest86+ that seems like a bit of a miss
09:51.38*** join/#devuan Weeezie (
09:56.33jaromilHelle: good point
09:57.16*** join/#devuan Captain_Beezay (sid146285@taskhive/contributor/terabit)
10:02.05*** join/#devuan DPA (~Daniel@
10:16.16fsmithredjust woke up, but I know I can do that.
10:16.49*** join/#devuan JTechno (
10:16.54fsmithredI see it was quiet in here and #devuan-dev last night. Nice that everyone finally got some sleep.
10:22.51jaromil:^) was a relaxing weekend of rest and study for me
10:26.25fsmithredI was working on getting the live to boot into other languages
10:26.27Centurion_Danfsmithred: speak for yourself
10:26.36fsmithredoh, sorry
10:27.00Centurion_Danah it's my own fault :-/
10:30.10*** join/#devuan rrq (
10:35.00fsmithredwell, I hope you had some fun.
10:35.07fsmithredHi rrq
10:43.15*** join/#devuan snux (
10:55.05*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
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11:00.08DeFender1031KatolaZ, further to last night about mtp, interestingly, jmtpfs allows me to mount the device as a normal user (without root), but umount requires root to unmount it and there doesn't seem to be a jmtpfs option for unmounting. (There's auto-unmount, but from the description, that may or may not do what I want. Either way, I'll play with it later, as I'm heading out for a bit now.)
11:09.31KatolaZDeFender1031: you must use "fusermount -u"
11:09.43KatolaZman jmtpfs
11:09.47KatolaZit is described there
11:22.11*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
11:54.17*** join/#devuan Pat2_ (
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14:51.08*** join/#devuan strk (~strk@unaffiliated/strk)
14:51.32strkUnit xxxx.service failed to load: is this why devuan exists ?
14:51.47strkthe above error raised upon calling /etc/init.d/xxxx start
14:51.51*** join/#devuan Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
14:52.40*** join/#devuan Seisatsu (~Seisatsu@
14:52.49*** join/#devuan Captain_Beezay (sid146285@taskhive/contributor/terabit)
14:54.27DocScrutinizer05o.O ???
14:55.21DocScrutinizer05root@devuan:/etc# /etc/init.d/xxxx start
14:55.23DocScrutinizer05-bash: /etc/init.d/xxxx: No such file or directory
14:56.02strkxxx was a fake name
14:56.17*** join/#devuan phogg (
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14:56.26strkit's really the code you can read here:
14:56.58KatolaZstrk: are you sure you have that file?
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14:57.55strkof course
15:00.07DocScrutinizer05wget  doesn't sound like it's particularly well tested on devuan
15:00.52strkfigured, I needed `systemctl daemon-reload`
15:01.03*** part/#devuan strk (~strk@unaffiliated/strk)
15:03.02DocScrutinizer05systemctl ?!??
15:03.49DocScrutinizer05wonders if strk is aware devuan is "without systemd"
15:05.12*** join/#devuan yeehi (~n@unaffiliated/yeehi)
15:06.30zdzichumaybe someone pointed he to this channel as a prank
15:08.11*** join/#devuan kwmiebach___ (sid16855@gateway/web/
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15:16.32*** join/#devuan Madda (
15:23.24*** join/#devuan justinsm (
15:24.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:37.08*** join/#devuan Gupz (5682e839@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:39.24Gupzcongrats on RC \o/
15:40.20Gupzbotbot seems down btw
15:40.35Gupz-- BotBot disconnected, possible missing messages --
15:42.15jaromilthanks! and ACK. luckily most of devs have an irc bouncer for the backlogs
15:45.23*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
15:45.31*** join/#devuan botbot (~nodebot@
15:45.37*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
15:47.00DocScrutinizer05botbot: ping
15:50.21DocScrutinizer05hmm seems the webserver is totally down now
15:50.35DocScrutinizer05botbot: ping
15:51.27Gupzwhich webserver? is loading from here, although still not showing recent logs
15:53.12DocScrutinizer05takes aaaages to load
15:53.53Gupzyeah was a bit slow but got there
15:55.09DocScrutinizer05hangs at 10% progress since... I wrote the above
15:55.59DocScrutinizer05sth borked over there
15:56.18DocScrutinizer05I hope I didn't kill it by inviting botbot in here
15:56.25Gupzworking ok here, i'm maxing out my line downloading updates so that probably explains my slow
15:56.54DocScrutinizer05still at 10%
15:57.04Gupzstill saying its disconnected though
15:57.29Gupzmaybe some routing issues happening
15:58.09DocScrutinizer05idly wonders if botbot =
15:58.20DocScrutinizer05the ips differ at least
15:58.53*** join/#devuan [0__0] (~0__0]@
15:59.57Gupzyou never know these days, could be caches, proxies and load ballancers all over the place
16:00.30DocScrutinizer05stupid bot not even answers /query
16:00.40DocScrutinizer05botbot: status
16:00.49DocScrutinizer05botbot: help
16:00.49botbot<keyword> tweet - Returns a link to a tweet about <keyword>
16:00.49botbot<user> is a badass guitarist - assign a role to a user
16:00.49botbot<user> is not a badass guitarist - remove a role from a user
16:00.49botbotanimate me <query>  - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few
16:00.49botbotconvert me <expression> to <units> - Convert expression to given units.
16:00.49botbothelp - Displays all of the help commands that Hubot knows about.
16:00.49botbothelp <query> - Displays all help commands that match <query>.
16:00.50botbotimage me <query>    - The Original. Queries Google Images for <query> and
16:00.50botbotmap me <query> - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
16:00.51botbotmath me <expression> - Calculate the given expression.
16:00.51botbotmustache me <query> - Searches Google Images for the specified query and
16:00.52botbotmustache me <url>   - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
16:01.21Gupzand its logging again
16:01.48DocScrutinizer05and loads lightning fast
16:02.22Gupzhmm how strange
16:03.23Gupzright i gotta dash, laters
16:12.59*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
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16:26.03*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:01.37*** join/#devuan mchasard (
17:03.12mchasardhi i just would like to replace xfce by mate to uninstall cleanly xfce ?
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17:27.02mchasardplease i just would like to uninstallxfce
17:28.46debdogapt-get purge $any_installed_xfce4_package
17:30.34mchasardit return nothing
17:30.43mchasardi already install mate over ..
17:30.59mchasardthe install of mate ... uninstall xfce auto ?
17:31.58*** join/#devuan OxFEEDBACC (
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17:32.07mchasard0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
17:34.51DPAHave you tried apt-get autoremove --purge?
17:35.05mchasardlet me try
17:35.30mchasardwithout xfce noted?
17:35.46mchasardjust apt-get autoremove --purge
17:36.06gnarfaceapt-get autoremove --purge [package name]
17:36.36mchasardall xfce package how to list ?
17:36.46gnarfacedpkg -l |grep xfce
17:37.36mchasardi have to unsinstall one by one
17:37.53gnarfacewell, autoremove should remove unused packages
17:38.08gnarfaceat least in theory
17:38.17gnarfacebut yes, you might have to remove them one-by-one
17:38.29gnarfaceapt-get purge [package name]
17:38.32gnarfaceapt-get purge [package name]
17:38.39gnarfaceapt-get autoremove
17:38.49gnarfacelike that
17:39.03mchasardok thanks
17:39.04KatolaZyou can also apt-get autoremove --purge....
17:40.32*** join/#devuan OxFEEDBACC (
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19:03.01mwarninghi, where can I see what packages are available in unstable?
19:06.22gnarfacemwarning: more or less the same as debian
19:07.04mwarningok, thanks
19:07.29gnarfacethere is a "" now but eh... the interface is a bit rough compared to debian's
19:09.25*** join/#devuan Atepa (
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19:10.26mwarninghm, looks like I need to install a package from unstable
19:11.15KatolaZmwarning: check whether it is available as a backport first
19:11.43mwarninghow can I check that?
19:12.26KatolaZmwarning: which package do you need to install?
19:12.55KatolaZwhich version?
19:13.10mwarningwell, >1.0 would be nice :)
19:13.41KatolaZand is it in unstable?
19:15.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:16.03KatolaZif it does not have too many deps, you can just pull the package source and rebuild maybe?
19:16.40KatolaZwait mwarning
19:16.45KatolaZit's in testing as well....
19:17.00KatolaZso you can pull it from ascii
19:17.14*** join/#devuan fleeky (
19:17.19mwarningapt -t ascii install rustc
19:17.25KatolaZadd ascii to the repos first
19:17.35KatolaZbut pin it down, probably
19:17.47KatolaZor remove it immediately after you install what you need
19:17.54mwarninglooks for a tutorial
19:17.58KatolaZjust the same deb line as for jessie
19:18.00KatolaZoh sorry
19:18.12KatolaZyou have to add the repo in /etc/apt/sources.list
19:18.14*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (
19:18.28KatolaZif you open that file, you will see that there is a line like
19:18.38KatolaZdeb jessie main
19:18.49KatolaZjust add a similar line with
19:18.55KatolaZdeb ascii main
19:19.02KatolaZthen run
19:19.06KatolaZapt-get update
19:19.17KatolaZand then you should be able to install your rustc
19:19.21KatolaZ(in theory)
19:20.32mwarninghm, it pulls a lot of dependent updates
19:20.47KatolaZhow much is "a lot"?
19:20.50mwarningwon't it mess up my system
19:21.01KatolaZmwarning: if you mix repos, you are alone ;)
19:21.08mwarning58 upgraded, 73 newly installed, 11 to remove and 992 not upgraded.
19:21.23KatolaZit's quite a number, tbh
19:21.38gnarfacewould have recommended building the source package
19:21.51mwarningok, I will try to build it from sources
19:22.00mwarningsounds better
19:22.17KatolaZ20:16 < KatolaZ> if it does not have too many deps, you can just pull the package source and rebuild maybe?
19:22.20gnarfacemwarning: might mess up your system, yes.  it's recommended to backport yourself, however if you've gotta back port all the dependencies too... well you'll still make a big mess, just a (probably) more stable one
19:23.00gnarfaceone trick to save time, check for *dependencies* in the backports repo too
19:23.07grillonhi there
19:23.07KatolaZgnarface: maybe he does not need to backport the deps too...
19:23.36KatolaZmaybe the package would compile ok also with the libraries in jessie
19:23.42gnarfaceyes, maybe, worth a try
19:23.50gnarfacebut it's rust so...
19:23.56gnarfacewouldn't hold my breath on that
19:24.32grillonI have started to use devuan. Very nice installation interface, quick to start. nice feeling :)
19:25.02KatolaZhi grillon
19:25.05gnarfacecongrats, grillon.  welcome aboard.
19:27.12*** join/#devuan Atepa (
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19:36.50bluemarlinif i want to create a new package for devuan - is that done using dh or d1h
19:37.27bluemarlin(not importing from debian that is)
19:37.28KatolaZbluemarlin: what do you mean by a new package for devuan?
19:37.35KatolaZthen you use dh as usual
19:37.43KatolaZbut you will need d1h afterwards
19:38.02KatolaZd1h is just to automate and simplify the interaction with the Devuan build pipeline
19:38.16KatolaZi.e., importing packages into the pipeline
19:38.19KatolaZsetting tags
19:38.26KatolaZinteracting with gbp-buildpackage
19:38.28KatolaZand so on
19:38.48KatolaZit's just a wrapper around several boring commands
19:38.54bluemarlinahh - i see now. so if i decide to create something for private repo as well - then regular debian workflow is in place
19:39.08KatolaZif you need to create a new package
19:39.15KatolaZyou do the usual dh_make
19:39.19KatolaZwhen the package is done
19:39.24KatolaZyou start using d1h
19:39.31KatolaZto have it included in the devuan pipeline
19:39.37bluemarlinbut for something pushed into public, i need to use d1h - so it interacts with the infrastructure
19:39.39KatolaZadn to maintain it afterwards
19:39.41bluemarlini got it
19:39.48bluemarlinthanks :)
19:40.04KatolaZbluemarlin: please shout if you need any help
19:41.26bluemarlinwell to be honest - i've used dh before, but it's really a pain. I could use a guide as comprehensive as the one on d1h
19:41.37bluemarlinon forums :)
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19:48.58bluemarlinnevermind, debian did upgrade their wiki on that aspect. i haven't checked it for quite some time.
19:53.28grillonKatolaZ: hi
19:53.36grillongnarface: thank you
19:53.47grillonsorry I was eating :p
19:57.05DGMurdockIIIhave you guys heard of  Calamares?
19:57.20zdzichulike CEPH dashboard?
19:57.27zdzichuor the installer?
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20:01.18RilloBileytoday I can report that my OS finally appears to be stable
20:01.47RilloBileythe flexing problem appears to be worsening, but eventually I can swap the hardware around and solve that issue
20:02.22RilloBileythe software's done a good job surviving the brutal auto shutdowns honestly
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20:17.26gnarfacebluemarlin: if you want to just make quick&dirty packages for your own purposes from bare source tarballs that you aren't intending to share and don't need to be signed or properly tagged, etc, you can also just use checkinstall
20:17.38gnarface(it's a lot easier)
20:18.01gnarface(at least for sources that aren't already "debianized")
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21:38.09bluemarlingnarface: thanks, i'll look at that. I've mostly used dh_make to generate the base folder, then manually setup files and finally use dpkg-buildpackage -b to make binary only pkg
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22:53.18iio7I think there is something wrong with the embedded image "odroidxu.img.xz". Take a look at the size:
22:55.52gnarfaceuh ... KatolaZ i looked and that file is 348k... i know xz is awesome and all, but that can't be right, can it?
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23:01.48gnarfaceCenturion_Dan: do you know?
23:01.55gnarfacejaromil ?
23:02.31parazydisn't that strange
23:03.40gnarfaceit's not some sort of installer stub, is it?
23:03.50gnarfacei can't imagine why the odroid would need to work differently than the others...
23:03.50parazydi dunno what happened tbh
23:04.00parazydwill build a new one
23:07.10parazydin the future i'll provide only one image for all the allwinner boards
23:07.21parazydthen just offer different u-boots for download
23:07.33parazydmuch better
23:07.37gnarfacehmm.  i was wondering what makes them have to be different in the first place
23:08.38parazydu-boot only
23:08.49parazydbut i haven't had time to streamline it in arm-sdk
23:09.04parazydhopefully this week
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23:37.07parazydgnarface: this better?
23:37.22parazydhmm seems iio7 left
23:38.38gnarfacehe didn't stay long
23:40.08parazydwell let's hope this image is fine
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