IRC log for #devuan on 20170422

00:20.59*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:20.59*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-04-21 - for real now): Jessie 1.0 RC ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:22.22infobotThe shell from Plan 9 and 10th Edition Unix. URL:
00:25.45*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
00:31.35*** part/#devuan drGspot (~gg@
00:40.28DocScrutinizer05on a faintly on-topic note: updating bash (I hope I remember the reason correctly) seems to nuke .bash_history :-O  Now I'd call that a very nasty bug
00:41.27DocScrutinizer05no debian based system though, but maybe that's not relevant for this topic
00:43.10DocScrutinizer05is there a proven way to merge a recovered backup of bash history with the current file? seems the format is very unforgiving when you have timestamps enabled
00:44.01DocScrutinizer05and prolly even worse when the two files have different settings regarding that?
00:50.22*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
00:55.13*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
00:57.22XenguyI thought personal config files were not supposed to be touched during an upgrade, ideally?  When it did happen, Debian would always give me a chance to view diffs between the current and new config files, and generally sort things out
00:57.45fsmithredXenguy, that happens in devuan, too.
00:57.49XenguyBut that was more an application config update
00:58.17Xenguyfsmithred: Sure, as devuan is debian sans systemd, ideally
00:58.18fsmithredI have no idea what you're talking about - I just tuned in and did not scroll up.
00:58.43DocScrutinizer05hmm, yeah. That's what I thought as well. No idea what really happened. Anyway bash builtin HISTORY manpage is slightly puzzling and not exactly in line with what I see in .nash_histroy
00:59.15XenguyYour typos are good ones :-)
01:00.52XenguyYour mission, should you decide to accept it, is:  Nash and Histroy!
01:01.58NewGnuGuyGnash and Destroy. good band name
01:02.22DocScrutinizer05manpage says timestanp is supposed to be next line *after the command it belongs to. This applies to my recovered backup. But my *new* bash history has first line = #1487079218 ; second = less /var/log/messages. And last line in file is a command, not a timestamp
01:02.28XenguyGodparents of post-post-punk ;)
01:06.00DocScrutinizer05and I know bash goes all messy with history when the sequence one timestamp line one command line ... isn't absolutely correct in hist file
01:17.28*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:32.15*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:36.57*** join/#devuan batmore (
01:40.01*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
01:57.43*** join/#devuan triffid (
02:03.28batmoredistrowatch - top of the page...
02:13.01*** join/#devuan misto6 (
02:15.43*** join/#devuan Drugo (
02:18.05*** join/#devuan bn_ (
02:43.49*** join/#devuan reetspetit (~john@
02:44.29*** join/#devuan reetp_x5 (
03:06.56*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:14.28batmoreI don't mean to press, but any idea when we'll update torrent and magnet on download page?
03:20.26*** join/#devuan menip (
03:37.37*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
03:52.29*** join/#devuan gmcastil (
03:52.37gmcastilwhats the status on the RC torrent?
04:32.58*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:59.08*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
05:07.56*** part/#devuan gmcastil (
05:23.25jaromilahoy, news propagating and even the phoronix forum is not anymore trashing us as it used to be, there is an almost reasonable climate :^)
05:23.38jaromilto rate up the news on ycombinator:
05:23.55jaromilrate up the submission to slashdot
05:26.49golinuxjaromil: The comments on phoronix were demeaning and juvenile.
05:26.58*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
05:27.35jaromilgolinux: you have no idea what it used to be 2 years ago then :^)
05:27.54jaromilthe fact there are actual senior members that are voicing trheir approval is a huge step forward
05:27.54golinuxNope.  I don't hang out on tech sites.
05:28.35golinuxWow!  Are they that 'uneducated' or just brainwashed?
05:28.51jaromilphoronix is historically the most aggressively pro-systemd forum, their community have insulted the devuan project in every possible way in the past. and yes in general is the "slanted" forum for linux communities
05:29.11jaromilthis thread now shows there are opening
05:31.04golinuxIt the torrent up yet?
05:31.13golinuxSeveral people have asked aboutit.
05:32.28jaromilcurrent plan is to have a torrent once we switch to final
05:32.43jaromilmirrors are propagated and maybe sufficient now?
05:33.15jaromilelse parazyd may find the time for an RC torrent, but lets not press more todos over the weekend please :^)
05:34.14Leander_maybe you should remove its mention from the web page then, or something
05:34.54jaromili've also added a nice logo for dev1galaxy :D
05:35.16Leander_ok cool
05:43.46golinuxjaromil: I think that parazyd has the torrent ready.
05:44.28batmorejaromil: while having a torrent for final is preferable, If there was a torrent or magnet posted I can use my bandwidth to provide access.
05:44.40golinuxjaromil: I appreciate the thought but that logo is quite out of place there
05:44.55golinuxCan you please make it go away?
05:46.49golinuxAnd twitter should be italic and bold. ;)
05:47.03jaromilok, done with the logo
05:47.19jaromili have to go now, enjoy!
05:47.43*** join/#devuan gmcastil (
05:47.57golinuxNoooo the logo is still there!
05:48.23gmcastilwow the installer took like 3 minutes
05:48.26rrqit's gone for me.
05:48.28golinuxAh it is gone.  Had to clear cache.
05:49.55golinuxgmcastil: Was that the desktop-live?
05:50.41gmcastilgolinux: yeah, took longer to figure out the config options and make sure i wasn't nuking /opt or /home than it did to actually install
05:50.57gmcastilsomeone told me last night that it was fast - he wasn't kidding, very nice work
05:51.40golinuxLOL!  That is very true!.  Those config files make my head spin!
05:51.57jaromilfsmithred: locale report on desktop-live
05:51.59golinuxThank fsmithred when you see him.  ;)
05:52.05gmcastilthats who it was....
05:53.00jaromilfsmithred is the Moses of apt-based desktops
05:56.27golinuxjaromil: I just fixed the font styling on 'twitter'.  It's your turn now. ;)
06:04.03gmcastilso this is odd....installs fine on my desktop, but when i try to boot an older Dell laptop from it, it says "Missing Operating system" my desktop boots from it, but the laptop does not
06:10.21gmcastildevuan_jessie_1.0.0-RC_amd64_uefi-live.iso and the sha256 matched
06:10.33gmcastili wonder if my hardware is too old to support uefi
06:12.12gmcastilactually, it does....already on there
06:18.32*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
06:36.29*** join/#devuan mns`` (~devone@ i formatted the USB stick with MBR instead of GPT and rewrote the iso
06:42.03gmcastilnow the installer is just sitting there
06:42.41gnarfacegmcastil: sometimes it's just reallly slow
06:42.57gnarfaceto load grub/lilo?
06:44.16*** join/#devuan peetaur (
06:47.14gmcastilyeah, the screen just went blank
06:47.20gmcastilbut its better than 'missing OS'
06:47.37gmcastili'll start it over and let it sat for like 5 minutes though
06:47.39gmcastilthats not normal
06:48.05gmcastilyou're thining it is?
06:49.23*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
06:52.39KatolaZgmcastil: are you sure it is an amd64?
06:53.13KatolaZyou mentioned it is old hw, but my comment might be irrelevant...
06:55.08gmcastilthats the hardware
06:55.24gmcastilits 9 years old....not terribly ancient
06:59.06KatolaZgmcastil: are you sure it is an amd64?
06:59.46gmcastilperhaps i misunderstand the meaing of amd64
06:59.51gmcastili assumed that meant 64 bit
07:00.35gmcastilits running an Intel Core 2 Duo
07:01.08KatolaZand in faso it's 32bits
07:01.18gmcastil'and in faso' ?
07:01.21KatolaZit's 32bits then
07:01.31gmcastiloh, crap, you're right
07:01.33gmcastili'm an idiot
07:01.35KatolaZ(dirty buffer)
07:02.00Centurion_Danit's 64bit
07:02.13KatolaZoh it';s a core2
07:02.19KatolaZyou are right Centurion_Dan
07:02.22KatolaZmy fault
07:02.22Centurion_Danall Core2duo's of that age are 64bit.
07:02.38Centurion_DanWhat installer are you using?
07:03.11gmcastilthe amd64 uefi live desktop
07:03.26gmcastilput it on a USB stick and installed just fine on my desktop
07:04.02Centurion_DanYou won't have reliable uefi on that model.  Use the legacy bios version
07:04.40gmcastilyeah, that was my workign hypothesis
07:04.45gmcastilthanks - what makes it unreliable?
07:05.08Centurion_DanThe UEFI implementations of that era sucked big time...
07:06.12gmcastiljust not well done?
07:07.29gmcastilshould i format the stick with an MBR?
07:08.13KatolaZgmcastil: ?
07:08.24KatolaZyou should just dd the iso image on the stick
07:08.54gmcastilyeah thats what i did
07:09.06gmcastildoes that override any GPT / MBR formatting i've done to it?
07:09.16KatolaZsure it does
07:09.30gmcastilok cool - because i got different results on the machine when i did that
07:09.43KatolaZjust scrap uefi :)
07:09.51KatolaZuse legacy bios
07:09.57KatolaZas Centurion_Dan suggested
07:10.54gmcastilyeah, thtas what i'm going to do - downloading that iso now
07:11.18*** join/#devuan bwn (
07:42.51*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:45.03gmcastilhm....still hanging on boot
07:56.40*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (
08:00.41*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:08.47*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:08.58aitormoin moin
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08:16.40gmcastilwell shit, wtf....installer will not boot on this machine
08:17.09gmcastilthe ubuntu live installer boots....but devuan does not
08:20.11gmcastilman, wtf
08:20.24gmcastili havent had this kind of problem with installers in lik 10 years
08:21.20aitori did about two years ago a d-i live-installer
08:21.35aitorit's possible, you know
08:22.18aitorbut there is not possibility of a preseed file
08:22.38aitorso, the .udeb packages must be customized
08:23.25gmcastili guess my laptop will run least that workds
08:25.01aitorcoffee, be back shortly :)
08:25.46KatolaZgmcastil: what kind of error do you get?
08:28.54bluemarlingmcastil: you could also try to install debian and then upgrade by changing apt sources
08:29.31KatolaZbluemarlin: well, maybe not.. :D
08:30.36KatolaZgmcastil: available to help if I can
08:30.57gmcastilthe problem i get is that on boot, it says 'missing operating system'
08:31.23gmcastili've confirmed the sha256, tried both the uefi and regular versions, and it gives the same result
08:31.43KatolaZgmcastil: and you dd-ed the iso on the usb-key?
08:31.47gmcastilthe same stick installed fine on my desktop, but booting the laptop doesnt work
08:32.10KatolaZsure that your laptop supports booting from usb right?
08:32.16gmcastildd if=<devuan install iso> of=/dev/device_to_be_put to
08:32.30gmcastilyeah i've installed multiple flavors of linux from live CDs on that machine
08:32.40KatolaZfrom live CDs
08:32.59KatolaZdd-ed on a usb stick?
08:33.06KatolaZ(sorry if the questions look silly)
08:35.48gmcastili used dd from both mac os and an RC install of devuan
08:35.58gmcastilsays missing operating system
08:36.02gmcastilin all cases
08:36.13KatolaZgmcastil: I mean, the other live cds you have installer
08:36.20KatolaZwere dd-ed on a usb-stick?
08:37.04KatolaZon the same laptop?
08:44.28gmcastilive followed the same process as i havd with N other distro on that machine
08:44.47gmcastiljust finished dd from a fresh devuan install on my desktop, and same result
08:45.55Deadpan110notes that installing devuan in a KVM VM (UEFI) caused grub not to install properly... I used the UEFI boot menu to load grub n repaired/installed grub manually
08:46.15*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:46.19aitorhi again
08:48.57*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
08:49.11aitor~~~~~~ osciloscopios :)
08:49.33KatolaZgmcastil: dunno
08:53.05gmcastildont understand why devuan cant install but half a dozen other shit distros do
08:53.31Deadpan110is it being put on the drive installing from USB?
08:56.40aitori'm going to do some final tests with the backend of simple-netaid and ifup/down...
08:56.51aitorand my network connection will be broken intermittently
08:57.06aitorso, i prefer not to be connected to hexchat for a few minuts
08:57.13aitorsee you :)
09:02.13Centurion_Dangmcastil: I have no idea about the live-installer.  Perhaps try the regular one.
09:02.19KatolaZgmcastil: have you tried the netinst, by any chance?
09:04.20*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:05.14KatolaZhi aitor!
09:05.23KatolaZnice to see you!
09:05.26aitordo you have the backend of simple-netaid in your computers, Katolaz and parazyd?
09:05.42parazydi don't have a devuan computer today, sorry
09:05.49KatolaZaitor: gave up on simple-netaid months ago
09:06.03*** join/#devuan vkrishn (~vkrishn@
09:06.10aitorparazyd: devuan or debian
09:07.04aitorip link set wlp3s0 down
09:07.20vkrishnhi, will there be a devuan release for upcoming stretch ?
09:07.27aitor(in my case wlp3s0 instead of wlan0, etc...
09:07.36KatolaZvkrishn: yes, and it will be called ascii
09:07.38aitorthe network connection is broken
09:07.55vkrishnnice!, thanks
09:08.02aitorafter that, if you run the backend, that is:
09:08.06KatolaZvkrishn: it might be not immediate
09:08.20aitorbackend 1 ESSID PASSWD
09:08.30aitorit doesn't work
09:08.36vkrishnless than 1yr from stretch release ?
09:08.50KatolaZvkrishn: when it's ready, I guess
09:08.50aitoryou need to remove some files from /run/network for that
09:09.36aitoron the other hand, if you run:
09:09.51aitorip link set wlp3s0 up
09:10.13aitorafter running ip link set wlp3s0 down...
09:10.17KatolaZaitor: but is this the standard "ip" syntax?
09:10.57aitorthe status icon of the frontend of the original simple-netaid (in freepascal) changes to the connected status
09:11.07aitorbut there is not network connection
09:11.41*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
09:12.39aitori'm using the following code for simple-netaid-gtk:
09:13.06aitorargv[2] is the ESSID
09:13.20aitorargv[3] is the password
09:13.30aitorhere you are:
09:13.41aitorsystem("rm -f /run/network/ifstate.wl*");
09:13.52aitorsystem("rm -f /run/network/.ifstate.lock");
09:14.06aitorGlib::ustring strDown = "/sbin/ip link set " + std::string( argv[1] ) + " down";
09:14.16aitorGlib::ustring strBackend = "/usr/lib/simple-netaid/bin/backend 1 " + std::string( argv[2] ) + " " + std::string( argv[3] );
09:14.25aitorsystem( strDown.c_str() );
09:14.34aitorsystem( strBackend.c_str() );
09:14.44aitorsleep( 1 );
09:14.52aitorsystem( strDown.c_str() );
09:15.01aitorsystem( strBackend.c_str() );
09:15.07aitorthat's all
09:15.52aitori repeat the last two lines twice because sometimes ti fails at the first attempt
09:16.09aitorif it fails at the first attempt it will work at the second attemt
09:18.07aitori forgot: argv[1] is wlan0, wlan1, wlp3s0...
09:18.10aitordepending :)
09:19.36aitoryou can get it running: /sbin/iwconfig
09:22.13dethawhat can be used for a PXE install of RC1? I tried the initrd from the netinst image, but that doesn't seem to be a standalone thing
09:25.57aitori'm going to buy some potatos
09:26.09aitorpotato: ñam, ñam
09:37.05*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:53.09*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
10:08.47*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
10:42.05gnarfacegmcastil: for whatever it's worth, on an inspiron 530, i had a problem where grub seemed to never load, so i switched to lilo and discovered lilo's progress meter showing a long slow loading time that i simply wasn't patient enough to wait for.  grub may never have finished loading though i dunno.  I also discovered the thing could only boot off regular (2GB or smaller) SD cards, SDHC or anything larger than 2GB was
10:42.06gnarfacecompletely a no-go, but unless you have a progress meter on the boot loader startup there's no way to tell the difference between these two failure states.
10:42.12gnarfaceconclusion: dell's bioses suck
10:42.49gnarfacegmcastil: to be clear though, lilo did work it just took a good couple minutes to boot every time
10:43.20gnarfacei switched to a 40$ SSD and it was worth every penny
10:43.46gnarfaceit now boots faster than it posts
10:47.48gnarfacegmcastil: and, to be clear, partitioning the USB/SDHC devices to just boot off a 2GB or smaller partition was not sufficient.  it had a problem with the devices being too big period, for booting.  after boot, they were still accessible fully.  the SATA ports did not exhibit this limitation
10:47.53*** join/#devuan vvande (~vvande@
10:48.48vvandeI just found this channel. nice to see :)
10:49.09vvandedid a fresh install and now I can't install the editor "ne"
10:49.28vvande"Unable to locate package ne"
10:49.59KatolaZvvande: have you configured the mirror?
10:50.11KatolaZin sources.list, I mean
10:50.23vvandeI un commented the ones there.
10:50.33KatolaZwhat do you have there>
10:50.33vvandeand added backports
10:50.45KatolaZwhat do you have there?
10:51.08vvandedeb jessie-security main contrib non-free
10:51.28vvandedeb jessie-updates main contrib non-free
10:51.41vvandedeb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
10:51.45KatolaZand that's it?
10:51.52vvandeplus sources for the top two
10:51.55KatolaZyou need to add:
10:52.07KatolaZdeb jessie main contrib non-free
10:52.16KatolaZwhich installer did you use?
10:52.27vvandethe graphical easy one
10:52.29KatolaZ(that's a bug, I am filing a bug report)
10:52.36KatolaZor installer-iso?
10:52.39vvandeI'm not a neubie, but that worked for this purpose
10:54.38vvande(sorry it took me so long) had to check my downloads folder - the machine is on another floor. lol
10:55.38KatolaZbut that is the BETA2 !
10:55.46KatolaZyou should use the RC...
10:56.02KatolaZjust add the repo
10:56.23KatolaZapt-get update
10:56.42vvandeyep, just did that
10:56.53KatolaZyou should be fine now
10:56.55vvandethat ISO is the only one I could find today
10:57.00KatolaZoh ok
10:57.01KatolaZno prob
10:57.10KatolaZbut it might still has some bugs
10:57.15vvandeThank you very much for your help.
10:57.25vvandecan I just upgrade that one?
10:57.32KatolaZmost of them will be gone with a dist-upgrade
10:57.42KatolaZyes, but if you use backports you are on your own ;)
10:57.48vvandeok, that will be fine - this is not my main machine
10:58.14vvandeok so you are saying I should remove the backports entry in apt-get.sources?
10:58.36KatolaZI am not saying that
10:58.37vvandesources.list I mean
10:58.47KatolaZI am saying that backports might be a bit wild
10:58.58KatolaZand dependencies might mess-up
10:59.07vvandeok, I don't need them - just added that to see if that would get my editor
10:59.14KatolaZno need
10:59.20KatolaZyour editor is in main
10:59.39vvandeoh good - my editor is coming in right now
10:59.56vvandeI'm happy now. :)
11:00.01vvandethanks again
11:00.07*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
11:00.10vvandeand I"m so glad I found this channel
11:00.17vvandeOH, one thing ...
11:00.36vvandethe web page says #devuan - but does not mention the server
11:00.54vvandeI got it on second try, but anyway ....
11:01.16KatolaZvvande: you are right
11:01.26KatolaZwe will fix it
11:01.59KatolaZjaromil: need to say that #devuan is on freenode in ""
11:09.35lowee[m]or if you use a compatible client :)
11:14.13*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
11:22.18Enrico_MenottiHello, trying to install from the new installer. In order to have a minimal system, better go with "install" or with "advanced options -> expert install"?
11:23.44fsmithredEnrico_Menotti, either way, when you get to the window with list of tasks and checkboxes...
11:23.50fsmithredyou can uncheck stuff
11:24.08Enrico_MenottiOk. So "install". Ty.
11:24.38fsmithredexpert asks you a few more questions
11:24.46fsmithredatm, I can't remember what they are
11:25.29fsmithredoh yeah, if you select Back at any time in regular install, you get the menu of installation steps that the expert install gives you
11:25.34*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
11:26.09fsmithredand you were right about a=jessie vs. n=jessie yesterday
11:26.40Enrico_MenottiYes, but then when I did the apt-get upgrade to downgrade, the computer stuck at some package (login).
11:26.56Enrico_MenottiI rebooted and could not do the disk check.
11:27.05Enrico_MenottiSo I reinstalled the whole thing.
11:27.08Enrico_MenottiRedid the downgrade.
11:27.10Enrico_MenottiSame problem.
11:27.19fsmithredI managed to get rid of bpo packages, but it took a few attempts
11:27.46Enrico_MenottiSeems the ext4 fs which is in the live is too new for the old fs checker.
11:27.54fsmithredoh yeah, I think I cheated and installed aptitude at one point, and that was able to fix some problem
11:28.14Enrico_MenottiI tried to upgrade the util-linux package to backports again, but that failed.
11:28.23Enrico_MenottiEventually I gave up.
11:28.36fsmithredreinstall doesn't take long with the live
11:29.05Enrico_MenottiNo ok, but now I'll install the new image.
11:32.12*** join/#devuan golden (d978cdaf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:33.52*** join/#devuan Akuli (
11:34.02distributedconfuHello, I was wondering if there are any official torrent files for downloading and distributing devuan?
11:36.29*** join/#devuan Helle (~ufo@unaffiliated/helle)
11:36.59Hellecongrats for the 1.0 btw, related, anyone have some reasonable live images ?
11:37.17Hellelast time I ended up using the Debian ones and screaming at various systemd components for breaking at random times
11:38.29fsmithredthere are desktop and minimal live images -
11:38.51Enrico_MenottiApart from the backports problem... :)
11:38.57Hellefsmithred: do they include the persistence mode ?
11:39.02fsmithredI don't think there are any torrents yet
11:39.23fsmithredthey use live-boot and live-config, so persistence is configured in the standard debian-live ways
11:44.21Hellefsmithred: nice, thanks :)
11:44.41fsmithredare you going for the desktop or the minimal?
11:44.55Hellefsmithred: uhm, need to check what is in minimal
11:45.35HelleI tore into someone because turning off a LID SWITCH suspend in a modern Debian live CD was just awkward as all hell
11:46.18*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
11:46.52Enrico_MenottiI'm at the installation options. What is Xfce?
11:46.59*** join/#devuan Drugo (
11:47.42HelleEnrico_Menotti: a window manager (and desktop enviroment) that is a lot lighter then even Cinnamon, while still being userfriendly
11:48.10Enrico_MenottiAh ok. Don't need that.
11:49.33HelleI wish someone had done something Devuan like over the fact Bluez 4 and above require dbus, still tempted
11:49.47Helleit makes debugging Bluetooth "fun"
11:49.58KatolaZHelle: go on
11:50.05KatolaZrepackage it :)
11:50.28HelleKatolaZ: eeeh, you kinda can't, BlueZ 3 to 5 has been so much of a rewrite
11:50.43KatolaZdunno much about bluez, sorry!
11:50.48Hellewell, I guess it makes Bluetooth work identical on Linux as it does on Windows or Android, unpredictable as all hell, but it looks userfriendly
11:51.27distributedconfui'll wait for torrents then and then i'll happily seed them :)
11:51.55*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
11:52.14Enrico_MenottiI definitely think I have some memory problems with my old pc. The installation failed. The system crashed. I will retry.
11:52.24HelleEnrico_Menotti: time to run memtest86+
11:52.46fsmithredKatolaZ, is memtest on the minimal live?
11:55.07fsmithrednm, I see it in the boot menu
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11:56.24fsmithredbut it might not run
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11:56.44Enrico_Menottifsmithred I'm doing that from my Debian installation.
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12:08.10Drugoi'm installing RC on a VM. In tasksel all the desktop environments, including gnome and kde, are selectable. How is it possible if they have systemd as dependency? In fact, if i choose gnome, the installation fails (as expected) but theh those DEs should disappear from tasksel. How can this be a release candidate?
12:09.44*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
12:20.21Enrico_MenottiDone a pass with memtest. No errors. I will try to install again.
12:21.13fsmithredyou've had practice, so it should go well
12:21.55Enrico_MenottiBut at the first try the installer failed.
12:22.12fsmithredI don't recall what the problem was.
12:22.29KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: how much ram do you have on that laptop?
12:22.42Drugoone more "problem": the default apache page is still branded "debian" instead of "devuan". I don't know if it's the same for the other webservers
12:22.53Enrico_MenottiOh don't know exactly, I think 1 GB.
12:23.06Enrico_MenottiBut I may be wrong.
12:23.31KatolaZDrugo: yes there is still some rebranding to be done
12:23.39KatolaZyou are welcome to help with that if you want
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12:28.12AntoFoxDrugo: the only desktop that can be installed are mate xfce4 and lxde
12:28.40AntoFox(never verified if it is possible to install kde)
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12:29.27DrugoAntoFox, yes but then the other entries should be removed from tasksel. That could confuse new users
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12:37.55gnarfacevvande: from my personal experience, it's usually best to update and dist-upgrade everything to current without backports, then after adding any non-free firmware or drivers, selectively pull in just what you want from backports.  where i've run into trouble was in leaving backports enabled and forgetting i'd done so
12:42.32fsmithredif you pin backports to a lower priority, you will only get bpo packages if you ask for them specifically
12:42.49gnarfacethat's a good trick too
12:43.04gnarfacedidn't know about it at the time
12:43.23fsmithredyeah, been there, done that.
12:44.36fsmithredmake a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d containing:
12:44.38fsmithredPackage: *
12:44.38fsmithredPin: release a=jessie-backports
12:44.38fsmithredPin-Priority: 100
12:49.11gnarfaceconfigure: libOSMesa 64-bit development files not found (or too old), OpenGL rendering in bitmaps won't be supported.
12:49.26gnarfacewhat's libOSMesa? i don't need that for Nvidia do i?
12:49.46fsmithredyou just trying to install nvidia driver?
12:49.53gnarfaceno trying to build wine 2.6
12:50.21Enrico_MenottiGuys I'm unable to install the base system utilities. The computer crashes.
12:50.26Enrico_Menotti(Third time.)
12:50.52gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: define "crashes" in more detail?
12:51.09fsmithredyou're using regular installer iso?
12:51.15Enrico_MenottiHangs with two leds flashing (caps lock and num lock).
12:51.21Enrico_MenottiYes, regular installer iso.
12:51.39Enrico_MenottiThe core installs, but after that it fails.
12:51.43KatolaZfsmithred: should it be n=jessie-backports?
12:52.00fsmithredwell, I don't know
12:52.16gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: i would run memtest on it, including the extended optional tests (bit-fade)
12:52.16KatolaZyou are using the name of the repo...
12:52.27fsmithredbut my pin file has a=jessie-backports and n=ascii, n=ceres
12:52.31gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: make sure the disk isn't out of space too though
12:52.48fsmithredone is a release name, one is a repo name (or some such logic)
12:53.06fsmithredgot a=experimental, too
12:53.14Enrico_Menottignarface I have 10 GB reserved for the install. Is that enough?
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12:53.25gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: depends on what you choose, but in most cases, yes
12:53.32KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: should be more than enough....
12:53.42Enrico_MenottiNo desktop. So I think it's enough.
12:53.58fsmithred4gb is enough with xfce, but I wouldn't recommend it
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12:54.24gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: if you ctrl+alt+F2, F3, F4, you should see other terminals, one of them might tell you some relevant errors.
12:54.53Enrico_Menottignarface The memtest went fine, although without extended optional tests.
12:55.16Enrico_MenottiI didn't try with the other terminals, but it seems to me the system got completely hanging.
12:55.27Enrico_MenottiI will try one further time.
12:55.41gnarfaceyea, blinking keyboard lights is usually indicative of a hardware level faceplant
12:56.13gnarfaceoverheating, dirty power, bios bug, kernel bug, all potential culprits here too
12:56.38fsmithredold computer - check power supply and clean dust
12:56.40gnarfacebut *usually* the system console at least manages to spit out some sort of bug unless it's a problem in the graphics driver itself
12:57.02gnarfaceif the graphics driver goes, especially with nvidia, there's a lot of a "full freeze" behavior, no errors output anywhere
12:57.16gnarface(in those cases, try the text-mode installer instead of the GUI one)
12:57.39Enrico_MenottiI'm not in GUI installer.
12:57.48gnarfaceusually the text one is a lot more stable
12:57.56gnarfacethat suggests it's NOT a driver problem
12:58.02gnarfaceer, at least not a *video* driver problem
12:58.22gnarfaceno guarantees though
13:00.28Enrico_MenottiIt may be overheating. Would not be a surprise.
13:01.15gnarfacedefinitely check the error console, also check motherboard manual for trouble codes
13:01.18Enrico_MenottiThe strange thing is that the base system goes just fine. It should be more demanding.
13:01.25gnarfacemake sure the system pc speaker is connected, listen for beep codes
13:01.50gnarfacesome models even have error lights that blink in specific coded sequences to report error states
13:02.38Enrico_MenottiI don't know anything about these things at present. The speaker is connected, but does not beep.
13:04.02gnarfacethere are legitimate problems with things like power management on some models.  you might need some safe-mode style kernel options like noapic, nolapic, acpi=off
13:04.45gnarface(usually it doesn't get all the way to downloading packages before something goes wrong with that though)
13:05.26Enrico_MenottiI have been able to install Debian with the standard installer without any problem - and the power management is on.
13:05.44gnarfaceoh hmm. interesting
13:06.12gnarfacethat's very interesting because in theory the only real functional difference between theirs and the devuan one should be the *presence* of non-free firmware
13:06.21gnarfaceso maybe your bug lies somewhere therein
13:06.58gnarfacethe devuan guys decided to include non-free firmware for stuff like wifi drivers to enable easier install on laptops and mobile devices
13:07.19gnarfaceout of curiosity, are you installing via wifi?
13:07.33Enrico_MenottiYes it's a laptop. I'm not using the network at all. Only cd.
13:07.48gnarfaceoh so it crashes in the middle of the netinstall before even getting to the end??
13:07.58gnarfacebefore even downloading from online?
13:08.00gnarfaceoy vey
13:08.09gnarfacethat's definitely a problem
13:08.12Enrico_MenottiI ask it not to download.
13:08.17gnarfacei'm gonna hope it's overheating because that should be easy to fix
13:08.41bluemarlingnarface: shouldn't he see what's going on in dmesg?
13:09.04gnarfacebluemarlin: i politely mentioned the error console
13:09.28gnarfacebluemarlin: by the time it happens the system may be fully frozen though, i'm not clear on that part yet
13:09.32Enrico_MenottiIt's the third time I am able to do the installation of the core system. Now I will ask again for the standard system utilities. Let's see.
13:10.01gnarfacemaybe install the standard system utilities after the install completes and you've achieved first boot?
13:10.09gnarfacei know that doesn't solve the mystery, but it may get you up and running at least
13:10.25Enrico_MenottiIt's an idea. Let me try this last time before that.
13:10.32Enrico_MenottiI'd like to see what happens.
13:11.19Enrico_MenottiOh yes, to install the standard system utilities I'd need a network. And for that I need to build the driver. And for that I need the build toolchain.
13:11.30Enrico_MenottiOr not?
13:12.03gnarfaceonly if you're not lucky enough to have a supported device
13:12.21Enrico_MenottiIt's not supported from Devuan with non-free drivers.
13:12.51gnarfacebut it was in debian?
13:13.01Enrico_MenottiSorry, meant Debian.
13:13.16Enrico_MenottiIt's not supported in Debian with non-free drivers.
13:13.27gnarfaceyea i guess then your only option is to build a driver.  you'll probably want to do that after completing the install
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13:13.56gnarfacedo you have an ethernet line you can use temporarily until the wifi driver is built?  (i'm assuming here there is even an out-of-tree one available... you'd know better than i)
13:14.42Enrico_MenottiOut-of-tree driver? Yes, I got it.
13:14.58Enrico_MenottiThe ehernet line? I could but it's uncomfortable.
13:15.09Enrico_MenottiI will though if it's really needed.
13:15.47Enrico_MenottiNote that both time the system crashed, the select and install software went up to 95/98% before stopping.
13:16.14gnarfacethat's weird, really behaving like it's overheating or a memory issue
13:16.17bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: out of curiosity - could you share manufacturer and model of the device you're having trouble with?
13:16.22gnarfaceoverheating isn't usually so predictable
13:16.29gnarfacememory issues can be though
13:17.10Enrico_Menottibluemarlin Yes, it's an old Fujitsu Siemens C-series lifebook.
13:17.26Enrico_MenottiNo overheating I think. It crashed again. This time rebooting.
13:17.42Enrico_MenottiI'm giving up - I will install just the base system.
13:17.44bluemarlini had similar issues once, it was laptop - Thinkpad T61 to be precise - whole line had some fault in how GPU was attached to MBoard, it'd desolder itself over time
13:18.18Enrico_MenottiOk, but with my very old Win XP and with Debian there seem not to be problems.
13:18.26bluemarlinnevermind then
13:19.33gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: i wonder if some firmware & driver combo is being loaded that your network device tries to use then it glitches out
13:19.50gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: that would explain why the debian one didn't have the problem, at least
13:22.28bluemarlinHow about disabling the wireless device in bios then - to prevent the driver load
13:23.22bluemarlininstall everything and enable & debug it after system is in place
13:23.29Enrico_MenottiI may just disconnect it from the computer. But I don't think this be the problem. I'll do however. Last try with a full installation.
13:25.22bluemarlinunless it fails right after you start some installation step - switch to different VT (with CTRL+ALT+F3 for example) and run watch -n 0.1 dmesg
13:25.32bluemarlinso you get some live feed on what is goin in
13:26.45bluemarlinor better yet watch -n 0.1 "dmesg | tail"
13:28.20Enrico_MenottiOk, I will do.
13:32.02Enrico_Menottiwatch: not found
13:33.51Enrico_Menottibluemarlin Is there any other way to watch the output of dmesg?
13:34.13bluemarlinjust  dmesg | tail then, it won't be automatic
13:34.50bluemarlinor you can try scripting it: while true; do sleep 0.2; dmesg | tail; done
13:35.06Enrico_MenottiOk good idea.
13:36.13Deadpan110whats wrong with 'dmesg -w' ?
13:36.20gnarfacehmmm, should i attempt to build a wow64 build of wine-2.6 or should i just try the one from debian experimental?
13:37.27bluemarlinDeadpan110: oh - didnt know about that, seems like a rather new feature
13:38.11bluemarlin"requires kernel 3.5.0" ok not that new :D
13:39.00Enrico_MenottiOk, crashed again. I have the info on my screen.
13:39.01Deadpan110yeah... dunno about new... but even us old skewl folks learn stuffs after doin things the old way
13:39.04Enrico_Menotti(Some info).
13:39.32Enrico_MenottiKernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt.
13:39.44bluemarlinnothing more specific?
13:39.52Enrico_MenottiNo, just a lot of numbers.
13:40.07bluemarlinargh with the tail it probably printed just the dump
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13:41.15Enrico_MenottiIn any case, at this point I'd say there's a problem with the installer.
13:41.28Enrico_MenottiNote that I removed all external hardware before installing.
13:42.19Enrico_MenottiI will shutdown and reinstall just the base system.
13:42.31bluemarlinwell if it was over heating you'd see the CPU throttling messages first before the kernel panic
13:43.21Enrico_MenottiThere was some confusion. But I don't think overheating. It happened three (or four) times, always at the same point. And with the computer in different places.
13:43.43bluemarlinyea it's unlikely
13:45.24DocScrutinizer05err what?  try `dmesg -w` maybe, instead of using watch -n 0.1
13:45.58Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 Another install?
13:46.13Enrico_MenottiIt's the fifth time I try.
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13:46.36fsmithredit only crashes with the debian-installer, and not with the live installer?
13:47.19DocScrutinizer05oh, Deadpan110 already had that covered
13:47.44fsmithredalways at 95%?
13:48.17fsmithredI'd probably install bootloader and run it
13:48.35fsmithredcheck to see what got installed
13:48.39Enrico_MenottiI will install just the base system.
13:49.02Enrico_MenottiThen skip any further software.
13:49.16fsmithredyeah, you can add stuff later
13:51.01Enrico_Menottifsmithred But do you think the installer is broken?
13:51.02DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: which kernel modules is the installer kernel using? possibly the newly installed ones? shouldn't and I'm quite sure it doesn't, but... kernel panic, JMMM
13:51.09DocScrutinizer05HMMM even
13:51.54fsmithredno, I'm pretty sure it uses what's in the iso.
13:52.13DocScrutinizer05[2017-04-22 Sat 15:39:32] <Enrico_Menotti> Kernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt.
13:52.20fsmithredthe installer just got fixed because it ran the wrong kernel, but it installed the correct one
13:52.48DocScrutinizer05we'd need more details about the PANIC
13:53.01Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 How to?
13:53.34DocScrutinizer05fsmithred is more competent how to accomplish this in installer context
13:53.50fsmithredwell, you're leaning away from the overheating theory, but the big difference between debian-installer and the live installer is that the debian installer has to un-pack and configure packages, the live installer just copies already configured stuff, so it's less work for the cpu.
13:54.09fsmithredDocScrutinizer05 assumes I know what I'm doing.
13:54.28fsmithredI'm just good at sounding like I know.
13:54.40fsmithredI really don't know the debian installer very well
13:54.44fsmithrednot the guts.
13:56.12fsmithredEnrico_Menotti, have you wiped the last install yet?
13:56.28Enrico_Menottifsmithred I understand the different work for the cpu, but it's strange it always crashes at the same point. Just to add details, it seems to me that the first time the crash occurred at 98%, the other two times at 95%.
13:56.43Enrico_MenottiYes, I'm installing again.
13:57.10Enrico_MenottiI'm about done with the base install.
13:57.41Enrico_MenottiIf you have any idea about how to debug the software install, I would try. Otherwise, I will skip that step and see whether the system boots.
13:58.01DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: I don't think the problem is actually installer related. It's just the installer environment that complicates usual approach here
13:58.04fsmithredinstall as little as possible. you just need to get in.
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13:59.04DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: is there maybe mtdoops available as kernel module?
13:59.07bluemarlinyou could also rule out overheating - by executing something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null &   multiple times ... and see if it crashes
13:59.48DocScrutinizer05or maybe the hw platform has another way to get console log in a persistent way during installation
14:00.20DocScrutinizer05nah, overheating _should_ not cause a kernel panic
14:00.21Enrico_MenottiOk, now I will try to skip the incriminated passage. Just I'd like to understand what the problem is.
14:01.18DocScrutinizer05I suspect it's about some device probing resp some kernel modprobe
14:01.26KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: dmesg?
14:01.36KatolaZthere is a syslog tee going on on tty4
14:01.39KatolaZin the installer
14:01.49KatolaZjust look ar /var/log/syslog
14:01.53KatolaZfrom another console
14:02.11DocScrutinizer05yeah, when it's a normal system (laptop, PC) then a VT should have a comsole log
14:02.21bluemarlinKatolaZ: he gets kernel panic - it freezes fully and it's installer
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14:03.30Enrico_MenottiSo guys, I'm about to decide what to do now. Should I try again with the standard system utilities, which would crash for sure, or skip it and see whether I get something?
14:03.49DocScrutinizer05redirect console=whatever to spam the installer UI? would make handling installer a tad messy but would allow to see the last N lines of console log at least
14:03.55fsmithredare you at tasksel screen?
14:04.00KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: but _what_ crashes, exactly?
14:04.03Enrico_Menottifsmithred Yes.
14:04.19fsmithreduncheck everything and you'll have enough to work with
14:04.25Enrico_MenottiKatolaZ The machine stops and that's it.
14:04.38KatolaZwhat does the panic log say?
14:05.04bluemarlinKatolaZ: fsmithred> always at 95%?
14:05.07DocScrutinizer05KatolaZ: how would he watch the panic log when he's on installer screen and device frozen?
14:05.14bluemarlinmeh wrong paste
14:05.35Enrico_MenottiKatolaZ The only thing I can understand is about non syncing. The rest are numbers.
14:05.44DocScrutinizer05sysreq keys to the resque maybe
14:05.49KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: how does he know that the kernel panic-ed then>
14:05.57bluemarlinfrom dmesg
14:06.05KatolaZso he can see dmesg
14:06.15DocScrutinizer05I don't get it either
14:06.17KatolaZduring a kernel panic?!?
14:06.37Enrico_MenottiKatolaZ I switched to another console. Used dmesg in a loop. When the kernel got panic I got the last messages on screen.
14:07.03KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: just
14:07.08KatolaZtail -f /var/log/syslog
14:07.19KatolaZwhich is what you have already
14:07.21KatolaZon tty4
14:07.21DocScrutinizer05then instead of showing kernel log to screen that way, could he maybe redirect the output to... a printer?
14:07.34DocScrutinizer05or a file that frequently gets synced
14:07.52KatolaZanyway Enrico_Menotti
14:08.00KatolaZtry to get the bare minimum installed
14:08.07KatolaZwe will get rid of d-i, sooner or later
14:08.11KatolaZit's just a matter of time
14:08.23Enrico_MenottiOk, I will deselect everything. Let's see what happens.
14:08.27KatolaZit has become a bloated mess, to use and to debug...
14:08.43bluemarlinKatolaZ: that'd be nice!
14:08.51DocScrutinizer05a kernel panic has several 100 lines of very valuable info, incl what exaclty been the module the kernel panicked in
14:09.10DPAdmesg has a --follow option, so a loop isn't needed
14:09.34DocScrutinizer05yes, we had that dmesg -w
14:10.24DocScrutinizer05though I'd rather hope for syslog and maybe move the syslog to a persistent file (instead of ramdisk where it's prolly now)
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14:11.51Enrico_MenottiGuys, I'm at the next step - the grub. Since I have it from Debian, I asked the installer not to install it. But apparently it isn't doing what I want: it asks me where do I want the grub installed.
14:12.02DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: fuzzing with installer options is very unlikely to be an effective way to tackle a kernel panic. Kernel isn't supposed to pnainc no matter what any arbitrary app does
14:12.59Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 I'm just trying to get a booting system.
14:13.02DocScrutinizer05afk, l8r
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14:13.28bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: just let it get reinstalled - shouldnt pose a problem
14:14.02Enrico_Menottibluemarlin I have another option. Selected "back" and got the list of steps in the installation process. I will skip the grub, ok?
14:14.10DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: you won't solve a kernel panic issue with installer options
14:14.31Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 I'm skipping the step which leads to kernel panic.
14:14.39DocScrutinizer05you can't
14:14.49Enrico_MenottiSo what would you do now?
14:15.10DocScrutinizer05I'm going to do weekend shopping now
14:15.48DocScrutinizer05I explained above we need the full kernel panic log
14:15.48fsmithredEnrico_Menotti, correct - do not install grub
14:15.59DocScrutinizer05and suggested a few ways how to get that
14:16.28DocScrutinizer05kernel panic is no installer problem
14:16.58Enrico_MenottiSo guys, now should I try to have a booting system or to go again to kernel panic and get a log?
14:17.20DocScrutinizer05(unless installer installed incorrect kernel or non-matching kernel modules. and even then it will only show up when rebooting)
14:18.12Enrico_Menottifsmithred What do you think?
14:18.26fsmithredcan you save the log once you get it?
14:18.36Enrico_MenottiI don't see a way.
14:19.01Enrico_MenottiYes, but it would be just a screen. The last part.
14:19.29fsmithredmight have the right information
14:19.52Enrico_MenottiOk. So I will do for the last time that step. Let's see. I will:
14:19.56Enrico_Menotti1. start that step
14:20.03fsmithredlast step was install grub?
14:20.11fsmithredin previous installs?
14:20.17Enrico_MenottiNo, I mean select and install software.
14:20.22fsmithredoh, ok
14:20.37fsmithredthat might mess up the installed system
14:20.46Enrico_MenottiYes, of course.
14:20.57fsmithredand the goal is to have an installed system
14:20.58Enrico_MenottiIt would for sure lead to the need of a new installation.
14:21.07Enrico_MenottiIt would be just to have a log of what happened.
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14:21.30Enrico_MenottiIf the goal is to have a log, I would try again; if the goal is to install the system, I would not.
14:21.35fsmithredif the problem persists after installation, you'll have other opportunities to diagnose it
14:21.40Enrico_MenottiSo let's decide what we want now.
14:22.01fsmithredsomeone else will have to make that call, because I don't know how to read a kernel panic
14:22.30DocScrutinizer05shakes head
14:23.01DocScrutinizer05you still seem to think you can somehow avoid the kernel panic to get a working system installed. I doubt this will fly
14:24.02DPAYou could try to bootstrap the system manually, without the installer
14:24.18DocScrutinizer05yes, that's a good approach
14:24.34Enrico_MenottiAgain, what do we want? A running system or info about the problem?
14:24.55DocScrutinizer05again, you seem to think, meh not again
14:25.19bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: Get the info about the problem, then install the system another way - not using this installer
14:25.22DocScrutinizer05is out
14:25.56DocScrutinizer05ITS the kernel!
14:26.34micromarhello.  I have discovered at least 1 pkg that was removed from Debian repos apparently because systemd provides the functionality....
14:26.37bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: Yes - we know that, but from what he said: Only this particular system image crashes
14:26.39DocScrutinizer05**NO** app may make the kernel crash
14:26.40micromarObviously, such pkgs should be in Devuan or the functionality is lost.
14:26.49micromarI haven't been able to find a proper place or person to contact to report these "missing" pkgs.
14:26.55micromarSuggestions would be appreciated.
14:27.21buZzwhat about there?
14:28.03bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: according to him Devuan Live image works, debian works, ubuntu works... so i'm suggesting to him - take a photo of the kernel dump that happens when he tries to install devuan with the installer image. then use different image...
14:28.31DocScrutinizer05get the panic log
14:28.42DocScrutinizer05the problem is in kernel
14:28.46micromarbuZz: Certainly, I can try that if those of you involved think it's the appropriate place.
14:29.05buZzi think its appropriate, and couldnt really think of a better place :)
14:29.11Enrico_MenottiOk, so I would do the following:
14:29.14fsmithredmicromar, yes
14:29.25DocScrutinizer05(unless somebody did something very very silly like `sudo cat /proc/kmem`
14:29.39Enrico_Menotti1. start again "Select and install software"
14:29.49Enrico_Menotti2. Enter another VT
14:30.02micromarok, thanks guys.  And thanks for the work all of you do for the project.  It's working great for me.
14:30.34bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: 3. You run dmesg -w
14:30.35Enrico_Menotti3. What? dmesg -w? And a picture? Or is there some way to dump dmesg to a file dynamically so that when the kernel panics we have the last log?
14:31.04DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: enter console4 as KatolaZ suggested, you should already see the live log there
14:31.09DocScrutinizer05no need for dmesg
14:31.24Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 Yes, but in this way I'd see only the last part of the log.
14:31.33fsmithredhow to save the file?
14:31.37Enrico_MenottiIs there a way to get it continuously saved to a file?
14:31.57DocScrutinizer05then before crashing the system you need to adjust where the log gets written to
14:32.01DocScrutinizer05on a system level
14:32.21Enrico_MenottiI may do that. But I don't know how.
14:32.27DocScrutinizer05like redefining where /var/log/syslog lives, move that to a persistent storage
14:32.47Enrico_MenottiHow to?
14:32.57DocScrutinizer05or have a kernel commandline with "console=/dev/ttyS1" and attach a printer, or somesuch
14:33.18*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
14:33.29DocScrutinizer05(how) sorry about terse answer: man rsyslog. I have to run do shopping
14:33.30buZzserial printer :D
14:33.35buZzwho still has those?
14:35.04fsmithredif you can mount a usb stick, you can redirect to a file there
14:35.31*** join/#devuan snux (
14:35.46*** join/#devuan mchasard (
14:36.11mchasardjust hear about devuan
14:36.27mchasardwhats the difference with debean?
14:36.29Enrico_Menottifsmithred Yes, that's my idea. How to?
14:37.01fsmithredtail -f /var/log/syslog | tee /path/to/file
14:37.02MinceRdevuan is what debian used to be and what debian could have been
14:37.13MinceRa free, stable, universal operating system
14:37.16buZzmchasard: devuan is the debian style that stallman can still appreciate
14:37.30MinceRalso, a GNU/Linux distribution
14:38.05MinceRgnome with tomboy (and thus mono) by default is also a thing of the past, finally
14:38.46mchasardi hear that apps are not really up todate and we have to pass through backports to get newer version ?
14:39.16buZzits same versions as jessie
14:39.24buZzso, no idea where you heared that
14:39.25bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: attach another usb drive, mount it, turn off caching, then do what fsmithred said
14:39.26fsmithredit's based on debian, so of course the software is old
14:39.29fsmithredthat's a feature
14:39.56DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: won't fly, since a kernel panic doesn't run userland processes after logging own diagnostic output. An OOPS would, a PANIC not
14:40.07bluemarlinah damn
14:40.20fsmithredso how to save? video camera?
14:40.28fsmithredprinter sounds scary
14:40.38fsmithredlotta paper
14:40.43Enrico_MenottiDon't have a printer available here.
14:40.44DocScrutinizer05one way, yes. Or move syslog file directly to another storage
14:40.53DocScrutinizer05it should still sync the syslog
14:41.01Enrico_MenottiYes, I'd move the syslog file. But I don't know the way.
14:41.04fsmithredother than a second usb?
14:41.08bluemarlinmount bind the usb drive without caching over /var/log ?
14:41.11mchasardi just want give a try ..;to make me an idea
14:41.18DocScrutinizer05or mtdoops
14:41.33Enrico_MenottiFor your info, I have the usb mounted.
14:41.44DocScrutinizer05bluemarlin: yes
14:42.34DocScrutinizer05or just redirect output in rsyslogconfig. not ure if rsyslog still owks in panic, mayve does
14:42.59Enrico_MenottiAh ok. So mount /dev/sdb1 /var/log/syslog, right?
14:43.34DocScrutinizer05just mount to /var/log
14:43.56Enrico_MenottiAh ok. The syslog file will be created, right?
14:44.02DocScrutinizer05syslog will get created as regular file in there
14:44.08bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: he still needs to turn of caching on that usb filesystem
14:44.33Enrico_MenottiOk, please let me know the details about caching. Sorry.
14:44.44DocScrutinizer05though rsyslog takes special care to sync, see man rsyslog
14:45.15DocScrutinizer05not sure if all this works for a kernel panic, maybe you actually need video camera
14:45.19mchasardlive usb are avaliable and also 32bits ?
14:45.33bluemarlinmchasard: yes
14:45.53fsmithredall the isos are isohybrid
14:46.00DocScrutinizer05also google for "magic sysreq key"
14:46.17mchasardone only iso so ?
14:47.06bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: is 'hdparm' command on the system? hdparm -W 0 /dev/<the-usb> should disable write cache
14:47.15fsmithredmchasard, lots of isos to choose from
14:48.31*** join/#devuan DPA (
14:49.08Enrico_Menottibluemarlin hdparm not found...
14:49.16DocScrutinizer05to start with, however, make sure your kernel / system matches your hardware, Use uname -a etc for that
14:49.52DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: what a hw platform is this anyway?
14:50.18mchasardwith wich desktp by default its done ?
14:50.44bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: he said core 2 duo - so x86
14:51.02DocScrutinizer05laptop? tablet?
14:51.14DocScrutinizer05something special about it?
14:51.31Enrico_MenottiLaptop. It's a Fujitsu Siemens C Series lifebook.
14:51.33mchasardcould we instal from liveusb ?
14:51.53DocScrutinizer05re Fujitsu Siemens
14:52.27bluemarlinmchasard: yes - you download the appropriate iso and either burn it to DVD or dd it into usb drive. default desktop is xfce
14:52.30DocScrutinizer05mchasard: XFCE, and yes
14:52.39DocScrutinizer05mchasard: adaik
14:53.04mchasardxfce is there an lxqt version ?
14:53.50DocScrutinizer05is away for good
14:53.55bluemarlinmchasard: you'd have to make it. Have some mercy on the Devuan guys, how many ISOs should they maintain :D
14:54.21Enrico_MenottiFPC05041BP is the product number.
14:55.48bluemarlinwait a sec that was old in 2009 - how much ram does it even have
14:55.57mchasardor shoul i chosse minimal iso and that choose lxqt desktop ... islxqt in the positorys ?
14:55.57bluemarlinare you sure it's core 2 duo? which number
14:56.18Enrico_Menottibluemarlin I didn't say core 2 duo. I said just the model.
14:56.49DocScrutinizer05 might have valuable info
14:57.19Enrico_MenottiIn any case, after inserting the usb stick, from dmesg I read:
14:57.27Enrico_MenottiNo Caching mode page found
14:57.40Enrico_MenottiAssuming drive cache: write through
14:57.50bluemarlinmchasard: yes it's in the repo, from what i understand devuan dynamically synchronizes with debian - so all software from debian that doesnt explicitly require systemd should be available in devuan as well.
14:57.54Enrico_MenottiDoes this mean cache is disabled?
14:58.05fsmithredmchasard, I sent PM to you
14:58.08infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
14:58.08*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
14:59.37DocScrutinizer05nevermind my "OUCH", was about Amilo, but maybe FuSi is generally nasty on linux
15:00.06DocScrutinizer05or I'mmistaken
15:00.41bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: no i dont think that means it will write directly to the device
15:01.56bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: you have to mount it with -o sync
15:02.17Enrico_Menottimount -o sync /dev/sdb1 /var/log?
15:02.27bluemarlinyea that should do
15:04.08bluemarlinserial link or network ... well he has neither
15:05.51bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: wait a second - are you sure with the /dev/sdb1 ?
15:06.06Enrico_MenottiYes. Checked the content after mounting.
15:06.39gnarfacethere is a devuan experimental right?
15:07.16bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: ok, the do the mount, maybe restart log service ... and try the install i guess
15:07.31bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: maybe it will work
15:08.12Enrico_Menottibluemarlin All done, I just did not restart the log service. Do you think I need also that?
15:08.51bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: have the log files been re-created in the now-mounted /var/log?
15:09.10Enrico_MenottiNow not.
15:09.18bluemarlinthen restart it
15:09.40Enrico_MenottiOk. Could you please let me know the syntax?
15:09.45bluemarlin/etc/init.d/rsyslog restart   i think
15:10.58Enrico_MenottiNo, /etc/init.d/rsyslog not found.
15:11.41*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
15:12.40DocScrutinizer05see if there's a syslog file in original /var/log
15:12.51DocScrutinizer05or messages, or anything
15:12.52fsmithredgnarface, yes, there is experimental: deb experimental main
15:13.18DocScrutinizer05odds are installer doesn't start rsyslog
15:13.58DocScrutinizer05alias uhls=':(){ echo `readlink -f $1`; mkdir /tmp/uh && mount --bind / /tmp/uh && pushd /tmp/uh && ls -lR `readlink -f $1` && popd && umount /tmp/uh && rmdir /tmp/uh; };:'
15:14.23DocScrutinizer05uhls /var/log
15:14.47Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 In /var/log I have a syslog file. Let me read it.
15:15.08Enrico_MenottiThere is no init.d directory inside /etc.
15:15.42bluemarlindamn .. i know shit how these installer images work :(
15:15.45DocScrutinizer05ps aux|grep syslog
15:16.13Enrico_Menotticat syslog gives a lot of info.
15:16.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:16.41DocScrutinizer05try less /var/log syslog
15:17.00Enrico_Menottiless: not found
15:17.08DocScrutinizer05g G to go start / end
15:17.23DocScrutinizer05crippled sytem
15:17.27rrq"vi /var/log/syslog"
15:17.33DPAor more
15:17.34Enrico_Menottivi not found
15:17.55bluemarlinwell apparently the syslog file was recreated in the mount... so maybe it works :D
15:18.14Enrico_Menottibluemarlin No this is the file after umount.
15:18.15DocScrutinizer05no, not AIUI
15:18.24Enrico_MenottiIf I mount there is no syslog file.
15:18.40Enrico_Menottinano is there.
15:18.49DocScrutinizer05tail -f /var/log/syslog, wait if something new shows up
15:19.09DocScrutinizer05WUT? no vi but nano? :-o
15:19.20buZzyeah fuck vi :P
15:19.25gnarfacehmmm, new wine is not in the devuan experimental
15:20.46Enrico_MenottiI have some problems in going to the last line. Never used nano. Also the keyboard is configured as US when the symbols written are Italian. :/
15:21.08bluemarlingnarface: try to use these?
15:21.25DocScrutinizer05ohmy, nobody in a sane mind watches syslog file with nano
15:21.28gnarfacebluemarlin: i did not, didn't want to mix distros
15:22.25Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 It seems the simplest thing since this editor is there. But I had been lucky with tail. I read the messages about inserting the usb stick.
15:22.58fsmithreda pager might make more sense than an editor
15:24.39Enrico_MenottiOk, anyway. Now I have the original log, I can mount the usb at its place, and I'd just need (maybe) to restart rsyslog. But I don't know how.
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15:25.12DocScrutinizer05ps aux|grep syslog
15:26.18Enrico_Menottips: invalid option -- 'a'
15:26.24rrqthe installer runs /sbin/syslogd with -O /var/log/syslog
15:26.38DPAgrep -a rsyslog /proc/*/cmdline | grep -va grep
15:27.16Enrico_Menottirrq So /sbin/syslogd restart?
15:27.35Enrico_MenottiOr maybe even nothing?
15:27.42Enrico_Menotti(Maybe does not need a restart.)
15:28.03infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd, nice, ps, diff as used by mc...) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils
15:28.56DocScrutinizer05why not try ps|grep syslog then?
15:29.30DocScrutinizer05if it's rsyslogd running, you don't need to restart. sending SIGHUP suffices
15:29.45DocScrutinizer05killall -s HUP rsyslogd
15:30.03bluemarlini bet killall isn't there :D he'll have to find pid and use kill
15:30.03DocScrutinizer05kill -HUP $(cat /var/run/
15:30.07DocScrutinizer05whatever works
15:30.27Enrico_Menottirsyslogd is running, yes. ps shows it.
15:31.09Enrico_MenottiThe option is to write to syslog (/var/log/syslog).
15:31.17rrq"Syslogd reads its configuration file when it starts up and whenever it receives a hangup signal.  For information on the format of the configu‐ ration file, see syslog.conf(5).
15:32.00Enrico_Menottirrq So I think I don't need to make it reread the conf file, since I just substituted its target with the usb, right?
15:32.17golinuxbuZz: Just catching up with the logs.  All bugs should now be reported to not git.
15:32.35rrqthough his "syslogd" is actually in "busybox" so it's different
15:32.40*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:33.22Enrico_MenottiOk, I think at this point the best thing to do is to try. Let's see whether this thing hangs again, and if yes, if it produces a log on the usb stick.
15:33.43Enrico_MenottiIf not, I may try a different way.
15:34.59DPAEnrico_Menotti: If a file is opened, and something is mounted over the parent directory, it still hase a handle to the file on the original drive before the mount.
15:35.24infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd, nice, ps, diff as used by mc...) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils
15:35.24Enrico_MenottiIt works.
15:35.38Enrico_MenottiI have a new syslog file.
15:35.58bluemarlinsurprised something worked for once
15:36.13DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: when you don't see a syslog now, you definitely won't see any after kernel panic
15:36.24DocScrutinizer05so you can save the time to 'try'
15:36.58Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 I see a log.
15:37.05bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: how did you get the new log file then? the HUP worked?
15:37.15Enrico_MenottiNo did not do anything.
15:37.19DocScrutinizer05then just pray the panic log will get written to it
15:37.29Enrico_MenottiJust mounted the usb in place of the /var/log.
15:37.43bluemarlinit shouldn't work then lol ... like DPA said.. argh whaterver
15:38.00buZzgolinux: maybe the git issuetracker should reflect that then ;)
15:38.27Enrico_MenottiLet's try, and see what happens. It is possible that I don't even have again a panic... but I would not bet on it.
15:38.34DocScrutinizer05bluemarlin: prolly the syslogd (whatever it is) for some reason closed and reopened the syslog file. Shall do this on receiving SIGHUP, but maybe does on other occasions too
15:40.33DocScrutinizer05logger TEST; tail -n 4 /var/log/syslog
15:40.43bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: weird. well at least it worked. of course it doesn't guarantee that log will be there. Btw this is the machine he installs it on:
15:41.29DocScrutinizer05hmm 256MB RAM
15:42.17rrqtoo little
15:42.19DocScrutinizer05not sure if that's enough even for lightweight Devuan
15:42.34bluemarlinyea lol
15:43.01fsmithredicewm or jwm, but won't be able to run FF
15:43.04bluemarlinweird that the ubuntu install worked
15:43.18Enrico_MenottiI think I have more ram. It's been expanded.
15:43.23Enrico_MenottiNot ubuntu, Debian.
15:43.32rrqthe installer crashes towards then with soo little
15:44.02rrqthen = the end
15:44.14Enrico_MenottiOk now I don't have a crash, but a failure.
15:44.28Enrico_MenottiNo the system rebooted.
15:44.56bluemarlini'm dying to see what is in the log file lol... if there is any on the usb drive
15:45.09rrqwrong window
15:45.27bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: don't mount it over /var/log now, put it somewhere else
15:46.24DocScrutinizer05unplug and inspect on other PC
15:46.26bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: better yet - show us by uploading it somewhere, like:
15:47.06Enrico_MenottiOk guys, I'm watching the log.
15:47.15Enrico_MenottiThere's no kernel panic message now.
15:47.24Enrico_MenottiIn fact it did not crash, just failed.
15:47.28Enrico_MenottiAnd rebooted.
15:47.35Enrico_MenottiBut anyway, some info.
15:48.37bluemarlindude, take the whole log and upload it ... don't write us each line in IRC
15:49.25Enrico_MenottiFor sure. But on I should copy and paste.
15:49.32Enrico_MenottiHow to upload the file?
15:49.39DPAWas the root install partition reformatted at the partitioning step?
15:50.11bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: open it, copy content and paste it?
15:50.21Enrico_MenottiIt's very long!
15:50.36rrqcan you confirm RAM size, with "head /proc/meminfo", the MemTotal line
15:51.26bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: then try this one, has uploads.. 2M limit though:
15:51.47Enrico_MenottiI just copied and pasted.
15:52.20DocScrutinizer05btw when you don't have a serial printer (and even if you do) use minicom on another PC and a 0-modem cable
15:53.57rrqlog line 1010
15:54.13bluemarlinjust watching it lol - out of mem?
15:54.24Enrico_MenottiIs it out of mem?
15:54.33rrqcan you confirm RAM size, with "head /proc/meminfo"
15:55.33Enrico_Menotti1016120 kB total.
15:55.41Enrico_MenottiAs I said previously, right?
15:57.20DocScrutinizer05would mess around with modprobe a little, until kernel panicks
15:57.57DocScrutinizer05hardly can be anything else than a module going bonkers
15:58.34DocScrutinizer05well, could be defective RAM or whatever too, on an imperfect world
15:58.58Enrico_MenottiI tried the memtest. Went fine.
15:59.16DocScrutinizer05good! :-)
15:59.36DocScrutinizer05what's `uname -a` ?
16:00.43Enrico_MenottiLinux (none) #1 Debian 3.16.39-1 (2016-12-30) i686 GNU/Linux
16:02.43*** part/#devuan val_ (56a7e54d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:02.48DocScrutinizer05err really now? GUYS!!
16:03.45DocScrutinizer05no panic, 'just' an OOPS
16:05.16gnarfacewait, you trying to do this without swap?
16:05.46bluemarlinhe apparently has 1 GB of RAM... should be enough
16:06.01gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: you have swap right?
16:06.12DocScrutinizer05doesn't know if a i686 kernel is actually OK for that hardware
16:06.36DocScrutinizer05gnarface: on installer?
16:06.39bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: i looked up the CPU - it's P4 so it should be i786 i think
16:06.46gnarfacethe PXE extensions might choke it that's true
16:06.46Enrico_Menottignarface I did not do anything about swap in the installer. I configured more than 10 GB swap for the system.
16:07.27DocScrutinizer05shrugs too :-)
16:07.43DocScrutinizer05no kernel devel here
16:08.09DocScrutinizer05and P4, errr I forgot what that even was ;-)
16:08.32bluemarlinhehe. Anyway this is definetly beyond my ability to help - at least we have the log Enrico_Menotti
16:08.39DocScrutinizer05would be intersting if kernels are tested against P4 nowadays
16:08.42rrqbut it did install some things, so if you keep installing without claring the partition(s) it may aeventually get through
16:08.56rrqclaring = clearing
16:09.03gnarfacei think the question here is what's different between devuan's kernel and debian's
16:09.12golinuxbuZz: Could you suggest a good place to put that info om git??
16:09.14gnarfacei wouldn't have expected any differences in behavior
16:10.30buZzgolinux: maybe just disable the issues in git?
16:10.40buZz(after copying them to
16:12.42golinuxThe critical issues were already been copied before the RC.
16:13.20golinuxshould proofread before hitting enter
16:14.22bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: Thanks for fun afternoon lol. Install the system in another way OR, better, get a new laptop - seriously what do you even expect to run on this thing. The oldest Raspberry PI is superior computer to this laptop...
16:14.29golinuxI guess I'll have to figure out how to use reportbug to get this into the queue
16:14.59DocScrutinizer05the call traces in all OOPSes except first (which was page foo) look very similar and seem to indicate kernel itself has problems with file permissions (I'm no expert to read that stuff, so just a best effort guess)
16:15.53Enrico_Menottibluemarlin I'm waiting for my daddy to buy a new computer so I will grab his laptop...
16:17.42DocScrutinizer05and yes, this seems to be in access to CD drive
16:17.57bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: my point here is - suppose you'll somehow get this thing running, it is still likely to give up at any moment thanks to old capacitors on the motherboard, etc..
16:18.14DocScrutinizer05so maybe the kernel driver for the optical drive is the culprit
16:18.32bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: whoa teach me how to read that
16:19.13DocScrutinizer05Apr 22 17:43:35 kernel: [ 7180.375697]  [<c119a08a>] ? security_inode_permission+0x1a/0x20
16:19.26DocScrutinizer05Apr 22 17:43:39 kernel: [ 7184.519616] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
16:20.59micromargolinux: I read your comment regarding reporting and I am now attempting to use reportbug (as recommended at but it shows  "Unable to connect to Devuan BTS; continue [y|N|?]?"   Is this a bug in itself or should I continue?
16:21.03bluemarlinDocScrutinizer05: couldnt the installer image itself be corrupt?
16:21.32bluemarlinafter it copied onto the usb drive...
16:21.57Enrico_Menottibluemarlin No USB drive. It's a CD reader.
16:23.07*** join/#devuan Guest1438 (~Guest@
16:23.37golinuxmicromar: I have no idea.  Try to catch KatolaZ as he maintains
16:24.12micromarah.  ok then.  You seemed to be involved with the bug reporting system too.  Thanks.
16:24.19golinuxKatolaZ: ^^^
16:24.42golinuxmicromar: I am.  I skinned it.  ;)
16:24.45*** join/#devuan Guest1438 (~Guest@
16:25.09micromarthanks for the nice skin job  :)
16:25.09DocScrutinizer05micromar: AFAIK reportbug just sends an email?
16:25.31DocScrutinizer05I might be totally mistaken
16:26.06micromarDocScrutinizer05: thanks.  I have never used it before but it was the first suggested method so I thought I'd learn.
16:26.31golinuxThere was some conversation about a week ago that it was trying to send to debian.  See:
16:26.47golinuxmicromar: Thanks.
16:26.55*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:26.58infobot[nug] a verb for when your girlfriend graciously feeds you chicken nuggets while you're driving. a lot of fun. any girl who does this for you is a keeper.
16:27.05infobotrumour has it, #devuan bugtracker is, or "make sure the destination email address in reportbug is ! "
16:27.21_abc_Hi. I am new here. Just read the good news. Congratulations!
16:27.29bluemarlinlols at nug
16:28.17bluemarlin_abc_: heya
16:28.49_abc_heads over to #linuxcnc to tell them. One of the live linuxcnc dvd's is based on debian.
16:31.42_abc_Current linuxcnc is based on wheezy, also systemd less.
16:31.47*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy1 (~NewGnuGuy@
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16:32.01_abc_I have good reasons to believe the #linuxcnc people will pick up the cue on devuan jessie
16:32.32*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:4a5d:60ff:fee6:b932)
16:32.46_abc_(but don't hold your breath)
16:33.22*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
16:34.02_abc_I am there now. Seriously.
16:34.24bluemarlini bet that all the people together here could write a book about it
16:34.33_abc_Yeah but there not here.
16:34.49_abc_Politeness rule #1 never say anything negative about others.
16:34.56_abc_Rule #0 never say never
16:35.04*** part/#devuan NewGnuGuy1 (~NewGnuGuy@
16:35.38_abc_Are the devuan images hybrids? I hope so?
16:35.59DocScrutinizer05idly wonders if is maybe caused by some "swap" partition mounted to CD ROM
16:36.58*** join/#devuan Drugo (
16:37.05DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: could you pastebin a `mount` ?
16:38.13DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: and `cat /proc/swaps `
16:39.07DocScrutinizer05and `free`
16:39.29buZzall i wanted from systemd is run something at the END of boot
16:39.30buZzbut nope
16:39.32buZzso i gave up
16:39.44buZzand upgraded to systemd-free environment
16:41.25Enrico_MenottiDocScrutinizer05 At which point of the installation process?
16:41.57Enrico_MenottiOk, now I'm at the very beginning.
16:42.01Enrico_MenottiLet's see.
16:42.15DocScrutinizer05ideally around when the OOPs happens, but... prolly irrelevant
16:42.43Enrico_MenottiTo get there I'd need some time. I'll try where I am now.
16:43.04DocScrutinizer05don't bother, just do it right now
16:43.50Enrico_MenottiNo there is no swap.
16:43.57Enrico_Menotticat /proc/swaps gives nothing.
16:44.05DocScrutinizer05thought as much
16:44.20DocScrutinizer05there shouldn't
16:46.48DocScrutinizer05I think you should open a ticket against kernel
16:47.12Enrico_MenottiOk guys, thank you all for your help and interest. For now I stop here - have a slight headache. Later maybe I will try to finish the installation by skipping the step which leads to panic/reboot.
16:47.40DocScrutinizer05there's no such step
16:47.42bluemarlinEnrico_Menotti: i don't think you'll be able to. not with the kernel inside that installer image
16:48.15Enrico_MenottiOk, I will find another way, maybe.
16:48.43DocScrutinizer05the step to avoid is what the kernel does when it OOPSes, you (and anybody) have no clue what that is from a app PoV
16:48.55DocScrutinizer05install from USB
16:49.31Enrico_MenottiAlso an idea. Will see.
16:49.35DocScrutinizer05open a ticket against kernel (not devuan specific), there's a bug in kernel
16:50.17DocScrutinizer05further investigation needs a kernel hacker investigating the source where the OOPS happens
16:50.18Enrico_MenottiAlso this. I will do. By the way, what is the right way to do that?
16:50.57DocScrutinizer05hmm, good question
16:51.29DocScrutinizer05maybe report to !bug and rely on VUAs to escalate the ticket upstream
16:52.03infobotsomebody said #devuan bugtracker was, or "make sure the destination email address in reportbug is ! "
16:52.26Enrico_MenottiAh, to Devuan bugs?
16:54.07DocScrutinizer05moment please, trying to learn in other channel, BBL soon
16:55.11DocScrutinizer05hmm, not THAT active over in ##kernel. Try maybe
16:56.57DocScrutinizer05or just report to devuan and rely on the devels to forward
16:59.23Enrico_MenottiIt seemes to me I have read that KatolaZ takes care of the bug report system for Devuan. Is this correct?
16:59.48fsmithredyeah, he set it up
17:00.03Enrico_MenottiOk, so I will ask him.
17:00.06*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@2a01:c50e:8821:4200:dcde:d5c2:fccd:d28d)
17:00.25Enrico_Menotti(In Italian.)
17:01.01fsmithredthat's where I sent a bug yesterday
17:01.24Enrico_MenottiYes, ok, I mean about the forwarding to kernel developers.
17:01.35fsmithredoh, no clue about that.
17:02.02DocScrutinizer05sounds about good enough. attach the full syslog and detailled info about your hardware and the CD image you used
17:02.39Enrico_MenottiOk, thank you all. Bye for now.
17:02.48DocScrutinizer05devuan devels will triage the bug and decide what to do about it
17:02.51fsmithredbye, good luck
17:03.06fsmithredor good night
17:03.32fsmithredor both (dream of a winning lottery number)
17:03.38DocScrutinizer05just make sure you clearly state it's a kernel BIG/OOPS
17:04.02DocScrutinizer05point to line1010 of syslog
17:04.04*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
17:05.00DocScrutinizer05please attach syslog directly, not pastebin in web
17:06.08DocScrutinizer05refer to the image you flashed to CD and booted from
17:06.59*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:07.09_abc_Enrico_Menotti: also ram size. Your ram may have run out during install.
17:07.57DocScrutinizer05it most certainly did :-)
17:08.16_abc_Aside: has anyone got a link on how to make hybrid iso's able to boot several os images? One can put several live images on a current usb stick, and this feature would be very useful.
17:08.26_abc_mkhybrid has no options for this (yet)
17:08.46DocScrutinizer05tbh nfc here what a "hybrid ISO" even is
17:09.00_abc_Oh no f* clue
17:09.01infobotnfc is probably No Fucking Clue, or near field communications
17:09.17DocScrutinizer05picj one ;-)
17:09.40_abc_a hybrid iso is the live debian/devuan image for example. It is like a bootable disk with one partition which gets booted
17:10.40DocScrutinizer05aah thanks
17:10.40_abc_one can edit the partition table using fdisk and define the remaining free space as several other partitions in the usual way. This is what I do. But I also want to edit the boot table(s) to make it possible to use several other images written into ...
17:10.44_abc_... other partitions from the boot manager in the hybrid.
17:10.49fsmithred_abc_, refracta2usb will make multi-boot usb
17:11.05fsmithredbut not with isohybrid
17:11.18_abc_I know, this is "new"
17:11.32fsmithredyou can make isohybrid of the running installed system with refractasnapshot
17:11.54_abc_Oh. But not the other way around? I need to read up on this. So many toys.
17:11.55DocScrutinizer05can't help, mused about hybrid ISO incompatibility with kernel driver on Enrico_Menotti's system
17:12.07fsmithredor you can make isohybrid of an assembled system in live-sdk (does a debootrap install then adds other things)
17:12.33fsmithredwhat you do want to accomplish?
17:12.45gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: it has the latest manufacturer bios right?
17:12.55_abc_fsmithred: I would like to put several bootable live dvd images (all starting as hybrids) on the same stick
17:13.22DocScrutinizer05gnarface: LOL
17:13.28DocScrutinizer05gnarface: dream on!
17:13.33_abc_upgrade windows :)
17:13.51fsmithredyou want the intact isos on the stick, or you just want to be able to run multiple systems from the same stick?
17:14.12fsmithredwhy does it have to be isohybrid?
17:14.16_abc_fsmithred: I don't think I care. I need to be able to boot several of them from the stick.
17:14.33fsmithredrefracta2usb will do it
17:14.33_abc_It does not have to be isohybrid but I would like to not spend a week setting it up, one day per image.
17:14.44_abc_fsmithred: I will look at it, bookmarked.
17:14.44fsmithredfirst partition will be fat32
17:14.57fsmithredsecond partition ext2/3/4
17:15.11fsmithredleave enough room on the first for all the isos you want to use
17:15.19_abc_This is then efi compatible?
17:15.47fsmithredif the first iso is efi compatible, it will copy the grub-efi boot files to the usb
17:15.55_abc_efi boot. Note i need it for both efi and non efi boot modes.
17:16.04fsmithredyeah, you'll get isolinux, too
17:16.09_abc_ok nice
17:16.21_abc_fsmithred: nice tip, thanks
17:16.35fsmithredmight be a little confusing - think of it as a swiss army knife - you might not use all the parts
17:17.08fsmithredif you want persistence, you can use a loopback file for each one, so you don't need a bunch of partitions
17:18.45DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti: by any chance would you know if your CD drive is internally (or even externally) USB-attached? Or is it an IDE drive?
17:19.01DocScrutinizer05or sth totally weird?
17:21.24DocScrutinizer05lsusb maybe
17:22.22DocScrutinizer05and lspci
17:23.17_abc_DocScrutinizer05: are you talking to Enrico_Menotti ?
17:23.43_abc_Enrico_Menotti: how much ram is on that laptop please?
17:23.52_abc_Just curious. It might not be a bug, per se.
17:23.58DocScrutinizer05it's arounf 1G iirc
17:24.02_abc_The installer can be quite greedy in all systems.
17:24.10_abc_1G is probably marginal?
17:24.38DocScrutinizer05*should* suffice. No idea if it really does
17:26.04DocScrutinizer05back when I had a CF-27 with 192MB RAM, one of the most greedy apps was package manager, too literally a whole night till it started up and built the dependencies tree
17:26.37DocScrutinizer05swap hell :-)
17:28.17*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
17:30.53gnarfaceit did really look like he didn't actually have swap...
17:31.04DocScrutinizer05he didn't
17:31.21DocScrutinizer05pretty usual when installers have none
17:31.40*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
17:32.13fsmithredI've installed in a vm using 192mb ram with no problems.
17:32.26DocScrutinizer05nevertheless wonders why this makes OOPS
17:32.50DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: ack, that's more like it
17:33.08arminis dbus working on devuan testing currently?
17:34.21_abc_Iirc on Suse the installer alone wants >2GB ram. One could remove half of it after the fact. This was years ago. Now you'd better have 3-4GB?
17:34.45_abc_fsmithred: interesting @192MB
17:35.02bluemarlinyikes - 2 GB for the installer? that's like vista...
17:35.06fsmithredI think I tried 128 and it didn't work.
17:35.45_abc_1GB ram if you can swap 2GB if you can't
17:35.53fsmithredbb in about 15 min
17:36.24gnarfacei think if there is already a swap partition it can use it, no?
17:37.19DocScrutinizer05but still no reason for kernel BUG/OOPS
17:38.06_abc_Oh, true, that.
17:38.41_abc_it will ask you to make a swap partition as usual but some systems do not use a swap partition at all.
17:38.55_abc_And no space is planned for it.
17:39.21_abc_There's the usual trick to pre-format at least one partition and then swap to loop mounted file on it. Not recommended for beginners.
17:39.37_abc_So some small boxes which cannot be upgraded at all you can't install on at all.
17:41.11_abc_Anyway I have not touched Suse in 20 years :)
17:42.37*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
17:43.23_abc_So what is the situation on the live devuan iso? When I install it, I am automatically connected to the usual mirrors (debian jessie) and just the devuan specific things are pinned? Or?
17:44.21_abc_Someone should come up with a nice grub based multiboot setup already :) I am not set up to test with efi but I might do this for non efi some day.
17:44.38DocScrutinizer05anyway is about "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request" it seems
17:44.46DocScrutinizer05unrelated to swap
17:45.01_abc_page 0 paging request is sometimes related to unusual cpu bugs. Unlikely.
17:48.58_abc_ best advocacy picture ever for -- this is the open / closed issues graph linked from lennart's own systemd homepage.
17:50.52*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
17:51.39*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:52.06AlexLikeRockgood morning  GNUs
17:54.56golinuxDocScrutinizer05: What a great graph!
17:55.06golinuxSays it like it is.
17:55.48bluemarlin"only" 600 open bugs and growing .. guess that's what you get when you put everything into init system
17:56.19golinuxAnd if you factor into that all the bugs that were closed a wontfix
17:56.54golinuxIOW there are still a lot of 'open' bugs that will never be fixed
17:57.16golinuxYou have to wonder why Debian doesn't wake up.
17:58.50golinuxReposting this link from earlier.  The comments were encouraging that we're definitely on the right track:
17:59.36fsmithredback (catching up)
18:01.45*** join/#devuan root (~root@
18:05.24*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:06.46fsmithredsome interesting comments
18:07.11_abc_waits for /. to pick up the cue and start a really long and entertaining thread. Need to buy more popcorn.
18:08.03fsmithred_abc_, what was your question about the live isos? They don't use debian-installer.
18:08.27_abc_I know fsmithred. It was about hybrid/not hybrid.
18:08.44_abc_fsmithred: did you see the graph I linked above :)
18:08.53fsmithredoh, all the isos are isohybrid. That way you don't have to burn a disk.
18:09.09_abc_ best advocacy picture ever for -- this is the open / closed issues graph linked from lennart's own systemd homepage. -> fsmithred
18:09.29_abc_my comment: that graph is the best advocacy for #devuan
18:09.52DocScrutinizer05get a seat first
18:10.46_abc_The guy is lucid and honest. The graph is linked from
18:12.15fsmithredI see a widening gap. I guess that supports the statement in the comments to the register article, "The idea is that the effort you need to put into software goes up exponentially when you add more lines of code. "
18:12.17DocScrutinizer05the headline alone is giving it away >>systemd System and Service Manager<<
18:14.42_stephenanyone know what repo/package I need for cdrecord?  I'm sitting at a text only terminal after having booted from the minimal iso and I want to burn an installer to disk...
18:15.05fsmithredI think it's in main
18:15.20_stephenHmm... I have main in my sources...
18:15.26fsmithredfind out its other name
18:16.46bluemarlincan't you burn the image using dd?
18:16.51fsmithredwodim is fork of cdrecord
18:17.22fsmithredI think xorriso will burn, too
18:17.28_stephenah, wodim it is!
18:17.36fsmithredyeah, that works
18:18.01_stephenOh crap, now I have to find a disk...
18:18.24_stephenI'm loving this toram option on the minimal live disk, btw.
18:18.26fsmithredis this for an install iso?
18:18.29_stephenIt was super convenient.
18:18.40_stephenFor the netinst on my amd64 now
18:18.53fsmithredyou can put it on a usb
18:18.58_stephenIf I had one.
18:19.01fsmithredif you have a spare
18:20.15bluemarlinahh dd works only for dvd-ram apparently
18:20.31_stephenOh, hey, I noticed dev eth dev names are funny in the live session, but normal on the i386 install I did last night
18:20.32DocScrutinizer05even then... well
18:20.51_stephenMy repurposed VPN i386 has eth0, eth1, etc...
18:20.58_stephenBut this box has en3pswhatevs
18:21.50DocScrutinizer05ohmy, is this the same backports issue again?
18:28.46golinux_abc_: Sorry for not attributing that link to you.  Great find.
18:30.11*** join/#devuan tallship (
18:54.17*** join/#devuan ChubYann (
18:57.20_abc_ golinux this is worse. From discussion @devuan release
19:00.25_abc_ again I think someone posted it above
19:00.35_abc_(see comments)
19:04.49*** join/#devuan simpleirc1 (~alexliker@
19:06.31*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
19:06.44VallHello everyone
19:06.57VallCongrats to the developers for releasing 1.0-RC!
19:07.18Vallfsmithred, are you there?
19:07.33fsmithredyeah, hi
19:07.46Vallcongrats fsmithred! ;-)
19:07.51VallYou and the other developers!
19:07.51fsmithredneed to go tend the fire - back in a few minutes
19:08.17Vallfsmithred: Come back when you can, I have something else to discuss with you (starting /msg session now)
19:08.33fsmithredok, bout 5 min
19:12.07*** join/#devuan ckt1g3r (~0xanarch0@unaffiliated/ckt1g3r)
19:18.03VallbuZz: your tip the other day (re: bridges/virtual ethernet NICs on LXC) worked great, thanks.
19:19.14gnarfacehas anyone built wow64 wine on ceres?
19:19.29gnarfacei'm confused about the procedure at the last step
19:20.56*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
19:35.49*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:37.11*** join/#devuan mchasard (
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19:38.49mchasardi just finishto install devuan under an eeepc but each time i want to add an app it tell me to enter a cdrom
19:39.04mchasardhow to modify the way to install ?
19:39.32fsmithredyou need to add a repository line to sources.list
19:41.00fsmithrededit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line:
19:41.17fsmithreddeb jessie main contrib non-free
19:41.42mchasardah you're here fsmithred
19:41.46fsmithredcontrib and non-free are optional. You can leave those off if you only want totally free and open software
19:42.01fsmithredbut if you want wireless driver, you might need non-free
19:42.07golinux_abc_: Regarding the systemd bug.  I immortalized the comment that was deleted here:
19:42.12fsmithredlspci will show you your hardware
19:42.23fsmithredafter you add the line, run
19:42.28fsmithredapt-get update
19:44.45_abc_What command is R! anyway?!
19:44.58_abc_Besides being not googleable
19:46.48*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
19:46.49_abc_It's a comment sort of?!
19:47.38*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
19:51.17mchasardsorry so i have to edt sources.list
19:54.23mchasardi hadthe line and apt-get update
19:54.34mchasardis  running
19:55.03*** join/#devuan fishybap (
19:55.17fsmithrednow you can install whatever you want
19:56.07mchasardok the update is not finished yet
19:56.18fsmithredwell, yeah, you gotta wait for that.
19:56.31fsmithreddo you know how to install packages from command-line?
19:57.36mchasardtheres a verrou
19:57.48fsmithreda what?
19:58.06mchasardanother session with apt-get
19:58.41fsmithreddid you go to another tty?
19:58.42mchasardi don(t know
19:59.00mchasardmaybe bad out
19:59.10fsmithreddid you install a desktop?
19:59.23fsmithredis synaptic package manager open?
19:59.48fsmithredps ax |grep apt
20:00.22*** part/#devuan fishybap (
20:01.08mchasard3102 ?        R     21:31 apt-get install empathy
20:01.26fsmithredno oh
20:01.34fsmithredwhat is that?
20:02.05fsmithredkill 3102
20:03.20fsmithredtry the ps command again to make sure all those are gone (except the grep)
20:06.49*** join/#devuan mns`` (~devone@
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20:12.19mchasardok itsbetter
20:12.33fsmithredand the update completed ok?
20:12.38Enrico_MenottiSo now I tried again the installation (followed the advanced method). I skipped the "additional software" after the base system, and seems all right. Now I have to configure grub, and for that I entered Debian. But I found out that Debian does not recognise the swap anymore. I think the swap identifier (is it called UUID?) has changed.
20:12.59fsmithredyes, the uuid changed
20:13.08Enrico_MenottiHow to fix that?
20:13.14mchasardsame it tell me to add cdrom
20:13.16fsmithredI think there's a command that fixes is
20:13.34fsmithredyou added the line I gave you to sources.list before the update?
20:13.42fsmithredmake sure it's all on one line
20:13.46*** part/#devuan _abc_ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
20:15.03Enrico_MenottiI just need to change the uuid for the swap in fstab, I think. But how to get it?
20:15.12*** join/#devuan _stephen (~stephen@
20:15.16fsmithredEnrico_Menotti, easy way is to edit fstab in debian
20:15.23fsmithredis it encrypted?
20:15.32Enrico_MenottiNot encrypted.
20:15.44fsmithredblkid will show you the uuid
20:15.49Enrico_MenottiI realised about blkid - it is written in the comments of fstab.
20:15.51fsmithreduse the device name in fstab
20:16.09fsmithredyou can use /dev/whatever
20:16.50fsmithredgood reason to use uuid is if you have several hard drives, in case they change order
20:17.35fsmithredmchasard, maybe you need to remove the CD?
20:18.19Enrico_MenottiPlease let me know one thing I don't know. If I use blkid > fstab, the output of blkid is appended to fstab or completely substitutes it?
20:18.31mchasardno it was a usb keys
20:18.33fsmithredI would not do that
20:18.55Enrico_MenottiOk, I will create a temporary file for getting the uuid.
20:18.58mchasardwhere should i add your line ?
20:18.59fsmithredyou need to put the uuid in place of the old one
20:19.05fsmithredin the fstab line
20:19.09Enrico_MenottiYes, I understand.
20:19.16Enrico_MenottiI just need a way to copy it.
20:19.18fsmithredmchasard, that line goes in /etc/apt/sources.list
20:19.35Enrico_Menotti(To the clipboard.)
20:19.36fsmithredlol, that's why I suggested using device name. uuid is impossible to remember
20:20.03mchasardwhich section cdrom or update ?
20:20.08mchasardi hadto update
20:20.21fsmithredwhat clipboard? I thought you just had a cli-only system
20:20.28Enrico_MenottiBut I can create a tmp file and use blkid > tmp and vi tmp and yank and :e fstab and paste.
20:20.51fsmithredno section, mchasard, just put it in the file
20:21.06Enrico_MenottiAh sorry not the clipboard. It's some buffer of vi. To copy and paste from one file to the other. How is that called? Register maybe?
20:21.20mchasardi put it at the end offile
20:21.23Enrico_MenottiAnd yes, cli only.
20:21.28mchasardijust canseeit
20:21.43fsmithredyank and paste - pretty sure it's ctrl-y and ctrl-p
20:22.17Enrico_MenottiNo it's without ctrl in vi.
20:22.23fsmithredmchasard, if the line is correct, it should work
20:22.42mchasardyes ...
20:22.52djphfsmithred: yy/p (but you have to exit insert mode first)
20:23.10fsmithreddjph, yeah that makes sense
20:23.15fsmithredI don't use vi much
20:23.24fsmithredmchasard, comment out the cdrom line
20:24.39fsmithredEnrico_Menotti, echo "swap    swap   (and whatever the rest of the line is)" >> /etc/fstab
20:24.48fsmithredno vi
20:24.58*** part/#devuan ckt1g3r (~0xanarch0@unaffiliated/ckt1g3r)
20:25.08mchasardwith synaptic so
20:25.22fsmithredwhatever synaptic calls it
20:26.04Enrico_MenottiOne more info: when I run blkid, I get "end request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0". What's this? what device is fd0?
20:26.19fsmithredfloppy drive
20:26.26Enrico_MenottiAh ok.
20:26.31fsmithredjust to be sure...
20:26.32*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
20:26.40fsmithredrun blkid -c /dev/null
20:26.40Enrico_MenottiThat's because the floppy is not inside, right?
20:26.48fsmithredt lmpw
20:26.51fsmithreddon't know
20:27.07fsmithredgotta go - back in half hour or so
20:27.27Enrico_MenottiOk thank you.
20:28.01mchasardbetter without cd line
20:29.57*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
20:31.16*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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20:32.53mchasardjust one thing the install was very long comparing to other distro
20:35.54DPAI'm a bit late with this, but it is possible to copy and paste in a terminal using the mouss by starting gpm
20:37.02golinuxDPA use keyboard to c/p
20:37.23DPAHow does that work on the console?
20:38.13*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
20:41.34DocScrutinizer05  HAHAHA :-P so true
20:44.37Enrico_MenottiI got the swap working again in Debian. And Devuan booting. Hurra! :)
20:49.17underd0gdo we have a new release ?
20:49.27*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
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20:56.38_stephenAnyone know what package is needed for the GTX 970?
20:56.46_stephennvidia_current doesn't seem to recognize it...
20:57.34DPAHow about nouveau?
21:00.04_stephenHonestly, not being able to spell the package name correctly, I decided to try nvidia first.
21:03.24_stephenNope, that one doesn't like it, either.
21:03.44_stephenI see the module load, then it dumps some cards it can do, and then gives up claiming it found no devices.
21:04.26gnarface_stephen: nvidia-driver?
21:04.32gnarface_stephen: nvidia-driver-bin?
21:04.48gnarface_stephen: you may need the version from backports, for some 970 models
21:04.49_stephenSeems it's not new enough.
21:04.58gnarface(i think)
21:08.39fsmithrednvidia download site says that card needs 375.39
21:08.51fsmithredonly ones I see with that number are virtual packages
21:08.59fsmithredand I don't know if they are in jessie
21:09.28_stephenI think 340 is in jessie
21:09.48_stephenNvidia site search doesn't work so well from elinks :-/
21:09.48fsmithred375.39-1~bpo8+1 0
21:09.56fsmithredinstall nvidia-driver from backports
21:10.22fsmithreddisable backports (or pin it) after you get what you want
21:10.26_stephenTo do that I just add a backports entry to sources.list, update, and install it?
21:10.42fsmithreddo not run upgrade while backports is enabled
21:11.56fsmithredyou might also need to install nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-dkms
21:12.14fsmithredbeen a long time since I've used nvidia from repo - if in doubt, check debian-wiki
21:12.55fsmithredapt-get install -t jessie-backports nvidia-whatever
21:13.22fsmithredapt-get -t jessie-backports install <packgaes>
21:14.29_stephenwhat should the sources line look like?
21:14.43_stephenbecause my guess was apparently wrong
21:15.56_stephenOh, I think I got it.
21:18.42fsmithreddeb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
21:21.36*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
21:22.06_stephenoh crap.. page fault..
21:26.47*** join/#devuan gmcastil (~user@
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22:20.12Enrico_MenottiI have Devuan running, with the network connected. Now I'd do an upgrade. I did apt-get update. Now would it be better apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade?
22:20.31KatolaZEnrico_Menotti: it should be more or less the same
22:23.43gnarfaceEnrico_Menotti: on stable it won't matter, but the debian manual recommends to do first upgrade then dist-upgrade (the latter won't be needed on stable)
22:23.44_stephenweird, apt-cache search isn't finding stuff like it should...  I managed to guess the package that had what I wanted, but weird.
22:24.16gnarface_stephen: you remembered to apt-get update right?
22:26.05*** join/#devuan _stephen (~stephen@
22:27.20_stephenHuh, so it wouldn't find xrdb, but it did fine the font package for WenQuanYi...
22:27.39_stephenxrdb is apparently a virtual package... replaced by ... some other memorable package.
22:32.35_stephenAnyone running valve's Steam app under devuan?
22:39.44*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
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22:42.21_stephen_afkHow'd you go about installing it?
22:42.25_stephen_afkdpkg on their deb?
22:45.48gnarface_stephen__afk: use the one in the repo.  their deb is for ubuntu
23:02.24lowee[m]i just used the one from debian (aka installed my stuff and switched to devuan) i have had mixed results installing it via their deb in the past, but if you use standard mesa it schould run just fine wih valave's .deb
23:04.34lowee[m]gnarface: meh, no failed dependencies last time i tried, their deb runs fine if converted on fedora aswell as devuan, also their steamos is debian based :) not ubuntu so a debian based deb makkes more sense
23:08.04*** join/#devuan CaptHindsight (~2020@unaffiliated/capthindsight)
23:14.24_stephengnarface: there's on in the devuan repo?
23:17.44Xenguyscreen or tmux both have a copy/paste function on the command-line, FWIW
23:18.24gnarface_stephen: in non-free
23:18.52_stephenOohh.. figures.
23:22.46*** join/#devuan BB_ose_bb (
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23:32.08gmcastilso i straightened out the problem with the installer - when i transferred it to USB on Mac OS it wouldnt boot
23:32.14gmcastilbut when i did it from Linux it did
23:32.20KatolaZgmcastil: .....
23:32.30gmcastilSHA256 for both installers were checked and correct
23:32.36gmcastilsame dd commands as well
23:32.40gmcastilsame USB stick
23:37.57KatolaZgmcastil: good that you found out the problem
23:38.10KatolaZand good that the problem was not in the installer ;)
23:38.35gmcastilyeah, all i can figure is that there was something weird with the partitioning that OSX was doing
23:42.19fsmithredosx likes to drop files on your usb stick when you plug it in
23:43.38_stephenOh, steam needs the 32 bit version of
23:52.15*** join/#devuan chomwitt (

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