IRC log for #devuan on 20170418

00:04.44Oldmossok, window is activated/focused when mouse moves over/to it ...
00:05.15Oldmossand cursor was blinking in input line in hexchat from earlier ...
00:05.54OldmossIm testing out refracta in virtual box, seems to be standard. Not used to that
00:06.02fsmithredgreenjeans is gone. Come back, dude.
00:06.55fsmithredhaha, focus under mouse -> fewer clicks -> less repetitive strain
00:07.17OldmossI just need to get used to it.
00:07.23fsmithredand you can type in a window that's partly behind another window. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
00:07.39fsmithredI picked up that setting back when I used fvwm2 in suse
00:07.44OldmossAnd your Refracta is bery nice btw
00:07.54furrywolfI use icewm's layering functions when I want to type into a window covered by another window.
00:08.03fsmithredit's had time for serious honing
00:08.12fsmithredfurrywolf, what's that?
00:09.27furrywolficewm is the window manager I use.  it lets me assign layer levels to windows, so that a more-top window will always stay above less-top windows, even if I click to focus on the lower windows.
00:09.55fsmithredI never tried that. I've used icewm in the past.
00:09.59Oldmossfsmithred: I can run Refracta in full screen in VirtualBox on my mac. Built in support for that from your side?
00:10.26fsmithredyeah, the isos were make in vbox installs, and I added the guest additions
00:10.33fsmithredso I can copy/paste
00:11.16fsmithredthat might be missing in future builds if I switch to building with live-sdk
00:11.49Oldmosspity  if so
00:12.15OldmossThis is just beautyful :)
00:12.16fsmithredmight be possible if I use the free version
00:12.32fsmithredthank golinux for the visual aspects
00:12.52fsmithredshe made the theme
00:13.16fsmithredclearlooks-phenix-purky (purpy x milky)
00:13.48OldmossYes, very nice ...
00:13.52fsmithredshould probably package it
00:14.34OldmossBut I tend to either put pictures of my cat on the desktop, or a solid grey/dark color
00:15.21fsmithredI like the illusion of distance
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00:19.23*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-04-12): Jessie 1.0 RC ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:26.06*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/oldmoss)
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01:09.49DocScrutinizer05VMs are somewhat special with focus. There's a setting that doesn't even let the mouse escape the window unless you press an escape-key
01:34.17*** part/#devuan Weeezy (Elite18779@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-xixfpnsnsewyzgby)
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09:54.41MinceRthe installer-iso directories under devuan_jessie_rc on several mirrors are empty
09:54.47MinceRis this intentional?
09:56.21Deadpan110hi MinceR ...ima new trying it too... but I assume the RC is not ready on ISO yet... so I used the alpha
09:56.33KatolaZno it's the NSA replacing them :)
10:04.31jaromillol then we'll find systemd installed
10:13.59*** join/#devuan dardevelin_ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
10:18.23*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~twistedfa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
10:18.27TwistedFatehi folks
10:18.37TwistedFateis this me or a bug?
10:18.42TwistedFategconf2 cant be installed
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10:25.34KatolaZTwistedFate: it depends on systemd, through dbus-user-session...
10:26.47TwistedFateKatolaZ: i see that, a friend of mine has gconf2 installed though
10:26.51TwistedFateand he doesnt have systemd
10:27.04TwistedFateso i was wondering if something has changed or if its a bug
10:27.45KatolaZTwistedFate: a friend of yours uses devuan?
10:28.23TwistedFateKatolaZ: yes
10:29.08KatolaZthis seems at least strange
10:29.51TwistedFatei have "systemd*" pinned
10:29.56TwistedFatesame as he does
10:33.11KatolaZsame release?
10:33.41TwistedFateKatolaZ: no, he is using ceres
10:33.50TwistedFateand i am using ascii
10:33.57KatolaZTwistedFate: that might be the reason, then
10:34.07*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
10:34.52KatolaZdependencies do not have to stay the same in testing/unstable
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10:37.28fsmithredTwistedFate, are you running jessie or ascii?
10:39.20TwistedFatefsmithred: asii right now
10:40.23fsmithredyeah, I just figured that out. dbus-user-session only exists in ascii
10:40.45fsmithredI've got gconf2 installed in jessie with "*systemd*" pinned
10:40.53TwistedFateoh damn it
10:41.44fsmithredyou may have to wait until folks start working seriously on ascii
10:41.56fsmithredor start sanitizing packages yourself
10:42.06fsmithredKatolaZ has made it easier to do that
10:43.15TwistedFatefsmithred: KatolaZ oh yeah? could you please tell me more? while i dont have the knowledge yet, im interested in looking into it
10:45.59KatolaZTwistedFate: just repackage it
10:46.07KatolaZremoving the dependency on systemd
10:46.14KatolaZor better
10:46.23KatolaZlook how the whole lot works in ceres
10:46.29KatolaZin terms of deps
10:46.37KatolaZmaybe it's not needed to repackage it
10:46.48KatolaZyou might just want to wait until it gets into ascii
10:49.11TwistedFateKatolaZ: i see, well it appears that this should not be present in ceres
10:49.18TwistedFateso not much point to rebuild it
10:50.14fsmithredis ceres better than ascii right now?
10:52.25gnarfaceno i'm having the same problem on ceres
10:52.35gnarfacei just updated a couple days ago though, this is new
10:53.11KatolaZso it's just coming straight from Debian
10:53.39gnarfacethat's my assumption, but i have no way to prove it's not something wrong with the repo somehow
10:54.14KatolaZgnarface: just apt-cache policy
10:54.21KatolaZit will tell you where the package comes from
10:54.59KatolaZthe version in Jessie comes from Debian
10:55.03*** join/#devuan djph (
10:55.07KatolaZso it has not been repackaged for Devuan
10:55.41KatolaZI don't know exactly what's the state of gnome-related packages
10:55.50KatolaZbut I know that GNOME is more and more entangled with systemd
10:56.07KatolaZso this is not just a matter of repackaging one piece, probably
11:09.53*** join/#devuan peetaur (
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11:20.30sgageLack of gconf2 prevents the installation of many packages in ascii
11:20.53sgageand has for months (ever since I first upgraded a jessie installation to ascii)
11:23.24gnarfacehmm... maybe gconf2 has been held for a while for me too after all...
11:23.34gnarfacenow i'm not sure
11:23.45gnarfacethere have been some held packages
11:29.33sgagegconf2 won't install because it depends on dbus-session-bus.
11:29.43sgageThat's what seems to be backing things up.
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12:40.38frohe_osternfsmithred: are you here?
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12:57.55gnu_srs Unable to connect. Still problems?
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16:26.07jonadabHmm, suppose I want the smallest ISO that will let me do a quick base install of the RC (from which point I can use apt to add packages as needed).  Is minimal-live what I want?  installer-iso/ seems to be empty.
16:29.49KatolaZjonadab: RC has not been announced yet
16:31.29jonadabI was just looking at the mirrors.
16:31.32*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:31.55jonadabSo if I exert my patience, does this mean an installer-iso may appear at some point?  And is that what I'll want?
16:32.22jonadabOr should I go ahead and grab the beta and upgrade from there?
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17:35.26Artemis3jonadab, the smallest is mini.iso which is usually found near the netinstaller xD
17:39.04Artemis3now where is that thing buried now xD ah well
17:41.57*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
17:49.18jonadabYeah, I think I will just get the beta2 one, and then do updates after the base install is done.
17:49.21jonadabBut thanks.
17:49.30jonadabI'll remember mini.iso for the future.
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19:22.52*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-04-12): Jessie 1.0 RC ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
19:35.02*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
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19:41.20golinuxIs connamon working yet?
19:41.28golinuxtry cinnamon\
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19:47.05AntoFoxgolinux:  for ascii or jessie?
19:49.32golinuxFor Jessie.
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19:50.22golinuxIf it is not working should probably be removed from the installer list of desktop options.
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19:54.24AntoFoxgolinux: the last time I tried it had problems with stability, cinnamon-session restarting session :/
19:55.14golinuxIts's OK in ascii?
19:55.14AntoFoxevery time you move/remove a file
19:56.23AntoFoxon ascii systemd are coming to cjs
20:00.52AntoFoxyes some library linked to libcjs
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20:48.48jonadabReally somebody should've forked Gnome in about 1999.
20:49.09jonadabBut I guess better late than never.
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20:52.26freemangordonis it normal that /etc/init.d/dbus is not executed on startup?
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21:09.22frohe_osternfsmithred: are you here?
21:11.08fsmithredfrohe_ostern, yes, I'm here
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23:05.57XenguyI was looking at the channel log, and noticed there was a mention of the 'apt' command (as distinct from the older 'apt-get' command) ...
23:06.32XenguyDo folks here use 'apt' nowadays, instead of 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' ?
23:07.08XenguyIf so, is 'apt', being newer, reliable, or are there any gotchas to be aware of?
23:07.49fsmithredif you run apt, one of the first things it tells you is not to use it in scripts
23:08.00XenguyGood to know
23:08.16fsmithredI've only used it a couple times
23:09.08XenguyIs apt compatible with apt-get, i.e. can they be used interchangeably without causing any problems?
23:11.04fsmithredafaik, yes
23:14.15XenguyLooks like the apt man page has this section also:  DIFFERENCES TO APT-GET(8)
23:14.45XenguyThe differences seem few and minor
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23:48.15Xenguyre:  focus under mouse:  I use it myself, though I note that I seem to have to alt-tab more often because of that
23:51.51fsmithredwhat does alt-tab do?
23:52.17fsmithredoh, wow
23:53.07XenguyFUM requires attention to mouse pointer placement, and sometimes I'll overshoot the desired window, and it will disappear, requiring an alt-tab to bring it back into focus
23:54.08Xenguyfsmithred: You can use the Shift key too (IIUC)
23:55.36XenguyOther than that, I love FUM
23:55.50XenguyLess clicks = good
23:58.56*** join/#devuan menip (

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