IRC log for #devuan on 20170412

00:19.03*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.03*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:23.09*** join/#devuan Bjornnn (
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07:42.14Sudos|U10question on the ouya build-- does that work on the dark-gray release ouya or just the second variant, the black one? IIRC there's a slight hardware difference between the two. I have the release variant gathering dust around here somewhere...
08:08.26*** join/#devuan b0stik (
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08:22.03*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
08:22.37FlibberTGibbetis there a known issue with samba? i get this when trying to install the bits:
08:22.46KatolaZyes FlibberTGibbet
08:22.49KatolaZthis is known
08:23.08FlibberTGibbetoh crap. should have done my research. this is a deal breaker for me.
08:23.22KatolaZwe are working on that
08:23.35FlibberTGibbetdependency issues?
08:23.50FlibberTGibbetwhat is it looking for?
08:23.53KatolaZmultiple versions in upstream repos
08:24.07KatolaZwell it told you what it is looking for
08:24.17KatolaZDepends: samba-common (= 2:4.2.14+dfsg-0+deb8u5)
08:24.28FlibberTGibbetyup. can i force it to use the other version?
08:25.32FlibberTGibbet-f or...?
08:27.56KatolaZmaybe recompiling the source package might do the trick
08:28.07KatolaZbut I would instead try to stick with the previous version
08:33.37FlibberTGibbetcan't really stick with the previous version if neither will install...
08:34.05KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: brb
08:35.22KatolaZtrying to figure out a way around it :)
08:36.21FlibberTGibbetsure :)
08:36.43KatolaZFlibberTGibbet: are you using security?
08:36.51KatolaZjessie-security, I mean
08:37.04FlibberTGibbethang on, will check
08:37.36KatolaZI guess you are
08:37.42FlibberTGibbetnot in /etc/apt/sources.list, will check in ..../sources.list.d
08:37.48KatolaZok thanks
08:37.51FlibberTGibbetah, sorry, yes
08:38.02FlibberTGibbet# jessie-security, previously known as 'volatile'
08:38.02FlibberTGibbetdeb jessie-security main contrib non-free
08:38.02FlibberTGibbetdeb-src jessie-security main contrib non-free
08:38.10KatolaZapt-cache policy samba-common
08:39.11KatolaZand then
08:39.17KatolaZapt-cache policy samba
08:40.25KatolaZnow what it you try
08:40.31KatolaZapt-get install samba -t jessie
08:41.11KatolaZit should work, in theory
08:43.17KatolaZnow let's try to disable security
08:43.29FlibberTGibbetcomment it out in the sources.list?
08:43.40KatolaZand then
08:43.42KatolaZapt-get update
08:44.28FlibberTGibbetdoing that now
08:44.52KatolaZand then retry installing samba
08:45.08FlibberTGibbetincidentally i'm seeing a conflict with /var/lib/apt/lists/gb-mirror.devuan.org_merged_dists_jessie_main_mainary-amd64 :/
08:45.18FlibberTGibbetwhen I run update
08:45.47KatolaZlet's solve one problem at a time :D
08:46.38FlibberTGibbetok, no joy
08:46.49KatolaZwhat is it saying now?
08:47.01*** join/#devuan Madda (
08:47.29FlibberTGibbetThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
08:47.29FlibberTGibbetE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
08:48.19KatolaZoh boy
08:48.30FlibberTGibbetneither of those dependencies will install individually
08:48.36KatolaZthat;s wierd
08:48.43KatolaZapt-cache policy again?
08:48.49KatolaZapt-cache policy samba-common
08:48.56KatolaZapt-cache policy samba-common-bin
08:48.59KatolaZapt-cache policy samba-libs
08:49.10FlibberTGibbeti'll pastebin them in a sec
08:50.19FlibberTGibbetunless it's an issue with the mirror??
08:50.33KatolaZyou have to downgrade samba-libs
08:50.58KatolaZapt-get install --reinstall samba-libs=2:4.2.14+dfsg-0+deb8u2
08:51.43FlibberTGibbetdone, successfully
08:51.55KatolaZapt-get install samba
08:52.28KatolaZ(fingers crossed)
08:52.35FlibberTGibbetlooks like a result
08:52.41*** join/#devuan DusXMT (~dusxmt@
08:52.44KatolaZdoes it work?
08:53.01FlibberTGibbeti have access to things like smbpasswd, so that's a yes :D
08:53.30FlibberTGibbetwhat's the chance that apt-get will try to break it in future, or am I ok for now?
08:53.41*** join/#devuan asbesto (
08:53.48KatolaZwait FlibberTGibbet
08:54.04KatolaZI am including a pin in devuan-baseconf now
08:54.09KatolaZand upload the new package
08:54.20KatolaZbut first, I would like you to test the pin, if possible
08:54.26KatolaZgive me a few minutes, please
08:54.43FlibberTGibbetbrb in 2 mins -- sounds like coffee is needed
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09:31.51FlibberTGibbetKatolaZ: have to go out now, but happy to test that apt pin later
09:32.08FlibberTGibbetKatolaZ: thanks for the help getting Samba working so far. Much appreciated.
09:32.12*** join/#devuan lowee[m] (loweematri@gateway/shell/
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09:34.08KatolaZare you still here?
09:34.17KatolaZI have the pin file now
09:45.55FlibberTGibbetah, ok, can just about do that before i have to go
09:46.24FlibberTGibbetKatolaZ: fire away
09:47.41KatolaZsend you a pinfile
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11:58.05parazydembedded rc images coming up sometime today when they're finished building
11:58.20parazydjust in case you're wondering why they disappeared (like anyone actually cares)
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12:31.12fsmithredsomeone was asking about rpi images yesterday.
12:44.29parazydyeah i remember
12:58.33*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
13:04.03fsmithredpurge_packages=() seems to be working.
13:25.02parazydfsmithred: it's supposed to :p
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13:37.38fsmithredwell, first time I tried it, it didn't work. That's probably because I didn't delete strapdir
13:38.28parazydyes, as i explained in the email, what is tarballed is libdevuansdk's vanilla thing
13:38.30fsmithredspeaking of which, if you change the sdk to delete strapdir, make it easy to turn that off, in case someone wants to keep and examin it.
13:38.42parazydyes there's a DEBUG flag
13:38.49parazydimplemented already in arm-sdk
13:38.58parazydi just didn't get around to put it in the other two
13:39.17fsmithredwhen you do, fill me in on the details, and I'll add that to the doc.
13:39.32fsmithredgotta go now. bbl.
13:56.02*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
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14:25.44DocScrutinizer05!#devuan samba is
14:25.44infobot...but #devuan samba is already something else...
14:26.07infobotfrom memory, samba is <Centurion_Dan> I'm working hard to get amprolla the capability to allow multiple versions of same package in dist.  Root of issue is that amprolla only keeps first instance of a package so the newer version never makes it in. The situation should only happen where arch=all and [...] partial upload - ie with samba some archs running older version because newer version only builds for some of the architectures
14:26.39KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: we are fixing it
14:26.52KatolaZit's gonna work in a few hours
14:27.06DocScrutinizer05ok, so I defer that factoid fix
14:27.26KatolaZthe factoid is obsolete anyway
14:27.50DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, #devuan samba is
14:27.50infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
14:28.43infobotit has been said that samba is
14:28.58KatolaZjust hold ond :)
14:32.51DocScrutinizer05when it's fixed (and no more to say about it), we delete the factoid
14:37.07*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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15:33.41dev1roxany dev's out there ?? I have a question
15:36.14jaromilbusy but yes
15:36.46dev1roxsorry to bother a really quick one
15:37.02dev1roxwhat's up with samba and kodi ?
15:37.15dev1roxI know i can get samba by installing testing
15:37.19dev1roxand also kodi
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15:39.27jaromilsamba is glowing on our todo list today
15:39.28*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:39.39jaromilits the only package in debian that has different versions for different arches
15:39.51jaromiltogether with icedove and the other icething
15:40.06jaromilthis anomaly created a problem in amprolla
15:40.16jaromilwhich we are hotfixing for now (without pinning)
15:40.23jaromilkodi: what about kodi?
15:40.29dev1roxthank you for talking to me
15:40.39dev1roxit's not in stable
15:41.19dev1roxwill it be in stable anytime ?
15:41.35jaromilonly from -backports
15:41.56jaromilin jessie you have xbmc
15:42.03jaromilold name for kodi
15:42.17dev1roxok thanks again, the devs here have always been cool
15:42.26jaromilthanks :^) happy hacking
15:55.31*** join/#devuan oio (~smuxi@
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17:37.36*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
17:43.57DocScrutinizer05still wonders if eventually devuan will offer a armel repo. So users on other debian based armel systems could install at least basic cmdline tools from devuan
17:45.08parazydthere's always been an armel repo
17:45.25Leanderthere's an image for the pi1, so there's an armel repo, I guess
17:45.39DocScrutinizer05aah, ok
17:46.00KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: the armel repo has been there for long, I guess....
17:46.52DocScrutinizer05I just looked at and it doesn't list armel
17:47.12KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: you should look into
17:47.14DocScrutinizer05only armhf
17:47.25parazydDocScrutinizer05: what KatolaZ told you
17:47.38KatolaZthere you find all the available repos
17:47.54DocScrutinizer05"you're holding it wrong" not helpful :-)
17:48.29DocScrutinizer05I guess need an update/fix
17:50.24golinuxI can do that if you tell me exactly what needs to be done
17:51.04DocScrutinizer05good question. I reealize it's only about migration. Hard to cover my topic in that context
17:51.24DocScrutinizer05could you migrate a rpi from debian to devuan?
17:51.58DocScrutinizer05nfc about rpi
17:52.16golinuxPing me when you figure it out.
17:52.26DocScrutinizer05will do
17:52.38parazydDocScrutinizer05: you can't
17:52.45DocScrutinizer05maybe how about a "devuan and maemo" article?
17:52.47parazyd(if you mean raspbian)
17:53.31DocScrutinizer05yes, that's probably what I meant
17:53.55parazydno you can't. their architecture differs from upstream debian
17:54.03DocScrutinizer05or "devuan on embedded (rpi, N900...)"
17:54.17parazydon a pi1 you can't. but you can migrate a pi2 to de*an's armhf
17:56.07DocScrutinizer05is armel<->armhf introducing need for patches into sourcecode?
17:56.35DocScrutinizer05IOW could I build the armhf source to an armel target?
17:56.59parazydDocScrutinizer05: what sourcecode are you talking about?
17:57.12parazydyou can build anything, just use a proper toolchain
17:57.26DocScrutinizer05err, whatever de*an is available for armhf now
17:57.52DocScrutinizer05ideally without systemcancer ;-)
17:57.56parazydany devuan armhf package exists in an armel version too
17:58.03parazydif that's what you're talking about
17:58.14parazydraspbian's armel != debian's armel
17:58.41DocScrutinizer05so the "we have rpi armel" was a red herring? :-)
17:58.42KatolaZraspian is screwed up
17:59.33DocScrutinizer05simply put: where do I install form on a N900 maemo5?
17:59.57parazydwtf is form
18:00.06DocScrutinizer05in the good ole times, I installed form debian armel
18:00.30DocScrutinizer05weird repeating typo
18:00.50parazydask in #maemo what toolchain is used
18:00.58parazydthen use that for cross compiling
18:01.17parazydthis is not the place to talk about building maemo packages
18:01.36DocScrutinizer05**in the good ole times, I installed from debian armel**
18:01.56parazydtimes they are a changin'
18:02.13DocScrutinizer05yeah, and we got systemd now :-)
18:02.16KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: then get debian armel
18:02.34parazydKatolaZ: it's debian lenny
18:02.43KatolaZoh boy!
18:02.58DocScrutinizer05it seems I totally fail to convey my problem
18:03.29KatolaZI dunno what's a N900 maemo5
18:03.33KatolaZyou asked about armel repo
18:03.35DocScrutinizer05maemo once been a debian based distro, so users could install debian armel packages "from upstream".
18:03.38KatolaZI replied
18:04.06DocScrutinizer05now maemo strill is debian based, but that debian base now is named devuan
18:04.23DocScrutinizer05while debian is an abomination now
18:05.09parazydDocScrutinizer05: it's being done, it doesn't mean it's already magically ready
18:05.21parazydthe stock n900 maemo will never work with devuan or debian
18:05.33parazydthat's why the porting is undergoing
18:05.48parazydotherwise we'd all live in a happy world and update our n900s
18:05.50DocScrutinizer05that porting is a completely different thing
18:05.58jaromilhow is the release going?
18:06.01jaromilwe need help with devuan!
18:06.07jaromilDocScrutinizer05: mind going through the website?
18:06.27jaromilwe can use extra pair of eyes on devuan right now
18:06.30jaromilextra, not less
18:06.35DocScrutinizer05sure, toss a link
18:07.05jaromilwe need to avoid any link leading to nonsense land or leftovers or old olbsoleted docs
18:07.30jaromiljust got a big update from golinux to trim the contents and get to the point
18:07.35DocScrutinizer05I'll give it a few hours of scrutiny
18:08.20DocScrutinizer05is there a old version for reference, except maybe on
18:08.58DocScrutinizer05might be useful in a few special situations
18:11.01DocScrutinizer05and sorry for me interfering with armel stuff while you're all busy with RC :-) didn't know
18:11.23*** join/#devuan jord_ (jord@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-xaipmhcpmaoyqfqq)
18:11.29gnarfacenice web interface on guys :-p
18:12.02parazydit's parseable with a bunch of stuff
18:12.12parazydlike shell scripts, python, ... the sky's the limit
18:12.18jaromilwell we could remove alpha-iso-cd
18:12.20gnarfacethe sky indeed
18:12.30KatolaZgnarface: wanna give it a try>
18:12.38KatolaZwith a slick interface?
18:12.49KatolaZthat would be useful
18:13.10parazydKatolaZ: amprolla will be able to be queried
18:13.22KatolaZremember that the most important concept is KISS
18:13.29gnarfaceKatolaZ: the best i could conceivably do is just clone the debian one in php
18:13.35parazydno, everything is in RAM so it's uberfast
18:13.47KatolaZgnarface: that would be the worst thing
18:14.32gnarfaceKatolaZ: it may be better to just leave it as-is for now then.  it's got a sort of rustic charm... can we change the default background from white to netscape grey?
18:14.46DocScrutinizer05s/Devuan file names follow this release naming scheme and aliases its releases using minor planet names as codenames./Devuan file names follow this release naming scheme and its releases are aliased using minor planet names as codenames./
18:14.56KatolaZwhuite is needed for visually impaired people
18:15.24*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
18:19.22jonadabconsiders white backgrounds satanic and can't look at them for more than a few seconds at a time without experiencing physical pain.
18:19.51jonadab(However, if the setting is easy to change, I don't get very bothered about defaults.)
18:20.55gnarfacewell if visibility is actually the key factor here and not just a flippant dismissal of my already flippant suggestion, it should be noted that black-on-white is NOT the only legally-approved "high-contrast" color combination deemed suitable for signage
18:22.39jonadabThe only color rules I get very excited about are 1. Thou Shalt Not Specify A Foreground Color Without a Background Color or Vice Versa and 2. The User Shall Be Able To Override Your Colors Somehow.
18:22.57DocScrutinizer05yes, pretty please avoid that braindamaged "lette" light gray text on dark gray background (or vice vera) wherever possible (so everywhere)
18:23.39gnarfaceus highway dept. approves of white on black, white on green, white on blue, white on red, black on yellow, and white on brown
18:23.48jonadabnormally uses #FFE6BC on #294D4A but does not expect that to be made the default, since a lot of folks don't seem to understand how great it is for some reason.
18:23.53DocScrutinizer05froms at "Donate" button's forground/background color pair
18:24.36DocScrutinizer05frowns, even
18:24.37jonadabgnarface: Some of those are only used for signs with very small amounts of text that you don't actually have to read.
18:25.15gnarfacejonadab: yea, but primarily the black-on-white we're already using
18:25.28parazyd#000 on #000 is best
18:25.29gnarfaceso there's THAT
18:25.33jonadabAlso, highway signs aren't backlit.
18:26.05DocScrutinizer05the "path name" thing upper right is already almost invisible light grey on white
18:26.25freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: what's with your fingers today? :p
18:26.50gnarfacejonadab: speaking of backlights, the white background also drains laptop batteries faster
18:27.01jaromilwe are not really changing colors or looks
18:27.11jaromilbut links leading nowhere and bad wording
18:27.17DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: because all the typos? age kicks in on motorics
18:27.22freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: while assessing, try to open it with microb
18:27.49jonadabgnarface: I did say it should be easy to change the settings, right?
18:27.58freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: oh, comeon, you're not much older than I am, and I still don't see any major failure
18:28.07gnarfacejonadab: i don't think anyone suggested it wasn't
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18:28.37gnarfacecould just set it client-side if he cared that much
18:28.49freemangordongnarface: are there laptops with LED displays already?
18:29.31DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: it's incorrect assumption for everything except zone backlight and OLED/plasma
18:29.45freemangordonthus my question :)
18:31.16jaromilaliases releases wording found. correcte.
18:31.34gnarfacefreemangordon: it's honestly old tech now
18:32.09parazydgreenjeans: i thought that was true only for LED screens
18:32.53DocScrutinizer05golinux: on (et al) could you please pick much darker forground for the "Devuan GNU+Linux file name conventions for downloads" upper right? and I'd suggest italic for "devuan" "release" "version" "arch" "installer" in the bullit list
18:33.40greenjeanswut? I didn't say anything parazyd
18:33.58parazydgreenjeans: sorry, tabcompletion fail
18:34.02gnarfacegreenjeans: he meant me
18:34.06parazydi meant gnarface
18:34.33DocScrutinizer05golinux: "* machine: if present" has a colon that's not used in the other items
18:34.50greenjeansokay, it's just that i need more coffee before i can participate
18:36.24DocScrutinizer05jaromil: on would you want to replace references to beta ?
18:36.42DocScrutinizer05jaromil: >>So for instance if you are looking for a network installer of devuan for a 64bit PC laptop you’ll look for a file called devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta_amd64_netinst.iso<<
18:37.44jaromilgood idea
18:37.56KatolaZcool guys
18:38.02jaromilwhich makes me think KatolaZ
18:38.07KatolaZthe more the merrier
18:38.11jaromilin fact without semantic versioning
18:38.17jaromilonce RC is gone
18:38.27jaromilwe lose a field
18:38.29golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Devuan file names follow this release naming scheme and its releases are aliased using minor planet names as codenames./
18:38.39jaromilthat's why we need 1.0.0
18:38.44jaromilgolinux: i've pushed the correction already
18:38.47golinuxNooo!  Avoid passive tense!!
18:39.14jaromilah! ahah ok
18:39.17DocScrutinizer05same page >>Devuan stable releases can be downloaded from<< pounts to the "root" where you find "RC" in  devuan_jessie_rc/   only. Might be clearer
18:39.40jaromiltrue passive tense is not idiomatic english
18:39.48jaromilat least not simple english
18:40.11jaromilthat's ok
18:40.27golinuxWhat's OK?
18:40.30jaromilhowever KatolaZ i now think parazyd is right to have _1.0.0-RC_
18:40.40jaromilthe last thing on the download
18:40.46KatolaZwill fix that i nthe scripts
18:40.51DocScrutinizer05golinux: the "its aliases" is very hard to parse correctly for non native speakers, it reads like aliases was a noun
18:40.54golinuxjaromil: first part of sentence is active seconds half is passive.
18:41.14DocScrutinizer05how about "and it does alias"
18:41.24golinuxTake the's' off of 'its'
18:41.48golinuxNo forget that
18:42.08jaromilgolinux: please go ahead rewriting as you think it best fits
18:42.11DocScrutinizer05just suggesting, up to you
18:42.21jaromilyou are clearly our best expert plus native english speaker
18:42.27golinuxPut it back the way it was.
18:43.14DocScrutinizer05>>The preferred way to download is to use our release torrent<< points to beta in
18:43.21Hestbenjaromil: You could use to check for dead links, couldn't you?
18:43.53KatolaZHestben: they might be live links, but the wrong ones...
18:44.06jaromilHestben: yea. i will . however i wasn't exact the problem we are looking for is not really dead links (the few there we know of and will be filled) but the links to old stuff.. the website is bigger than it needs
18:44.10golinuxHestben: You wouldn't believe how many dead links there were on that page
18:44.34KatolaZHestben: join with the multiple-check if you can
18:44.52HestbenKatolaZ: OK, will try
18:44.57DocScrutinizer05>>Devuan file names follow the release naming scheme.<< on is a self referencing aka recursive link
18:45.19DocScrutinizer05poor style
18:45.25Hestbenjaromil: Have you live patched the comments previous in this conversation?
18:45.58golinuxDid you clear cache and reload That link was replaced with one from git.
18:46.12golinuxDocScrutinizer05: ^^^
18:46.42DocScrutinizer05hmm, I opened the link in a new tab a few minutes ago
18:47.08jaromilthe git fixes are not live on web immediately
18:47.20DocScrutinizer05cache policy "keep in sync"
18:47.20jaromilfor that one should use ruby middleman to preview locally from commits
18:48.15jaromilthe fact gitlab is slow also doesn't helps
18:48.28*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:49.04*** join/#devuan DPA (
18:49.09jaromilany volunteer for migrating the gitlab to a bigger better host would be more than welcome
18:49.23DocScrutinizer05 >>The embedded images are made using our arm-sdk<< link to kicks me to a login page :-S
18:49.31parazydjaromil: mememe
18:49.35parazydjust find me a host
18:49.47jaromilyou are doing so much already :P
18:49.55parazydi'm bored
18:50.02parazydand it takes 1 hour
18:50.19parazydactually just find me a hard drive :D
18:50.34jaromillet me see
18:50.36jaromilhi AntoFox
18:51.16parazydjaromil: what about halloween?
18:51.31DocScrutinizer05same for >>The VM images are made using our vm-sdk on top of the devuan-sdk.<<
18:51.59jaromilparazyd: with katolaz we think fulcanelli
18:52.09parazydDocScrutinizer05: it should be *.org/sdk/*
18:52.14jaromilwhich is a dyne machine but well its just ending up being fully dedicated to devuan
18:52.24parazydbut it's ci
18:52.33parazydso when you're building you use up all res
18:52.44jaromilwe can renice that
18:52.51jaromilput a bird on it
18:53.04AntoFoxjaromil: o/
18:53.07parazydin that case i won't migrate :p
18:53.28jaromilthink its dirty?
18:53.28parazydthat's a bunch more work. i just wanted to clone the hard drive hahah
18:53.45jaromilits quite a lot of work yes
18:53.52jaromilwe'll stay with this now
18:54.10DocScrutinizer05 >>They are available from the stable release directory in<< no such "stable release directory" (on a first glance) in - I know it means "devuan_jessie_rc/" but could be more clear
18:55.19DocScrutinizer05ooh, only devuan-jessie-beta.torrent  on, no devuan-jessie-RC.torrent
18:55.40parazydsoon, when it's ready
18:55.48parazydcertain files still missing
18:56.29DocScrutinizer05"Vagrant" secion in prolly needs some review
18:57.34DocScrutinizer05>>The image devuan_jessie_beta_amd64_opennebula<<  >>The image devuan_jessie_beta_amd64_cloud<<  *beta*
18:58.10jaromilthanks that's spot on
18:58.15HestbenDid you guys already catch "Download" section - torrent link "", maybe create a new torrent that does not have "beta" in its name?
18:58.21jaromildevuan is now in opennebula market so no point in distributing it ourselves
18:58.30jaromilHestben: we are not there yet
19:00.32DocScrutinizer05golinux: sorry for coming back again to it, but how about >>Devuan names its files following this release naming scheme and it aliases its releases ..."
19:02.20jaromilfrom where is documentation/install linked?
19:02.29jaromilare there duplicate pages like that around?
19:02.53jaromili'd like to avoid duplication.
19:03.18golinuxDocScrutinizer05: No. try this:
19:03.26golinuxand aliases releases using
19:03.31DocScrutinizer05main page >>We recommend downloading devuan using our release torrent<< points to beta torrent
19:03.34golinuxJust get rid of the 'its'
19:03.52DocScrutinizer05there's no "its" right now
19:03.59golinuxrebooting NOW!
19:08.09HestbenDocScrutinizer05: my page says "Devuan file names follow this release naming scheme and aliases its releases using minor planet names as codenames." There's an "its". Is my browser caching it somehow?
19:08.32DocScrutinizer05ok, finished incl detour to all devuan/* first level and most second level links
19:08.50*** join/#devuan golinux (
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19:09.43DocScrutinizer05Hestben: no, that's what I read as well.
19:09.55*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
19:09.59DocScrutinizer05I didn't read carefully what golinux wrote
19:10.40DocScrutinizer05I originally quoted the text incorrectly in here, so thought her comment referred to my quote
19:10.51greenjeanslot of to-do over a a pair of its...
19:11.28Hestbengrammar is fun, because it makes people cry
19:13.37DocScrutinizer05donate button still light green text on slightly less light green background
19:14.24Hestben"Getting started" -> Install on a virtual machine - link is dead.
19:17.15*** part/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
19:17.39MinceRis the rc officially out yet?
19:18.41golinux<DocScrutinizer05> donate button still light green text on slightly less light green background
19:18.52golinuxYes and it turns to red on hover
19:20.00golinuxI'm more concerned why the padding on the download button isn't working properly after it was in the last css iteration
19:20.38golinuxWe're trying . . .
19:20.56golinuxMinceR: ^^^
19:21.44DocScrutinizer05((it turns to red on hover)) that's how I was able to read it, finally :-)
19:23.30MinceRhilight me when it's done so i can advertise it :)
19:23.36Hestbengolinux: the class "button button-dl" is not defined in css, whereas "button button-primary" (Donate now) is.
19:24.37jaromilHestben: oh yes there is a doublequote
19:24.45jaromilthis page exists
19:24.57jaromili am wondering to merge it with
19:26.42jaromilI wonder how to import this into the website <- slow to load on gitlabn
19:27.27*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:28.06Hestbenjaromil: Seems like a good idea to merge those pages (about virtual machines), since they seem to contain duplicate information.
19:30.56*** join/#devuan bwn (
19:32.04DocScrutinizer05merging pages only makes sense when they cover identical topic and thus have identical info. If B is a superset of A, you can't merge A and B, rather you refer to A in B
19:32.52DocScrutinizer05or, occasionally, to B in A instead
19:37.56HestbenI'm gonna go to bed now. Hope my comments have helped somewhat.
19:38.17Hestbennight night
19:40.03jaromilyes! 10x
19:49.39*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
19:52.23DocScrutinizer05jaromil: indeed looks redundant
19:54.51Oldmossthe link "Install on a virtual machine" on front page ends up in 404 because the code ends with
19:55.14Oldmossmachine&quot;" (results in two quotation marks)
19:58.14OldmossZephyr is gone, remove the link?
19:58.53Oldmossand/or add some info about it coming back?
19:59.56Oldmossdoh, sorry see that the virtual machine link is mentioned earlier, sorry
20:04.20jaromili just finished pushing and removing
20:04.56jaromilnew page is uploading
20:05.42DocScrutinizer05congrats for RC btw :-)
20:05.53KatolaZjaromil ringraziare #devuan, #debianfork, dev1galaxy
20:10.43DocScrutinizer05golinux is reboot-happy today :-)
20:13.01*** join/#devuan HoloIRCUser6 (~holoirc@
20:13.42jaromilnew version of website up
20:13.48jaromilok off to the devmeeting
20:14.40*** join/#devuan golinux (
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20:30.23aitori still have an issue with simple-netaid
20:31.07aitormodal/non-modal dialog...
20:31.48aitorit's not an easy issue...
20:33.06DocScrutinizer05slightly garbled (<br>, missing/broken image):
20:36.24*** join/#devuan HoloIRCUser8 (
20:38.28jaromili see that thanks
20:44.24*** join/#devuan HoloIRCUser3 (
20:54.18DocScrutinizer05should I fix topic?
20:54.22*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:54.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
20:55.14DocScrutinizer05F U Konversation!
20:55.30DocScrutinizer05jaromil: shall I fix the topic?
20:55.38*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
20:56.33*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Recent (2017-04-12): RC1 ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
20:56.40DocScrutinizer05like this?
20:58.17DocScrutinizer05I think no other link than to needed for that
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21:00.15*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
21:00.28*** topic/#devuan by DocScrutinizer05 -> Recent (2017-04-12): Jessie 1.0 RC ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
21:01.08*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
21:09.48MinceRis there an official announcement of RC1? (mailing list or something)
21:10.50KatolaZnot there yet
21:11.15KatolaZnot announced yet
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22:00.54DocScrutinizer05sneaker release ;-)
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22:39.03MinceRstealth release
22:39.22Stealthoh well
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