IRC log for #devuan on 20170409

00:00.17*** join/#devuan cyteen (
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00:22.54*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:09.08*** join/#devuan mns` (b1870d5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:54.57AntoFoxjust for desktop users
07:55.11AntoFoxwhe use openoffice or libreoffice?
07:57.57gnarfacelibreoffice, AntoFox
08:00.41*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
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08:20.20aitorOracle (after buying Sun Microsystems) delivered the code of openoffice to Apache
08:20.26aitorfrom now: Apache
08:23.40aitorthe future of mySql remains to be seen
08:27.01*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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11:39.54*** join/#devuan RilloBiley (560ab48c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:42.23RilloBileycould you please fix icoutils in the repository, so that I don't have to learn to compile things?
11:42.44RilloBileyin fact if there's a feedback form on the devuan website then I'll use that
11:43.49RilloBileythere is not :(
11:44.05RilloBileyreminds me of AntiX
11:44.41RilloBiley"join the forums" (or you're on your own) - at least this OS has a somewhat active IRC channel
11:45.06buZzyou might want to try wording what the actual issue is though ;) instead of 'please fix'
11:45.36RilloBileyUnable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
11:45.53RilloBileythat's good advice actually, I'll try --fix-missing
11:46.06buZzinstalls fine here
11:46.16buZzmaybe run apt-get update
11:46.32RilloBileyit... looks like it worked! :D
11:46.40RilloBileynow I can have playonlinux
11:46.48RilloBileynow I can have precious video games..
11:46.48buZzheh, next time read errormsgs ;)
11:46.53RilloBileyCiv II!!
11:47.31RilloBileythere is something else I want to do - change the laptop's fan speed according to my own preferences
11:47.43RilloBileythis is because the graphics card heats up, but the laptop's fan does not react to it
11:47.49RilloBileyso it overheats and switches off
11:48.09RilloBileyI could read through a dozen documents I've bookmarked, but if there's an easier way than I wouldn't mind if you told me
11:48.43djphRilloBiley: what make of laptop?
11:49.27RilloBileyToshiba L300D (not L300~ L300 is the intel equivalent, this is AMD)
11:49.54RilloBileyit has 3200 onboard, M780G or something like that
11:51.27RilloBileyspecifically it's the L300D-13S, but most L300D use the HD3200
11:51.48RilloBileya minority of the low-end models used x1250 or something like that
11:52.19RilloBileyit would be better in a way, in that the x1250 doesn't get as hot
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12:18.50RilloBileynow I'm getting "PlayOnLinux is unable to find the 32bit OpenGL libraries."
12:19.10RilloBileylibgl1-mesa-glx is already installed though
12:19.59*** join/#devuan RJules3 (
12:28.04djphRilloBiley: I think the fancontrol package will help sort that out
12:28.31RilloBileyI tried following post #2 from
12:29.19RilloBileyI get "There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed" like some others in the thread
12:29.41RilloBileyin addition, fancontrol package is already installed
12:29.56RilloBileyis there a settings file for that, which I'm supposed to edit?
12:33.14debdog<RilloBiley> now I'm getting "PlayOnLinux is unable to find the 32bit OpenGL libraries."   --   you prolly have to enable multiarch and install 32bit packages
12:36.36RilloBileyare the commands the same in that guide for devuan?
12:38.22debdogshould™ be, yes
12:39.57gnarfaceRilloBiley: i think you might need to run sensors-detect to get pwm-capable sensors running.  (it's also possible for them to be disabled in the bios)
12:40.13RilloBileyI have ran sensors-detect
12:40.23RilloBileyI do not believe that I would disable them in the bios
12:40.34gnarfaceon my asus board, they weren't enabled by default i don't think
12:40.42gnarfacenot for all the case fans
12:40.54RilloBileywell, my laptop only has one fan
12:40.58gnarface(because the connectors make PWM-capable fans optional, and i guess there's no safe way to auto-detect)
12:41.07RilloBileyand I can't see myself disabling PWM for it, seeing as it allows for more accurate fan control
12:41.17gnarfaceif it's a laptop, they're probably on by default
12:41.41RilloBileyeither it's so old it doesn't have it even for the CPU fan, or it does and it is just not working properly
12:41.57gnarfacei'd give it 50/50 odds
12:42.14gnarfacelm-sensors seems to have been abandoned in frustration
12:42.22RilloBileyonce I've played around with the 32-bit problem, I'll restart and have a look in the bios
12:42.45gnarfaceyea multi-arch is definitely off by default
12:42.50RilloBileyI get the feeling that PWM fan control is already working though
12:43.02gnarfaceif you hear the fan speed change, it probably is
12:43.05RilloBileyit's just while the CPU doesn't go above 66*C, the GPU is skyrocketing
12:43.14RilloBileyand the laptop's fan doesn't react to that
12:43.27gnarfacehmm. gpu fan might be controlled by the video driver...
12:43.40gnarfacealso ... uh sometimes might require acpid
12:43.43gnarfaceyou have acpi installed, right?
12:43.48RilloBileyat least I think that is what's happening. There also appears to be no temp sensor for the GPU
12:43.55RilloBileyeven though it has a safety shutdown which is triggered
12:44.07RilloBileyyeah I think so
12:44.10gnarfacewhat is the video hardware?
12:44.22RilloBileyAMD HD3200 mobile
12:44.29RilloBiley780RS chipset?
12:44.37gnarfacei'm not familiar with it
12:44.50RilloBileyit's well supported as a desktop graphics card (780G)
12:44.53gnarfacei know there's been a lot of changes in their drivers
12:44.54RilloBileythe 780RS less so
12:45.17RilloBileythe bios software by toshiba is a bastard
12:45.23gnarfaceyea, it is
12:45.37*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:46.01RilloBileythe laptop's ram modules have a flexing problem too
12:46.20RilloBileyI had windows 8 installed, and the flexing problem corrupted it's wireless drivers
12:46.27RilloBileyso for the windows installation I have no internet now
12:47.09RilloBileyI opened the thing up and bent the metal clamps to tighten them up - it's alright now
12:48.55RilloBileyideally I'd like one piece of software which tells me the current gpu temp and lets me alter what the fan does
12:49.20RilloBileyunder windows it was cputemp+speedfan
12:49.51RilloBileyI ran dpkg --add-architecture i386 followed by apt-get update
12:50.05RilloBileybut I'm not seeing libgl1-i386 in the repos
12:51.26gnarfaceadd ":i386" to the 64-bit package name
12:51.49RilloBileyjust did :)
12:52.00RilloBileyI'm gonna apt-get update again for good measure
12:52.05RilloBileythen try playonlinux again
12:52.44RilloBileyboom. no errors!
12:53.34RilloBileydevuan is fast becoming ComfyOS™
12:53.55RilloBileyit started off more like Arch (massive pain in my ass)
12:54.50RilloBileybut I got pale moon installed, I got veracrypt installed, I got icoutils installed, and I should have playonlinux working soon too
12:55.21RilloBileythe list of problems is becoming less and less
12:56.43gnarfacethe fan/temp issue is important to check up on though
12:57.03gnarfacei wonder if you need laptop-mode-tools or something like that
12:57.10RilloBileyalready installed that too
12:57.30RilloBileyI grabbed everything sensor related
12:58.03gnarfacedouble-check acpi is installed and running
12:58.58gnarfacewith the video card, it might just be a driver issue though.  do you know which amd driver you're using?  there's more of them now.
12:59.44RilloBileyI think because my chipset is old, it's not running anything too fancy that's come out recently
13:00.04RilloBileyI can say synaptic says acpi is installed, but the last task manager I checked did not list acpi
13:00.27RilloBileyahh, it's coming up in this one
13:00.57RilloBileyacpi_fakekeyd and acpid are there
13:01.41RilloBileynone just called "acpi", don't know what that is about
13:03.01gnarfacethat's fine
13:03.04gnarfaceacpid is the one you want
13:03.15RilloBileyI found something else interesting, while looking at it
13:03.34RilloBileyfnfxd:i386 - "ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops"
13:03.40RilloBileymy hotkeys do not work atm
13:03.45RilloBileyreckon this will fix that?
13:06.44gnarfacehonestly not sure yours is old enough
13:06.46gnarfacebut worth a try
13:07.57RilloBileyI do not have kacpimon either
13:08.18gnarfaceguessing by the name that would only be for kde?
13:08.43*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
13:09.15RilloBileywell, the brightness hotkeys still aren't doing anything
13:09.21RilloBileystuck on 100% all the time
13:09.25gnarfacealso, i thought that the fancontrol package was for NON-PWM fans only (which almost nothing actually uses anymore)
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13:09.38RilloBileythis laptop is fairly old
13:10.01RilloBileyI would have thought it's still pwm though
13:10.21RilloBileyI seem to remember seeing 4 wires when I opened it up
13:10.32gnarfacethat fnfxd i think worked for my pentium2 era toshiba satellite pro, but it didn't map the buttons all correctly. some are missing some are wrong, and i think at least one was added that wasn't supposed to be there
13:11.03gnarfaceif it has more than 2 wires it's definitely a PWM fan controlled
13:11.32RilloBileythree wires was PCM, not PWM or something
13:11.33gnarfacepwm-controlled fan i mean
13:11.39RilloBileythis has four anyway
13:11.49gnarface3 wires is PWM, the fourth wire is a temperature sensor
13:12.10gnarfacePWM doesn't always imply the temperature sensor is IN the fan
13:12.15gnarfacebut if you have 4 wires it is
13:12.17RilloBileyohh right
13:13.13gnarfacewith 2-wires, mostly they just didn't change speeds, but early laptops would do voltage control.  i thought *that* is what the 'fancontrol' package was for; for 2-wire fans that need DC voltage changes to control speed
13:13.35gnarfacei'm not sure, but it's possible it could even get in the way
13:17.29RilloBileywell, I've still got no fan control or hotkeys
13:18.06gnarfacewhich video driver did you say you were using?
13:18.14gnarfaceamdgpu or... ?
13:18.25RilloBileyhow do I check?
13:18.32gnarfacethe Xorg log
13:19.16gnarfacethis is jessie you're on?
13:19.32RilloBileyyeah, it'll be stable
13:19.42gnarfacei wonder if the kernel is too old
13:19.50gnarfacelike i said, there's been a lot of action on the AMD drivers lately
13:20.15gnarfacefor an AMD card you might be better off with the backported mesa and kernel versions
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13:21.06RilloBileythe log is pretty extensive
13:21.48gnarfacei'll look at it for you
13:23.56gnarfaceplease, use the other one
13:24.02gnarfaceor pastebin
13:24.15gnarfacei don't have time to validate every single new stupid pastebin clone that appears
13:24.20AlexLikeRockyes,  pastebin FAIL at GNU-linux
13:25.08gnarfaceit's mostly just that i decided i wasn't gonna click on any strange domains today
13:28.49RilloBileyfunny, I avoid the common ones because I don't trust *those*
13:29.22RilloBileytoo many allahu ackbars use the common sorts, such that governments are interested in them for data collection
13:29.46gnarfaceline 2531
13:30.07gnarfacethat's the first thing i'm certain is a real problem
13:31.16RilloBileyI do not know anything about this, never seen it before
13:31.38gnarfaceyou want to pay attention especially to any line with (EE) on it
13:31.50gnarfacenote lines 342 and 344
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13:31.58gnarfacei think you might need that to work
13:32.25gnarfacethey might be the cause of the error on line 2531
13:32.37gnarfacedriver loads, can't access device, falls back to software
13:33.22gnarfacebut it says no such file or directory
13:33.33gnarfacesuggesting... uh
13:33.37gnarfacekernel module didn't load?
13:34.07gnarfaceor something
13:34.17gnarfacemaybe udev isn't installed or running?
13:34.28gnarfaceseems like more would break if that was the case though...
13:35.20RilloBileyyes, there is a kernel module that does not load I think
13:35.23RilloBileybut I do not want it
13:35.58RilloBileysomething like proprietary microcode
13:36.19RilloBileythe heat problem may be solved by installing whatever it is
13:36.25RilloBileybut instead, what I want to do is control the fan speed
13:39.43gnarfacewell, uh in /sys
13:39.59gnarfacei think there would be fan speed files you can use to change/check settings
13:40.04gnarfacei am not sure where
13:40.34RilloBileywhich module might this be under?
13:41.01gnarface:( sorry i got no idea
13:41.14gnarfacei mean you might just be missing a package, i've got nvidia cards here...
13:41.24gnarfacehere's what i think you should try
13:41.29gnarfacefirst you should try the backport kernel
13:41.39gnarface(and mesa, i think maybe even also the xorg if there is one)
13:41.43RilloBileythat sounds intense
13:41.48gnarfaceprobably easy
13:42.01RilloBileyif I restart the pc and pay attention, I can tell you which thing I am missing
13:42.19RilloBileybut because it's proprietary and non-maintained, I wish to avoid it
13:42.33gnarfacerun "dmesg"
13:44.08RilloBileythere is a lot of dodgy looking stuff in there
13:45.05gnarfacedo you have this package?  libdrm-radeon1
13:45.59RilloBileyfor some reason I have intel1 installed... huh
13:45.59gnarfacemaybe run this command and look to see if you're missing anything that looks important: apt-cache search radeon
13:46.09RilloBileyyes, I have radeon1
13:46.33gnarfacei assume you have xserver-xorg-video-radeon too right
13:47.40RilloBileyI will check
13:47.44RilloBileythis is dmsg:
13:48.09RilloBileyyes I have xserver-xorg-video-radeon
13:48.37RilloBileyctrl+f R600 may help find the issue I was telling about, regarding proprietary microcode
13:50.34RilloBileythis is the result of apt-cache search radeon
13:51.08gnarfacei didn't need to see the last one
13:51.32gnarfacebut do you have those installed?
13:51.54RilloBileyI don't know what you're asking me
13:52.02RilloBileyI thought the list was "stuff I have installed"
13:52.15RilloBileyI will check each of them
13:52.21gnarfacethat is the list of stuff in the repo
13:52.50RilloBileyI don't think I have radeon1-dbg
13:53.05gnarfaceignore packages named with *-dbg
13:53.09gnarfacethose are the debugging versions
13:53.20gnarfacewell, install it if you want to actually participate in debugging
13:54.21RilloBileyprobably not, I'm not very software-literate
13:54.29gnarfaceit's ok
13:54.31RilloBileyI turn screws more than variables
13:56.11gnarfaceso the backport kernel i mentioned earlier, would be a NEWER kernel
13:56.13RilloBileyall the stuff is there, barring debug
13:56.30RilloBileybackport = newer?
13:56.34RilloBileyhow does that come about?
13:56.54gnarfacecan't guarantee compatibility anymore with out-of-distro software
13:57.09gnarfaceusually exists to fix these types of bugs though
13:57.25gnarfaceyou can safely install it without un-installing the old kernel
13:57.28gnarfaceit becomes another boot option
13:57.55gnarfaceyou could install it to test this hypothesis
13:58.15gnarfacebut you might just really need the non-free firmware
13:59.11gnarfacehmm. speaking of firmware... you have firmware-linux-free installed, right?
13:59.19RilloBileyyes I believe so
13:59.48RilloBileysynaptic says it is not installed
14:00.07RilloBileyeven though I'm sure the bootlog said "switching to firmware-linux-free..."
14:00.07gnarfacethough, line 715 of the dmesg output specifically does say [   15.218983] [drm:radeon_pci_probe] *ERROR* radeon kernel modesetting for R600 or later requires firmware-linux-nonfree.
14:00.21RilloBileyI'll install it and see what happens
14:00.40gnarfaceoh it'll probably work once you install all the missing mesa packages :)
14:01.04gnarfacebut yea, i thought you had an ethical complaint against using firmware-linux-nonfree
14:01.17RilloBileyI have now installed firmware-linux-free
14:01.33RilloBileyI have avoided non-free
14:01.40gnarfacefirmware-linux-free it probably won't help at all, but won't hurt either
14:01.41RilloBileyit is not just unethical, it is a vulnerability
14:01.53gnarfaceoh i don't fault you for avoiding it
14:02.10gnarfacebut if you want certain features to work for certain hardware there is often no other way
14:02.19RilloBileyit's all working great, tbh
14:02.47gnarfacedo keep in mind the backport kernel
14:02.50gnarfaceit's also worth a try
14:02.52RilloBileythe screen resolution report is inaccurate (it's at full res already, but says it is not), the brightness hotkeys do nothing, and the GPU overheats on youtube videos
14:03.01gnarfaceyou might actually need it and the newer mesa for some current games actually
14:03.22RilloBileyI actually tried 0AD
14:03.33gnarfacethe outboard connector probably has a higher res than the panel
14:03.40RilloBileythe game works about as well as I would expect it to on severely underpowered hardware
14:04.09gnarfaceyea it should probably be able to do better than that
14:04.43gnarfacewell i dunno
14:05.19gnarfacehonestly, you may need that non-free firmware for proper fan control
14:06.08RilloBileyI think lacking it means that I'm missing the hardware codecs for video playback
14:06.18RilloBileyor something similar to it
14:06.27gnarfaceyes, this is also probably true
14:06.36RilloBileywhich means that youtube throttles the gpu, and the laptop's fan is controlled via cpu only
14:06.55Artemis3what gpu is this?
14:07.21RilloBileyHD3200, 780RS/SB700
14:08.18RilloBileybecause I don't want firmware-nonfree, the only other solution is not to solve the throttling, but to ramp the laptop's fan up to cope with it
14:09.05gnarfacetough decision
14:09.27gnarfacefor servers i would avoid non-free
14:09.33gnarfacefor laptops you sorta need it sometimes
14:09.40gnarfacefor servers i would avoid this type of hardware
14:09.49Artemis3it depends on the hardware, if you pick the wrong one you have to use non free
14:10.03RilloBileyit works great without it - or, I say "great"
14:10.08RilloBileyit works surprisingly well
14:10.32gnarface9000 might seem like a lot for glxgears but you should be getting a lot more i think
14:11.02gnarfacewhat cpu is that?
14:11.16RilloBileyI think it's some sort of Turion X2 2300Mhz
14:11.26gnarfaceheh, neat
14:11.41gnarfaceyou can check this: cat /proc/cpuinfo
14:12.15RilloBileyAMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-84
14:12.27RilloBiley"ultra" (overheating)
14:12.59Artemis3you might need a newer kernel/xorg but that gpu seems to be supported fine in the radeon driver also there is cpu microcode "updates" in nonfree
14:13.31RilloBileyI don't think I have any non-free software on here, regarding above bios level
14:13.43RilloBileybelow bios level there is no librecore support for this laptop
14:13.49RilloBileyit could be done, but it's so old that it's not really worth it
14:13.57gnarfaceif that cpu has more than one speed you can also likely change the cpu frequency and governor in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ and /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/
14:14.26RilloBileyI believe cpu frequency changes are being handled correctly
14:14.30Artemis3thats the package name RilloBiley
14:14.35RilloBileyit drops to 500MHz on idle
14:15.05RilloBileyno packages come up in synaptic for amd64-microcode
14:15.08RilloBileyit must be non-free?
14:15.14Artemis3i told you
14:15.23RilloBileywell, it looks like I can avoid that too
14:15.27RilloBileyeverything works
14:15.31gnarfaceah yes, i forgot about amd64-microcode, you want that probably
14:15.39gnarfaceyou want it too, probably
14:15.50RilloBileyI've been able to avoid it, though
14:16.04gnarfacein some cases it might help performance or stability
14:16.05RilloBileyencyption and virtual machines are operational
14:16.18RilloBileyso is cpu speed control
14:16.22Artemis3if you want true pureness you have to go another architecture, perhaps yeeloong or something
14:16.40Artemis3or deal with overheating, bugs, etc
14:16.58Artemis3even intel has microcode
14:17.09RilloBileyit has microcode on a bios level that I can do nothing about
14:17.17RilloBileyabove that, I do not appear to need the non-free stuff
14:17.48RilloBileyyes although my chipset on desktops is well supported in libreboot (librecore), 780RS is the mobile version
14:17.55RilloBileyand to my knowledge no one has done that work yet
14:18.13RilloBileyalso, it's not worth doing on this. It only has vga ports (no hdmi) and it's not really worth trying
14:18.28Artemis3HD3200 is fine
14:18.57Artemis3but don't expect playing steam games anytime soon
14:19.15RilloBileytux kart will run, but I think I'm losing fps
14:19.23RilloBileypossibly because devuan's repos have an older version
14:19.31RilloBileypossibly because I've not installed the non-free stuff
14:20.51gnarfaceyea more complex stuff like tux card will have a much heavier opengl rendering load than glxgears, it would show performance issues more apparently, that's expected
14:21.06RilloBileyit can't be more than 5fps
14:21.25RilloBileythis hardware is already underpowered, however
14:21.32RilloBileyit starts to get clip-showy
14:21.43RilloBileyalso, did I mention it overheats?
14:21.52gnarfacei really think the firmware will help the heat issue
14:22.01gnarfaceit's probably worth mentioning it'll help your battery life too
14:22.06RilloBileyI just want to ramp up the fan instead
14:22.30RilloBileybattery life would be helped somewhat if the brightness buttons worked
14:22.59gnarfaceone of those radeon packages i suggested you try, it specifically said it was for controlling the display backlight didn't it?
14:23.00RilloBileyalso as long as I'm just doing office stuff, the gpu behaves as it should
14:23.11gnarfacethat is also expected
14:23.30RilloBileywhich one was it? I think I have it (except debug options)
14:23.46gnarfaceyou're primarily gonna see probablems when playing video or rendering any opengl
14:26.27Artemis3did you open it and cleaned it?
14:26.38RilloBileyI've done everything short of cpu lapping
14:26.51Artemis3also switch the governor to powersave
14:26.57RilloBileynew paste, built a little duct out of aluminium tape
14:27.08Artemis3let it always work at slow speeds
14:27.14RilloBileywhat do you mean?
14:27.39Artemis3cpufreq-set -r -g powersave
14:27.45Artemis3that xD
14:28.01RilloBileyare you sure this won't disable my 2300MHz and get it stuck at 500?
14:28.23RilloBileyit's already working dynamically, I think
14:28.25Artemis3yes it will do that, never to overheat again xD, you could do something else if you don't like that
14:28.28gnarfacei thought powersave was the default
14:28.28RilloBileytask manager will say
14:28.38gnarfaceondemand might be the default
14:29.01RilloBileythe problem is not cpu
14:29.17RilloBileyI have a temperature monitor, which I've continued to observe while playing youtube videos and the like
14:29.21Artemis3you could use -u max freq
14:29.28RilloBiley66-68*C is well within acceptable range
14:29.40RilloBileyit is the GPU which I am both unable to monitor and which I think is causing the throttiling
14:29.48RilloBileyuntil i get random shutdown
14:30.36RilloBileyif I could set that to a slightly lesser clock speed, and/or ramp the laptop's fan speed up, I could handle the temps
14:30.57RilloBileyso what I come here to ask about was manual control of the laptop's fan
14:31.03Artemis3ie.  cpufreq-set -r -g ondemand -u 2 or such
14:31.16Artemis3you need to cpufreq-info to see what frequencies it supports
14:31.22RilloBileyeven if I can only set it according to cpu, if I set it to massively ramp up at say 56*C, that should keep the GPU in check
14:32.51RilloBiley"command not found" for cpufreq-info
14:32.54Artemis3then do unplug the control wire
14:33.32RilloBileyI don't think I'll like the sound of that (literally)
14:33.33Artemis3Package cpufrequtils
14:33.46Artemis3meh, it just forces the fan to 100%
14:34.21RilloBileyI can't guarantee it'll react that way either - it could give me error messages and problems
14:34.27RilloBileyit expects there to be a wire for temp control
14:34.31RilloBileybesides, for cpu it is working
14:34.35RilloBileygpu it ignores
14:34.37Artemis3fans only need 2 wires, the 3rd is usually rpm and 4th is control
14:35.01RilloBileyI had a hewett packard machine that not only needed the fan installed, but could tell if it was non-OEM and bitched until you put the OEM one back in
14:35.05Artemis3if your 3rd wire does both it doesnt matter to unplug it
14:35.23Artemis3it ill simply not report rpm, hope the bios doesn't get picky xD
14:35.30gnarfacethat will DEFINITELY void the warranty :)
14:35.52RilloBileyhardware limits: 575 MHz - 2.30 GHz   available frequency steps: 2.30 GHz, 1.15 GHz, 575 MHz
14:36.03RilloBileyso far as I'm aware, this cpu feature works correctly
14:36.06RilloBileygpu is my problem
14:36.18Artemis3some brands did move the control/report wire around for some reason
14:36.26Artemis3and there is another with 5 wires lol
14:36.41Artemis3but at a minimun, the fans only need 2 wires + and -
14:36.43RilloBileyi could install a variable resistor to the fan wires, if I was interested in such an intense hardware mod :)
14:36.59RilloBileyI'd have to drill a hole in the laptop and have a little dial
14:37.02Artemis3the voltage according to the fan ofc, 5v or 7v or 12v usually
14:37.11RilloBileyI can only imagine going through an airport with these kinds of mods
14:37.12Artemis3in laptops... perhaps 3.3v?
14:37.31Artemis3its just a lose wire its not like anyone notices
14:38.26Artemis3knowing the wimpy nature of laptop fan, its probably not worth it
14:38.28RilloBileyI think it looks dodgy
14:38.36Artemis3any i have a netbook which is basically on/off
14:38.40RilloBileythis laptop is already held together with duct tape
14:38.40Artemis3the fan that is
14:39.13Artemis3cold = 0 rpm, on = 1600ish rpm, thats it, probably has no control wire at all
14:39.26RilloBileymine is not quite a jet engine, but at 100% it's a little irritating
14:40.26RilloBiley"cpufreq stats: 2.30 GHz:45.27%, 1.15 GHz:12.39%, 575 MHz:42.34%  (780)"
14:40.36RilloBileyI spend 42% of the time at 575 MHz
14:40.42Artemis3ok you can use 1.15 then?
14:41.01RilloBileyit's that happy middle, that's not really used for anything because you either want full power or you don't
14:41.14Artemis3use -u (ie top speed)
14:41.24Artemis3not -f xD
14:41.34Artemis3-f is forced at that freq
14:41.37RilloBileyI don't want to nerf the cpu speed
14:41.46buZzwhy not
14:41.55Artemis3ok you want everything but are willing to give nothing?
14:41.57RilloBileyI want to ramp up the fan every time the temp goes above 55*C
14:42.03Artemis3buy a new laptop :P
14:42.09buZzthinkpads are nice
14:42.11RilloBileyI want the cpu fan to spin faster
14:42.16RilloBileyI have thinkpads
14:42.24buZzseems all other laptop builders are lacking , next to real thinkpads :)
14:42.24RilloBileythey are mothballed until I have the time to install librecore
14:42.53Artemis3modern lenovos are bad by design, saw one break only because the lid was opened
14:43.00RilloBileyjust give me manual control of the laptop fan
14:43.05buZzyeah most lenovos arent thinkpads
14:43.12RilloBileyif I can control it and ramp it up, I don't need non-free
14:43.16*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
14:43.29RilloBileyheh sounds like my L300D
14:43.35Artemis3assuming non-free is going to help at all
14:43.41RilloBileythe flexing problem of the ram modules is uncommon... but *mine* has it
14:43.55RilloBileyI know
14:43.55gnarfaceArtemis3: his dmesg output specifically requests firmware-linux-nonfree
14:44.24buZzmaybe install that then?
14:44.27Artemis3oh this is a waste of time, enable non-free and check temps, it might not help or it might, you have to find out for yourself
14:44.39RilloBileydo not want
14:44.45buZzenjoy :P
14:44.50RilloBileyI want to control fan speeds
14:45.00RilloBileyinstead of installing genital warts
14:45.13gnarfaceRilloBiley: the problem is there's no way to change the fan otherwise, not without hacking the hardware yourself, it's the work just isn't done
14:45.17RilloBileywell, that's an unfair comparison, but.. it's still garbage
14:45.48RilloBileybut the fan control is already working, according to CPU temperature values
14:46.01RilloBileyit's just I'm not sure the toshiba bios has much utility for changing it
14:46.07buZzmost laptops arent made for gaming
14:46.12buZzand even the 'gaming laptops' suck at it
14:46.14buZzbig time
14:46.18RilloBileythis one is not made for youtube 360p, either
14:46.33RilloBileymost consoles are based on laptop technology
14:46.45buZzRilloBiley: well
14:46.48buZzthat laptop is 10 years old
14:46.53RilloBiley"suck at it big time" ~ Bill Gates, Microsoft Scorpio
14:46.55buZzmaybe just consider it old and move on
14:46.57Artemis3you are probably wrong there, have you tried opening the yt link using smplayer?
14:47.10RilloBileyto be fair no I've not
14:47.27RilloBileybut I really don't trust this laptop with video playback unless I can ramp the fan speed up
14:47.32buZz-10 years old-
14:47.45Artemis3its cpu bound most likely
14:48.07RilloBileywell, if I can tie it to 55*C on the cpu, I can control the gpu temp that way
14:48.15RilloBileybecause the same fan/heatsink combination is used for both
14:48.35buZztried cleaning the heatsinks yet?
14:48.40buZzif your issue is overheating
14:48.43Artemis3my Asus Eeepc 701 4g surf works just fine to this day, and yours make it look modern xD
14:48.55buZz10 year old laptops accumulate a LOT of garbage inside the heatsinks if you dont clean it
14:48.59Artemis3and thats an... underclocked pentium m
14:49.06RilloBileyyou're a laptop-model racist
14:49.10buZzisnt it celeron m?
14:49.12RilloBileyan eee bigot
14:49.16Artemis3or that yeah xD
14:49.19buZzi have a couple eee701's
14:49.26buZzthey are awesome
14:49.28RilloBileyjust because mine is old and speaks a the japanese
14:49.49RilloBileyasus is taiwan, I think
14:49.57buZzRilloBiley: so, you never ever cleaned it?
14:50.38RilloBileyI have cleaned it, I have fitted arctic cooling MX2 (or something else I forget), I have made a little shroud for it out of aluminum tape so that the air is concentrated on the heatsink and not in the rest of the case
14:50.48RilloBileythe next step for me involves lapping the heatsink to a mirror finish
14:51.05RilloBileyI don't fancy it, because the nature of these laptop heatsinks is that they are asymmetrical and unbalanced
14:51.18RilloBileyso you'd need to make your own little jig to ensure that the lapping is flat
14:51.43buZzmaybe just not spend so much time playing with relic hardawre
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14:52.17buZzor just consider it old and not look at performance with 10 years difference :P
14:52.27RilloBileysome people finance a new car every 2 years and some people drive theirs that were made in 1981
14:52.49buZzsure, do you think ppl judge 1981 cars by fuel efficiency of current models?
14:52.59RilloBileythe problem is overheating, under "regular" conditions (that is to say that windows can manage video playback on the same hardware)
14:53.00buZzOR would they just know its a old car and wont ever perform bette?
14:53.01Artemis3maybe something here can help you, ymmv have fun RilloBiley :
14:53.15aaroRilloBiley: the fan works at all or not?
14:53.28RilloBileyyes, it works - it's tied to cpu speed
14:53.36RilloBileygpu gets ignored, overheats, shuts down
14:54.47RilloBileyI have already bookmarked (and read) that particular guide
14:54.55RilloBileyI didn't really know what to do with it though
14:54.56aaroRilloBiley: i own a toshiba laptop and had to set some kernel boot option for my fan start working and stop overheating
14:55.15RilloBileywhat should I look at?
14:55.42aarowait let me check what it was
14:56.07RilloBileycan i at least fix the brightness hotkeys without using non-free?
14:56.48gnarfaceyou can try
14:57.00gnarfaceit was one of those packages that was listed with apt-cache search radeon
14:57.04gnarfacei suggested you try it
14:57.08RilloBileywhich one?
14:57.14gnarfacei forget
14:57.18RilloBileyI am sure too, that it's already installed
14:57.18gnarfaceread the descriptions
14:57.21RilloBileyI will check them all again
14:57.21gnarfacethey're listed right there
14:57.36gnarfacethen when you find it look in /usr/share/doc for a directory named the same as the package
14:57.41gnarfacethere should be instructions
14:57.46gnarfacethere probably is also a man page
14:57.57gnarface(man [command], q to quit)
14:59.09aaroRilloBiley: -> the 'acpi_osi=Linux' one
15:00.25RilloBileyI think radeontools only switches the screen on and off for screensaver options
15:02.46RilloBileycan I add this kernel option to grub and keep the old option?
15:08.47RilloBileysomebody published something interesting on gpu throttling:
15:09.57aaroyes the option can be added and keep other options
15:10.45RilloBileyarch and thinkpad users have done much of this work already:
15:10.49RilloBileythis is where I need to be looking
15:11.07RilloBileyI'm bookmarking this stuff, it's gold
15:12.06RilloBileyok how do i set this up as a boot option?
15:17.04aaroRilloBiley: you got /etc/default/grub file?
15:20.45RilloBileyI might need to open it in terminal in order to have root privilege and edit it
15:21.21RilloBileyyes, can't edit it, might need to use vim
15:22.18aaroi got these couple lines there: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_osi=Linux"
15:22.23RilloBileyI forget how to edit text files in terminal
15:22.38RilloBileyI'm pretty sure I don't want it the default option
15:22.47RilloBileyI have a safe mode I can probably use as template
15:23.24RilloBiley"permission denied" god damn it I'm root now!
15:24.01aaroyou gotta run 'update-grub' after edit to apply
15:28.37RilloBileyI do not wish to change the default option, but rather add another one
15:28.45RilloBileyhow is this done?
15:28.49aaroyeah i just added the acpi.. option there
15:29.18RilloBileyso just add this as an additional line?
15:29.41aarojust like the lines i paste
15:30.00RilloBileyto clarify: do I keep my lines and merely add yours beneath it?
15:30.03RilloBileyor do I edit mine?
15:30.25aaroedit them
15:30.50aaroGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_osi=Linux"
15:31.31RilloBileyand this will not get rid of my default options?
15:31.42aaro'update-grub' after finished editing
15:33.18aaroafterwards if you don't want them just reverse to what you had ie remove acpi option and rerun update-grub and all stays the same
15:38.55*** join/#devuan grillon (~grillon@
15:39.01grillonhi there
15:40.24RilloBileyI'm going to call it a day for now
15:40.44RilloBileyI'll be running all sorts of fan speed/brightness/gpu throttling options the next time I mess with it
15:41.05RilloBileyI think I can get the graphics settings to a state where they work, without non-free
15:41.59golinuxRilloBiley: It's been quite a marathon this morning.
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15:42.24golinuxHi grillon
15:42.28RilloBileybarely ran 3 miles m80
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15:42.53RilloBileyit just reminds me of arch linux a lot
15:43.33RilloBileyevery little thing, manually configured
15:45.24aaroi remember my latop suddenly power off by overheating every time i watched a video after reaching 100 C now with the fan working it doesn't get higher than 60-65 C
15:47.56Xenguymurr777: Welcome, I PM'd you, FYI
15:48.14grillonhi golinux
15:51.32grillondoes someone know shepherd? What do you think about it?
15:55.24murr777standby Xenguy, i c u
15:55.36*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock_ (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:56.10murr777just talking to little linux bro
15:57.13murr777so, is this PM?
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15:57.29RilloBileyi think /msg "name"
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16:14.30grillonIm not here to troll. it s a real question
16:27.18golinuxgrillon: You might try posting on #debianfork
16:27.53golinuxsince your question is not really Devuan-related
16:33.52grillonI see thank you @ golinux
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19:51.00Digiteek.  syslogd messages sprayed over my terminals.  must be something serious.
19:53.40zdzichuDigit: run 'dmesg'
20:10.18MinceRa serious systemd infection? :>
20:18.05Xenguynotes that pastebin is not TOR-friendly...
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21:59.28yves_Is there a plan to replace systemd's logind ? elogind ? loginkit ?
22:06.44Centurion_Daneventually... for now consolekit works pretty well.
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