IRC log for #devuan on 20170406

00:06.02ahuraWell there is no change in the network manager. The radio was off a the time of loading the driver. Maybe I should try again.
00:06.31KatolaZahura: it might be switched off
00:06.56KatolaZyou should have a button to switchit on/off
00:07.09KatolaZtry that one
00:07.27KatolaZand see what dmesg says
00:07.39KatolaZif it doesn't work, the next step might be rf_kill
00:07.41KatolaZgotta go
00:07.44KatolaZgood night
00:07.45ahuraYes it was swithed off, but turning it on after the load did nothing
00:07.56KatolaZafter the load of what?
00:08.18KatolaZwhat does dmsg say?
00:09.43ahurathe firmware- -driver
00:15.50ahuraI have just reinstalled iwlwifi, with the radio on. Synaptic said that the reinstall was applied successfully.
00:23.28*** join/#devuan infobot (
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00:24.56ahuraThe box labeled Wireless Interface was blank, I typed in wlan0. and [ok]
00:25.14fsmithredthen hit the refresh button
00:26.22ahuraThe message 'No wireless networks found' blinked.
00:26.38*** join/#devuan Weeezie (
00:30.14fsmithredwell, don't tell anyone I told you this, but...
00:31.10fsmithredif you're a noob, you don't need to learn about reloading modules on the first day
00:33.02ahuraYes, i should probably unload it first ...
00:33.31fsmithredwell, if you know modprobe
00:33.50fsmithredmodprobe -rv iwlwifi
00:33.55fsmithredmodprobe -v iwlwifi
00:34.01fsmithredin that order
00:40.17ahurathe -rv returned rmmod iwlwifi and rmmod cfg80211
00:40.35fsmithredyeah it should know what to do
00:40.48fsmithredthe -v is so it tells you what it does
00:41.02fsmithredthe -r is remove
00:49.55ahuraThe -v cmd returns a couple of insmod from lib/modules/kernel/ ...
00:53.24ahuraRefresh Wisd makes no change. Under Wicd [properties] there is no reference to a wireless network.
00:56.44fsmithredPreferences, not Properties
00:57.20ahuraExcept for an inactive 802.1x with an inactive drop down button.
00:57.51fsmithredI don't understand what you mean
00:58.26fsmithredit should show the wired connection, and if it sees any wireless networks, they would show below the wired
01:01.25*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:01.27ahuraI don't quite understand either as the entry is clearly in 'Wired Network Properties' there is no 'Wireless' whatever.
01:03.41fsmithredtry a reboot. It should just work.
01:04.39ahuraOk brb
01:14.00ahuraThank you fsmithred. I'm probably down for now. The reboot fails at 'Boot Manager Missing'.
01:14.50ahuraIt was a  good learning experience even so. I appreciated your  help.
01:19.24fsmithredwhich iso did you download?
01:23.00ahuraLoaded Jessie 1.0.0 beta2-amd64-DVD.iso but enabled the first mirror listed during the install.
01:26.03fsmithredbios or uefi?
01:28.07ahuraThe system normally will boot to either. I have just booted it using an ubuntu live flash drive to access the file system.
01:28.47ahuraThe ubuntu flash is configured for uefi.
01:29.47fsmithrednormally, the installer installs the bootloader and if you have other installations, it takes over the boot.
01:30.47ahuraI had deleted the drive partitions prior to the install
01:30.57fsmithredI recommend sticking with either uefi or legacy
01:31.02XenguyHere there be dragons
01:31.19fsmithredand don't use uefi if you don't need it
01:31.32fsmithredand if your board will let you get away with that
01:31.39fsmithredanyway, I need a break
01:32.02fsmithredyou can use the install medium to reinstall the bootloader
01:32.21fsmithredgo into advanced menu at boot screen and poke around.
01:33.35ahuraThanks again. I'll do that. :)
01:35.04*** join/#devuan menip (
01:50.13*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:58.37ahuraUsed the System Restore from the DVD loaded the GRUB rebooted and walla I have a wireless network! :-)
02:01.37golinuxahura: Nice!
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02:23.00ahuraWell guys, I was a little hasty. I still can't connect. I need WPA2-PSK which is not an option under [Properties].
02:23.50fsmithredinstall wireless-tools and wpasupplicant
02:25.07fsmithredahura, did you install the default xfce desktop?
02:27.56*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
02:27.58ahuraYes. I tried to install all the desktops as I have 1TB drive and the option was to check as many as you want.
02:30.21ahuraBut that didn't work out, so I just went with xfce but at the end of the install I only had the Standard TTY.
02:32.24ahuraSo I reinstalled with just xfce and with the mirror enabled I watched as themes and other pieces seem to installed for the other GUIs also.
02:33.38fsmithredok, run this command, please (as user)
02:33.44fsmithreddpkg -l |wc -l
02:35.19fsmithredI want to know how many packages were installed
02:40.11ahura1370 packages. Synaptic says wireless-tools and wpasupplicant are installed w/latest version.
02:40.32fsmithredyeah, doesn't sound like anything is missing
02:41.58fsmithredand wpa2 is not a choice when you go to Properties for that wireless network?
02:46.25ahuraThe WPA2 choices are PEAP and LEAP. LEAP requires a username. PEAP requires both a user and domain name. None of which are required.
02:48.35fsmithredI don't remember what it says, but the right choice should be there in the drop-down list
02:50.22fsmithredwpa 1/2 (passphrase)
02:50.48fsmithredI've got at least a dozen choices
02:56.31ahuraYes. WPA 1/2 [passphrase] works. But the network appears to be on two different channnels. I'm checking ...
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03:06.02ahuraYes, I can connect on either channel. :-)  Is 'sudo shutdown -h now' correct?
03:06.21fsmithredif you have sudo enabled for your user
03:06.37fsmithredotherwise do it as root
03:06.47fsmithredor shut down from the menu
03:09.45ahuraI believe I skipped putting in a root password, but I may have the last time I ran the install by mistake as it was getting late.
03:11.55ahuraNo, I was trying to avoid pitfalls.
03:12.13fsmithredwell, try su or sudo - one of them should work
03:20.16ahuraThanks, all is well now. I think I'm going to chill. This is my first time on irc also, so its been a grand adventure.
03:32.12*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)

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