IRC log for #devuan on 20170405

00:09.52*** join/#devuan bn_ (
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00:22.00*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:22.34*** join/#devuan dev1rox (4b842417@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:25.23dev1roxdoes anybody know when samba will work in Devuan Jessie ?? I really don't want to go to unstable for samba and Kodi.
00:38.59gnarfacethe correct answer to dev1rox was supposed to be "did you try backports?"
00:39.50gnarfacesadly i was 72 seconds too slow
00:40.25*** join/#devuan alexlikerock (~alexliker@
00:49.20*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
01:02.29fsmithredI don't see samba in backports
01:02.45*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:03.13fsmithredI've got it installed, but I don't remember if it works or not.
01:04.48*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
01:04.53gnarfacewell, my experience has been that samba doesn't work for most people unless you have a demonic pact and a Sherpa guide
01:05.16gnarfacethere's no way of knowing if his problem was accurately diagnosed
01:06.33fsmithredgood points
01:06.48gnarfacethough i'm pretty sure that even if the version in jessie really doesn't work there's still a 3rd option besides upgrading the entire distro to unstable...
01:07.52fsmithredI think I installed some samba package from debian repo, because some version was out of sync.
01:08.06fsmithredbut now, debian and devuan appear to have the same versions
01:08.18gnarfacei've successfully built it from source in the past
01:08.23gnarfacenot recently though
01:08.25fsmithredin jessie, and also version in ascii and stretch match
01:08.35fsmithredI've installed it and gotten it to work in the past
01:09.01fsmithredand I just keep copying my configs forward with each OS release, with minor edits.
01:09.18fsmithredbut it's a simple setup - share home and printer
01:10.22fsmithrednot sure about the demonic pact, but I might have angels pulling some strings for me.
01:20.46gnarfacei'm betting he got tripped up by the old smbfs->cifs switchover
01:21.01gnarfaceor something else not clearly explained by the samba docs
01:21.17fsmithredI can believe that last one, for sure
01:22.39*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
01:23.21*** join/#devuan menip (
01:23.36gnarfacei also seem to remember wasting weeks figuring out that authentication won't work for windows boxes if the desktop user&password doesn't match the unix one identically
01:24.11gnarfacegod help you if you're expecting the official samba docs to mention that
01:24.56gnarface(may only have been a limitation of windows XP and earlier, not sure)
01:51.52*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:55.35*** join/#devuan Weeezie (
02:03.32*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
02:05.32*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:15.48*** join/#devuan Redfoxmoon (
02:15.54parazydvote heads!
02:18.38*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:20.25*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
02:42.46*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:43.14*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
02:43.32golinuxparazyd: I'm not seeing where to vote on that page.
02:44.09parazydmaybe here
02:44.14parazydsearch for heads
02:44.30parazydthere's a button saying 'recommend'
02:47.30golinuxNope. No button,  This is the only 'recommend' on that page: Projects which receive the most Recommend votes and have been on our waiting list for a year will usually be evaluated first.
02:48.01golinuxMaybe because I've voted before.  I even deleted distrowatch cookies but no joy.
02:48.26golinuxMaybe a different browser . . .
02:49.50golinuxNope same. no button.
02:50.08golinuxThat sucks . . ,
02:55.44nthrowyall get yer certs sorted yet?
03:12.07parazydnthrow: i believe so
03:13.43parazydbut yeah it could be your ip address
03:14.02parazydi browse using tor so never worry about that :D
03:14.22golinuxOh let me try tor!  Give me a sec.
03:14.44parazydit's good, i remember distrowatch used to block it before
03:14.49golinuxkeeps forgetting tor is there. Me baaaaad.
03:15.03parazydamprolla is progressing well btw
03:16.08golinuxCD was talking about dak iirc.
03:16.50golinuxI have buttons on tor!!
03:17.37golinuxThe deed is done!!!
04:55.10*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:09.06*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
06:41.12*** join/#devuan rich2 (
06:46.16rich2Good morning, are you aware of that the certificate for expired yesterday?
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09:39.24*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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09:42.41*** join/#devuan gnarface (
10:22.34*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
10:41.52*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:07.11*** join/#devuan fsda6342 (
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12:03.00*** join/#devuan Madda (
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12:52.48nthrowlol, guess the certs aren't sorted then
12:52.57*** join/#devuan Madda (
12:53.38nthrowhere's a freebie: 30 2 * * 1 /usr/bin/letsencrypt renew >> /var/log/le-renew.log
12:58.51*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
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13:17.04*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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13:45.02*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:458b:4600:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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14:01.11*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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14:22.43*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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14:26.16*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:36.45DocScrutinizer0537 2,14 * * *
14:37.46DocScrutinizer05not once per week, twice per day. according to
14:56.26*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:57.55DocScrutinizer05hmm, weird. They check for expiry<30d and suggest a "once per week or once per day" themselves, on Dunno where exactly I seen the "twice per day, to make sure you stay online when revocation happens"
15:03.44*** join/#devuan ppisati (
15:09.59DocScrutinizer05aaah here: "automating renewal"
15:10.34DocScrutinizer05>>we recommend running it twice per day (it won't do anything until your certificates are due for renewal or revoked, but running it regularly would give your site a chance of staying online in case a Let's Encrypt-initiated revocation happened for some reason). Please select a random minute within the hour for your renewal tasks.<<
15:20.30DocScrutinizer05just waits for a rooted eff LE server taking over 80% of webserver systems with a rogue certbot update
15:32.04*** join/#devuan chomwitt3 (
15:46.43*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:06.25*** join/#devuan ltem (
16:16.54*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
16:35.49*** join/#devuan Chanku (
16:58.23*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
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18:30.16ahuraOk, radio check, are there  any humans?
18:30.39zdzichuwe are robots
18:30.43zdzichuwe are here to assimilate
18:34.32ahuraBy thy command, Oh zdzichu!
18:35.14golinuxHi ahura
18:40.22*** part/#devuan hellekin (~how@unaffiliated/hellekin)
18:45.33golinuxMinceR: That would save the planet and other species living on it for sure.
18:47.09*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:54.19MinceRwell, except for dogs
18:54.28MinceRthey'd starve to death relatively quickly
19:09.05ChankuHuh, there seem to be decent amount of reviews/look at videos for Devuan on youtube
19:10.28*** join/#devuan Guest1648 (~Guest@
19:14.49*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
19:24.57*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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19:41.26*** join/#devuan ahura (883e500b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:57.47*** join/#devuan Bjornnn (
21:01.12*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
21:06.37*** join/#devuan neutron_stz (
21:20.52*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
21:24.33greenjeansanybody else having issues with wicd? trying to connect to wi-fi causes cpu to max out and bad memory leak that quickly uses it up and spills into swap, freezing the machine up completely?
21:25.28Centurion_DanChanku: and what are they saying?
21:26.33golinuxThey are saying the the cert for is still expired.  :(
21:27.35golinuxAnd wondering what's going on with devuan.  ;)
21:29.22ChankuCenturion_Dan, they seem to be somewhat positive
21:32.15greenjeansokay, so just installed the exact same system I have been building, only the version before yesterday's, the only difference between the two is the 3 samba updates that got pushed a couple days ago. this older version works fine, the new updated one will not
21:35.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
21:37.11greenjeanslots more testing I need to do, but this is kinda weird...probably just me or my machine
21:38.04*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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21:41.48*** part/#devuan Guest1053 (~Guest@
21:46.23*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
21:59.02*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
21:59.31greenjeanswell that's not it
22:05.45*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telstar@fsf/member/telst4r)
22:05.47fsmithredgreenjeans, there's a problem with some samba packages
22:06.18fsmithredone of them requires a newer version of another that isn't available
22:13.18greenjeansfound it
22:13.34greenjeansit wasn't the samba stuff...much as i hate samba
22:13.48greenjeansthis is a bug and should probably be reported
22:14.17greenjeansthe Aurora theme engine when used, conflicts horribly with wicd
22:14.39greenjeansi'm sitting here watching it multiple times
22:15.12fsmithredwow, that's weird. I wouldn't expect them to have anything to do with each other.
22:15.27greenjeansgolinux made me think about it
22:15.45fsmithredshe's good at that
22:15.57*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
22:16.04greenjeansi had an issue about 6-7 years ago with Aurora conflicting with a camera program...shotwell i think it was
22:16.39greenjeansand she mentioned her work on purpy phenix and conflicts with gtk3 and such
22:16.48*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:17.08greenjeansand i instantly flashed back to that aurora issue and that was the only other thing i had changed for the last iso
22:17.39fsmithredyeah, gtk3 causes problems
22:17.41greenjeansthis sucks, aurora is my favorite
22:18.09fsmithredif you use the gtk3 version of yad, refractasnapshot windows will have important buttons off-screen
22:18.18greenjeansso, word to the wise for mate users, don't install and use aurora
22:25.19greenjeansyep, i just reproduced this multiple times with eliminating all other stuff, aurora is not good for wicd
22:26.07greenjeansi cannot have my Yad going bad, lol, need my Refracta stuff very badly
22:27.35fsmithredoh, I'll make sure there's a gtk2 version of yad available when I start seriously working on ascii
22:27.51fsmithredI think I already have one that dzz made
22:32.03XenguyThanks for the heads-up greenjeans
22:33.23greenjeanscool fsmithred, i just currently use the debian version as they didn't have it in devuan repo...haven't checked lately, have they ever added it?
22:33.51fsmithredit's only in testing
22:33.57fsmithredwhat version do you have?
22:34.35fsmithredyad --version
22:37.30fsmithredhere's a gtk2 yad-0.37 -
22:45.15greenjeansi'll check in a sec, whatever's current in debian, not on that machine at the moment, it's doing the 1000th refracta-install at the moment, lol
22:45.55fsmithredafaik, there's no yad in jessie
22:46.10fsmithredI doubt they added it after going stable
22:50.29greenjeansXenguy: happy to help when i can, not too good at all this, so I mostly flail about and break stuff, then cry for help from fsmithred, lol
22:52.57greenjeansyad version: 0.37.0-1
22:56.18greenjeansso glad it wasn't my bad this time, ha!
23:01.16greenjeanscome to think of it, that may not be the only theme conflicting, i have another partition that has the wicd issue on some wi-fi and not on others
23:01.25greenjeansbut that one is 32 bit
23:01.39greenjeansmay have aurora on it too, need to check
23:11.58*** join/#devuan chomwitt4 (
23:14.51*** join/#devuan ahura (883e500b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:20.49ahuraIntalled the beta2 yesterday, worked well after using an ubuntu live to authenticate the systems MAC to the network.
23:24.25ahuraHowever the Wireless (Advanced-N 6502) still needs a driver, which I have but where does the ucode go? Not in /lib/firmware?
23:29.26fsmithredahura, is there no package in the repository for your wireless?
23:32.57KatolaZahura: the package is firmware-iwlwifi
23:33.02KatolaZin non-free
23:34.31fsmithredit's also on the CD/DVD if you can find it
23:41.42ahuraThanks guys, i'm an absolute newbie so what are the steps?
23:42.59fsmithredyou want to edit a text file or poke around in a gui package manager?
23:43.14fsmithredyou need to add contrib and non-free repositories
23:43.33fsmithredI don't know how to do it in synaptic package manager, but it's probably not hard to find
23:44.00fsmithredApps menu -> System -> Synaptic
23:44.11fsmithredoh wait
23:44.21fsmithreddo you have a wired connection on that box?
23:45.36ahuraYes its online now.
23:46.08fsmithredopen synaptic
23:47.24ahuraopened (w/root)
23:47.47fsmithredSettings -> Repositories
23:48.01fsmithredthen maximize the window and tell me how many lines are checked
23:49.52ahurathe last 7 lines are checked
23:50.14fsmithreddo any of them say main contrib non-free at the end of the line?
23:50.58ahura5 of  them
23:51.08fsmithredcool, you can close that window
23:51.21fsmithredand hit the search button in synaptic
23:51.39fsmithredsearch for iwlwifi
23:51.44fsmithredcheck the box
23:51.48fsmithredclick the apply button
23:52.14fsmithredand you should be good -
23:54.01KatolaZwow, I am surprised of how much synaptic resembles dselect, apparently :D
23:54.18KatolaZ(I refer to the workflow, not the actual look&feel) :D
23:54.24fsmithredlooks like its grandfather
23:54.39KatolaZwell, dselect *is* synaptic's grandfather
23:54.55KatolaZI actually managed to install a very old debian image
23:55.03KatolaZon a virtual machine
23:55.06fsmithredhave you noticed that the graphical install looks just like the regular install, except for the colors?
23:55.21KatolaZand you wouldn't recognise the original dpkg :D
23:55.37KatolaZfsmithred: never used the regular install :(
23:55.45KatolaZalways gone with expert mode
23:55.50fsmithredI dragged out my woody disks to show someone the installation screens
23:55.52fsmithredit was scary
23:56.04fsmithredyeah, but graphical or ncurses?
23:56.10KatolaZwhich I believe is ncurses-only
23:56.20KatolaZdunno if there is a graphical option for expert
23:56.27KatolaZno idea
23:56.35fsmithredI stay away from the graphical install - it's harder to use
23:56.43KatolaZI am not that much into installing, normally :D
23:56.56fsmithredI install waaaay too much
23:57.10fsmithredI don't even read the screens anymore
23:57.21ahuraIt should be good. I'll go for the reboot.
23:57.34fsmithrednot sure you need to reboot with that one
23:57.36KatolaZahura: do not reboot
23:57.41KatolaZyou don't need to!
23:57.51KatolaZit's not windows :\

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