IRC log for #devuan on 20170329

00:01.57Se7enI just bought this from the local computer store
00:02.20Se7enOn one end is the SATA and on the other end are two USB cords, nothing labled
00:02.29Se7enOne is obviously power and the other is data
00:02.54Se7enPlugging one in tunrs on the green light on the top of the machine
00:03.06Se7enThat is, the sata side plug
00:03.16Se7enDoesn't matter which
00:03.33Se7enBoth are plugged in, it doesn't seem to work
00:03.38Se7enIs it efective?
00:06.14Se7enThe HDD doesn't even make any noiser
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00:22.45*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
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00:34.52gnarfaceSe7en: i can't say, however it does sound like the device uses an extra USB cable to gain enough power.  could it be possible your USB ports don't provide enough?  (likely, if you trying to do this on a raspberry pi)
00:35.25gnarfaceSe7en: anyway i'm pretty sure you need both plugged in for it to work
00:35.46gnarfacethat would explain why you don't have a separate power supply
00:36.04gnarfaceSe7en: what does dmesg output when you plug it in?
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10:26.47DocScrutinizer05sudo apt-get purge eject
10:28.55DocScrutinizer05idly wonders why a server needs any of that stuff
10:34.11gnarfacehotplug drives
10:34.26gnarface(and usb sticks)
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10:35.07gnarfacethe fix is already in ceres though
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11:59.32KatolaZCenturion_Dan1: are you still there?
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15:59.20telmichgood evening
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16:40.17telmichIs anyone interested in re-packaging the OpenNebula debs for Devuan? Currently they miss init scripts and have dependencies on systemd binaries. We at would be glad to actually pay someone doing it regularly
16:41.37telmichAfter our initial experiences with Devuan (see, we are rather intrigued to built a somehow large scale cluster on Devuan; not only because things work smoothly, but also Devuan puts the fun back into Linux for our company
16:41.58telmich(yes, there are some people feeling grey bearded with us)
16:45.29jaromilhi telmich yes following your progress :^) I'm a bit surprised as opennebula people know devuan and supported us also in having devuan as base OS on their market
16:45.41jaromilhave you tried first asking them directly? I can give you a couple of contacts
16:51.42parazydgolinux: o/
16:51.46parazydyou're on xfce, right?
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16:53.18golinuxparazyd: Yes. Xfce
16:53.26parazydhow do you shutdown/reboot?
16:53.37telmichjaromil: actually I haven't yet -- if you do have contacts their, I definitely would appreciate getting in touch
16:54.42telmichWe are currently also working on cdist (a configuration management system) to make it create us a netbootable version of devuan that we can use for the data center
16:55.20golinuxparazyd: From the logout options gui or terminal sometimes
16:56.04parazydlogout options work for you?
16:56.09parazydthis is why i'm asking
16:56.15parazydit only allows us to log out atm
16:56.18parazydthe new installers
16:56.21parazydother icons are blocked
16:56.30parazydjaromil: ^^
16:56.35parazydworks for golinux
16:56.47parazydi've no idea of a fix
16:57.00aitorparazyd: i press the poweroff button with my finger
16:57.38parazydyeah that's all fine, but this stuff needs to work
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16:57.42parazydthe xfce menu
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16:58.14golinuxI have logout shutdown reboot suspend and hibernate options.  Hibernate doesn't work though.
16:58.17*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:58.29aitortoday i did changes in simple-netaid-gtk, and now the statusicon works succesfully
16:58.37aitorbut i need to test it better
16:58.50aitorthe issue was in Glib::Dispatcher
16:59.20parazydgolinux: in the latest installer, after installation i get to the desktop, and there's the icons missing (which we know of), but the xfce logout menu now has everything greyed out except 'log out'
16:59.25aitorit is used for sending notifications from the backend thread to the froontend thread
16:59.26golinuxI have a launcher in the panel
16:59.27parazydwhich gets me to slim login
17:00.14golinuxThat's screwed up.
17:00.46golinuxDan got that working back in 2015 on jessie
17:01.17aitorboth contains data which is accessed by both threads, but only the gui thread updates the gui
17:01.42aitorparazyd, golinux: are you in ascii?
17:01.52golinuxNope Jessie.
17:02.06parazydno this is a jessie issue
17:02.17golinuxSomebody was working on upower recently
17:02.17parazydascii isn't being (actively) worked on yet
17:02.42aitornever happened to me
17:02.58golinuxWell, I have upower and libupower-glib1 installed
17:03.02aitorbut i only use xfce time to time
17:03.23golinuxAnd there is something i xfce to.  Give me a sec
17:04.18golinuxThere are several xfce4-power-manager related pkgs.
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17:05.59aitorthis is the first app migrated gtk3, i think:
17:06.49aitorsee you later :)
17:09.56fsmithredparazyd, did you install from CD, DVD or netinstall?
17:10.15parazydnetinst was "better"
17:10.31parazydbetter = had desktop icons
17:10.37fsmithredyeah, I did a CD install with beta2 a while back, and lots of stuff was not installed
17:10.47parazydi didn't check the menu after netinst
17:11.06fsmithredI can tell you in a minute - I did one yesterday
17:11.16fsmithredpretty sure I already tested suspend
17:12.13fsmithredok, I'm booting "unknown linux distribution on /dev/sda11"
17:12.55fsmithredI thought os-prober got fixed upstream to recognize devuan, but maybe I was dreaming
17:13.54parazydoh yeah, the installs i did also had vanilla debian grub
17:13.57parazydand said 'debian'
17:14.41fsmithredyeah, that's a desktop-base thing
17:14.48parazydi see
17:15.01fsmithredone workaround is to add a line to /etc/default/grub to set the theme
17:15.18fsmithredthat was done in beta2, I think, but un-done in later builds
17:15.30fsmithredI did it in the live
17:15.50fsmithredand suspend does work in my amd64 netinstall
17:16.03fsmithredno hibernate, but that's probably because I have no swap
17:16.30fsmithredcheck the CD installation for policykit, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector
17:17.13parazydwill do tomorrow
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17:19.24greenjeanshey fsmithred, yep, os-prober still no devuan love
17:19.41parazydyou should just upstream it
17:19.41greenjeanshaving to do it manually
17:19.50parazydsend a patch
17:19.52fsmithredI got around that by creating /etc/lsb-release
17:20.35fsmithredpatch may have been submitted. Not sure. I know David Hare posted the fix on dng
17:20.51fsmithredand/or refracta forum
17:21.17greenjeansit did get posted on Refracta forum, that's where I got it
17:21.21fsmithredhow many distros are already in the code?
17:21.34greenjeanslike 15 or so?
17:21.55parazyddebian is the upstream for os-prober, send them an email
17:21.56fsmithredwell, maybe they're waiting to see if we're a live birth or not.
17:23.54greenjeansoops, more like 30, and that's just in the 90-linux-distro script
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17:26.58greenjeansinstalled/used the new Refracta tools last night, great work! about to clear this machine out and start playing with efi installs
17:27.18fsmithredwhere is 90-linux-distro? I can't find that file.
17:28.37fsmithredno mounted/ here
17:28.58fsmithredyou on uefi now?
17:29.37greenjeansno /mounted/ ? Are you in os-probes or os-prober folder? I have both
17:29.56fsmithredyes, I do have that file
17:30.33greenjeansmy machine is uefi, but has legacy mode in bios to turn it off, gonna clear out this machine and re-partition and re-enable it to test once I run the iso's
17:30.52greenjeansneed to read more
17:31.15greenjeansdoes efi use GPT?
17:32.25greenjeansI wonder where that 90linux-distro file is on your machine? desktop environment shouldn't have anything to do with it....
17:32.25fsmithredgood for testing - I have around 15 installations on my test machine
17:32.35fsmithredright where it should be
17:32.43greenjeansoh you found it?
17:32.48fsmithredwhat I don't have is 90-linux-distros
17:33.21greenjeansi have 90 linux distros
17:33.22fsmithredI see magic-release, blackPanther, ark
17:33.45greenjeansall in a nice big pile of old CD's
17:34.13fsmithredoh, you mean you have 90 of them
17:34.43fsmithredhours of entertainment putting them in the microwave
17:34.45greenjeansno, i thought you were messing with me for typing the wrong file name
17:35.07greenjeans90linux-distro is the right name
17:35.15greenjeansgot like 30 listings in there
17:36.13greenjeansbut seriously, i have a giant pile of cd's i should really throw away
17:36.24greenjeansor make some art
17:36.43greenjeansmaybe a sculpture
17:36.50greenjeansthe beast of linux past
17:39.52greenjeansI'll have some efi-install results for ya at least off a Compaq CQ58, maybe another machine too but the wife is getting a little burnt on surprise new OS'es when she boots up her machine
17:40.12greenjeansso unreasonable at times
17:40.27fsmithredtoo bad, I'd really like to hear how it plays with windows
17:40.47fsmithredI expect it to be the same as devuan or debian - grub just takes over
17:41.19fsmithredI did a regular install of refracta on a machine with win7 last week, and it worked fine
17:41.19greenjeansI don't even have a copy of windows past 7 to try it
17:42.00fsmithredif it nukes any windows later than 7, I'll name it as a new feature
17:42.07greenjeansit definitely works fine on multi-boot at home on the old XP machine
17:42.27greenjeanslol, that would be a great feature!
17:45.07fsmithredwell, actually, it already has that feature
17:45.10fsmithredsort of
17:45.22fsmithredor maybe not
17:45.41fsmithredsimple install assumes /dev/sda1 for the installation, or maybe it used to do that
17:45.53fsmithredno automatic partitioning in refractainstaller
17:46.46greenjeansme too
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18:52.38Cynchtoday is fix linux wednesday
18:52.55Cynchtoday's gripe: wine doesn't work and I can't run any windooz things
18:53.13furrywolfthat doesn't sound like linux's problem.
18:53.25Cynchbut muh vidye games
18:53.29furrywolftry using better software.
18:53.45parazydCynch: what's wrong, wine is supposed to work fine
18:53.46CynchI want to run and play civ II
18:54.06golinuxNot much oinfo to go on
18:54.14CynchI'm running LXDE and installing wine didn't add wine to the panel
18:54.22Cynchapparently it's installed, but I don't really know where it went
18:54.38parazydCynch: playonlinux is very useful if you don't know what to do
18:54.43parazydtry giving it a shot
18:54.51Cynchwill playonlinux run other software such as
18:55.00parazydit should
18:55.12furrywolfwhy would wine be on a "panel"?  it's something that runs other programs, not a useful program on its own.
18:55.12parazydyou just install it like any other thing
18:55.14Cynchalright I'll see what happens
18:55.44Cynchalso synaptic won't launch from the panel shortcut because I don't have root privileges
18:56.46Cynchplay on linux is not coming up in synaptic
19:01.04parazydyou have to get it from the website i think
19:01.57parazydtry the debian edition
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19:02.28tallshipCynch: Can't you 'su -' to root? Well, regardless, do a 'which <progname' to find out where something you installed is - for nonpriv users it's usually in /usr/bin or if it is already part of the system then often just /bin. Wherever your application is located, try these links (first one might be the one you want but read the others): and
19:02.28tallship and and
19:02.34tallshipI hope that helps :)
19:03.16Cynchright now I'm trying to figure out how to install playonlinux
19:03.31tallshiphm.... I don't even know what that is.
19:03.48CynchI'm trying to get all of my windows conveniences onto linux
19:04.19Cynchit's hard, because devuan still isn't finished. It feels more like arch in terms of the amount of work involved
19:04.47CynchI've grabbed the debian download and now I don't know what to do with it
19:04.52Lydia_Kwindows doesn't have conveniences, it has crutches.
19:05.45Cynchyeah well.. when I press print screen on linux, I know what it does
19:05.53Cynchwhen I press alt + printscreen I know what it does
19:06.09tallshipIf you d/l'd the .deb you should just be able to install it w/dpkg
19:06.10Cynchhere, I'm using gnome printscreen or something and it asks me each time which thing I want it to do
19:07.28tallshipI would recommend intsalling, and then installing a wYNd0z3 machine inside of that if you want those [in]conveniences. In my experience there are only three things that you need an emulator or wYNd0z3 box for:
19:07.28Cynchwhat do I do with dpkg?
19:07.53Cynchrunning in it's own virtual machine will not be efficient
19:07.53tallship1.) Quicken (I use dolibar and frontaccounting - so don't need it)
19:07.57Cynchit is a memory hungry application
19:07.57Lydia_Kdpkg -i file.deb
19:08.35tallship2.) Adobe stuff like photoshop and dreamweaver - I use GIMP and code with other IDEs
19:09.13tallship3.) vSphere - I actually use a windows VM for that, but you can use SLES applicances instead.
19:09.52Cynchthe equivalent of in linux is pinta
19:10.04tallshipah... I'll go look that up. Thanks :)
19:10.13Cynchsource-wise, it's open, but feature-wise, it's obsolete
19:10.38CynchI've heard krita is good too, although that is more a replacement for photoshop
19:10.50tallshipKrita is good
19:11.06CynchI'll go ahead and download it and try it out for what it's worth
19:11.25Cynchit's a big program
19:12.04tallshipUm... you don't have root?
19:12.31tallshipcoz you should just be able to 'apt-get install <prog>
19:12.38Cynchto get synaptic to run, I'm using the terminal -su
19:12.50Cynchkrita is in there
19:12.54tallshipOkay kewl :)
19:12.57Cynchplayonlinux doesn't appear to be
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19:14.40Cynchapparently installing playonlinux caused dependency problems
19:14.50Cynchwhich it expects me to fix manually
19:16.06tallshipwell I've only tried out synaptic on a couple of occasions. 'man apt-get' should explain what all you can do to browse repos in your sources.list and determine deps, or add repos you'll need for those deps.
19:16.18lowee[m]and i'm just here using drawpile for my drawing needs :g (it's an appimage so give it a try!)
19:17.02Cynchmay as well, seeing as today is also 'install whatever day'
19:17.28Cynchapparently not in the repositories either
19:17.35Cynchwhy do the repositories suck so much
19:18.01tallshipI'm a Slacker true and through, so I compile all my stuff with build scripts and build packages for them myself, then distribute them along with their deps.
19:18.26lowee[m]drawpile isn't much packaged since you can download it as an appimage from their website (appimage beeing a container format which contains all needed dependencies)
19:18.27tallshipprolly because people like you are needed to create the demand in this beta stage lolz ;)
19:19.24CynchI'm migrating from windows 7, because 8 & 10 are a dead horse
19:19.46Cynchsoon as I'm here I want steam's proprietary marketplace and muh gaymes
19:20.06CynchI've not tried the non-free repos yet
19:20.11Cynchbut I bet steam isn't there
19:20.34lowee[m]apt-cache search <package>
19:21.02lowee[m]after you added the non-free and done an apt-get update
19:22.23Chankuthat was fun :|
19:22.49lowee[m](as for debian i know that steam is in the non-free repos, apt-cache on my current devuan sais the same so it's probably there :p)
19:23.16ChankuFor those wondering I just rebuilt the package for vim so I could use python3 bindings
19:23.41Cynchis python actually used for stuff other than fretsonfire?
19:23.48lowee[m]heh.. python is still a thing :/
19:23.48tallshipOH you're not going to find squat for good stuff if you don't add non-free repos. GPL/BSD 2-clause/Apache/Artistic - those are most of the licenses permissive under the Debian/Devuan philo -
19:23.56lowee[m]yes, for playonlinux :p
19:24.33Cynchwell, when I tried installing it it didn't resolve those dependencies
19:24.45lowee[m]the only stuff i ever needed out of non-free was firmware and steam (also nvidia drivers when on a desktop with nvidia card)
19:24.57lowee[m]Cynch: with what are you trying to install playonlinx?
19:25.09Lydia_KI think I'm in the same camp as you lowee[m]
19:25.14tallshipHey, since you're an artist... Works well in Chromium. Took me a min but I fired up a wYnd0z3 box to show a screenie:
19:25.31Lydia_Kpractically the only thing I use steam for is FTL <3
19:25.32parazydChanku: you managed? what was the fix?
19:27.15ChankuIt took a bit, but after adding some things to that one file, and one other thing I can't remember atm, I got it to work
19:27.17Cynchit doesn't look anywhere near as useful as tbh
19:29.42lowee[m]Lydia_K: well, trying to use gog installers if i can :p
19:30.02tallshipI have to get back to work and deploy another cloudstack pod and cluster buoys and gulls...
19:30.10Lydia_Klater tallship
19:30.51Lydia_Klowee[m]: I'm a big Nintendo fan myself, so the majority of my gaming happens there, but FTL <3 especially with the Captains Edition Mod, oh goodness, so good <3
19:30.54tallshipTake care Lydia_K :)
19:30.58tallshiphas finished sunning his soft white underbelly, and slithers away back under his rock to the venom den.
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20:02.38ponchalehi peopñe
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20:06.25lowee[m]hello probably human!
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20:11.42greenjeansstill squashing
20:15.11furrywolfsquashes Lydia_K
20:16.32greenjeansi love xz but it's like watching paint dry
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20:18.40greenjeansmy weak old laptop doesn't like it much
20:18.44greenjeansvery sad
20:19.41greenjeanssquashing a new iso with programs added this time to save time on converts that I have to do all myself
20:20.56furrywolfcurls up on top of
20:21.03greenjeansstill faster than a netinstall
20:21.13fsmithredwhat's your cpu?
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20:21.39greenjeansamd cheapie 2-core apu
20:21.49furrywolfyou need a r7, obviously.  :)
20:21.52greenjeanslike 1.0 ghz speed
20:22.07furrywolf8 cores for $299!
20:22.09fsmithredyou check your temperature?
20:22.27greenjeansyeah, it runs pretty cool
20:22.41greenjeansbut just an old netbook really
20:22.50greenjeansgot it used for cheap
20:23.03fsmithredon my old dual-core athlon, it takes about 20 minutes using just xz compression, on quad i7 it takes three minutes.
20:23.16greenjeanshad windoze 8, i think that's why somebody sold it
20:23.35fsmithredI mean make sure it runs cool while you're making the snapshot
20:23.37greenjeanshey, i got a dual-core athlon in my old machine
20:23.49greenjeanssocket 939
20:23.56fsmithredmine is the gen after that
20:24.02fsmithredwindsor core
20:24.04greenjeansstill the fastest machine in the house
20:24.15fsmithredthey're great
20:24.42greenjeansthe system i built on it is 100% optimized for it, did kinda like a reverse gentoo build
20:24.52greenjeanscrazy fast
20:26.02greenjeansif you've got an athlon, i'll dig out a copy of that OS, you should try it as a livecd, fast and fun, gnome 2
20:26.33greenjeanshardcore modded, chopped
20:27.16greenjeansI even re-wrote a ton of system files, got rid of mountains of translations
20:27.45greenjeansit'll run on 128 mb of ram
20:28.06greenjeansnot well, but it will do it, 512 and it's pretty happy
20:28.48greenjeansI started the current squash 28 minutes ago.....
20:29.11greenjeansbut doing larger iso this time, should compress to around 550-600 mb
20:30.02greenjeansthe bigger ones have been taking around 45 minutes on this machine
20:30.38greenjeansother machine I mean, stole the wife's laptop today so I could multi-task
20:30.43ponchaleCenturion_Dan: and jaromil with the intention of development a desktop enviroment different we are development a desktop based on Lxqt for much more performance and options for customizer is possible what our desktop be the default and used in devuan?
20:31.15greenjeansright now i'm writing nonsense on her facebook wall, the penalty you pay for not logging out, lol
20:32.02*** join/#devuan thomascovenant (~qt_junkie@
20:33.11lowee[m]facebook stil exists?
20:34.07markizano^ +1
20:35.10greenjeansI never see it until i use her lappy
20:35.29greenjeansnot missing anything lemme tell ya
20:35.57Centurion_Danponchale: currently xfce4.  LXDE has some systemd dependencies that need to be fixed.
20:38.04greenjeansLibreoffice still makes main menu seize up on first opening of menu in session, default behavior still to use SVG's, lame, glad I don't use office programs
20:39.18ponchaleCenturion_Dan: we're using Lxqt is different to LXDE
20:41.40Centurion_Danok.  I didn't know, as have never gone back to anything much in QT after the licensing debacle that arose around it, and I was burned by KDE ;-)
20:44.23*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
20:49.10ponchaleWell we use Qt and some KDE dependencies in favor of people who are in a very fluid and much more optimal desktop of KDE and other desks
21:01.55greenjeans58 minutes
21:02.02greenjeans533.7 mb
21:10.28fsmithreddoes it boot?
21:13.55greenjeansburning it now, it should, this is not efi-enables yet
21:15.50greenjeansthat's next
21:16.27greenjeansgotta still burn a backup for the main partition I use before I fry it all and go GPT for efi testing
21:17.48fsmithredusb is a lot easier than burning disks
21:18.17*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
21:20.49greenjeansi like disks, they make for awesome art monsters
21:21.24greenjeansI haven't messed with Refracta USB lately, working pretty good?
21:22.35*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
21:23.13fsmithredI test the isos with vbox or qemu first
21:23.23greenjeansso what kind of usb install is it? Have done it different ways in the past, liveusb (much like a livecd) and also doing a conventional install
21:23.46fsmithredthey're all isohybrid images, so you can just dd it to the usb
21:24.03fsmithredI have one usb done that way most of the time
21:24.23fsmithredand another that's set up for multiboot
21:24.34fsmithredall live, no normal installs on the usb
21:29.44*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
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22:54.38greenjeansanybody use Exaile for music?
22:55.45XenguyNever heard of it
22:56.56*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
23:00.29*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan1 (
23:02.02greenjeanspretty decent music/internet radio player
23:02.46greenjeansbut now won't play WMA's because debian dumped gstreamer-ffmpeg plugin
23:10.21*** join/#devuan job1 (
23:11.20job1i would like to upgrade to Acii, is there a way? if not where can i download the installer for Acii
23:12.36*** join/#devuan davec__ (
23:16.28golinuxjob1: Just change jessie to ascii in your sources list and do a standard update upgrade to a new release version.
23:16.32*** join/#devuan davec_ (
23:17.01job1yes.. thank you...just found something similar
23:17.37*** part/#devuan job1 (
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23:24.48XenguyDoes anybody know the song Edgar?
23:25.00XenguyRandom question I know
23:25.12XenguyAnd pretty off-topic
23:26.33*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
23:30.14XenguyThis is a sample, a session from 88:
23:30.55XenguyI know one person that ever went to one of their shows, and he said it was scary as fuck
23:31.41XenguyGibby et al. themselves stated that one of their goals was to scare the parents of the kids who were listening to their music :P
23:33.03*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:42.11golinuxMaybe #debianfork would be a better place for your question . . .
23:47.37golinuxThanks   :)
23:47.59XenguyThank you
23:56.55*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (

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