IRC log for #devuan on 20170311

00:08.01*** join/#devuan lantw44 (
00:18.31*** part/#devuan wulllst (
00:43.09*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
01:21.39*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:21.39*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:27.16*** join/#devuan cyteen (
02:07.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:16.05*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
02:25.08*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
02:39.19*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:52.42*** join/#devuan menip (
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04:07.25*** join/#devuan mystified (
04:13.36*** join/#devuan mystified (
04:18.17mystifiedneed some help pls guys. Broke my Usb port of my old Hp 1320 laserjet. Not wifi Compat. So only option is ethernet.
04:18.46mystifieddon't know how to configure nor can i  find it's ipaddress.
04:33.47Leanderdo you have a DHCP server on your network? The printer possibly needs one to have an IP address
04:34.40furrywolfthe last time I set up a (completely different) hp printer, you set the ip through the front panel.
04:35.19furrywolfand then you just gave cups its ip and port.
04:38.13mystifiedeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:22:65:e5:eb
04:38.56mystified@furrywolf thx. But i'm no techie
04:39.20mystifiedCUPS 1.7.5
05:13.24*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:24.00*** join/#devuan mystified (
05:26.30*** join/#devuan mystified (
05:28.38mystifiedany one here at this moment ?
05:28.59mystifiedtrying to use print settings
05:29.25mystifiedI'm unable to login with either root or user passwords
05:29.54mystifiedtrying to add a ethernet printer
05:30.17*** join/#devuan syco_ (
05:31.13mystifiedhey syco
05:31.17mystifiedcan u help pls
06:00.18*** join/#devuan syco_ (
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06:13.46mystifiedanyone here
06:16.08syco_mystified, could you pls go .. mystified
06:18.36Leanderwhat is this ip address? is it yours or the printer's?
06:25.01mystifiedI thought it was. but no it's not
06:25.27mystifiedthere is no ip address on eth0 with ipconfig
07:00.44*** join/#devuan peetaur (
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07:51.12*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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09:46.08*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
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10:01.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:23.11AntoFoxmate-tweak is updated
10:23.53AntoFoxamule and java-package is now on
10:25.19AntoFoxif you want you can download from
10:35.05*** join/#devuan cyteen (
10:45.28*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:06.29*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
11:14.25*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
11:22.36*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
11:24.36edbarxa.cpp depends on b.cpp AND b.cpp depends on a.cpp. What should I use to compile them? Thanks.
11:26.19edbarxOoops, link them? Compiling works but linking fail to produce an executable.
11:40.47muepI'd suggest refactoring to avoid the cyclic dep
11:42.02muepbut regardless, I think it is normally just fine to have link-time dependencies from both a to b and b to a. sharing the exact error message might clarify
11:46.28*** join/#devuan ltem (
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12:02.09*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
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12:53.27aitoredbarx: declare de classes contined in a.cpp at the begining of b.cpp, and vice versa
12:58.45*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:17.10aitoredbarx: i'm using CMake in my Gtk projects and i link them with TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES
13:18.48aitorfor example, in the case of dynamic libraries, first i do:
13:19.14aitorADD_LIBRARY(a SHARED a)
13:19.22aitorADD_LIBRARY(b SHARED b)
13:19.57aitorand then, after adding the executable:
13:20.14aitortarget_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} a b ${GTKMM_LIBRARIES})
13:20.43*** join/#devuan sedrosken (~sedrosken@
13:20.50aitortiem to eat :)
13:27.51*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
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13:54.35*** join/#devuan Ponchale (~Ponchale@
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15:13.35*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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16:57.02*** join/#devuan wulllst (
16:59.22*** join/#devuan Chanku (
17:12.14*** join/#devuan peetaur (
17:13.12wulllsthi, i'm trying to build netsurf 3.6 from source on devuan jessie. netsurf has some (arguably unnecessarily) strange build instructions (see: executing make, i get the "Unable to find library for: CSS (libcss)". unfortunately, i wasn't able to find a package libcss or lbcss-dev through apt.
17:22.21*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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17:25.51*** join/#devuan Ponchale (~Ponchale@
17:27.28golinuxwulllst: Have you checked backports for netsurf 3.6?   netsurf 3.2 is in the main jessie repo.
17:30.14wulllstgolinux: well it's not in debian's jessie backports
17:30.22*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
17:31.32golinuxwas to lazy to uncomment backports and check
17:32.29*** join/#devuan gattuso (
17:34.45wulllstgolinux: isn't there a webinterface to check such things for devuan?
17:38.09golinuxNot that I've seen
17:38.14*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@
17:38.35golinuxOnly forked packages, packages specifically built for Devuan blacklisted packages.  Links are on the index page
17:39.16wulllstgolinux: but that also means that if it's not in debian backports, it will not be in devuan backports, right?
17:40.35golinuxI suppose you could check ascii but that's an adventure you might not want to take on
17:44.09wulllstwell, why not, i've got a nice "little" testing machine running here. also: i just want to look up something in netsurf 3.6. in the 3.2 version the pref dialogs are messed up (at least for the german translation). just want to see if that has been fixed in 3.6.
18:02.20*** join/#devuan muep_ (
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18:06.24wulllstwell, installing the netsurf package from ascii on jessei through apt apparently doesn't break anything. also the dialogs look fine (although they haven't been translated yet).
18:07.04wulllstthere's one caveat hwoever: you need to got with "apt-get install netsurf-gtk -t ascii", since netsurf itself is just a transitional package
18:32.27wulllstdoes anyone know of any trustworthy reviews of netsurf that also take a closer look at it security- and privacy-wise? i've already searched the web a little, but didn't really find anything.
18:36.46golinuxDid you see this posted to dng?
18:37.30golinuxMaybe another option?  And check the thread for discussion.
18:42.29wulllstgolinux: well, i read about browsers in dng, yes, but didn't come across that link. i'll look into it as well as into the discussion. if i remember right, i've already tried surf some time ago and found it a bit too bare for my linking. but i could give it another try.
18:49.56golinuxwulllst: Would be interested in your assessment.  It's on my todo list - I'm gathering the energy and determination to give it a try.
18:50.47*** join/#devuan gattuso (
18:53.28wulllstgolinux: ok, i'll report back on my impression. probably this is even better then trying to get busy with w3m which really has some hilariously awkward keybindings.
18:57.47golinuxIt might be useful to report your feedback on the dev1galaxy forum so others could benefit.
19:01.03wulllstgolinux: well, i just started reading and bumped into the following: "Also, the only way to configure Surf is to recompile it". i think that's not for me then.
19:03.02wulllstwhat's more: "And when you modify by recompilation, you'll find that Surf depends on a  surprising number of other software you might not have installed."
19:03.20wulllstseems, surf is so bigly minimalistic, it would really get in my way.
19:03.29KatolaZwulllst: it's much easier than you mught expect
19:03.50KatolaZyou can use the dev-src
19:03.52KatolaZyou can use the deb-src
19:04.10KatolaZand get a new deb package every time you change something
19:04.42KatolaZI should probably write a simple howto on that
19:04.49KatolaZjust to demistify the whole process :)
19:06.37wulllstKatolaZ: well it's ok if that is how some want to handle things. but i really like to simply install packages and then have my nice little config files that i can edit. i almost never build software from source, if there's no good reason (but if there is, i do).
19:06.57*** join/#devuan gk-- (~1wm-su@
19:07.05KatolaZwulllst: it mostly depend on what you mean by configuration
19:07.21*** join/#devuan menip (
19:07.26KatolaZthe file you have to change to customise surf is no more than a text file
19:07.37KatolaZwith a few variables set
19:07.55KatolaZthen to "recompile" you just launch "dpkg-buildpackage"
19:08.01KatolaZand you get a new deb.
19:08.02golinuxI second this idea!  <KatolaZ> I should probably write a simple howto on that
19:08.15KatolaZgolinux: :)
19:08.28KatolaZit's pretty straightforward, nothing special
19:08.34KatolaZbut I will give it a try anyway
19:08.51KatolaZthe whole process works for *any* deb package, indeed
19:08.54KatolaZnot just for surf
19:08.58golinuxRecompiling anything is a very big deal in my world
19:09.12wulllstKatolaZ: well, i'm just trying to imagine i had to recompile openbox everytime i made changes in on of it's config files. but maybe that comparison is not fair.
19:09.46KatolaZwulllst: the thing is that there is not that much you can change in surf anyway :D
19:10.10KatolaZit's just a browser
19:10.12KatolaZa bare one
19:10.25KatolaZable just to retrieve resources via HTTP
19:10.35KatolaZand to show them, if they are HTML and images
19:10.45KatolaZor to download them if they are not html + images
19:11.14wulllstKatolaZ: right, an as i've read in the aforementioned document, there is more or less no real TLS support there, right?
19:11.23KatolaZthat's WRONG
19:11.30KatolaZas I said in my last post in the ML
19:11.35KatolaZthat's simply WRONG
19:11.46KatolaZsurf has builtin and default support for TLS
19:11.46wulllstKatolaZ: ok, nice to hear that
19:12.24golinuxsuggested that wulllst read the dng thread
19:12.34wulllstok, i'll read the whole document even if i'm probably not going to be using surf in the end.
19:12.57golinuxThe dng thread is different from the document.  ;)
19:13.24wulllstgolinux: i know. but thanks for pointing it out again.
19:13.41golinuxwulthe TLS discussion is in there
19:13.55wulllstgolinux: ok.
19:14.21KatolaZwulllst: you don't need the whole document to give surf a try :D
19:15.04KatolaZjust apt-get install surf tabbed
19:15.06KatolaZand then
19:15.17KatolaZtabbed surf -e
19:18.38*** join/#devuan witeds (~witeds@
19:20.27witedsi just installed devuan last night i noticed there is no packages for gstreamer0.10 is there a way to get them or would the deb packages from debians site work ok?
19:23.51wulllstKatolaZ: Well, you are somehow right. But i think i prefer to read first and test second.
19:23.53KatolaZwiteds: ?
19:24.33witedsstill here
19:24.35KatolaZwulllst: good approach ;)
19:25.11wulllstwiteds: did you try apt-cache search gstreamer0.10?
19:25.12KatolaZwiteds: gstreamer0.10 is in devuna
19:25.53KatolaZthey are in main
19:26.10witedsi need gstreamer0.10: ffmpeg, nice, good, bad, ugly,realy-bad
19:26.28KatolaZyou have both gstreamer0.10 and gstreamer1.0
19:27.20witedsthe only one listed under apt is gstreamer0.10-qapt
19:27.40fsmithredwhat is tabbed supposed to do? When I tried 'tabbed surf -e' I got a surf window and an extra window with nothing in it.
19:27.59KatolaZfsmithred: tabbed does the tabbing :)
19:28.13fsmithredI couldn't figure out how to use it.
19:28.29KatolaZCTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to create a new sirf tab
19:28.31KatolaZwithin tabbed
19:28.46fsmithredcool, thanks
19:28.59fsmithredI see that I have 'man tabbed' so I will look at it again.
19:29.09KatolaZin surf you set the URL after pressing "g"
19:29.46golinuxwiteds: Do not mix debian repos with devuan ones
19:30.04witedswhich is why im asking befor trying any thing
19:30.17golinuxCheck the dmo repo for those packages
19:30.22KatolaZwiteds: gstreamer0.10 and gstreamer1.0 are in devuan
19:30.33KatolaZapt-cache policy gstreamer0.10-
19:30.49KatolaZand you will see where you can install those packages from
19:31.26witedsE: Unable to locate package gstreamer0.10-nice
19:31.26witedsE: Couldn't find any package by glob 'gstreamer0.10-nice'
19:31.27witedsE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'gstreamer0.10-nice'
19:31.32KatolaZroot@akela:~# apt-cache search gstreamer0.10
19:31.32KatolaZgstreamer0.10-gnonlin - non-linear editing module for GStreamer
19:31.32KatolaZgstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dbg - non-linear editing module for GStreamer
19:31.32KatolaZgstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc - GStreamer documentation for the non-linear editing module
19:31.35KatolaZgstreamer0.10-chromaprint - GStreamer plugin for calculating audio fingerprints
19:31.37KatolaZgstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 - Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 0.10 plugin
19:31.40KatolaZgstreamer0.10-plugins-bad - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
19:31.42KatolaZgstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg - GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (debug symbols)
19:31.45KatolaZgstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc - GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "bad" set
19:31.48KatolaZgstreamer0.10-alsa - GStreamer plugin for ALSA
19:31.53KatolaZand so on
19:32.12*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
19:32.46KatolaZhave you given apt-get update?
19:33.08wulllstgolinux: what's the subject of the dng thread you were talking about (surf and such)? can you point me to that? i'm not on the list, just read the archive.
19:34.17wulllstgolinux: thanks.
19:34.46witedsguess its not in the test package ascii if that was even the right infromation
19:35.43KatolaZwiteds: I am running devuan jessie
19:35.47KatolaZand I see those packages
19:36.11witedsi changed the repository back to jessie and they show up now
19:36.15golinuxMe too and I have 4 gstreamer0.10 pkgs installed
19:36.21witedsstill missing ffmpeg and realy-bad
19:36.35golinuxffmpeg is in dmo repo.
19:37.07KatolaZroot@akela:/etc/apt# apt-cache search -n  ffmpeg
19:37.14KatolaZffmpeg - Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files
19:37.37witedsok so will be ok to add then?
19:37.46KatolaZI see it in jessie-backports
19:37.59KatolaZwiteds: it might be safer to add jessie-backports
19:38.20golinuxIt didn't used to be in debian repos, even non-free iirc
19:39.06KatolaZdeb jessie-backports main contrib
19:39.22KatolaZthis is what you should put in your sources.list to have jessie backports
19:41.38witedsadded and still no option to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg or gstreamer0.10-plugin-realy-bad
19:41.59KatolaZwiteds: really-bad might be in nonfree?
19:43.22*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
19:44.38KatolaZwiteds: BTW, really-bad is not even in debian....
19:45.01KatolaZit's in dmo though
19:45.01witedson debian befor switching devuan i used to get both of them
19:45.13KatolaZthen use dmo :)
19:56.06*** join/#devuan robert-e (
19:57.09witedsthank you for your time and help
19:57.57KatolaZwiteds: no problem :)
19:59.17wulllstKatolaZ: well, if i got that right, using surf, you can configure everything, since there is no "configuraion" as apart from buildoptions. so, you would also be able to cmpletely configure key bindings, right?
20:01.33KatolaZwulllst: in principle, yes
20:01.45KatolaZyou can configure your keybindings if you like
20:02.23KatolaZwulllst: shall we make an experiment?
20:02.31*** join/#devuan witeds (~witeds@
20:02.46KatolaZwould you like to help me writing the doc to recompile surf under devuan?
20:03.00KatolaZyou just need to follow the instructions while I write them down
20:03.28KatolaZif you find it reasonable, it means that the descriptions are clear enough
20:03.34wulllstKatolaZ: well, i was just going to try the deb-src variant
20:03.38KatolaZshall we try?
20:03.44KatolaZlet's see
20:04.11wulllstshould i execute apt-get build-dep surf first?
20:04.28KatolaZyou should follow what I write :D
20:04.44KatolaZso first command
20:04.47KatolaZapt-get source surf
20:04.50wulllstok, i'm on a testing machine. so there will be no harm
20:05.11KatolaZif it works, other people will benefit maybe
20:05.30wulllstquestion: isn't it reasonable to put that source into /usr/local/src? or is that automatically done?
20:05.54KatolaZyou can keep your sources wherever you prefer
20:06.05KatolaZby defaule apt-get source downloads in the current directory
20:07.02wulllstok, i've put it into /usr/local/src
20:07.27KatolaZyou should now see something like:
20:07.35KatolaZsurf-0.7  surf_0.7-2~bpo8+1.debian.tar.xz  surf_0.7-2~bpo8+1.dsc  surf_0.7.orig.tar.gz
20:07.48wulllstit's 0.6 here, but yes
20:07.58wulllstand no bpo stuff
20:07.59KatolaZok whatever
20:08.05KatolaZare you using devuan?
20:08.18KatolaZhave you apt-get update-d?
20:08.30KatolaZoh yes
20:08.38KatolaZI might have the backports version....
20:09.08wulllsti updated package sources just 30 minuted ago or so
20:09.12KatolaZi will go for the 0.6 version then
20:09.18KatolaZnono it's my fault
20:09.28KatolaZI am using tjessie-backports
20:10.08KatolaZso you should have something like:
20:10.10KatolaZsurf-0.6  surf_0.6-1.debian.tar.xz  surf_0.6-1.dsc  surf_0.6.orig.tar.gz
20:10.30KatolaZcd surf-0.6
20:10.55KatolaZyou should see a file named config.def.h
20:11.09wulllstone second...
20:11.41wulllstyes, i see that file
20:12.50KatolaZok, what do you want to modify now?
20:12.58wulllstwhy not?
20:13.20wulllstok, sry
20:13.26KatolaZno prob
20:13.29wulllstwhat is there to modify
20:13.40KatolaZjust open config.def.h
20:14.06KatolaZcan you read it?
20:14.42KatolaZthe first few options are colours used for different things
20:14.45wulllstwell maybe, it should put downloads into a download folder
20:15.27KatolaZlet's try that
20:15.33*** join/#devuan menip (
20:15.34KatolaZyou can specify a default download folder
20:15.47KatolaZ(and that will be where you will find all the downloaded files)
20:17.01KatolaZas you can see, there is a #define DOWNLOAD(d,r)
20:17.07wulllstgot it
20:17.12KatolaZit should be line 36
20:17.28KatolaZnow surf does not download stuff by itsels
20:17.32KatolaZit uses curl to do that
20:18.37KatolaZnow we can "force" curl to put all the files in the folder "Downloads"
20:18.41wulllsti need to install that...
20:18.51KatolaZI think you have it already...
20:19.25wulllstok, got it
20:19.52KatolaZlet's assume that you want to use the folder ~/Downloads
20:20.43KatolaZyou see the line that starts with "stterm-e /bin/sh"...etc
20:20.48KatolaZdo you have stterm?
20:21.03KatolaZif not, you can change stterm with xterm
20:21.15wulllsti've got xterm
20:21.52KatolaZreplace stterm with xterm
20:22.12KatolaZI will do the same
20:22.33KatolaZwe should "cd ~/Downloads" before curl
20:22.40KatolaZand cd - afterwards
20:22.49KatolaZI have put something like:
20:23.10KatolaZnotice the "cd ~/Downloads/;" before "curl"
20:23.17KatolaZand the "cd -" after "sleep 5"
20:23.27KatolaZthese are the only two change
20:23.30wulllstah, ok, i was search for a outout dir option of curl...
20:23.39KatolaZno way :)
20:23.58KatolaZyou don't have that in curl :)
20:24.05KatolaZbut you don't need it
20:25.13wulllstwhat does the "-" after cd mean?
20:25.24wulllstcouldn't you just "cd"
20:25.46KatolaZyou get back
20:25.55KatolaZwell, you could
20:26.03KatolaZit's not necessary, indeed
20:26.09KatolaZjust a good habit
20:26.11wulllstok, i'll leave it out then
20:26.18wulllstok, i'leave it in then
20:26.22KatolaZnow that you are done
20:26.29KatolaZsave your config.def.h
20:26.43MinceRor you could run the whole thing in a subshell and then your parent shell's working directory wouldn't even change :>
20:27.17KatolaZthat's exactly what is happening there
20:27.25KatolaZsince the shell is executed inside a subprocess
20:27.38KatolaZit's just a way of having a feedback about downloads
20:28.01KatolaZare you there?
20:28.12wulllstKatolaZ: yes
20:28.27KatolaZnow you just give:
20:28.42wulllstinside the surf-0.6 dir?
20:29.20KatolaZit might ask for a few missing dependencies
20:29.21wulllstwould i generally have to be root for this ( i am now)
20:29.32KatolaZit's recommended
20:29.39KatolaZnot mandatory though
20:29.53KatolaZin my case I got:
20:29.55KatolaZdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cdbs dh-buildinfo libgtk2.0-dev libwebkitgtk-dev
20:30.00KatolaZso I just give:
20:30.07wulllstalmost the same here
20:30.17KatolaZapt-get install cdbs dh-buildinfo libgtk2.0-dev libwebkitgtk-dev
20:30.39KatolaZthis will be necessary only once
20:30.52KatolaZwhen apt-get install is done, you just give:
20:31.15wulllstwow, that pulling some load..
20:31.30KatolaZwell, that's webkit-related
20:31.37wulllstKatolaZ: ok.
20:31.58KatolaZnow if you give
20:32.06KatolaZyou should get another kind of error
20:32.16KatolaZwhich says that you have modified the sources
20:32.16wulllstthat is 108 packages wieghing 73,2 MB...installing that now
20:32.22KatolaZwow :D
20:32.57wulllstKatolaZ: i basically had not installed anything apart from x and jwm before...
20:33.12KatolaZmost of the stuff will be used elsewhere as well
20:33.25wulllstok, this takes a minute or two
20:33.32KatolaZno problem
20:35.41wulllstit's a pentuim4, just to mention...
20:36.37KatolaZwow, that's a great machine :)
20:37.08wulllstnow dpkg-buildpackage again.
20:37.35KatolaZis it crunching?
20:37.45KatolaZ(it shouldn't)
20:37.52KatolaZyou have to give:
20:37.58KatolaZdpkg-source --commit
20:38.10KatolaZyou are done
20:38.15wulllstinside the surf-0.6 dir?
20:38.31KatolaZwhen dpkg-buildpackage is done, you will find a new deb package
20:38.49wulllstgive name for patch...
20:39.00wulllstany name?
20:39.02KatolaZjust put a description
20:39.17KatolaZ"using xterm and putting downloaded files into ~/Donwloads"
20:39.20wulllstlike "changed config"
20:39.32KatolaZthat's just for your reference
20:39.54wulllstit puts me into nano
20:39.58KatolaZthen it will open a changelog
20:40.03KatolaZjust save the file and exit
20:40.13wulllstthat would be to write the changelog, right?
20:40.26wulllstnow build again
20:40.58KatolaZand you are done
20:41.10KatolaZwhen dpkg-buildpackage is done, you will find a new deb package
20:41.29KatolaZnext time you make a change, it will be much faster
20:41.36KatolaZsince you don't need to install dependencies any more
20:41.41wulllsttheres a gpg key problem
20:41.49wulllstlet me see
20:41.51KatolaZoh wow
20:41.58KatolaZlet's see
20:42.06KatolaZthat will be used to sign the package
20:42.23wulllstbut there's apckage anyway
20:42.32KatolaZjust install it
20:42.39KatolaZand you are done
20:42.51KatolaZgotta go
20:42.58KatolaZsorry for bothering you wulllst
20:43.12KatolaZbbl maybe
20:43.35KatolaZI have written a minimal README
20:43.38wulllsti'll have to install suckless tools, dpkgsays
20:43.51*** join/#devuan k1llz0mb13s (~zombieali@unaffiliated/zombiealive)
20:44.03KatolaZwell, we should have removed the dependency on stterm
20:44.08KatolaZnext time...
20:44.46wulllstok, maybe put that readme on the forum to be discussedf futher
20:47.14golinuxKatolaZ: Yes, please post to!
20:48.45wulllstwell, strangely, surf needed a bit to start up and it took it approx 30 seconds to load
20:51.29wulllsthow would i find all package installed from ascii on a jessie system?
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21:15.52fsmithredwullst, come back, or read the scrollback!
21:15.54fsmithredaptitude search "?narrow(?installed,?archive(ascii))"
21:32.39*** join/#devuan mynickname (
22:09.33KatolaZgolinux: never user the forum
22:12.00golinuxSo register!  You can use your gdo auth
22:12.09KatolaZI think I am registered
22:12.15golinuxLet me check
22:12.19KatolaZonly, I have never used it
22:13.06golinuxNope not registered yet.
22:14.33KatolaZyou see
22:14.35golinuxDid you go to this page?
22:14.54KatolaZdon';t remember
22:15.07KatolaZmaybe not
22:16.03KatolaZnow it says "registration complete"
22:16.12golinuxYou are not registered or in the waiting queue
22:16.24golinuxOK.  Let me lookagain
22:16.51KatolaZI have just logged in
22:16.54KatolaZthrough gdo
22:17.12golinuxYes!  You are there!!
22:17.26KatolaZwell golinux, let me know where I should publish such README
22:17.33KatolaZI will posish it
22:17.40KatolaZand post where you say
22:17.52KatolaZif you think it might be useful
22:18.11KatolaZit seems a bit too basic to me, but I guess it might be found handy
22:18.26golinuxShould go here in Documentation:
22:18.54KatolaZI'll do that tomorrow than
22:19.10golinuxCould you please include the link to Steve Litt's page too?
22:19.21golinuxGreat.  Thanks!
22:20.39golinuxKatolaZ: I appreciate 'basic'.  ;)
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