IRC log for #devuan on 20170310

00:20.37*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:527b:9dff:fe9e:37e6)
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01:20.40*** topic/#devuan is beta2 is out: ** discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:22.14*** join/#devuan sedrosken (~sedrosken@
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01:41.46*** join/#devuan syco_ (
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02:48.20*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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04:16.26Se7enI'm having trouble with my self-compiled b43 drivers
04:16.38Se7enDuring the init boot it says that non-free drivers are disabled
04:16.44Se7en(even though b43 is Open)
04:16.54Se7enAnd it won't bring them up, period
04:20.10Se7enAnyone here to aide?
04:24.23fsmithredhow do you disable non-free drivers?
04:24.37fsmithreddo you have contrib and non-free in sources.list?
04:25.15fsmithrednm, you said self-compiled
04:25.29fsmithredlsmod |grep b43 ?
04:26.25Se7en43                   409600  0
04:26.27Se7enbcma                   57344  1 b43
04:26.29Se7enmac80211              778240  1 b43
04:26.31Se7encfg80211              593920  2 b43,mac80211
04:26.33Se7enssb                    57344  2 b43,ssb_hcd
04:26.48fsmithredlooks like the modules loaded
04:27.18Se7enI can't bring up wlan0 or anything related to it
04:27.35fsmithredand you rebooted after installing the driver?
04:27.45Se7enMany times
04:27.58Se7enThe error in init says the module is b43-phy
04:28.14fsmithredI think I did this for someone around six months ago
04:28.17Se7enAnd it then prints a bit on nonsense saying that the module can't be loaded due to non-free drivers blocked
04:28.32fsmithrednever heard of that message
04:28.38Se7enAnd then there's the odd thing saying b43-phy: /DEBLOBBED/
04:29.15fsmithredwhat did you start with?
04:30.10Se7enThe instructions from the archived linux wireless website
04:31.17fsmithredI'm gonna see what I used
04:33.41fsmithredyou tried the one from the repo first?
04:34.39Se7enThere wasn't one from the repo
04:35.19Se7enAlso odd thing keeps happening. My LAN goes down and when pluging it back in it doesn't go up on its own. I need to use wicd to start
04:35.57fsmithredyou couldn't find the lpphy, right?
04:36.22fsmithredit's included in one of the other packages now
04:36.28Se7enWhat package
04:36.50fsmithredlemme see if I can remember
04:38.14fsmithredPackage: firmware-b43-installer
04:38.28fsmithredReplaces: firmware-b43-lpphy-installer (<= 1:015-14)
04:38.52*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
04:39.09gnarfacenot to seem unsympathetic, but for the record, i would have warned anyone not to buy Broadcom
04:39.11fsmithredI did compile some b43 for my brother-in-law, but I have three packages on the laptop, and I don't know which one I used
04:39.49fsmithredI won't argue with that advice
04:40.05gnarfaceit's based on years of first-hand experience
04:41.40gnarfacebut i am sympathetic.  i know very well that you don't always go to battle with the hardware you want.  you go to battle with the hardware you have.
04:44.14Se7enE: Unable to locate package firmware-b43-installer
04:44.17gnarfaceBroadcom support in Linux is not unlike Nvidia's in levels of contempt, but their hardware has none of the redeeming performance benefits to justify it
04:44.55gnarfacei actually thought THIS problem was already resolved though
04:45.11gnarfaceit's really 2017 and we're still doing firmware cutting for the stupid b43 driver?
04:45.11fsmithredyou must add contrib and non-free to source.list
04:45.34fsmithredor download the debs
04:45.53fsmithredbut I think you need more than one for that. Not sure.
04:45.58gnarfacei would add contrib and non-free, but then just take them back out after installing the firmware
04:46.20gnarface(don't forget to re-run apt-get update before and after for that change to take effect)
04:47.05gnarfaceif that doesn't work and you still have to go hunting down a windows installer and a python script to cut the firmware out of it, my heart goes out to you
04:47.54fsmithredpeople still do that??
04:48.24gnarfacei dunno really, but i assume that's the only option left if the firmware in the non-free package in the repos isn't new enough
04:48.34furrywolfI have a usb adapter that needs a firmware update, but no way to do it.
04:49.00Se7enStill isn't ccomming up
04:49.03Se7enmodprobe b43
04:49.37gnarfacefurrywolf: usb adapter of what sort?
04:50.22Se7enShould I try restarting?
04:50.35gnarfacehmmm, i wonder if you might have to run something first
04:50.36fsmithredI've had to do that
04:50.47gnarfaceupdate-initrd -u or something maybe?
04:50.58furrywolfusb 3.0 expresscard
04:51.08gnarfaceer update-initramfs i think
04:51.24furrywolfI think firmware is going to keep being an ongoing issue.
04:52.13gnarfacefurrywolf: hmmm, how do they recommend to install the firmware officially?  through some windows app?
04:52.36gnarfacethey don't have a boot disk method by any chance?
04:52.58furrywolfthere's apparantly another version of the same card that needs the firmware loaded at runtime, with even more linux issues.
04:53.08gnarfacegrim :(
04:53.10furrywolfnope.  the tool supposedly only runs on 64-bit windows.
04:53.39gnarfaceugly.  part of me wonders what would happen if you tried running it in wine.
04:53.53gnarfaceusually such things do NOT work in wine though
04:54.28furrywolfI wouldn't consider it to have enough of a chance of working to even be worth trying.
04:55.01Se7enIt did not correct the problem
04:56.07fsmithredreboot didn't help?
04:56.08gnarfaceany relevant output from dmesg, Se7en
04:58.39Se7en[   90.548599] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 0x60000000-0x60ffffff:
04:58.41Se7en[   90.548625]  excluding 0x60000000-0x60ffffff
04:58.43Se7en[   90.621800] b43-phy0: Broadcom 4311 WLAN found (core revision 10)
04:58.45Se7en[   90.668114] b43-phy0: Found PHY: Analog 4, Type 2 (G), Revision 8
04:58.47Se7en[   90.668135] b43-phy0: Found Radio: Manuf 0x17F, ID 0x2050, Revision 2, Version 0
04:58.49Se7en[   90.684202] ssb0:0: Missing Free firmware (non-Free firmware loading is disabled)
04:58.51Se7en[   90.684262] Unable to load firmware
04:58.53Se7en[   90.684514] Broadcom 43xx driver loaded [ Features: PNL ]
04:58.54gnarfaceoh it's pcmcia?
04:58.55Se7en[   90.716677] pci 0000:00:00.0: Intel 945GM Chipset
04:59.19gnarfacenon-free firmware loading is disabled
04:59.22gnarfacewtf is that about?
04:59.38fsmithredis firmware-linux-free installed?
04:59.46Se7enhold on
05:00.13gnarfacei'm also curious what you get for /sbin/modinfo -p b43
05:00.37gnarface(looking at my copy, i'm wondering if you need to maybe add fwpostfix=1)
05:00.41Se7enad_frames_preempt:enable(1) / disable(0) Bad Frames Preemption (int)
05:00.43Se7enfwpostfix:Postfix for the .fw files to load. (string)
05:00.45Se7enhwpctl:Enable hardware-side power control (default off) (int)
05:00.47Se7ennohwcrypt:Disable hardware encryption. (int)
05:00.49Se7enhwtkip:Enable hardware tkip. (int)
05:00.51Se7enqos:Enable QOS support (default on) (int)
05:00.53Se7enbtcoex:Enable Bluetooth coexistence (default on) (int)
05:00.55Se7enverbose:Log message verbosity: 0=error, 1=warn, 2=info(default), 3=debug (int)
05:00.57Se7enpio:Use PIO accesses by default: 0=DMA, 1=PIO (int)
05:00.59Se7enallhwsupport:Enable support for all hardware (even it if overlaps with the brcmsmac driver) (int)
05:01.08furrywolf seems relevant but I have no idea what it's trying to say.
05:02.06fsmithredsleep time for me. good night and good luck.
05:02.36gnarfacefurrywolf: looks like lisp code, but that's just about all i can tell you
05:03.19furrywolf"the kernels with "gnu" in the title will not work with proprietary firmware, which intel and ralink both possess. core comes with a gnu kernel, so even if the firmware is present, it won't use it."
05:03.34gnarfaceah, i see
05:03.39gnarfacewait what is "core" ?
05:03.45gnarfacewtf kernel is this now?
05:03.52furrywolfdunno, something relevant to the random forum post I found.  lol
05:03.59gnarfacegood possibility
05:04.17Se7enfurrywolf: gnarface I use this kernel
05:04.26Se7enSorry that I forgot to mention I'm a freetard
05:04.46gnarfacewell you may need a new ethernet device
05:04.50gnarfaceor a new kernel
05:04.58furrywolfI missed the start of this conversation, but it sounds like Se7en is trying to use a non-devuan kernel, that's intentionally been compiled to not load non-free firmware.  the issue would be resolved by not using that kernel.
05:05.23gnarfacewell, in theory he could rebuild it too
05:05.35gnarfacei'm assuming it's just one flag you can switch back on, but i could be wrong i guess
05:05.56furrywolf... seriously?  you're installing a kernel from a web page that blatantly says all non-free bits are gone, and wondering why it's not loading non-free bits?  :P
05:06.26Se7enI was able to use it with this kernel before though...
05:06.26Se7enAnd if the files are in /lib/firmware and not in the kernel why would it mattrrt
05:07.06gnarfacehey, you're the self-proclaimed freetard, you tell me
05:07.14gnarfacewhy would it matter, indeed.
05:07.50Se7enfurrywolf: it removes the blobs from the kernel itself
05:08.02furrywolfAND it disables loading any blobs in the future.
05:08.02Se7enAnd I've compiled the driveres into /lib/firmware
05:08.31furrywolfsounds like you need support from the linux-libre people, not the devuan people.
05:09.09Se7enAlright then
05:09.42furrywolfbah, I sent something to the wrong channel.  <furrywolf:#debianfork> it matters because the kernel has been compiled to intentionally refuse to load non-free firmware.
05:13.01gnarface(spoiler alert, they're probably gonna also tell you not to give your money to Broadcom)
05:14.42*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:21.27AlexLikeRockSe7en,   hi
05:21.42AlexLikeRocknice  to see you hir
05:21.49*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:21.51Se7enWho are you
05:31.50furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
06:02.51*** join/#devuan cyteen (
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06:41.48*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
06:51.09*** join/#devuan MDrights (~mdrights@
07:42.26*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
08:14.55*** join/#devuan StoBrendo (
08:15.40StoBrendo!listkeys #devuan bar
08:15.56StoBrendo!listkeys bar
08:16.08StoBrendo!listkeys community
08:16.16StoBrendo!listkeys kernel
08:16.31StoBrendo!listkeys init
08:16.38StoBrendo!listkeys sysv
08:17.41*** join/#devuan peetaur (
08:20.21StoBrendocould devuan be installed through CLI/chroot ?
08:20.50StoBrendo!listkeys alt inst
08:20.57StoBrendo!listkeys altertnative
08:21.02StoBrendo!listkeys installs
08:21.08StoBrendo!listkeys install
08:21.25*** join/#devuan cyteen (
08:21.38StoBrendo!install nic
08:21.38infobotit has been said that install nic is Power your machine off.  Open case.  Install NIC.  Close case.  Power on.  Load module and edit /etc/network/interfaces.  /etc/init.d/networking restart.  Enjoy!
08:21.50StoBrendo!install sarge
08:21.50infobotwell, install sarge is install stable then upgrade to sarge, ask me about woody->sarge
08:21.59StoBrendo!install x4
08:21.59infobotyou probably mean install xf4, ask me about that.
08:22.06StoBrendonope badass
08:22.30StoBrendo!install barbie
08:22.30infoboti guess install barbie is Clicking next is hard
08:22.59infobotEditor for System V Init configurations. URL:
08:23.22StoBrendo!sysv cycle
08:23.22infobotrumour has it, sysv cycle is aigarius | ok, I have a stale sysvinit from woody making circular depends when upgrading woody->sid. I forced the upgrade by 'dpgk --force-all --remove sysvinit' and install in similar way and a apt-get -f install then. just fyi
08:24.08StoBrendo!be sex barbie
08:24.08infobotBeing ill-equipped is HARD!
08:26.58StoBrendoups , i should have done that to start with
08:29.30StoBrendo!google what time it is
08:29.54StoBrendo!md5 wandertvanderthertz
08:30.10StoBrendoalmost same length :')
08:30.29StoBrendo!google "what time it is"
08:31.02StoBrendooh, some commands are restricted
08:31.35StoBrendo!wtf irc
08:31.47StoBrendoxDDd okey
08:35.02StoBrendoHm... So, my question would be. Could devuan be installed through debootstrap/similar easily (semi-automagicly) ?
08:37.29gnarfacei'm curious too, you should try it
08:39.46StoBrendolikes it
08:39.59gnarfacei mean, i don't see why it wouldn't work, but i do vaguely recall there being a bug... i'd assume fixed by now but i'm not sure
08:40.15StoBrendoyes someone said it failed for him
08:40.34StoBrendoread it just now in this channel's logs from google
08:41.22gnarfaceit might be that it just doesn't work with the debian one, but you can install the devuan one
08:41.32StoBrendo!quote devuan@www See also: @devuan-packages, @devuan-doc, @devuan-editors, @devuan-infrastructure, @devuan-security
08:42.36StoBrendo(i got curious to know how the whole thing works, since i saw the groups thing)
08:43.18StoBrendognarface: i don't understand properly how debootstrap works, i just know that it allows you to pick your choices and install the system while ... ehm watching p... , coding
08:43.52gnarfaceit's not like the installer, it just bootstraps a base installl
08:44.10StoBrendognarface: I enjoy having nasty/Frankenstein systems to play with, but i also enjoy having stable good simple and lightway ones, to get the job done
08:44.13gnarfaceyou can add extra packages, but you have to finish system configuration manually
08:44.45StoBrendoyup, it obviously works since ... you are 'building' (as in legos) the system yourselv
08:45.04StoBrendothus the automagicly, otherwise gentoo is a good choice as well
08:45.14gnarfacedo you know what a chroot is?
08:45.33StoBrendowell semi-automagicly, since choices are choices :P{
08:45.47StoBrendoch - ange root
08:46.10StoBrendoit makes some path to act as if it is the root of its filesystem
08:46.20StoBrendofor a while
08:46.36StoBrendo( its sub-filesystem :P)
08:47.05StoBrendoi haven't read exactly what it is, but i've used it several times , ok first ones without understanding much. Not there anymore
08:47.36gnarfaceyea, so you can just populate that path with debootstrap at the command line
08:47.41gnarface(in theory)
08:48.26StoBrendobut wasn't the plan :P
08:48.42StoBrendohaving a good system to work with within minutes sometimes is needed
08:48.55gnarfacesomething wrong with the installer?
08:49.15StoBrendodebian is it, but the same way i use firefox without actually liking it, just because there isn't any better browser to my like
08:50.09gnarfacei have to go, but i'll be back eventually
08:50.22StoBrendothat would make it 2 of us then ;)
08:50.41StoBrendomay the force be with you
09:08.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:17.27*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:18.32AntoFoxsome one use java package?
09:19.04AntoFoxand amule?
09:19.09AntoFoxare missing on devuan
09:20.56AntoFoxif someone does not work on this 2 I try to load/compile them in this day
09:34.12StoBrendoAntoFox: you would know by any change an existing way of install devuan from command line ? like debootstrap does. PS: because of 2 reasons, to be able to choose/decide more and (the most important one) to be able to use the computer while installing the OS in either another partition or HD
09:34.28StoBrendos/you would/would you/
09:34.57StoBrendoPS2: \o
09:39.37AntoFoxfor my convenience, I always installed devuan/debian and ubuntu with the graphical installer, is fast, easy intuitive
09:40.03AntoFoxthe unique OS I installed from command line are freebsd and arch
09:43.20AntoFoxjava-packages 0.56 is now on:
09:43.34AntoFoxnow I need to go, bbl
09:45.29*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
09:46.03StoBrendo!tell AntoFox Ok, thanks. nope, spanish is my native language
09:46.44StoBrendoyou wont do it? Tell it to me to my face instead of via /msg you piece of s***
09:46.59StoBrendo!tell StoBrendo you wont do it
09:47.10StoBrendowell... you did half the way dude
09:47.35StoBrendo!keep with your learning
10:43.50KatolaZStoBrendo: you can use the ncurses install
10:43.57KatolaZwhich is the default in expert mode
11:02.08StoBrendoKatolaZ: How would I use ncurses install from /dev/sda to /dev/sdb while using /dev/sda normally ?
11:04.35*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:07.58KatolaZah StoBrendo
11:08.04KatolaZthen you need debootstrap
11:08.46StoBrendomeh, ok
11:09.27StoBrendosince i've got no time (thus the urge of multitasking) I think I'm ok wasting some minutes for the installation
11:09.48StoBrendoinstead of losing some hours/days in writing something else
11:11.15KatolaZStoBrendo: ?
11:11.20KatolaZwriting what?
11:11.30KatolaZdebootstrap is there
11:12.36StoBrendoI haven't thought not even for a second it would work. Thus, not in the plan from time 0
11:12.56StoBrendoIf you want something done right, write it xP
11:15.17StoBrendo( or read / customize / mix / write , to be more precise )
11:16.52KatolaZwell StoBrendo you are free to do whatever you want with your time :)
11:19.08*** join/#devuan sedrosken (~sedrosken@
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12:21.02edbarxCan someone help please? I have a list of object files (.o files produced by g++) and cannot link them into an executable. I am getting a huge list of undefined reference errors although I succeeded to compile all source files with g++ -c
12:21.55edbarxI am trying to compile OpenHantek digital oscilloscope software.
12:22.50*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
12:23.34dethaedbarx: -lxxx switches missing?
12:24.57edbarxProbably. OpenHantek is Qt5 based. I am using a list of -I/path/to/headers for qt widgets etc.
12:33.04gnu_srsadd -L to the libraries
12:35.28*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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18:13.36*** join/#devuan Ponchale (~Ponchale@
18:15.34*** join/#devuan Ponchale (~Ponchale@
18:15.40PonchaleHi people
18:35.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
18:40.18*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:43.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
18:53.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
19:11.42AntoFoxin a short time(I hope) and upload java-make and amule on
19:13.13*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
19:18.57*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
19:20.18Ponchalejaromil:  Centurion_Dan I already sent the email to Jaromil and you.
19:37.15*** join/#devuan wulllst (
20:07.59*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:08.53Centurion_DanPonchale: I've Seen and read it! ;-)
20:19.57*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
20:21.06PonchaleCenturion_Dan: What do you think about it?
20:22.03Centurion_DanIt looks good to me, but I don't want to pre-empt jaromils consideration of it.
20:32.03PonchaleOf course I understand, you could complement or feedback the proposal so we can make it more solid
20:33.08golinuxYea!  you finally connected!!
20:36.38*** join/#devuan robert-e (
20:42.11AntoFoxwhat we talking about?? o.O
20:43.26golinuxNot much today.
20:56.45Centurion_DanAntoFox: Ask Ponchale about what they're up to and where they feel they have synergies with Devuan ;-)
20:57.33Centurion_Danhappy for discussion to take place but I have to go move tonnes of firewood in the rain :-/
21:02.01*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
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21:09.01AlexLikeRocki like Freedom
21:28.02*** join/#devuan Chanku (
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23:05.41*** join/#devuan NeonLicht (
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23:27.27*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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23:47.24*** join/#devuan Ponchale (~Ponchale@
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23:51.56aitoredbarx: read here
23:56.40aitorthis is the same method used in bulmages

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