IRC log for #devuan on 20170305

00:02.11furrywolfno comment.
00:02.54*** join/#devuan aitor (
00:03.29aitorhi, gnu_srs2
00:03.51aitorwe are alone
00:05.19gnu_srs2quoting: (06:46:39 PM) moosnat: Hello, I'm curious how things that use systemd-logind will work on Devuan. In particular, Wayland compositors use systemd-logind to hand off input device handles to libinput, avoiding the need for suid on the compositor binary. How will that work on Devuan?
00:05.44gnu_srs2and btw: hi aitor
00:05.50aitorhi, furrywolf too
00:17.25*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
00:25.10aitorparazyd: failed attemt
00:25.57aitorno worries :)
00:39.34*** join/#devuan snux (
01:34.35*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:46.51*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
02:18.11*** join/#devuan dardevelin_ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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02:45.23*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:47.40*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
03:14.49*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
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03:34.59*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
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04:52.25*** join/#devuan kini (~kini@unaffiliated/kini)
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05:21.41*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:34.45*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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06:07.31*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
06:55.10*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
07:04.34*** join/#devuan Weeezie (
07:10.07*** join/#devuan acksyn (4ec1435c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:11.28acksynjust passing by, letting you know I'll be mirroring (
07:12.20acksyn--and thanks for your work ;)
07:35.11*** join/#devuan dardevelin_ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
07:45.43*** join/#devuan clopez (
07:56.18*** join/#devuan aitor (
07:58.40aitori did a little change in the debian branch: debian/bin/ file
07:58.55aitortrying again with linux-heads :)
08:38.03*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
08:38.53*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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09:22.43*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:25.41aitorhere you are the new log file:
09:26.14aitorbin/sh: 1: scripts/basic/fixdep: not found
09:27.19aitorthere was a .gitignore file in scripts/basic containing both fixdep and bin2c
09:29.35aitori meant to say .build file :)
09:30.38*** join/#devuan snux (
09:32.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:43.05*** join/#devuan BluRaf (
09:48.14*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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10:38.10*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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11:01.36*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:24.46*** join/#devuan BluRaf (~BluRaf@2001:15e8:110:1127::1)
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11:29.14*** join/#devuan BluRaf (
11:35.05*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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11:36.26stavroshello, how can I add the nonfree and contrib repos?
11:38.19*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:43.08*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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14:44.11*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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15:08.40*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
15:22.19*** join/#devuan bart9h (~doti@
15:24.39bart9hI upgraded from jessie to ascii last night (s/jessie/ascii/g on sources.list, then apt-get update/dis-upgrade; is this the right way?), now I can't set the mouse speed.
15:25.47*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:26.10bart9hmate-mouse-properties do nothing.  tried `xset m` too.  tried low and high values, and the pointer speed remains the same.
15:30.10*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:39.28fsmithredbart9h, you did it the right way, but not much attention has been given to ascii
15:39.40fsmithredfocus is on jessie right now
15:42.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:42.54*** join/#devuan MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
15:46.29*** join/#devuan wulllst (
15:47.37wulllstis it in any way problematic to use the beta 1 installation cd to install devuan now?
15:51.18Xenguywulllst: Worked fine for me...
15:51.50XenguyThat was before beta2 was issued
15:52.04wulllstXenguy: well, as i percieve it, software is being updated during the installation process anyway, so there should be no problem. but i'm not 100% sure.
15:52.51XenguyI believe that all the updates to beta2 get pulled in via apt-get, yes
15:53.14wulllstbtw, looking at the installation method menu of that cd, there's "graphical install" first and "install" second. may that should be changed around if that hasn't already been done
15:53.48XenguyDunno (I've always stuck with regular/ncurses install myself)
15:55.38wulllstXenguy: me too.
15:56.09bart9hfsmithred: thanks for the heads up.  luckly I'm trying my first btrfs in / (/home is still ext4), and made a snapshot before the upgrade.
15:58.24bart9hI have no much free time now, but I can help testing[1] ascii (and eventually reporting bugs) when it's more ready for an end user
15:58.42bart9h[1] testing only what I regularly use, of course
15:59.58fsmithredoh, you're into all kinds of experiments
16:00.23fsmithredyeah, I hope to be doing that soon
16:17.29*** join/#devuan BluesKaj (~Blues@unaffiliated/blueskaj)
16:19.58BluesKajhi folks, was just reading about this OS, nice to see an effort to bypass systemd . I'm considering installing jessie ...suppose a clean install of both / and home is recommended ?
16:20.20BluesKajerr /home
16:20.34muepI see no reason to wipe /home just because you are changing to a closely related OS
16:21.02muepmostly I would consider doing it when changing to something vastly different or when downgrading
16:21.04BluesKajmuep, well it's debiuan stretch
16:22.04muepah ok, then you might take the same precautions as when downgrading, because some program versions in jessie might get confused when you give them config files of their future versions
16:22.21muepbut even then it depends a bit on what software you use
16:26.09BluesKajpretty ordinary , mainly this pc is used as a media server with kodi and vlc the main palyers and I normally purge pulse audio since intel is the audio chip. as long as alsa-base and utils work ok audiowise , then I think it'll be fine
16:27.38BluesKajand openvpn and qbittorrent
16:29.22BluesKajnvidia 8400GS pci gpu , probly the 340 driver
16:32.45BluesKajis jessie in beta or is that an early release ?
16:34.38golinuxBluesKaj: Yes, beta2 but very stable.
16:34.55golinuxRC on its way
16:37.33BluesKajok , 9.1 Gb? what gives, why such a large image?
16:39.24wulllstBluesKaj: where are you trying to download from?
16:39.50wulllstBluesKaj: try this:
16:41.29BluesKajwulllst, yeah already got it ...netinstall looks good to me
16:48.32BluesKajI need to do a clean install for both / and /home since jessie uses plasma 4 and stretch is plasma 5 , the config files will be quite different methinks
16:50.42tomg2eh I would just try it, and if it doesn't work, delete your kde configs, or (move) all the configs if you feel like it
16:50.49tomg2it's likely to work fine
16:53.24BluesKajok , is there a choice like the debian installer to choose KDE over the default which I assume is Unity ?
16:54.20wulllstyou can choose between different desktop env. during installation
16:54.48wulllstthe devuan installer works "just like" the debian installer
16:54.55BluesKajok great, thanks wulllst
16:55.23muepmy impression is that davuan does not ship unity at all
16:55.29BluesKajok here goes , BBL
16:55.37muepfew distros apart from ubuntu du
16:55.57wulllstmuep: right. and the gnome option has been reported to be broken.
17:00.08*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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17:10.55*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
17:14.51*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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17:25.08*** join/#devuan sgage (
17:25.39sgagehi all
17:26.21sgagewullst, doesn't gnome now depend on systemd? So naturally the gnome option would be broken.
17:26.36sgageIt shouldn't even be offered as an option.
17:30.31wulllstsgage: ok, i didn't know that was the reason it was broken. but i think it would be pretty sane to drop gnome.
17:31.08sgageI agree - dropping gnome would be quite sane.
17:31.46muepmaybe for some value of gnome, but e.g. xfce also uses things that are part of gnome in some sense
17:33.39sgageI meant Gnome Shell as a full on DE. Lots of other DE's/WM's use bits of gnome. MATE does.
17:40.28furrywolfI use icewm.  I believe it is 100% gnome-free.
17:44.38sgageI'm sure icewm is 100% gnome-free! I love icewm - it was my main WM for many years.
17:45.28sgageMaybe I'll try it again for old time's sake :-)
17:45.41wulllstwell, icewm itself probably doesn't use any gnome bits, but try "dpkg -l *gnome*"
17:52.16sgageall kinds of gnome bits
17:52.26sgagein my MATE installation
17:53.24furrywolfwhat did you switch to instead of icewm?
17:57.56*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
17:58.19sgageMostly the original Gnome - used it and some KDE right up until Gnome 3. Tried to warm up to Gnome 3, but couldn't do it.
17:59.14sgageI had work to do besides customizing menus :-)
17:59.33furrywolfI don't like kde or gnome.  heh.
18:00.09furrywolfI like icewm, but sometimes other people need to use something I put together, and they're always "eww, what's this?  why is there nothing on the desktop?  whine whine whine"...
18:01.52sgageI never really liked kde - too fiddly. Gnome 2 was OK for a while. All the modern DE's are bloat monsters.
18:02.35sgageMATE is pretty nice, pretty smooth. I'm not kidding - maybe I'll try icewm again.
18:02.57DeFenderI hought KDE3 was pretty good. Sane defaults, customizable any way you wanted...
18:04.02furrywolfsane defaults, like a single click to open things, and crashing about as often as windows?  oh, wait, there's no option for the latter one...
18:05.03DeFenderfurrywolf, that's only the default if you select the option that sets that in the initial config wizard.
18:05.16DeFenderAnd I never had any problems with crashing frequently
18:05.41furrywolfI've alaways found kde to be slow, bloated, ugly, unstable, and in my way.
18:05.57DeFenderKDE 4 is.
18:08.30wulllstCDE is also freely available nowadays – just to menation (well, yes, it's kind of a joke, too)
18:09.21sgageI tend to agree with furrywolf. I just didn't like the aesthetics of it, nor the over-designed philosophy.
18:09.43DeFenderI can see I'm not going to win this one...
18:10.02furrywolfthe job of software is to help me get things done.  this means it should be as little in the way as possible.
18:10.53DeFenderI'm just not sure how you think it was "in the way"
18:11.20sgageAgain, fw, I agree - You look at Gnome 3/KDE 5/Windows 10/OSX/etc., and they all want to be the star of the show.
18:11.30muepI think people just use it as a shorthand for "operates differently from how I like"
18:11.35wulllstit seems putting together a desktop environment that is usable and sane has become more difficult on linux recently.
18:12.04sgageOh so modern and 'integrated' with all your favorite "social" media.
18:13.00sgagemuep: a lot of it simple personal aesthetics and work flow, yes.
18:13.56muepe.g. I mostly consider gnome to succeed in staying out of my way
18:14.58wulllsttalking about desktop environments, will there be a package for mdm (mate/mint display manager) in devuan ascii?
18:16.29furrywolfbbl, helping someone with plumbing
18:16.51fsmithredwulllst, is it in debian repos?
18:17.29wulllstfsmithred: not that i know of. at least not as "mdm"
18:17.49fsmithredthen it's not likely
18:18.06fsmithredunless some of the folks working on mate do it
18:20.32*** join/#devuan sgage (
18:21.06wulllstfsmithred: sad. i mean, you could use slim instead of lightdm (which i don't like). but afaik development has stopped a while ago.
18:21.21wulllsti mean slim development
18:22.21wulllstbut, interestingly, wikioedia tells me: "As of September, 2016, GhostBSD 10.3 replaced GDM with SLiM."
18:23.26Lieke_there's also lxdm
18:24.19wulllstLieke_: ok, just discovered that there's a package for it in testing. nice.
18:25.11*** join/#devuan sgage (
18:26.34sgageOK, here I am, coming to you from glorious icewm... wow, is it snappy!
18:27.13fsmithredyeah, nothing wasted there
18:43.25*** join/#devuan menip (
18:49.21*** part/#devuan wulllst (
18:52.07DocScrutinizer05>>crashing about as often as windows<< can't comment on that since I don't know how often windows crashes (don't use it basically), but it seems to insinuate KDE crashes frequently which I can't really confirm
18:52.31DocScrutinizer05it sucks in a multitude of ways but it's for sure not constantly crashing
18:53.45*** join/#devuan aitor (
18:53.58fsmithredhi aitor
18:54.25DocScrutinizer05KDE4 that is
18:55.54*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:56.32aitorDocScrutinizer05: you are in the maemo project...
18:59.43aitormore people are involved: Pali, freemangordon...
19:00.06aitorwhich is the priority in maemo?
19:00.23aitorQt, Gtk, Gtkmm?
19:02.02aitorperhaps this is a question for the maemo forum
19:08.47DocScrutinizer05aitor: /join #maemo
19:10.09aitorok, i'm suscribed in the forum, but not in the irc, thanks
19:10.54DocScrutinizer05aitor: I'd nevertheless try to answer your question - alas it's too unspecific
19:11.31DocScrutinizer05hildon desktop is gtk iirc. A lot of apps are Qt
19:12.05aitorok, thanks
19:12.42*** join/#devuan Chanku (
19:14.22*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:17.24aitorthere is also a maemomm
19:19.09aitorneed to go, see you :)
19:26.15*** join/#devuan BluesKaj (~Blues@unaffiliated/blueskaj)
19:27.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:32.19BluesKajok , Devuan installed successfully without much trouble, even most of my bashrc aliases were saved
19:36.44golinuxBluesKaj: Congrats!
19:44.12BluesKajgolinux: thanks  :-)
19:55.36XenguyBluesKaj: Which DE did you end up using?
19:58.07BluesKajXenguy:  kde/plasma
19:58.23BluesKajbeen a kde guy for many yrs
19:59.12XenguyI wasn't sure whether kde would be too encumbered by systemd
19:59.39XenguyIt sounds like Gnome is (excuse me just one sec)
19:59.47Xenguystabs Gnome to death...
19:59.58Xenguyback, there, where were we
20:00.03*** join/#devuan Drugo (
20:00.33XenguySo good to know KDE is an option
20:01.06XenguyI find KDE too busy for me personally, but some people really enjoy extreme configurability, so I get it
20:05.49BluesKajXenguy:  never found it too busy , but gnome and uniy don't have the features and the 'look" that I prefer...must admit I'm an old windows guy who liked the DE familiarity that KDE gave me back in 2004
20:09.33XenguyI suppose "busy" is a vague term really.  What I mean is, I don't like countless configuration options, and that was my experience of KDE, when I played with it.  Other than that, it seems like a very competent DE
20:09.39sirixgood morning folks
20:16.33MinceRit used to be very competent
20:16.37MinceRthen 4.0 happened
20:17.38XenguySounds analagous to Gnome3 ?
20:19.39MinceRexcept gnome2 already sucked
20:20.40Xenguyheh, I liked G2, which is why I chose MATE when I first installed Devuan
20:22.31BluesKajhmm, missing GTK settings in system settings>application appearance...there's fix tho iirc
20:31.33BluesKajok kde-config-gtk-style app was in the repos , .puurfect for FF and chrome
20:44.08*** join/#devuan noordinaryspider (
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20:51.57MinceRgnome1 was a lot better
20:52.03MinceRit was a copy of kde with extra features
20:52.13MinceRgnome2 was a copy of macos, including the braindead apple HIG
20:52.28XenguyWhat's HIG?
20:52.31MinceR"look how cool we are, we can randomize the order of buttons in your dialog boxes!"
20:52.34MinceRhuman interface guidelines
20:52.54buZzoooo we have those books
20:52.57buZzthe apple ones
20:53.27Xenguyhuh, well AFAIK MATE is base on Gnome version 2, and if so, that's what I like :)
20:53.44*** join/#devuan fleeky (
20:53.52buZzits a fork yeah
20:54.05buZznot based-on :P (as in, a copy, not inspiration)
20:54.57XenguyI'm gonna have to go ahead and assert that fork implies based upon ;)
20:55.09buZzfork means direct copy
20:55.19buZzto continue development on
20:55.43XenguyWe're splitting hairs here IMO, but fine, I don't disagree
20:55.57BluesKajavoids semantic debates
20:56.16buZzi never saw a need for a desktop manager, opposed to a window manager
20:56.29*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
20:56.48buZzs/manager/environment/ i guess ;)
20:57.32XenguyI've used lots of WM, and the only advantage of a DE is certain more advanced features, at the cost of more bloat
20:57.47XenguyI'd actually like to try a tiling WM sometime, like i3
20:58.17buZzi tried ion1 back in the day, but i just like throwing windows around too much
20:58.38buZzif i want a fullscreen terminal i just do alt-f1 alt-f11
21:00.15XenguyTime to run some errands, while the sun still shines
21:00.22Xenguyhave fun
21:02.07BluesKajhmm, looking for a repos/source that has the nvidia-340 driver for my 8400GS
21:03.04BluesKajit's a legacy card now , but it still works on debian-jessie
21:12.20*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
21:19.10buZz oooo
21:19.15buZz> DebiaN900 - A set of scripts to facilitate the installation of Devuan or Debian GNU/Linux on the Nokia N900
21:21.14*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
21:23.06*** join/#devuan BluesKaj (~Blues@unaffiliated/blueskaj)
21:27.19BluesKajok found nvidia-detect, and installed dkms (surprised it's not default) then the 340 driver and nvidia-xconfig
21:27.49BluesKajstuff to do ...BBL
21:31.04*** join/#devuan noordinaryspider (
21:37.14BluesKajhad to add contrib non-free to jessie main(s) in sources.list
21:38.22*** join/#devuan rrq (
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22:52.58*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
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23:15.35*** join/#devuan scartozzo (
23:53.52*** join/#devuan dardevelin__ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)

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