IRC log for #devuan on 20170224

00:04.54*** join/#devuan gci_admin (
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00:35.40*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
01:04.34sedroskenIs Devuan considered stable for general use yet? I don't want to try it out and be surprised when things don't work as they should
01:05.57sedroskenI notice it's still considered a beta, should I bother using it beyond basic testing?
01:08.42furrywolfit generally works fine.  gnome is the only thing I've heard of having issues lately...  and gnome itself counts as an issue, so no big loss.
01:09.30sedroskenCoolio! I plan on using MATE, myself, so that's good.
01:10.33sedroskenI'm on XFCE4 Arch-OpenRC and I'm getting tired of my update process breaking because I'm running an unsuppoorted config.
01:11.03sedroskenAnd as much as I like XFCE, I like MATE a bit better. Shame Marco doesn't do quarter tiling, else it'd be perfect in my eyes.
01:11.49fsmithredyou may need to do some tweaking for mate
01:13.31golinuxYeah, it's a WIP.
01:15.32golinuxWork In Progress
01:17.33fsmithredthe beta label is mostly because of some details in the installer
01:17.51fsmithredonce you get it installed, it's very stable
01:18.08fsmithreddebian without systemd
01:19.04*** join/#devuan k1llz0mb13s (~zombieali@unaffiliated/zombiealive)
01:19.17fsmithredbut I've only used xfce or plain old window managers
01:19.52fsmithredoh, and TDE in exegnulinux
01:44.41DocScrutinizer05!wtf wip
01:45.37DocScrutinizer05!what is wip
01:45.37infobotit has been said that wip is "Work In Progress"
01:48.53DocScrutinizer05also working: a mere "!wip" - but I forgot the bot is a useless PITA
01:51.36*** join/#devuan menip (
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01:53.58DocScrutinizer05sedrosken: there's a sufficient number of reports about devuan working great on servers in productive use. For desktop the impact of systemd-free is more noticeable since a lot of stuff already doesn't work anymore without that cancer. Notorious troublemakers: most desktop environments and network managers and udev and related stuff
01:54.38sedroskenOh don't I know it... getting proper power management in XFCE4 under openrc is a major pain
01:54.58sedroskenand since this is a thinkpad most of the "standard" ways don't work properly
01:55.15sedroskenxbacklight works fine on my cloudbook, but does absolutely nothing on here
01:56.11sedroskenI may just try to find a command line tool to control brightness on here and then just use a WM with a panel
01:56.27sedroskenIceWM is older than the hills but it works just dandy on my cloudbook
01:56.45sedroskenunfortunately it doesn't do quarter tiling very easily
02:07.33Centurion_Dansedrosken: I think thinkpads have a special kernel module and package to get the interfaces set up.... of course I could be way off because I've never had one...
02:07.56sedroskenI know I'm certainly not buying one again. Not worth the hassle.
02:08.09sedroskenEspecially as the quality seems to get worse and worse.
02:09.06sedroskenI'm actually afraid to use my T450 like a real laptop, instead I have it tethered to a monitor and usb hub. I'm much more comfortable using my Cloudbook out in the world.
02:09.41sedroskenMy cloudbook has its share of problems as well, dont get me wrong
02:10.00sedroskenI have to pass certain parameters to the kernel to so much as boot.
02:10.32sedroskenedd=off, noapic, modprobe.blacklist=pinctrl_cherryview
02:11.17sedroskenwith edd on it hangs, with apic on it kernel panics, and without that module blacklisted xorg freezes every few hours and is in general unstable, and i dont have proper power management
02:11.52sedroskenbut at least it responds to standard system calls in regards to power control
02:14.27sedroskenoh, and I have to use an LTS kernel or it'll sometimes hang while loading the initial ram filesystem\
02:36.11*** join/#devuan fleeky (
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08:08.51DocScrutinizer05freaking $!!#@?&&!!!  trying to dual-boot install linux on a tablet (Dual core Intel Core m5-6Y54) with UEFI and Win10. A nightmare. Any hints welcome
08:09.46DocScrutinizer05particularly since I can't tell which I hate more and know less: windows10 or UEFI
08:12.05*** join/#devuan ltem (
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08:18.27*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
08:28.54zdzichuwhat's the problem? the same sheningans recently described on LWN, with TPM state being modified by grub?
08:33.13*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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12:13.36nullmarkI try to install devuan on a very old laptop via netboot. but the current netboot images are to big (it has only 256mb of ram). Are there any smaller images available? Or could i build some?
12:13.55nullmarkIt should be somehow possible, the images from the alpha where much smaller
12:16.56*** join/#devuan Akuli (
12:18.43jaromilnullmark: try the devuan minimal live
12:19.22jaromilrequires 64mb to run but has no graphical environment
12:19.52KatolaZand in theory could be "installed" though the installation is experimental atm
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12:40.02nullmarkI could probably use deboostrap from it?
12:40.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
12:40.56nullmarkAnd thank you, quite awesome :)
12:45.22KatolaZnullmark: no need
12:45.35KatolaZyou can use refractainstaller to replicate the system on a hd
12:46.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
12:46.41nullmarkAh, nice. I will try that :)
12:46.44nullmarkThank you
12:47.01KatolaZminimal documentation is to be found at
12:47.04nullmarkI guess its a tool from the Refracta distribution?
12:47.18KatolaZthat version is still using tools from refracta
12:47.28KatolaZthe next one will be based on the new Devuan SDK
12:48.13nullmarkI will have an eye on that, small distributions always come in handy :)
12:48.22KatolaZit's pretty minimal but useful ;)
12:48.25KatolaZat least to me :D
12:49.10KatolaZnullmark: BTW, any feedback will be welcome
12:49.44nullmarkI will try it this weekend, if i forget ask me monday :)
12:50.07KatolaZno pressure
12:50.21KatolaZhacking is about having fun
12:51.11nullmarkTrue :)
12:57.00*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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14:48.01fsmithrednullmark, 256MB should be more than enough to run the installer from any of the isos. It's not enough to run a full desktop comfortably, so you would be better off just installing without the desktop and add a window manager afterward.
14:48.33fsmithredKatolaZ's mini live would be a faster install, though.
14:52.40nullmarkfsmithred: Well, the installer will probably run fine. But i try a netboot. The iso is alone bigger than my available memory. That wont work :)
14:53.52fsmithredthat doesn't make sense
14:54.01fsmithredthe whole iso does not need to go into memory
14:54.41fsmithredyou just need enough to run the installer
14:56.12KatolaZnullmark: the minimal like requires only 64 MB of ram to boot
14:56.21KatolaZyou don't need more than that
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15:05.18nullmarkfsmithred: I dont know of any other way to boot a iso over network. The image is loaded into ram and then bootet.
15:06.04fsmithredoh, you can't put the iso on a CD or usb flash drive?
15:06.50fsmithredoh, that makes things difficult
15:07.28nullmarkThe machine cant boot of usb (other than usb floppy), and has no drive. I have a dock that can be fittet with a drive, but that has a proprietary connector and i dont have one.
15:08.01fsmithredcan you pull the hard drive out and connect it to another machine?
15:08.10nullmarklikes old, weird laptops
15:08.18fsmithredyeah, I get it
15:08.44fsmithredI helped someone install refracta on an old PIII laptop.
15:08.53nullmarkThat would work, but i think KatolaZ image should work too. I need a small image anyway.
15:09.01fsmithredwe were able to boot from usb, because he had installed plop bootloader on the hard drive
15:09.13nullmarkOh, thats a nice idea too
15:09.48fsmithredyeah, unfortunately, I let grub install and blew away his nice bootloader
15:10.04fsmithreddon't do that
15:10.47nullmarkI guess one could boot plop via network
15:10.48KatolaZnullmark: I am currently working also on a micro live image
15:10.58KatolaZwhich would fit in half the space of the current minimal
15:11.08nullmarkThat would be awesome :)
15:11.08KatolaZand still require 64MB to boot
15:11.12telst4rI usually do a tftp boot or -netinstall booted over grub
15:11.38KatolaZyep, but I haven't had much time to work on it lately
15:11.50KatolaZit will become real, for sure
15:11.59KatolaZit's just a matter of time :)
15:12.06fsmithredthe mini iso is isohybrid, so you could dd it to a usb
15:12.23*** join/#devuan peetaur (
15:13.09nullmarkI have no idea how such images are made for devuan (or debian). Is there some kind of howto?
15:13.33fsmithredthe mini was made with a modified version of refractasnapshot
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15:13.43fsmithredthe official isos... I'm not sure how those are made.
15:13.43parazydfwiw there is live-sdk
15:14.14fsmithredthat's ready for mere mortals to try?
15:14.50parazydall of the sdks are
15:14.58fsmithredcool, I'm reading now
15:15.02fsmithredwill try it soon
15:15.11parazydping me if you need help with anything
15:15.59fsmithredis there a way to make a custom package list?
15:16.49parazydyeah see the config file
15:17.02parazydif you only need packages you can edit there, otherwise i suggest making a blend
15:17.07jaromilwasn't there a neat documentation page?
15:17.16parazydonly for libdevuansdk
15:17.24parazydthat's more for devs than users
15:17.30jaromilack nvm. i'll be going through your work more next week
15:17.42parazydoh i almost forgot
15:18.02*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@
15:18.26fsmithredadd to the extra_packages line, or will it take multiple lines?
15:18.39parazydit's an array
15:18.52parazydso you can add more of "extra_packages+=(foo bar"
15:18.55fsmithredlooks like a really small image
15:19.08parazydabout 200mb-ish
15:19.28fsmithredjust the base system, or does it include standard system utilities?
15:19.56parazydone sec
15:20.35parazydhere's a sensible-default package list:
15:20.47parazydand then you have the extras
15:21.47*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
15:25.57DocScrutinizer05zdzichu: **systemd-boot.**  **HEADDESK** _facepalm_
15:26.58DocScrutinizer05zdzichu: otherwise to the point, yes
15:28.06DocScrutinizer05the real root problem is: I never used UEFI so far, it's a stinking monster pile of elephant shit
15:29.06parazydDocScrutinizer05: i removed it from my laptop :D
15:29.29DocScrutinizer05all my systems so far had an option to disable UEFI, they also had no preinstalled windows which I planned to keep, and all had a optival drive to boot from (though this is the least problem with matebook, since it can boot from externally attaches USB devices)
15:30.10muepproprietary firmware doing whatever it pleases and then loading an OS from first sector of hard disk is better than proprietary firmware doing whatever it pleases and then loading an OS from a file on vfat?
15:31.31muepin both cases, the proprietary firmware can usually also set itself up to run alongside the OS that it has booted
15:32.32zdzichuas I understand, shim should be able to boot kernel directly, without systemd-boot middleman
15:33.26DocScrutinizer05the screaming irony: it seems the matebook boots OS from plugged in USB memstick without even holding a key or changing a single setting in BIOS. Just installing linux internally as dualboot is almost a mission inpossible
15:34.14muepI'd guess the shim bootloader can load any other UEFI bootloader or a kernel that has been set up to also be directly UEFI bootable
15:34.20DocScrutinizer05muses about runing linux in a VM under win10
15:36.08*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:36.33DocScrutinizer05still a PITA to have a windoof running (and snooping) as wraper around linux all the time, but at least all the hw would still be supported optimally, even down to the fingerprint reader. And no nightmare with UEFI and dualboot
15:37.03*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
15:38.31DocScrutinizer05is there still loadin?
15:38.45DocScrutinizer05loadlin, sorry
15:39.54DocScrutinizer05MEH! >>loadlin is a Linux boot loader that runs under DOS or Microsoft Windows ***(95, 98 or Me only)***. It allows the Linux system to load and replace the running DOS/Windows without altering existing DOS/Windows system files.<<
15:41.23DocScrutinizer05wait, wasn't there new Linux support under windows now?
15:42.02DocScrutinizer05prolly not to the point where a kexec would work, eh?
15:44.39parazydno you just had bash iirc
15:45.46*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
15:50.17KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: you can always use cygwin...
15:50.29DocScrutinizer05not an option
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15:50.45parazydwhat about qubes?
15:51.01DocScrutinizer05no idea
15:51.12DocScrutinizer05isn't that an OS?
15:51.12parazydtry that
15:51.34MinceRqubes is infected with cancerd
15:52.48DocScrutinizer05the problem is NOT to install linux, the problem is to not nuking win10 while installing whatever primary better OS I'd use on that tablet
15:53.42KatolaZah ok
15:54.07KatolaZI normally just wipe windows out, since 1999
15:54.11DocScrutinizer05that shit tables cost 1k, I wouldn't want to brick it
15:54.30KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: ?
15:54.31*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
15:54.44KatolaZyou don't need to keep windows
15:54.55KatolaZeven if the machine uses UEFI, AFAIK
15:55.36fsmithredpretty sure loadlin just reboots your compuer into linux
15:55.47DocScrutinizer05I don't _need_ to, but I _want_ to, since nobody can guarantee that every peripjeral in that tablet will just work under whatever linux distro
15:55.51fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, have you read this?
15:57.15DocScrutinizer05I've read and
15:57.50DocScrutinizer05read that and weep
15:58.32DocScrutinizer05particularly >>Step 4: Install Ubuntu first<< in the latter, which is exactly what I seem to not be allowed to do
15:59.46fsmithredrodsbooks will give you the background information to install, maybe without nuking anything else
16:00.03fsmithredbut good that you have info specific to your hardware, because uefi is not uefi
16:00.16fsmithredit's whatever the fsck the manufacturer decides to do
16:03.53fsmithredwhat happens when you try to install?
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16:05.27fsmithreddjinnsour does not know how to measure a display
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16:08.35DocScrutinizer05alas this isn't for my hardware, it's for HP
16:08.58fsmithredoh, HP laptops can be a problem with uefi
16:09.20fsmithrededbarx posted his experience on dev1galaxy
16:09.26DocScrutinizer05HP Pavilion Touchsmart notebook
16:09.57DocScrutinizer05mine is Huawei Matebook M5
16:10.04fsmithredhis was probook
16:11.00DocScrutinizer05a lot of the info from that HP Pavilion Touchsmart notebook askubuntu is generic though
16:11.27fsmithredcat you boot install media or live media on it?
16:11.33DocScrutinizer05or rather: about windows and generic UEFI issues
16:12.07fsmithredand there is free space (unpartitioned) on the hard drive?
16:12.14DocScrutinizer05see - he did exactly that, without any issue as I read it
16:12.36DocScrutinizer05of course not, and I have no win10 install disk or keys
16:13.20fsmithredI don't know if it's changed, but you used to be able to boot into windows, run the partitioner, and shrink the windows partition
16:13.34DocScrutinizer05(a killer PITA in itself, WTF?!)
16:13.50fsmithredno, it's pretty easy
16:14.01DocScrutinizer05yes, the instructions above tell you can do this
16:14.05fsmithredat least it was in vista and 7
16:14.40fsmithredthen boot into linux, make a linux partition and install the system
16:14.49fsmithredthen you get a choice of installing bootloader or not
16:15.02DocScrutinizer05RMB in "system" on 'computer' or whatever, menu item "shrink disk" - ROTFL
16:15.07fsmithredif you do, it takes over the boot. I have not done uefi install with windows installed. All linux here.
16:15.44DocScrutinizer05when I install GRUB, windows is fucked
16:15.56DocScrutinizer05not meybe, definitely
16:16.04fsmithredyou could boot linux from the windows bootloader
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16:16.18fsmithredsomething with bcedit or something like that
16:16.28DocScrutinizer05that sounds like a plan
16:16.34fsmithredhang on
16:19.43DocScrutinizer05(win7) that would be almost bearable, I got a 7 ultimate on the one dedicated win PC I need for the inevitable occasional wontdow task
16:20.03DocScrutinizer05that box is named LosePC
16:20.25DocScrutinizer05lemme try
16:21.23fsmithredbcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path "\EFI\debian\grub64.efi"
16:21.43fsmithredfor example ^^^
16:22.10fsmithreduh, I see a problem with that method
16:22.38fsmithredinstructing windows to use the linux efi bootloader requires a linux efi bootloader
16:22.49fsmithredand if you install grub, it takes over the boot
16:24.49fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, two more ideas...
16:25.15fsmithred1. don't install bootloader, but put one on usb to boot the linux partition on hard disk
16:25.29fsmithred2. just run a live-usb
16:25.55*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:26.42DocScrutinizer05\o/ bcdedit exists
16:27.39DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: those two ideas are both not what I want, I'd always need an adapter cable and USB memstick to boot the system
16:28.34fsmithredmaybe make a dd backup of the hard drive before you do anything
16:29.05DocScrutinizer05anyway, thanks for now. This is a low prio project that needs to wait a few more hours or days
16:29.26DocScrutinizer05I kept notices and will come back to you eventually
16:29.41fsmithredlol, I've been working on a uefi live-installer since June, and I'm deliberately being slow about it
16:30.33DocScrutinizer05anyway the matebook itself is excellent hw
16:30.52DocScrutinizer05now if only it had an excellent OS
16:30.54fsmithredyou running xubuntu or devuan?
16:31.01fsmithredok, you answered
16:31.21fsmithredoh, you didn't do any linux on that?
16:31.39DocScrutinizer05not yet, this is what all the fuzz above was all avout
16:31.54DocScrutinizer05this device is 48h old
16:32.19DocScrutinizer05and also 48h since I first touched win10 in my life
16:32.47DocScrutinizer05it's not as bad as I expected, but still absolutely unbearable
16:32.53fsmithredwe need the names of all individuals with whom you've had contact since touching 10
16:33.16DocScrutinizer05that's simple, I send you a tarball of my IRC logs
16:33.37fsmithreddamn, that's a lot of people to quarantine
16:34.13DocScrutinizer05well, I feel like I first should have a looong shower ;-)
16:34.40DocScrutinizer05the decontamination type of shower
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22:23.44AlexLikeRockhi guys
22:23.51AlexLikeRocki need  help
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22:24.28AlexLikeRocki cant not  WRITE
22:25.28AlexLikeRockand externa HDD   not mount  ( ntfs )
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22:43.00AlexLikeRockwhat its difference  of  FUSE  and AFUSE ?
22:43.10AlexLikeRockneed install both ?
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