IRC log for #devuan on 20170213

00:09.17*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:17.41*** join/#devuan fleeky__ (
00:29.49*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
00:31.51*** join/#devuan rah (
00:54.28ol1garchyevening gents, how is everyone doing?
00:56.16Xenguydoing alright, you?
00:57.41ol1garchyCould be better, cmake is using an outdated version of clang and I can't get it working so I guess I can't have polybar..
00:58.27XenguyI've been exploring pandoc a bit, and looking at some JS tutorials
01:00.40XenguyBTW I've been meaning to ask:  has anyone here done a Debian Wheezy -> Devuan Jessie online upgrade, and if so, were there any hiccups along the way?
01:00.54Xenguypolls... ^^^
01:02.35*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
01:07.38fsmithredwheezy to devuan jessie can be easy or difficult, depending on how much gnome stuff is installed
01:08.15fsmithredI've installed a minimal wheezy and upgraded, and there were no issues. Easier than going to debian jessie.
01:08.49XenguyI started to avoid Gnome with the advent of version 3.  Basically I switched the DE to LXDE, so hopefully that will help.
01:09.43XenguyYeah that was one of my questions:  should I go directly from Debian Wheezy -> Devuan Jessie...
01:09.43*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:10.12Xenguyor instead go Deb Wheezy -> Deb Jessie --> Devuan Jessie
01:10.20XenguyThe latter seems rather convoluted
01:10.32fsmithredI would not do that
01:10.46XenguySo was hoping I could just kick out the jams and do the direct version upgrade from Debian to Devuan
01:10.46fsmithredI think it would be a lot more difficult
01:11.08XenguyYeah it seems a bad idea
01:11.29fsmithredyou'd end up changing the init system twice
01:11.32XenguyBesides going to Deb Jessie would infect things with systemd I suppose
01:11.39fsmithredinstead of just upgrading the same one
01:12.17XenguyOK, well I look forward to any and all trip reports from any folks here who've crossed that bridge...
01:12.35XenguyI have to do further research too before migrating
01:13.04Xenguytx fsmithred for the feedback
01:17.33*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
01:17.34fsmithredcheck dng mailing list for reports about upgrades
01:17.50fsmithredpretty sure there have been a few in the past year
01:18.09fsmithredand dev1fanboy's upgrade guide
01:18.10*** join/#devuan zjason (
01:18.36XenguyOK, appreciate the pointers (I assume the mailing lists are archived somewhere)
01:19.15Xenguynice, tx
01:21.46*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
01:21.58*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@
01:21.58*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
01:23.18*** join/#devuan TorC (~TorC@fsf/member/TorC)
01:34.57Xenguytx fsmithred , my cup runneth over
01:41.54Xenguyfsmithred: Looks very good; when I am ready for this migration I'll likely follow this path, but try installing MATE instead of XFCE.
01:43.14XenguyLooks like shorewall is still part of debian/devuan, so that's good/crucial
01:44.04fsmithred99% of the packages are unchanged from debian
01:44.06XenguyI anticipate some shorewall housekeeping, as they seem fond of requiring changes when upgrading
01:44.46fsmithredthere are notes about mate at and at
01:44.52XenguyAnyhow, looks quite doable AFAICT
01:45.04fsmithredyeah, it is.
01:45.06XenguyThanks again
01:48.44*** join/#devuan amphi (
02:04.29*** join/#devuan lantw44 (
02:11.02*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:18.28*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:48.52*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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03:15.56*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:49.59*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
03:54.18*** join/#devuan davec_ (
03:59.27AlexLikeRockMATE its more  update
03:59.32AlexLikeRockthan XFCE
04:39.02dog_mate on devuan ? that sound like trouble
04:39.27dog_AlexLikeRock: you probably meant "more modern"?
04:39.47AlexLikeRockits more  active
04:40.00AlexLikeRockresolven bugs  too faster
04:40.39dog_well , afaik , it's not in the main devuan tree , but you can get it installed
04:41.18dog_but mate is heavily dependent on gnome , so I can see trouble there
04:55.55*** part/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
05:01.18*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
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05:27.13*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:31.16*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
05:46.56*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
06:06.39*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:58.02*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
07:00.46*** join/#devuan peetaur (
07:08.22*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
07:10.09*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:17.48*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
07:42.47*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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08:31.23*** join/#devuan mtsd (4d6e3d64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:01.27*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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09:27.59*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
09:30.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:41.16*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
09:45.23HestbenGood morning
09:45.35HestbenDocScrutinizer05: Nice welcome from the US
09:45.53HestbenDocScrutinizer05: Oh, you forgot your login credentials, you cannot enter this country
09:56.45DocScrutinizer05Hestben: I wonder how they will decide which accounts they ask the passwords for from me
09:57.34DocScrutinizer05e.g. I have no farcebook account at all, do I need to create one so I can share the credentials to homeland security
09:58.12HestbenDocScrutinizer05: Well, the article only says they will check people from the 7 countries targeted. Are you a citizen of any of them? But, I guess they would probably want to expand it to all travelers in the future.
09:58.21DocScrutinizer05then otoh I have a server, and I wonder how they ever will tell
09:59.00DocScrutinizer05the article also suspects it won't take long until this practice will spread to more than those 7
10:00.13*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
10:01.26HestbenDocScrutinizer05: I fear that too
10:01.55DocScrutinizer05anyway "  ssh -i <( grep -a -A99 begin ~/pictures/goatse.jpg | uudecode)" (note the space at start of line, stopping log in .bash_history)
10:02.19HestbenMaybe this is a more of an debianofftopic topic
10:03.21DocScrutinizer05ssh? really?
10:04.32DocScrutinizer05though not exactly devuan specific, it at least shows nicely why you prefer a linux distro on your smartphone over anything else
10:05.15DocScrutinizer05wget -O -|grep -a -A99 begin |uudecode    ;;#
10:07.18DocScrutinizer05of course I don't suggest to publish your private key on wstaw,org, but hiding it in a jpg on your device for sure is an alternative, so you don't give away you got an account and a password to unlock the privkey
10:07.37HestbenDocScrutinizer05: Sorry, meant the previous topic ;)
10:08.26DocScrutinizer05hmm, for me the two are related, I started pondering when I read about US customs asking for my passwords
10:08.37HestbenThat is an intriguing idea to use an jpeg as key-file.
10:09.20HestbenOn that topic, you can be detained for 6 months if you refuse to give out encryption keys for any storage device you bring into the UK
10:09.48HestbenThus, if you forget your password, you could be jailed entering the UK
10:10.04DocScrutinizer05yeah, but they can't force you to explain to them where to look for data ;-)
10:11.26Hestbenplausible deniability is an interesting topic as well.
10:11.42DocScrutinizer05yes, very important
10:12.11HestbenUsing hidden volumes and stuff. I guess it would be very hard to implement a really rigorous encryption behaviour
10:12.37HestbenI am happy I don't have any government after me (not that I know of anyway)
10:14.30DocScrutinizer05apropos, loosely related:  alias uhls=':(){ echo `readlink -f $1`; mkdir /tmp/uh && mount --bind / /tmp/uh && pushd /tmp/uh && ls -lR `readlink -f $1` && popd && umount /tmp/uh && rmdir /tmp/uh; };:'
10:16.07*** join/#devuan Drugo (
10:16.22DocScrutinizer05for those nasty files hidden under a mountpoint
10:17.00DocScrutinizer05uh like unhide
10:33.41DocScrutinizer05((intriguing idea to use an jpeg)) the particularly nice part is that it still works as a jpg picture, and you can't simply deduce the 'correct' filesize from resolution etc thanks to jpg compression. So anything atached is relatively unlikely to cause an eyebrow rise when somebody looks at it
10:35.20HestbenYeah, another interesting technique is steganography.
10:35.50HestbenBut that is for when you send information to other parties.
10:38.40DocScrutinizer05yeah, and you need tools to decode/reveal data, which may cause above mentioned eyebrow to rise
10:39.26HestbenAnyway, there was a very sophisticated javascript attack I heard about last autumn, where a picture was downloaded from a third party site, that didn't raise any eyebrows from AV software, but included in the picture was a stenographically encoded encrypted binare malware that was decrypted and then executed.
10:39.48DocScrutinizer05ssh and busybox are both not very suspicious, so ssh -i <( grep -a -A99 begin ~/pictures/goatse.jpg | uudecode)  isn't introducing problems in that regard
10:40.43DocScrutinizer05hmm, you'd need the decryption and execution stub though for such attack
10:41.12DocScrutinizer05javascript, hmmm
10:41.24HestbenDocScrutinizer05: I don't remember the details, but it was really working
10:41.48HestbenAgainst such attacks, we're really f*cked.
10:42.12DocScrutinizer05unless you sandbox your browser and forbid friggin JS
10:43.19dethaSomeone's rant the other day: 'A browser is for displaying things, it is not a VM host'
10:45.53*** join/#devuan kraiskil (~kraiskil@
10:52.17*** join/#devuan Andrea993_ (
11:01.05*** join/#devuan syco_ (~mike@2a02:a03f:1c5a:2000:99b2:6d08:4e3e:9454)
11:28.55DocScrutinizer05to the point :-D
11:30.59DocScrutinizer05alas even devuan git needs JS enabled or forget about it :-S
11:32.06DocScrutinizer05and to makie matters worse, for no obvious benefit
11:35.49*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
11:47.57*** join/#devuan firegarden (
12:01.14jaromilDocScrutinizer05: we are very open to suggestions as more than one of us are contemplating alternative solutions. Centurion_Dan mentioned to scale down to a minimal approach adopting gitolite at the core of the infra and building upon it, I'm also curious about gogs (does that requires js?)
12:01.53DocScrutinizer05jaromil: sorry, total git noob here
12:03.13DocScrutinizer05jaromil: did you see my note about broken / missing links?
12:03.58DocScrutinizer05[2017-02-12 Sun 05:48:02] <DocScrutinizer05> also but obviously with broken links
12:05.06jaromili see it now. may I ask what prevents you from fixing it yourself? we need to build "journeys" to enable people contribute.
12:06.00DocScrutinizer05umm, I have no clue where to those links should point. Also I don't think I could edit that page, technically
12:07.00DocScrutinizer05maybe they are not even meant to be links but rather headlines which just miss the body text. No idea
12:09.50jaromilwell I'm just leaving the mention now, if anyone likes to (meta-)contribute, a document about contributors-journeys in devuan at this stage would be really good, so we can understand what needs improving
12:12.25jaromilbelieves devuan's documentation should be organised in "journeys"
12:12.29*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
12:28.19*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
12:29.46*** join/#devuan Keziolio (~quassel@
12:29.46*** join/#devuan Keziolio (~quassel@fsf/member/Keziolio)
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13:33.13*** join/#devuan Weeezy (Elite18779@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-rdezpiuujoteqajb)
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13:55.20*** join/#devuan BluRaf (
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14:21.16HestbenDocScrutinizer05: It looks like the FAQ comes from this forum thread:
14:21.52HestbenIt looks like you as a user can edit it, when you have reached user level authority
14:29.27HestbenBut it looks like the thread is closed, or requires higher privileges than I have to post a reply in the thread.
14:29.52Hestbenhellekin: What is the supposed way to contribute to the FAQ?
14:30.25HestbenSpecifically, to suggest where answers can be found, so that the FAQ links to answers.
14:45.39*** join/#devuan snux (
15:01.48*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
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16:35.06hellekinHestben: answers are found on the site, if they're not there, nobody contributed to them.
16:35.52*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:36.04*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:40.46Hestbenhellekin: Yes, there are some answers already, but the FAQ does not link to any of the answers yet.
16:41.17hellekinthen the answers are not there.
16:41.43hellekinHestben: context URL?
16:42.43HestbenI'm guessing that is the official faq-page?
16:46.55*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
16:47.09hellekinyes, and as I said if the answers are not there it's because nobody answered them
16:51.11*** join/#devuan athidhep (~afoakf@unaffiliated/athidhep)
16:52.18*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:01.04*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
17:13.19*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan1 (
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18:29.51*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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18:49.52*** join/#devuan BluRaf (
18:58.33*** join/#devuan rhyDev (~rhy@
18:58.46rhyDevJust here to confirm the beta2 DVD works as expected.  :D
18:58.52rhyDevbeta1 was KILLING me.
18:59.09Hestbenhellekin: Yes, but I thought we should link to the answers from the FAQ-page.
18:59.21rhyDevIs there a reason beta2 isn't showing MATE as a desktop option?!?!?
18:59.33rhyDevIs it because I installed from DVD with no mirror?
19:00.44HestbenrhyDev: I'm not sure MATE is an option without tinkering
19:02.27rhyDevThat's a pretty rough regression if so.
19:02.36rhyDevTesting now enabling a mirror to see.
19:14.19hellekinInstalling Devuan on Asus T100, where Ubuntu failed to activate the display correctly.
19:14.28*** join/#devuan reetp (
19:19.15rhyDevSo what do I do after install to get a good mirror if I had installed via DVD?  sources.list?
19:20.39HestbenrhyDev: Add the repositories listed under Packages in
19:20.46rhyDevYep.  That was it.  Even had what I wanted remmed out!
19:20.50rhyDevEasy nano job.  :D
19:21.18rhyDevLOL.  Only upgrade tzdata?!?
19:21.54HestbenIf the DVD is recent, there may not be many packages to update
19:21.56*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:22.36rhyDevUnable to install package Samba?
19:22.44HestbenDid you actually add the merged repo?
19:22.52HestbenAnd not only the security repo
19:23.56rhyDevAh... Looks like I only have security and volatile.  So if you install from DVD it doesn't rem out the normal sources list, they're just altogether gone.
19:23.58rhyDevNo biggie.
19:24.24HestbenrhyDev: Yes, I think it is a known issue that may be resolved soon
19:24.30rhyDevYou guys going to run your own popularity contest?
19:24.36rhyDevHestben, Good news.  :)
19:24.50rhyDevAnd MATE is there with the normal mirrors selected!
19:24.55HestbenI don't know about the popularity contest.
19:24.56rhyDevdoes a dance.
19:25.21*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
19:25.33AntoFoxrhyDev: mate in devuan jessie is 1.8, if you want higher version have need to add another repo
19:26.59rhyDevI'm fine with an older mate.
19:27.13rhyDevmate has been great since at least 1.6... I think maybe much earlier.
19:27.45rhyDevArghh.... timeout on the repos at package 894 of 982.  This is my connection issue though.
19:27.52rhyDevNot a Devuan issue.
19:31.53fsmithredyou may still have a problem with samba. I'll tell you more when I finish update/upgrade
19:34.27rhyDevfsmithred, thnx.
19:34.38rhyDevSince that will be the primary purpose of this server... LOL
19:38.05rhyDevThese repos are not timing out... :D
19:38.13rhyDevThey'll stall, but then eventually continue.
19:38.22rhyDevis on easy street.
19:39.04rhyDevIs there a reason I can't ssh in as root now?
19:39.14rhyDevI have to ssh as user, then su.
19:39.29rhyDevMight make some of my scripts more of a PITA to implement.
19:39.45fsmithredinstall openssh-server
19:40.03rhyDevDid that.  Also selected it during install.
19:41.39fsmithredthen you should be able to get in as user
19:41.54fsmithredfor root you need auth key
19:42.36fsmithredwhen you look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you'll see "without password" for root login. That means WITH auth key.
19:43.10fsmithredand btw, I just installed samba after updating everything, and it worked fine.
19:43.15fsmithredI need to reboot.
19:46.45DocScrutinizer05(([2017-02-13 Mon 17:47:09] <hellekin> yes, and as I said if the answers are not there it's because nobody answered them)) [2017-02-13 Mon 15:21:16] <Hestben> DocScrutinizer05: It looks like the FAQ comes from this forum thread:
19:47.13*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
19:48.37*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
19:48.54DocScrutinizer05hellekin: ^^^ also //[2017-02-12 Sun 05:02:43] <DeFender1031> DocScrutinizer05, so in the absence of a frontpage that talks about it, what IS the pronunciation and why?)) [2017-02-12 Sun 05:44:47] <DocScrutinizer05>  incl audio sample ;-) -- [2017-02-12 Sun 05:48:02] <DocScrutinizer05> also but obviously with broken links
19:49.19DocScrutinizer05I don't think "nobody answered them" is to the point
19:52.56*** join/#devuan gk-1wm-su (
19:54.24buZzsounds like 'Dave 1'
19:57.25fsmithredThere used to be an audio file you could play to hear the correct pronunciation. Sounds like "dev one"
19:57.42AntoFoxdev - one
19:57.45fsmithredwith a European accent.
19:57.51fsmithred(not sure which)
19:59.15fsmithredyeah, that's it.
20:00.14DocScrutinizer05alas I wasn't able to find it on even with aunt google
20:00.46DocScrutinizer05all I found was "how's it pronounced?"
20:01.13DocScrutinizer05thus >>[2017-02-13 Mon 20:49:19] <DocScrutinizer05> I don't think "nobody answered them" is to the point<<
20:02.13DocScrutinizer05there's a non-comprehensive version with some answers at
20:07.51DocScrutinizer05then there's the not-that-obvious link to on , which looks like it oughta get merged with
20:08.02DocScrutinizer05suboptimal :-)
20:08.36DocScrutinizer05feels like a dungeons&dragons text adventure ;-D
20:09.13fsmithredyes, it looks like some of the questions have been answered, but they haven't been added to the faq
20:11.21DocScrutinizer05yes, and some stuff has even been covered by the frontpage at past times, see - alas seems to be completely lost on devuan website
20:13.19DocScrutinizer05anywaqy the least thing missing are links from the questions to the answers
20:14.52*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:18.10rhyDevfsmithred, thnx....  I'll play with that config.
20:18.28fsmithredyou can change it to yes
20:18.33fsmithredand then restart ssh
20:19.00fsmithredbut really it's better to log in as user first.
20:21.44rhyDevfsmithred, Yes. I generally disable SSH without key exchange once it's all set up.
20:29.23*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
20:37.16*** join/#devuan rhyDev (~rhy@
20:43.19*** join/#devuan Ponchale (be9280d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:43.44Ponchalehi how are you people
20:43.47Ponchalesomeone connected?
20:43.54PonchaleI have one question
20:45.11infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:47.08fsmithredmight add that the answer might come minutes or hours later, so it's a good idea to either stay logged in or check the scrollback at
20:48.33fsmithredOh, I guess that was the one already.
20:48.59fsmithredactually, it was two.
20:50.29PonchaleWe are a foundation dedicated to the development of software and technologies, we made a fork of the Firefox OS project that the Mozilla Foundation discontinued. And we want to make mobile and desktop operating system with possibilities of convergence using webapps. The specific question is, could it serve as the basis for the development of our desktop-oriented operating system?
20:52.41*** join/#devuan utente (
20:53.57fsmithredPonchale, got a website?
20:54.27*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
20:54.35fsmithredI don't know the answer to your question, but I can tell you that Devuan is basically the same as Debian except without systemd.
20:55.08rhyDevSame as Debian Wheezy.  Which is a good thing.  Jessie sucks.
20:55.52fsmithred^^^ Centurion_Dan jaromil parazyd
20:55.58PonchaleThe documentation for developers of devuan where this
20:56.34fsmithredI think I actually saw some documentation for developers recently.
20:56.51fsmithredthe docs are not well organized yet.
20:56.51rhyDevThe default MATE layout in beta2 is still the old school 80s style linux.  How do we fix that before stable?
20:57.11rhyDev(other than that, seems to be running very, very well)
20:57.36parazydfsmithred: hmm?
20:57.53fsmithredrhyDev, there's a thread about mate at and another at
20:58.19fsmithredparazyd, Ponchale has question for devuan devs
20:58.22rhyDevfsmithred, thnx.
20:58.43parazydPonchale: what do you need?
20:58.59fsmithred<Ponchale> We are a foundation dedicated to the development of software and technologies, we made a fork of the Firefox OS project that the Mozilla Foundation discontinued. And we want to make mobile and desktop operating system with possibilities of convergence using webapps. The specific question is, could it serve as the basis for the development of our desktop-oriented operating system?
20:59.36hellekinPonchale: I'd be delighted to see work on Devuan for mobiles.  You're welcome :)
20:59.50PonchaleBasically know how you can integrate a web desktop environment or a desktop that is a browser hehehe
21:00.42hellekinPonchale: starting straight from X?
21:00.56Ponchalehellekin If we are evaluating that possibility, that's why I came to the community
21:01.25rhyDevfsmithred, You lied.  Nothing about mate on
21:02.05rhyDevIt's amazing how bad Ubuntu is.
21:02.16hellekinrhyDev: there's some on though :P
21:02.32PonchaleWhich it is the state for support for wayland on devuan
21:02.50fsmithredoops. I was thinking of the lxde thread.
21:02.58parazydPonchale: use X. we are already in progress of porting maemo to devuan
21:03.09hellekinPonchale: same as with Debian.  Most of it is the same, except for systemd (non-)support in Devuan.
21:03.14parazydwhich will be the base for the neo900 os
21:03.22parazydbut as an added bonus it will work everywhere else
21:03.34parazydrunning from browser is imho kinda lame
21:03.49parazydyou could rather have a complete desktop environment or whatever
21:04.10parazydthat's why you use a proper distro and not android or whatever
21:04.18hellekinPonchale: ASCII will be different, so if you want Wayland support in ASCII you should push for it :)
21:04.27DocScrutinizer05the optimal CLI: ;-P
21:05.01Ponchaleparazyd, Both communities could work together
21:05.07rhyDevThis is all I want to solve pre-stable.
21:05.49parazydPonchale: you can come in #maemo if you are interested in helping porting maemo
21:06.07parazydnote, you'll need skills in C and debian package building
21:06.13rhyDevAnd Ponchale if you're talking about getting a desktop OS on a phone so when you plug into a docking station you get a full regular xfce/mate desktop:  HELL YEAH.
21:07.37Ponchaleparazyd We could work together both communities in a mobile operating system with extension a script using the webapps and the base of the dead ffos
21:08.13*** join/#devuan rhyDev (~rhy@
21:08.22PonchaleWith a more modern system and with web technology
21:08.39PonchaleAnd extending the support of devuan and much more
21:09.10parazydi don't think any of us in #maemo would be interested in a web interface
21:09.42parazydyou could take a look at enlightenment though
21:09.45hellekinPonchale: most of the people here don't like the Web too much (to say it gently), but Firefox OS certainly had some interesting design features.
21:09.51Ponchaleparazyd What could they be interested in?
21:10.05parazydfirefox os is dead as... dead
21:10.11*** join/#devuan rrq (
21:10.23parazyd#maemo is mostly interested in getting maemo to compile under devuan
21:10.28hellekinPonchale: really, UI, mobility applications that make use of phone sensors and gestures, etc.
21:10.34parazyds/maemo/maemo base/
21:11.05hellekinthe rest is indeed more nerdy: have a terminal on the phone and do the usual Internet stuff with text.
21:11.11parazydfrom there on, future development will happen
21:11.34parazydi assume you could then fork it easily
21:11.41parazydor just make a derivative
21:11.43hellekinI'm sure Astian and Devuan can work together. Not sure on what nor how though :)
21:11.51parazyd(not being a complete fork)
21:13.21PonchaleThe same was said and it is still said in the middle of now that they were dead and large projects have come out of these two
21:13.41PonchaleReferring to me maemo and meego
21:14.24parazydyeah but maemo isn't defective by design
21:14.32hellekinPonchale: are you "sanitizing" DRM support on your AstianOS?
21:14.49hellekinand browser fingerprinting?
21:15.11hellekinTor support? LibreJS support?
21:15.23hellekinIntegrated Easylist?
21:15.33*** join/#devuan crayxmp (
21:15.44PonchaleIf making improvements in the gecko engine I also forking the firefox project the original
21:15.48*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
21:15.54Ponchalefirefox os
21:17.42rhyDevPonchale, Leo sounds promising.  Got a demo/beta yet?
21:18.29PonchaleSoon we will record a video in a matter of days
21:18.49rhyDevPonchale, Nice!  English, or.... ?
21:18.58PonchaleWe use python as a service to process the requests made by the interface that is in html 5
21:19.04PonchaleEnglish and Spanish
21:19.09parazydPonchale: flask?
21:19.15PonchaleFirst those 2 languages
21:19.47Ponchaleparazyd, no this a framework own
21:20.04parazydwhat is it?
21:20.22PonchaleIs still basic but meets the requirements in the early versions
21:20.46parazydprotip: switch to pypy instead of vanilla python
21:20.54PonchaleFlask we use it in the app store
21:20.56rhyDevparazyd, It's a Virtual Assistant.
21:21.19rhyDevI've wanted a FOSS one.  I don't trust Alexa/Google/Cortana.  I don't want them listening to me all the time.
21:21.24DocScrutinizer05 also nice
21:21.57DocScrutinizer05always gtins evilly when remembering Nokia told him "will never work"
21:23.00PonchaleThat is the idea somewhat free and fully customizable
21:24.04PonchaleI know that we could work together, in this sense and many more, like for example in a standard webapps applications, Astore may be the official app store devuan and much more
21:24.51rhyDevPonchale, that may be great down the line.  Right now they are just getting Devuan stable so I can run servers that don't crash constantly because of systemd.
21:25.06rhyDevAnd they're doing it all for me.  And my servers.  LOL
21:27.22*** join/#devuan b0stik (
21:29.51DocScrutinizer05Ponchale: maemo urgently needs an up-to-date lean and fast browser
21:33.05DocScrutinizer05still wonders what's the rationale behind FF-OS. A replacement for a more sane desktop? Or does it also try to deal with audio and whatnot, establishing and answering calls, etc
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21:33.55DocScrutinizer05likes maemo5 Hildon desktop very much, prolly more than meego aka sailfish UI/desktop
21:35.22DocScrutinizer05btw meego used qml, somewhat based on html
21:36.17DocScrutinizer05qt markup L*younameit
21:36.57DocScrutinizer05don't know how much of it bleeded into qt5
21:37.21rhyDevIt's official: beta2 is awesome.  Everything JUST WORKS.
21:37.32DocScrutinizer05\o/ :-))
21:38.18rhyDevIt's the first sane version of Linux I've used since beta1.  LOL
21:38.21DocScrutinizer05!#devuan beta2 is <reply><rhyDev> It's official: beta2 is awesome.  Everything JUST WORKS.
21:38.21infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
21:38.40rhyDevapt-get install xrdp: Can RDP!
21:39.03rhyDevThis simple task is broken on every Debian derivative, you have to go manually futz with config files, all kinds of stuff.
21:40.04DocScrutinizer05ooh, are the systemd eventfiles not that mature like the sysv init files? ;-P
21:40.44DocScrutinizer05or is systm D messing up permissions, cgroups, login, whatnot . FUBAR?
21:42.01DocScrutinizer05or is there wayland in the way?
21:45.05rhyDevDocScrutinizer05, RIGHT?!?!  How are more nerds not on the Devuan train.
21:45.28rhyDevRDP is fast too!  I can practically watch YouTube over wifi!
21:47.06DocScrutinizer05oh, I just learned xrdp is fatser than VNC
21:53.56*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
22:09.01rhyDevxrdp IS faster, but there's faster still: nx, spice... I can never get those ones to work right though.
22:09.27rhyDevxrdp is good for pretty much everything but video/gaming and I don't do much of either of those so....
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