IRC log for #devuan on 20170209

00:01.28*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
00:31.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
00:51.53*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:19.20*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:28.14DocScrutinizer05feels slightly puzzled that OpenSuse (and prolly even SLES) uses btrfs per default now when it's still that unreliable
01:33.19DocScrutinizer05(( their decision to entirely rewrite raid5/6 a few months ago)) lucky I use raid1 then
01:41.40*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
01:42.23*** join/#devuan pydsigner (~pydsigner@unaffiliated/pydsigner)
01:47.20MinceRthey don't care about reliability
02:05.28*** join/#devuan LouisA (
02:10.42*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:15.26*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
02:23.20*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:37.29*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
02:43.04*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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03:11.16*** join/#devuan drawkula (
03:17.25*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:24.21*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
03:32.45*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
03:47.13*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
04:12.20*** join/#devuan fleeky__ (
04:12.31fleeky__anyone tried installing citadel-suite ?
04:12.45fleeky__seems the package is broken in jessie and ceres
04:22.05*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
04:43.28*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:54.26*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
04:54.32*** join/#devuan LouisA (
05:32.21*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:53.10*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
06:00.59*** join/#devuan zama (~zama@unaffiliated/stryx/x-3871776)
06:13.49*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
06:25.57*** join/#devuan Gargravarr (~raj6@
06:27.52*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
06:29.22*** join/#devuan Juesto_ (
06:30.58*** join/#devuan fred``` (
06:32.11*** join/#devuan Captain_Beezay_ (sid146285@funtoo/user/terabit)
06:34.07*** join/#devuan pydsigner (~pydsigner@unaffiliated/pydsigner)
06:34.48*** join/#devuan Lieke (~lieke@
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07:27.20DocScrutinizer05MinceR: "they" is who? You understand what's SLES? I'm not entirely sure but would assume SLES uses btrfs to now
07:33.06DocScrutinizer05confirmed, SLES12 has "Rollback" for servicepack updates, employing btrfs
07:35.08DocScrutinizer05>> Rollback is made possible by Btrfs, which is the default file sys - tem of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12<<
07:44.18*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
07:45.07*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
07:55.54*** join/#devuan peetaur (
08:11.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:31.01*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
08:31.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
08:34.30*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
08:37.29*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
08:38.12*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:41.09*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
08:55.22*** join/#devuan b0stik (
09:35.32Gargravarrokay, so the problem i was having with setup turns out to be due to my PXE setup
09:35.49Gargravarri wrote the ISO to a USB stick and it worked okay from that
09:36.05Gargravarrso i've messed up exactly which files i need to put in place on my PXE server
09:41.30*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
10:19.19*** join/#devuan Hestben (
10:50.44malinasGargravarr: you should have mentionned that you were using PXE earlier
10:51.00Gargravarrprobably :)
10:51.08*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
10:51.24Gargravarralthough in my defence it was late at night for me and i'd been hacking on the b@stard for hours
10:51.37malinasyou probably ran into the same problem than I did, which is that partman fails when you use an older version of the installer
10:52.15Gargravarri did grab the netboot tarball from here:
10:52.55Gargravarrshould i assume that hasn't been updated?
10:56.33GargravarrLeander256: thanks
10:56.49malinasah yes it's there
10:58.13malinasI wanted to submit a patch to add that information on the website, but... I got sidetracked when trying to figure out where the website's source was
11:10.26*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:31.27*** join/#devuan mtsd (4d6e3d64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:39.45*** join/#devuan Gargravarr (~raj6@
11:51.16*** part/#devuan mtsd (4d6e3d64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:51.18*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:51.29*** join/#devuan mtsd (4d6e3d64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:59.20Gargravarrokay, is it intentional that the NETINST doesn't have ifconfig?
11:59.56Gargravarri just grabbed the netboot files that Leander256 linked and set them up, then booted a VM
12:00.03Gargravarrbut the VM doesn't seem to have network access
12:00.08Gargravarrand i can't tell if the NIC is up
12:02.34JuestoGargravarr: open a shell
12:02.48GargravarrJuesto: yep
12:02.59Juestoand check there
12:03.14Juestoit doesnt have ifconfig?
12:03.14GargravarrJuesto: that's what i mean, i can't see ifconfig anywhere
12:03.21Juestotry ifup?
12:03.29Juestolist the installed packages
12:04.09Gargravarrno packages are installed, this is Devuan setup itself
12:13.46*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
12:16.37Gargravarrah, i do have ping
12:16.56Gargravarrand i'm able to ping the VM host from the VM, so the network is up
12:17.37fsmithredGargravarr, you also have ip
12:18.08Gargravarroh yeah
12:19.11Gargravarrokay, so setup is failing to retrieve clock-setup
12:19.19Gargravarrip shows the link as being up
12:22.41*** join/#devuan LouisA (
12:28.08Gargravarrokay, that might be the explanation. something broken with ?
12:29.24Gargravarrswapped to a US mirror and it was able to download clock-setup
12:37.47*** join/#devuan snux (
12:43.26*** join/#devuan ltem (
12:47.44fsmithredshould be fast. We're all still asleep over here, so you're probably the only one using it.
12:48.32Gargravarrdon't mind if i do
12:57.11*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@
13:00.02*** join/#devuan zjason (
13:11.57*** join/#devuan LouisA (
13:47.14malinasGargravarr: I wasn't paying attention to the convo, but I'm using the package from that location for my servers, and it works
13:47.51malinasI also installed a proxy for the packages, so I'm less likely to notice mirror issues
13:47.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:56.30*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
13:56.34*** part/#devuan mtsd (4d6e3d64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:20.34*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
14:20.34*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
14:25.31Gargravarrmalinas: no worries. it took over an hour to download the base packages though
14:35.45Gargravarrokay, cool, partitioning succeeded. thanks for the hints guys
14:41.46*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (~Ben_Meyer@
14:51.29*** join/#devuan m4rcu5 (
15:07.12MinceRDocScrutinizer05: yeah, suse
15:07.38MinceRthey prefer serving microsoft to serving their own customers
15:16.34*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
15:18.53*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:23.37*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:43.37*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
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16:06.45*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
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16:24.05*** join/#devuan lobo (
16:37.41*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (~TheLastPr@
16:38.47*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
16:40.10*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
16:42.02*** join/#devuan LouisA (
16:42.45*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:43.33*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
16:56.02*** join/#devuan Kruppt (
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17:35.34*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
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17:46.44*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
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18:11.07*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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18:28.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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19:53.41*** join/#devuan LouisA (
19:58.58*** join/#devuan Drugo (
20:14.53*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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20:30.14*** join/#devuan wulllst (
20:33.23*** join/#devuan LouisA (
20:38.29*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
20:42.16*** join/#devuan golinux (
20:42.16*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
20:46.11DeeEffthanks for the hmms
20:56.08wulllstwhile installling devuan recently, i came across a package dependency issue concerning gtk3. for example, when i wanted to install pluma (text editor from mate), apt wanted to pull a whole lot of packages as dependencies, including gtk3's standard icon theme adwaita.
20:56.45wulllstsimply installing the package with "adwaita-icon-theme-" drastically reduceds the amout of packaged being pulled.
20:57.57wulllstthis happens with other gtk applications as well and is obviously due to bad dependency management.
20:58.30wulllstthere's been a conversation about this in debian on reddit recently (
20:59.04wulllsti just wanted to know, if someone is looking after that issue for devuan
21:04.37*** join/#devuan rrq (
21:05.52golinuxgtk3 is as much of a cancer as systemd.  Posting again for those who missed it before:
21:13.21wulllstgolinux: good to know. its sort of what i thought would be the problem.
21:14.57golinuxAnd it gets worse. I'm on some Xfce related lists.  I didn't realize that the entire Xfce stack is moving to gtk3.
21:15.00LouisAbetter scrap linux and switch to openbsd :P
21:15.58wulllstLouisA: i don't get the joke, sry
21:16.48wulllstgolinux: well, maybe there should be a fork of gtk2, just like the mate project forked gnome2.
21:16.51LouisAopenbsd main devs are pretty strict on code quality
21:17.12wulllstLouisA: ok. i've heard about that.
21:17.53wulllston the other hand, lxqt looks very promising.
21:17.56golinuxLouisA: Rather strange first post.
21:18.25golinuxThis is a Devuan channel in case you didn't notice.
21:18.32LouisAi know
21:18.54LouisAdevuan with bsd kernel :P
21:19.15LouisAdevuan kopenbsd
21:19.24LouisAjust kidding
21:20.34wulllstgolinux: so, maybe throwing out gnome as a desktop environment offered in devuan is probably not such a bad idea after all.
21:20.49LouisAhanging out here waiting for a sparc64 port of devuan
21:21.56LouisAmyself uses mate desktop on my laptop and lxde with some openbox/xfce parts on my umpc
21:23.44wulllsti'm not sure about this, but the development of gtk3 seem to really undermine the mate project
21:23.49golinuxwulllst: Mate may already have forked gtk2.  Or will have to to keep Mate moving forward.
21:24.06golinuxIt's about control of the desktop.
21:24.27golinuxThe gnome/gtk3 folks are obsessed with it
21:24.58wulllsti would love a fork of gtk2
21:25.48wulllstthen all the good old openbox themes and their corresponding gtk2-themes would be kept alive.
21:27.06LouisAi vote to port templeOS UI on devuan
21:27.41wulllstLouisA: i think that is to be considered esotheric matter in the very true sense of the word.
21:29.58LouisAwhat do you mean? not sure to understand
21:30.31*** join/#devuan rrq (
21:32.18wulllstspeaking of installing devuan above, i also realized the installer doesn't offer the option to really configure the keyboard layout. at least not in the standard installation. so, as a frequent user of dead keys, that's a bit uncomfortable. and if i remeber right, it was different with the debian installer (correct me, if i'm wrong).
21:34.16wulllstLouisA: If you know anything about TempleOS, you sure do understand that.
21:35.58LouisAenglish is not my first language so i wasn't sure
21:38.09*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
21:41.58*** part/#devuan LouisA (
21:42.52*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:43.45MinceRit will probably run in QEMU
21:48.39*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
21:54.28wulllstwell, accordning to the debian manuals, you can choose your keyboard layout manually during installation. i think it should also be done that way in Devuan.
22:01.54wulllstanyway, i just discovered that using dead keys n'est pas un problème on this system at all, because it has been configured right during installation automatically. still, the options should be there, shouldn't they?
22:14.37fsmithredwulllst, use expert install if you want all options
22:14.51fsmithredsame as debian installer
22:16.24wulllstfsmithred: right. i just thought that keyboard configuration with all options should be part of the standard installation. not sure.
22:17.41fsmithredI think it gets automatically set according to locale
22:19.07*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
22:22.51wulllstfsmithred: ok. and if you wouldn't want dead keys on a keyboard layout where they are normally switched on, you could still use expert install or edit /etc/default/keyboard afterwards.
22:23.24fsmithrednot that I'm any kind of expert on switching keyboards...
22:28.17*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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22:52.30*** part/#devuan DeeEff (thatgeoguy@gateway/shell/
22:53.05*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
22:57.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:05.27crhyloveSo in the "Choose a Mirror" dialog, how do I make it just use the DVD?
23:10.21*** join/#devuan cebreidian (
23:11.57golinuxcrhylove: There should be a no mirror choice
23:14.04crhyloveUnder N?  Not seeing it.  There's enter information manually.
23:16.10*** join/#devuan eventhorizon (lohithk@nat/yahoo/x-krtmetsceilfvqxb)
23:28.20*** part/#devuan wulllst (
23:32.42*** join/#devuan cgraf (
23:34.25*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
23:45.47fsmithredcrhylove, did you find it...  "Use a network mirror? y/n"
23:50.11*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
23:53.04*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
23:58.44*** join/#devuan ol1garchy (

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