IRC log for #devuan on 20170204

00:04.28wulllstfsmithred: i just checked the backup of /etc from the debian system i was using before i switched over to devuan. well, there's no policykit rule to be found there.
00:12.23wulllstfsmithred: yes
00:13.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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00:23.33wulllsti just noticed that "fdisk -l" is taking ages to display information.
00:24.36fsmithredwulllst, here's my report
00:24.54fsmithredI booted miyolinux, which already has openbox and pcmanfm, and automount works
00:25.28fsmithredI booted a new refracta install, added openbox, openbox-menu, obconf and pcmanfm, and automount works
00:26.56wulllstso, what am i missing here?
00:27.00fsmithredhere's a refracta package list, if you want to compare:
00:27.47crhyloveOK!  Built a Debian TOR Proxy server, now I can use that to install Devuan without having the repos tripped up by the weird upstream queuing issue.
00:28.02crhylovealways finds a way.
00:29.26buZzfinished after almost 3hr with base install
00:29.34buZzand then it wont boot :P
00:30.18wulllstfsmithred: well, you got mate-polkit-common there, for example
00:30.30JuestobuZz: enter recovery, chroot and troubleshoot it :)
00:30.47fsmithredyeah, we were trying to get away from gnome apps
00:31.44Juestoremove gnome packages and make tasksel-devuan-desktop require mate instead
00:31.58Juestognome is also duplicate in tasksel
00:33.40fsmithredI need to go back to xfce - back in a minute
00:33.44wulllstfsmithred: ok, i think i found the problem
00:34.36*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (
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00:50.36wulllstfsmithred: well, i can mount cds, but cannot unmount them. also, i additionally installed the usbmount package. now i can mount usb drives, but not unmount them.
00:52.23fsmithredhow you trying to unmount?
00:52.35wulllstin pcmanfm, i mean
00:52.53fsmithredyou still have udisks2 and not udisks?
00:52.57wulllstof cource, i can unmount devices using pumount all the time
00:53.06fsmithredoh, good
00:53.20wulllstwell, udisks2 came with devuan. i did not deliberately install it.
00:53.39fsmithredtry a simulated removal to see what it would break
00:54.16fsmithreddevuan also comes with xfce normally, and I'm sure that there wasn't a lot of testing in openbox
00:55.02wulllsti'm sure, it's not an issue related to openbox.
00:55.26fsmithredyou started with a minimal install and added what you wanted?
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00:56.00wulllstwell, i used a standard install without a GUI an then built on that, yes.
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00:57.10wulllst1btw, removing udisks2 would remove gvfs, gvfs-fuse and gvfs-deamons
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00:57.51fsmithredI'm not sure if that will affect you in openbox
00:58.02fsmithredI run without those things already - no libsystemd0 here
00:58.37wulllst1fsmithred: well, maybe it's a systemd-related issue.
01:01.24wulllst1maybe i could make use of parts of lxde to solve the problem
01:02.28fsmithredhuh. miyolinux has gvfs and udisks2
01:02.45fsmithredalso lightdm is running
01:03.00wulllst1i have a minimal lxde installation running on an office machine. there, i can mount and unmount removable media and also shutdown and reboot the system from withing X as a normal user.
01:03.59fsmithredgot a display manager on that one?
01:04.15wulllst1i use startlxde
01:06.35fsmithredcheck which udisks you have on that machine
01:07.09fsmithredmiyolinux has some lxde stuff, but refracta has none
01:07.34wulllst1well, i think using lxsession as a session manager could solve my problem
01:09.59wulllst1it has a whole lot of "dependencies"
01:10.36fsmithredit's not in miyo
01:11.13wulllst1i installed it like this: apt-get install lxsession adwaita-icon-theme- lxpanel- lxtask- sudo- xscreensaver- gksu-
01:12.05fsmithredthe minus signs block those packages?
01:12.07wulllst1i don't really understand why a session manager would have to depend on an icon theme or a screensaver
01:12.22wulllst1fsmithred: right "-" means "do not install"
01:12.32fsmithredcool, I didn't know that one
01:13.17fsmithredthere are lots of dependencies for you to not understand
01:13.23fsmithredall over the place
01:14.52wulllst1well, the structure of dependencies is probably one thing that will distinguish devuan from debian in the future, i guess.
01:17.26wulllst1ok, i'll give startlxde a shot. back in a minute or so...
01:17.36*** part/#devuan wulllst1 (
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02:49.51crhyloveOK, having a new issue.  Every time I try to install, I'm getting "Unable to install busybox"
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02:50.03crhyloveTried a few different things....
03:08.06crhyloveI keep trying to reinstall over an unclean target, but to no avail.
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03:10.02underd0gsup giys
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03:52.14mystifiedHey Guys, how to stop screensaver while watching videos ?
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04:19.28crhyloveYeah, so, completely unable to install Devuan from this location.  Can't make it DVD only, and even TOR routing the repos doesn't stop the install from hanging.
04:21.46golinuxYou should be able to install from the DVD without a connection.  Don't know what the problem is unless you have Beta1 instead of Beta2
04:23.42*** join/#devuan mystified1234 (
04:28.52crhylovegolinux: No, this is Beta2.
04:29.00crhyloveAnd it's the full DVD.
04:29.12golinuxI don't get it . . .
04:29.25crhyloveTried installing with network disabled on the VM, still wouldn't install.  "Bad Archive Mirror".
04:29.28golinuxEven thoughy ou've said that several times these last days.
04:29.49crhyloveWant me to post a quick YouTube of what I'm doing?
04:29.56crhyloveIt's a pretty typical/basic install.
04:30.14crhyloveHave you been able to install from DVD without a network connection?
04:30.27golinuxWhy don't you try fsmithred's unofficial devuan live iso?
04:30.44golinuxgoes to get the link
04:32.02golinuxJust drop the iso into VB and you're good to go.
04:32.41golinuxNope never installed from DVD.
04:33.13golinuxPost the youtube and send a link to Centurion_Dan
04:33.39golinuxThat might be useful to him.
04:33.51crhyloveDownloading that other ISO now.  Thanks man!
04:34.02crhyloveMay get to that video later tonight.  Or maybe not till Sunday.
04:34.14golinuxShould have thought to mention that days ago.  Been under the weather . . .
04:34.26mystifiedhow to stiop screensaver during videos
04:34.36golinuxThe sooner the better for RC1 release.
04:47.22DocScrutinizer05drive error  any hints?
04:48.56*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
04:50.45*** join/#devuan fleeky_ (
04:51.14fleeky_trying to install gitlab-ce , no package in the default repos , has anyone else here had experience with this?
05:16.05golinuxmystified: Have you searched?  I don't watch long videos so not a problem for me.
05:23.51golinuxTry this: "debian turn off screensaver while watching video"
05:38.33*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer06 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:57.27Centurion_Danfleeky_: their was an effort to package gitlab properly for debian, but I don't know if it made it in to debian yet....   might be in experimental..
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13:31.50fleeky_centurion_Dan thanks , ill check out the experimental repos
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16:00.21edbarxzdzichu: You were correct about the return value of pclose. I had to check whether the return value was -1 or 127. Other values are return values by the piped process.
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16:13.37zdzichugood that you've figured that out
16:17.29*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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18:30.22golinuxcrhylove: How did you get on with the unofficial_devuan_live iso?
18:40.59*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
18:41.42fsmithredI just did another install from beta2 amd64 DVD with no network
18:41.53fsmithredI want to know what crhylove is doing wrong.
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18:57.35edbarxReplacing dhclient and wpa_supplicant with a fresh instance in an established connection does not break it.
19:01.18crhylovefsmithred: I would like to know also.
19:01.44crhyloveUnfortunately I have a client in Arizona with an emergency and I don't get to play right now.
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19:06.09fsmithredduring install, at Configure Package Manager, you get to say No to mirror. That should do it.
19:11.08crhyloveThere's a No option?
19:11.12crhylovefeels pretty dumb.
19:12.27*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
19:12.34crhyloveWill look for that after I figure out what these stupid Dental Xray logs are saying.
19:26.51fsmithredok. It's after partitioning.
19:34.54fsmithredand before tasksel
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22:45.43fleeky_hey there, tried installing gitlab
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22:46.01fleeky_says its running but its unable to resolve anything, anyone else had experience setting up gitlab with devuan ?
22:46.16fleeky_also there is no gitlab-ctl that comes with the gitlab package for devuan , ?
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23:06.19fleeky_forget it , unicorn.rb was pointing to the wrong address
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