IRC log for #devuan on 20170125

00:13.25*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:22.47*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
00:56.22*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:45.34*** join/#devuan mystified (
02:31.23*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:40.43*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
03:00.36*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
04:11.08*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
05:18.08*** join/#devuan qtXiao (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
05:41.40*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:50.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:59.05*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:15.56*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
06:18.38*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:31.28*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
06:48.28*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:53.00*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:39.12*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:51.37*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
07:56.52*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (
08:08.34*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan1 (
08:23.49*** join/#devuan mystified (
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08:40.26*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
08:48.26*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:57.00*** join/#devuan armin (
09:08.04*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
09:27.35*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
09:30.34*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:34.26*** join/#devuan jonadab (
09:34.27*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
09:59.55*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
10:01.47edbarxalmost ready upgrading backend's code. One last function, and I will start attempting to build the packages with git buildpackage. I will start the testing of the executables right away: there is no need of any packages for that.
10:37.09*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:37.11*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
10:37.28*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
10:37.30*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
10:37.49edbarxTo whom it may concern: since I have been using simple-netaid for over a year without serious breakages, I am thinking about changing the version number from 0.1.1 to 1.0.0. Does Devuan accept this version change?
10:41.09*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
10:47.51zdzichuwhy not?
10:47.59zdzichuyou're the author, you decide version numbers
10:57.41edbarxgit buildpackage succeeded. OK. I asked to be certain. Thanks.
10:59.56*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:01.52underd0gis anybody going to change the grub splash? it still identifies as "debian"
11:24.44*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:37.57Centurion_Dan1hmmm does it... I'll look at that .... been meaning to fork grub anyway
11:50.37*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
11:50.53Centurion_Dan1underd0g: ^^
12:09.25KatolaZCenturion_Dan1: morning (or afternoon, maybe)
12:09.46Centurion_Dan1It is morning ... just...  ;-)
12:10.12Centurion_Dan1not that I've got to bed yet :-P
12:11.11KatolaZCenturion_Dan1: i am going to release the new version of setnet
12:11.18KatolaZ(yep, I know :D)
12:11.27KatolaZand I will also build the deb package
12:11.38KatolaZwondered whether you had any suggestion on that
12:11.53KatolaZthe package is indeed pretty straightforward
12:12.09KatolaZand dependencies are very basic
12:12.24Centurion_Dan1dh_make is your friend ;-)
12:12.29KatolaZbut I don't know whether there is a suggested workflow for devuan-wannabe-packages
12:12.33KatolaZyep I kno
12:12.40KatolaZI already have the package and everything
12:12.48KatolaZsince the very first version
12:13.44KatolaZjust wanted to check whether there is some Devuan-specific "dos-and-donts"
12:14.16Centurion_Dan1Is is it going to be a devuan native package?
12:16.09KatolaZwell, it is a standalone package at the moment
12:18.28KatolaZif you mean that "it will be available natively for Devuan, initially", then yes
12:32.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
12:32.51Centurion_Dan1I'll take a look and poke it into experimental.  By native, is it specifically targeted and built for Devuan first, or is it intended to have broader applicability then just Devuan.
12:33.25KatolaZCenturion_Dan1: in theory it is not just foe devuan
12:33.34KatolaZand can be used elsewhere
12:33.40KatolaZgiven the small set of dependencies
12:33.53KatolaZthat's why I think it does not qualify as native
12:34.29KatolaZI will commit the new package later
12:34.46KatolaZand will let you know, maybe in pvt
12:42.45Centurion_Dan1Then it should use either the source format 3.0 (git) or 3.0 (quilt).  The git format is probably easier for you, but for either case we'd need to separate the "upstream" source from the debianized version of the source.
12:43.06*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
12:43.34Centurion_Dan1Oh, and look into git autosquash too
12:50.18*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
12:53.02*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
12:57.24*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:01.17*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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13:28.11*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
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14:20.04*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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14:52.18*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:57.43*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
15:02.06*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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15:05.14*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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15:17.22*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
15:21.10*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:23.46*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
15:52.02*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
15:55.09*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
16:01.21*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
16:02.54*** part/#devuan xeap (
16:06.56*** join/#devuan jathan (
16:33.32*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
16:51.07*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
17:12.50*** join/#devuan pedropt (6d32dfbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:13.36pedroptAnyone here with knowledge in how to put an usb card working in xfce4 - devuan
17:14.07pedroptusb audio card , i mean
17:15.18*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:24.51*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (
17:24.58pydsignerpedropt: It should be as simple as selecting the device as output
17:26.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:28.22golinuxpedropt: Run alsamixer in terminal to select device etc. if you are using alsa as default.
17:31.01pedroptit is not so easy
17:31.07pedroptthe problem is not that
17:31.45pedroptthe problem is that the card was recognized and have the driver loaded , but it dies not appear in alsa-mixer
17:32.25pedroptsorry , xfce4-mixer
17:33.29*** join/#devuan jmpzer0 (~jmpareja@
17:33.46pydsignerSo check alsamixer
17:36.55pedroptwhen i select the card in alsamixer over terminal it says that "this sound device does not have any controls"
17:42.08*** join/#devuan ppisati (
17:42.45*** join/#devuan peetaur (
17:44.37DocScrutinizer51a 'card' (aka alsa 'PCM') doesn't have controls. It's merely a final sink (or initial source) for raw PCM data. controls are a thing of a mixer that may or may not be part of a USB audio 'card' but in any case needs more and different config effort than the mere PCM
17:46.08pedroptwait a moment (testing some stuff here)
17:46.45pedroptgot it working
17:47.03DocScrutinizer51I *think* alsa controls are in /dev/sound/pctrl* or sth like that, and it's <soundcardname>.ko module to create them
17:47.19pedropti was able to find the issue
17:47.34pedropti downloaded ALSA Information Script from alsa site
17:48.17*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
17:48.22DocScrutinizer51right approach
17:48.52pedroptafter the script check everything , i notice that in the log was :
17:48.55pedropt!!Sound Servers on this system !!----------------------------  Pulseaudio:       Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)       Running - No
17:49.15pedroptthen i applied "pulseaudio --start"
17:49.21pedroptand sound started to work
17:49.35DocScrutinizer51ohmy PA
17:49.36pedropthowever , i do not have control over the volume
17:50.29pedropton the xfce4-mixer icon it looks that it is mutted , but is reality the audio is working
17:51.20mueppedropt: try restarting your mixer UI if you started it without having PA running
17:51.27*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
17:52.20muepmost DE specific volume controls can control it directly, and it provides at least its own master volume as an alsa control that can be driven by any mixer UI that only knows alsa
17:52.31furrywolfre the recent wall, should we all joine and complain about systemd?  :P
17:54.56Guest9392what for
17:57.31golinuxpulse audio really, really sucks.
17:57.43pedroptwe do not speak about systemd here because it does not exist here ;)
17:58.11golinuxWe're not talking about systemd.
17:58.28zdzichufurrywolf: why would you complain about systemd on other distribution ama?
17:58.31pedroptok , i think i know what is the problem in alsamixer
17:58.42pedroptthis is a 4 channel soundcard
17:58.52*** join/#devuan ppisati (
17:58.58pedroptgonna make a screencap
18:00.03KatolaZpedropt: the problem is usually that if you have PA running, it will "steal" the controls, and provide just one master and two mic controls, period.
18:00.29KatolaZyou still have to tune the controls of your card in alsamixer
18:00.39KatolaZPA should indeed be renamed PITA
18:00.49furrywolfbecause fedora has been one of the primary backers of it
18:01.26zdzichuinteresting viewpoint
18:01.43golinuxIt should not be included in a devuan install IMO
18:01.49zdzichuit took a long discussions and three relases for fedora to integrate systemd
18:02.10KatolaZzdzichu: they actually were the first to introduce PA, though
18:02.20KatolaZand it seems we are complaining about PA here :D
18:02.30zdzichuKatolaZ: I think Ubuntu was first
18:02.33pedropthere it is
18:02.37zdzichufedora waited until most bugs in kernel were fixed
18:02.38KatolaZwhatever :)
18:02.43muepIIRC fedora had PA by default before Ubuntu did
18:02.52zdzichugenerally, fedora has no relevancy here
18:03.03furrywolfI'd fully support removal of pulseaudio from devuan.
18:03.04KatolaZmuep:  I remember something similar, but I am not an expert of distros
18:03.05zdzichuso I'm suprised by furrywolf idea
18:03.12pedropti have volume control on the commands down , but those are not interconnected with the main volume
18:03.21furrywolfI've been extra-annoyed at it ever since the dependencies got so absurd that gimp depends on libpulse.
18:03.43muepit is the same as with many other libs that are used to provide optional support for things
18:04.01KatolaZpedropt: you are still looking at the PA controls
18:04.07KatolaZyou should select your card first
18:04.18pedroptit is alreeady selected
18:04.20KatolaZand tune/unmute its controls
18:05.14KatolaZbtw pedropt: what is the issue? :D
18:06.21pedroptthe issue is that the main volume is not interconnected with the card , witch means that if i need to control the volume of the card i have to open the mixer and go to a submenu "options"
18:06.54KatolaZpedropt: stupid question: can you play any sound?
18:07.05pedroptif you look in the image , you will see on top that the main volume is with a cross on it like it it is mutted
18:07.18pedroptof corse
18:07.21pedroptit is playing
18:07.28pydsignerDump alsa into jackd and you'll be fine
18:07.34edbarxcreating/forking icons in Devuan. What should I use? 32x32 icons.
18:09.01pedroptthe most interesting thing in this , is that this happened when i changed from gnome to xfce4
18:09.17pedroptin gnome-desktop was working fine
18:10.06pedroptgonna check synaptic if i can install gnome alsa tools
18:10.32KatolaZpedropt: installing more software is rarely a solution to a problem :)
18:10.44pedroptyup , i know
18:11.18pedroptbut i am testing this , and if it works then i do not mind to have gnome-alsa working on xfce4 desktop
18:11.27muepmy impression is that gnome does not really do alsa tools anymore
18:11.28pedropti dont even know if that is possible
18:11.40pedroptill be back in a little
18:22.22*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
18:30.28*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
18:35.43pedroptwell , it looks that my problem will take a while to solve , i will leave it for tommorow
18:36.54pedropttoday i already have enough with installing a new kernel and installing graphic proprietary drivers that almost made me nuts
18:38.03pedroptthis usually happens when you migrate from wheezy debian to jessie devuan , if i installed the OS from start then i did not had all these issues
18:38.57pedroptwell , after all this is a challenge that makes me undrestand more
18:41.06pedroptand i like challenges ;)
18:41.17pedroptgotta go , ill be back tommorow
18:44.57edbarxWhere do applications store their icon files? Is it /usr/share/? I will use /usr/share/simple-netaid/icons
18:48.53*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
18:56.53*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
19:00.39DocScrutinizer51whatever your audio mixer app under xfce, it most likely talks to PitA and PA in turn shanghais ALSA PCMs and their controls )if any) - so adding alsa tools on top of PitA won"t do no good
19:01.26DocScrutinizer51you need to teach PA to use the new USB alsa card as generic standard output
19:01.45DocScrutinizer51don't ask me how, PA is PITA
19:02.42DocScrutinizer51alyernative: nuke PA and use genuine ALSA stack, though it can't handle hotplugged cards
19:03.43*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
19:03.59DocScrutinizer51odds are PA also can use the USB card after reboot with card attached
19:04.39DocScrutinizer51PA *should+ be smarter but most likely isn't really
19:04.51*** join/#devuan antenagora (
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19:10.43fsmithrededbarx, application icons go in /usr/share/pixmaps
19:11.12*** join/#devuan justinsm (
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19:17.01*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
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19:49.28*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan1 (
20:00.03GupI briefly tried network-manager from jessie-proposed, but it didn't seem to include nm-applet.  Is that a different package or has it been removed or not de-systemd'd yet or...?
20:01.03muepmaybe the package that has it is named something else than nm-applet
20:01.30muepit's here
20:04.04Gupoh cool, thanks muep, i'll give it another shot then :)
20:08.23*** join/#devuan cebreidian (
20:18.24*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
20:27.47*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
20:32.18*** join/#devuan Chanku|Mobile (~Chanku|Mo@
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20:53.46*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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20:58.08*** join/#devuan pedropt (6d32dfbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:58.20pedropthi everyone
20:59.19pedropti just came here to explain what was the problem with my audio volume not working and how did i solve it
20:59.54pedropti will write here because this chat is logged and in future anyone may need a solution for it
21:00.44pedropt1st of all i had 2 audio cards , the 1st one was an nvidia hdmi card and the second one was an usb audio card
21:01.23pedropti found with module was loaded for the 1st one and blacklisted it in modprobe directory
21:01.41pedroptbut even after that the second card did not show up
21:02.06pedroptthen i realised that pulseaudio was not in init boot scripts
21:02.18pydsignerAh yes the troubles with Nvidia HDMI taking priority :facepalm:
21:02.40pedroptand this was the main reason why i could not get my card workig
21:03.14pedroptso , by default is created an initiation script to /etc/init.d
21:03.20pedropti did not went that way
21:04.00pedropti created a bash script and put it somewhere where i could not delete it by mistake with the simple instruction
21:04.10pedroptsudo pulseaudio --start
21:04.36pedroptand added a line in rc.local to startup that script
21:05.06pedroptby doing this i am able to have my sound card working after the system boot
21:05.41pedroptthe reason i used rc.local instead the normal way was because i have also other scripts starting up there
21:05.54peetaurI bind vfio-pci to all my hdmi sound cards for a similar reason :)
21:06.00pedroptone particular script is to put my network card working
21:06.18pedroptthis network card works perfect if you only have a linux box
21:06.51pedroptbut if you have a dual system like i have , when you go to windows , and then go back to linux , the card stop working
21:07.17pedroptthe reason for that to happen is because the linux driver is unable to write in the epprom
21:07.25pedroptof the network card
21:08.39pedroptBecause when you where in windows , the windows have writed in the eeprom , and then linux driver does not have that option and you simply can not get a network connection with it
21:08.54pedroptyou have eth0 up  , but is usefulll
21:08.57peetaurI run all my windows, including for gaming, on virtual machines... for a similar reason :)
21:08.59pedroptno matter what you do
21:09.38pedroptjust to every knows , this particular network card is a : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 06)
21:09.44peetaurI have heard of that network issue when you hibernate windows (suspend to disk) or sleep and then hit reset instead of wake... or is yours even with a clean shutdown?
21:09.56*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
21:10.06pedroptand if you look over the net , then you will find hundreds os persons with this issue
21:10.18pedropthowever , i found a way to make it work
21:10.52pedroptthe secret is that you have to remove the current module for that card from the kernel and insert it again
21:11.25pedroptto do this i made another bash script that does rmmod r8168.ko
21:11.38peetaurdid you also test ip l set down... ip l set up?
21:11.42pedroptand insmod r8168.ko right after
21:11.54peetaurI had a machine that needed that until some kernel update... also a RTL 8168/8169
21:12.21peetaur(newer kernels made the open driver work, so the bad one in the linux-whatever-extra package wasn't needed)
21:12.23pedropti have the compiled module on the same directory where i have the bash script that does this
21:12.54pedroptIf anyone had this problem then the solutionis this one
21:13.07pedroptthis will happen in dual boot machines
21:13.16peetaurs/open/in kernel tree/    and .... r8169 is the one
21:13.25pedroptif your machine is only linux then you will not have this issue
21:13.38pedroptsame thing happens with r8169
21:13.50peetaurso I suggest you give r8169 a try. It's what I have on this machine:
21:14.02pedropti already try it before
21:14.19pedroptfirst time i had this issue i follow that path
21:14.31peetaurok but I am at least suggesting forgetting custom compiled stuff and using the in tree r8169 driver
21:14.43pedroptand problem presisted everytime i went to windows and then return to linux
21:14.48peetaurI haven't dual booted any of the machines that have this card... always KVM VMs with vfio-pci :)
21:15.19pedroptif you shutdown your computer and go directly to linux then you do not need to do this process
21:15.37*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
21:15.42*** join/#devuan dog_ (~underd0g@
21:15.46peetauroh but I think the first time I had the when I removed win7 off my machine and put linux. Almost like dual boot :) (this was in 2009 or so)
21:15.56pedroptthe reason is that network card epprom loose the windows values on the shutdown
21:16.17peetaurdo you mean power off?  but rebooting makes it fail?
21:16.25pedroptpower off only
21:16.31pedroptreboot will not work
21:16.41pedroptbecause card does not lost energy
21:18.30pedroptso , for some reason when you insert the module again in the kernel , somehow those values are reseted and linux is able to work with the card
21:19.03peetauryeah pretty weird...maybe on unload it calls some clearing commands that the loading doesn't
21:20.56pedroptand you have no idea how much time and headaches i had until i found that this way it works
21:21.18pedroptbecause using modinfo will say that everything is ok
21:21.31pedroptmodule is loaded so driver is running
21:21.33*** join/#devuan Chanku (
21:21.38pedroptbut card never worked
21:22.33pedropti happen to found this misterious thing by reeinstalling the kernel module using the autorun script from realtek on that driver
21:23.15pedroptthen the card started to work and i realised that the operation made was only removing the old kernel (witch was the same one) , and reinstalling it again
21:23.51pedroptwhen i realise that i made the bash script doing that operation but without recompiling the driver again
21:26.02*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
21:36.15pedroptjust to finish becausei have to go
21:36.36pedroptthis is the report of ethtool on my r8168 driver
21:36.40pedroptdriver: r8168 version: 8.043.02-NAPI firmware-version:  bus-info: 0000:03:00.0 supports-statistics: yes supports-test: no supports-eeprom-access: no supports-register-dump: yes supports-priv-flags: no
21:37.19pedroptthe reason for this module to stuck on boot is this : supports-eeprom-access: no
21:38.38pedroptthis is why module must be removed from kernel and inserte again to make the card work   , somehow , this process of removing and inserting the module again does a reset on epprom configurations made by the windows driver
21:39.47Centurion_Dan1why aren't you using the in-tree driver and install firmware-realtek?
21:40.00pedroptbecause i had the same issue
21:40.34Centurion_Dan1oh,... and run update-initramfs -u -k all
21:40.44dog_hey dan
21:41.06dog_did U get those logs ?
21:41.09Centurion_Dan1that way the module and firmware get copied into the initramfs
21:41.13pedropti tried every solution that you see on the net for this case , and i only stop when i realised how it must be done to make it work
21:41.59pedroptwell , bye all
21:42.03Centurion_Dan1dog_: yeah just haven't looked yet....  been busy with paying work..
21:45.01dog_everything works great
21:45.26dog_full disk encryption
21:45.34dog_got my guake to work
21:45.58Centurion_Dan1do you have to enter the password twice for the encryption?
21:46.26dog_but that's unavoidable
21:47.02dog_gets tricky when U have non-US keyboard
21:47.22Centurion_Dan1It should be avoidable...
21:47.43dog_but least now I have my OS on an usb , systemd free , fully encripted
21:47.56*** join/#devuan milobit (~milobit@unaffiliated/milobit)
21:47.59Centurion_Dan1very cool
21:48.10dog_guess so
21:48.33dog_I get my geek badge ?
21:50.06golinuxdog_: No badge just roasted beans!  LOL!!
21:51.15Centurion_Dan1sure, but if you want the gold plated badge you need to sort it to require only one password entry and help me to make it the standard encrypted installation ;-)
21:51.51dog_that'll take some time
21:52.00dog_but challenge accepted
21:52.26fsmithredis that encryption with or without lvm that you have to enter pw twice?
21:52.38dog_with lvm
21:52.52dog_fsmithred: I know you hate lvm
21:53.22fsmithredI haven't done lvm install with devuan yet
21:53.35dog_from what little I understand , to have only one password prompt , you'd have to have password cached somewhere
21:53.56dog_well , I can report LVM install works greT
21:54.03fsmithredoh wait, are you encrypting /boot?
21:54.13Centurion_Dan1It's understandable... 1 password to decrypt the /boot, and another to decrypt the lvm vg
21:54.16fsmithredok, then I understand
21:54.22dog_my /boot is encrypted
21:54.33fsmithredyeah, I remember that discussion
21:54.49dog_anyways , I made it work
21:55.03dog_and off he goes :D
21:55.09*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
21:55.22fsmithredI got booted. Am I really here?
21:55.29Centurion_Dan1but you should be able to have grub decrypt both at the same time
21:55.36dog_you think you could incorporate it in installer , dan ?
21:56.23dog_not so sure dan . please accept that my knowledge is fairly limited
21:56.42Centurion_Dan1One way might be to put the boot into a lv inside the vg and then you decrypt the vg once for all.
21:57.20dog_I have boot inside lv
21:57.32dog_inside a vg
21:57.44dog_so that's a solid no
21:58.06pydsignerfsmithred: yes
21:59.32dog_fsmithred: I've used your live build
21:59.41dog_it's really solid
21:59.49dog_but install failed me
21:59.59fsmithredbecause no lvm?
22:00.16fsmithredwhat happened?
22:00.21dog_I don't rember the right caouse
22:00.40dog_I think grub install failed
22:01.12fsmithredinstall to mbr or partition?
22:01.13dog_I coould try to recreate it
22:01.30fsmithredrun it with the -d option to get a more verbose log
22:01.31dog_it just gave me error
22:01.44dog_but it was a week ago
22:01.52fsmithredancient history
22:02.05fsmithredthis wasn't on uefi hardware, was it?
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22:02.19dog_inside a plain VM
22:02.22Centurion_Dan1actually the way to do it is encrypt the pv using dm-crypt
22:03.16dog_I dunno
22:03.39dog_I gave you the link from where I learned the procedure
22:04.02dog_you think it can be made better ?
22:05.07Centurion_Dan1Yeah, it requires on hacking on the base installer scripts and making sure that I can coax grub into decrypting it first.
22:05.21*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
22:06.01dog_well , I dunno if it's necessary
22:06.19dog_very little people will need that
22:10.25Centurion_Dan looks interesting
22:11.40dog_so you might pull it off ?
22:12.04dog_you do that , I'll do that splash screen for you
22:17.37Centurion_Dan1well, I already have 2 more reasons to hack on grub2 for Devuan, so I'm just going to have do the work to support encrypted boot out of the box now ;-D
22:28.45dog_isn't there more pressing jobs to do ?
22:38.07*** join/#devuan jathan (
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22:45.45Centurion_Danyup... It will be post jessie final most likely.
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23:41.25dog_if i stick to the beta I have installed , I'll be fine ?
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