IRC log for #devuan on 20170124

00:16.32*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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00:47.01*** join/#devuan pav5088 (~markp@
00:58.14*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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00:59.03*** join/#devuan amphi (
01:41.59*** join/#devuan rrq (
01:50.42*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
02:02.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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02:27.03*** join/#devuan manchot (~user@
02:28.52*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:29.43manchotI liken Trump's election to the dominance of systemd. I wonder what kind of a marketing moves systemd pushed through to have major distros adopt it.
02:31.03manchotthe strategies, psychologies and moves would be worth studying and use against it.
02:31.34golinuxThese comments would be more suited to #debian-fork
02:31.59*** part/#devuan xep1 (
02:32.05golinuxOops.  #debianfork
02:32.41golinuxSenior moment.  ;)
02:33.37manchotgolinux, you are welcome to reply there
02:41.16*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
02:47.48*** join/#devuan Guest86419 (~Guest8641@
02:48.12*** part/#devuan Guest86419 (~Guest8641@
03:24.04golinuxmanchot: Thanks for moving over there.  Interested in neither politics nor rehashing the systemd debate.
04:24.40*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
04:37.47*** join/#devuan Chanku (
05:05.20*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:19.55*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
05:29.46*** join/#devuan rrq (
05:52.21*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:18.48*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy1 (~david@
07:27.46*** join/#devuan peetaur (
07:31.57*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
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07:38.44*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
08:23.58*** join/#devuan manchot (~user@
08:27.28*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:42.16*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
09:07.52*** join/#devuan peetaur (
09:34.35*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
09:37.53*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
09:56.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:09.15*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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10:43.06*** join/#devuan hightower2 (~hightower@
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11:31.23*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
11:46.44*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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12:01.22*** part/#devuan AntoFox (
12:04.46*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
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12:18.01*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:27.25*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:33.34*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
12:36.23rafalcppDebian was exploitable (local user to root, trivial exploit) thanks to systemd.
12:39.11rafalcppthough some people on #debian claim this can not be exploited acutally. I dunno
12:50.01*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
12:51.04*** join/#devuan reetp (
12:51.35*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
12:55.48edbarxChecking whether a network connection (wifi) was established using ifup. if check if dhclient and wpa_supplicant are running and the existence of /run/network/ifstate. Check also for the two daemons' pids.
13:02.22*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
13:03.23Hestbenrafalcpp: I saw you saying that in #debian as well. Be careful about generally criticizing systemd there, they ban people loosely.
13:03.58HestbenAnd, on topic. I am pleased to not use systemd right now.
13:06.02*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
13:06.17Hestbenthough, it seems only debian-unstable was affected, because the bug was introduced in a recent (according to debian change rate) version
13:06.30*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
13:14.33*** join/#devuan thehornet (~a0225280@
13:15.03*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
13:23.43*** join/#devuan Weeezie (
13:25.31*** join/#devuan pedropt (6d32def0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:25.53*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:26.19pedroptanyone could give me an help here
13:26.52pedropti upgraded wheezy to devuan by changing the repositories and doing everything as it was on git help
13:27.06pedropthowever i got a stop on intscripts
13:27.49pedroptdpkg-reconfigure does not work there and says package is broken
13:28.19*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:28.21pedroptthings start to broken at this part :
13:28.27pedroptupdate-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header dpkg: error processing initscripts (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of util-linux:  util-linux depends on initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-59.2~); however:   Package initscripts is not configured yet.
13:28.27Hestbenpedropt: Do you have a specific error message?
13:28.40Hestbenpedropt: nvm
13:29.38pedroptthe bad thing is that if i shutdown or restart server now , then i may not be able to enter again in OS
13:29.45rafalcppHestben: about that exploit, it seems less important: it was not shipped in stable debian (nor in stable systemd), and its possible kernel prevented using it to gain root (unsure)
13:30.00rafalcppthought anyway. I still prefer no systemd ofc :)
13:32.05pedroptthis is a dual boot system , and right now i am on linux
13:32.08Xenguypedropt: I expect there are some folks here who might have useful advice for you, altho you may need to idle here until they are around
13:33.13pedroptalso , the repositories webseres should be reconfigured to not drop down connections
13:34.21pedroptGet:1502 jessie/main libtotem-plparser18 amd64 3.10.3-1 [188 kB]                                          Err jessie/main libclass-tiny-perl all 1.000-1                                                              Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection [IP: 80]
13:35.06pedroptthis one and more other 3 packages were not downloaded under dist-upgraded
13:35.34pedroptbut when i run the fix missing , then i already had the issue on initscripts
13:35.51pedroptlol , wrong channel
13:36.27pedroptnop , right channel , sorry. I am on web irc interface
13:38.53Hestbenpedropt: They were updating the servers and release system just last week. I don't know if they are finished, otherwise it could be that your mirror was just down for maintenance
13:39.14Hestbenpedropt: Try downloading the packages again
13:40.28HestbenIt may be that it takes some time before you get an answer. But you may fix the problem using a live cd and chrooting into the system, if you have to turn of your computer and the linux system doesn't boot.
13:41.08*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
13:42.12*** join/#devuan pace (~pace@unaffiliated/pace)
13:43.00paceI have an issue with devuan ascii/testing for openssl
13:43.27paceecho "U2FsdGVkX1+YPDpdbZznwjTbVDzArAdG"  | openssl enc -d -a -blowfish -pass pass:foobar
13:43.32pacethis should give "panda"
13:43.44pacebut with ascii/testing it doesn't work
13:44.05paceworks on every distrib, even jessie-devuan
13:44.29paceopenssl version
13:44.31paceOpenSSL 1.1.0c  10 Nov 2016
13:50.28*** join/#devuan neutron_stz (~Icedove@
13:58.48pedropt<Hestben> i already downloaded the packages , however i am unable to install them until i fix this initscripts error
13:59.08pedropti also had to change some things before doing the dist-upgrade
13:59.46pedroptfirst of all , my wheezy had gnome-desktop , and by this it have also network-manager
14:00.02Hestbenpedropt: hmm, you may need to manually unpack the scripts that are missing
14:00.48pedropti had to install wicd-gtk to not loose network , and then remove network-manager and network-manager-gnome before i could go on with the dist-upgrade
14:02.37underd0ghow did you end up with tose packages ? installing cinnamon ?
14:02.42underd0gor mate ?
14:06.03*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
14:12.45pedroptthis is a very big paste , and i cut where there was no stuff needed
14:19.30pedroptaccording to the log , (now that i am looking closely) i got problems in these scripts updates : ,, ,  , starts on line 1117
14:20.07DocScrutinizer51word of the year: "alternative fact" - alternative fact: the earth is a pancake
14:21.08pedroptwitch by default are the most important scripts in the OS , specially the kernel script , the checkroot and the mount devices script
14:21.44pedroptwithout them running , i dont even get a boot start on the kernel , and hard disks will not be mounted
14:22.07DocScrutinizer51alternative fact 1 million << 300000
14:22.55DocScrutinizer51alternative fact 300000 == 1.5mio
14:27.51pedroptsince this may take a while  , i will upgrade to systemd debian 8 , and then i will try to go again to devuan configuration from jessie 8 (systemd) -> jessie 8 (non systemd) to see if it works
14:31.25Hestbenpedropt: You can pin the sysvinit when upgrading to debian jessie, and you won't be infected
14:31.40HestbenOr at least, be less infected by systemd
14:34.17pedropti will get around this , one way or the other , it just may take some time witch i was trying to get a shortcut here
14:43.24pedroptwell , got the error fixed by removing the "mtab" from the header of file in ./etc/init.d/
14:43.34pedroptat least now it is going
14:43.55pedroptbut to systemd , lets wait for what happens next
14:49.38*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
14:58.12*** join/#devuan dumb (~dumb@
14:58.20*** part/#devuan dumb (~dumb@
14:58.29DocScrutinizer51what does do? (sorry, mobile, no workstation atm)
15:00.27*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
15:12.12*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:12.48DocScrutinizer51nm, found it
15:14.40*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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15:21.06*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
15:22.01pedroptthe file system is mounted by fstab , mtab is the same thing but with different configuration , and it looks that initscripts were stuck in that point .
15:22.52pedroptHowever , i am still watching to where this goes here , and see if in the end every error is fixed and i will reboot the OS if everything looks fine
15:31.33pedroptwell , everything went smoothly
15:31.39pedroptno errors
15:32.04pedroptdoing the autoclean of packages before going to the next stage
15:35.24pedroptgoing to reboot , i was on kernel 3.18 and new kernel 4.xx was installed and systemd
15:35.35pedroptill be back soon
15:41.17*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@
15:52.24*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
16:04.04*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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16:17.04*** join/#devuan peetaur (
16:17.55*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:28.54*** join/#devuan justin-not-biebe (6d32ddf8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:47.05*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:57.08*** join/#devuan yalka (~yalka@
16:57.36*** part/#devuan yalka (~yalka@
17:07.12*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
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17:11.06*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
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17:50.25*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
17:53.12*** join/#devuan Guest7516 (~Guest7516@
17:53.52Digit^ s/witch/which.   heh.
18:10.56*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:15.54*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@2603:3023:b02:a200:7ae4:ff:fede:d204)
18:32.04*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
18:36.42*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
18:46.06aitorpedropt: wich witch are you referring to?
18:46.31*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
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19:36.48*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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19:53.32*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
19:59.38*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
20:01.07*** join/#devuan Drugo (
20:07.06*** join/#devuan rhy (~rhy@
20:09.07DeFender1031More reasons I'm glad I'm on devuan:
20:14.12*** join/#devuan cyteen (
20:20.27*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
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20:24.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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20:59.13*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:00.03*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
21:02.58*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
21:22.06*** join/#devuan Chanku (
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21:46.37*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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22:12.54*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
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23:10.40*** join/#devuan pedropt (6d32def0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:11.27pedropthi everyone
23:13.21*** join/#devuan zocker (
23:29.26*** join/#devuan pedropt (6d32def0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:31.50pedroptwell guys , i must say that was not easy to more from kali wheezy to devuan jessie , specially when the kernel in devuan repository is still 3.16 and i had installed 3.18 on wheezy , and joining to all that a complicated graphic card with proprietary drivers that were giving all sort of errors to install .
23:32.31*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
23:38.23pedroptFor those that never imagine a kali linux distro working in devuan , here it is a screenshot
23:48.16*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
23:48.21*** join/#devuan Xenguy (

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