IRC log for #devuan on 20170121

00:00.24*** join/#devuan jotun (~marvin@2001:41d0:e:275::1)
00:14.35*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
00:24.05*** join/#devuan cyteen (
00:38.31*** join/#devuan Tahr-user4 (
00:55.27minnesotagsDevice trees. What is the Devuan take?
01:02.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
01:10.48Tahr-user4mmm trees
01:11.19*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:16.06*** join/#devuan Keziolio (
01:16.08*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
01:52.19*** join/#devuan gattuso (
01:57.38*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
02:18.13*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:26.08*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:34.40*** join/#devuan clopez (
02:41.00*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:45.38*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
02:58.16*** join/#devuan Chanku (
03:01.52*** join/#devuan doomed (
03:48.34*** join/#devuan manchot (~user@
03:48.51manchotis there a way to install devuan testing?
03:49.38manchothi there.
03:49.47doomeddevuan is in testing still isn't it?
03:50.07manchotI want to install a package which is available in debian 'testing'.
03:50.25doomedah yes makes sense
03:50.27Chankuso you want ascii
03:50.35ChankuI think
03:50.38manchotok. how to install ascii
03:50.56manchotchanging the sources.list will work?
03:51.07Chankusame way you would with debian testing
03:53.11golinuxdoomed: I would install devuan then change sources and upgrade to ascii.
03:53.29manchotOK. let me try. thanks guys.
03:53.46golinuxAre you sure the package isn't in backports?
03:54.37golinuxmanchot: ^^^
03:55.30manchotgolinux, can devuan use backports?
03:57.11golinuxOf course!
03:58.05golinuxJust add it to your sources.  But be careful.  I suggest commenting it out after you get what you want.
03:58.40golinuxOf course, use the backports in the devuan repos.
03:59.17golinuxNot a good idea to use debian repos in your sources.
03:59.18manchotOK. I see.
03:59.43golinuxGood luck!
04:00.05manchotdoes duvuan have all jessie packages or the packages are created completely for devuan?
04:01.21golinuxMostly it's debian packages.  Some have been modified and there are some written for devuan.
04:02.25manchotOK. I am installing it.
04:02.46manchotI am a long time debian only user and decided to switch for obvious reasons.
04:03.08golinuxHmmm . . . I wonder what that could be!  LOL!
04:03.27golinuxI'll bbl
04:04.33manchotcan I humbly propose that when apt install packages, --no-install-suggests and --no-install-recommends should be set as default.
04:04.44manchotthis will make a much cleaner system.
04:24.27*** join/#devuan rrq_ (
05:05.42*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:49.42*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
05:55.59*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:19.50*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:41.51*** join/#devuan manchot (~user@
07:17.35detha+1 for that suggestion
07:20.17*** join/#devuan mystified (
07:45.45*** join/#devuan rrq (
08:30.25*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:39.08*** join/#devuan user_ (~user@
08:42.47*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
08:56.05manchothi guys, there is popular linux sources mirror in China, the USTC (the official debian mirror)
08:56.34manchotI submitted a issue request so that I can host devuan sourcess.
08:57.26manchotIt needs votes from github. if you want USTC server to host devuan sources, please upvote the issue at github
09:04.02*** join/#devuan mietsin (~tuxuser@unaffiliated/mietsin)
09:04.30*** join/#devuan muep (
09:29.06*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
09:29.34*** join/#devuan muep (
09:39.01*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
09:42.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:45.47*** join/#devuan peetaur (
09:57.51*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:38.11*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
10:39.26*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
10:39.43edbarxI am going to change simple-netaid-backend's code so that error reporting does not interfere with code readability. Errors will be reported as follows:ERROR: In file: "errors.c", function: "func", local function error: 10
10:39.44edbarxError description: Operation not permitted
10:44.34edbarxLocal error will be a string of the form: FN0001 etc.
10:47.08*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
11:03.51*** join/#devuan rrq_bip` (
11:16.56*** join/#devuan Helle (~ufo@unaffiliated/helle)
11:17.29*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:17.36HelleI am getting timeouts on for IPv6
11:19.14Helleand now it's fine and now not, oh joy, I guess it's a flapping route somewhere
11:19.31Helleprobably my ISPs fault, not whoever has 2001:41d0:8:2c55::a2
11:21.27*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
11:23.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:28.42*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
11:38.27*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
11:48.50*** join/#devuan rrq_bip (
11:49.50*** join/#devuan cyphix (~cyphix@unaffiliated/cyphix)
11:51.32cyphixHello. I would like to install cinnamon as my DE, but it failed from the installer. Could you provide me the procedure to install cinnamon properly? Running apt-get install cinnamon fails, telling me that there are some unsatisfied dependencies that won't be installed (gnome-settings-daemon and network-manager-gnome).
11:54.29muepI'd expect cinnamon to largely have the same dependencies as gnome
12:22.32cyphixmuep: Ok, but what does it refuse to install them? Does it create a conflict somewhere?
12:41.20*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
12:41.55*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
12:53.50*** join/#devuan rrq (
12:59.34muepcyphix: I do not know the details, but my impression is that e.g. network-manager often needs polkit which in turn at least sometimes, possibly always, needs systemd-logind
13:04.29cyphixAh ok. So it seems to be a complex enterprise to install Cinnamon with devuan, right?
13:05.02*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
13:06.02fsmithredrunning 'aptitude -s install cinnamon' shows that it wants libsystemd0 (excluded on my system) and libpam-systemd (which has no candidate)
13:06.34fsmithredthere is a no-systemd version of network manager available in jessie-proposed
13:07.06muepif gnome is difficult, cinnamon is likely the same since they share most of the underlying stuff
13:08.19muepmaybe some subset could be installed if you e.g. use some other thing than the stock UI for managing networks
13:09.54*** join/#devuan rrq (
13:15.24*** join/#devuan AntoFox (02efc61d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:16.03fsmithredlooks like cinnamon-common will install, but cinnamon-core will not. The latter requires libpam-systemd which requires systemd.
13:17.12AntoFoxfsmithred: you can find cinnamon on my git but have some problem of stability
13:19.40*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
13:21.34fsmithredcyphix, if you are adventurous, see what AntoFox just said and look at
13:22.27fsmithredI have to go. bbl
13:28.21*** join/#devuan cebreidian (
13:36.25*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
13:39.22*** join/#devuan cirucito (
13:42.20*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
13:45.39WeeezyAntoFox, how are you able to get cinnamon to work?
13:46.20*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
13:54.06*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
13:58.47AntoFox1Weeezy: at the moment I'm focused on the mate-desktop 1.14 for jessie
13:59.02AntoFox1and 1.16 for ascii
13:59.58AntoFox1today will update the repository
14:01.22*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:05.08WeeezyAntoFox1, was just following along the conversation about cinnamon, I have mate on my devuan, prefer cinnamon but was unable to install. thought you might have something workable
14:08.02AntoFox1ok, today after that I update every my  repo return to work on cinnamon, but I promise nothing :)
14:08.34muepAntoFox1: I thought the question was just about what issues you have resolved and how
14:08.47WeeezyNo no, don't feel pressured. :) I just have an interest in cinnamon if it becomes available
14:12.08AntoFox1muep: systemd dependencies and upower, the only problem I have with the package cinnamon-session
14:12.20AntoFox1Weeezy: me too wheezy
14:12.57AntoFox1(gnome-shell have the same problem, I work also on this)
14:17.27WeeezyI don't know much about what's involved in making these things work but thank you for your efforts AntoFox
14:21.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:46.08*** join/#devuan amphi (
15:03.31*** join/#devuan snux (
15:10.29*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
15:19.36*** join/#devuan panta_ (
15:20.00*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:26.00*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
15:32.29XenguyI'm not that familiar with Cinnamon, but my impression was that it was a GNOME2 knock-off, like MATE...
15:32.42XenguyIn any case MATE is working well here for me.
15:37.13*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:50.17*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
15:50.20*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
16:03.23*** join/#devuan amphi (~amphi@
16:14.19*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
16:15.39*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
16:32.05*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
16:39.24WeeezyI had my heart set on cinnamon after using it in debian but I'm using xfce and mate when I use devuan now.
16:42.21buZzi'd like cinnamon more if it didnt require opengl acceleration
16:49.32Weeezyare there issues with opengl? I'm not that familiar with it.
17:06.53*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
17:08.35*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
17:20.07*** join/#devuan Chanku (
17:22.20*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
17:27.50*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
17:28.16*** join/#devuan wesbl_ (
17:32.21*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
17:37.00*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:52.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
17:57.32*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:02.06*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:11.00*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
18:13.44*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
18:28.16*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:51.37*** join/#devuan linuxman (~bombig@
18:54.32*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
18:58.07*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
19:08.09*** join/#devuan amphi (
19:14.14*** join/#devuan chomwitt3 (
19:17.56*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
19:21.22*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
19:23.10*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
19:30.55*** join/#devuan AntoFox (54dcda77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:31.37AntoFoxCinnamon 3.0.x (only amd64) is in jessie-backports on
19:31.52AntoFoxsee you later
19:39.45*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
19:56.48*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:00.29*** join/#devuan debdog (
20:09.02*** join/#devuan Akuli (
20:12.47*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
20:31.20*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:32.50clemens3Went from raspbian jessie to debian jessie, removed systemd and dbus and unpinned them, also seemed to have lossed the xserver, now trying to install xserver-xorg, complaining, then xserver-xorg-core, says it depends on libsystemd0 and libdbus-1-3...
20:33.23clemens3so what should I install to get somw local window manager? for time being using tightvncserver from other machine
20:34.40clemens3"to debian jessie" should say "devuan jessie" of course :)
20:45.10*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
20:49.14*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
20:51.17underd0gsup guys
20:51.23underd0ganybody in here ?
20:51.35underd0gI have a little question about dns
20:51.49muepfeel free to just ask
20:53.18underd0gon debian I used to edit resolv.conf to add opennic dns
20:53.32underd0gbut seems here that devuan rewrites it
20:53.41underd0gwhere do I add DNS
20:54.20muepwhat are you using to set up the other network parameters?
20:55.15underd0gnm , I just connected to my wireless with wicd
20:55.30underd0gthink I can add dns servers there?
20:56.27mueptypically a wifi connection would use dhcp and the dhcp client would by default write the dns parameters to /etc/resolv.conf
20:56.52muepif wicd has some form to which you can place your preferred dns server, it would likely work
21:05.09*** join/#devuan cirucito (
21:05.12underd0glet's see
21:10.24*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
21:10.48underd0gchanging to static dns kills my connectivity
21:29.21*** join/#devuan Weeeezy (
21:36.00Weeeezycan someone assist with details how to edit sources.list to access this? ---->>>  Cinnamon 3.0.x (only amd64) is in jessie-backports on
21:55.53KatolaZWeeeezy: if it is in jessie-backports you don't need to do much
21:56.10KatolaZjust add:
21:56.12KatolaZdeb jessie-backports main
21:56.25KatolaZin /etc/apt/sources.list
21:56.28KatolaZand then apt-get update
21:58.25Weeeezyperfect! that's what I needed!
21:58.40KatolaZnp :)
22:00.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
22:05.19*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
22:07.23golinuxKatolaZ: Note: Cinnamon 3.0.x (only amd64) is in jessie-backports on
22:07.51golinuxThat's antofox's repo
22:08.14golinuxNot jessie-backports
22:09.15*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
22:12.52Weeeezyaha, that makes sense now golinux
22:13.13WeeeezyI don't have the exact details for
22:14.20*** join/#devuan Gup (
22:14.40golinuxThere's probably a deb available at the site
22:14.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
22:14.57Weeeezyoh, right. I will take a look.
22:15.03*** join/#devuan gattuso (
22:15.25AntoFoxWheeezy: deb jessie-backports main
22:16.01Weeeezygreat! thanks. I'm going to add it right now.
22:17.03AntoFoxcinnamon is veeeeery unstable
22:17.55golinuxSources list info there
22:18.25WeeeezyI can wait I guess until it's a little more stable.
22:20.55*** join/#devuan |narcos| (uid99359@gateway/web/
22:31.16underd0gI just migrated everything to my devuan
22:32.46*** join/#devuan peetaur (
22:33.07*** join/#devuan panta_ (
22:33.27underd0geverything works great
22:36.39underd0gcopied over my thunderbird , hexchat
22:37.08underd0gI had devuan in a virtual machine , with fully encrypted disk
22:37.34underd0gmanaged to copy it over to a usb stick , so I can carry it in my pocket
22:37.48underd0gi feel so geek now :D
22:38.09*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
22:44.47*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:45.32*** join/#devuan wesbl (
23:04.59clemens3is it possible to run an xserver without (lib)dbus?
23:11.04*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
23:13.09*** join/#devuan ksx4system (
23:17.56*** part/#devuan joostvb (
23:28.31*** join/#devuan ppisati (
23:30.09KatolaZgolinux: thanks for letting me know
23:30.14KatolaZI didn't have noticed!
23:30.36KatolaZI thought Weeeezy was asking about Devuan backports
23:31.24golinuxThe devil is in the details. ;)
23:32.03golinuxI think he's got is straightened out now.
23:32.22devilnot in any details, me
23:32.46golinuxOops Hahahaha
23:33.10golinuxneeds a break afk
23:33.52*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
23:58.42*** join/#devuan ppisati (

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